Clinton New Era, 1894-11-09, Page 6SupplMent.
T1 -11a CLINTON Ni -1'W R4
TRUNK ,x '.
The late Count Mevoter'a life was insured
for 024,000, and that oonetitutes the great..
er part of the estate left to his. family.
Peter Boyer, a former resident of Stay•
ner, was aooidentally ebot dead while at
work on a farm near Boiesevain, Man.
Coroner Joeeph Jones, of Montreal, who
had held the office 55 years, died on Satur-
day. Se had presided at 11,400 inqueeta.
Lash week 120,000 barrels of apples
reached England from Amerioa. Canadian
apples were much in evidence and brought
good prices.
Conductors Johnstone; Mdlligan2Defriee
and Tamblyn have beenoomfMtted for trial
at Montreal, on a.+aharge of robbing the
Grand Trunk,
St. John's Presbyterian' church of Hain,
ilton has- decided ta. extend a pall to Rev
W. J. Clark, of. sthe first Presbyterian
ohuroh of London.
D. L. Moody, of Haat Northfield, Mass.,
the evangelist, ie conducting &series of re-
ligious revival meetings in Toronto. Thou -
sande were unable to get in to hear him.
very business man who goes over his stock as he should, and keeps it well supplied With
the latest styles of manufacture, will find that in spite of his most careful efforts, surplus
stock will accumulate, With the dry goods trade it is in the shape of Remnants; in the Shoe.
trade it is odd sizes. Now to clear these odd sizes out, and at the same time turn our stock'
into cash, we have decided on a •
We wish to be candid with our customers; the goods we offer are neither old nor damaged
and when we state we have so many pairs of a
e offer .regardless of
cost, we wish it to be understoodhave only that many,
moocing an Wednosday, November 14th
and 'continuing two following .daYsr we will offer unparallelled bargains in all kinds of sea-
sonable Footwear, at prices that will convince
value e ed offered hest buyer ereis is a golden oppor-
tunity of securing the
READ OUR CELEBRATED PRICES; they are chips from the blocks
of Underbuy and Undersell, and are as follows:
14 pairs Boys' Fine LACED BOOTS for 75 cents,were $1
7 pairs Boys' SCHOOL BOOTS, sizes 1 to `5, for
70 cts, were $1.25
24 pairs Long.Boots, sizes 1. to 5, $1, were $1.75 & 2 00
15 pairs Boys' Long. Rubber Boots. $1.75, worth 2 35
We don't get goods keepsake
50 pxs Fine OXFORDS, all sizes, at 75c worth $1 00
23 pairs TWEED SLIPPERS, all sizes, 15c • 25
35 prs Fine But'd Boots, sizes 3,4,6,7 only, $1 " 2 00
17 prs Fine Laced Boots, all sizes, at 900, worth 1 25
22 pairs LACED BOOTS, all sizes, 75c, worth 1 00
20 pairs LEATHER SLIPPERS, all sizes, at 30c, worth 40
Bargains. everywhere to
remember us by
Sizes 7 to 10
30 pairs Girls LACED BOOTS, 60 cents, worth 75c
35 pairs Girl's LACED BOOTS, 75 cents worth $1
20 pairs Girls BUTTONED BOOTS, 75 cents, worth 1
30 pairs TWEED SLIPPERS for 15 cents
No goods to go on approbation
20 prs Men's Long Boots, 6 & 7,. for $1.25, worth $1 75
to $2.25
15 prs Laced Boots, sizes 6 and 7, for 75; worth 1 AO
13 prs Oxford Shoes, 6, 7, 9 and 10, 50cts, worth 1 00
33 pairs Fine LACED BOOTS for $1 25, worth 1 50
26 pairs Men's FINE GAITERS for $1.25, worth 1 50
65 prs Fine Calf & Cordavan Boots, $2 worth $3 & 3 50
20 prs Men's LEA` SLIPPERS, all sizes, 65, worth 90
November 9, 104
On the death of Grandma 'Dempsey', who
died at Clinton, qn. Oct. 12th, 1394.
Oh say not, "I will yet delay
To ee:lt God'a offered grace,"
When Jesus, with a voice of love,
Saye now "Seek ye my face."
Say not, "'When sickness lays me low
I will begin to pray;"
For swift disease or sudden death
May oall thy seal away.
But say, with earnestness and faith,
"Jesus I come to thee,
Now from this moment, by thy grace,
Resolved from sin, to flee."
This very night thy soul was palled
To meet thy master's face.
We could not wish you back again
From everlasting grace.
Yrs Hartley, of Brantford, having been
acquitted on the charge of murdering her
husband, may yet be tried on the charge of
attempting to poison him, and it is likely
she will be.
