Clinton New Era, 1894-02-02, Page 2s . r s ,. . i� �,r'., �•�^" ^�M � ' ��� �� �qll�, �A�k'�i�l 4�' �17k�1p@Q�PxA �Qb� �.'G�! ���t'�Y1G42� �li"�h�� �11 '��A ��1!eq� �b �N► +aa�a�„oe o�td xe�uu�a: txa �x+n�aea d�itribatlo� �wor�g �he �ru�Eeora ax�d; t.�, �k� ik� L�� �n�pMtox�►bae, and tha6. t fa0[j@� UF �,�. nqREion in tdq.or c ' �M.:ip ^ 4l�@ Y5 �,Y, s AI1}q RQ�,1y ond' +an,e Qopy "t �d9��4�:- ��ation o� � ��Y ca 1 0 &, , �, �� ^i r� � , . . . "� . , � . . � � � � � .', ` , , � t' ,�`` ,. a �. � . .. �:. . . ., < . ... . .� �, �: ; � � - � . . ��'�CA��.���i�p1��� ���ft. ���,��' ��,A��, � � � �,A,�"�l"T�1"�r � �S��k'��'« ' ' � .� �' ` � � � � � , ��rrzs�e � �. , ; t �� �1��:�#. � �.. , y ,� r � `� _ ,, CfO�'TT�?77�TA, ��i0#.°i�i6.,. �l��.,.:.._ "- ,, . Clonop�}eo,ionere �on 4ntAxia �t�Q H�pAI� _ ! ¢'' •, �>;F �l�',�a(JJ6 �'iB�XT Y1RQR �4 �$�p ,�rRA� (7�,TNT�q . . ..-�---,..-,��� , • �R Q.PII'LETO],V ..,� Q�'1�"iQ� � d�' #i�'1 . . poe�t��Ea °p` Az�t���ar'io atrest, �7#�utonr p � �. qute�, � B �H� priu�ob, �aGranqe pY �4. ��,, ,, " , :. �a t W ..00 �•p��b ox �,ibQ ° str�e '�d�za .�_ . �' �' ,�; I�ar �a�epk► ��exeon, A�e�e� � Ne.elin� �xr�ndEoQt, �4ep,. �� �er ��u,ai: noF,��zve t�s���ra� a w�al�- , 11:11 V�' ,�1,�ut�' . 1 , �+7�! . . . � "^"^'^R'�IT---T.'"p"' . . . �� o�pgueut a�c� wk�ile we �e�gret v�+x"Y _ , � �•. � x$u��, nt. �., "xo�,4�� ° ,�' Tbe�@ was �. a�d, �t�wart, onbt, ��arli�g, paander�, . g0 °.�Gk�� '#�iRat� �4Qda, �Gunq� •(OQlb4i'n�) Y9xn�, B1yQhr.,. ,�uc tbat th'i� att�mpt ahou.�tt b� rni�,ds . �vaoivex y, m�n,..a.�z., vtataei� IIntver4i ~' r '�$:• NaYs.-�ennawis, Qp�� Oonk�'�?nv}e _ t4 braak tk�a aolid' atran$th of the (?onr 8�n$�e!�oom�Qr�.�zd improvemen� snd J�. Q, #� ec a on�s,�o". ",F.e11Aw Ot bh.e b�te o4''� �� '� �eqexely �tested �' ae�vativ� vote bhere is eysr proe ecb �Q�� ��ereon&� en�oy�enb when �ooiQty at nba� u, I to qlLonaoa ��'i , s ged� iti �o ebrr#Q E�laer� Err�tt, �ergason, Gtra�h�m, f�}eiger, � ` Y P . k�diabureh a its�a. �Edae,�- ,�n �� side $�lla g oP a d�emal fa�i��rr�,, Mr �Sainders h�s rlghtly �eed� �"he mnny, whQ live bew ofl4oe n�,tt bur �r��o `sef Ao7� _, �� e�i �t �txie qost, :€�Y� $ixby, Milne, Mok7vQa,n, Mo- been �[�d. w� • beliQv� a1�v�n e ij1. be � ter thax� ofh�xs arid A.rijo} lif� more, wi#h &Ag'��rea et he aPme plap��nton. �gb� �ye. ,� , votk nppn, utid tt}e �1�een,Olive�, �tz, ��►ielt Bherritt, $t�xdy," . 9� � ^ ea ol�a�ge.d th�t .,Parx�bull--21. R, �ittle I�nown p� tb,e rtding, an�l he .1een e�nditure� by morQ promptly R. a. w. seW� #�SXBIOIQN �UIi,(3EpAE .` +�.00nsit�expble shoult� ran�embQC t�R �A��e (af oar Mr DA000uoh.e� , eto., omce tn cbe �'a]ace 1t�Qc� 1 ' ia ,�Qiae •ep;lea t�a' portian ot one atter,�vqn .. P adaptxng t}ie woxld n be�b produvte to RaGtenb.ur s ba the brid a. w&� �enb by tk�oeQ e p,sed to t�Q ereoG�on �w'inerbon, who was iudu'�ed tq ta,l�e Y tormezly ooanpied by Dr, a@eoe , " � p� to apset the ��ld by sc►me pf bhe sa�ne men who the neec� oi phqsioa�l beingt will sttesb pliutou ont. , i ffarenqa between o! a onee o! Reinga,�in tryipg t�,re uow txy�n to a� gaiL1 C&ue8 (i�688�, the valt�6 tu he$1Lh Qf the �ure liquid :;: • espane�ea of. the this mgE�on, and e resolutfon to...th� gff,eat. . . . R. R. R�. r-$s�IOi�- BORaEO�� �� -__ _-n- .•. x thst bhQ ma,ttar be defexrad nnti! sttar the„ t�°��� Fortuna iy--the-C-3onserva��s �$�&tive prin�• ,p�- embrsaad i� th� DApppq0I10A1 Ofrioe an,d reslae�,oe, xprom `' d Be�d bridge ao6 Q meut o! the debentnaa debt in 18�J8 of south $ucon were xaught a lesaon in remedy, �y�ru,� of Fige. , etxeet, near rsi ay urvseing: ' othQr worke not P Y the 8winerton-Bieho election that Ite eaoauet�ae ia �luo to ita prepenting •�tatement i� elea: wse EhorOnghly disouse�d, bnt the mqtipn p R sT8N8 y �''' � wade on bahalf c�t loat on p divieion. 