The Huron News-Record, 1893-08-02, Page 61:',
.axe: co>lapaunded wltti tri. view .to
Mezyeial, usofgtnees. and adaotabi1i1y.
atey are, composed Of ',414 puie$t
vegetnblouperient8,i The -1plloas t °
attgnt'. ceeti sg1 . Which, rq i y
solvglt ail the •stt,o. draehr. Preeerveo
NI eiaotlittivat value and malke' •
then t 'feyy. to taker sit igx''by old ,9r
-,yotwg,4, For oonexipat$OU.; by spelt-
a sla ,biioluao a, •sioli; #t ogee ..., a.tcl
r t
h '- C iia ti de au e , f.
the �,
Std,nache ,T.river',,' mid; , n,Vefe;: ''
'rtlso • $o cli9.cic colds And foyers, Ayer a
Pills /'
Are .ih:
'unlike otlicx cathartics, :the effect
of, Ayer's Pula le to strengthen
thein. a cketory-organa and restore to
them their regular and\etttttrol po-
tlon ootora everywher!o ,preseisbee
them n spite of uainuonse ,combat-
titioni thoa. ?nava ,ttlwaye` titaintained
their popularity as a famtlii nzcdi
ane,, being in greater demand now
tiled ever before. They aro pat up
broth in vials and boxes', and whether,'
for hoino Use Or travel, Ayer's Pi11
are preferable to any other. Have'
you ever tried Ulm?
tar's Pill.s
Pt/pared yfbDrt dy .aAy1rr*agTrowell, Maas.
Every Dose Effective
rhe Huron News -Record
51,50 n Year—$1.25 in Advance
Wednesday. August Ind, 1893.
From tr.o B1eLhtem News. .
Many of the •renders of the News
have aeon and conversed with a geutle-.
manly Ryouug fellow who acts as can•
vaaser fuer the well knowu tea firtn of
G. Marshall & Go., London, and dor
ing the,:lraet year and a half he has be-
come will—kquwn and is highly liked
'by a;.large umubur of, people iu all the
towns and villages of the west. From
his personal appearance it would scarce-
ly be believed :that two 'years agu Ire
was subject to the -moat excruciatiug
pains that ever tortured s human indi-
vidual, and was daily growing weaker
and weaker, so that only a few months
Appeared to stand between hits and the
'grave. Yet such was the case. He is
to day a living witness to the life•giv-
ing efficacy of Dr. Williams'Pink Pills
for Pale People a fact which he takes
pleasure in relating, but always with
the qualifying statement that he took
them "according to directions," a mat-
ter which many neglect.
Mr. Blair's home is in Huron town-
ship, near the shores of Lake Huron.,
and the whole fumily of father, mother
and seven sons are respected wherever
known. Ae an old acquaintance the
editor of the News can cheerfully testi-
fy to`their sterling character. All the
sons passed' through the Kincardine
High School and all hold good pp'sitious
in society, one beicg tt Methodist clergy-
nuan iu Southern Michigan, another
'being an iinployee ot the London
Chemical Works,aud one a British Col.
umbian merehaut. Alleu of whose
integrity all who know him have the
highest opinion, has been the most un-
fortunate, _but now considers himself
the most foituuate of all. Unfortun•
ate in that by a seemly trifling accident
he was eventually placed iva condition,
in which he often thought death pre-
ferable; tortunate in that after giving
upall hope he was enabled to recover
even robuat health again. His story,
so wonderful that at first it seemed in•
credible, is told with genuine earnest-
ness, that leaves no room for doubt in
the minds of his hearers, and is more
over vouched for by hundreds of old
friends. We will not eater into de-
tails, as the following statement by Mr.
Blair, given freely over his owu eigna-
dura will make the case quite plaiu :
"While taking part iu a football game
et point Clark, on the Queen's birth-
day, 18871 I received a kick on the shin
which at first had no eerioue result, for
I worked on the faun the nice follow-
ing days. Then pains began where I
bad been kicked, 'patieularly in the
mornidg, and in about two weeks I was
forced to seek medical advice. , Tir.
