The Huron News-Record, 1893-09-06, Page 2THAND
Kit a dangerous emergency, AYER'4
etlAS W B1VTORAt, is prompt to act ant.
sere to cure. A dose taken on the first
Bt�erne 2torns of Croup or Bronchitis, checks
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It softens the phlegm, soothe the in-
iia,mod membrane, and induces sleep.
AS a. remedy for colds, coughs, loss of
voice, la grippe, pneumonia, an even
Enorusupiptiotl, In its early stages
Cherry Pectoral
-excels all similar preparations„ It is
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able to the taste, does not interfere with
tiig'estipn, and needs to be taken usually
in small dosos.
• "From repeated tests in my own family, Ayer';
Cherry Pectoral las proved itself a very efficient
remedy for colds, coughs, and the various die•
orders of the throat and lungs.'—A. W. Bartlett
Pittsfield, N. II.
• "For tho last as years] have been taking Ayer',
Cherry Pectoral for lung troubles, and am,assurec
that i:e use has
Saved My Life
E have recommended it to hundreds. I find tht
mom effective way of taking this medicine is ir.
finxill and frequent doses."—T. M. Matthews, P.
M., Sherman, Ohio.
"My wife suffered from a cold ; nothing helpee
her but Ayer's Cherry Pectoral whicn effected :,
curt."—R. Amer°. Plympton. N.✓3.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Vrepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Sz Co., Lowell Mass
Prompt to act, sure to curs
The 11.1r0.1 Naw -Recent
$1.6o.a Ya..r—$1 '2.5 in Advance.
Wednesday, Seigember 6th 1693.
To the Editor of 7 he 1 etw•Record,
DEAR SIR,—A person who signs hims
self "A Lover of Law and Order" has a
rambling wail in last week's .'Vere Era in
which be attempts to "rap you over the
knuckles" for your manly utterances
condemning various phases of immoral-
ity. He must have a very low idea of what
man's life work should be whew "in his
innocence" he said, "Ile thought yours
was to furnish meat and taters for yours
self and family." Ile should read the
Good Book more carefully and then he
would find what an exalted opinion of
life man should have and that earning
ones bread is only the most insignifi•
cant part of it. This writer also tries
to point the finger of ridicule at you,
Mr. Editor, because yon occupied the
honorable position of Captain in Ler
Majesty's volunteer's and because you
flaunt the (to him) red rag of loyalty to
British connection. There are a few
military manoeuvres which "Lover of
Law and Order" would do well to learn.
The first is to learn to walk in a straight
line instead of zigzag or in a circle.
He would then be ready for the. com-
mands "Turn to the right," "March."
He would then bo at least harmless.
His zigzag path seems to indicate
the trial of "the beguiler" and his
constant return to the point (geometri-
cal) from which ho started indicates
that be has lost his way. He however
funds himself at last and at each leap
from his coil burls forth venomous ins
vectives such as scandal -mongers, &c.,
at. the object of his wrath.
It is plain to be seen what's the mats
ter with the gentleman. He's a party
politician poisoned with grit politics.
He stoops to the defence of immor-
ality in order if possible to score one
against a tory newspaper. Ile is ready,
though, when you, Mr. Editor, are
through with exposing and condemn»
ing immorality at home to go with you,
"sheelalah" in hand to fight alleged im-
morality at Ottawa. His motto seems
to be "hit him if he's a tory; wash and
hide his loathsorne sores if he's a grit."
If this is not so why does he not propose
• taking in Toronto on the way to Ottawa?
He reminds 'me very , much of the
Irishman, who, going home drunk, was
heard to remark :
f•If the ould woman hasn't fed the pigs,
I'll bate her, and if she has fed the pigs
I'll bate her. In throth, I'll bate her
anyhow 1"
And so with "Lover of Law and
Order" it is: "if Tee NEW,P,RE.0ORD
hasn't done right I'll throw mud at it
and if it has done right I'll throw mud
at it ; in throth I'll throw mud
at it anyhow". In conclusion, I wish
to say, Mr. Editor, continue in the good
work which you have begun. Hew to the
line, no matter where the chips fall, and
you will not only earn your "bread and
taters," hut also the gratitude of the pre-
sent generation and. their posterity. '
Sincerely yours,
Last 1Vednesday was n gala day at
London, Opt. The British soldiers,
numbering about 200, were there.