8 oommittea, ooneist• Will nq� soon be forgotten, and Mr in the farm moeb acceptable and pleaa. D m[edioal � artmenL o Up atoria IIn 9A8� fok roada and bridges.., , in� of Mesere jYIoMnrahie, Milne, Eilber, ��+ismiller triay rely upon the full ant � the tqste �tho �efieelun and trul eity, Toranto, rmeri a! Ehe gpqpitals aR�1 '�'ropdfoot and Baw�en wns appoinbed to vote of the party of which he is the � ,� � Dlepenaarsee, ew �rY Corouer xor he ��a� comnnxx�e. inveetigate poaeible eitea for a Honea ot ��h�Y respected candidate. If Mr benefioiul gxopartiep o� a gerfeab lua- county or anr Bayae��i; oat. {� ee. reoolx►m,ended tha a Refnge, with the, prob�We coat thereoP q�nder� is wise he will stm�y at home a�ve ; e$'ee�ually oleaneing the ayetem, ( p� and re ott at �Irine meetind. � " a� B�UQE D. g, S�g,�{y�pN p�TI� 1 a000anta` -E�hat ere not o! P 02 oourse and eave hie money. dispelling oolda headachen and fevere � + �• l,aate' Bloc Albext St., over Tayloxe� sb � ,� . In referenoe�,to•the olaim thie does not bind tha oouaoil to the ereo- tt�nrn�a� ix 'iiia Ji0IIR9.-l�istressing 1Lid and permanently ouring constipation. eiore. 8peoialtp resetvation ot th� p�tp��, � tion oY a Hoa9e of RaYa teeth. Painlees atraotion by tLe use ot E}ie anlop of �102.4$ !or �lamage to qe, bat eimplq aa• ' ney and Bladder dieer�sea relieved in ei$ I� has given sutiefaction tp milliona and most ap�roved al Aaeeethet�o. N. B. Vpil1 �, . i��esher, 66e oommittee reqommend- thorizee the aommittee to seoure infor� � houre by the ��Niw G}$DdT SOIITH A3SERIOAN met with ihe �pprovttl oP the medical -�ieit B1y h prot •onally evary l�onday at Ma- '� �5�yixient of $89, withoat pr�udioe, mQtion. KIDNEY _ CIIIiE." Thie new rsmedy ie a profession, becausa it aote on tha Kid. dny, auring'the e�erd the 2nd and 4th TLurq- rovided ['erth oount a s the eame\ Tbe Clonnoil adjoarned to meet •neat Jaue, great enrprise and deiigrt io phyeioiane on e�llo� aominityea elleo oo�mended the Godet�joh ' �000ant of ite eaoeeding promptness in re. neys, Liver and Bowels withont weak• n; BLeosa V�TPiR1NeRY sUe�noN ' re �ala,cie� s, , a.�i�riionitnral Sooiety for, ite enterprise in THE MODERN iNVALID lieving p&in in the bladder, kidneye, baok enmg them and it ia.per_fectly free from ej. gonoreryar ate of tlioOntarioVeteriaa ° ma;kim eo fine s.dia le of Prnita at the and ever a every etiont�ble Nul�etnnce, College. Treata iseasee of domesticated an thoUt aqtjo�Y� id� ; p 9 Haa taetes medioinally, in- keeping wi4h 9 P rt of the urin9�ry paseagee in s ru -I+'f � is Yor eale b all dra male on the mos odern end eoientfflo rinori�l oation £rotn u7�t�d '�wofild a Uolnmbisn F�ahibition, and ea- other lasttries, A remedy musbo be pleas. I�Ble br femo,le. It relievee retention o! 3' � Y B ples O�floe- im ietel aoutb otthe reseea the in' anti aaoe table in form p p �' et Y New ErB �qnd�p �nd C�len. P. .�8� �on that valnsble resnite y p puxely wholeeome �P&ter and ain in aesin it slmoet im. S� s 1n 76c.> ottles, bub it ie manu- , o81oe. �ten3denc Albert Bt.,Clinton. Clslls Wlll a,00ure fcom the eahibit and desires to ' mediatal If on want niok relief and factured' by the flalifornia Fi B ru 1ib'pr���v e�tte d toProm tly. ooau� ao,unqi�lors, � in oompoaition, traly benefioial in effeot �' 9 � 8 Y P p � a thank the aoaiety for the grent psine and nnd entirel free from ever ob'eotionab}e °nre Lhie ie your� remedy. sold by Wstts Co. only, whose name ia printed on eve 9 y � � AMEB dAMPB LONDEBBORO, oP Stanley, stt.d (7, interest dieplayed in this matter. The qnality. If really ill he oonealte n phyei- `& Co., Drnggiet. package, �tso t�e name, Syrup of Fige, � �BSIIER M�RRIAC}E IODNgBg, + ,�� ypere appointed on �ommittee inade