A heavy snow storm prevailed through
nearly the entire upper Michigan Peninsula
on Sunday. Snow is three inches' deep on
the level. The thermometer registers 30
At Brookville, Geo, Brewster, a married
man, pleaded guilty of indecent assault,
and has been sentenced to eight menthe in
the Central Prison, at hard labor, and to
receive 40 lashes.
Dr Sheard, Toronto's medical health
officer, has received a small quantity of
anti-toxine, the new diphtheria cure. It
was presented to the medical health depart-
ment by Dr. Patton, of the oity, who re-
ceived it from a personal friend in Berlin.
Cash is king, and backed by
low prices always wins
55 prs SchoolLaced Boots,sizes 11 to 2, 75c, worth
$1 to 1.25
20 pairs Buttoned Boots, 11 t3 2, 95 cents, worth $1 25
25 prs KidButtonedBoots, 11 to 2, $1.10, worth $1.50 & 2
15 prs FineLaced Boots, 11 to 2, 75c., worth $1 and 1.25
This sale means $$ saved
to those needing shoes
We have a complete stock of Men's and Wom-
men's Felt Goods, Rubbers and Overshoes, Men's Wo-
men's and Children's Rubber Boots, all of which will be
sold at less than regular prices on these bargain days.
M. A. J.
J. Stanley Woodburne, the young Eng-
lishman, of Guelph, who charged some
companions with robbing him of $1,500,
has been committed for trial for perjury,
and the young men were acquitted. Wood-
burn° made attempts on his own life, and
is supposed to be crazy.
Ab Terrel, Tex., 100 persons were stand-
ing on a woocen awning to see the street
parade of a circus, when the awning fell.
There were fully 200 persons underneath,
and the awning struck them with terrifi.
force. In all there were 125 injured.
The Government will not interfere with
the death sentence passed on Jos. Trnekey
for the murder of Constable Wm. Lindsay,
at Comber, and unless the court grant a
new trial Trnekey will be hanged on De-
cember 14.
Mr W. P. Prower, undertaker, of Bow-
manville, went to England for his health.
Recently he sent an order to his foreman
to bring over a coffin and embalming mate-
rials, and the odd shipment left Montreal
on the Vancouver, on Saturday.
St. James' Presbyterian church, London,
has decided that hereafter in administering
Holy Communion, each communicant will
have a oup. The system has been in vogue
in Rochester and other places across the
line, but this is the first church in Csinada
to adept it.
Special discounts on Ladies Kid Button'd Boots
In addition to this, we will, on the days mentioned,
on any article in our general stock, which stock has been selected with S LT N
a thorough knowledge of the requirements of the people. and bought for THE
cash. SELLING STRICTLY FOR CASH, our prices are always as
low as they can be made, and a special discount on these bargain days,
means Boots and ;Shoes at prices not before known in Clinton.
Montreal, Nov. 5.—Extreme dulness pre-
vailed in the market to -day, with scarcely
any actual trading accompliehed. Locally
cattle are nominal in value, and shipping
sheep, judging from a few small sales, are
worm about 3o. There were about 500
head of butohera' cattle, 30 calves and 640
sheep offered at the East End Abattoir to-
day. The butohera were out in consider-
able numbers, but trade in cattle was dull
and prices were very low, only a few.head
selling at over 3o per lb, with pretty good
stook at from no to 3o; common dry cows
and rough steers Sold at from 2}o to 24o,
and the leaner beaste at about 20 per lb.
Shippers are paying about 3o per lb for
good large sheep; good lambs sell in lots at
from 3j}o to 3,}o per lb, and Mr Meunier
bought 15 pinked lambs at 133.70 per 100
los. Common Iambs from 3o to 3}o
per lb. Prices of lambs to -day were about
j•o higher than they were last week. Fat
bogs are rather plentiful, and sell at from
41c to 4}o per ib.
but ride inside of the Electric Lighted and
Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment trains
of the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul Rail-
way, and you will be as warm, comfortable
and cheerful as in your own library or
boudoir. To travel between Chicago, St.
Paul and Minneapolis, or between Chicago,
Omaha and Sioux Oity, in these luxuriously
appointed trains, is a supreme satisfaction;
and, as the somewhat ancient advertise-
ment used to read, "for farther particulars,
see small tills." Small bills, (and large
ones, too) will he accepted for passage and
sleeping oar tickets. For detailed informa-
tion address A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pass-
enger Agent, Toronto, Ont.
While out riding Saturday D'Alton Mo-
Carthy, M.P., was thrown from his horse
and severely injured. He'we a engaged in a
case,whioh had to be postponed. at Osgoode
Hall, his physician declining to allow him
to attend. Hit} right eide is badly bruised
and right arm severely injured.
The four big packing -house firma of
Swift, Armour, Morris and Hammond, of
Chicago, sought by litigation to secure from
railtvay corporations, among thein the
Grand Trunk, about $5,000,000, alleged ex-
cessive rates, charged on meat shipments.