Walden, of Kincardine, whom I first
consltlted, said the periosteutu was in -
jut d, and that serious result., might
follow. About a month later, ae,i. was
not getting better, but the bone swell.
ing and the foot getting blade, I went
to Dr. Secord; his medicine teethed to
do no"good, though under Maltreatment
for nearly a month, He 6e1d the
trouble wee with thotterved, Isoon got
so tIlat f Could not Walk derma the room
Ind pt;lited,gverylhing I ate. I then
went to Dr. oCrimmou; he believed
it Io bo ch'r'opib irltltirhmation of the
bone, and that Elle" uerVee Were affected
from it. I atilt eentinued to get WHO
as % ad soon in such a condition that
every thud of my heart caused mo pain
onou'gh''to almost puke me jump out of
The 'dootoe•tiled' directed me to
go to' 'l`orenttoj I treat to a leading
eteoialiet;, there: (Di. 414 0) on time
2•10of May. nate ay"at sftur, t>ao .461Hunt. Ileseed ii iit ttu uperation,'t>cttuld
.have to be pttrfo.unod, to 101cp out R.
p9ttion of the bone,' Ville op niton;
was poi fel'Ined'by Dr. Guititi,4f Ulintou',,
.lrtttl -previously, trooniu endod
Fur, surge tittle Itftq th:ia j•0000044to
uat`h*tier,buteoo agaiu•
giutY. Woree.. ,Thu patiu•Iofi 1) uleg and';
1;o:it t, •n general dli saes, and su,weaiielt-'
etl tae .,tyres that ,Cotard" poi ift'ad.;'
iN:eXt spring 1;00 sq •bad that I could,
not ever tide .in:. `a buggy, ' The polo,
would come oot4.80da.enl,y with .snail
$ioletice,-thtit 1 Install control of toy
self. 1,11e urocele .iyou.lt1 coutcact.. ` I
%vuukl stilet. and leegli i'ininoder;utoly,
olid this would be fuilowed lay a violent
eh eking, Be great that if in bed, 1 would -
fall out. No: person•. can have, any
idea of lily selferiuget at that, time.' ' to
Aitguot 1801, I wee taken ieto Londoli
but none of the eminent physicians
therm would holt..out any any hopes of
reoo.veey, though One thought he might
be able to helpme eolnewhat. I went to
thecity hospital and held, a conault11-
tion With the etatl', who examined "toy
eight and diagtlueed my.'esee. They
'said, there would be no use... in coming
there, for the treatment would do no
good, while the netirness of other
petiolate would have, a prejudicial
effect. At tine tinea friend, who had
been reading the account., of the Mar-
shall case at Mamitton,• advi ed rue to
try Dr. Williarpe' Pink Pills. At
first 1; declined, but urged, I consented
10.lry them,with no faithswhatever,that
beneficial results would follow.. It
was not long before I caw they were
helping me, and I continued to take
theta 'according to directions, aecom
peeled by the bathe, and
got steadily better. In four weeks was
able to get around; find was able to
walk into London every evening, a
distance of two miles. I continued
taking.the pills; went home, but Mend
I wars not strong enough for the farm,
so I determined to try some light occu-
pation. About'October lst I began to
work for Geo. Marshall & (lo., selling
their team all over the country I am
now able to -get around at all times
in good or bad weather, jumping in
and out of a buggy with no effort, and
can honestly say that I enjoy health.
Thum I have been rained from a bed of
perpetual invalidism, with pi tweets of
an early death and continued torture
until that end cams; to a condition of
perfect health, the advantage of which
can only be realized by one who has
received it back ae I have. Hundreds
of people can testify to the state I was
in. This whole result I attribute to
1)r. Williams' Pink Pills for Pate
,People, which I took (strictly accor'ting
to the directions, and without any
faith when first I began to take them..