a anpplementary report, oian; if ooastiputed he aees the gentle fs� Tbe annur�l meeting of t�e McKil- and being""t�veil informed, you will not No witn aeee require v aminQre #or eohool iq whiuh the �ollowing iteme, relating to mily laaative, 8yrnp of b'i�e, . lop Mutu�,l Insurance Oo. was held in 8ecept any substitute if offered. MONEY To ND �N LARqE uR oonnty wards, 000ue:-A. B. aornell, bary- Kidd e Hall, in yeaforth on Frida amau enms ' � y ' good mort 'age seonrity , C{od9rioh, James ing o�u�ty avard, $16; Tnrnherry township, " I last. The chair was oceu ied b the Mr Johri Dalziel has been appointed moder&teraLeofi reet. a aA�E, e�inton. ood, 8eafoxth, R3re bnrying two ward�; �$30;"Ha`yTi'eld village, Cr•lsn c0unt Vll ln � Preaident, Mr D. M. Ross, of Stanley, county clerk of Lambton, vice Hugh stitnte Trustees in bariei of oma"ward, $16; Town of C}oderioh, N Y PA � The three retirin directors, viz., Smith, deca'sed. - � Dte$u�soN, � oLD �$ELIASL� oonnty vP�rd, $33.b0; Morris town�hip, bar- -- Auotioneer et n the aeld, able e,nd wiA- ial ooriuty ward, $16. Mesera John Hanna D. Ross and Jas. A man named Mc$iernan in Mont- in to oonauot an �es entrueted to him, end n6 o G to eaoh of the:�Ie- , John H. Ccaroyn, B. A., son of Mr Broa„ifoot, were re-elected. The audi- real, Thureday, got on ko w trol:,;ry car tm�ices thie opport or tbanxing hie patron � e� �n the connty wae },ssa. oouxTs•wexns. Wm. Corn�n, of Wingham, hae been tors' report showeti the Company to �nd was investigaiin� the motor, when e,na piente&ooilect ohargee moaerste1OeD " . The Finanoe oommittee reoommended engaged on the gingaton Oollogiate �g making aolid progress, and to away went the car a� lightning epeed Dtosixeox,Liaense notioneer tor the aonnty •to�inorease the ealar o! wm. �at the following peraona be made ooanEy Inetitute eta�. be raduall increaein in member- and crashed into another car causin � g' y� g � g of Huron. Reeide A1berL 8treet, fllintoa. ls,;;�20� a year, wse referred to Bs r08re Franoie MoG}inty, Aehfield, sged gia Lordehi the Bisho� of Humn ehip a,nd bueinesa. The lia�bilities of a bad smaeh, but no one was hurt. �i�ie� Committee, whiah• reoom: Y � Jae. Darling, Yfo$illop, aged 28; p the Com an a,mount to w. FARNOo EMBER OF AB6�N OF � ii�orease of $100, and the reoom- conflrmed twenty-eig cand►datea in St. P Y $3,600 and MeBiernan was badly scared. �e was �1 � �orgy�White, alinton, aged 49; John Bnrk, p�l's ci�ureh, Win ham the �ssete to �82,163. The a�ssesaments arrested. P. L. 6., Pro ;�,1 Lend Burvepor aad wns adopted. p, sged 40; Ann Brown, Wingham, � , on W-ednes- collected during the ea,r Cipil Engineer, Lo n, ont.-offioe at qeo, d ►'aeking for ant oP $2U0 to the aged ?0; Donald Ballsntyne, Be field o ed day evenirrg of last waek y j uet closed stewert's Orooery 6, ciinton. �' y � g amounted to $5,084, and the loese� to isha estet for a looknp, wse not 8�+ �°ry A. Eaford, aged 74; Bamnel Fish- . The salary of the Seaforth oansta,ble p y �°i�'lald�+en Cry for �ONEYI er Morris, a ed 76• Mre Jennet Zemmer, ie $400; the salar of t�he market clerk $7'1�' �e Com an now have an �� EYt BZ'UNEY! � insur�,nce of $2,600,000. There were 700 We can mage a[e od laane 1rom Drivet ` �n:a petition of B.g. No. G, G}ode- aged 22; Nethsn Carriok, aged 78;' Marian �nd constable .$3b0; of the town clerk new policies written urin the ear, t , 8mibherb a ed g � �° tunde at ow rste d modate ea eneeer. 