Clinton New Era, 1894-07-06, Page 6July , 1894 A TRAVELLER'S EXPERIENCE. THE WORLD OF LABOR. t The Life of a Colnipercial3VIan Not all Suosline. r THE CLI NTOM NEW ERA. NEWT TRAVEL AND ROUGHING IT ON THAINB WZAZENs THE MOST RODuaT—TKR Exz'Em- '. •SPICE OT A RAI,iTAx MERCHANT WHILE • ON TUB Roan, lioadian Recorder, Halifax, N. 8. Mr Percy J. A. Lear, junior partner of the firm of Blaokadar et Lean, general brokers, 60 Bedford Row, Halifax, N. S., comes from a family of commercial tra- "vellere. His father, James Lear, wee on the road in Lower Canada with dry goods for twenty three years, and few men were more widely known and esteemed,and the genial Percy himself has just retired from the eanke of the drummer, after a varied experience as knight of the grip, which ex- tended over •seventeen years and embraced almost every town and village in Canada om the Atlantio to the Paoifie. He is an popular young man, a leading eo the Oddfellows' fraternity, an 6$rd. regiment of militia, and tint. u are so fat and hustling rail. ear?" clues - it is a long ng. I weigh better health my life. Two pounds. Con- an '`tra+ellin: it on trains and ,!in,countr hotels brok. me all np and left me wit a nasty case of kidney complaint • and ingestion. My head was all wrong, my'at maoh bad; I was suffering with con- tinual pains and dizzinesa and my urine was extremely thiokand gravelly. I began • to get soared. I consulted several physi- eiane in Montreal, Winnipeg and other oittiis, but their treatment did not give me dole of relief. One day I bought a r. Williams' Pink Pills, and I made mind to give them a good trial. emed to help me, and I bought a third and fourth box, and they e. My stomach was all right, the s left my head; no more lassitude, races of my kidney disease disap- I was a new man, and gained flesh tely, and have never been troubled consider my case astonishing, be. idney complaint, especially gall lea es, is -hereditary in our family. It uI to .-huer y father to an early 'end an uncle my mother's side, 'hittle of Sydney, Australia, had "chronic sufferer' from gall stones boyhood. I was leo impressed with tines of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -that I �ok the trouble to se d Dr. Whittle two xes all the way to Auietralia. Since my discovery of the benefits lof these wonderful little pink coated extermikiators of disease, I have recommended the remedy far and wide, and I could enumerate dozens of ages where they ave been efficacious." An analysis sho s that Dr.Williams'Pink ills contain in a condensed formp al14.kue elements .:tea i, rt-^ive ney¢..,ife and richness nervi e f the blood and restore shattered They are an unfailing specific for diseases as l000motor ataxia, partial paralysis,' St. Vitus dance, sciatica, nen- ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the N' )heart,' nervods prostration; -all-diseases-de- pending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such ass• scrofula, chronic_ erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles pecu- cnllar to females, such as 'E?uppressiens, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In mene they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or' excesses of whatever nature. r:'VPilliams' Pills are manufactured by th Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, . ockville, Ont., and .Schenectady, N. Y., I' are sold only in boxes bearing their 'f�trade mark and wrapper printed in red ink. at 50 cents a Toe six boxes for $2.50, and may be had o!f all druggists, or direct by ail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Com pang, from either address. irpoilitza An unsneceesful attempt was made last Thursday night to blow np the office of the entreat Witness with:dinamite. atriiAtitiatale body of a slender young woman was taken Mame the N:gara whirl- pool, Thursday, with Qindieationa that it had been in the water two weeks. No clue to identity. 1 \,\1 r A Little Da j! tf,9r IOfl,�Churchof England mini:>:.(r cured -0f 2; }distressing rc;,;:i; Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Dir. 1'. n' ' .