Clinton New Era, 1894-02-09, Page 6SPE vd. RO L APPOiNTMENT here's Nothin, Like oilte' EIS OP, 04;010a0 wile. Stage since I sure Oaten and a in -better shape tB, having .added titer conveniences Ai TLEY u�ra Gin* ,'NEAT Market ---- BUSINESS . MANGE. E. M e that The undersigned desires to intimate tin he but lfo tbusiness lately carrf ied r onuunder the butcheringeo yie c1 FORD & and, and trusts will sl by giving the IOShe at the old stand, closest and most osteine attention to the busi- ness straightforward and courteous treatment gg merit to all, and handlingonly shotes meat, to and ik _Alorders a rettlly aare nd f promptly fillelic ts All JAMES" A. FORD . Central. ButcheE Shop Subscriber desires the nubile general- ly', for the patronage bestowed hint and t to the same time o say that y the now of all. ter positionthanper ever tot supply As be giros personal attention to all the details of the rs bang raomoptlyandssantistaptortlyfilled. eir orders btoile good moat at reasonable prises• His motto is g me_ at _0_ aitgsg e, ,Poultry, in season. Cash paid for :Hides, Skins, &e. JOHN S CRUTOert St„ N 'Aton. Flour and Feed Stores Flo d & Seed Store desire undersigned that they will keep hand he very best FLOUR and FEED (M all kinds, also the choicest variety of 111.1% SOAP IT DOES AWAY WiTH BOILiNC HARD RUBBING BACKACHES SORE HANDS ', ANOTHER W ASM- Ilt L DAY dSllflhghtT GOBY WITHOUT TRYiNQ REFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS ODD WU #UUNTS Said n. discouraged woman, "If you had ever tried, to work. by snlirtehes.. yOn whiled know how bard it is to get, A ythtug done that way." " I've had, to do a great deal of work ndstudy lust that wa ui by snatches, ed responded the other, quickly. to learn to systematize tray odds and i ends of tittle. So I know it can be done." These "odd minutes," which wq all lose it our days, count up amazingly. Fifteen minutes multiplied by four make an hour. And' so lnnny tinges a day we let slip fifteen minutes. ' Fifteen minutes waiting for the lazy ones to comedown to breakfast! Fif- teen minutes for the unpunetuiti ones to go for a walk or a drivel Fifteen minutes waiting fox the luncheon or dinner bell to ring! Fifteen minutes waiting a dressmaker's pleasure, foi the child to come back from an errand, or a restless baby to go to sleep! Not to spetak of the half-hours and hours spent in trains and boats! When at night the busy woman counts up her used and wasted oppor- tunities, she thinks, despairingly. "It I only, had those odd minutes in one lump at one time, how much I could accomplish which now seems unat- tainable." i But something can be done with ;hese odd moments which are exasper- -+,tingly unproductive to the diligent one. This is indisputable, because have are those who tised just such minutes to advantage. Many true ex- amples rise up to confirm the state- ment. A woman who was obliged to wait at the breakfast table for a dozen boarders to straggle down, in her w f • t- !,�! „� o,TA^T" I A1-6 5, O Y-3�!,.w•'r . o+ --ire, ThelV WiSelO l and rrudotice ow they Successfully Overcome Troubles and Dangers THEY SPEAK OF THE MAR- T ' • vE "LoUS POWERS OF P AWE'S CELERY' COMPOUND Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Whish• will be sold at close margins fox, cash. SALT also kept on hand. They will also keep a oboies variety of all kinds of TEAS • wbich con- tsumers win find to bo excellent value. HILL & PROUT, HURONST., CLINTON. r COOK'S F ouriFeed Store at E SAN & SHORTS S In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and 1VIE AL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 busheD. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855 CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,175,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. B. MOLSON.........President. F. W. THOr,iAS,...-General Manager. rotes di0001111ted, Collections made, Drdits is- sued, B,nd Oldrat glowestand�ccuurrent erican rates,a Into estgal- lowed on deposits. . Money advanced to frmes on their own -note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- ured as security ;,H• C. BREWER, Manager. GEO. D. McTA.0 G ART BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON, SOod eli•'rl.d tAS1J) but h;s sibrria,cFt v s delicate. QVJ3 to cook, 'ut was fired and sick, offs. t"astte anctsthe II of lard. ,ha bo uhf Coftaleti'5 olt ttsW Shortenitt) and A general Banking Business ti ansacted NOTE iDISCOUNTED Drafts:issue de Interest allowed on - FARIIA.N & TISDALL BANKERS, ERS, CLINTON OXT ing moments inatiii aetured daint y lace.y of which ae the bine LAlt- of harpy results for family and society. 