The Huron News-Record, 1893-05-10, Page 88
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Ana if ,you are yolk, wit,!' 40Cdelay, until
i you are :compelled to preente .q 11410.
good WHISKEY,' • PRAMflb #r, WI E,.
4E on Iroli'I'.1 ;(, We have,jnat placed
in Steep" o9rnplete lutes of the very beet
Caiiadian'and Imported Goods. None but
the purest, in' wood cud bottle, kept in
,tock, abd sold at the closest living prices.
The' linea we carry are suitable for
Ate4iolnaland General Iiouselt'old purposes
4. W. ALTER,
To Advertisers.
Aa changes of Advertisements, to
• insure insertion in the current issue, •
must be received at the office not later
folvhanges received later than SA 7'•
UI#DA'Y NOON wilt hereafter be at
the Advertiser's own risk.
A. M. TODD, Publiyiher.
The Huron' News-Recora
1.60 a Year -81.2G in Advance
Wednesday, May loth, 1893.
Lt and Around the nub,
salon ugafh.
single harness a specialty, all styles and
closest prices. Everything in our line
cut fine. fIOHNSON & ARMOUR,harness
DON'T forget to visit the new Boot
and Shoe Store, Jackson Block, Huron
St., Clinton.
SEE what I have saved already by
buying my Boots and Shoes at the
new store, Jackson Block, Huron St.,
WANTED. boy, active and willing:to
make himself useful, to learn the Art
of Printing. Apply at this office.
None but a thoroughly reliable boy
need apply. A lad between 14 and 16,
residing in town with his parents, pre-
Cash paid for eggs and hlltter.—CANrELON BROS.
STEWART, the grocer, pays cash for butter and
ed in Wingham last week.
MR. AND MRS. C. HOARE were visit-
ing in Exeter last week. '
INSPECTOR ROBB visited Brussels
public school last week.
- Miss Fern is visiting at the home of !
Rev. Dr. McDonald, Seaforth. i
LAWYER PRCUDFOOT, of Goderich, 1
was a Clinton visitor last Thursday. e
MRS. GEO,• HOrPLiCH and children, l
)f Goderich, aro the guests of the lady's c
nother, Mrs. Hilton, town. d
GILROY & WISEMAN'S Dew sign, the i
broadside of the building on Isaac 1
is conspicuous enough to catch
eyes of all people.
MR. SEALE, of the marble works, a
vas in Clandeboye last Friday, the t
lecasion being his father's golden wed• t
ling celebration. to
NEW AWNINGS.—J. B. Rumball, e
F. ,W. Irwin, Barber Allen, Jack • t
on Bros., and ,. Gilroy & Wiseman a
tulle all recently put up now awnings.
if the county town, .was in Clinton last a
'hursday, his mission being in 1
connection with the winding up of the q
Itavely estate. • t
SPECKLED TROUT. --Mr. John John• e
ton has long been known as au expert t
t angling. On the let inst., the legal b
ime to capture the first trout, of the sea- ai
Mr. Johnston succeeded in being e
early at it" and brought home a baker's a
ozen fine specimens. a
THE STOCK Fein.—The third h
fair was held last Wednesday.
t was not as great a success as the two 0,
revious ones in point of attendance or a
ales. Tho reason is not far to seek. is
spring has been backward and t
ednesday tvas,one of the few favor- t
bee days for seeding and other work al
n the farm. However, there were r
horse sales. June fair should d
nprove on that of May;.as. our farmer to
will nut likely be so busy then. h
t ie in the interest of the farming et
ommunity that thee: monthly faire a
ve been inaugurated . t : , : trust to k
them 'made a continuous s' ooessY, on
Tn. .e ST : - •. —County b
reaeurer Holmes furnishea the follow- fr
gaol'etatieics, for the Huron county an
aol`for 1892, as follows :—Number of gi
of prisoners in gaol, 3,599. Gro- w
bill, $141.68; baker's bill,$143.76; th
bill, $60.07; milk bill, $19.98; o
id for food, $365.49, or over 10 1.7 h
it per day, or $37 for 365 days—ono
rui ner for one year for food alone. s
salaries, $1370.00; food bill as to
Wye, $365,49; fuel and water, $426.40; a
othing and sundriee, $177.00; total for to
aintenance, $2338.89; or nearly 65 B
per day or $237.50 for 365 dap, m
Moll was the cost of, keeping one pHs ey
ger in the gaol for 1892, not taking L
account repairs to building or in- p
tranoee as
:1G::...- .....g-. .,_T� ;�:v^ 2, :�^;_CiCix: _"SCR saiw.�.vz-
Tl11t d'rra tn" > - Zai; Bo rt
Cion will is a. and ., 14 the 14x*
0010lorri of • xeter,, sCth° ',laxter Pyles,
00 Ott queun,'l bi.rihdtt,+y�.
Pa4'l�R o>Ir Jour I4 A'i',t--We. hags
reg•ive4, ward from Mo. May of the.
death of her son John, Tho 'golf
event took place at Oxford, Moh., on
the 1st lost.. et the early agj of 31
Ye x . The ailment was diabe, es.