I make this etatemeut as a matter of
gratitude for my wonderful cure, and
trust it may be the means of others re-
ceiving as great benefit." ,
Blenheim, May 9, 1893.
The News has every faith in the
above statement, which was cheerfully
made by Mr. Blair,without solicitation,
and we give it publicity both as a
matter of news, and, with the hope that
'perhaps it may aid another who is suffer-
ing similiarly,or from some other of the
many ailments this great remedy is d8"
signed to cure.
Dr. Willianie' Pink Pills for Pale
People are manufactured by the. Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., of Brockville,
Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y.,'a firm of
unquestioned reliability. Pink Pills
are not looked on as a patent medicine'
but rather as a prescription. An
analysis of their properties show that
these pills are an unfailing:specific
from all diseases arising from an im•
poveriehed condition of the blood, or
from an impairment of the nervous
system, such as loss of appetite, depres•
Bion of spirits, anmmia, chlorosis or
green sickness, general muscular weak-
nesses, dizziness, lose, of memory,
locomoter ataxia, paralysis, sciatica,
rheumatism, St. Vitus dance, the after
effects of la grippe, all diseases depend-
ing on a vitiated condition of the blood,
such as sciofuls, chronic erysipelas,
etc. They are also a specific for the
troubles peculiar to the female system,
correcting irregularities, suppressions
and all forms of female weakness build-
ing anew the blood and restoring the
glow of health to pule and sallow
cheelr'e. In the case of men they
effect a radical cure in all casae arising
from mental /worry, overwork or ex -
ceases of any nature. These pills are
not a purgative medicine. They con-
tain only life-giving propertiesf and
nothing that could injure the tnoat
delioate•eyatem. They act directly on
the blood supplying its life-giving
gnalitiee, by assisting it to absorb
oxygen, that great euporter of all or-
ganic life. In this way, the blood be-
coming "built up," and being supplied
with its lacking eonetituents, becomes
%rich and red, 4nouriahee the various
organa, stimulating thein to activity in
the preformance of their funotione and
thus eliminates disease Min the
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
only in boxes bearing the firm's trade
mark and wrapper (printed in red ink).
Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the
dozen or hundred, and any dealer who
offers subetitutos in this form iso trying
to defraud you and should be avoided.
The public aro also cautioned against
all other so-called blood builders and
nerve Lollies, putup in similar form
intended to deceive. They are all
imitations, whose makers hope to
reap pecuniary advantage frt fn the
wonderful reputation achieved by Dr.
�. a And,.Q
•, �� e,w�h. r�Ce�
, t
>:tl (� i 1 .
1 Q t
i s.1
8 .0 e t '. t
'11''x', �?S i1►, 0 0
�. l IaSS 1'x- ..
pt, ..,. . y +� � .t� ds
du. 1 ,
,r Own , IVIaniptabture,.
At. io'vcs>d, ices, :1 <inufactnr'ing oral/ kinds clone with
dispatch, ()Aston .carding a specialty. We do'uusiness
on the squore Call and sap ul .;
E. WI,LLSoN', Clinton.
..8. O90PER,.. , .. PRO.PRIE i OR
Gee erad'and nd Contractor.
This lottery baa been under theepersonal supervision and one owner for eight
year.,,., We ;carr3,0 an edxu t,sive and reliable stock and prepare plans' and 'give•
estimates far. and build all 'Amities of buildings_ on short notice and on the closest
prices. All work is supervised in e. nteuhanical- way and satisfaction
guaranteed. We sell all kind* of interior and exterior material.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash,' Doors, 'Blinds, -&e.
Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESIK; manufactured
at Waterloo. Carl and get prices and estimates betore placing your orders.
Eureka Bakerij and Restaurant.