1 waited In the fie d of sickness, suffering and eble VVhea Ohl'' When else viva Child, she eriet1 for CitatoMa, Whoa she bele ;plias, site aluPK to CaBtoris,, When 6heta1 Chilitren,site Overbear Cssteria. Pennsylvania is the greatest coal re- ducing State. In 1892 ber output was 46,- 604,576 6;694,576 tens of bituminous and 52,472,- 604 2,472;504 tons of anthracite coal. Illinois is the next In order with 17,862,276 tons, and Ohio wite 13,562,927. West Virginia pro- duced States output 5was5 o 179,32'9,071 tone. nes. .rue total United Miaard's Liniment for stile everywhere QI.RS GILBERT F. SAUNDERS. Our Canadian woman are the most care- ful and conservative on earth. They do not, as a rule, favor innovations and great radical changes, unless perfectly assured other young woman, who dal y a quarter of an hour for an elderly friend to go driving„ kept a book on the hall table, and in the waiting titnes, of one summer managed to do s credit- able amount of historical reading. Another kept a novel "going" in each room of the house, and whenever she waited for dinner managed to read a fewse.b apt-ees-ef• whicheverl o."lk handiest. The only reading motnents of one busy woman was the time she spent every day l utting her baby to sleep, and her book was kept in readi- ness for the operation. It is told of one industrious young girl that she constantly crocheted or knitted during the minutes her draw- ing -teacher was explaining perspective or sharpening her pencil. But this does seem carrying minute -saving very far. more thaet e:V , be-•.. cause She erfadP beiier foad,atid hecould eat. it v✓f io 4 sept Mttpleajatnt ... after effect Now � �' rOg"r� /IRE Asr en- haJ`ncJ. rounc! i(ae .BEST,, and most heatfthfut Shore'. erans.eArInAde� 0 TO„L. Chit aoo Made only by N. K. FAIR13ANK & COs, Wellington and Ann Streetr'A JIIONTEMAT Ildvantidiat low rates of interest. es their own general tanking Business traneactec Inte'4 et allowed on deposits. tie Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manage THE COILED SPRING Wove Wire Fencing. >unuNnu wn1111lnu1111lAaul 1 leittilitigartart 11411St: ,t4EURA14,1 disease, our Cans.aian woman display re- markable wisdom and prudence. Few of them run heedlessly for the common ad- vertised pills and preparations of the day; they are more inclined to observe the popu• lar treatment of the times, to which such attention is now directed. Feminine conservatism in "Canada Is.,,ii& nf- a--stubborrrearie iWi!'e"s'itiile character. Our beet women recognise merit directly it appears, and are not slow to use the best and most approved means, especially when the resto. anon of health is concerned. . l'BUXT AND OBNA5,MNTAra r:K.`7 B'i:S, NORWAY A,A,STRACRAEN R 1`tEi, The latter of which we raalte a specialty, 14,A..RGE STOCE. • 9 IAND, The above ornamoptal treBB and shrubbery will be sold at very IOW prices, and Chore wanting arty thing in thea opnnection will save ms eey by pity obasing here. Orders y llfalitelii be promptly attended tui 4ddresR, JOHN STEWART' -- hiimllter. Lillie Vandewaters, aged la years, only daughter of Marshall Vanmowatera, a well- to-do elt- GENERAL DEALER 111 TINWARE to do farmer of Sidney, eloped on Friday S. WILSON, night with David Lawrence, aged 33, her BORON STREET, CLINTONfather's hired man. It is probable the Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to couple were married before they left. rereon.hle rates... trial soiiotied- ltoh on human and horses and all ani- mals oared in 30 minutes by Woolford's CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Watt's & Co Druggist. COOPER'S OLD STAND. Nest to Commercial hotel. Hon. Edward Blake, M. P•, the proinin- -o in the home rule cause in the British Par- /orders filled t tede and granite nark a t l y IS t ad• ent Irish Nationalist of Canada and leader This establishment n way a me - spec at. rg08 reasonable as those of an y establishment SEALE & HOOVER, Clinton. 