The tournament was a success in every
respect. The old flag waved and the
multitude of ten thousand were touched
- as one man to the heart at the trooping
of the colors. And it was all over the
grand old flag which some people in
thin country seem to scorn to wave.
The sentiment of the Dominion is for
British connection and the Union
Jack. Don't make any mistake about
that. Many were present from Clin-
ton and neighboring towns and THE
NEWS RECORD was pleased to be re-
presented armor; so great and enthusias•
.lic a gathering:
Of the performance it is only
neceeesry to say that it justified all that
has been said of it by the Toronto and
other papers. The programme opened
With the grand mardh past of the entire
brigade, the troops marching around
the arena to the playing of the regi•
'mental marches of their respective
corps. Both men and horses showed
evidence of perfect drilling, executing
the various; movement, with a preoiaion
that wee atrevelation to Canadians.
.After the trooping of the eolore•�.
one of the prettiest eights of the day --
the cavalry gave •n exhibition of
el.lrraishiug, the •intelligent horses
lying down at the word of comrnand,
and furnishing a brestwork for the
rider, The lance exercise was also
good. A number on the programme
that eliuited tit'tch applat'►s`o was the
driving of the Royal Artillery, the
horses trotting and galloping Olean
through a space just about eutficient to
admit the gun carriages. The High•
land dancing, the bayonet, manual and
firing exercises by the Grenadier Guards
and Black Watch were much appreciat-
The musical ride and the sword drill
was as beautiful an exhibition as any
person could wish to ese. Here again
the wonderful training of the horses
was demonstrated. A splendid feature
and one that elicited keen interest was
the tent pegging—a famous sport of
British cavalrymen, the remarkable
skill displayed by the riders calling
forth loud encomiums from the great
crowd of spectators.
The Balaklava melee between teams
of the Life Guards and Royal Horse
Artillery created much amusement.
The men fought with Bingle sticks and
wore ste21 musks on their heads, with,
cockades of paper. They went at
each other like a tornado, and there
washackingand slashingwiththe sticks,
note from the bugle telling when a
cockade was cut off, and the luckless
victim would gallop off the field.
The contest finally narrowed down to
one artilleryman age inst three guards-
men, and he did not give in until be
had sent two of his adversaries out of
the tuelee. During the fight the
horses curvet, wheel, rear and work
the same as in an actual cavalry fight.
Tho combined attacks on a fortified
position was very relistic. A scout
advances and a shot from the
enemy's position wares him. His
horse lies down, and he begins firing
over his horse's back. His comrades
dismount in twos, and the horses are
led out of range by the third rider in
the troop; finally the trooper who was
in advance is shot, and an officer gal-
lantly rides in and carries slim off the
field. The infantry then comes
on by rushes in extended order,
firing independently. The artillery
goes into action. The infantry charge
and drive the enemy out of the fort,
and then with a wild cheer the cavalry
are let loose, and they go in with a
rush to garner the fruits of victory. A
parade with the prisoners and "God
Savo the Queen" brought the afternoon
performance to a close._
The closing piece in the evening
NYSE{ a realistic representation of the
defence of Rorke's Drift—a famous in-
cident of the Zulu war still fresh in the
memory of most people. It excited the
spectators to the highest pitch, the
troops finally retiring amid thuuders of
From the Montreal Gazette.
On Saturday last the correspondent
of The Gazette had the pleasure of be-
ing introduced in the Russel house to
Mr. AV. G. Fee, organizer for . [r.
Dalton McCarthy, who was spending a
few days at the capital. Mr. Fee ie a
dapper little gentleman, active and
euargetie who was at One tilne'promin-
ently kneevreas a temperance organizer.
He was somewhat guarded in his move-
ments white in Ottawa, but was fro•
quently seen in the company of Mr. T.
