Clinton New Era, 1894-02-09, Page 8• COD theta iew • • It a 'OP* a bie Or* n Went, a And took handles, • *•!:• e Woe). Teniplars an "Oen Lode' to - **belle in'addition to - being eerved, an excel - will An ad - Frank Metcalf, 'of Blyth, 10 cents. Pu nig t: re,tres 1°4 Pr drests is expo danission Me'On$14.e4he Leith-WeIte, who e in Goderich town - tante, Will be of interest as here; --We lettsCninton of January, Lunt:next day twelve hours in Objeago, re in the evening. f!or Cali - State line of ikansas and assed at Coolidv, and t to Trinidad, past Las a Junta, the conntry_is .ken. Trinidad is situated in riti, of an extensive Peal and iron t. At Trinidad en extra, engine ched to the train to 'climb tbe Baas. Enaerginefrona the tun - at pierces We Rocky Mountains, ain is in New Mexico. Before ing Albuquerque, a high spur of mountains mustbe crossed, erMl ee we see some of the wildest scenery the journey; we are about 7,000 feet • Ye the ecu level. Before reaching a San Francisco 1.`4:37,11tatlillS, the rail - rood crosses a tsectiliar freak of nature, known as Canon Diablo, a great gap- ing fissure in the plains, 400 feet wide ,and WO feet deep. The Colorado river &crossed at Needles; on u cantilevet bridge 990 feet long. We arrived at San Bernardino onsthe afternoon of the 27th, but soon left there for Red. lands, where we met Mr Edward Teta- butt. We had a splendid time on the train, and were not very tired. Cali- fornia South is beautiful with its orange groves, cypress hedges, Ent- V• • CLINTOL NEW hiliPAPPIPPIPIrle1741,,,40•21 AT reatuie Of our new CASH SYSTEIVI is a general Cheapening or everything ourstore, resulting in some of the great, est Barge.= ever effered in Clinton. For example:--. BABY SLEIGHS 8. Catalogued at $7, $8 For $4.50 6 it and $10 Hand Sleighs, Toboggans and Snow Shoes at a like Reduction. Sol.D.—The "Sparks farm in• Iish walnuts, apricots, bedso c lillies in full bloona, century plants, ss • Tuckersnaltb, put up by_Auction here: • on Saturday, was not sold, the highest great palms and rows of pepper trees. The climate is verthealthy and warro, or ..o..) acre faem and -the -upset price was not about 70 in the 8 ade now, but cool bid being less than woo. Itiel$50 at night. We. There were several parties ap- . patently anxious to get it, but they were evidently not willing to go any- NOTES.—In orto make the best der thing Iike a price for it .1,1 possible use of the sleighing, Messrs Ranstord, on Saturday last, had 27 teams hauling logs frern the bush to BUSINESS CHANGE.—We understand thee 'Messrs Jas. Werry and Harry their mill yard. A horse and cutter Ingram, of Clinton, have bought out made a lively break along Albert St. ury Co., Blyth, and at once wee.; crowded Ash at e timit menage(' e, the timing mill business of Messes on Saturday, apd th although the treet s take possession. They are both first- to pass along without doing any dam - class naechitnies, efficient business men, age. Tnere are not many people who thoroughly reliable and worthy the can claim to have resided here for a confidence of the public. Mr Werty longer period than Mr Geo. Rentgen, will move his family in the spring. _ 'Mae bus. Agee.. Axel -Airmails _resident rs--- last — -- ' Mr ' since CIVe year 1851. Miss Gibson, of AcciDENT.—..,ne day t week 1. Toronto,is the guest of Miss O'Neill. Walter Coats met with an ugly acci- Mrs H. Hunt has been visiting at Kip - dent. He was in the cellar piling up nen. Several persons from this neigh - wood while at man was unloading it boyhood are attending the prohibition through the window, when a stick convention at Toronto this week. The struck him on the right forehead, arbitration between Messrs Cantelon k diticn he was found by his wife. A pnclud- , knocking him senseless, in which con- and Steep, aple dealers, was co little deviation of the blow would have ed on Thursday; the latter was award - m. As it is , he has a bad scar ed a small amount over what was origi- killed hinally offered as a settlement. Mr Dan. and a very sore face yet. Macpherson, for a considerable time A BIG LOAD.