'lament, spoke on home rule for Ireland in the Music Hall, Boston, Thursday night. He wan greeted by an audience of about 3,000 people, and his appeal for funds to aid in carrying on the work of his party resulted in the raising of a little more than 05,000. A PRESENT TOEVERYBODY. All our readers should send to the Publishers of The Home, lel Milk St., -Bos- ton, Mass., and get a get a set of their beautiful Stamping Patterns. They can be used for embroidery, outlining of em- broidery or painting. All desirable, and good size; some 5x8 are ninetyinches. (J1) cne differentpatterns and two alphabets, one a large forget-me-not pattern. With this outfit the publishers send The Home, a besiege' pa )er centait:- ing Stories, Fashions, Fancy ork, etc., for 3 mouths, and only ask fo 0 centa to cover cost of postage on patterns andpaper. Our illustrated Premium List of ::00 pre- miums sent free to any address, Take advantage of this offer now. The people of Georgetecee, Halton Cm: ty;Ont., are up in arms over a scandalous abuse of patronage by the Conservative member, ilID Henderson -Nr r L.117, .- Goodenow, postmaster, ated, and his daughter did the work of the office to the public satisfaction, thus sup - parting her invalid father and mother. The member has had a change made, and his own son appointed to the office, not- witbetanding the fact that the majority of the people desired the office to go to the worthy and qualified daughter of the late postmaster. A similar occurrence took place recently in the constituency of North Ontario, Ont., represented by Mr. Madill. A postmaster, conducting general business got into financial difficulties; his son un- dertook to pay off the father's liabilities, and was succeeding admirable, turning in- to the numerous creditors the earning ,from the post offiice. The sympathy of the com- munity was a 1 with the young Fran, who was condacting the office to the satisftetion of all, and carrying a great burden] for so young a man. Mr Madill, however, claim- ed the patronage for his family, and the government yielded. PREVENTION I8 BETTER Than cnre, and those who are subject to rheumatism can prevent attack by keeping the blood pure and free from the acd which enures the disease. You can 'rely upon Handreattarrh, also remedy very fofor rheum- ether'.m of scrofula, salt rheum, boils and other dis- eases caused by impure blood. It tones and vitalizes the whole system. Hood's Pills are easy and gentle in effect. Dr, 0. Langlois, one of Windsor's leads ing physicians and citizens, died Friday of typhoid fever. He was first taken i 1 about two weeks ago, and before he was confined to his bonse told severed of his patients and friends that be had a presenti- ment vca his wife and family abos e die. He s about $ 0,0 0inea and personal estate. vn„ CERT1FtC ItiZIP �"WERFUL CU Not only a relief but a cure for all kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS,, Harmless. Contain no hurtful drags. A wonderful Compound. Nice to take. • Sure death to pain. Be sure you get STARE'S. PREPARED BY R. STARK, M.0.0,1%, CMEMl6T FROM a+.Asoow UNrveaa:rv, SCOTLAND. FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 25 OENTs a box. Bold by all Dr i ggistK Eutirels now Compound PIMPS : PUMPS It you want a first -oleos, well -made pomp, one that will give you satiafaettonl send your order Meier IN SIN limas,—Distressing Hid , -to the ,,undersigned. tie wi.1 dig and stein walla, and do iG at the Cle90at rices. He also ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six bandfes a first-class yonc , PUMP KIDNEY Cum.”This new remedy is a JAMES FERGUSON hours by the "Naw GREAT SoorII AtantcAN great surprise and delight to physicians on Opposite Queen's Hotel - High Street,t , 0/int account of its exceeding promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary presages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Watts & Co.,Druggist. Tho Britishl3,opxd._of,.Ag ulturej-in=re plying to the arguments of the Scottish de- putation asking for the removal of embargo on Canadian cattle, say they have not yet been satisfied that the Canadian laws and regulations afford sufficient and rea- sonable security against the importation of pleura -pneumonia. Some are of the opinion that this statement has sc me reference to the quarantine against the United States. It is urged, however, that the Canadian Government should ask the Board of Agriculture just exactly what is further required. • MRS. E. COLEMAN. For • some years Paine's Celery Com- pound has been the chosen and favorite medicine with thousands of our Canadian women in every province. This truly wonderful medicine has almost entirely superseded the methodes of the old