The Huron News-Record, 1893-08-09, Page 16x'7^t7y7.71.g771Ar • Y 1i rl1 1 THE WORLD'S Mau A- trip•to the Winn 18 Fair r. 2uld as .,044 VTOTO very interesting, batt in this Stolt• ening *Other the Meet sensible thiug to 419 is to secure a reliable summer hover.' RP, W. a have the fipoat 4111,E.in, wood:and bottle ,Sifitperrior PORTER in woad and * bottle. LAGER BEER, and the verybest brands of Canadian and imported WINES, WHISKES apd '11RANDIES. Our prices are the lowest for the best goods. {lite pay special attention to lines for house - bold and medicinal purposes. J. W. IR..ITE I , ALBERT STREET, - CLI\TON 1110•MIN11t111111111, AIM To Advertisers. All changes of Advertisements, to ' insure insertion in the current issue, must be received at the office not latsr than SAT URDA Y NOON. Copy forchanges received later than SA 7'- URDAY NOON will hereafter be a. f the Advertiser's own risk. A. Jr. TODD, Publisher. • Iie€ should pass nothing, response ently Cooks r., °view well Manitoulin. Dads rhe Huron News -Record $i.. a Year—$1.25 in Advance Wednesday, August 16th, 1893. LOCAL N HAWS. In and Around the Dub, gown IA. TO FARMERS AND HORSEMEN,—Best single harness a specialty, all styles and closest prices. Everything in our line cut fine. JOHNSON it ARMOUIt,llarness makers. WANTED.—Any c iiantity of Plurals, Cherries, Red and Black OVinTants and Goose Berries, for which the highest market price will he paid.—N. RoBsoN, £Genuine Wrought Steel Ranges From $30 to $50. Why buy from pedlars when you can get them from Harland Bros., the best, quality and lowest, prices. 766-tf Cash paid for egs;s and hutter.—CASTELoN Baoct. FROM TORONTO.—In another column may be seen the announcement of the Hernia Specialist, under the head of " Rupture". This gentleman has the reputation of being the most compet- ant in his profession in this country-, and the instruments he Uses for the 1•e- and cure of Rupture, being his own design and manufacture are alto- gether superior to anything of the kind ever produced and is the result of over O years of improvement. Those of our readers who are rtiptnred, not let this t1IS O Ortlmlt without consulting this gentle - Ilan, as examination and advice (mists and this visit to Clinton is in to an invitation from several If our physicians, who cannot conveni- go to Toronto. MR. BEN GIBBINGS, of Detroit, is gain under the parental roof. Miss JIINNtE CANTELON will return rom Orangeville next week. MISS MAGGiE WALKER, of Toronto, s the gueet of.fr•iends and relatives in awn. APPLES.—Cantolon Bros, have al- eady' made' several' shipments of early pples. A CABLEGRAM receival'on Monday aorning from Mr. P. Cook states hat he- arrived at• Glasgow all right. MR. AND MRS. JAMES FAIR, SR., ad daughter, Miss Dot, spent a delight 1l four days at Toronto and Niagara 'ails last week. MRS. SAMUEL CANTELON, of Streets' ille, is holidaying with the Mes;rs and Cantelons and other rela• ves and friends in Clinton. WYoMI*G \VAr.—Mrs. Jas. Fair, and daughter, are on a visit to rela- ves and friends at Wycming. Miss /ewer, Mrs. Fair's sister, accompanied, , THE LAND of PINE, --ghee Edith ardine, of Pine` River, Bruce county, • the allot of her aunt, Mrs. Arthur witchell, Maple street. t OUT AGAiN.—Last Saturday THE r 'Ews•RECORD had a call from Mr. eo. Hanley, town. The pioneer had t of been able to get as far for several ionths, in fact a short time since his fe was despaired of. He bide fair to z lcome hale and hearty again. t c NEXT WEEK.—We will give a short of our trip to the Soo next t eek. The trip was a delightful c ne. Thoee who desire the life pretty shook out of them we would dvise in the meantime to take a drive t rer Ontario Government roads on the c They have some good to there, too. t s Taut WORKS CHANG/$.—During our t w clap absence many changes took e ace. On returning, we learned with grei that Mrs. Upshall and Mrs. a t ti ti s 111 re itttonnedq bed passed to choir reward. The Clinton Organ Co's works wero laid in ashes. Accidents, rnarriagos and births kept apace as time rolled on. Tli(e'trit was a very pleasant one. We wero nol, wo regret, accompanied by otrt<.1ifelertuor ea our totem, stated. FAQOA,, Vi..