1'. Gormau, editor of the Free Press,
and Ottawa correspondent of L'Elec•
tour, of Quebec, Hon. Mr. Laurier's
personal organ. Indeed, it now trans•
pires that Mr. Fee's principal business
in Ottawa was wick Mr. Gorman,
and that through the instrumental-
ity of that gentleman Mr. Fee has
negotiated for his principal, Mr. Me-
C;irthy, an alliance "offensive and
defensive" with IIon . Mr. Laurier for
the next general election, and for any
bye -elections which may take place in
the meanwhile. Mr. Fee is said to
have been shown by Mr. Gorman a
letter from Hon. Mr. Laurier in which
he gives distinct pledges that Liberal
candidates will not be nominated iu
constituencies which are strongly Cou-
ecrvative, but that ?Jr. McCarthy's
nominees shall receive full Liberal sup
port of every kind as against the nOml-
noes of the Conservative party. On
the other hand Mr. Fee agrees, for 1Ir.
McCarthy, that in Liberal constituen-
cies, or constituencies in which the
Liberals have a good fighting chance
alone, no ,supporter of Mr. McCarthy
will be nominated, but that he and his
followers will use all the influence they
have in favor of the Liberal candidate.
Mr. Fee and Mr. Laurier are said
to have come to terme on the trade
policy of the 1\'IcCarthy•Leurier
party, which is to be as nearly as
possible, a combination of the
vague proposition made in the House
last session by Mr. McCarthy and the
very indefinite resolution passed at the
instance of Mr. Laurier at the Liberal
convention in Ottawa lost June. The
only definite and positive plank in the
platform is hostility to the Government
of Sir John Thompeon, and every
means is to be taken to defeat it at the
next general election.
Aa to the bye- elections, it is under-
stood that the high contrnoting parties
have agreed to, snake Cardwell and
Ottett'et the flet 0.0011e of their Aper+
i s
a_t. oo , in the everts of these' oouetitu•
envie• being opened by the Appoint.
event of Mr, .'White, IV. P. to the
eolleetorehip pf onetoree at Montreal,
and of Mr. C.' H. Mackintosh, M. P.,
to the lieutenant governorship of the
Northwest territories, lluCardwell Mr.
Laurier will support Mr. MoCarthy's
candidate, and will, it iv said, speak in
his favors at Orangeville and other
places. In Ottawa it said that an
agreement hes been come to by
Which Ilon. E. H. Bronson will
resign his seat in the local
House and run for the Commons, re-
ceiving the endorsement and support of
ifr. McCarthy, who will address at
feast ono meeting in the capital in Mr,
fronsou's behalf. Whorl asked by
The Gazette correspondent whether
Mr. McCarthy would epoak,iynn Ottawa,
Mr. Fee very guardedly rsfplied that
he could not say positively until Mr.
McCarthy's return from England ;
but, it must be remembered, this
was before the "alliance" was consum-
wrnated—and Mr. Fee would not be
very likely to take. The Gazette into
his confidence anyway.
That an alliance has been formed bo-
tween Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Laurier
there is no doubt, and the proof of it
will be shown by the action of these
two gentlemen, when the first bye -elec-
tion' takes place.
The summer school of music for
teachers, held in tho beautiful "City
of Homes," Grand Rapids, under the
personal direction of Mr. Charles W.
Landon, assisted by Mies R. H. Frantz,
has just closed after a very successful
term. Thu unanimous verdict of those
who attended is, that it has been a
great success. Those teachers who at-
tended it, represented Canada and
many of the eastern and western Statue.
All seemed enthusiastic over the work,
and the assistance received in further-
ance of their profeesion. Mr. Landon
is a pupil of Dr. William Mason,
whose method ho teaches, and the lead-
ing feature in the course, has been a
classified course of .Masons Touch and
Technic, which is based upeu the
piauistic movements used by the lead •
ing Artists in piano playing, each inove-
meut haviug been analyzed and put
into a form, which the average pupil
can attain, and which assists in giving
him the facility and technic of a pearl•
ist, in a sure, easy, and fast acquired
farm. In this method, the brain is
brought into active co operation with
the fingers,and the technical mavements
are directed by the brain, the conse-
quence being, that the pupil advances
both rapidly and thoroughly, and is
also enabled to play with expression,
and full intelligence..
