The Huron News-Record, 1893-08-09, Page 13f HIR L) WILL- BE Canaa's Great DUSTRI I :TORONTO SEPT. 4 TO 16 1893 `EXCELLING ALL OTHERS New Stables, New Cattle Shells And ninny other Improvements SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Greater and4 Better Than Ever The People's Greatest AnnualOuting Cheap Excursions on Ail Railways, J. J. Wr'rsnow, H. J. HILI., President, Manager, Toronto. Chicago Excursions. Friday and Saturday, Aug 18and 19, Fare $10.70. Tickets good for 10 days. Sarnia Excursion, Aug. 22nd, 'Fare $I .'Z0. Tickets good until 23rd Aug: For all particulars apply to WWI. JACKSON, TOWN AGENT, - - G. T. R. Town Property for Sale. Lots 656 and 657, Gordon Street, and part lot 14, Victoria Street. Town nt Clinton Will he sold '.heap. Apply to G. D. MCTAGQART, Clinton. 767—tf Farms for _Sale. Lets 29 and 80. con. 8, Ltullett, 200 a,,r'•e. Lot 20, eon. 4, Stanley, 500 acres. Both desirably, situated and will he sold on easy terms. Annly to 0. D. SlcTAUGART,Cllnton. 767-tf All sensible people travel by the C. P. It. ren.` rh� All good business men use the C. P. B. TELEGRAPH. /, Clinton agency at 'COOPER'S Book Store. WANTED A bright. intelligent and competent person: 910 par :month will be paid. Civility and courtesy will bring an equal amount in "tips." Address J. J. WRIGHT, Proprietor Point Farm, Goderl, h ` Toters' List, 5113. 51UNIOIPALITY OF THE TOR'rSIIIP 08' STAN- LEY, HURON CO. Notice is hereby given that I hoes transmitted or delivered to the persons rnentin"cd in sections 0 and 6, of the Voters' Lists Acts, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of tbo listinade pursuant to said Act of all persons appear- ing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said List - was first posted up In my of Ice at Clinton, on the 26th day of July, 1898, and remains there for inspec tion. Madera are called np-w to examine the said List ' and if any 0miesione or any other orro'e are found therein, to take immediate proeeedinga to have said errors corrected according to law. G x STEWART, Clerk of Stanley Tp. Jut381,t,1898. Important Land Sale. The nndereigned has purchased the ono hundred Acres of the 1t,nsford Estate, on the Hur.,n Road, ad. loining the town of Clinton, and nn • MONDAY, AUG. 21ST he will have the name surveyed into lots. Parties ' ' widbing desirable building, park or pasture lots may have the same surveyed to snit, by attending on tbo ground that day. The land is, without exception, the &peat in'tlio eotintry, is in an excellent state of (mitt. •htlon,'and adjoins the heat part et the Town of Clinton. The lots will be sold in either quarter acre, . two or five acre or larger lots, and streets put through where necessary. The most reasonable terms will be given. WILLIAM BAWDEN. World's Columbian Exposition. The Goderieh Horticultural Sooletyhave completed arrangements to make an exhibition from the county ^•.Of Unroll of plums, pears, and apples at the World's COlurobian exposition. All exhibits packed and ex. pressed direct to Chicago trona here. Parties will re- oeivetnlioredltfor any exhibit tlmylmnymake. All ex. press or other charges for sending from any part of the eonnty bore will bo paid at this end. Correspondence regarding number of epeoimena, throe for sending, &a., cheerfully anewored by tho undersigned. W. LANE, J. T. DiCESON, Secretary. President. C+odorlch, July 26, 98. 768.41. A Workshop on Wheels. .'.l'1'aylor,ontler, and grinder, is hero for a short 18 to do all kinds of grinding and repairs. Razors, tattoo shears, nolanore, joiners toole, eh.ep and gal6nere' shears, saws sharpened, umbrellas and parasols neatly repaired, lawn mowers sharpened And repaired, now blathe put into old handles atidmade equal to now, surgical inetrtmenta char. ,period. at mintier#sill. Mr, H. Ingram, of Clinton, was t110 circular to.wa 011 Friday. Deputy-reeve'H. Eilber, of Crediton, was in town last F1'ldny. AIr. T. Doherty, of Clinton, was. in Goderieh the past week, Mrs A. B. Powell, of the Empire was in Goderieh on Saturday. Mr. John Spooner, of Clinton, visited the county town last \Vednesdrty. The yacht V'orhna arrived in port on Sunday after a very pleasant sail from Wiarton. The Norma made several stops to allow those on board to haul out the mighty bass. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Straiton returned to their home, Thorudale, ou Saturda Mr. ID. Bruce, of Stratford, spe Sunday in Goderich. Commander E. N. Lewis, Chas. Seager, P. Holt, S. Malcomson, Lockwood, W. Proudfoot, with Captain F. Pretty composed the yachting party on the Norma's trip from Wiarton. The Brucefleid burglars were sent- enced by Judge Toms on Saturday, the elder one getting 7 yesrs in the King- ston penetentiaryy and the younger1 year andlll cwntbs in the Central ris- 00. Dredge No. 9 was laid up the past week for necessary repairs. The dredge General Meade with tog and scows arrived in port last week and flttec up for work at Port ,Albert harb- or. Regular meeting of Goderieh Council Ningo. . 157, C. O. C. F., next Friday even - y, nt There will be excursions from Lon don, Blyth, St. Mary's and Stratford and other places to -morrow. The Misses Howell left for home, Prince Edward, on Saturday after two weeks visit at the parsonage, North Street. Last week in writing about bathing on the beach we wrote, better costumes, surf bathing and both sexes, but the type made ns say better customs, suit bathing and better sexes. Now our customs could not be bettered, and how the sexes in this locality could be is a great conundrum, Misses Florence E. Ball, Mary. Rusk, Allie Johnston and Edith Wiggins left on Monday to attend the autumn ses- sion of the Provincial Normal School that opened yesterday. The great C. C. C. C. meeting in the circular town to -morrow. Mr. H. W. Ball, Jr., returned on Fri- day front Mackinaw. While in Sault Ste Marie Mr. B. met Mr. Geo. Price, who with his brother Fred are doing a big business. Mr. Cr. Ca,mpaigne*'has returned home, his boat having been laid up. Dr. and Mrs. Nicholson left town on Saturday to visit the World's Fair. On Saturday Captain Babb had the life boat out for practice, the day being rough. There was a considerabie CI owd on the peir watching the manoeuvres. The steamer City of Wiiul or was in port on Saturday and Monday. The schooner Kolfatje delivered a cargo of coal the past week. The schooner Carter reached her clock on Saturday with a cargo of lumber from Tltessalon for N. Dyhrent. The steamer Monarch took on a large quantity of ft -eight when in port on Saturday. An alarm was sounded last week, the cause being a small blaze at the foundry caused by a spark. • Messrs. Geo. Porter and G. H. Nairn have returned from Niagat•a Palls whey e they haul been attending the meeting of the Grand Lodge of the. I. 0. 0. F. Mr. Watson, of Detroit, was the past week, visiting his brother E. R. Mrs. Alexander and children of -- nre visiting at the residence of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 1Vi1- lianas• bliss McLeod, of Seaforth, was visit- ing in Goderieh the past week. Air. and •Mrs. Tanner returned to their house, Toronto, on Monday. Mr. Will Trainer left this week for his home, Chicago, via London. Mr, and Mrs. Crasswellcr left town for home on Monday. Mrs. 8. McLean died last week after a long and painful illness, at the early age out 30. The deceased lady was the only daughter of Dir: and Mrs. Arthur Cantelon, of Goderieh, and had been married eight or ten years. The fun- eral took )lace to Maitland cemetery and was the largest seen in this neigh- borhood for some time. The pall bear- ers were all relatives: Mr. D. Cante- lon, and Peter, Jr., of Clinton, being of the number. The surviving husband lard deceased's parents have the sym- pathy of the people of this part of Huron in their sad bereavement. A very pretty yacht belonging to Detroit was in this port two days the past week. . Miss Santis, of Saltford, wluo was visiting. her parents the past two weeks, leftesterdayy