$IRus, the well-known Drugt;i:: • • McGill St., Montreal, P. Q., se ' I have sold Ayer's Family Mt,isr' . ,for 40 years, and have heard not't;: ' i, good said of them. I know of nu ny Wonderful Cures emed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ono particular being that of a little aughter of a Church of England mini:•- er. Tho child was literally covered from head to foot with a red and ex- ceedingly troublesome rash, from whieh she had suffered for two or three years, in spite of the best medi6al treatment available. Her father was in great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad - blister Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot - les of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, were ho here to -day, he would testify in the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared byDr.J.C.Ayer Sr Co., Lowell.Meas. uresotherr,wllI cureyou 1 ECHOES FROM THE BUSY MILLS AND WORKSHOPS. B:appenings of Special Interest in the Various Il'lelde Where the Mechanic sad she Artisan Hold Sway by N lght had by Daj', There are fifty-one metals. Whalebone is counterfeited. Russia has 350,000 paupers. Syracuse may tax bicycles. Europe has 8,477 lighthouse.. Trees ate felled by electricity. Breslau has a paper chimney. England has a lady bill poster. Uncle Sam bas 802 lighthouse.. The Czar owns 100,000,000 sores. Boilers are cleaned by electricity. Egland boasts electrical bioyolea. In London gas is fifty-six cents a 1000. A mile of railroad contains 2,500 ties. Waterproof paper has been invented. London will have a 1,150 -foot tower. A oo-operative railroad is projeoted. Greeks are the principal sponge fishers. A Paris °look pendulum is 377 feet long. Paris has porous glass window panes. Chicago to to have a hotel with 6,124 rooms. English typwriter girle ars oalled typ- World's wheat crop: 447,479,000 bush- els. Washington, D.C., has 600 varietiee of trees. The finest grade of matches is made of cork pine. Good railroad ties are expected to last eight years. Bermuda farms bear three sucoeseive °rope in one year. It takes 7000 insects to make one pound of cochineal. France imports ten' times as much wine as it exports. A first-class French cook won't broil meat without charcoal. A voyage round the world, traveling first-class, costs over $2500. Raising peppermint is the leading in- dustry of Wayne county, N. Y. The coal production of 1892 in the United States was valued at $27,566,000. The manufactured product of Great Britain amounts to about $4,100,000,000 a year. In 1873, 8q pounds of cotton would buy an ounce of silver. In 1890 it took 124 Pounds. ' The deepest borehole in the world is in Upper Silesia. It has been carried to a depth of 67,000 feet. The larger proportion of street railway mileage in the United States is operated by electric power. The average watch is composed of ninety-eight pieces, and its manufaotnre embraces more than 2000 distinct opera= tione. Theo 4C;4es 'failed_ writer in the ISai•i& to, a young Dublin man. George Bunbary. He can write 250 words in a minute. The b.rbe-of Rio Janeiro is one of the finest on t'a•• globe. It has fifty miles of anchorage, sufficient to float the navies of the world By an tinglisi invention camel's hair cotton -plant-Mad-chemicals are being sub- stituted for lather in machinery belting with considerable success. The latest development in the -milk busi- ness in London is to drive the cows around the route and have them milked in the presence of the ouatomers. • The first meershaum pipe was made and smoked by gavel Kowates, a shoemaker, in 1823, in Pesth, Hungary. It is still in a museum there. For the promotion of the Russian wool trade a congress of sheep breeders, wool- en manufacturers and dealers in wool, will be held in June next at Warsaw. In the House of Commons there are ten newspaper man, eixiprinters, four tailors, three stationers, two butchers, three hotel - keepers, six farmers, one coal merchant and one cab driver. „_ _,•,,, It costs Great Britain $20,000 to scrape the barnacles off the bottom of one of its big meu-of war and repaint it, and this has to be done twine a year in the case of nearly every vessel. The total coinage, gold and 'silver, of the reign of Henry III. was £3898; the total