31�ip,, wae withdrawn, the qaes- Y� g 50; Oatharine Zemmer, $850 and of �he treasurer $120. �,nd there are now 32 ore oliciea in ����p Q����'� ��'" Termemade uitborro��re. a ed 29, Bll fonr of Hs force than there we revious � NNlrrc� � gaoT �pnte hnving been eatie4aotorily g Y; �eggie Niohol, Op'e e,re glad to lenrn that Mr Chae. � • - aiinton Cirey, sged 33; OhQe. Q�raham, (�}oderioh,• Murray oP Tuokersmith whq�or some Year, and, of course, the r ium nots M�;�ry, W�„�� M, i n ed'90 John Davie a ed 90• Emms Ann ' ' p ' � , C• M• S ng, of GFrsnd Ben�fl, and othere, g � � g + weeke, was very low with t hoid fev- security has been correspondinRly in- PROPERTIES FOR SALE ox, z6LET mEAoaE F MIIBI�,, a � �mages for dePeative brid e.- �raise, aged 49, both ot Coiborne; Mre er ie con�aleacent and hia fr endaho e } � Ma MoDonald + , p creased The losaes during the 17 ye�rs - Piano, organ ana Teo �on,or•Mneo� deve� o e xritt Tnrnbnll, the Warden and � , nged 45, C�oderich; John- for a full and epeedp recover y. the com p a,n y have bee u in esist e� o e p , o� nnviie'sioner were s ointed e ton q�ra l iam, age d 9 0, ( i�o derio h townehip. C O T T A G E T O RENT. tor nee or apile. ms tn Beever Btook ' PP In referenae to the ap hoation to hsve Mr Patrick O'Riellp ha�s urchased �mounted to $44,4Q9.98 or an acnnual A�bert at , o�fnton. ' o eettle sll honest olaime. P� p avera e of �"L;612 , g Peter Mnr h msde s C nnt Ward, the from Mr James Wilson, of lSeafortb g , which considerin Tl�e comtortable cottsge on auron eoreet, at ilson seked to be 'appointed P� � 9 � the �,mount insured wws esceedin 1 Present ocoupied by Mr Thoc�ae Mnrah, ie offered � � nt at the Ontario A ionitnral aommittee wisely reaommended "tbst no the west half of lot 4, on the 4th con. �� tn� rent. It contaias every acoommoamtion for R. A�I� � aotion be taken ae the art hne died siaoe °f Megillop, fofi which he id in the li�tit. rhe avera,ge cost per $1,000 in- oxdinar famil Licentiate ot Dantal8u , FIonor Qrqduate.ot the � 'tliis wae granted. P Y �' snranee for thcee e,�rs has been $5.50 Applyto Y� wi`t�n gooa Rtabie ena erden. Ea,tipas from 8eafprEh nd Ol�n' °PPhostion hae been made." The nnmber neig�nborhood of �1,200. � Y ILLIADrI ROBIN$Or�. Toronto ac ot Dentistry, $ ' ot warde added will inoce e� the aoat ot A or $1.83 per year. This ia lese t3ian Nitroun oaide Ctae nistered tor the t ate. Institntes appeared before � petition was presented to the one-ha,1f whnt would have �een p�id GOOD HOIISE TO RENT extrnction c[ teeth. P81n1ee sking for payment of monies the connty to the eatent o abont $300. Qoderioh council, at its last meeting, for eimiliar risks in a, stoek comp x�ny, o�ce tu smicn�s B over Emerton'e Barber IiL'�6� QL1C10r a former Bt- REPOAT OF EDIIOATION OOM3fITTEE. a,eking�.the authoritiea to C�098 up the &IICl �'OE'3 t0 9110N tt}e tumount tll(l.t 18 A6pleudidetory-and-a-halPdWellin h0Ue0Eole ghop, Clinton. wliiah had been overlooked, houses of ill-f�ume runnin there. annuall saved to the me bers of besutifully s�tun�ted on Auron etreat, iinton, �e,te 63Y'Nfght bell ans . . 1 The Committee reported ae followe:- ytrhat must be the morr�i oondition ot these Com nnies b doin their own �y °ccupied by Mr E.Ramball� oont �ning aocom- y d referred to e committee, zn reference ta the oomplaint of �esere P Y g mode,tion for gocd-s�zed famil Hard end eoit A. . W. rnne eeeeion. QP Heyrook and 8amnel Treffy, trasteee a towzx which openly permite such; -insurance. This compnn,y like most water.• C+ood�ardenwlth bear,ngorohard. The trom the rstepa�qere of Eaat of �. 