to resutne her duties at the yesterday General Hospital. A party pirnicing at Attrill's point last week carelessly left a fire they had used horning. Theiwind fornted it into a blaze and caused the loss of a consid- erable portion of this years crop. Dl's. Fysh, a former resident of God- erieh, is visiting relatives in town. Mr. Albert Cox, of Pickford, is visit- ing <tt at the parental residence, Elgin Street. • Rayfield. T C, B.irorc,L.D.A.,01Cliaton,wlll, until further notice, be at the River Hotel the second an'. fourth Thursday of every m ,nth, c K M M Myth. On Saturday Mrs. Janes Coloton woe filled away to Stratford to see her daughter site who is Tying seriously ill at her sinter',, re. P. Moore, of that town. Miss Owens, of 'Toronto, is the guest of an Sophie Symonds et present. Will. Powell, of the Hub, was in town on ondee. On Sunday Rev, Mr. Pason, a French Canadian, occupied the pulpit of the Metho- dist church both morning and evening, preaching to large congregations. At our last council meeting the rate of taxation for this yes' has been put at 18 mills on the $, et the name time Mr. John 13e11 was re -appointed an tax collector for.1893, On Monday evening Rev. Mr. 1'anon lectured in the Methodist ohuroh an to his reasons for leaving the Roman Catholic urn 1 h, also what he twat through whilst oing mie.lnnnry work for eight years monget the Oko Indiana. The church wan owded to the doors. The Ieotnre was cry interesting and was atteutivtly listened . A silver collection wee taken up at the 005'. COTTAGE FOR SALE, oh d a and premises of Mrs. A. D d wort a The dolt e n 8 e 0 g "i ,,' • brl hiatus Street, Clinton' aonelating of a comfortable or eattrlgs with kitchen and woodshed, hard and soft v tor } sere, Of land with qqantlty of fruit trees, berrant buchus grape vines, neo.--'lbrtne easy, to Apply 1 MANNtIP?G 4i ttOODT, vines, 7i'0-tt d Sttnnnerit.111. Se11oo1 colnanencee next Mender, the gist Inst, The "wee" tolls should ell turn out the Ant day. G. M. Kitty and J. D. 1Cf1ty, of Clinton, were fit Lucknow on laundey attending' the funeral of their uncle, the late \ism, Kilts, of that place. The deceased lived for a great many years oil the ease litre on the farm now owned by Mr. Wiu, Tiplady. Mr. d. HX Lowery has r. turned from the World'a Fair. There will be a debate in the 1. 0.0. T. lodge this (Wednesday) evening on the subject, ''Resolved that the World's Fair 'will do more harm than good." nit— Tuclterstnith. Mise Sullivan, of Toronto Township, is visiting at Mr. 1llenvy "O'Brien's. Misses Eve and Emily Turnor are spend ing pert of their vacation with Mr. Cleo Turner. %Vr. W. and J. Ashton spent Sunday in Morrie. Tp. ' Bervest' will eoon be a thing of the past Quite a_wiud storm pasted over here on Friday. Some of the farmers uaa now ge a load of pea, in one ptsoe. Hooping cough is prevalent in this neigh borhood. Mies Annie O'Brien has been en the •Me list the lost few days. Mrs. John White is on the sick list. We are glad to say that she is reuoveriup,. Mr. Divid Crawford has scoepted a situa- tion with Mr. J. Clark of Seaforth, Stanley. Mrs. William Clark, Sr., is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Walker, in Ex 1,e. Rev. Mr. Philpntt, of Toronto, preached an eloquent. sermon last Sunday evening to the oongregatiun of Bayfield Road Church. Theoongregetlon of Rayfeld R red ohero h contemplate buying an organ for use in the ohuroh, Miss Mary McAeh has returned from To:. ronto. Cattle are grea'ly troubled with flies whish have appeared lately. Meatiest are prevalent in this neighbor- hood. Mr. Robert Reid is visiting at the World'. Fair. Rev. Mr. Macdonald preached for Rev, Mr. Leech in the \lethodiet oiaroh, Verna, last Sunday evening, Port Albert The Hon. J. C. Patterson, Minister of Militia and defence, accompanied by Capt Joseph Beck, was in the Port on Wednesday lest. The Hon. gentleman was pleased to meet so many people from the surrounding country amongst them the tall figure of warden