Monday a decision was given against the
A serious stabbing affray took place at
Guelph, on Sunday, when Ben McQueen,
under the influenbe Of. liquor, struck Alex
Robinson, hostler at.Devlin's livery, with a
pocket knife, in the breast, because Robin-
son wouldn't give him a rig. Tho knife
struck a rib and did no serious injury.
McQueen claims he did not know he struck
Robinson with the knife.
George and Nellie Good, aged 9 and 6
years respectively, children of Samuel
Good, near Paulding, Ohio, were found on
Monday, lees than a mile from home, with
their throats cut from ear to ear, and their
bodies blackened from a fire started with
the object of removing all trace of the crime.
They had wandered off on Sunday after-
noon, into a tvoods near by, failed to return
at supper time, and were found next morn-
ing in a brash heap. The little ones had
been horribly mangled and mutilated, and
the bodies had been tied together with a
tarred rope and thrown into the brush,
which had afterwards been fired. A boy
of 19, named' Charles Hart, and a negro 21
years old have been arrested on suspicion.
It appears that Stratford narrowly
escaped furnishing the victim for Al-
meda Chatelle's viciousness instead of
the township of Elma. A young wo-
men who works in the city, but who
lives onf the St. Mary's road, was chased by
the fiend, but was frightened off by her
screams. Efforts have been made to sup-
press tba facts, the young woman not car-
ing to figure in the case, but the facts have
leaked out. It was just dusk, and she had
only gone a, short distance, when she en-
countered Chabtelle. The brute grabbed
the young woman, and she in great fright
screamed and began to run. Chaitello
chased after her and snatched for her again,
the woman feeling his hand almost clutch
her dress. The young woman, still scream-
ing, ran into a neighboring house, but when
they name to look for the pursuer, he bad
A very tine portrait of Hos. W. E. GLADeT'oaa,
Great Britain's greatest statesman and orator,
has been published by The Montreal Herald
Company. It is 12 by 18 inches in size, is printed
on superior toned paper, and makes a handsome
picture for framing. It is a companion to the
LAURIER picture which last year had an enor-
mous bale throughout Canada. Readers of the
NEW ERA desirous of obtaining this can get it by
sending their name and address, accompanied by
six cents to pay the cost of mailing and tubing,
to the MONTREAL HERALD CO., 603 Craig Bt.
TREDAImY HERALD ie now the leading news-
paper of Canada's greatest city. It publishes
morning end evening editions which will be
sent to any address by mail for $3.00 per year, $1
per four advance, Persons wanor ting e
ng c aDaily paper er should
give it a trial; they will be delighted with it.
THF WEEKLY HERALD is a 12 page paper. It
gives the news Cully; discusses pubiio questions
fearlessly; contains an agricultural department,
children's corner, woman's page, continued
stories, cartoons, illustrations of current events,
abort stories. Ithae a turas growing circulation.
Drop a postal card for a sample copy of Tan
Dr Tn¢ Waciraar livnat.D. MONTIIrliketh
)�S.D & 00. OM Challg Meet Mi ninea1;
Clinton Planing Mill
—A ND—
The subscriber, having the very latest improved
machinery, and employing the moat skilled work -
mon is able to do work in his line in the most
satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and
on the sh rteat notice. A trial solicited
Manufacturer and Proprietor for tho beet Ewa
81111 Dog In use. Agent for the sale and appli-
CLEARER. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app
ed on sh,rt notice •
Boilers, Engines, and all kinds 0
lliaebinery repaired expeditiously
and In n satisfactory .manner
Farm implements manufactured and repaired
Steam and water pumps furnished and put in
positipn. Dry Kilns fitted up on application
Charges Moderate.
House PAIN and Paper Hanging
The undersigned is prepared to promptly axe -
mite all orders for PAINTING, KALSOMINING
PAPER -HANGING, &c. He is a practical man of
ong experience :and guarantees to do all work
in a manner that shall bo satisfactory, whil
priceswil be exceedingly moderate. Orders re.
epootfully solicited.
GEO. POTTS, Carter's house,
Victoria St., Clinton
Those who have dealt with us know that it has been mutually advan-
tageous. Those who have not yet been our customers may have been
standing in their Own . light. Come and see us, and if we cannot save
you money in the price of Footwear and give you the best of satisfaction
the fault will not be ours. Co ' e and see ,us ony'h • w.
In its daily journeys round the earth, does not shine
on a better or more perfect working Base Burner Coal Stove than the
Radiant Home
1t has always been acknowledged as
And to -day is more assured in that position than at any other time. We olai
that the Radiant Homo is the Greatest Heater ever built. Second
most economical on fuel ever constructed, and easily regulated. Th;
nob depending on gandy ornamentation, the Radiant Home is bot
and symmetrical. Call and sue our stock.
Best Carbon Light Coal Oil only l0c a -gall
tae It ft e: Old°S
lock i ,; 1 It Vat Brick