The Huron News-Record, 1893-08-02, Page 1months , ago 1'llre ac ver'- se life of 7 lnaing that for an all 01, good "wearing hose, ED RICE. `he'clernand thickly `exceeded the supply, being a satis- 'actory guaral tee to us of its worth. gain we are pleased to be able to- show these goods at former price, namely : a pair, thing equals it for value, B:ro.s.1, ''S. and• MEN'S OUTFITTFRS. 4.41.44111. 'rOWIL Topics. -'{'ROM BRANTTORD.-Miss Maggie aatterson, of Brantford, is the guest of ^. r, i'saNellie Dowser, town, Fon VIRGINIA.-TO.LOrrOW Mr. J. ,Bs I,tumball leaves on a soVeral weeks' „visit to 'West Virginia. HENRY, .on of Peter Cook, accom• =rallied the latter to Britain. He left 'Thursday. BRITAIN. -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biggins are spending a very enjoyable time in Britain. The party will this goele cross over to Scotland. CALLED TO FARRAN'S POINT. -Last •edneeday Mr. W. W. Ferran was called to Farran's Point, Ont., on the St:Lawrence, owing to the dangerous ,`illness of his brother John. f w 'AFTER APPLES. D. Cantelon took a trip through Colborne, Ashfield, etc., 1petweek, .proepecting. He will this year buy all the choice apples he can et/for export. m`'• Loon AFTER THE COVERS. -The covers of the two tanks on the market, ;iiear'tlte town hall, are by no means in ?"a aa'fe condition. New covers should ='take' the plaoe_af the old ones, or have preaent,ones repaired. TEtn HORSE TRAINING STABLES, -M'1 .7. L. Doherty has had fitted up the ,'loyal Stables on Ontario Street for training stables and has everything in : oodshape. The location willbe much more convenient than on Victoria `street. Mr. Doherty has on an average ten.blood home in training and is giv• ingthe ;very boat of satisfaction. Hehas r e pneumatic tire sulky outfit. Tun NEW PATRIARCH. Mr. A. H. ,$laekeby, of Galt, formerly of Clinton, Iat a meeting of the Grand Encamp - .:.halt of Oddfellowa at Toronto last "week, was elected Grand Patriarch. The total benefactions of the order during the year amounted to $3,712.10. treasurer's balance sheet, after pro- 'iding for all liabilities, shows a bal- ;ance on hand of $625.45. At, CooD TO LIVE. -Wanted, an editor W116 can read, write and argue 'politics and at the same tine be relig. •ipdie, funny, aoientifio and historical "at will, , write• to ;please -everybody, lrnawt fg .,everything' without being - ; tbid,�llirye-1laving something good to gay abotttr.p'njtbody,olee, live do wind. ,and.nluke tno o nbrnioar For tinct a mei It goo t..rlteiiii g Wi11'be mode -in .tlie Towi 1 opt+104, ,D,R. 0141 wee 4n Seaforth'Saturday,. :X40,4'. J. $tT4104. 44 rs l,llildayiug at Winghati4 - ' Alias M:44xtn.a MooRM,, is holidayipg in Kincardine, W. Jec7gsou, jr., is holidaying ate Mt. Clea ens, Mich. _ t MRs, Htsoox returned to London last tThuraday, DR. B> rnohr, of Seaforth, was, in town on Sunday. Mita. G. F. OCRs, of Stratftird, Spent Sunday with friends in lawn. Mts. T. COOPER and Miss Minnie, of town, spent Sunday in Kincardine.. A')R.. Wx. MOUTTiar, of Blyth, wee in Clinton on Saturday last. Mr, R. HOLMES, of town, left for $t.. Catharines on Saturday last. MRs: (DR) GUNN left on Saturday for Mimico, where she intends remain- ing for a few wecke. REV. W. CRAIG, of Petrolia, was in town shaking haud with many old friends yesterday. WE are sorry to say _Mre. Upsh all is not improving as fast as her many friends would wish to see her. HON. J. C. PATTERSON, M. P. for West Huron, will likely pay a visit to Clinton next week. MIss A. LOVETT, of Summerhill, re- turlted from Constance where she was visiting1ast week. MRs. G. J. STEWART and family, of Clinton, were the gueeta of J. A. Stewart, Constance, for a few days last week. REV. G. P. MIroHELL, wife and child, of Plainfield, III., are the gueste of the gentleman's