Iu thanking the citizens Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur-
ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA
BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a batter position than ever to
auecsssfully cater to the wants of the general public. We do our own
baking, save hoavv expensesand turn out a quality of BREAD
BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, 8iC., equal to any in West-
ern Outario and et the very lowest living prices, WEDDING
CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &c., delivered to all parts
CREAM, COOL DRINKS. Pic-nic and Private Gather
ing* supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates.
Remember the locftion—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton.
B 0 Ffl BROS., Proprietors.
Leslie's Carriage Factory.
inanship and material. 'All the latest styles and most modern improve-
ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended
io. Prices to suit the times.
seerFACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, C1iaton. 657---y
Williams' Pink Pills. Ask your deal-
er for Dr. William. Piuk Pills for
Pala People and refuse all imitations
and substitutes.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be
had of all druggists or direct by mail
from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Com.
parry from either address, at 50 cents,*
box, or six boxes for $2 50. The price
at which these pills are sold makes a
course of treatment comparatively inex-
pensive as compared with other re•
medies or medical treatment.
All who have the care of children should
know that Dr. Fowler'e Extract of Wild
Strawberry may be confidentlydepended on
to cure all summer complaints, diarrLma,
dyeeutery, cramps, oolic, cholera iufantum,
cholera morbae. canker, etc., in children or
Although Kansas, it is said, will
have the largest crop of corn ever har-
vested in that State, the poverty of the
farmers is so dietres,ing that petitions
are beiug circulated over western Kan-
sas asking the Governor to call a
special session of the Legislature to
provide some means for the farmers of
the western.counties to get seed wheat'
to sow this fall. Farmers, encouraged
by good trope of 1891 and 1992 sowed
every acre they possibly could to wheat
last fall, every grain of which has been
lost on account of the most severe and
long continued drought ever known in
that country. The wheat, rye, oats,
barley, and in fact everything planted
up to this date is a failure. So severe
has been the drought that the graea has
not yet started only in very low place°,
and stock has suffered for food. This
condition of affairs exists to a
greater or less degree over the
western part of the State. Unless
the people of western Kansas re-
ceive aid in the very near future that
entire section will be practically de•
populated. Such is the condition of
the State which a few years ago, was
boomed by a Canadian statesman ae
the great rival of Canada ae a plaoe
for settlement. The people of Kansas,
if they are wine, will put up theirshuttora
en meeee, and migrate to Manitoba,
and our N. W. Territories.
Consumption Cured.
An old phyefotan, retiredfrorh practice, having
had placed in hie hands by an hpet India mission.
ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for
the speedy and permanent eine of Consnmpt(dn,
Bronchitis, Oatarrbn Asthma and all throat and
Lang Affeetionn aleb s positive and radical awe
for Nervous Debility and sit Nervous complaints,
after havt� totted its wonderful ()wetly()patrols
thousands of eases, has telt It hisdutyto taako
Itknow+n,tohis suffering fetloes. AOtnat@dbythis
motive end a desire to vitiate hqYnan suffering, I
will send free of °barge, tool' who desire it this
tektite in German. French or English, orith full
ilroot ons for preparing and tiding. Sent by mail
by ad awing with Menlo,naming Hilt pa • er.
W. A.,Noxradlf10,Peowe eBloek, Rocheater, N.Y.
Names of the District Masters, Primary
Lodge Masters, their post Unice ad-
dresses and date of meeting.
A. M TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. O.
John Nell, W.D.M., Centralia P. 0.
219—Robt. fiutchin+ot. Greenway, Friday
on or before full moon.
662—Thos. H. Coursey, Lucan, Satnrday on
or before full moon.
493—ltichard Iiodgins, Lucan, •Wed nes
day on or before full moon.
826—William Haggart, Grand Bend,Wed-
nesday on or before full moon.
890—Thomas Longford, bfaplegrove, Wed-
nesday on orbefore full moon.
924—Lewis H. Dickson, Exeter, 1st Friday
in each month.
1071—John Halls, Elimville, Saturday on
or before full moon.