•, Ure 1 ", YOupg'.4 11ow r�atdenes. ua 1'ti'naers.Strsot• Will soap b.4 completed. The imide ie ready for the pla,sterore and , painters are at work ou the o.' telde. LAORoailry 1ldTost.---1 st night ala: cross° match was plityed on the Col legiete Institute grounds between a picked senior team and the Junior Dauntless. At the time of going to press the result was not known. FROM SAGINAw.—.-'dra H. Kerr has returned from Saginaw, Mich., where he had been working for some mouths. The cauee of Mr. Korr'a return is no work. Many men are idle and money cannot be got by ooutraotora or men. Tua WINOHAM Advance$ AY$ :—Ij`Iies L. Miller, of Clinton, is the guest of her ooueine, the Misses A. and/L Kerr. —Mr. Aliio May.,of Clinton, has been visiting his fiieud Mr. T. E. Cornyn during the past week. TAKING TO THE ROAD,—Mr. W. Smithson leaves next Monday for Lon don, Watford, Sarnia and other points with a supply of his famous ladders. At Sarnia he will join Mrs. Smithson, who is on a visit there, .— MAY SETTLE IIERE.Mr. and M rs Walter King, of Cleveland, formerly of Auburn, were in town last week and may yet settle iu Clinton. While in tbo employ of the Cleveland Oil Corn• pany Mr. King was injured. Ho is on the lookout for a suitable town property and has Clinton iu view. A COMBINED STAMP.—The Post Office authorities have issued the first of the combined postage and registra— tion stamps of eight cents. It is the intention that as soon as the' present issue of five cent registration stamps is exhausted, more will not be issued, but the eight cent issue substituted. , PLEASANT PICNIC PARTY.—The teaclj- era and officers of Willis Church Sab- bath School picnic'd at Bayfield on Thursday laat. 'There wero about forty, including the pastor and auper- inteudent. All enjoyed themselves immensely, boating, bathing and feast ing on the good things provided by the ladies of the company. The, fascina- tion of the lake breeze seemed to be so strong that the return journey was not acct,mplielled till late in the evening. A SNAKE STORY.—'.1Ir. Henry Gild- ner killed a milk snake which measur• 3 feet in length on his farm the other day. The reptile fought jriciously for its1life and left the ruorks'of its teeth plainily visible in the stick with which it was dispatched.—Mrs. Baine, ac• compaiued by her daughter and son, of Cliutou, were visiting Major Kaiue's family here last week.—Miss Frost, of Owen Sound, who has been a guest at Rev. Greene's for a short time past, started for Clinton on Wednesday.— 1[ildway Gazette. THE CANADIAN ALMANAC, — Those who look at the Canadian Almanac now, with its excellent collection of valuable information, would hardly third: it was the growth of the Cana- dian IMerchantile Almanacs: as it was spelled, a copy of which for the year. 1845 is lying before us. It announces itself broadly ns " The Canadian Merchantile Aimanack, for 1845, being the first after leap- year, and the eighth year of .the reign ()tiler Most Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria." It was printed by John Simpson and Hugh Scobio, Toronto, at the office of the Niagara Chronicle. —Galt Reporter. OUR ESTIMATES•—The municipal ex- penditure for the current yoar, as pass ed by the town council last week, is as follows :—Special rates, $2132.86; Jounty rate, $975.30; Collegiate Inst.i• tote, $1700; Public School, $3100; filechanics' Institute, 5100; Insurance, 565; interest and documents, 550; printing and advertising,• 5100; street watering, $100; elections, 540; station- ery and postage. 525; Board of Health, 25; rents, $I2;Cemetery, $50; Salaries, 1129: Charity, 5300; Streets and side- walks; 51500; Fire and water, $350; Property account, $250; Electric Tight; ?820; Park, 5100; Incidentals, $195.