sisters, Mrs. B. C. Cole and Mrs. H. W. Cook, of town. THE MISSES HENDERSON, who were the guests of Mrs, Cooper, Albert Street, last week, returned to their home, Kincardine, on Saturday. Miss BEESLEY AND MISS SMITH,,who have been ona 'lengthy visit to Mani toba, returned on Saturday, and report having had a pleasant time. To -war is Clinton's Civic Holiday. Nearly all places of basinese will be closed. Quite a number bf . our citizens intend taking in the C. 0. F. excursion to Kincardine. CHARLIE BURROWS, a young bicycle rider, a relative of J. C. Stevenson, passed through Clinton on Tuesday on a visit to his friends in Henfryn, from Detroit, having made about ten miles an hour. He stopped with Mr. J. Cunningham over night. ENTERTAINMENT. -The Misses Sibley and Combo, of Clinton, intend giving an elocutionary and musical entertain- ment some time during .this • month. The date is not yet set. •There will be a treat in store for the citizens of Clinton as the young ladies are very popular and highly talented. AN OLD RESIDENT GONE. -Mr. Wm. Wilson., an old resident of town, died on Saturday, July 29, at the age of 93 years, Deceased was confined to his bed for two years and was blind for five years. He loaves a wife and two daughters to mourn his loss. The funeral took place to the cemetery Monday last. DOGS POISONED, - Some human wretch has taken to dog poisoning in town. Several have had doge poisoned lately and among them are F. W. Watts, druggist, T. Jackson, ar., H. Davis, G. McTaggart and others, The party is well known and proof very neatly completed, which when complete will make it warm for the dog poisoner. A BANQUET. --On Thursday evening a banquet will be tendered the Hon. J. C. Pattersou, Minister of Militia, at the Albion hotel Goderich. It will be entirely an non-political demonstra- tion, and all who desire to attend will be welcome. The tickets are placed at one dollar, and may be secured at THE NEws-REcoRD office. It is hoped both political parties will be well represent- ed in this reception to West Huron's honored member. DEATH Or COL. COLEMAN. -• The many friends here of Dr. T. T. Cole- man, of Seaforth, will regret to hear of his death which took placeat his reef- dance in Seaforth, Sunday morning. He was aged 68 years and was born in Tralee, Ireland. He practiced medi- cine for a number of years in Seaforth, and when salt was first discovered in the county of Huron he embarked in that business. He was Colonel of the 33rd (H,uron) Battalion. He was the ,drat Reeve bf the village of Seaforth after its incorporation, and was elected Mayor" of the town on sevcral'oeeasiotie. In politida Dr. Coleman Was li Con: eorvative; and took all hetiye, interest. in the welfare of the party, ,f iPli ANAOT #' 4Zk i' was-.Nirxry f 1100srntg . o .' `RON , 00 7MY, . ON,A• ., • ;Tows 'r1.,4opics, MA A. #I. ProJugr t of Blyth, was; iia Wirt) this weelt.l Mn.:J, A. SnErPAED, of Stratfotd,is visiting: friends in town, • N. MoLriov FAIR and des. McMurohio go to thea Worlt}'e Fair oo Friday. 1TR, W1rtsgN, of the Beaver Wool- len Milts,• ie in St. 'T'hQmaa this week. 11-f.R, J. P. DoaERTlc and Miss Madge are' faking in Chioago and the Fair•this week. - Mit, CHAS. M3tv>a, .of the Queen's hotel, arrived .home from Scotland on Monday. Mit; Lotion, principal of public school, and wife; are rusticating in Bayfield this week. Tins. S611T11E0N, of town, leaves this week on a month's viait to her nephew, A. T. Wilton, Sarnia. Miss Las -snots, of London, who has been the guest of Miss Miokle fur two weeks left for homo on Saturday. D. JAB. CAMPBELL and Mre. Camp- bell were tho guests of Jas. Fair last week, and returned home on Saturday. A VOTING SON of Mrs. Grantham, town, while climbing a tree on Satur- day lad, fell to the ground and broke both his