The Huron News-Record, 1893-08-02, Page 8'TO WORLD' 'F ho odi o rate a +till . ,it* .doubt eYI ve r.£uto,resttag,'but i* this iwelt- �arluit weather,#ba�►tldxt Able !h'tgto' do is to saws a< reltgble, atieieler '110 14. amt e.lat4v4, the .00 0' I1414; sod. •*44Ilottte 1"04144;,:x), Tfl t Inr< woad A..and 444E' Ifnd•tlle: vorx,best brands.of cantdianattd. .!tnparted �YI>!11:s, . WL-HSl3ISS cud DuotpIF,S Our prkeus era the;ioweat for'`tho beet goods a pay snee al attoiition to lines for house. Hold #14i.uu7e,,d•4u�iiiut purioseaa,, , tirmot, la STREET, .. cl,LNTON. 4..; Y.. To Advertisers, Alf changes of Advertisements, to yrfsu� a insertion in the cu ,rent assns, . oust be received at the olio not later than iS`.4T URDAY ,.VQOi� . Copy • jgrchanges received later than SAT,. 171WA•Y' YOO V will hereafter be a. the Advertiser's own risk. A, M. TODD, Publisher. e Huron Nevus -Rei, oro -1.50 s Year—U.25 to Advance Wednesday, hu; .ust 2nd, 1893. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the Rub, Evan 1E! lith. CASH or Goode paid for Cherriee.L OA'THLON BROS. IFO F& IERS AN HORSEMEN.—Best (single harness a specialty, (,11 styles and j closest prices. Everything in our line eut fine. JouNsoN & ARM0uR,harness • makers. WANTED.,—Any quantity of Plums; Cherries, Red and Black' Currants and Goose Berries, for which the highest market price will be paid.—N. Ronsoe. t'Genuine Wrought Steel Ranges from $30 to $50. Why buy from pedlars when you can get them from Harland 'Bros., the best quality and lowest prices. 766-tf cash paid for eggs' and, hotter.-0ANTZLON Baos. MR. JOHN SHAW, of Brussels, father et Dr. Shaw, was in town last Thurs. day. Nnw CROSSING.—The much—needed atone crossing opposite MaKenzie's 'office near the station, hae been built by the town. ST. PAUL'S PIC-NIC.—The S. S. picnic. to Goderich last Thursday was a 5000ees in every respect, 160 railway tickets being purchased. HAPPIIJY MARRIED.—Mie. Ewings and Dir. Joseph Allauson, the king gardener, were made one ou Tuesday evening of last week: THE MORE THE MERRIER.—Another band is about to be organized.. Dir. Geo. Hoare has had for some years the laudable idea of forming a huge county band: From present reports the organization will be proceeded with. BitIGDEN VISITORS.—Mr. Geo. R. Theobald, wife and children, of Brigden, arethe gudsts of Mr, Walter Coate, Mr. Theobald is principal of the Brigden public school and resided in Clinton some years ago. Mrs. Theo bald is a sister of Mrs. Coats. STANLEY VOTERS' LIST.—The voters' list of the township of Stanley for 1893 waerposted in Clerk Stewart's office on July 26th. There are 724 voters on the list—first part 531, second 93, third 100. • The number qualified for jurors ie• 344 . SAD ACCIDENT.—Mr. W. Foster, lately of Clinton, was on the C. P. R. train from Teeswater by which baggage - man Matthew Bunton was crushed. �.''The man was coupling two care. He slipped and fell beneath the wheels. His left leg, left arm and right hand were terribly crushed. The unfortun- •- ate man was removed to the Toronto hospital, where he died. He loaves a wife and one child. WSE'ELMEN ON THE NEW TRACKY— The new bicycle track on Recreation Park was formally opened on Tuesday evening of last week. The Weather was fine and the track in splendid Shape, it having been previously sprinkled. The want of a grand stand, or some other kind of seating accom- modation, was felt by the great majority present. Every race was closely con - tooted and as interesting as could well be. The one mile ,dash was won by Robert Downs in 3.20, Messrs. Combo tend McDonagh folfowing close behind. The boy's rano was a third mile, beet two in three ; Cooker won the first two sttceebsiio heats in 1,$4 and 1,03; the other contestants were Doherty and 1tifeltiurr'ay, both malting close !time.' '"'E tt,:Gould,' A. T: Cooper and Enter• lot store conteetante in the two mile '°da di,the two 'former with 15 second, lead; the race was finally a desperate etroggle betweoin Cooper and,Emerson, Yoopor winning, with Emerson' clos0. ebind, in, 6.89. Be D:owne captured 01r , placS in the :lis chill, third mile, over Combs And NeDetiagh, time 1m. int:it else., •kW third" mile Ab, Cooper won in. 55 seconds, boating Emerson and ovey, Ori Shaw was tis starter)' t►tt Joaepir Copp ;toner, Y 'MPol toe Dionsoloer, of iteheti, . .wuu, vist init-1u towti lwt! we . .SToc 1A1<U.,.