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The Huron News-Record, 1893-05-10, Page 7
rperibted b , ct'ait Ystliataeat t8410. Ario ,e 0,000,0,00 F$ ,'_ .,• *. $1.100,9Q0. i1d'•'Oiapa1 ,, ' MONTREAL. tt.I1,10'.'reit►dept 0,14W0lit,OMAarOttiiataildeneger.• ea 41.400.11404, .0olleetions oracle. Drafts "MAIld, $te-rlrpg and. A•Itletican 6x- eti,a ige bought end sold at r,lt4vV/SCretterent rates. 1irINgsaT'ALhowiio es Daeosns. .' 1.404- M3EIX3S, %14.103t F tdOArfeec� to farmers on their own notes With . nit' or More endorsers. No mortgage re, • 4411.0gse e90,0Kit3L rsbtu ry, Xell4; H. 0. BREWER, Manager, °LINTON. ate'e oTaggart BANK.ER, FRS.. STRUT, CLINTON. 4'4444.Z, RANKING BUSINESS 4r : D4Dr t ' Iasneel. �ctztltll�lcl. � 17itereat Allowed on Aepostts. e4:41ne8tl1, 1891 658T, tRAN & -T SDALL, .`1IUVATE BANI;ERS,1 teflAtijkly .. Street - Chilton. iv4 c d. • S. GUNN di. GIBSON. 'PPIOE Ontario St. a few doors east of Albert St. `Citl'ii4N. DR. TURNBULL. T, L,, Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; Vietoria Uuiv. M. C. P. & S. Ont, ; Fellow 6,..'the 'obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London; Eng., and f dinhnrgh hospitals. Ottice: i)r.:1adW slays, stand, Ratteubury at. Night chile ';g9wered at Office. R. J. GIBSON. DR. SHAW. t11i18 sin Hod;en's Block, Rtttenbary Bt., Clinton, ,blight calls at same place. @entl$tgl. BRUCE L. D. S., $uYb+ooliZ?etttlst. ' 111erober of R. C. D. 9., of Ont. edt4"o,traoted Without pain by the use of a harm- e0and.pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconsciouy- espt+, elcress nor ill-effects accompany the use of hie �reptedy, and many in and around Clinton tp9tfty, to its genuineness. Special attention gi toe:ttitfe-reservation of the natural teeth. Offlc goat@e' 'Block, over Taylor's she store. AGNEW, L. D. S. Set'geott Dentist. Graduate of Royal w;ollege of, Dental Sergeons of Ontario. e.4 Locat Anaesthetics for painless ex- efiction. Rooms in Smith's Block op- • yjte P. 0. 28-y Dal. • MANNING Sr* SCOTT, Barristers, circ.. Li+yO1T�S BLOCK, - • / CLINTON. Money to Loan. TO THE FARMERS. 4r+urly Four coo Nieto;atld go: wore x, -nu to,e.,tot ss 1 Itrapuf}tlrtur.ttrona but the 'ulcer or Stellar Iga:rgrp 0.414%4 • Pr.IIMr pati eaorga,, aii 4Atiy A0ve pat 0 ifv., r>yyit4t��i�1) o m end cu4Cd OV OKd@rs y 4,e BAItN1:S3 Eatt'Onitnd, IP,7tflt oorr • $, 0, T. M, Kearns. Tent $O.'68, 1nigbti 0,044 Maaeabeee o the World, ell,000, 8L 080 a* $8,04ie Pultofee. Atew- bershlp over 100,8011- Assossmont prinol le—bps never ezoeeaed 12 9useesmeute in, a year. heep.8t aqd safest in elietuneeq. Meets in Branae He 1, Olin' ton, first end third Friday of every mouth. A. O. U. W. The.Cllnton Ledge, No, 144, meets In nlddlecomb's Hall, opposite the market, the let and 8rd••Fridaye In noel, month. Vieltors cordlaliy invited. R. Srolss- aAif, M. W,; J. BEAN, Recorder. 69691W Vr i onie. MINTON Lodge, No. 89, A. F. Jr A. 6I, meets L,/ every Friday, on or atter the moon. Visit - lug brethren cordially: invited. T. 86IALLACQIIBE, Ssc. W. J. PAISLEY, w. M Clinton Jan. 14 11808. ceetamwmamwmilaNammenmsamemNammememasuimmarg Oraitqc L. 0. L. Nos 710 CLINTON, Meets saoota Monday of every month. Hall : rd flat, Victoria blobk, Vlslt.ng brethren always made welcome. WM. WALKER, W. M T1i0S. KEARNS, D.M. P CANTELON, Sec. lair► ginightr Jubilee Preceptory Nof 161, (Black Knights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednee• day of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will always receive a hearty welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor Geoaoei HANLar, Deputy Preceptor Prrsa CANTCLON, Registrar —' Royal Mack Preceptory 397 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall,. Blyth, the Wednesday after full moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptory 3151 Blade Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Mon- day of every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W } 11IURNEY; Preceptor, Goderich P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich P 0 1'l1E CELEBRTED Meal Washer* t rWiiners a THE BEST IN THE MARKET :Machines Allowed on Trial 1 am also agent for All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill, Call and see me. J. B. WEIR, CLINTON IdANNIFrO, TAS. SCOTT. ALLAN LINE CAMPION & JOHNSTON, MISTERS, • - SOLICITORS., NOTARIES, cg•c., " Gia DERICH, - ONT. ' r Med over Jordan's Drug Store. 