Griffin was most conspicuous. After viewing the work at the harbor and a couple hours chat with the people, the minister in charge of the "bould Soger Boy" proceeded on to Kingsbridgeend Kintail. The dredge has arrived and the work at the harbor will now go ahead without any further drawbacks, 4 large quantity of stone has been delivered for the cribs during the past week, as also considerable sawn timber for the work. Belgrave. A letter from a friend says :—Mr. Thomas E. Nixon, formerly of Bel - grave, was expected to spend the 12th of July among his friends and Orange brethren here, but he failed to appear. On the night of the 10th Mr. Nixon stopped at the Union hotel, Stokes Bay, on his way, when unfortunately the hotel took fire -and he ;amongst several others had an marrow escape. for their live,. Mr. Nixon grabbed his clothes, as he thought., in the dark and when he got out he only had an over-. coat. He was the loser of his body coat, containing $71), and a vest with n. good.watch, and left with only $2.60 to continue his trip, but he preferred to return to the boat and spend his 12th of July on the lake as he has done foo' the past three years. Ire may ap- pear some futttte time. MORRIS, The Morris Council met pursuant to ad. journrnen: August 7th, 1893. Members nil present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Oa motion of Proctor, secondee! by Kirby, the follow- ing accounts were ordered to be paid, name- ly :—For gravel, 13. Bloomfield, $4.70 ; Jno. Mooney, $2 00 ; W. Trines, $2.85; Jno, Barr, $4 ; E. Littlefair, $7 70 : J. Il. Sel- lare,'$9.05 ; IV. Sholifce, $5.14 ; T. Hender- son, $2.45; A. W. Sloan, $2.45 ; Jae, Me- Arter, $7.40 ; F. Wright, $8.58 ; George Pierce, $3.61 ; Corporation Emit Wewano:h, $2 80 ; Gon. Peacock, $;'-,. l0 ; Wm, Mc. Kelvy, $2,20 ; E. Bosman, $3 08 ; D. Her- rington, 88,80 ; T. R useell, 86 ; C. Camp. hell,2.21V $ 1 ; .hopper, $3...,, 9 r ; (ten. Tey. lor, $1.20 ; Jno. Sommerville, 83 20; Jae Watson. $9.13 ; J. Colley, $14 ; C. MoLel. land, $2.10 ; Jas. P. toh, building culvert, $13.50; W. Phelan, plank, $1.15; O. Smith, repairing culvert, $4; Jas. Jackson, gravel. ing on south boundary,,$30 18; Jas. Jackson, repairing culvert, 810; J. McCaughey, re- pairing culvert, $5.75; ,Jinn Mosinee, contract on west gravel road, $200 ; Wm. Scott, in- specting and spreading gravel, $11 25 ; .las. Timmins, spikes and gravel, $13 ; Wm. Messer, spikes, 21 cte. ; J. Smith, cutting hill on sideline, $10 ; Ger. Goodfellow, ditch on fifth lino, $2 ; E. Marshall, oontreat on McCrea's hill, $20 ; A. Brooke, gravelling on 41h L'ne, $26 60 : Wm. 1 indlater, gravel- ling on 2ad line, $4 ; E. Littlefnir, cedar, $3.75 ; T. Miller, timber for Clark's bridge, $2.50 ; R'. Hanna, contract on 6th line, $21.90 ; C. McCrea inepeotiug and spread• ing gravel, $2; E. Livingston, lumber, $5 73; Jon. Cloakey, ditch and gravel, 810.40; J. Colley, ditch on west gravel road, $25 ; W. Carter, contract on eget gravel road, $53.10; W. H, Kerr, printing, $27 ; R. Mc- Leod, grovel on east boundary, $10.50 ; lin. McLeod, culvert on south boundary, $2 ; Gon. Kirkby, to pay contract between lots 20 and 21, eon. 9, $40 ; Jne. Currie, repair- ing Clark's bridge, $9 ; Joo. Robb, building culverts on 6th line, $9; Win, Denbo, gravel on east boundary, $40.60 ; R. )turns, inspecting and spreading gtsvel. $5.624 ; Mies Extract, charity, $9 ; E. L. Dickenson, fees re -arbitration suit, $100. Moved by C. A. Howe, seconded by Geo Kirkby, that S. Celdbiok and Joe. Prootor be inetruoted to examine sideline between 20 and 21, eon. 3, and have the road opened for travel provid- ing the Dost does not exceed $75.