8. No. 11, Hsy, againet Mr Tom, thinga to go on. ` � other eimiliar companies, has been house is on u. ood etone founaatton snd ceuar. wanosh snd Hullett to have a inspeotor, ohargin� him with dealing nn- Unlike most proprietary medicines the Judicioi�sly a,ndeconouiically man�.ged Rent reaeonab�le. App�y to Mli6 B. RIIMBALL The oiinton Loag o. 144, meet in staaie. + or at N�W ERA OtAce. oombeHall on the 1 d 9rd Frideye in eaah �chool bonndaries, wae re• fairly in the matter of seleoting • echool formnl� ,oF Dr. J. C. Aper's 8arsapsrilla �nd has dnne and is still dning a� �plen- month. vieitore co inviced. Education Committee nnd eite for this seotion, be� leave to report that Qnd other preparations are oheerfnlly s ent did work. At a meeting of Directorc, R 6TONEHAM, . J. BEAN,Reoorder �b� eeen by the report of the afEer esrefnl esamination nnd having to eny phyeioisn who applies for them. R'hich was held at the conclasiott of FARM FOR SALE. mittee� heard tbe evidence.of seseral,. par�iea_ vpho_ : Hencez,�th�_ apeoial ;faQor, acanresd ,t�hose_ the members' meeting, Mr D. Ross mas aood tarm ot 24oaores within i mri T � _ . . �,_. � Qa�=B�ytb DR. McLELL LONDON,-aI�T. � �_ �� '" �L olnf,e(1 PC@Side[lt; '1VIt' Cieo. �'VA,Lt, 220 acres oleared, for eale orto• rent. Apply to , T DF BPEOIAL C4DTMITTEE. 4�were oonversant with the f�cta � and the W���o�� �s"tandard` �remedies by t�ie PP � , mittee recommended that � loaa,lity, lonr committee eaoneratee 1l�r Worid's �air oommiesionere, ' Vice President; Nlr W. J. Shan�on, , d. B. HELLY, BiStb, ont, Tom irom all blame ,he havin acted in a Secret,�,ry-Treasurer; NIc M. Murdie a197 Talbot S peaialiet on the b t to the Local Legielatnra + � Mr D�tncnn McBea,th an oldresident � ig to amenA the Oonsolidatied moet im artial manner and for the best ; Inspector; t�nd Mr C�ieo. Murdie, Aud� MORTGAGE �ALE � o EYE, EAR, E c� THROAT i`'�"' ` P of Sea,forth, now of V�ctoria, Bcitish itor. intereate of the section. We recommend 3. at of 18g2. 1, by granting to Columbia, says the firm to which he —oF— c+raduate o� the x� k Eye and Ear Iio� ital noile Lhe powera conferred t��t the petition from the ratepayere of belon�e ht� secured the ontrr�ct for 1b89. Poet 6radun.t urse at the rdw '�ork Esst and We9t VOswanosh re ueetin that �` r Yust Graduate bto.ii 'cUool and Hoepital or °ls o cities, towne and in- 9 g the new Le isla�tive building for that gp�r �O GET A'�SIINLIGHT ���'��a`l��e FA�i,@I �,ANDS Eye,Eai•, .toso A.ca oat 18�J2. Eyes Teeted. ta nnion seation be formed out of lote •27 to ,6 , by 80Ction �2 of eaid prOvltlCe, 11, Ottl7t� t0 ri BUtri lh i/lC IN TH� TOWNaHIP OF TUCIi�RSMITH, 1'ull sCock of Artiflci ea, 6��ectaoles and Len S4 incivaive, on the 2nd con. of Vpest �Va- PICTURE. sos. be at cho powd! townsbip connc�ls neighbosho '35(1;fN)0. Bend 25�'Sunli p ppere wrap- Rattenl�ury Tse� CLIAITON ment of the towne ii °P�nosl�, and lote 27 to 34 inclusive on ' ght" Soa wrn --- p the 3rd conoeseion of East oVnwanoeh, Those interested in the Presbyter- Pbr bearin� the worde '�V�i hy Does s�Vom- L'n�9er and by virtue oP tl�e power of sale con- be.townehip asses9ore i�,n church, in' �eiforth, tvill be ,glttd an Look Old 600ner Tban a DSan")to Lsv�n tained in o, cercaw wortga�o, (whieh mort uue The Firet FRI in Eacb Month. ;. the conrte of revieiou be granted, and further, tha�t D�esere to learn tlitit Nlr (}uthrie ha,s wcce ted wi�] be,�roauced on eas- ot sale� there wii� be ke annaally ench alter ��egg, of VPingbam ; Thomae Gledhill� p Bnos., Ltd.,,43 $cott Rt., Toronto, and soid by pubiio auetion, at ctie Will be at �Vingh n Tbnrsday, ilZsroh of Benmiller, and T. E. Ha e of McIiillo the invitation tendered him to be a,s- you .vill receive by poet a pretty picture, let, my office hour 1 be from 11.30 a. m sment roil ae aircam- pP Yy ' p' sisttLnt to li.ev. Dr. McDonald for the free from advertiein� an�i wel]�cIIorth fram- RATTE�WRY H�us�, CLIN'fOE�� 'to 8 p. m. and will n to Clintonthe neat ire. 3, Also rantin to be a ointed arbitratore b the conncil in s the power to unite the tbia matter. That in tlie opinion of thie eummer six months. Mr Guthrie ie �ng. Thie is an easy cvap to decorate your B9 De�vldDickeneon, Auotioneer, on day, remaining