- 14 Less estimated receipts of 5850 flour licenses; 525 from magistrates fines, 530 from statute labor; 570 from dog tax and revenue from other sources; nakiug an estimated revenue of $1475 These estimates call for a rate of 19 r ou the Son an assessment of $607,- 595. "TAR AND FEATHERS." --Our atten- ion has been called to a letter in a ecent issue of the .New Era, signed "A lover of law and order." Objec- ion is raised because THE NEws- RECORD denounced alleged perpetrators of crime against society. If our over- ealous critic can find coLsolation in he columns of our boasted "cltristian" otem. the respectable and law-abiding public will not thank that paper for aking to rte bosom such dangerous haracters. We love British fair ploy. There is no crime against society in belonging to either political party, and he man who says there is is the greater r'inlinal himself. The men of Clin- u, we know, are determined to pro - act their wives and daughters and their acred homes. And the columns of his journal will always be wide open gainat any dangerouo element to the well being of society. The New bra may continuo to endorse directly or in- irectly a very dangerous class of criminals, but that will not deter THE NEws-RECORD from doing its duty. We refer to the matter bombe the columns of our ootem. has been devot- ed to the protection of alleged Brim• inala rather than exposure, And those who come first will have the best chance, b'eoause we are going to clear them out if price will do it. Hpre are special articles Boy's and Girl's Tricycles, Boy's Bieyeles, Baby Carriages, Croquet. And some small lots of gNIOW SHADES We base some remnants of the above goods and they are down to the L OW HAST PRIC H; TO CLEAR. R001311\7-8 _ 01 BOOK STORE AND NEWS DEPOT, CLINTON. 0 LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WHITS DRESS EMBROIDERIES Co. LIGHT AND DARK PRINTS CRESS GOODS Now selling ng fast at our Moving Prices. r, At Prices that cannot fail to please you. G L O V E S Silk Taffetta iii ]Mack and Colors at 10 cts. a pair. ...n..•1 EESEETS DR:IGI.OLZERKYrAoNRDiume The Ladies' favorite Establishment, 114 00 TABLES. 0 00, 3O a,ncd. 4:0 tOc ilt.tsi. o — Have you seen the BAMBOO TABLES that we are offer - 30 45 cen ing at 25, 30 ants. They are great value at that money. We have also a line of Bedroom Suits, Sideboards and Extension Tables. That are very cheap. Before buying call and see what we can do for you. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Furniture Dealer and IJinlertaker. J. W. CHIDLEY, .JR., Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night calls answered at his residence, King St., opposite the F¢undry. The Famous Clothiers, I-/atters and furnishers We are selling hundreds of our $2.00 PANTS, We make them ourselves and they are the Biggest Bargains ever offered. 4001111.1. $10.00 SUTTS Manufactured by ourselves are acknow- ledget'- by keen buyers to be the Best Value on the market. Good buyers should not miss them, We are now busy manufacturing a stock of Ready Made Clothing fur the approaching season that will eclipse anything we have ever shown, and we can safely say. that we cannot be equalled for cut, make and prices. Buyers should make a note that we do all our own manu- facturing. ,.b{. rr� - yi:1 1\h+"i "t YIP f r• • _ — + — x = - — • - A NEW LOT OF THOSE FAMOUS SERGE DRESS GOODS. That the all wool double ft0l(l Emil sell,/or ;?5 cents a yard. Ten shades. to choose fi•on in- cluding the new fall colorings. If you are going travelling and think of having a new Dress before you go, you might as well have what's the new est, and something that is going to be worn for fall. The first shipments of our Fall Dress °Goods are here, ready for your inspection ; there is a good range of the new- est and what promises to be the most fashionable materials and colors for early fall wear. Scarce Goods. New this week, a fine stock of Irish Point and Guiper Laces in, White, Cream, Fawn and Black and a full as- sortment of novelties in Veiling's and Frillings. • 0 Est. J.11odgeus, CLINTON. ro