—Carried. Moved by Geo. Kirby, seconded by C A. Howe, that the Clerk be Instructed to notify Alex. Eakett to have hie oontrain with this Council,00mpleted before the first of Ootoher next, or the same will be relet,—Carriers. Moved by C. A. Howe, wooded by Jos. Proctor, that the Reeve and Treasurer bo authorised to borrow four honked dollars for four months to pay current twenties. — Carried, On motion of Prootor, seconded by Howe, the Council then adjourned to meet again on the 18th Sept. next. W. CLARIt; Clerk, • 040010 XXfi'lwiusiiily. The 0o4e'ieh township icoijnoil wet to•dtty, August 70, 1893.. Members' -all ()$sent. lvlinutee of last meeting read and paries. !Moved by John lawmen, see. by Jas. Connolly, that the petition of Gaariel Elliott and fourteen others regarding Mrs. Annie Garvie, be com- plied with, aud that elle receive $2 per week fur board and her doctor bill paid for a term not t•xceeding 8 weeks. Moved by Sam Sturdy sec. by G. A. Cooper, that Reeve and .7:llingsurer be empowered to borrow the sum of two hundred dollars for township purposes. Moved by John Beacom sec. by Samuel Sturdy, that the following rates be leo, led for county purposes: --2 mills and 6-10 on the dollar for township pur- poses, 2 mills on the dollar for special school purposes, of a' mill on all rat‘, ably property and taxable income ex. oept separate school supporters and the local school section tax required by the several school trustees be levied on sante property. The following accounts were ordered paid :—Star, printing, 82.90; NEws.REcoRD, plrnting, $16.50. Adjourned to meet on first Mor.day in September.—NIxoN STURDY, Clerk. Slteppardton. Mrs. McNally and child are at pres- ent visiting her mother, Mrs. Jas. Scott, Mrs. J. Elliot and 'her baby boy are stopping a couple of weeks with friends here. Miss Kate McDonald, of Detroit, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Hawkins, hast week. Miss Minnie McConnell is the guest of Miss Annie Burrows. Miss Hattie Hayden is spending a week with friends in the circular city. Miss Sarah Hawkins, of London, is spending a few days at home. Mr. Win. Vrooman had a narrow escape from death a few days ago. He was going to Goderieh with a load of hay and when opposite Joseph Morris' place the wheel came off the wagon precipitating hien to the ground when the load rolled onto him crushing him badly. Had it not been for the timely arrival of Mr. Echlin, who got help and removed the hay, he would soon have been beyond human.aid. Mr. Jas. Tigert who has been study- ing for a second has passed a successful examination. Congratulations Jim. Little Graham. Chapman, who was stn sick a week ago, is convalescent, Dr. Whitely attended hitt. Miss Mary Relton and Miss Bell, of Goderich township, spent a few days with their cousin, Miss Dolly Maw, last week. Hon. J. C. Patterson, who is at pre- sent stopping at the Point Farm silm- mer resort passed through our village one day last week. There is a great stir at present in the Western Fair Office sending out invi- tations to exhibitors and visitors throughout Canada, in the shape of Prize Lists, Lithographs, Programmes, and advertising matter of all kinds. The `VesterI) Fair Association were. never 10 0 better position than they are at present the handsome cash bal- ance of seven thousand dollars to insure against loss by weather, coupled with the fact that for the first time in many years there is no other large Fair being held on the same dates. The Live Stock Department is of personal as well as financial interest to every farther, owner, or admirer of c'hoic'e animals. An endeavor is being Made to secure the prominent breeders with their stock, which will embrace the choicest specimens of every stan- dard breed, and in .numbers eclipse our great record of, the past as 0 Lit& Stock Exhibition. The Western Fair offers unexcelled opportunities for the sale and purchase of Live Stock. The Poultry Department, which was the admiration of not only fanciers and breeders, but of our visitors as well, will he considerably augmented this year, from the fact that London is to be the selecting point for Western Ontario where specimens for the World's Fair will be chosen, and as London and vicinity furnish nearly one half of Ontario's exhibit of fowls, we are not saying too much when we remark that this