coinage of the reign of Victoria np to 1892 was £544,100,000 of which £312,300,000 were of gold and £321,800,000 of silver. The Bourne wine cellars, near St. Helena, Cal., have been sold to C. Carpy, a wine dealer of San Franoisco and Napa. The oellar is the largest above ground winery in the world. It has a capacity of almost 4,000,000 gallons. Tee price paid Is said to be considerably less than $600,000, the original cost. HE WANTS TO BE.POOR. Millionaire Armour Transferring Money and Burdens to His Sons. This is from the Chicago times:—P. D. Armour, the millionaire packer; who was labelled "One of Chicago's Trinity" by Wm. T. Stead, in his "If Christ Came to Chicago," strolled into a dining•car on the St, 1Paul road the other day in his usual breezy and wholesome way. The train conductor came along and Mr. Armour. handed over a commutation ticket to be punched. Though he has a desk full of annual passes he never travels on a pass, even on roads of which he is a director. The millionaire was bound for the home of his son, P. D. Jr., at Oconomowoc, where he spends what few hours ho can spare from his business during the summer months. After he had given the waiter his order, Mr. Armour turned to chat with a friend. He is a great talker, and keeps at it all the time. "Yes," he said, "it I live a few years longer, as I hope to do, I shall die a comparatively poor man. To my two eons I am turning over my fortune as fast as they show ability to handle it. I don't tell you this for the purpose of talking about my money but to show yon just where I stand. I want to see my money oared for while I am alive to direct the boys, I am doing uow what Field and the others are waiting to do at their deaths. There can be no squabble over my estate in the Courts after I am gone, as the estate Will be comparatively small. Tho two boys are shouldering it rapidly, and they are demonstrating their ability to Dara well for it." Historical Lies. Vinegar will not split rocks; so Hanni- bal could not thus have made his way through the Alps. Nor will it dissolve pearia; so that the story of Cleopatra drinking pearls molted in vibegar must have been a fiction. Barnhardt's Girlhood Aspirations. When Sarah Barnhardt eft her convent ed cool she was asked • hat future she w'. ' ld prefer. , "1 should ike to be a nun," a • ''unlbse I eau be actress of the Hustling IIp Trade, "I've got a tough servant girl," said an East Capital street man to his neighbor the other morning, with a quiver in his voice like an aulgeworm's wriggle when it strikes a fresh clod of dirt. "How's that?" "Well, you see, Mary doesn't wake very readily fn the morning, so I bought an alarm on a certain Monday and slipped it under her bed." "Work?" "Yes, partly, for about five minutes. Tll.en she went to sleep again." "That all?" "Nope. Bought another Tuesday. Set 'am both under her bed and timed the dingdongs five minutes apart." "Work?" "Yee, partly. She woke twice and went to sleep twice." "That all?" "Nope. Bought another Wednesday. Pat 'em all threounder the bed and timed the dingdongs fide minutes apart." "Work?" "Yes, partly. She woke three times and went to sleep three times." "Keep it np long?" "Yep. The room got full of crooks. But that wasn't the worst of it. One day she handed me a card with a strange name on it. 'That's my brother,' she said. 'Times is hard, and he'd like the job when you get round to it. He's a churchbell hang- er.' "—Washington News. Ants at Play. "I approached one day to the formicary of Some wood ants, exposed to the sun and sheltered from the north. The ants were heaped upon one another in great num- bers, appearing to enjoy the temperature of the surface of the neat. None of them was at work, and the immense multitude of insects presented the appearance of a liquid in a state of ebullition, upon which the eye could scarcely be fixed without great difficulty, but when I examined the conduct of each ant I saw that they were approaching each other, each moving his antennas with astonishing rapidity, each patting the cheek of one of his fellows. After these preliminaries, which very much resembled caressing, they were ob- served to raise