arms. MR. Tnos. FAIR, our ever obliging and popular postmaster, has gone to Detroit to consult a specialist regarding bis eyes. We hope he will have his former good sight soon restored to him. Miss EnstA DoAN arrived home from Orillia on Saturday where she has' been visiting for some time. Miss Minnie Snell, of Toronto, accornpaniod her. MR. Wit. MILT.ER, of the 2nd con. Hallett, has the honor to be the first one t3 market new wheat. He had a load to Fair's mill on Saturday that weighed 60 lbs. to the bushel. Whore is our friend Win. Weir this season. MR. TYOERT who has been represent• ing a hay firm of New York, baying hay in the countiee of Huron, Bruce, and Middlesex; but chiefly Huron, has finished his labors for this season and gone to Michigan to begin operations with the new crop. Before leaving he gave TIIE NEWS -RECORD reporter a few items of interest. lie has shipped 363 carloads which means 3,630 tons of hay bated. The duty is $4 a ton, totalling $14,520 duty. The freight is $40 a car, totalling $14,520. He has paid on an average $9 a ton, makin . $32,670 distributed among the farmers. The baking costs about $1 a ton and a baler $250 to $300. Mr. Tygert will come back and inake Clinton his head- qoarters in October. STILLED IN DEATH. -We regret to have to chronicle the death ofone of our most beloved citizens in the person of Mre. A. Kennedy, who departed this life early on Sunday "morning, July 30, 1893. Mrs. Kennedy who was taken ill about two weeks ago, suffered severely. Deceased, whose maiden name was Mary McEachran, was born in Pictou County, N. S., in the year 1835, and was married 42 years ago to the late Archibald Kennedy, who died Jan. 26, 1886. Mre. Kennedy and her late husband came to Huron County 38 years ago, 27 years of which she was a resident of Clinton. There were 4 of a family, 2 gide and 2 boys, one girl dying when about 8 years of age, tire other three who eurvivo her are Donald, Mre, (Dr.) Blackall and Lack, all of Clinton. Also her mother 3 sisters and two brothers survive her. Her mother 1 sister and 1 brother re- sides at Goldenville, N. S., a siator in Lexington, another at Kalamazoo, Mich., and a brother in Los. Angelos, Cal. Deceased wan a coneistaut mem• ber of the Presbyterian church, and died in the faith of a true Christian. The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. The services were conduct- ed by the Rev. A. Stewart. The funeral which took place to Clinton cemetery yesterday afternoon was very largely attended, the pall bearers being James lair, Robt. Coats, D. B. Kennedy, S. Innes, Peter Straith and John McGarva. Tun NEWS -RECORD extends to the bereaved fatnily that sympathy which only human mortals can. CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO BRANTFORD. -A cheap excursion will be run. Over the G. T. R, to Brantford and return, on Tuesday next, 8th August. Cheep. exouraion rates will extend from God- ericli andintermediate stations to Strat- ford, inclusive. Train leaves Clinton 7:37 a. m., arriving in Brantford at• 10:18 a,m. Returning, the train will leave Brantford at 7;50 p. m.', same everting, • Fare for the roitnd trip, only $1.00; children 50o. 11 ' AkSte trv04OW,* or*' i�' iVgN AAN'O.���L tX411TP4 *ti.,c ... Thera WO*, 37.9 '`candidates for' act'' W. iesion to #Itgh SGh99i4 wrote, At 040 various ogtiaivav ' OeniceeP in East 1Iuton, viz: at Clintogn,100'i at Seafgrt i, 96' at Winghete 77• at 'I3rnaeelaii2, • and at4Irroxeter°:311. of thee° 201• were suecaseftll, viz: at Clinton 55 ; s't 8aa- fortit, 43:1 et W;Ilghm, 37;' dt B777:1elsr 37, Sud• at Vlrrox$Ch'I', 25, o The htgltteet• marke takell wertt \ts follows: ' Samuel P1. Wil°o;,, Clinton 31 S., 564. Ada Nettie, Seafortli I', S , 470. Dan Stt'acbaq, Brdesels 1'. 