1097—James Cathers, sylvan, Monday on
or belore full moon.
1210—Wm. Mowsen, Moray, Thursday on
or before full moon.
1343—Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday on
or before full moon.
610—Joshua Huxtable, Centralia, F 1dtey
on or atter full moon.
Andrew Mullan, W.D.M., Auburn P.O.
145—James Cox, Goderich, 1st Monday in
each month.
153—Andrew Milllan, Auburn, Friday on
or before full moon.
182—Geo. M, Cox, Goderich, last Tues-
day in each month.
189—F. McCartney, Holmesylile, Monday
on or before full moon.
262—James McLean, Saltford, 8rd Wednes-
day in each month.
806—Matthew Sheppard, Clinton, 1st
Monday in each month.
James Horney, W.P.M., Winthrop P.O.
710—John Ford, Clinton, 2nd Monday in
each moat. I.
818—James Horney, Winthrop, last Wed-
nesday betore full noon.
928—Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st
Monday In each month.
793—Wm. Horney, Seaforth, 2nd Monday
in each month.
Robert Nicholson, W.U.M., Blake P. 0.
24—James Pollock, Bayfield, 2nd Saturday
In each month,
808 --James Reyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday in
each month.
838 --Wm. Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Wednes-
day In each month.
788—John Berry, Hensall, 1st Thursday In
each month.
1085—William Rathwell, Varna,1st Thurs-
day in each month.
tHr'Nom—Any omissions or other orrore will
be promptly corrected on writing direct to the
County Master. bro. A. M. Todd, Clinton P. 0.
" one copy of a nwepaper that roaches the home
le Worth more for tho purposes of advortieing that
throe that/don t." P. T. Drumm.
First' c;irr how . rri ocl. direol ' from
r�� Via.
(Special Oats in .100 Pounds a, r
SP L' 1 1At }e
Butter and Egg0 wanted.
J W IBWIN; Noted
Wilson & Howe, Successors to James Anderson;,
• o
The undersigned have bought the stock, good -will and interest of Antes
Anderson, and the store will hereaftei be known as the
Novelty Bakery and Restaurant,
The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a 6rtit-admireRes—,
taurant acid Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business. and courtesy
hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers. '
� Great Diler!
For years we have been averse to making " cuts" or in any
way lowering the pirce of THE NEWS-FECORD. To -day
our mind 'is not much changed.
This journal is well worth a dollar and a half a year. ' W e
, know this to be a fact, because we spend the hard cash in
in its production and should be in a position to speak.
The business man who does not know the cost of goods or the
amount of money he pays for labor must be a fool.
We have decided to give the public the benefit of our wise or
unwise judgment for once. And the great offer we make
should meet with a quick response from all reading people.
A Tempting Offer:
$1.50 for 18 months
All new subscribers can have THE NEWS -RECORD, the best;
paper in the County of Huron at $1.25 a year, for the
small sum of $1.50 to January, 1895
Our list has been rapidly increasing as it is, but we are
determined to place THE NEws-ltECoRD in all unpre
cedented number of new homes. .
1The cash in every case must accompany the order.
Another Great Offer!
To those who would like to secure a city weekly -'with THE
NEWS -RECORD, we will give Tho Toronto Empire for
one year and this paper to January, 1895, for only
The offer is one that cannot be well overlooked by people who
desire to secure a good and clean local paper as well as a
city weekly. •
And Still Another! !
Any reader of THE NEWS -RECORD is at liberty to constitute
himself or herself an agent and we will allow a commis-
sion Write us for particulars and go to work.
There is not any money in it for the Publisher at the above
figures, but that should not prevent people from subscrib
If non-readers would like the best local paper at a trifling
cost, now is the proper time to take advantage of 'our
tempting offer. The offer will not remain open many
Address all letters and reyrfittances to
McColl's C"Ira
twice as long as any ot
Engine ' Oils.
McColl Bros.