The Huron News-Record, 1893-03-29, Page 10kat %t ie xtot wise to experiment
with cheap conttpennds gurpor Eng to
he blood -purifiers, but wJiclt have
uo real medicinal 'aloe. To make
use of any other than the old stan-
dard AYJ, R'S Sais.tparilla—the Su -
gorier Blood-puritier--is simply to
invite loss of time, money and health.
If you are afflicted with Scrofula,
Catarrh, Rheumatarn, Dyspepsia,
Eczema, Running Sores, Tumors,
or any alter blood disease, be assured
!t Pays to Use
AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and AYEI1'S
only. AYER'S Sarsaparilla eau al-
ways bo depended upon. It does pot
vary. It is always the same in
quality, quantity, and offeot. It is
superior iu combination, proportion,
appearance, and in all that goes to
build up the system weakened by
disease and pain. It searches < a.
all impurities in the blood and ex-
pels them by the natural channel .;.
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer R Co., Lowe!:, ]Sass
Bold by all Druggists. Prioo SI; six br,ttlos, ZS,
Cures othera,wi71 cure you
[he Huron News -Record
$1.50 a Year -31.25 in Advance
Wednesday, March ''29th. 1$93.
--Voting took place on n local
option by•law at Grund Valley F' i.1 ty,
resulting ill a majority of 135, in favor
of local option.
Tile healthy b ,rly throws ,.(f '.he g..rms of
�h .lira 'h •refore ails -frn •mtrns.'la the use
f Rn.,loek Blood !Thiele this sring to
p'r•vf the 1.1,,•l, r•eguls'e the syn'. n, and
tnrtifv the holy a.;.ntst cholera or other
—The S nth 1{penll Spring S110w
Wil: he held in 13tj•tield this year, and
is to take plant' April 11:h.
GIt.f •I•LIEREti"r,
1-h.: pnbl i are too intellig. n`. to puictutse
wo these article a eeeoud time, on the
cnutrary they want the best ! Physician.
pre virtnn'.1y unanimous in sayin.l Soot t'.
Emulsion i; the I ea t nn of C ,:1 Liver Un.
—Jelin K cox, of G•,rlerich, rec'nlly
soli his fine trotting mare Daisy F., to
an eastern plan fur rhe 811111 of $100.
For every ill nature has a cure. In the
healing virtues of the Norway fine lies the
cure f ,r coughs, croup, asthma, brnnchitia,
hoarsooees, ecu, Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup repreaenta the virtues of N.rwey
Pane and other pectoral remedies. Price
—The Dominion butter factory at
W'ellntan'a Corners, Ont., is turning
out 1,200 pounds of butter per weelc,
CROUP Irilli thousands where cholera kills
tens. For this dread disease no remedy cat,
onmpere in curative power with Hagy.rd'e
Yellow Oil. 'It Irosene the phlegm, giyee
protnpt relief, and goon cnnpletely cures
the most violent attack.
—Mr. Etl. Dinsity, formerly in the
jewelry busineia in \Vingliant, ilea left
for Chicago, where he has secured a
lucrative position,
DEAR SiR•t • F ,r years I was tr nrhled
with intigsstiuu, bin h. ing advised •o try
13. R. R. I did .o and iniad myself quite re-
stored to neelth. HOWARD SULLIVAv,
Mgr. Sullivan Farm, Du Mar, Ont.
--Lest week Mex Innea,of Stanley,
shipped two fine Dominion draught
staltlona to Manitoba, where they
should find a really sale.
Hagvard'e Pectoral Balsam cures coughs,
cold, asthr t, hoarseness, bronchitis, tight -
10113E1 of the cheat, and all dieeaeea of the
throat and lunge. Price 25.1.
—Mr. George Turnbull, the well.
known buyer of Seaforth, hat' gone to
the old country—even to the hone
t.f the Clydesdale—with a carload of
Consluuption Cored.
An old physician, retired from practice, having
had placed in his hands by an hast India mission-
ary the formnta of n simple vegetable remedy for
the speedy and permanent core of l'onsnmption,
Bronchitis, eaturrh, An. hma and all throat and
Long Affections, also a positive and radical cure
for Ner tons Ueu•lity ao 1 all Nervous Cotnplaints,
after having tested its won 1,4.1111 curative powers
in th"us'uids of eases, has let it his duty to make
it known to his ender' n; fellows. Actuated by thin
motive a id a desire to relieve human suffering, I
will send fres of charge, to all who desire it, thin
'calm... In Uer•nan, t'rennh or English, with full
directions 6,r preparing unci using. meat by coat'
by addressing with ,.tam ., naming this paner.