4., 547, Walton McKibben, Winglien Y.S., 554 Ethel Scott, No 2. Rowick, 559. Lizzie Vaneton°, of lye. 9, 'urnbury, took 86 marks' in Qramfnar. ' 'This was the highest taken in this subject, Hattie Burns, of Gorrie, Grace' Tay- lor, of No. 1, Howick, and G. R. Dune, of No. 4, Hawick, took the full mark in Arithmetic, viz: 105, Olive Helyar, of the Clinton Model School, "took 81 marke. the hi_ltest in Literature. The highteet mark -100, in Com- poeitipn-was taken by Nellie Gibson, of Wroxoter P. S. Wm. Duncanson of No. 2, Grey, took 59 rnarkes in History -the highest taken. The highest mark in Geography was 65 taken'by Dan. Strao tan, of Brussels P. S., and Mary C. \McKinnon, of Clinton M. S. The list of successful candidates with marks is given below : CLINTON. Cunningam, Rasa Clinton Model eohool 421 Cunuiugham, Florence Downer, Annie Elea ' Helyar,Olive E. Houston, Ella Jessie Lough, Mary C. McCuaig, lens McEwen,A11c5 M. McKinnon, Mary C. O'Neil, Delia Irene Shepherd, Grace Stewart, Mary M. Young, Mary W. D. Beau, Arthur John Cantelon, Willie F. Fair, Frank Fitzeimone, Bert Gilroy,Fred W. Hale, Charles 11 Irwin, Gregg M. Johnsou,James E. Jackson, Henry H. Kerr, Fred James Leohe, James McEwen, John McEwen, Duncan Plumsteel, Henry P. Read, Isaac R. Warty, Norman kVeir, John Lynn W ilaou,Satnuel Wm. SEATORTH. Arms rong,R,obt,Seaforth Public School 467 Bethune, Allis " " 382 Brooke Norbert " " 409 Forbes, A. " " 383 Johnston, Hubert di" 438 McLean, Keith •' " d 472 I'apet,Wiltie E." " 403 Stewart, C.1� " 417 Abell, Mand 386 Beattie, Ade " " 410 Crich, Neaeie" " 400 Campbell, Alice " 405 Kidd, Ellen 407 Kidd, Maud " 398 Langatroth, Rachel 6. 383 Yanchard, Beatrice " " 391 Willson, Olive " 11 450 Wright, Nellie 442 Williams, Lily 46" 402 WINGHAM. '1 44 14 44 14 4' '4 .4 41 '4 44 44 11 14 " I1 .1 41 46 " 4' 4' .4 '4 11 " 446 476 537 435 506 432 485 530 421 514 455 417 514 500 465 418 457 426 454 383 419 445 449 449 408 429 461 529 475 563 41 11 '. " '4 " 44 4, .4 '4 " 41 44 It 4' " • 4' 1. 44 4' " 14 4' .4 44 Angus, D. H., Wingham Public School, Blackwell Laura " " Davis, Maude Ferguson, Louie Field, Daisy Hamilton, Hugh Henderson, Emma Johnston, Dora F. Manuel, Sophie Moore, Elmer McKibben, Walton Snell, John Stiles, Geo. Wateon, Nellie Welsh, Cassie 14 BRUSSELS. Fletcher, Reg., Brussels Public Jaxon, Leon Leatherdale, William Smith Frank R. Stra'han, Dan Wilson, Fred Cliff, Maud Gerry, Theresa Hunter, Clara Nott, Myrtle '1 1' '4 41 44 41 WROXETER. Gibson, Nellie Hazlewood, Mary McLeod, William BLYTH. Taman, Maggie Burne, Hattie McLaughlin, Lillie Sanderson, Merle Blow, Edgar, Crawford, Arthur Evans, 11, McLaughlin, Chester McLaughlin, ''rank MOLESWORTH. Stephenson, Robert Mitoboll, Carrie Torry, Loretta AUBC•ttg. Fergueon, Cora Belle Sprung, Minnie Mole, D,tvid BRUOLFIELD Kaiser, Joseph Mustard, Wm. A. Murdock, Alex rtE ELL, Colwell, Leslie Bonthron, Bella ' Elder, Jeesie Ellen Reynolds, Duey Florence Muir, Louisa Jane 1Stanann$ILL. tTordan, Emily Thompson, ''t1' lanae Mollveen, The.. Arthur GORRIE. .4 41 4' 14 11 " 41 1' 44 '1 '4 14 41 462 429 450 417 521 519 442 481 418 476 554 516 413 497 454 School, 446 " 455 428 385 547 456 407 404 417 391 11 41 547 390 410 389 481 491 447 445 466 428 441 404 440 396 425 479 394 428 445 403 454 416 384 432 421 409 403 338 13ritteti t?g3111aw W'liestioyt, Mary N(I3tQNt)yIW 8, Pertereider t • Jaeltee i, Thos deekien,Sam• T. war.TOV, Neat, liUilliym McDonald, Meggla Bothwell, Chsrlee LOIWESBOROuou. Adam', Elva Ball. Mabel Brogden; Alvin HOLMESVILLE. Walter, Carrie Trewart4a, Nelson BLUEVALN. Scott,Franola J. Tlnntnlpe, Fulton . • TOWNSHIP OP GREY. Calder, Mary Calder, Maggie MaNab, Bella Switzer, Teesie Switzer, Maggie Dunaanean, Wm. Smith, 'Earnest Lamont; Kato Smith, 1^lleu Jane" Keller, Telford Lamont Ella Lamont, Bella Fowler, Claude M‘Nair, Jennie S.. s. No. .1 1 1 '4 4. 