--1tearnbit Ake. *took fill UIirtta.�p. on August 9t4, ` Mitt., JAMt!t,13EA1,`T'z., 4f OS. livor~, cannot yal;gel :along. wtthoul :they sols, tauca et .0440444 D, •C, `t EIAlieg rto1y,yrotf_idegoe. is )prggroesrag, ''hit 'structure will COO betwevg, $2,0(J.A ongi •$1,000, •; ANv' Mus. E,• L, 'DECE% or Oitntt 46711,,f '•viaiting:'the tedy'8 parolita,• M:r., : Rod 1.1 ra •. Fineb, of town. ,• tTpu>t LAlES.r•-4Mr.,1', Emextou ou a health,invigorattng •trip up the lake8 antd wtiL o aboent two or, thress Weeke. Ho mtiy possibly viait`Mani- • toba, Laetiossie MATou;�—Thi Laoroeso match between the Soaforth sod Cltn• ton junior Eosins, which took place on the Collegiate grounds on Friday even? ing, resulted in a tie, 3 to 3. The game was brisk, but .the weather very un- favorable. MINNESOTAVISITOR. •— Mr. Alex. Forbes, formerly of the- 4th eon., God. erich'townebip, and who many years ago taught school at No. 10, Bayfield Line, waa,last week here visiting Mr. Geo. H-anley and other friends.‘ Hie home is in Minnesota. THE NEW BAND.—THE • NEws-Rn- conn is pleased to know -that the. new baud is receiving gooencouragement financially. Ex -Mayor Whitehead lib- erally subscribed $20 and 'there is a grand list of tens and fives. The new band is bound to rank among the beat. A better start could not be wished for. ABOUT AtVERTISING.—This is the season of the year when some misguid- ed advertisers cut down their space be• cause business is dull. If advertise• menta are business bringers and they must be or merchants would not pay for them, the dull season is a good time to double the space. It would be a poor locomotive engineer who let the steam pressure run down on upgrades. Shrewd merchants are coming to see this, and when the people seem reluct-. ant to buy, give them a double doeo of urging.—Ex. A SECOND SAMSON.—Signor Lau - ands, of Detroit, gave an:exhibition of his strength on the market square last Thursday evening. He would appear to have the strength of a Samson. His jaws are as of vices of iron and hie teeth as of steel. He raised squarely up by his teeth a barrel of water and four men seated on it, total weight of 1,100 pounds. Signors jaws clasped like a vice a heavy bar room chair and it was swung to and fro and held out straight at ease. The teeth made a h6avy dint or impression on the wood. He is muscular, short, thick set man, with truly wonderful power. I•Ie took up a collection. AT THE SAULT.—The editor is to- day absent at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. His business there is to represent the large and prosperous Orange County of South Huron. The south comprises thirty lodges or more with a large mem- bership. The British America meet- ing will be one of the largee°t and most representative ever held. The Sault is the geographical centre of Canada, be- ing about equidistant from the prairies of.Manitoba and the fog -draped shores of Nova Scotia. It is also easy of so- ceae and a delightful place in which to spend a few days. The Manitoba breth- ren will be out in force as they have .not been since the meeting in Winni- peg some five years ago, and there will also be a strong delegation from Que- bec, Ontario, and in fact from every Province in the Dominion. TRULY, A PIONEER.