The Virgil Practice, Clavin, Brother-
hood, Technicon and a harmony class
wore taught by \liss Frantz, a teacher
of rare teaching gifts, and thorough
musical culture.
Added to the above, there Were daily
lectures and Normal classes, when all
were instructed iu analysis, expression,
phrasing, sight-reading, musical history
and biography and in the science of
These lectures, together with the in•
struction receivers in private lessons
furnished each member of the class
with an extensive fund of information,
and new ways of working, which will
be of practical worth in the work of
teachingand enable teachore_to keep
their pupils interested and also mare
fully engage the helpful co operation
of parents in:tiller children's musical
Musicals were given each week,which
had a double interest for the class,
nafnely, that they consisted of selec•
tions from the old masters, and also
as a model to teachers giving musicals,
the necessary of which Mr. Laudon
fully impressed upon his class. The
much misunderstood subject of phtas•
ing and artistic expression can be made
easily clear to pupils, and as easily
understood by those who are
fortunate enough to attend these
Each member of the s;hool has been
strengthened at points wheu help was
most needed, and thereby made more
self reliant, and so placed in a position
to show a quality of taechiug that
will compare favorably with that of the
leading teachers of music. The
motaods of the best teachers of the
present are as far iu advance of those
of but a few year's siece, as the present
Rindergarten System over the old time
"district school."
Mr. Landon is a teacher of the high-
est order, and in his character as
such, constantly impresses upon the
pupil that the teacher is not only a
teacher, but also a character builder;
be is one of the few who enable the pro-
fession, and one feels it a privilege to
be associated with him,
For Over Fifty Years.
MRR, WLNSLOw's SOOTLINO SYRUP has been used by
muttons of mothers for their children while teething.
1f disturbed at night and broken of your rust by a
sick child suffering and erring with pain of Cutting
Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Win-
slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Toothiing. 1
will relieve the poor little sufferer immodately.
Depend upon It, mothers, thorn is no mistake about
It. It cures Diarncooa, regulates the Stomach and
Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums and re-
duces Inflammation, and ohos.tone and energy to the
whole system. "Mrs Wlnelow'e Soothing Syrup"
for children teething Is pleasant to the taste and
is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best
female physicians and nurses in the United States.
Price twentvflve cents a bottle. Sold by all drug
gists throughout the world. Be euro and ask for
—Andrew Clegg, of Millwright, for-
merly of Port Hope, Ont , was naught
between two cogwheels at. Rat Pottage
yesterday and crushed into a pulp.
-.-A program has elroaby peen
prepared for Sir John '1'hotnp-
son's approval ,in regard 'to a
short cliw2siell, of epeeohmaking
in Oututio. During the first week,
Fair, probably lifter the ruduetrial
meetings will be field in West
Huron (Goderich), East Huron (Wing.
hare), Rest 'Bruce (Walkerton), North
Bruce (Tarts). In the next week,
Elgin (St. Thomas,l Essex (Kiugoville,)
Kent (Chatham), 1l tldlesex (Glencoe).
Iu the third week iu the Lindsay and
Peterboro districts, And some time
in November a wook of big meetings iu
the °idee of Outerio,
Consumption ,Cured.
An old phyelulan, retired from praotice, baring
had planed In his stands by an hast India mission-
ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for
the speedy and portaaueat euro lit Consumption,
Bronobitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and
Lung Affections, also a positive and radioal Duro
for Nervous Debility 4u1 all Narrows Uomplulnts,
aftor having tested its wonderful onrotive powers
In thousands of eases, has telt it his duty to make
it known to his Believing fellows. Actuated by this
motive eel a desire to relieve human suffering, I
will seed tree of charge, to all who desire it, this
re apo. in German, French or English, with full
directions for preparing and using. sent by mail
by addressing with stain +, naming this pacer.
