The Huron News-Record, 1893-08-09, Page 14ER's..
YRolltiir best remedy for
E-rysipelas, Catarrh
R-heumatism, and
$c rofu la
Salt -Rheum, Sore Eyes
,A,-bscesses, Tumors
R-unning Sores
8 -curvy, Humors, Itch
A-nemia, Indigestion
P-imples, Blotches
A-nd Carbuncles
R-ingworm, Rashes
I-mpure Blood
L-anguidness, Dropsy
L-iver Complaint
A -II cured by
Proparcd by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
,,Soldby all Druggists. Price $s ; six bottles, $s.
Ourees others, will cure you
The Huron News-Recora
1.50 n Year $1.25 in Advance
Wednesdlt,v,l4u ..ttst I Pith, 11893.
—Tho custome'collectiona at I',rant-
•ford for the month of July amounted
to $10,133.96; and increase of $516.28
over that of July 1892.
- Nining esp.•rta note that: Orel. r never at.
tacko the haw. -is of t he earth, but I un pity
in general 6 ,l it n, sensory to nae D . Fow-
ler's •1f WW1 S rawherry for b v'I
comphints, ;tys.,u •erg, diarrhea, etc. 1z is
e sure core,
—The strong protests ugsinst the
sale of the Thoilsuid Islands ou Aug.
10 have iufinnnce l the Government to
reconsider the master.
DYSPEI•:I t i+ a l rolifio eawe of such dit-
eases as bad Wood, c:ouetiparion, headache
and liver c,•inpl.i:,t., Burdock Blood Bitters
are: gnarant.aed b. cure or relieve dyepeplia
if used accorii:lg to directions. Thousands
have tested it with best result
—Exear is threatened .stili a water
famine. Tile wells at the saw and
stave axilla pave out and at Does &Tay
lor's plaiuiug nulls have gone dry.
A perfect cook never presents us with in•
digestible food. There are few perfect
cooks, and consequently indigestion le very
prevalent. You can eat what you like and
as much as you want after using Burdock
Blood Bitters, the natural specific for indi-
gestion or dyspepsia in any form.,
—Four wore weeks favorable of
weather and Manitoba and the North-
west will have a good crop. Generally
speaking the wheat yield will not be
exceptionally heavy, but some districts
will certainly resort good yields,
VIGILANCE; ie neeeesary agtinet uoexpect-
e ed attacks of summer complaints. No
remedy is so well known or PO auecee,ful in
this 014e4of diseases as i)r. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry. Keep it in the house
as a safe -guard.
—Niagara Falls, N.Y., is excited over
two daring attempts to iob the grave
of Rev. Fath r Rice, the founder of
the •university of that place.' It is
thought the ghouls were after valuable
jewels and rings said to have been
buried with the body.
—Mr. Camaison, the Portuguese
gentleman who was injured at the
Komoka run-off a couple of weeks
since, has issued a writ against the C.
P. R Company for damages for in-
juries sustained by the accident. The
. patient is still at Loudon Hospital.
The damages claimed aro $5,000.
For fifteen years we have used Dr. Fow
)ere Extract of lVild Strawberry as a family
medicine for enmmer complaints and diar•
.rot, and we never had anything to equal
it. We highly- recommend it.
SAMUEL 1Vzna, Corbett, Ont.
—The Hon. Clarke Wallace, M.P.,
Minister of Customs for the llominion
of Canada,is a visitor at:he World'eFair
under the guidance of Commissioner
Larko. The cabinet off=icer inspected the
Canadian exhibits, Ile is particularly
well pleased with the display made by
Canadians in the agriculturaland porno -
logical sections. He thinks the ex
hibite superior to those of Iowa, and
says the finest apples grown in the
world come from the apple valley in
' Nova Scotia. He denies the annexe -
tion eentimeut in the Dominion is on
the increase. The Expoeition ars a
whole is beyond his expectations.
Conatnnption Cared.
Au old phyeiotan, retired from practice, having
had plastid in hie hands by an East India mission-
ary edge formula of a snnple vegetable remedy for
the Speedy and permanent euro of Consumption,
iirouehitie, Catarrh, Aethroa and all throat and
nu [Affections, also a positive and raffles,' care
Or Nervous Debility and all Nervone Complaints,
After having tested its wonderful onratte° powers
In thousands of °odes, has bolt 1t his duty to make
1tYnnwn to bin suffering fellows. Aotuatod by this
motive aid a desire to relieve human suffering, I
*111 Send free of charge, to ail who dosir' it thea
toefpe,ln German, French or English, with full
iitdcti0ns for preparing and using. dont by mall
by addressing rtlth exam+, naming title paper.