0,0te ON, Q. 0. M. 0. JONNSTON• ;. MONEY TO LOAN. AVISON & JOHNSTON, . Law, Chancery, and ',abovoyancing. Office—West Street, next toor. tp TuskOffice, Godd'crich, Ont. 67. 10.D., HAYS,- Solicitor, enc. Office, corner of Square and West Street, over Butler's Book tar©4i6der1ch, Ont. 67. ',Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. lontU to putt. ONEYitotend in largo or email sums of goo 1y' ;inortgdges or personal security at the lowest rreatgatoa,, H. HALE, Huron et.Olinton. Oileton, Feb. '25,1881 ly ,'tM' NEY• TO LOAN. intereit lib per cent payable yearly. The borrow- „$i..to'lmYfr.the privilege of paying the whole or any alt'..6 the prnrcipal at any time without giving flotice • - ,,l'oe furtherparticnlars apply to. C. A. HARTT. _Moo in SroKtiy'e Block, Gunton. ( ....i -` uicitaneei ing. H.: M/t BAILL i OTIONCER to, Huron -County. Sales attend• •ell tb. In any part df the County. Address nuclein tiF.Gionsarcu P. 0. V-17. r Photographers TER & BAYLEY, CLINTON. e Sizo:, Portraits a Snecialty_ ELSO r T, RITCHIE, SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, .)i111C1h111D1[NE - - • ONT. Dade$ left at this offlice promptly atf tiara iii. 7gookiLL HEADS, NOTE -Lao Letter Meade, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, eta., etc. ,printel in a workman- like :n anger and at low rates, at TOE NEWS -RECORD ROYAL MAIL STEAli1SIHIPS. RFDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail regularly from Portland and Halifax to Liverpool via Londonderry DURING TIE WINTER 110NTI1S. Cabin, $40 and upward.. Second Cabin, 825. Steerage at low rates. No Cattle carried, STATE LIN SERVICE OF ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin. 840 'and upwards. Second Cabin, 825, Steerage at low rates. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal; or to A. O. PATTISON or IWJi JACKSON, Clinton. CORRICH MARBLE WOR S, J. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, ;Clinton, is our agent for_Clinton and vicinity. 1V. 4I. Jluhring, of Benn filler, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above wilt have our beat attention. Monuments supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites. a well as In all varieties of marble. Give Mr,• Stevenson a call, before ordering else. where. JOHN A. RORER MON. Manager. Geo. Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, Clinton. ' JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. WATTS & CO., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albt;rt - - Street, - - Clinton. PROPERTY FOR SALE OP RENT.—Advertisers will find "The News -Record" ono of the best mediums in the County of Huron. Advertise in "The News-Record"—The Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates as low es ary. JAS. FERGUSON, PUMP MAKER, - - CLINTON. (ROSS' OLD STAND) Pumps sold reasonable. Cist♦ and Tanks pat down. Wells dug cleaned and Satisfaction Uuararktee ins Ind b. Idem*.' TO St)pI1I'. eottrga Mud preinio* yt lir*. A• Vorlseartlr en logo strfset lAteteegOdfd$ttn 0f a oQlntortillkt rotterre with kl'tliiten and WoetI h 4, birrflend 0R'44 Witter, `♦ ecrR of teed hick. •qi tiby pf tract trees, perorate bushes, r'<vv viaey, ,ko.+ 4lerms °class Apel, tDht,lNt'4ti'lrt EESYCI OIlatogt Tee tr t FARM FOR SALE. Che uedereigped ulrereforor. sale teateeettable tam, Goine lot e7, or the este 850, of clad rli;h township, conteluing S0 acres, mare., r ,ee , with frame dwell - log end burn with stone foundation, now, occupied WO -W. Jos, 1zzard. Po4soisfen given 1st •0etobsr next. For all particulars apply to JUS.1l0Yl ' }Executors. t COMDE, 765-tateit,PHILIPS. • HOUSE TO RENT. That deelrsble house awl tot on Victoria rotted, ooeupled by J. L. Doherty. P.,sseseion May 1st. Stable reserved. Apply to 14 CK KENNEDY-, 755.18 Central Hotel, Clfaton. .FOR SALE. The properly§ at present occupied by the un- deraigooti vs a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, correlating