44 '4 14 it " 44 1. " 44 41 41 1 1 2 2 3 3 6 6 • 6 8 8 TOWNSHIP OP IIULLETT. McMichael Gilbert S. S. No. 1 McMichael Nancy '4 1 Weir, Loonard E, " 2 Pomona, Maggie " 6 Cumiug, Gilbert E. " 7 TOWNSHIP OF AOWICK. Taylor, Grano Spat, E:L-- Nay, Sam R, Dane, G. R. Jardine, Flora E. Davidson, Frank Crerar, Janet Hobey, Mary Fortune, David S. S. No, 1, 2, '• 2, 4, 8, 8, •" 10. " 13, " 13, 1' 41 14 TOWNSHIP OF MCKTLLOP. Robineoo, Thos. J, S. S. No. 2, Sullivan, Tessin " 3, Evans, Ada 1i 5 Pollard, John 7, Morrison, Albert J. " 12, Pollard, Isabella Grace " 12, Hawthorne, Robert " 13, Cash, Mabel " 13, TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. S. S. No. 1, 384 1, 471 3, 407 Code, Elsie Richmond, Maggie Currie, Robert Currie, Martha Watson, James Stubbs, J. E. Kellner',. Donald , McKenzie, James Ruttan, George 'Perdue, W. H. BOeman, Mat the Jewett, Ernest 4Gfk • i33.4. 42o 386' 405; 425 414 444 382 :382 408 383 • 432 385 . Isst.uua Aboliit ,JItu`on, County. ..-,Au.gust:flat' wii1''L o pro+ laiuteti fie °I Exetr-r'a ottlo, holiday. -AMret Ww, Hgakin0 diltd'atExeter, on WAcloe Ay leek at the ago 9f yeare,and 5.; tyonthe . • 0. Q. Petty, of.Seri at Spent sev eral lave in IJ' mall ignc wee , ors inial. Mesa. -John Hat be, whose 'remains. were interred in the, A, O. ceuleteyy, Zurich, last Tim rad ay, wap. $2- yeurg of, age. -Rev. Mr. Rose, Clinton,, .cooduct>. ed services in the Prtlabyterlan church, Luukuow, haat Sunday. ,-„The reeve of Blyth has proclaiuled. Thursday, Aug. 17th as dont. civic holiday. 423 -Thos. Snell and wife, of Exeter, spent$unday week with friends iteCtin- ton. - Miss Mary Halliday, of Beigrave, was Seriously injured ill a runaway ac- cident on Saturday week. -Miss Carter, of Clinton, visited Miss Maud Baker, of Mitchell, last week. -The assessment roll for Mitchell, as finally revised, shows an increase over laet year of $87,907. -Samuel Kirkland, a wealthy farm- er living near Seaforth, died eu 1denly 451 425 Friday morning. 428 -Messrs. IL Scarlett. S. Gidley, 448 and W. Kelly' left last week for a 401 holiday trip up the Georgian Bay, w 459 413 431 387 887 471 476 4t6 493 504 453 453 449 527 559 440 472 507 458 427 393 435 382 400 430 390 894 414 385 423 1/ 44 3, 394 5,- , 417 5, 399 6, 425 6, 439 " 7, 427 8, 470 8, 398 14 4' 4' TOWNSHIP OF TUOKERBMITH, Rose, Bertha b. Baird, George Boyce, Andrew T. Rattenbury, John W. Roes, David Nott, Matilda McDougall, Maggie Sproat, Barbara Reinke, Minnie Roioke,•John C. Moore, Mary Upehall, Lottie Brown, Chrietena S. 4' '. 11 " " 14 14 " 41 11 No. 3, 393 3, 406 3, 458 3, 423 3, 513 4, 446 5, 415 5, 508 5, 443 5, 425 9, 409 9, 420 9, 464 TOWNSHIP OA TURNBCRY. Eagleson, Merwin S. S. No. 2 Frarer, William " 2 Campbell, William A. " 9 lliggins, Minnie Powell, Thos. J . Vanetone, Lizzie Weir Jane. " 9 " 9 ., 9 " 9 411 425 467 409 496 510 546 TOWNSHIP OF CARRICK. Darling, Bella, S. S. No. 9 521 Hall,Mary A. " 9 482 Inglis, Grace " 9 418 TOWNSHIP OF OODERICH. Baker, Emma S. S. No. 11 459 TOWNSHIP OI+ STANLEY. Reid, Sarah E. S. S. No. 3 454 TOWNSHIP OF EAST W AWANOSH. Cuming, Fred S. S. No, 3 Buchanan, George 44 6 Black, Bella " 8 Owens, Ella " 8 Ramage Minnie " 12 McGee, Carrie " 12 Laidlaw David " 14 481 476 430 430 413 463 394 Lr and About Huron County -The,Seaforth Civic Holiday has been fixed for today, August 2nd. -Thos. Case has sold his farm on the Huron Road, west of Seaford), to John Fowler for $4,300. -A young wan was brought before Mr. Justice Beattie, of Seaforth, on Wednesday last, and fined for haying tied his horse to a shade tree on the street and allowing the animal to bark the tree. -Mrs. David Russell, of Exeter north, was gored by a cow on Saturday week. The animal was tied in the stable and getting tangled in the tie chain, Mrs. Russell