schools; it has done more for suffering humanity than all the combined efforts of physicians. • No other medicine of our times has ever drawn forth such hearty and honest corn-. testimonyna Pairie's`Celery Compound from women fall ranks. In this issue we 6n et aportraits of three Canadian ladies who have been fb- stored and made whole through the mar- vellous curing powers of Paine's Celery Compound. These ladies did not yield to the interested motives of profit -loving med- icine dealers; they were not persuaded to try the something else just as good; they were fortunate enough to buy the only medicine that could save their lives. Messrs Stanley and Steep are agents for the above fence, which is claimed to be the best £eneing wire manufactured of the kind $TA lTLEY & STEEP, Clinton Ar, DU N' BAKINO TPOW D E THECOOK S BEST FRIEND DAVIS' PAI Kil LLE IS THE BEST REMEDYFOR ,ni h al RU I ES, CAS. +"�: URjNS FiChes. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers wrap- per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom- an Look Old Sooner Than a Man")to LEVER Boos., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and 'it will only Bost lc postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder ? A handy Wheelbarrow ? A Splendid Churn, or anything of like nature? Then call oniW. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederick St., or E. Dinsleys Will be at;Dinsley's corner every Sater ly_W, _.. etiternesri : BANNER ROUTE. Does ,it ever strike you that the new Wabash line between Detroit and Chicago, just completed, forms. part of the shortest lino from Canada to the World Fair City and the great west. The new trains on the Wabash are absolutely the finest in the World; not half the ,adyan.tege,,a,,g leis, Railwl esti`"he oiztlinod here, any R. R. ticket agent will 'tell you the rest, write or call at our new office, N. E. Co. King & Yonge street Toronto. J. B. Richardson Canadian Passenger agent. AIRS. JOHN H. PIERCE. The following testimonials forcibly speak in favor of the one remedy that every sick, suff, ring and weary woman should use. Mrs Gilbert F. Saunders, of Owen Sound Ont., says: - "For over a year I suffered from pains in my head, leg and shoulder, • and was in a bad condition. I went to four doctors, but they gave me no relief. A physician after- wards advised me to rare your Paine's Celery Compound; I did so, and it has completely cured me. I recommend it highly to all who suffer from the same ailment." Mrs E. Coleman', of Brant House, Bur- lington, Ont., who was ill for nearly 20 years, Saye: "I feel it my duty to let you know what Paine's Celery Compound has done for me. I am now 60 years of age, and have been very ill for nearly 20 years. During fray long illnees doctors and patent medicines failed to cure me. At the hospital I was told that I was suffering from tumors; and often, no matter how I tried to cheer my- self, I felt like putting an end to my life. I heard of your Paine's Celery Compound and commenced to use it, and it has done wonders.for me. I can now get up at five o'cloak every morning and get my sons off to work at seven; and very often I walk six miles before I take breakfset. I feel better than ever before in my life, and my friends are all surprised at the wonderful change in my health. Paine's Celery Com pound is a grand medicine, and I will al- ways recommend it to those who need it." Mrs John H. Pierce, of King St. West, St. John, N. B., forcibly writes: "1 consider it a duty to recommend your Paine's Celery Compound to suffering hu- manity. 1 suffered terribly from constipa- tion, weakness, nervousness, kidney and troubles; t was also subject to those ALL MEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or over -work, resulting in many of the followingsy olid toms i—Mental depression, premature d age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face and body, itching or- peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- ness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bash- fulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp, and spine, weak and /tabby muscles, desire td sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of bearing, lossvoice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, "dunken eyes, surrounded with LEADEN mans, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of less -) vous debility, that lead to insanity, un cured, The spring or