of one half of an sore of land, goodiframe house—story and a half-, rooms, i drilling kitchen,- hard and aoft water, good stone Collar, stable, wood and oarrlege houses. Those are also some good fruit trees. ' This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for auy'peraen wtahing to live retired - Fol further particulars .it rply to E. CA1MPION, 542-tf Barrister, (3oderieh. Clinton MAT Market BUSINESS :CHANGE. The undersigned desires to iutimate that he has bought out the interest of Mr. Couch, in the butcher- ing business deifypparrlod on under the style of FORD &COUCIE Ile will continue the same at the old stand, and trusts by gtvino the closest and moat cameful attention to tltt,,busuiosa, straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice inset, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. f111 orders carefully and promptly llllud. JAMES MORD CLINTON. JOHN - SCRt1 TON, Butelier and P oulterer ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. All lines in season. Highest price for Hides, Tallow and .Sheepskin s. NEW UU.TCIIEIL..SIIOP. WHEATLEY & FINCH We have Opener* out for business on HURON STREET, CLINTON, and will be pleased to sup- ply the wants of all 1n all kinds of 'meats and poultry in season at the lowest living prices. Highest cash price paid for Hides, Sheepskins, &c. Patronage respectfully solicited. 727 —tf. WHEATLEY & FINCH."] SEED ANI) FEEDING GRAIN `PRICES. . I am Selling both Seed and Feeding Grain at the following prices American Banner Seed Oats at 35 cents. Connnon Seed Oats at 83 cents. Feeding Oats 32. cents. Have also a tow Early Gothland Oats. Good Seed P8 AS at (coin COe to 65 cents. Feeding- Peas 58 cents. Also Plenty of good 6 rowed BARLEY for Seed. The above prices are for lots of net less than 10 bushels, and are liable to change if the wholesale market changes. As I sell at small profits and the business not my own, I sell for cash or exchange for any other kinds of grain • All good farmers will un- derstand the importance of exchanging seed. W. H. PEIRRIN, Clinton. Cook's Flour, Feed & Seed Store SEEDS ! SEEDS ! SEEDS ! We have in stook a choice assortment of the moat Reliable Seeds, such as CLOVER, TIMOTHY, MILLET, CORN, And all seeds required for Farm or Gar. den use. Call and inspect and get prices. Flour and Feed of all kinds. D. COOK, CLINTON. 72-tf. HILL'S FEED ,STORE, HERON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Flcur and Feed of all hinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. .1. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton BULBS AND PLANTS. T. COTTLE has a fine collection of Dahlias, Gladiolus, named and rnixed varieties, Caladiuns, Fancy Loaf, and a very fine lot of Tuberose Begonias, both Single an(1 Double. Parties wanting bedding plants will (l0 well to give us a call. All kinds of Floral Dycsigns made ou short notice. .'rices reasonable. T. COTTLE, No. 72, Joseph St.; Clinton. Fi STRAY STOOK ADVER TISEMENTS Inserted in Tus Nsws RECORD at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If yon want any kind of advertising you will not no better than call on Tne Nows•Recorrl. GO TO THE 11nion Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton .1. EMERTON, Proprietor. J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats dlseatea of all domoetle animals on the most modern and eclentine principles. garCalls attended to night or day. Office lmyiedivtely west of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence -- Albert street, Clinton, 549-3m J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKE) AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont SHORT own the Street through the busy why lady las ed on ark t.In. day. • Who,. pausing At a grocery store, Stepped quickly in at the op,en door. . With bated breath and anxious mien, She queried; "have you COTTOLENE?" The grocer, leaving off hes work, Interrogated every clerk; But none up to that time had seen An article called " COTTOLENE." "What is It?" said"he to the dame, "That answers to this curious name. What Is It made•of? What's Its use? My ignorance you'll please