—Messrs Ransford, of the very efficient book-keeper of tbe Stapleton Salt Works, own a horse Canada Salt Association, has severed that can, we think, outpull any horse his connection therewith. Miss M. in this county. It is one used to haul Trewartha, who has been visiting loaded cars on the tramway from:their friends north for some time, has re- works over to the railway siding, and turned to town and will likely is ' it will start a load weighing from here. Mr Long. of Cleveland, rs visit - twenty -five to twenty-seven tons, and ing his sister, Mrs Amor. Messrs C. haul across. It thoroughly under- Hogland and J. Moffatt, formerly of stands it business, and will start the Clinton, were overtaken in a terrible car inch by inch until it gets it proper- storm in Manitoba last week, but after ly going. some difficulty found shelter which A BUSY DAY.—Saturday last was saes& their lives. Mr Will Coats is one of the busiest days our merchants this week at Goderich, performing his have experienced since Christmas. A duties as County Auditor. Mr John lot of produce was marketted, and T. Harland expects to move into his -,, , ceersiderable shopping done. Two new. house in the course of a few days; *hpgs in particular no doubt contri- .. it is a neat and substantial residence, a buted to the success of the day—the credit to the builder, Mr McKenzie. and' the big bargains Mr R. W. Matthews who has been avray from here for some time, has re - 624.30•:,,,...,:r 'Torr. A Indy Cannot afford to be indifferent as to the kind of Corset she will wear. The best of dressmakers may have designed her dress, but its perfect fitting qualities may be spoiled by ill fitting corsets, A corset that does not fit not only spoils the appearance of a dress, butll is uncomfortable and unhealthy as well We offered sleighin red by Clinton merchants. It seemed as if the whole country for miles a.round. had "moved into town. • Could not soinething be done to at- tract the farmers to town every Sat- urday in the same way. „FATTENING CA.TTLE.—A visit to the barns of Messrs Ransford Bros. and Jas. Fair is very interesting to a per- son who -appreciates inspecting fat cattle. Each of these gentlemen are stall -feeding 66 head, a good number • of which were imported from the Northwest, and it will take an expert page to tell who has the finest lot. The stables are far cleaner and warmer than a person would imagine, and re- flects much credit onthe overseers, Messrs C. Mason and John Morrish. A BIG SUCCESS.—The benefits of printer's ink was strikingly exempli- fled on Friday and Saturdaye.last, by the wonderful success that attended Jackson Bros. fire sale. -From early morning. until late at nighttheir stores were literally packed with customers who had simply seen their newspaper announcements, and their busitiess far exceeded their , expectations, the total being in the neighborhood of 52,000. •With an extra staff of clerkson, it was even impossible to attend to all, and the doors 'had to be locked several times, to keep the people out. WIRE FENCING. --On the Bawden annex, Mr Thos. Holloway is fencing his property with what is known as the 'Page Coiled Spring Woven -Wire turned to town. Miss Tena c p of -Auburn, is at present visiting Miss Clara V. Walsh, London Road. Mr 'Reynolds, the newly -appointed Ceme- tery Superintendent, has the name of being a tasty and careful man, and under his personal supervision, the cemetery should be kept in nice order; the committee are trying a new plan this ye;ar, and a continuance there- of, will depend somewhat upon its suc- cess this season. Mr Robt. Welsh, weigh clerk, etc., has been nearly seven years in the employ of tbe town council, and a thoroughly efficient, competent, and reliable man he has proved himself to be. Mr Robt. Mar- low, sr., is teriously ill; a couple of his brothers we're visiting him this week. - Mr Mr Alex. Welsh, of Toronto, will move out on his farm in Goderich township, in a few days. The wife of Mr M. Beckwith, has been quite ill for some time. Among those who werein town on Saturday, was a lady residing so near as BI tb yet had. not been in Clinton for years. Mr James Brown, of East Wawanosh, where. he still sufficient to draw people from all sections . of the County, now a resident of Detroit, bub formerly ee • • e, . been 1,ad in the States, but he is of the that it was necessary to lock our doors :during the day, and they will impi:ove. Mrs Robinson, of thereby disappoint a great many people, but it was impossi- opInion.that once the tariff bill passes, Ashfield, is visiting her parents Mr bio to help it. Our place was not large enough to contain of Mitchell, spent Sunday with his tbe crowd. Our great Bargains era still offered, and there is and Mrs McAllister. Mr A. Forrester, brother, Mr D. A. Forrester. Rev. J. not a clothing buyer in the county who knows