vital force having every function wanes in tl gh abuse lost its tension, CAVEATS,TRADE MMI COPYRIGHTS. prompt N answerTannd an honest opinion Witte to 111 s MUNN N +Sc CO., who have had nearly fifty genre' experience In the patent business. Communica- tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- formation concerning Patents and bow to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn Et Co. receive special notice in the Scientific American. and thns are brought widely before the public with. Out 000E to the inventor. This splendid paper. issued t circulation of any scientific work in the Wo ld. $3 a year. Sample comes sent free. Building Edition. monthly, 82.50a year. Single copies, 2,5 cents. Every number contains bean. Orel plates, in colors. and Photographs of new houses. with plans. enabling builders to show tho latest designs and secure contracts. • Address MUNN & CO., ivsw YORK, 361 BnoAnivae. PURE HONEY For sale, combs and xtracted C. HOARE. Clinton Clinton Planing -Mill DRY KILN! The Fubscriber, having the very latest improved maghinery, and employing the moat skilled work- men is able to do work in bis line in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and ' on the ah rteat notice. A trial solicited. FACTORY NEAR G.T.B. STATION, CLINTON • THOS. McKENZIE ROBERT -.= DOWNS, CLINTON,- Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Swat :4itti Dog in use. Agent for the sale and appli- cation of the q y-Ftattsa PATENT AUTOMATIC Bofnsa CLEANER, STEAM FITTINGS furnished end app ed on shirt notice fftwilorti. ErAgar4O3. ,and all kinds of dgnol■iatery repaired eupedittouely and Ara aycvtisfaetory .naioner Farm Implements, manufactured and repaired Steatn and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry 'Kilns fitted up on application_..- . ,....., ...........Charges`mudeerate. lliver consequence. Those who Iron committed in ignorance, may bo an m1Oo i of akin dise.fee,li The first dose ofihttouoh Paine's into cured. end your address rti stamps for ed, on diseases peculiar ,1 afteryhavingotaken 3i botles, I feel mucme; and h I, man, sent sealed, Address Toronto, , OnV.t., , LIMON, , 24 A9acciouneli Ave.,, Toronto, Ont., Canadae weno al rfeeiings, and I e ii . ia d s,ver ., save Please mention this paper. _ the Compound to my luny and she thrived Children Cry for I well on it. It is a grand remedy, and I hope till who read this may benefit by my ' Pitcher's ,Caster's„ ,. recommendation.„ . HURON AND BRUCE Loan ,; Investment Co'y This at is esaeoInterest m SecurityaLowt Bates of MORTGAGES ~. - PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed OS Deposita, according toamount and time left. OFFICE --Cor. Souare and North St., Goderich HORACE GORTON, Manager House Paifttili aid Paper Unita..__ . The undersigned is prepared to promptly exe- cute all orders for PAINTING, SALSOMINING PAPERHANGING, &c. He is a practical man 01 ong experience ;and gaarenteee to do all work in a manner that shall bo satisfactory, while prices will be exceedingly moderate, Orders re spectfell y solicited. GEO. POTTS, Kirit St., Clinton City BAKERY The undersigned having bought u will t' a the business at the old stand He will endeavor, by supplying a s ale, to merit the iboral support of the people Bread delivered anywhere to town. Fruit Sponge Cakes 1' d short notice. OPPOSITE FAIR'S HILL. ot the bakery business so succelsfu11y carried on by Mr Wm. YBung,continue tt tclass and QUICKLY YIELD TO 0 kfti t. satin JAMES YOUNG, - CLINTON Wedding Cakes, rni or p supplied on RUM8AL1SM1L FACTORY ,Huron Street, Clinton. We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be of rst-class material and workmanship. I you want a good articleiat the price of a poor one, call and see us. 111CTIVILIAAJLAILi, .. CLZiiPoN N9Vi_LEIVRIL POR XMAS TRADE ..f.." parr ..I.., G_'t Dessert, Vondon Layers, Black Baskets and feon r<VJ .L ..,L.. Fwd Raisers, London las off stalk, fine off stalk selected CURRANTS, Primo Provincials in barrels and half barrels, ohoioest Vostizzes in cases Now Prunes, Firs and Dates, Oranges and Lemons, NUTS, new soft shelled Almonds Now Grenoble Walnuts and Filberts, Shelled Almonds. New PEELS. Orange, Lemon. and Citron. Fresh ground SPICES of all kinds. Full lines of CRf)OKRRY, CEIIN A and GLASSWARE—Tea Setts, Dinnrr Sets, Toilet Setts. Special values in new sea son TEAS and fragrant COFFEES. Cash for BUTTER and EGGS. N. ROB ON, -~ Clinton