War, oar' Co' nkx,---In reply to the
query of 8 citizen a)ld the head of a
fatuily, we would say thltt THE NEws-
REgottD is always pleased to publish
school reporte when furnished in
reasonable time. We have not reoeiv•
ed any report this month up to May
SAD, IF TRUE, --Tho other day we
reoaived .the following letter, which
will be and news to many of our read -
ere ;—
Forget River, N. Dakota, Aprll29th, 1809.
A. M. TODD, Esq.
DiAo Stn.—Yon have been ..nding your parer to
Wm. Townabend, Kinloss P. 0., Waleb ., N. D.
He hos not been thereat/ winter. Ho had 'obeen Mop-
ing with me, but he left hero and wont to Alberto, and
the lust I heard about him wan that the Indians k}lied i
him and eat him, boots and all. Hoping that this
report le not true, Lremaln
Your truly,
C. 0. F. OFFICERS.—Last Thursday
the following ofiicera of Court Maple
Leaf, C. 0 F., No. 1.6, were installed
by D. D. H. C. R., Bro. '1'. L. Fortune,
and High Marshall Bro. John Smith :
—C. R., R. Hosier; V. C. R., J.
Powell ; R. S., John Sheppard ; F. S.,
W. Jones; Treaeurer, W. ]young ; C.,
I. Dodd; S. W.,,W. H. Cook; J. W.,
R. Welah; S. B., H. Gould; J. B.,
John Smith; delegate to High Court,
John Smith, to be held in Ottawa
the second Tuesday in June. The
local cour.still continues toprosper and
is iu a more healthy financial condi-
tion than ever before.
THE INSTITUTE.—Thele le a Mechan-
ics Instituter in the town of Clinton.
The library is said to be one of the
best in the Province. Citizena do not,
and never have, taken that interest in
the Institute that it deserves. The
aral meetings come and go and our
people know little or nothing of them.
The public are not invited through the
press to become members or attend
these meetings. The press is not
notfiied of this, that or the other
meeting where it does not involve ex-
penditure of money and where such
ordinary courtesy would help the
Institute. THE NEWS -RECORD desires
to help the Mechanics Institute, but
we cannot tell our people of its doings
unless we are at least informed of
meetings about to take place.
THE WOOD MARKET.—The. recent
aiud storms will be tho means, be -
ween now and sleighing time, of
placing a great deal of wood on the
millet. One farmer informed us the
ether day that he would have from
1,000 to 2,000 cords of long and short
vood just • as soon as it could be cut.
l'he timber is all down and mtlst�be'
ot rid of as soon as possible' 'Vood
vas so scarce and high in pr' a during
he past winter that many of our
leople put in new stoves and consum•
d coal exclusively. At present the
rice of 22 inch hard wood is about $2
cord, a fair price. We would advise
ur farmer friends who have wood to
ispose of, if they have time, to bring
in now. As high a price will not
kely be paid next fall or winter.
WORDS or WISDOM.—The other day
he editor of THE NEWS -RECORD was
bsorbed in deep though.. in his sane -
um sanctorum. The entrance latch
as lifted with a sharp click and a
wn citizen of good eoinmon sense
ntered. He accosted the editor in
his fashion :—"Say, Todd, I think the
dvice rendered to the citizens by Dr.
8 in his open letter has been
enerally accepted and acted upon. I
hank hire sincerely for his kindly
nd seasonable advice. For my part
Insethave fully complied with every re-
eet contained therein. Starting at
ho very comniencernent of the letter, I
teamined, cleaned and prepared every•
hing about any premises. I actually
eliove, although I do not think we
re known as very dirty mortals, that
verything has been improved thereby,
al that my wife and I are now living
nd breathing in a pure and of course
ealthier atmosphere." Stimulated to
his condition, no' doubt by the timely
dvice of our Health Officer, he went
:—"I notice that my neighbors aro
leo in the whitewash business. There
only one thing I have neglected. and
hat is to have the water. in my well
estod. The authorities should, have
1 drinking water analysed and the
re -made known to owners of the
ill•erent wells. ' If the water is found
be microby have it boiled. It is
ealthier 10 eat them in a stew than to
allow them raw. If the authorities
re not going to do something of that
ind, I for one, am going to go back
my temperance principles and drink
ser." THE NEWS -RECORD advised our
fend not to go back on his'temper-
ce principles, although there was
teat force in his remarks about the
ell water. The water consumed by
he people of Clinton should be analys-
e. We venture the assertion, as we
ave previously, that the great majority
of wells in Clinton do not give a pure
apply of water. Some notion meet be
ken in regard to the water supply if
hundred and one lurking diaeases are
bo thoroughly etamped out. Tho
card of Health have pursued a com-
endable course so far and deserve the
mpathy and euppoit of all people.
