The Huron News-Record, 1893-09-27, Page 8THE W031D'S FAIR.
trip to the World's Fair . mid no doubt
prOVU very Otto eating, but in this awolt-
' ertug weather the moat eonstble thing to
do s to secure a reliable summer bever-
age. We have the finest
' *I.iIA In wood:and bottle.
$nperlor •PORTER In wood and
and the very best brands of Canadian and
BRANDIES. Our prices are the lowest
for the best goods.
We Pay special attention to lines for house-
hold and medicinal purposes.
To Advertisers.
All changes of Advertisements, to
insure insertion in the current issue,
must be received at the once not later
than SAT URDA Y NOON. Copy
for changes received later than SAT-
URDAY NOON will hereafter be a.,
the Advertiser's own risk.
A. M. TODD, Publisher.
I'he Huron News -Record
$1.60 a Year—$1.25 In Advance
Wednesdai'. Sept. 27th 1893.
In and Around the Bub,
&own Zan.
Apples, plume and pears wanted et CANToLox BROS.
single harness a specialty, all styles and
closest prices. Everything in our line
• cut fine. JOHNSON & ARMOUR,harness
WANTED.—Any quantity of Plums
Cherries, Red and Black Currants and
Goose Berries, for which .the highest
market price will be paid.—N. ROBSON.
Cash paid for eggs and huttor.—CANTELON BROS.
Coats d; Son's store, is apt experienced cutter
and mechani3. All orders entrusted will bo
excusted in the latest style, lowest price, and
perfect satisfaction guaranteed.
Oysters at Coats' Restaurant, next
Robson's grocery.
M. J. A. COOPER was at Blyth last
MASONIC. --Clinton Lodge No. 84
meets on Friday evening.
CAMPAIGN.—The S. A. five days
campaign will conclude to -day.
MISS HODGENE has returned from
fa' three months' visit to Toronto.
MRs. JOHN IIODGENs was on a visit
to the Queen City last week.
MR. THOS. OLIVER and Miss Lily
returned from their northern visit last
REV. W. SMYTH has returned and
preached in hie own church last Sun-
EXCHANGE, --On Sunday Rev. J. W.
Holmes preached at Holmesville, Rev.
Mr. Thibadeau taking his work in the
Rattenbury street church.
MR. J. L. DOHERTY is doing good
work. As we predicted, there is plenty
of room and necessity for good traifiing
vembor 23rd, [has been set apart by
the Dominion Government as a day
of general thanksgiving.
District meeting at Ilolrnesville las',
week tho following superannuation
assessments were adopted :—North
street, Goderich, $83 ; Victoria street,
Goderich, $45 ; Rattenbury street,
Clinton, $80 Ontario street, Clinton,
$62 Seaforth, $87 ;Holmesville, $55;
Benmiller, $39 ; Nile, $61 ; Dungan-
non, $58, Kippen, $47 ; Hensall, $76;
Varna, $49 ; Bayfield, $30. A grant
of $350 for Bayfield Circuit from tho
Missionary Committee waslecommeiid•
ed. Tho next district meeting will
be hold in the Rattenbury street
Methodist church, probably early next
STILT, THEY COME,—Or, in other
words, still they go. \Vo refer to ma-
trimony—gutting married. The affai'i•a
of the country, as a rule, do not inter-
fere with doubling up. However an•
nexationiste make talk about commor-
cial union in this neat little town,
matrimonial unionists had the floor last
Wednesday. Among those who shook
off " single blessedneea " was Mr. W.
G. Vance, of Clinton. Just a week ago
he led to Hymen'. Altar at Maple Grove
Goderich township, tho residence of the
bride's parents, Effie, daughter of Mr.
3. Holland. Mise Washington, town,
Resisted the bride, while Mr. S. S.
Cooper supported the groom, Rev. J.
Walker, of Hensall, fastened the ma-
trimonial link. The guests were
numerous and hearty congratulations
universal. The honeymoon was spent
at Ni,gara Falls. THE NEWS -RECORD
joins our people in congratulations and
welcomes, the young couple as perma-
nent residents of Clinton.