— Along with deputy•reeve Kennedy the editor of THE NEWS RECORD had a pleasant drive through a portion of Goderich ,town• ship last Thursday evening. Mr. Ken- nedy, like all sensible people, loves a fine horse. The spin was made behind one of J. B's. spanking black beauties from the livery. A drive out for a few miles makes one's heart throb with joy as the fertile richness o'f our native lands is revealed by the abundant gold- en harvest silently waiting the incom- ing of .the reaper. The ripe and yet green fields convey a world of mean- ing. They portray the fact that while in many American States farmers are in adeplorable and starving condition, our tillers of the Boil are blessed with plenty and abundant harvesta,, We drove to the excellent farm of deputy -reeve Belt. com. And there we met with a lady, bis honored mother, who is in her 94th year. Truly, she ie a pioneer. The lady, in her day, was an important fac- tor in creating the prosperity a good number enjoy to day. Mre. Beacom had been i$ for some weeks, but we found ler folerably well sitting on a lounge. Her intellect is clear and she can recount many an interesting inoi• dent during three quarters of a century or more. The dear old lady likes to meet friends and a word with her moat certainly _stimulate one to -better love their country. Mrs. Beacom still loves the old'ilag. She may teat assured that 'the British flag will triumphantly float over our fair and prosperous Dominion for generations 1O.como. Her patriotic printiples andteachings. and fife•time noble work—the work -of a pidfieer, truly should drive• the handful. of •rnnegado' Canadians to shame. Dire. Beacom • was married in 1821, we be. Peva, and her,' eldest son ie about 70 gears' f $ge, May ehes be eparei .yet Tot„ysirs. • • And those.iv1io„ eoxl = :rd.r.' U bave the best eban 'we axe in to .clear, then outtif pi, ,t .e will .o ,f t, -,l - ,peta.J airtte es s e '.because' Bexe are is Bicycles, f • aby' 0arriage 1 roqu'�et. And some 0n1a11 lots of • • WINDOW SHADES We have some remnants of the above goods and they are down to the LOWEST PRICE TO CLEAR. RCS_ — 131R,0E_, BOOK STORE AND NEWS DEPOT, CLINTON, eo'siey & Co 0 LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WHITS DRESS EMBROIDERIES .A.111 CZE_A.R2NG PRICES ( LIGHT AND DARK PRINTS PRESS GOODS Now selling fast at our Moving Prices. At Prices that cannot fail to please you. LOVES Silk Taffetta in Black and Colors at 10 cts. a pair. • fi E'ESEY'SD� UDS E6QPORIIIm. The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, 114111100 TABLE'S. 0 05, BO 4a,rici C®nta. • Have you seen the BAMBOO TABLES that we are offer- inns ffer- ino At 25 30 and 45 cents. They are great value at that money, We have also a line of Bedroom Suits, Sideboards and Extension Tables. That are very cheap. Before buying call and see what we can do for you. , p -- JOSEPH 0HIDLE 1 y Furniture i •Detti'.� rine d� W. CHIDLEY, .1a.,/y uneral'Director and Embalmer, N'ight callcat ewered' At his residence, King St., opposite the Foundry. yr; l�. u us, ur. Tlle majority of which +caul be comfortably worn, through; the. winter. Men's Sii/ts.to Order; A big cut in any summer suiting, STRAW HA)S. While •our stock` in this line is in good shape no reserve will be - made in clearing all straw goods out. SUMMER TIES. Some lines at 3 for 25c., some 2 for 25c., some at 25c., ---new, neat goods. . What you may need for the balance of the I nonth in SUMMER GOODS may be had at cut prices. Jack n ros, lIten's and TIoy's 0utaters, + — To entirely clear out our stock of Blouses we offer you your 'choice of them in two lots. Your choice of Lot 1 for 70 cents. Your choice of Lot 2 for $L Those at 70c. were 90c•, $1 -and $1.35 Those at $1 were $1.40, $1.75, $2 and $2.35. We have done a big trade in these goods this season, and, in order to avoid carrying one over, offer what we have left at prices away below the cost of the materials alone, or less than you would pay to have one made up. PARASOLS. We have still a good selection of Parasols, in fact a few too many. In order to reduce the number we will sell you a cheap one for very little money, or a good one for the price of a cheap one. Broadbrim Sailor Hats. Just in this Week are a lot of the fashionable Broarlrim Sailor Hats for ladies. Price 50 and 60 cents. •