year's display will be moat extenSi te. The Agricultural and Horticultural Departments will especially interest those engaged in the science of hus- bandry and the admirers of these use- ful peoductg. The choicest specimens of grain, seeds, foots, vegetables and planta, comprising the hest old and the most valuable new varieties will be on exhibition. As London is the great centre of the Dairy Interests of Canada., and as many of the winners of medals at the Colum- bian Exlribion are residents of Western Ontario a large exhibit, of cheese and butter is an assured feature of this Fair. A large number of Special Attractions have been arranged for already for the entertainment of the visa toes, among which are W. 0. Coup's Equeseurricnlum and Professor Buck- ley's celebrated army of Trained Horses, selected for their per- fection of form and inteligence, these almost human :animals will give a real- istic representation of 'A BATTLE SCENE, and other teats oven more • 1, t I� naso ea i cies la A'e !`Kir �jl'P. ' :5}.i..: = , qy LAa Y. EGAN; of TORONTO, Greatest success in the treatment of all forms o1 rterele, of 5111nown agonojrw In males* times. SPECIALIST WILL <MIT ■;CA�,7CT�T'��CA�T, (rand YJnllon Iie�teiw�. ------Pott THE WEJ;x BEGINNING 'TESD AY, AUGUST 29TH ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEE10111BER 2ND. An Entirely New System of Treatment. You son arm held aeoerely and in cony/ort daring the hardest work, or severest a train, under all reaves, sole eironmstaneee, even horse heck riding, then rt care /idiom. 11 y Inst and greatest invention in Hernial Appliances, le the result of over twenty-seven years' ,/continnmte profegefarat practical experience. Renaelgw , ber 1 have been body, In a oohing,rvutsiness rosing orrl mane,o Quer and never slips frotni 11This * position ou the bont dy,ds either up o motion magi othere do, but eta, a whine you put it. SOTNOFAILURES,' a 1 I oars not how severe or difficult the case, 1 ca„ help you. The under,Igned knows the true oauae of rep. ture and bee recently discovered the secret—as yet known only to himself— by which a cure can be *Pored is this terrible Maim' with. ut resort to the knife. Don't put it off tlrl;too late. Children Cured in from 6 to 8 weeks, Adults in from 10 to 14 weeks, e According to the severity of the ones, dye of person, or length of time nil towed makes no difference. EVERX CASIO A tSUCCEIEIS Thio is poeiti.e, as/ bare consinotny testimony from physicians, from parent'', and from those declare* by recalled surgical machinists to be "hopeless oases.' THIS IS THE EVIDENCE THAT TELLS THE STORY ! J. Y.' EGAN, HERNIA SPECIALIST 266 West Queen St., Toronto, Ont. •' or In writing please mention this paper. 770-3t. wonderful. Professor Freyer's EDUCATED DOGS, which holdHigh Court Session, consistiui of Judge, Lawyers, Jury and Prisoner, will try, convict, hang and bury one of their number, besides per- forming numerous other intelligent and astonishing tricks. They have also secured the Imperial Japanese Troupe from Tokio, Japan. These little folks give marvelous performances of novel and sensational Acts, not equalled by any other Troupe in the world. They are also engaged to give DAY FIREWORKS, which are wounderful, .curious and amusing. Professor Calverley the High Wire Artist and. Champion of the falls of Niagara, has been secured at consider- able expense, and will give exhibi- tions day and night during the fair. Broncho Bob, the Rifle King, assisted by Miss Trixie Slocum, will give ex- hibitions of the rnost difficult feats known in' Shooting. Among other things they will shoot flying , balls while standing on a Swinging Trapeze. An elahorte display of FIRE- WORKS will be given each evening: These, together with Speeding Con- tests, Bicycle Races, and a host of other attractions will amply repay all those who have the privilege of witnessing them. Special Passenger and Freight Rates have been arranged for with all Rail- ways and Express Companies. BIRTHS. flonTON.