sought to relieve it, when the animal rising suddenly tore her breast with its horns. She fainted several times, but beyond a shock to the nerves elle is slightly in.. jured. --Louie Abbey, a former resident of Morris'townahip, was recently. drowned at ,Moose Jaw, Assinaboia. He was an engineer on the C. P R. ftir a number of years having gone to the West when that ,railway was in course of Construc- tion, A 'wife (the eldest daughter of Richard Armstrong, 3rd line Morris)° and silt children are thus suddenly bereft of buoband, and father. --Mrs. John Southcott died at her residence in the township of Stephen on Monday of last week at the age of 60 years. -On July 12, two years ago, the wife of John Kitley, Wiarton, present- ed him with a son, and on the 12th ult., another eon was boru to them. -A. Diamond, of Ingersoll, formerly of St. Mary'% has been served with a writ by a young lady of Ingersoll for damages for defamation of character. -During the heavy thunderstorm Wednesday morning last, Mr. W, Alex- ander, Stratford, Public School Inspees tor, had two fine -Jersey cows killed bys the lightning. -The Messrs. McGill moved the Westfield school house recently. The contractors are hard at work on it at present so as to have it ready by the close of the holidays. -Richard Snell, of Exeter, and Miss Mary Cave, daughter of Mr. Wm. Cave, of Biddulph, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock last Wednesday. The ceremony took place in Clinten. -Alexander Kenneth Cameron, who far the past six years had been clerks ing in the Wingham poet office, is dead, having passed peacefully away at his father's residence in Beaverton Ont:, recently. -The Blyth Standard says : Messrs. Andrew McNally aid A. H. Plumwer have purchased a span of two-year-old Welsh ponies. When they get them rigged out in harness, etc., the above gentlemen will appear quite 'ristocratic donoherknow. The Tuckersmith council are calling for tenders for the erection of a new bridge, in place of the one known as Huston's bridge, the contract for which will he let at a meeting of the council to be held et Kyle's hotel on Saturday' evening, August 5111. -on Saturday week a son of Mr. A. Kerr, of McKillop, met with en ugly accident, He had been pitting green peas with a scythe, when by some acci- dent or other the instrument came full round on the fleshy part of his left leg cutting a very deep gash, nearly down to the bone. -The Great Northern Caledonian Gathering, under the auspices of the Sons of Scotland, will be held in Luck - now on Sept Gth. Owitig to the et., tractions ni the World's Fair games a large number of Old Country atheletes, pipere and dancers are expected' to be present at Lucknow this year. • -An observant drt:muler says he can readily tell who is the boss on the farms he passes, the farrier or his wife. If a farm has a large barn and a small house, the man is boss; but when there is a fine house and a dilapidated barn you may know that the woman has ber own way. Where there is anew house and a good barn, it may be taken for granted the man and woman are about equal in authority. --Last week as Eber S. Hogartb, $. A., of Hamilton Collegiate Institute, wife and child were driying from Sea - forth to Exeter, the horse became some- what fractious and engaged the whole attention of Mr. Hogarth in managing him. , Mr.t, Hogarth, who was some.. what nervous•on account of the actions of the horse, hugged her baby niore closely to her, dnd in so doing emother- ed her Infant. Medical aid was 00,4 cured,at once but without success. The Sad event is a terrible affliction to the bereaved parents, who so fondly la''ed. their only child. Mre. IT? arttil watt' fatherly a MiasEeinhart, of Meltillbp, while 'Mr.. Etogartb is a sots of Mr. S. Hogarth, of Stephen.