excuse." "You're not the merchant for my dime, 1 see you're quite behind the times. For COTTOLENE, I'd have you know, 11; now the thing that's all the go, An article of high regard ; A healthful substitute for lard. Its composition pure and clean ; For cooking give me COTTOLENE." As from his store the lady fled, The grocer gently scratched his head— On his next orthr, first was seen, of One dozen cases COTTOL4NE." Ask Your Grocer for it. Made only by N. K: FAIRBANK it CO., Wellington and Ansi Streets, MONTREAL. The Huron News-Recora 1.50 a Year—$1.26 10 Advance {Wednesday, May 10111, 1893. fk94 4tett; 4.01rt) tlti;` moat' tto.'vight1, loll fti tI(; 1toubliug your 'Ilea wI aft world '60d, got 1,61,1uchile :fro #:nlllllg' you; u ltllo. k all t11a top e and, niibrt{tt),ipgi 11I tilitle+tt±Nilsen could titit.,ii+iYd`. extlelfsteti It trent .Mitt, osibjy yetis ),imgty b'tlrpatli$ eayf'ai, him freta*, Oinking helieoth, It. „Notror'elltw ltitri fo bt'ootuo mese ant- -vat of youi°'euoiety, ,*D)u"not letoYt' h,ie-h 019130 tinctfc.rictn to; swelter through etit111Gtfr'a 'l'as't to olein money while you are or a.lir•tidlpg it in "oouter cliules�tt It' he hds to stay,. you stay, too, sod ho will il05ru yuu atI aduiable woman. Though he may be an Ananias himself a men gbltore ar Sap. Odra, so be truthful at all tiuit•e. Nothing tutus a melee heart into stony self-will like a womau'e prevarications. Never tell to confidential .neighbors nor fashionable friends what he bas confided in you, and you will exon know all that ) e knows. Nothing makes a husband so reserved as the feeliu.g that bis wife tells everything. Never contradict hint, "Silence's is a weapon that he cannot parry, hence he soon surrenders. Above alt, do not "pout." A pouting wife can snake a Dieu commit rooktese deeds in a week that a mouth's kiesert,oannot remedy -.- possibly never. Study his itlicayn eraeies. Never comllat them openly. Go around them like you would an pbstacle in the road. Soon you will govern hien completely by seemingly letting hiw rule you. HOW TO RULE A HUSBAND. No hued ie invulnerable to love, tact and common 'sense. He will yield as surt"I 'to such a scepter as the needle does to the pole. Let whosoever will test the fellowing rules :-- First, love him. . Not with senti- mental gush, but with that frank trust that knows not euspicion—even if you find the letter of another's fair hand in -the pocket which you are mending. It is likely an appeal for charity or some indigent widow begging a posi• tion for her son. Nothing makes a man's heart so obdurate as a wife's die trust. Do not iudulge in prying into his affairs. If he does fool you a little, are you the happier for detecting it 1 If he still clings to bachelor days' habits of lingering out late at night, do not indulge in tears and upbraid- inge. Bestir yourself, If the sitting room upholstery is too flue for him to loll upon move it out. Place on the center - table a soft, glowing light ; lay hie .favorite papers in the corner, and especially never tear up his "latest"; set a comfortable easy -chair, stripped of. all jingling furbelows, close by; put slippttee and dressing•gown in easy reach. Apparelled in a dainty, becom- ing gown, await his corning as you used to do as hie sweetheart. Greet him winsomely, however late the hour. Honey entices bees, vinegar never. Such home comfort will soon permeate him through and through that there• after he will etride by all of the allure• menta in town to get to it and to`you. Then be companion.r-hke ,,.If he likes politics, metaphysics or cess, and you d ot, appropriate sumo of that spare ti a devoted to novels in posting your - se . Study like you used to do your La •n to avoid being "kept in." If you desire to "keep him in" just chat about hie "hobby" with him, and you will have no trouble at all. If you wish hire to spend his ,evenings at home with you, do not save all your graces and smiles for outsiders and deluge him, like a ahowerbath, with complai household tribulations as soon as he comes in from the day's business cares. You will soon be spending them "alone," for ho will remain out late hoping to find