themselves upright on their hind legs by pairs, struggle together, seize each other by mandible, foot or antenna, and then immediately relax their hold, only to renew the attack again in a mo- ment. They would fasten to each other's shoulders, embrace and wrestle, overthrow each other and then raise themselves by turns, each taking revenge without pro- ducing any serious mischief. "They did not spurt out their venom as Um do in their real combats nor retain their babas upon opponents with such ob- tt mays I have seen some so eager in tlil�e Wearcises that they would pursue and vaaqutsh several in succession, only strug- COLwith each a few seconds. * " * place two ants appeared to be ga boliriQ nhnvt e oti4,1lr oe g*raw, turning al •ternately to avoid or seize each other, which forcibly brought to my recollection the sport and pastime of young dogs when they are observed to rise on their hind legs, attempting to bite, overthrow or seize each other without once closing their teeth." -.Pierre Huber. He Was After a Coon. "In going coon hunting it is desirable that the hunters know a coon when they `see-one--and-bow to.,•get-himdown-after. they have treed him," said George W. Bea - lock. "I went coon hunting down in Geor- gia with two boys who knew nothing about it, and it was my flrat experience. The dogs treed a coon. We saw the ani- mal enter a' hole in the tree, and we cut the tree down. It did not leap from the branches, as we expected, so one of the boys crawled into the tree, which was a good sized one, and began to poke the coon with a pole. In about a minute we heard a combination of human and ani- mal yells, which indicated that our friend had found the animal, and that it was not to DOOM d "Soon he emerged from the log and a half grown wildcat was .clinging to him, scratching for the vitals. With two well -aimed pistol shots and a blow with an ax we succeeded in killing the animal, but the man who crawled into the log will bear the scars of his encounter with the young wildcat for the rest of Ms life. I have been coon hunting since, but I am always certain that it is a coon that is treed before I cut down the tree."—St. Louis Globe -Democrat. A Boole TO HollnaN1EN.—One bottle of Eng - Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, .weeny, stifles and sprains GEORGE ROBB, Farmer; Markham, Ont. Sold by Watts & Co., and ALLAN & WILSON, Druggists BRISTOL'S BMA -COVED NiiimNiiu�n6L^�i'f�li' I�rti�•; The Stop for smiles. Sgme people never get higher than a towering rage. Every man should try to live so that the world will not be made very mach better by his getting out of it. • Wife (tearfully)—You have broken the promise you made •me! Husband (kissing her)—Never mind, my dear, dont ory. I'll make you another. He—Mary,- this milliner's bill le unusu- ally large. I thought that we dsolded to be economical? She—And we have been. Haven't you given up smoking and horse- racing and the club? Sunday School Teacher—Have yon mads any one happy this week? Little Girl— Yes'm. Mrs. Highupp has a baby, and It's a awful equally, red-faced little brat; but w'en I met Mrs. Highupp yesterday I told her she had the sweetest, prettiest baby I ever saw, POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in ,2o MINUTiI. also Coated Tongue Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. VERY NIOE TO TAKE. PRIOE 26 CENTS AT DRUG smart,. 1 t lwa `f �,� �♦ rte. v.;,,,; $MoKe, ,i= ;�% 14NGGi-)t)P.; CAR�-lees R 6, EctuatTTolan iv pa Gee T keMyAdwee 41.2� lrk5i5r ork getyg3Ai4'-_ 10 Bent: 50,01(epr �erlTS v`Ra ifs iK - �t :iltalinennwee When we assert than Dodd's �.nnn�nniwtn, • Kidney Pills trvyv ennr, -S C-Liie--Backache; -Dropsy; 0Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY CURE TO STAY CURED. Ry all drucgi:ts or mail on receipt of price, 5v i...nts. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. n ..k,e„q ALL THc WOMEN Aro healthy some of the time, some women are health,. all the time, but all women are not healthy all the time unless they wash with a • SEWARD :: WASHER Wo warrant the Seward Washer to cleanse any fabric that soap and water will cleanse. Now is the time to wash your carpets and lace curtains. Got a Seward Washer, manufactured by J. T. SEWARD, : ClintonwOut' GENTS WANTED in ev, ry town in Canada NERVE BEANS nEOWE BEAlv1i are a now a1 . ogvery that euro the worst co -ea of -fele ervous ebility, Lost Vigor and weaknessgbod 'or mind restorer d by over-wor1�(t or the errors or es.. ..r• '"cease: of yo ,. '3i, :t't e•l, iohitely oases the most ebetinnte :.a•e, -vt,P-..,1: •,;het TREATMltrt'Ye ;Imre failed even to selieve. 1,od ; •ae. 41 nor package. ': si• fo: $:. • ' �eo� ti; • ' ^c .,, -rice by addresser -'THE .:AML:, 1. 1' •''• i h A (JO.. .•n-� u. Ont. Writ., for vamph,-•'. ao • m Sold by Jas. H. Combe. Weakness Men Quickly, ,Thoroughly, Forever Cured by a new perfected scientific method that cannot fail unless the case is beyond human aid. You feel improved the first day, feel a benefit every day; (soon know yourself a king among men in body, mind and heart. Nerve force, will, energy, brain power, when failing or lost, aro restored by this treatment. Victims of abuses and excesses reclaim your manhood! Sufferers from folly, overwork, early errors, ill health, re- gain your vigor! Don't despair, even if in the last stages. Don't be disheartened if quacks have robbed you. Let us show you that medical science and business honor still exist; here go hand in hand. Write for our book with explanations and proofs. Sent sealed, free. Over 2,000 references. Erie Medical Co., Buffalo, N.Y. t July 30 FIRST-CLASS WatolandOl ook-Repa-irillg The undersigned has opened a repair shop in the south window of J. JACKSON'S SHOE STORE, ALBERT STREET Having learned the trade with one elf the beet watch makers of the Dominion, Mr, A. Kleiner, of Toro to, and being expo' fenced in the most difficult work; he is therefore prepared to undertake the repairin of all kinds of Watches and Clooks to the entire satisfaction of all who may favol' . im with their patronage. Charges Moderate 7 CHS w CLINTON SUNUGHT Hasbyits proved o*p enormous sale that it s The best value for the Consumer of any soap in the market. Millions of women throughout the world can vouch for this, as it is they who have proved its value. It briligs them less labor, greater comfort. DON'T MISS'' THIS TEN DOZEN Men's Summer Flannel SHIRTS Well worth 75c Each For 35c Each or 3 for $1 ROBT. COATS & SON, CLINTON A CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY. ----WE HAVE JUST PURCHASED A LINE OF Bedroom Suites, Sideboards Ilbrilension Tables wild Lounges At ajbig:reduction on the regular price, and we are going to give our customers the benefit of this reduction; so now is your chance to make your home look neat for very little money. Space will not allow us to quote prices, as we have so many different lines, but come and see for yourself what great bargains we have to offer you. Parlor Suites, Centre Tables, .Fall Racks Book Cases, Seoretafl,ers, Zed Springs, Leattreelses And everything in our line cheaper than ever. We want your trade, and if Good Goads, Low Prices and Honest Dealings,is what you want, we will have it. Furniture to snit everybody. JOSEPH C H I DLEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. JOS. CIIIDLEY JR.FunerallDirector and Embalms_ 1Tight Calle Answered at his residence, King Street, opposite the Foundry. Save Y our Potatoes We have secured the exclusive right forlthis place to sell Church's POTATO BUG FINISH r orithe destruction of that pest. The Finish acts as a fertilizer for the potato, thus accomplishing a double purpose. Ask for it. It is used dry. Seo oironlar and testimonials. We have also a supply of PARTS GREEN To meet the views of those who don't like to try new things gow is the time to procure your TURNIP SEED good and cheap. HAY RAKES, FORKS, PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH, FENCE WIRE in Barbed, Galvanized :and Blaok. BUTTER and EGGS WANTED for Cash or Trade. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R z,. DA M S LONDESBORO , '` ROMBALL' 8 C!LI FACTORY Huron Street, Clinton ' We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be of first–class material and workmanship. I you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and sec us. Fs, ICILIMIESAJLJEA, CLINTON