W. L Novas. 820 Poem' ffoVeaeer, N.Y,
Mt -y
..Jobe, k'viehttrcloop Hired in th'.oiall'
int 1;,iztprtpu Qt# r pu ay, aged 110.
4'1 have toght children, every one in good '
Itelilth, net ono of whom Out hire taken
Scott's Emulsion, iu which my wife has;
benedlese confidence.",
—The Marquis of Berne has 0)n -
wanted to ruu as a liberal -Unionist
candidate for South Mauohegter,
Bo sure and put a box of, 4yor'a Pills in
your satchel before traveling, either by land
or sea. You will ffzid theta convenient,
effiJacioue, and eafo. The best remedy for
eottiveuese, indigestion, and sick headache,
and adapted to any climate.
—The Grand Orange lodge meeting
at the "Soo" closed on Thureday morn -
at 3 o'clock.
The Chinese pay their doctor only so long
as he keeps them in health. They believe
in preventiug rather than outing disease.
This is sound scum. and one of the strong-
est recommendations of Ayei'e sarsaparilla,
a medioine which not only cures diseases but
prevents them.
—Ancestor townehip, near Hamilton,
is troubled by an army of tramps, sup-
posed to be from Buffalo. They are
heading weetwatd.
Sing et song of nomtnon sense,
A mind that's full of try,
A roan who knows a thing or two
- And shows it in hie eye—
Who's well aware the medicine
That's best for you and me
Io always Dr. Pierce's Med-
Ical Discovery.
You can escape just about one-half the ills
that flesh is heir to, by being ready for them.
lVhou you feel dull, languid, "out of aorta"
generally—then you may know that some of
them are coming. Don't let them get any
further. Brace the system up with Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. That
prevent,' as well as puree : It invigorates
the liver and kidneys, purifies and enriches
the blood, sharpens the appetite, improves
digestion, and restores health and vigor.
—A court of the Catholic Foreetars
has beon instituted at Woodstock. It
will be known as St. Mary's Court, No
—The Kincardine Review says: The
town was crowded to its utmost capa-
city last Sunday, Jonathan Miller, of
the Albion Hotei, Goderich, was here.
—lion. Wilfred Laurier, leader of
the Opposition in the Commons, has
arranged to take a trip through
Manitoba and the West in a few weeks.
—A despatch from Fostoria, Ohio,
says a large number of farmers in that
vicinity are feeding their wheatto hogs,
rather than sell it ut the low prices uow
—In the case of Galt against Goudy
et el. charged with throwing the stones
which crushed in the skull of a girl
named Knight, tho defendonts were
Wednesday acquitted.
—The employees of the M. C. R.
shops, St. Thomas, will work only eight
hours until further orders. Five pas-
senger conductors, who were promoted
a few mouths ago, have been set back
to brakemen.
—Toronto used to be shocked by
occasional accidents at its railway
crossings. Chicago, however, has aver-
aged 20 d•eathe a month from this cause
since last January, and no steps have
yet been taken to avert the slaughter.
—There is a little orphan boy, nam
ed Jimmie Lynch, living with a farmer
on McGregor's Creek, Kent county.
On Monday he received word from the
Old Country that he had fallen heir to
a fortune of $2,500. He is an intelli-
gent lad and anxious for an education.
His wish will now be gratified.
Miss Etnma Van Norden, one of the
wealthiest and moat exclusive of New
York's 400, has become disgusted with
the pleasures of eociety and sin, and
joined the. Salvation Army. She is a
good speaker, very attractive in person,
and will at once be made an officer in
the army.
— Mies Flemmitg, of Brampton,
Ont., was drowned ou Aug. 2nd while
bathing with a friend at Yarrum
Island, near Cleveland, Lake Roeseau.
— A massive silver bracelet of In•
dion workmanship and much value
was recently found on the collection
plate of a Congregational church in
—About 9.30 Wednesday night
flames wore Been issuing from a barn
on lot 35, second contusion of Amabol,
belonging to James Smith, which in a
short time was totally destroyed, to-
gether with a lot of implemente, harn-
ese and one pig. Loss, about $800,
and very little insurance, if any.
—On Tuesday of last week Mr. Thos.
Astrope, who hails from Tara, in Bruce
county, Ont., fell a distance of fifty-five
feet from Doube'e bridge, on the Miss,
ing Link, where he was working. It
appears that he was standing on the
second bent, about 15 feet from the top
of the bridge, when he was struck on
the head by a heavy piece of scantling
which dropped from the top of the
structure. The blow rendered him ins
sensible, and he of course lost hie bal-
ance and fell. In bio descent he struck
three times on the timbers, and the
force of the fall was somewhat broken.