t' �riday evening, lYIy committee the chor es in the etitioxi frum now attendin� Montreal Presbyteri�,n home. The soap ia the best in the market + � oflice h urs st Clin will be 8,30 n. m. to .enrer e�nd Colleotor of tbe g P Q e�ott adopted. �• s• No. 6, (3oderich townahip, are not college. and it will oul,y r,oet lc poetage to send in 'SATUF.DAY� FEB. :31i,D� 1894� 4 p. m. . , • correctl and we recommend tbat thie coun- �inard's Liniment Cures �andrnff� the wrappere, if yon len,ve the ende open. The following roperty, v;z:—nil'ana eingniar p .JAILER 0 REPORT, oil do n�t interfere in the m�tter between Write yonr addreee anrefnliy. the norbh haji o� toc No. 36, in the srd oon, af + � One of those tno6t interesting and the London $oad 8urvoy, In the townehip oY ����,yl,l 1�Turserp �on ported ae follows:-At tbeeaid eection and tbe Pnblic 8chool Tuoxeremith,inthoC� nt ha,ppy events which �t,lw�ys seem Y.o y of auron,containin� 22 ereong. in cnetod Ine eotor, nnd the etatement contained in b n�d•r�eeeurement &�ty acrea, more or leae. P Y� � amuse both old a,nd oun g., took place Not onl Nlanitoba, but the Nort T�iere n,re ereotdd on tlie �remisea e, comforte,ble FRIIIT AND OR ENTAL' TREEB, twenty males. The fe- �&i petition attribnted to Mr Robb,I.P.B„ � � ante, Mary tipaltoa, (}ode- Eaet Hnron, hae been said by D'Ir Robb to �'t the residence �f r Tl.os. Souter, wPst Terrttories a,s well. m�,ke it obli- frame dwellin�houeb wit kltchen, and a Prn,ule NORWAY S CE, 6CUToH Mcgillop, recentlp, when hisda,ii hter g�Go to �iise the Ont.:�,rio series op barn. Tbe soil ie flret-alae@ &nd ali uuaer eui- qeare, and Mary J. Donald- be �trIIe. That we xecommend the In- g + � tivation escept 3 aeree. Thero ie a good apple AND ABT HAN pIN'E, s ector to cari Mis§ Mit��ie, wa,s united in �he holy 8choo books in the public schools. Thia orchaxd beanng fsuit. , 60 yeara. Of the malee P y oat the eohool law and �onds of matrimony to Mr d. T, Craw- �s �,nother fea�ther in the ca�p of Hon. T��a•-Ten per cent of tbe urohase money The latter ot evhic mmke a epeeialty. � ne, neitber violent, one is regnlntions in the mstter of providing • en ford, one of McKillop's most prosper- �� W. Ross, Ontario Nlinieter OF Edu- down on day of eale, a,nd the ba�e�nce 3n so aaye val to the aeylnm, tbe othar e�eeistant tesoher for the seeid eection. Olt6 �011R� L77eII. CfLttOri. thereafterwithovt interest, ora partot thn eame LARGFE STO ON HAND, �tigation. The remaining 18 We recommend that the interesting and np to two•thirde ot tbe urobaee money, may re- i, all nnder sentenoe, rangin� One by one the old peo le are leaving main on mort�age ac s�pec oont for a term of .The above ornamenta� ee and ehrubbery will 119. This week we PPCOr� th8 deCB�tsC eere to suit the purohaser. The other terme be eold st very low pri and thoee wantingnnp ei8 monthe. Of these eighE `� Oi �L most Wortl� Citi7,ei1 i the will be tbe standing condItion9 of eale of tho thing in thie connecti ill eave money by pnt to be totallq nnuble to esrn � � peraon Hi��h Court oe .7uatice. o3�ay ere. Eh�ou agee ran�e from 62 to 90 of Mra A3exan er Hislop, who, �vlth D.GDICI{EN60N, HIANNIN (� gc 6COTT, � her husband, has resided a,t u%alton Aucti�noer. Vandor's 39iialtore. Orde�a by Maiixaill promplly aEtendEd � „blind, one a paralytio, one for eight or nine years. The summons � i'ti�g)le, e,nd the othere feeble �' ---� � o lo� dreas, �b,,t the edge of the grave. came on M6nd�,y of l�ist weeit, �,nd a,t CLINTON MARBL� �pORHS. 3 0 N N S T E W A R — Benm f l lor. � sia. when their time ex- ,thre adva,uced � ge of 81 ye�r$ e he ba de — f:trewPll,to enter� into the rest �f God's COOPIIR'8 OLD 9TANII, on thm atreet and wait till c l} L l��i�en � Neat to Commerciat notel. M maritan comes and takes , ...'