—In Seef.,rtte, on August 9th, the wife of Mr. Harry Horton, of a eon. MYLES —At G ,re Bay, Manitoulin, ou Tuesday, August Sth, the wife of Mr. Gen. W. Myles, of a daughter. WATSoN,--In Mitchell, on the 7th inst., the wife of Mr. David Watson, of a eon. RILTY.—In Summerhill, on the 8th inst., the wife of 0. M. Kitty, of a son. MARRIAGES. 1irTcaisofi—EVERETT.—On the 9th inst., by Rev. 1. G. Weed, at the Rectory, Geo. Hutchison, of Aehfeld, to Angeline Everett, of Wingham. DEATHS. \VHIT gIIEAI. —In Soar orth,on Anguet 9th, Mary Ireland, relict of the late Charles Whitehead, aged 64 years and 3 mouths. Lovg.—ln 1'uckeremith, on August 6th, A,n.1l, third son of Mr. John Live, aged 3 years and 7 months, AIICESS—In Wingham, on the 10th iner., Walter Murray Aiken*, eon of Mr. Robt, Aikens, aged 7 years, 6 months and 10 days, 111aows— Drowned at Grand Bend, on the -4th inst., Benjamin Arthur, eldest son of Mr. George Brown, merchant, Brinsley, aged 20 years and 7 menthe. A FALL FAIRS. Western at London, Sept. 14 21. North Perth at Stratford, Sept. 28-29. North Waterloo, at Berlin, Sept, 26- 28. Center Huron at Clinton, Sept. 26-27. Toronto Industrial, Sept. 4.16. Centralat Guelph, Sept. 19-21. North Oxford at Woodstock, Sept. 26-27. Mornington and Ellice at Milverton, Sept. 26-97. Mitchell at Mitchell, Sept. 26-27. Great Northwestern at Goderich,Sept. 20-22. \Vest Wellington at Harriston, Sept. 27-28. East Huron at Brussels, Oct. 27. Wingham at Wingham, Sept. 26.27. Iiensall Oct. 7th and 8th. —r...p A v� MARKET' REPORT'S. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon. OLINTON. Fall Wheat, old 0 59 to 0 62 Fall Wheat, new 0 57 to 0 61 Spring Wheat 0 55 to 0 60 Barley .. 0 115 to 0 40 Oats.. .... 0 34 to 0 .37 Peas 0 55 to 0 57 Potatoes, per hush0 80 to 1 00 Butter ................. 0 15 to 0 16 Eggs, per doz 0 9 to 0 10 Hay 6 00 to 7 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef 0 00 to 0 00 Wool 0 17 to 0 20 THE BRITISH GRAIN TRADE. The Mark Lane Express of Monday last, in its weekly review n,f the British grain trade, rays:—"The British wheat crop is now estimated at 7,000.000 quartero. This leaves 21,000,000 quarters to be imported. Deducting -the stock left over from 1892, there will be needed 19,000,000 quarters. it is not easy to see where this *empty is to come from. It will absorb till the good crops of Russia, India and Southeastern Europe t i fill the Britiab requirements. In the lrreanttme foref u wheats are neglected. Manitoba a isquotednt , i 28 9d and Californ o at 291 3d per quarter. English wheat is in quiet request at unchaegod values. Corn is cheap. Old American ,elle at 21s rind new American at 61 ,lees. Oats are dull and weak. Flour, b eye pets and beans are un- changed. --The trophy won by the Zorree 3a Chicago is a cup of solid silver, 18 in- ches high, and very handsomely mount- ed with American eagles with outspread wings. The following is the inecrip- tion : "Presented by the World'. Fair Scottish Assembly to the West Zorra tug-of-war team, on the occasion of their victory at the International Scottish gathering at Chicago, entitling them to the championship of America," WESTERN FAIR LONDON. SEPTEMBER I4th TO 23rd, 1893. Canada's Favorite Exhibition ESTABLISHED 1866. The Oldest in the Dominion. LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS, Entries Close September 7110. The beat and largest Stabling and Space allottedoa• receipt of entries. BETTER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Tasa Evan BxroRE. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS FROM ALL POINTS. For Prize List and information apply to CAPT. A. W. PORTE, THOS. A. BROWNE, President. Secretary.. Made by the skilled German Straw Workers, is a, great ' convenience when a lady is visiting, exceedingly handy when a person has small parcels to carry, and an excellent thing for a small lunch basket. Linen Baskets, Work Baskets, Waste Baskets, Pin Baskets, Are lines in which we have good goods and value.