W. A. NuYas, 820 Potvers' LW,ak, Rochester, .Y. Y.
e.J- y
The principal interest in Eogland in
the death of the Qneeu's brother-in-law,
the Duke of Saxe -Coburg Gotha, lies
in the fat that it compels the ex•
patriatiou of the Duke of Edinburgh
and causes issuance of a mourning
decree in The Court Journal, in which
Her Msj,aty orders "ladies to wear
black dresses, white gloves, black or
white shoes, feathers and fans, pearls,
diamonds, or plaiu gold or silver orna•
monts; geutlomen to wear black court
drese, with Week swords and buckles.
The court will change the mourning
on September 9 : ladies to west. black
dreases, with colored ribbons, (lowers,
feathers aud ornaments, or grey or
white dresses, with black ribbons,
fluwere, feathers and oruanrcuts; gentle-
men to continue same mourning. On
September 23 the ecurt will go out
of morn inn,"
25,50cpr °r*
1iI rl� si.
trt•Y 4rith 7 I• rl
Qs!" o d1.
::ff.'s.• .. ^� I�� ;K'��?�
Cures Consr.rapt:nn,Couglts,Croup, Sore
Throats Sold by a'! Lra^.ei:45 nn a Cwu'rwtrr..
hir a Lane Side, Bali: or Chou f:hi!oh's Perot.:i
1~1astcr will give get satisfaction,—ay c:ntSs
S IL *1'S curla`f" -L[JY. ",n:,
)7r3 T. 8 Ilnv len:., t_"tatt^roogn 1 :nn.. se se
" oloh'sVita:izcr' SAVJ J) 11'IY f.IV!'...'
conswer it thebat;crztdojoa' tebi itct:t:°•.:,:14 0
I ever used." For Dyspepsia. Liver or }iidaey
trouble it eaicols. Price 75 cls.
H I LO II'S/ el.—
Earn you Catc r -b.? Try thla Icc::edy. I t. c•;11
positively relieve and Cure you. Price 5) cts.
This injector for its successful treatment fa
furclsht,d tree. licmnu:i,ur, S:,i1nh'c Remedied
are Loki o a a gunrantc0 ti., give 8'.1 Guice+Li i.
0 : { (.11'k/4/ R 'M./ Z.,
nr ',C:1,1 , :,c : r i., ;t mils: le
n,01.', r,,.;r c.,u ::'s••,: ; t'•; ;i ,;!,rt;:•!! ou
1,> COL,: 61,:'0::.
▪ n:o1 sal
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1,t 1,a .217•••,'' (1, ,'`, r• .,,c :, r rii;u't'it(ra.,
c'. wl 1,,, c,i 1,.c t,r,•,c;i:<;
i�•," . • 1, •I . 1 p 1:1C( -t'.'1.(1(41'0
I t 1;.. ".t::y _r' . • ... of Wild
tom... 6:1 i ,.: r. ,Fra fr�
N c'. r: ,i.l, ` . nl , r.`. C•11 -::‘f,;1 all
r•ni: 4 n..1 c.:c.a:. a ;., 111.0 cllaugo-
., ,l, ('11.14;.;.•
I t L in an l l t' -r, 1:: : f r 10 years, and
lIl , lrc ;,l e :: 1;':..; .. ..- , .•;u caved by its
TJ:netly al•,vaye
11`eqU 5 S:✓
;nitnu, r•-,1•:• ir.infs r, h•.;,:al,tly, quiets
tate 1 :1111 :•; 4:11,1 L,,:. V 1. „1 r• ll(L!•'3 trt•lt o -
tion w, :.,1,•r:.:.rnliv r,c ` narivalled
lre,ivri :,,n , f .1'r.u',vv.r. if you aro
1:o rum n nil t•tl a 1 n1:1e r it11 you. It
t•v••r,•,°:n,,; snit:'. ti.r'I !i+tirc!y the dis-
uu, iu:; r uuu c(Lrl,::tint SO often
C;v.1:i.',1by c1110 1 r{ ;sir and water, and
is also a elteci:;0 6i2^.tinct sea -sickness,
awl till bowel
Price 35o. Beware of imitations and
sub.,titutes sold by u:1.•:crnp4dous dealers
for the sake of greater profits.
x=+ — x = + _ - — x = + — + = x = x =
It }Doesn't
take a very smart person to catch cold but a
man or firm must be wide awake and enter-
prising to catch trade. Newspaper advertis-
ing is the serest way.