. .„i%",..' 1/1C a�s o, the season of bhe ear will �.: r This eata$Iixbment`!e in full operntion and a] lt r ' � Y John A. McEwan is de��,cl. Deceaised -:�'� ''^ � � if their being tarned out. I IT FOLL O WS AFTER :..:±�a :-.M .::�r ;�� -a orders Blled tn the moet so,tiefactory way oeme- � (,p was �ne of the ea�rly settlers of the •• =-!'-:;i� •� tary and ranite work a s eciatt .�rioes ae C � satter before the eheriff end s �' ���-�em �'O�%ATVlb him. From thie re ort, en• — a' disordered liver — that noCthern pt�rt of 1bIorriq township; wfl,s ��;'s: "-�;�_;;_ . reaeonable ae tboso of any ee abllehz.ent p g � a, nt�tive of Perthshire, Scotl�,nd• a Re• �•'s";�`=':�i.'= AND II&1x � w�ti ie&r� tn�t yo� �o„nty ou re sub'ect to attacks of � ;, ;,� B�ALE & HOOVER, c�tntoa. �m t�iple work-ae an ae luxnn, y � �ormer in.politica, a,nd some ears a o ' 1 � cold or chills ori` Sllght expos- wns created a,,T. P. by Sir Ofi�er N�o_ ""''.';'� Testecl nie�lie�. uge nnd a hoepital, and in « „ wat. Few tbere �Lre who did not know '�'" ii.&a ��o�tne expensos for ure. You et tired easil � �'=��'::-;:::: � a THE rrEw '" '' $P��IF�� �N ANTIDflTE e Isrgely inorea�sed. �, „ g y him in thie Rection, and meny expres- .�•••� A tired digestion :cfails t0 sions of regret �,re heard on alt sidea. - �HOTO - GALLE ��, i iNTY PROPICBTY COEiMSTTL+�. C�Tlp, follo�ved hy pneumonia,, was the Fot �pnre, Wea nd Impoverished tee�reported having visite3 assimilate food. This often cause of his denth, which occurred oa' :n� everything clean and in results �lII what We call Indi- Monday morning. CLINTON B1ood, Dyepepsia, pleesnese, Pal�a- 'te balance o4 the report , tation of the Hea , Liver �omplaint, , g�SilOri Or 81110llSriCSS. Minord s Liniment for eale everywhere For the next GO days only the eubeoriber Nenralgi�, Loee of 'si,00ry, Bronohitie, �h some mino� ropaire to � � will make firet-olaas Conenmption, qall nQe, Janndioe, Bid- inge. DP. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets The Ruri Dec�,n�tl Cha,pter of the � • CtLbinet8, fl,ny etyie �2 ner aoZ. ne9 and Urinary llie s, 8t. Vitne' Danoe, �BEQIITIV� COMMITTTIE, rouse i�1C' liver io VI O1'OUS Dea nery of Huron met in St. P��il's �r• Herma� Fl�toida Other sizes a000rdin 1 Tint Female Irregularitie ; d(ieneral Debility � g church Win ha,m on �'Vediiesd�,y, Of Rochester, N. Y. � Y• ypes tnken, :e rccommended that the �,Ctio11, and this in turn starts l�,urol Dea,n �od�ine preaiding. The Pictnrea tnken on oloudy daye eqnally ae LABORATORY, ERICN ONT ba madeto che Prieon- meetin wae a, Deaf for a Year well as ou ennn da e g' �ost successful one Y y, by the new prooese. i � � � n. Tbat re uest of J. T. the machiner of the bod lrit0 +��l Call st the new �allery. :J. M. 112oLEOD� q Y Y the clergy in the Deanery bein res- of West 8hron Teacher'e g P Cansecl bp, • Pr nd Msnnfaotnrer aCtlVlty. T.1VeY, stomach and ent, except one, who was x�bsent on ac- grant o�f $l6 be refuse�l. J: �. COOH� 8old b J. H. be Ulinton i-. �F' count of a death in hie a,riah. The Catarrh If1 the .Head Oppoeite Fair's Mill Olinton. � ' 2uniuipal world, to sub. bowels feel the tonic e�feCt, evening meeting took the form of a. ' MeKillop Mutual Insuranee Co. ,'� arnal be refneed: � Thnt a ariCl lri consequence the entire p�blic service, when the followin en- Catarrh is a CONSTITUTIONAL CIISC8S0, � ade towarde ptunting tlemen epoke: Rev. H, Jea,nnee g on and CCC]llll'88 1 CON3TITi1TIONAL REMEDY FAyihI & I60LATDD T N PROPE�tTY ONL xc .House. Rei�ort system 1S invi�orated. The the wvrk.of the chnrch; Rev. C. MileA �ike Hood s Sarsaparilla to cure if. Read : p �T IN8 D � processes become SEIf Pe gUlat- �n the Relntion of the Church to the "Three yeara ago, us a resutt