He was badly bruised, but fortunately
no bones were broken. His escape
from death is almost miraculuoue, and
is no doubt due to his insensible condi--
ondi,tion while falling. He did rot recover
consciousness until half an hour after
being picked up. He is now progress--
rogress•ing rapidly towards recovery.
IQ LIP X 1‘1"317
we pay t i 'highest 0 ,sh price and the highest trade
mice and carry the best assortment of \Woollen Goods
Our Qwn Manufacture.
At'`lwest prices. Manufacturing o#'all kinds done with
dispatch.. Caston carding a specialty. We do business
• on the square. Call and see us,
C. E. WILLSON., Clinton.
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight
years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane and give
estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest
prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction
guaranteed. We sell all kinds of, interior and exterior material.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &e.
Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
at Waterloo. Call•and get prices and estimates before placing your orders.
Eureka Bakery and Restaurant.
In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur—
ing the pant three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA
BAKERY and RESTAURANT ie is a better position than ever to
successfully cater to the wants of the general public. We do our own
baking, save heavy expenses, and turn out a quality of BREAD
BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, 0., equal to any in West'
ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING
CAKES A SPECiAL.TY. Broad, &c•, delivered to all parts
CREAM, COOL DRINKS. Picnic and Private Gather-
ings supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates.
Remember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton.
B U FD R 0 S., Proprietors.
Leslie's Carriage Faetory.
manehip and material. !per -A11 the latest styles and most modern improve-
ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended
to. Prices to suit the times.
lt'FACTf)RY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Cliaton. 657—y
—Au incident occurred in Wiarton
the other day of a very peculiar nature
Donald McLeod recently went to wort:
for the Buffalo Fish Co., and was sent
to tno " froezer" with pans of fish which
are stored therein and frozen. The
thermometer in the freezer is always 20
degrees below zero, and Donald ne-
glected to put on a pair of mitts which
aro especially provided for the men.
He was only in the freezer some three
minutes, but when he came out he roar
ized that all the fingers on both hands
were frozen stiff. The sudden transi-
tion from 20 degrees below zero to 95
degrees above was a painful experience,
His sufferings for some day after were
—Elmira hae had a big sensation in
the way of a robbery. On Sunday
week a young boy named Geo.Ruppel,
son of John Ruppel, painter, of that
village, entered the house of the Rev.
Mr. Froesch, a Lutheran minister, and
stole $65 which the good man had
saved up for a holiday journey. The
young miscreant hid part of his booty
and early Monday morning took pass-
age on the train for Berlin with $18 in
his pocket. Arrived here he went to
Mr. M. Knechtel'e and was re-
ceived as a visitor to their young
son. He never mentioned a word
concerning the matter to them
nor exhibited the money. Detective
Klippert received word of the theft
and very cleverly nabbed the boy this
morning, ascertained where George had
hid the money, recovered what was
left of the $18 and telegraphed for Mr.
Froesch to come down and recover it,
which he did.
—The Montreal Presbytery held
another meeting last week to consider
the case of Prof. John Campbell, of the
Montreal Presbytery, who is charged
with heresy, on account of certain state-
ments made by him in a lecture before
the students of Queen's University,
Kingston. The Presbytery mot to
decide upon the indictment upon which
the professor will be tried. The in.
dictment submitted at last meeting was
fully considered, and after coneiderable
amendment, was decided to be re-
levant, and was finally approved.
The two counts of the indictment, as
finally approved, charge Prof, Camp•
boll with being guilty of heresy in hav-
ing taught (1) With having held and
taught a view of Holy Scriptures which
impugne and eliecredite thein as the
supreme and infallible source of religi•
ous truth ; (2) a view of God, which
seta him forth as one who does not
smite either in the way of punishment
or discipli ne, and who has nothing
to do with the judging 'or punishing
of the wicked. The Presbytery deoid•
ed lay an almost unanimous vote that
tho charges were relevant. The clerk
was instructed to serve a copy of the
indictment upon Prof. Campbell, and
to cite him to answer the charges .be-
fore the Presbytery at next regular
meeting, which Will be bold Sept. 2nd.
Names of the District Masters, Primary
Lodge Masters, their post ollice ad•
dresses and date of tweeting.
A. M TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. O.
John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P. 0.
219—Robt. flutchineote. Greenway, Friday
on or before full moon.
662—Thos. 1l, Coursey, Lucan, Satnrday on
or before full moon.