There being some misunderstanding with ro-
gnrd to wreckage, let It be distinctly understood
that if any person takes possession of any kind
of wreckage and fails to report to me 1 shall at
once take proceedings. Remember this is the
last warningt shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB.
Reeelver of recks, Goderleh.
Goderleh, Sept. 7th 1891.
_.—•• , m,.0,.�.,.,•.�•
AtRock Bottom Prices.
I &R t 4 D
STOVE AND HARDWARE - [Albert St., Clinton
■ a•a a4 aa3r:r Ja yaa: �svr�- •���+y•■ > • - • • r ,,.w.,, y
Disease commonly comes on with s':ght
symptoms, which when neglected incrc:as+:::
in extent and gradually grow da:lgeror.s,
(i ;I you ern FritsNIS, CONSTIPATED or have TR F' E 4 z y11. it
LIVER [Citi F'LF 1117, 11 ' cot ty''
AFTER Ed - el
tt"CFia tC1 '11 .1 STuS:f .:I,d L!. more- -1.11�t t"La17)1.
ot'.; n..t
d . t;." i.1 .,. 'r, ¢'J tet
'i frienet;,4 Ti:'i;,,2s Ro'!'u/.e;0' I'ii, Slee ;eon c:ni _ r,.:c.:'4 e l.'c:!u
.,.......«.......,...............ty �`~>
� ?:)7C1
J7 r• ;.. Rtt�
SAVE It1Ai\V D;)7CT�'T '
`,•s GIVE s •
t•, I•:I:L:LI".
? r.
: ....__. _. _ :-
to -1 ✓'v U J Z-. 3-5Z-Zer-000. %0' V i-ty-oift.07> 615 y'�.ts fi; `t 1`;.- ....0
.rgt�ra..�,..T•o•?��++?+i-n.rwiu, a�gpo,ti_
We have closed our financial year 1st of February and find that it has been a
year of fair prosperty to us. We wish to render our best THANKS to
Customers for their patronage and will always strive to win your con-
fidence in future, by giying you GOOD GOODS as cheap as any other
House in Town..
Our Stock of
is well assorted (and es we have a • large Import Order coming from
England) we will offer t}tem at Close Prices to make room.
Happy :: Thought :-: Ranges.'
They are without an Equal,
They are The Best in Auiet'ic:a,
7'hed/ ,Sl)errli for ThedItselt;es,
They std ,O sold by Reliable loan,
Mu are not sold by 2)eddlars,
Over 45,000 Sold im America.
t� D B R O S Hardware Merchants;
WILSON & HOWE have bought the goodwill and interest in the bakery
recently carried on by Mr. R. 'McLennan, in addition to the Restaurant
carried on. by Mr. Jaynes Anderson, and have amalgamated the two businesses
The combination will be carried on in
and will hereafter be known as THE NOVELTY BAKERY AND RES
`I'AURANT. Mr. McLennan will he our baker. Bread of surerior quality
will be delivered as usual, and Bread, Calces, &c., constantly kept on hand and
sold only at the Novelty Store. Wo solicit the patronage of all old
customers and ma y new ones.
iltson. 4' Howe
- Clinton
As an extra inducement to Cash purchasers I have made arrangements with a
leading firm of 'Toronto for large supply of Artistic Pictures by well-,
known Masters, all framed and finished in first class style, and suitable
for the best clues of residence. Each customer will be presented with
one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash purchases aggre-
gate Thirty Dollars.
My motto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at
Bottom Prices.
Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per cent.
1 will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise
Soaps at the old figures.
Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at
our Store.
Our Sock is replete and well selected. We offer. excellent values'in fine Teas,
including best grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our Russian
Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market.
Examine the qualityand prices of our Combination Dinner and Tea Setts,.
and be convinced that Bargain Day with us, is every business de,t
throughout the year.
N. ROBSON, China Hall
Clinton, Feb. 14, 1803,