Li after thn wells and see that our
pc do not now. drink disease whole -
Baby ia l" I"'.age�
Clild's .Cart �r Wagon,
Boy's or Girl's velocipede
Or Doll's •Cab or Cradle
The Bargains are Great and the store with the
Greatest Bargains is
Book Store and News Depot, McKay Block, Clinton.
eesley & Co.
Straw Hats & Bonnets,
If you want one we can please you either in Price, Choice or
Style, or if you want a Lace Hat or Bonnet in Black or
Colored Lace we can suit you. THESE YOU WANT,
and you cannot fail to be pleased and suited with our
offering, for style and price they are unsurpassed.
Ladies and • Children's
Summer rests.
We keep nothing but the best and start them in price with
Ladies' Fine Elastic ribbod at 10 cts., half sleeves at
15 cts., can give you them without sleeves, half or long
sleeves either in Cotton, Fine Wool, Cashmere or Silk,
and Children's the same, with a Long Sleeve Child's
Vest in Gossamer Weight from size 16 to 26 at -25 cts.,
Nothing will convince like personal in-
spection thatithe best place to buy is where
you have the best assortment of seasonable
goods and where prices are reasonable and
the place is
are the
All the best makes in stock, such as- the
Watchspring at $1.20, Yatisi at $1.25,
Coraline long waist
666 at'$1.00, U. & A.
No. 200 at $1.00,
Featherbone at $1.00
and our 50c. -and 75c.
best to be had for the
The Ladies' Favorite
Establishment. BEESLEY &CO.
4T& 6T.
—0Forty and Sixty Cents are the prices of those BAMBOO TABLES
urs. We have the Forty Cent ones with either square or round top.
W to would be without a table when you can get one at that price
We are still handling the above Suite, and although the manufacturer has raised
the price of them we are still offering them for $11.00. Had we not
purchased a good supply before the price was raised we could .not offer
them for that money.
Are you thinking of buying a PARLOR SUITE? If you are, call
and see what we have to offer you.
JOSEPH V ' D V, Furniture
Dealer and
J. W. CHIDLEY, JR., Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night calls answered
at his residence, King St., opposite the Foundry.
Prominence is given to this suit on 9.
account of its ' peculiar - adapt*
ability for school or everyday :Suse
being a Halifax T weed . i h 'e �;
k axe
well, being a light color it doe' not
show the dust, being a good ' fit-
ting suit it is becoming t� all
$2 and $3 'MOUSERS
Almost every man in the County
has heard, has seen, or has worn a
pair of these noted Pines of $2.00
and $3.00 Trousers.
A few notes about the Goods
Season after season saw the fit improved,
Season after season saw the make improved, 11
Season after season saw the material improved,
Always Reliable in$Fit, Workmanship and Price.
Jackson :a: Bro
Clothiers, Filrnisthew and Hatters.
— + — x = - — - + — - + — - —
+ — +
"Still harping on" our Dress Goods, and well we may, for if ever we had a
complete stock of Drees Goode, a stock that was full of the Newest and
most fashionable materials, the'newest shades and colors, and was good
value—why it's the one we show this season. People seem to know this
for Drees Goods trade is booming.
Bengalines in Dark Fawn, Light Fawn, Pale Green, Naiy,
Myrtle and Black,. 55 cents
Fine Whipcords in FaHus, (rays, Navy and Black, 50 cents.
For a Fine Dress there's nothing that'll look nicer and give better satisfaction
than either of these materials. Then in lower priced goods we show
some decidedly good values, for they were bought cheap, and as we buy
we sell.
All Wool Doable Fold Gray De Beige, worth easily 35 to 40c.
for 29c.
All Wool, Double Fold Shot .Delaines, one of the newest and
dressiest things shown this season, four shadings, regular
wholesale price 37ic., our price 32c. •
These are new this week.
Then there's that All Wool -Serge at 25e. that everybody says is cheap.
Tho only way to do a successful Kid Glove trade is to keep au article that will
give satisfaction to the wearer. 'You won't find shoddy or poor gloves
in our stock. We don't.koep them. We sell Kld Gloves that bring
our customers back every time they need a new pair. A new, fresh
stock is here direct from the maker in Grenoble, the centre of-fhe glove
industry in France. All the new Shades and Styles are in it and out,
guarantee goes with every pair. .
If you want a Glove that's Fine, Soft Kid, tliat will wear and
not harden, ask for our "Bourbon" Glove At 90c. If you
paid $1.25 for it you wonldn't pay too mach.
Sizes, 52 to7la, Blacks, Tana, Pawns, Grays,
If you want one of the most comfortable Gloves made, ash
for "Perrin's Lacing Glove." These aro other.Lacing Gloves
than "Perrin's" but if You want the best, Perrin's is the
'Glove you'll wear.
(ATALoouE tf. oN nr uuL
Esl.J. Hod�cos