your tongue stilled in slumber on his return. If he is a huntsman; do not plant the entire .back yard in flowers, and then say there is no place far a dog. Humour his fads of fishing and bird - hunting if you want to keep him from hunting worse amusement. To preve hi eyes from ever turn• "ing to seek' beauty and grace in other women, make yourself as sweet and attractive -looking at home as lies with• in your power., Remember how web care and thought,you used tin spend to win his heart; now exercise some of it to keep that heart. • Live within his income, however smalls and you can always readily get money out of him. Never make bills that he cannot pay, and he will always be agreeable, genial and loving. Do not become extremely affectionate when you" want something—he will soon learn the trick. Ask frankly. The shy tremour in your voice will never meet reftreal. When he cornea in with brow stern andilowering, do not imagine that he doeli not love you, and seek solitude to cry about it. Something is the matter. Maybe it is a desperate (wise. Adroitly decoy him into conversing upon a pleasant topic. He will do so to hide the conflict within. Then, when still- ness creeps over the house and you are alone, lay your hand tenderly upon his shoulder, look trustingly into bin face DEAFNESS CURED. SIRS,—For yonre 1 was troubled with deatnene, and- last w inter could searc',ly hear at all. On applying Ha yards Yellow Oil it restored niy hearing and I now herr as well as anyone. .Ylris. TUTTLE COOL, R eymouth, N. S. THE PARSON'S MARE. PREACHER SMiTH HIMSELF HELD THE RIBBONS AND TOOK IN THE $500 WAGER. --\ Atlanta (O,,.) corr. New Ycrl( World. A trotting race, with a man who preaches the Gospel as a driver, is not an every day event. Some wee'i.s ago the Rev. Mr. Smith came from Dublin, Ge. While in Dublin he preached the Gospel. He brought with him, in addition to a bank account, a roadster of unpretentious appearance. It was not long before Smith began talking of the poweis of his horse. Atlanta has many owners of feet home. Some of them heard Smith talking about his steed, and yesterday Pedigo, one of the beat•kuown horsemen in the South, approached the man from Dub- lin, saying: " You have been talking about that horse of yours. I'll bet you $500 to $250 that he cau't trot a mile iu 2:50." "Well, you know," replied the preacher, "that I can't bet, for I preach. But 1'11 just tell you that the old pony. can beat 2:50." The owner of the pony was urged to make the bet, but he would not. Soon atter the gentleman. who had bantered hien left, Smith went to W. 0. Jones, a well-knowu liveryman, and, giving him $250, asked him to make the bet. Tho race came off yesterday after- noon. After the party reached the park, Smith asked who was to drive the mare, "Why, you, of course," said ono of the party. "But I'm a church member," replied the preacher. "That makes no difference," was the reply. "You will drive her all tip same or lose the $250. Smith at length agreed to drive the mare and asked for the rules. He was told that he could have three starts on the race. It was not long before he had the mare's nose up to the wire: At the word the pony started off and moved along to the quarter pole, where the driver pulled her up and came back. "What did you do that for 1" asked e of the men, as the others laughed. "Oh, that's nothing," said Smith, "I Was just warming her up." . "Well, that's one of your starts," he was told. Tho driver protested, but at length gave ir, asking if he, had two more starts. Iie was told that he had, and Smith gave the old pony a lead. She went around the track in 2:47, and as she came in the man who had posted. the $500 saw that the old pony could move. Bat on the move the mare had broken two or three times, and they claimed that it did not count. ."Well, I've got another trial, haven't II" he asked. He was told that he had and then de' the preacher's last trial came he settled . himself behind the pony and gave her; the word. The old mare started out as though she knew her business, and, without a hobble or break made the mile in 2:45. As Smith drove up to the judges he put out