MR, JOAN SOARI.ETT, of Leadbury,
was in Clinton on Thursday last.
MISS JACKSON, of Clinton,ie visiting
hor sister, 11Ire. (Dr.) Buldou.---Sea-
forth Sun.
MR. R. J. DUNSMORE, son-in-law of
Mr. W. J. Paisley, was in Clinton lest
week, and left on Friday afternoon for
Rt.v. L. W. DIEHL returned from
Chicago where he had boon last week,
attending the marriage of hie brother,
Rev. H.. Diehl.
Mr. James Miller shipped a team of
general purpose horses to the Sault,
and he shipped them, we are told, at
a living profit.
THE OPENINGS.— The Hodgens
Estate, Boeeley & Co. and Plumeteel &
Gibbinga held their full millinery open
inge laat Saturday. The displays are
in keeping with the well known repute•
tion of the several firms.
GRAIN SHtrriNG.—Mr. W.G. Perrin
is doing well for the town of Clinton.
At the present time he shipping two
care a day of grain to outside pointe.
Peas, oats and wheat he finds a ready
sale for.
about the depreciation of value in land!
A case in point occured in Clinton last
week. Mr. Arthur Couch recently
bought from Mr. Bawdon considerable
of the Ransford estate. Leat week he
sold eleven acres of the land to Mr.
John Joslin for $125 per acre. This
does not look like hard times. In
fact it proves that the price of land is
on the rise in this vicinity.
GRAND CONCERT.—Don't forget the
concert tonight. (Wednesday), under
the auspices of Murray Camp, Sons of
Scotland, Clinton. The following not-
ed talent will take part : W. E. Ram-
say, Toronto, comic; Mise Forbes, To-
ronto, soprano ; Mieees McLaren, God-
erich, Highland dancers ; Mr. D. Mc-
Kay, Goderich, piper ; Mn. Ramsay,
Goderich, pianist. Concert begine at
8 o'clock. Plan of reeerved seats at
Jackson Bros.
As we have sold our business, it will very much facilitate mat -
Esq., received last Monday an ivory
headed umbrella from Mr. Thos. Rus•
eel, Glasgow, Scotland, as a keepsake.
Mrs. Fair also received a handsome
engraved gold headed umbrella from
the same gentleman. Mr. Peter Cook
brought them along with him and also
a genuine blackthorn from Dublin for
the editor of this paper. Mr. Cook
had a successful trip and dieposed of
horses to advantage.
sArs :--The exhibit of the Doherty
Organ Company, of Clintou, Ont., is
oituated on the north side of the Main
Building, upstairs. It has attracted
considerable attention, as in the col-
lection are some of the moat handsome
organs made in any factory in Canada.
This business was founded by Mr. W.
Doherty about twenty years ago, and
since that time has constantly been on
the increase. A few of the reasons for
the popularity of this instrument are
that the tone is rich, brilliant, power-
ful and pipe•like; the touch is light,
the keys are of the finest quality and
never warp; and the materal and work•
manehip are nothing but the beat that
that can be procured. The cases are
beautiful in design and finish, have
movable front and back, and are all fur-
nished with the firm's patent mouse—
proof attachment.
THE TOWN HALL.—The signs of the
times are that Clinton may ere a great
many years require a new town. hall.
The foundation of the north-eastern
corner, we believe, was built on quick
sand and the building shows that there
was likely poor judgment in the firet
building. Just now, in order to keep
the corner in position, a brick wall
has been built in the centre of the
front entrance of the fire hall to keep
the brick work from corning down. A
new roof will be required ere long.