the value of couple of days this week, Mrs Holmes . a dollar that can afford to miss it. W. Holme13 and Wife are away for a have added to our corset stock the celebrated p. N. these corsets have a large sale in the cities CORSET, and are now being introduced into the smaller places. They are of American manufacture, made from French n3odels, and for perfect fit and comfort to the wearer • equal to imported French Corsets. The filling gives and up - and cause the corset to lose its shape. They are made from fine jean that will wear, and have Newman's Patent Cork Clasp Protector is on every pair. We have two qualities at $1and$1.25 per pair. Other popu- lar makes of Corsets constantly in stock. we have of heavy winter goods can be had for ery little money. Spring goods of all kinds are tumbling in every day and we want room for them. SIVALIVIE IP' IN' We have have purchased the Stamping outfit, Patterns, Fluids, &C.)of the Worthington estate, which together .with our own • makes one of the most complete stocks in the County and will make Stamping a special feature of our business. What Estate • J. licpggens RANCE & SPALDING 100111111MINM,. 1111 s not&Shoos $2000WORTIU At Wholesale Prices IBought at a mite on the dollar that will enable us to sell them INOUR AD NOTE and under. A FEW PRICES: - Having recently bought a big stock of FINE BOOTS and SHOES at a heavy reduction for cash, we start on SATURDAY, Feb. 3rd to give THE BEST VALUES ever offered in Boots • and Shoes fter theRush Never before have we seen such a jam and rush as that experienced on Saturday last, the first day of our great fire sale, Our business was something ti emendous, and it is gratifying to us from the part that during the past ten years we have spent hundreds of dollars every year in advertising our goods, and we now realize that we have got the coal. - d e of the public. Our newspaper announcements were owns property, is around on'a visit to who were delighted with their bargains... We are only sorry his old friends; he says that times have Fence." Mr James Struth, we under- being called away by the serious ill - stand, intends to use the same materi- al, and others havegiven orders- for ness of her eldest sister. Among • #4,4 0 it It costs 85c a rodthe military changes gazetted on , erected, and is Satorday, was the followin :—"33rd Huron Battalion. No. 6 ompany, Exeter —To be Captain: Lieutenant, Harry T. Rance, from No. 4 company, vice, Walter Andrews, left limits. Mr A. M. Todd attended a County Orange meeting at Exeter, on Tuesday. Some time during the summer, Mr Bawden, of Exeter, mule an offer for 20 acres of the Bache estate; near here the old G, W. R. station stood, and the offer having been accepted; Mr E.N. Lewis, of Goderich (Mr Bawden'slegal adviser) was in town in connection with the deal, on Tile ;day, it is intended to sell the property in lots. The members of the 25 club went to Seaforth on Tues- day evening, to a social gathering. Dr. Bigsby, of Detroit,gave an ad- dress before the Collegiate pupils, on Friday afternoon, entitled"Rugby and Dr. Arnold." Tom Carling. though yet, weak, will undertake an auction sale in Goderich township, on the 20th, but, will have Mr James Howson, a veteran, to help him. It is said that there bave been more social gatherings in Clinton, during the present winter, than for a number of 3rears pest. Mr Jackson; freight clerk. G. T. R., is a, brother of Mr F. S. Jacktion. of Hullett, who died thio week. Miss Grace Boles left on Wednesday,: to spend a few days in Guelph, from where she will go to Toronto to attend the millinery openings. Now is the thne to prune your apple trees and grape vines. Mr Dagg, M. P. P., of the Kincardine Re- porter, gave us a call on Tharsday, being in town on businesin he fs a ne- phew of Mrs Walsh. When Help Eden —Fontana Co., were here, on Wednes- day, they left 'orders for clothiag with the John Hodgen's estate; ALls John Moffatt, of Moose Jaw. daughter cf. the late Peter Campbell, of Stanley itirg her mother there.. certainly a big Improvement over the ordinary wire fencing, although only a trifle more costly. The horizontal ' strands are interwoven with perpen- dicular ones, thus making at once a strong and neat fence, through which nothing can pass. Messrs Stanley & Steep are agents for it. HOTISES.