493—Richard llorlgius, Lucan, Wednes
day on or before full moon.
826—William Haggart, Grand Bend,Wed-
nesday on or before full moon.
890—Thomas Longford, Maplegroye, Wed-
nesday on.or before full moon.
024—Lewis H. Dickson; Exeter, 1t1t Friday
in each month.
1071—John Balls, Elimville, Saturday on
or before full moon.
1097—James Lathers, Sylvan, Monday on
or before full moon.
1210—Wm., Mowsen, Moray, Thurs day
or before full moon.
1343—Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday on
or before full moon.
610—Joshua Huxtable, Centralia, Friday
on or atter full moon.
Andrew MiliIan, V.D.M., Auburn P.O.
145—James Cox, Goderich, 1st Monday in
each month.
153—Andrew Millian, Auburn, Friday on
or before full moon.
182—Geo. M. Cox, Goderich, last Tues-
day in each month.
189—F. McCartney, ]lolmesyllle, Monday
on or before full moon.
262—Jarnes McLean, Saltford, 3rd Wednes-
clay In each month.
306—Matthew Sheppard, Clinton, 1st
Monday In each month.
James Horsey, W.P.M., Winthrop P.O.
710—John Ford, Clinton, gad Monday In
each mon'. 1.
813—James Horney, Winthrop, last Wed•
nesday before full moon.
928—Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st
Monday In each month.
793—Wm. Horney, Seaforth, 2nd Monday
In each mouth.
Robert ;Nicholson, W.D.M., Blake P. 0.
24—James Pollock, Bayfield, 2nd Saturday
in each month,
808—James Keyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday In
each month.
833—Wm, Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Wednes-
day In each month.
788—John Berry, Hensall, 1st Thursday in
each month.
1035—William Rathwell, Varna, lst Thurs.
day in each month,
tar Nprx.—Any omissions or other errors will
be protnptly , corrected on writing direct to the
County Master. Bro. A. 1I. Todd, Clinton P. 0.
10.1101111111111111110111111.11M 411011.11111111111
r'One copy of a nwspaper that reaches the borne
1s worth more for the purposes of advertising that
hero that dont." P. T. natuttra# ,;,
First car no* arrived direct from
Redpath's Refinery, INTontrea
Quality tie Purest,
Prices the Lowest.
Special Outs in 100 Pounds or Bbl. Lots, '
Butter and Eggs wanted.
J W IRWIN, Noted Grocer,-
Wilson & Howe, Successors to James Anderson,;`
The undersigned have bought the stock, good -will and interest of Jamas
Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the
Novelty Bakery and Restaurant.
The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a first.claes Res—
taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy
hope, to receive the continued patronage of all old customers.
- Clinton;
11 Great Offer!
For years we have been averse to making .rr cuts" or in any,
way lowering the pirce of THE NEWS -RECORD. To -day
our mind is not much changed.
This journal is well worth a dollar and a half a year. We -
know this to be a fact, because we spend the hard cashid
in its production and should be in a position to speak.
The business man who does not know the cost of goods or. the
amount of money he pays for labor must be a fool.
We have decided to give the public the benefit of our wise or
unwise judgment for once. And the great offer we Make
should meet with a quick response from all reading people.
A Tempting Offer:
,��$1.50 for 18 mont.s
A11 new subscribers can have THE NEWS -RECORD, the best
paper in the County of Huron at $1.25 a year, for the
small sum of 81.50 to January, 1895.
Our list has been rapidly increasing as it is, but we are
determined to place THE NEWS-RECOI.D in an unpre-
cedented number of' new homes.
1S.The cash in every case must accompany the order.
Another Great Offer
To those who would like to secure a city weekly with THE
NEWS -RECORD, we will give The Toronto Empire for
one year and this paper to January, 1895, for only
$2.30. .
The offer is one that cannot be well overlooked by people who
desire to secure a good and clean local paper as well as a
city weekly.
And Still Another?!
Any reader of THE NEWS -RECORD is at liberty to constitute
himself or herself an agent and we will allow a commis-
sion Write us for particulars and go to .work.
There is not any money in it for the Publisher at the above
figures, but that should not prevent people from silbscrib-
If nonreaders would like the best local paper at a trifling
cost, now is the proper time to take advantage of our
tempting offer. The offer will not remain open many
Address all letter's and remittances to
McColl's 0Y1_►1 \1-32) R (DID will wear
twice as long as any other make. The finest High grade
Engine Oils are manufactured by
McColl Bros. & Co., - Toronto.
▪ liagill'aLA• -JAL