Other expensive repairs will be requir—
ed from time to time. Many people
think all this money is wasted. The
location, right on the main thorough—
fare, was a mistake. The present hall
will not last for all time, but it must be
kept in repair as long as our peoplo
put up with it. Tho agitation seems
to ho on for a move for a public
building that will answer the require-
ments of the times.
happy and important event transpired
at the reridenco of our old and esteem-
ed townsman, W. Murray, Esq , last
Wednesday. It was the marriage of
Dries Minnie, daughter of J. Douglas,
Esq., of Woodstock, to Mr. Alexander
Gunn, a popular business gentleman of
Toronto. For many years the bride
has been well and favorably known as
ono of the moat popular society ladies
in Clinton, and an active worker in
Willie church (Presbyterian) Sabbath
School. She was ably assisted by her
sietor, Mies Beth Douglas, of Wood•
etock. The groom was well supported
by Mr. John Gunn, of Toronto. Rev.
Alex. Stewart officiated. Tho happy
gathering oonsieted of ropresentativon
of the Murray, Douglas, MoTaggart,
Gunn and Fair families. The presents
were of the most costly kipd, some of
then being bank cheques for good
sums. The groom is brother to Dr.
Gunn, town. At 4.45 the newly wed•
ed couple loft for the Pacific coast and
other points. They will take up their
permanent residence in the Queen
City. •
ters if all accounts are paid at once.
will receive any money due to us.
Miss Gorrell
Thanking you for your patronage since we have been in
Clinton. We would ask your patronage for MESSRS.
RANCE & SPALDING, who will continue the busi-
ness in the same place.
Robbins - Bros.
Saturclaij, eptarrjfler 3ri1,
A Fall Over
Or Suit.
When we make one of the finest displays of fine PATTERN
NERY REQUISITES every shown in Clinton.
Our Great Specialty
Is Millinery and owing to the fact that we do
far the largest trade done in the county in this class of
goods we are enabled to place before our customers such
a range of shapes that for style, assortment and price is
not equalled outside of the Cities, devoting the spac
of ono store in making our display. You are invited to
come, and MISS MCDONALD, assisted by MIss BEESLEY,
Miss SMITH, Miss ACIIESON and an efficient staff' will be
pleased to show you our many styles.
Tfte Ladies' Favorite Establishment.
September 26th and 27th.
While in town visiting the Fair call and see our
Never before have we been able to show you such
at such remarkable low prices.
a well assorted stock, and
It has been a difficult matter for us to supply the demand for those
45c. and 25e. Bamboo '.rabies
they have bean selling so fast. We have just received another large
shipment of them. Como and get one before they all go.
JOSEPH 0HIDLEY' Furl:11;1%
1 kcr, and
J. W. CHIDLEY, JR., Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night calls answered
at his residence, King St., opposite the Foundry.
M.AnHOtlhMA. 1414 /4MM....11•..•4n.n1/4
el8r®!5i invariably give satisfaction, some made
objection to the color being so dark, usually being blue.
This season you may buy Serge "goods that will give satisfac-
tion" in BLUE, BROWN, BLACK, all shades of
GREY, almost any shade. Prices for Ordered
Coats range from
$12,00 to $22.00,
For suits from
$1O.00 to $2.00
and tor a quiet, tasty garment the material is unexcelled.
We invite the inspection of all, and feel assured that the result
of your purchase will be satisfactory to you as well as
Jackson - Bros.
:Ilea's and Boy's Outfitters, Etc. ,1
AMMO 11.0
Fall Mantles are now in
great demand. You may go a
long way, look over many
stocks, and you wont find such
another assortment of mantles
as is now on our counters.
Vire think we are safe in
saying our Stock is the largest,
giving you better choice, and
our Styles and Values the best
in the County. We do not
ask you to take our word for
this, but ask you to come and
see for yourself. We're satis-
fied to have you make careful
comparisons. The more you
know about Values and Goods,
Stylish, well Made, well Cut
Mantles. the more likely you
are to buy from us.
Dress 'Making.
We do first class dress
making, employ only experi-
enced help, furnish all work
in the best manner and are
confident we can give you per-
fect satisfaction both in style,
fit and comfort.
EsC. J. Hodgcus,
--..i, a.,�Y•�.Jrr�llYltlMiiXd■` i[' `�uawM u�ir�'�"'