--Mr George Cox the well known horse buyer of Detroit, was - herealast week. Asked as to the state of the horse market, he said;—"I don't know that I shall buy it horse this trip at all; the market on the other side is worse than it is here, and that's bad e enough." A NEw ERA representative was speaking too, gentlernan the other day, who had been in the horse busi- ness when it was flush, who said "1 tell yon what, times are different now; why 1 took a load of horses to Dakota, andjust dpubledogrmoney on them; at that time you couldn't ship horses enough there, as everybody wanted them." Tan Paess.—The Edltbr of the Wingham Times, who hes been con- fined to the house for the past couple of weeks, with an attack of grip, is now rapidly recovering, and it is ex- pected will soon be around again. Mr Meta, has had more than his share of sickness, and has the sympathy of hie fraternal brethren. We omitted to mention last week the very great, im- provement which has token place in ale Blyth Standard; it has been chang- ed to an 8 page paper, new type has been put in its advertising ebluthns, and it looks much better the.% before. Kincardine papers would helm:, proved by the adoption of the 8 pee style. The annual meetingof tlie Canadian Press Asocia tion is being • held in Tema() this week, R. Holmes being nt 4tteueemes., CHILDREN'S BOOTS AT 25e LADIES RUBBERS AT -25e worth 4( MEN'S RUB1BE1S AT ....35e worth tIOn CHILDREN'S OVERSHOES 50c ". $1.00 MEN'S LINED OVERSHOES $11_ WOMEN'S OVERSHOES .. 1 " t1.50 MEN'S LACED Booms $1.25 " 1.75 MEN'S FINE GAITERS -1.25 " $1.75 WomEN's Bum.Booms..1.00 " $2.00 MISSES School BOOTS.. .75 " 51.25 MISSES LACED BOOTS -1.00 " 5140 M-ISSES BUTT'D BOOTS.. .75 " 51.60 BOY's LONG BOOTS....1.00 L2•00,,, MEN'S LONG BOOTS —.1.25 " w•uu' And many other limes ab equality Low Prioiw. See them. They are snap. _ • • THE ONE PRICE CASH -STORE. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash WiTATLOR & SONS ATURDAY Next e will be prepared with the following list of Bargains: 850 School Pants 50 $2 Boys' Suits at 1.00 $3,50 " " at 2.00 $4.60 " " at 3.00 $iOTweedSuitS $6.00 7 Tweed Suits 4.50 3 Pants - at 2.00 2 Pants - at 1,25 The above are the biggest Bargains ever offered in Western Ontario, qualities considered. Our sales on Saturday demonstrated this. : GREAT BARGAINS IN RUBBER COATS • • We are now offering the greatest bargains in Rubber Coats ever seen in this section, they are slightly damaged by smoke, and will be cleared out at great reductions. Nobody in need of a Rain Coat should miss this chance. The great reductions in Furs are still in force. Money cannot be made easier than purchasing at the present great bargains. 4•010111.0.0001111r, Watchspring Corset 'With Sliding and Detachable W ateh Springs. • N./ Superior to Whale-. bone, Horn, Reed, . Cord or any • other compound of Mexi— can Grass. This is the most Practica and Common Sense invention of the present period. The springs are very Flexible and Lighter and yet More Durable than any stiffener heretofore used in corsets. They are not fixed or- fastened 'permanently in the pockets, but are suspended, yielding tb every conceivable move- ment of the body; whether bending, sitting or stooping) and cannot penetrate the material of the corset: These springs are unbreakable, of which any lady can convince herself by sim- plyremoving one of the springs and testing the same. With each corset two extra springs are enclosed, which can also he used for dress steels, The Corset es so constructed that itcan actually be stiffened or boned by the wearer at her own pleasure. If the corset should hurt on the side, a complaint so general to other corsets, theispring can be removed. This can be accomplished by simply raising the flaps and withdrawing as many springs as the wearer might find con vente n t. TheWatchspring owing to many superior advantages which it possesses, is to -day the cheapest and most durable corset ever offered to the public, and one • which will be the most acceptable to the, wearer, and the mostpopular $1.20 Corset sold to the trade t -d. Kept only by us. We sell . the very best makes of porsets,from 30ets up to $1450 NEW FLANNELETTES from the low price to the best. yfe!„ melmV.I..•••••••••.. ••••••••....014,1•1.• JACK SON MUMMERS EMBROIDERIES- NicePatterns, prices down to the lowest-, BARGAINS IN WINTER GOODS Clearing out prices. People tell us we are giving genuine Bargains, and we intend to while there is any of them left. The Noted Furriers aria Furnishers, 10„,,sT Rylic Hatters and Clothiers; ,liz b, 8, Th. Ladies Favorite Establiskotat BEAVER 010002, ,PlisintrOS 41