oP catarrh, I ��01 �1� O�STERS• C hi l dren; Ren. J. H. Fairlie on the ent iretylostmy hEaring andw s t Yormore ' °H'� B• AD dND BRtDCiTi 111 � and a reserve force. is ' Lhan A year. I �r1Cd vArloll9��fF�tO OUPe !t, D. � Ao9e,Pr3eident ton; M. Mardie VioO ,�E�. g 8ocieties within tbe Church, and RUr�,I and l�ad aevera,l pliystcians a,ttempt tt, bui no � Pres. 8oeforth • W. J annon, 9eoy-7�rene: St01'�Cl Up 1ga1t1St exposure to Det�n Hodgins, on the Duty of the improvement bvas ap arent,�co�da diqtin. �dw ZS YiJUR (,HANCE. �eaforth; Jno. �nnno,'ianeger,Soaforth, Ynen�led t,hnt no Church to Str�ugers. gnieh no eom�4. �I was iutonding pnttln aisn se. ,� ��, disease. mgselP under the Care Of a speela�list wUen Jae, Broadfoot, 60 -tl� �(iabriel Dlliot6, ;' • ri�it�;; the reyn�yt � somo one eug estad tltat posslUly FIood'9 6ar- Olincon; C+eo. Watt, loc�C• Joeeph iuvano, � 1� tituti to t�uld �, If you're too th1L1, too weak The Patron cafididate for South � Standard Oysters 3Cct, old prioe40C B���bWood; Tbos. Car attaton • e1es. C+ar. sa ahlla wou d do ma som0 �ood. 2 bo an diner, Leadburp ; M. M�o, 8oafort�, Y'+ ion. Recoromen• Huron (Loca�l) is �, Conservatine, a,nd ta��Ing 1t witl�out tlio expectatdon oP �,ny ln,at�i�g Select Oyaters 40C� old prioe F"iOc eo �s. clge be bailt at OT I18YVOUS, lt must be that tho following ls wht�,t the Seaforth Sun t�elp. To my eurpripe nn�� ren� joy I found Thoe. Noiln,ne, 8arlo Ro15E. MoMillaa, 8ea • j hne to t��, a,bout him. If .n (�rit h£td �vlien I had iaken threo bott�es tlin,t my henr. ExtPf1 5818(St �iOC� lfiOrth 60Ct8 forth� 6 Oarnoohan, B orth; John O Hullivan � �onded thnt the fooc� assimilation 13 2Q1Y07tg'. � iug avnq rou�rn:ng. I icept on tlll I had nd C�oo. Murdle, audt g, p's bridge nnd been selected t.he S`nn would ha,ve been taken Lhree more. It is now ovor n yoar and I e Parties iloeirous io ea't t�guranoes or trnn� ' :buiit, oY cedar. This is the time fo take Pleas- �oua ;n �tA pr�,�Fe <�r hi�n:—'�yputh I3u- ' �� yhan* PerYeetiy wull. I am troubled bnt Don t Yor�e1 to �et TLree quarts B40b other bueinee& �11 be nrothptlq attondofl • 1 ron is to hav`e a Patron of IndUgtr �er llttle wtth tl aatarPH. I consider �hfs rt o on a ltoation tiq;i�y of the sbova officer ` iesi�ner to ettr ant Pellets. The �rma- . Y reyuarlcabio c�r�e� and cordially reCommend �lranborrie� Por 2gets. y^� candidnte, At.the co nent�on he(d at areese o tb�lr re aaitve omueb. �Fru,nd Bpnd . • !� , , �� ontr�et, �and nently cure Cot�stipati n, Sour Hensa�ll, on �edneaday, Mr Sundere, �Ob��� Sar$aparilla ���'s nTixced fJ�n�iy fo�r 2t�e. anc� c,� oP �t�phen, consented td er�ter th� ' f ` nt � xron . bhat Stornach, D s+� sia, iCk nr ca an rvt►o n e catarrh.�� .�iu�,mrn2t ,HxOgs 8b ��u111ine of FrYY�ts, 1�Tnt�, ,�cs ��' ����,�. . .. �. ld` brid�re, �: y�� , fieltl as a candidatp Por pn,rlit�tnen�n,r�+ �r r� d1iD� KM�, �1�101d$. _ �@aCiS � � eS9 ho�►ore at the coming _roqin�ittl eleC�- .Oar�exBtC�e� Itoch�atArt��: Y.� , _. ". . . . . . . . 'CYlOA��'�,�_.._, _. �. a � .�IG�C�A� �� �� � 4 I� A b Yy� Wr�y • . Il . �IAAAfI . : . .. . , . . . . _ . t'GbAetr � tiAne. It i�tu8tr iri$L�d kitiv0 ��en haPd ��bi� H L�g �ra �u�ety vbgete�ble� drid (ib `, . � . , s ' . , . ! , �' ";� '�V��'?�' � �T,;�Lt�f'R�lQ . .. � �.� ,�JaU3�i�C�: '•.._ .: ._- _ �ork tb fiud � c� di�af�, j�dglr,g fi��m, n? Yurqe, 11 of p'Mpar a6Td��i7 �i11 drtiCk'lit+�. ��.` �� � � ' �,�a.,,w . . . � � � 41�r d _. ., i p�i : a , � : �` ; w w x°i 1tin1 eo a�le� . � a � , . � � . , '�` ;: . . ., . � ;._ . � ;. , , , Y' �� , �� � ' � . ,.. . � - `' �i . � i ..�..'Y:.. , � � � , ,� � . fi . �. �.� . �� . a ". .. , _. . . . ., Y l � , a � . p a � . , ,. "Y..,; , � '" .� ' .. .': .. .. , .. . . , til'r. - ' . •�1:; Q- �. ; h � �%