his hand saying, "Give me my $500, please.' No one talks about the trot now, except those who were not among the losers. Resale H. Bedloe, Burlington, Vt., had a disease of the scalp, causing her hair to be- come very harsh and dry, and to fall eo free- ly that 'she scarcely dared to oomb it. Ayer's Hair Vigor gave her a healthy scalp, Yemobed the dandruff, and made the hair think and glee/qr. —The attendance at the opening of the tile World's Fair is officially given as 315,000. The dead heads numbered 1,40,000. i t _cfL oaI '14 •it,t li'ur.o It$ult 1331x04; t+? enriial+. I4thoblood .ta tiputtingutorkey out 44'- futures •:Of: um& Norwegian Code Liver- Qin and Hypophospfii es . . tposseses blood enlcfching properties in a remarkable degree, 4reyou all riot down? Take Scotus Emulsion. Almost .as Palatable as Mills.. Be sure and 'get the genuine. 'f Preleased oniy by -Scott & Bernie, Belleville. HUPH REY a This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of gcientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare ,with it as a CURATIVE,: and HEALING APPLICATION. It has-been used over 4o years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. , For Piles -External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleedjpg of the Rectum. The relief is immediate- fhe cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL For Burns, Scolds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns, The relief is instant .-the healing wonderful and unequaled. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price, 5o Cents. Trial size, 25 Cents. Sola by nrnrglnt-, or Dent pont-Vold on runlet of 5005. )WZI'tlll tars' MEMO., I11 Alla wfllLun 01., NEW TORE. CU -} ES ■ ILES, 'tV ELLS RICE AIL DSON Co. l fo DIONVRHAL CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, et For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 361 BROADWAY, NEW Yong. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by anottce given free of charge In the cf cien ifxe mutual Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent. man should be without it. Weeklyy $3.00 a rear: 81.50 six months. Address MU1 N dt Co., PUBLISHERS. 361 Broadway, New York our. A BAD WOMAN. Avila Clearmont, the woman arrest- ed iu Montreal for larceny, pled guilty in the Police Court and was sentenced to four years in the penitentiary by Judge Dugas. Two weelcs ago the prisoner was em- ployed as servant by the wife of Dr. Philip on Berri street. She bad no references. She behaved well till last Monday, when she disappeared with a satchel and $75 worth of silverware. She was captured on St. Justin il'treet with the stolen goods still in her pos- sessio19. On Feb. 15 her husband died near Alexandria uudor suspicious circum- stances. An inquest woe hold end the doctors found he had been poisoned with strychnine. The jury brought in a verdict to the effect that the man had been poisoned and bis wife, Avila Clearmont, was charged with the crime, but was subsequently acquitted. In sentencing her Judge Dugas re- ferred to the murder ease, and said that it was true that she had been ac- quitted on the charge of murder, but the fact of her having turned out a thief there proved that she was a thoroughly bard wotuar and that he in• tended to make an example of her. Hardly a' day passed but servant girls were brought before him for robbing their employers. The crime moat be stamped out at any nest.. He wished to warn ladies against employing women who bad not first•claes refer• emit?" Ile then sentenced the prisoner to fotfr years. She, has three children. CaresCoasnraptlon, Coughon, Croup, Boro Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction. --25 cents. SH1i.®H'S VITALIZER,* Ma's. T. S. Hawkins, Cbattauoogaa,, Tenn. nas• •' Shgoh'e Vitazfaor-' SAVED BfT LIFE.'tfy 1 ever wed." For D��y epaioa. Liver o 11dn p trouble it excels. Pries 75 eta. I1.0H'S, CA��ARRF1 : REMEDY, ilavoyouCatarrh? Trythfelten edy. Itwltl npoMtivoly relfove and Curo you. f aced 50 std. Tlrts injector for Rs i'iic—c :t' L••IJ treatment is furnished free. ltemerittar,Kid lnh'dltomedigl are sold en a guarantee to give satisfaction. e nrh.11diL