W.A. Noy a: , 51) Pouters' Il!,ole, Rochester, N. P.
650- y
—Mrs. Samuel Ilaticock,of Mitchell,
received a telegram late on Saturday,
lith fust,, saying that her sou, W. J.
Elliott, had just died in Toronto. The
dews was a sari shock to the mother
and she left by first train on Monday
to attend the funeral.
DEARS Stas,—Last year i was very thin
and reducing very fast, owing to the bad
state of my blood and appetite, A friend
of mine induced me to get a bootie of 11. B.
B., which I did. I obtained immediate
perceptible relief from it, have gained
strength and appetite, and now weigh 193
pounds. M. T. MURPHY,
Dorchester Bridge,
Quebec, Qse
t4 OA\
Mt IItt1.y i1 actnrnbe, l,aylaritl E't,,.
Blackburn, l.ttti lei), rang,, •utetea that hie
little girl tell and ("auk, liar 1.11P a;-;iiin�;t
a curbstone. 1 he Loco: balxata to s veil,
l.ecatae very rainft:l and tcrntiuit...l in
what doctors c;..l "e..h',',•; ewelliee." 1 t1
twee treated L1 tae it;,;,: reeeicet
rc,w avert e.
‘4.5,1*- °
ount the Dots
was used. Tho contents of one bottle:
completely reduced the swelling, killed the pain and Ler.
"ALL MOOT! ST. 4400E13 Oil. Dui 11'."
—Sir John Thompson arrived in
Paris Friday.
long time I suffered with stomach
and liver troubles, and could find no relief
until 1 bewail to use Aver'e Pills. I took
them regularly for a few months, and my
health wne completely restored," — D. W.
li•tine, New Berne N. C.
--Kennedy,the pritoneriwho escaped
front Proton jail on \Vedneeday
Among the troublea which beset the
path of the stook keeper are therrliffer
ent parasites, one Of (tore species til
which are peculiar to each kind
of domestic stook. J'tubebly Lite
most troublesome of them are the
insects which are known under the
general term "lice." These differ
greatly in their appearance and habits.
night, has been captured at a farm Line belong to two dietiuot species or
house,to which he was forced by frozen groups. The common or true lice are
feet to seek shelter. blood suckers, which have long, narrow
need,! nod truuk-like sucking tubes,
while the other species, known as bird
or biting lice, have larger, broader
heat's with no 'nicking tubes, but bitinj
jaws. Of the forulcr the oon,nlon. cow
lease is short ,and thick, and commonly
known as 'Elle blue louse. A seconl
species is the calf iJnae, found on cattle;
it is also blue in color, bet it is lunge'
pnouler ni111it operator at the P•trlchill and not nearly so thick ill the body,
elation, has been removed to Forest. bet is often mist•iken for other variety,
His place will be taken by Mr. M. P-
lirnphey who was formerly stationed
"aThr' is no reaasn why children shnuld br
allowed t t eufi':r from loathsome scrofulous
epees and glandular swellings when ouch a
p.eaeaut, • Ifeetive, and economical medicine
as Ave' 'a Strsapdills may be pro•uredof
the nearest druggist. Flo sure y u get
Ayer s.
--1I r, U. S. Carnett, the genial and
135 A l,'ts.ide St , W. T,ronto, O,it
Y nr reliable proparetiun, 8% ,laceb3 Oil,
has ptnved a b'nefit to me in more ways
.ban one 1 live meet it 1 .r quinsy (ant•
ward application) with very beneficial results,
't1 ler a case of rh••unt:t•is n, where its
sauce was swift and stare, and a perfect
pre was performed. I onnsider it a remedy
o he prized in every household." Tilos
I'urrtuuv, with Johnson & ocean.
—Henderson Smith, aged 119 has
jest their at Qiincy, Ill. IIo was
horn in, Virginia in 1774 and at one
time tvic iu th., employ of George
\Vrwhington, Tie hi.t been a slave to
tohwco front the time of his youth. !'
""Thalia the way Dr. Pierce's Plsesant
Pell its conte. And ire w more important
point than y -•n think. • I keens them al -
wave fresh and reliable, uulike the ordinary
pule in cheap wooden or paetehoard boxes.
They're put up in a better way, end they
act in a bitter v\vas,. .than, the hags, old-
faehionod pills. No griping, nn violence, on
reaction afterwards that sometimee leave,
you worse off than before In that way,
they euro permweltlly Sick Headache,
Rini ua Headache,) C•ns'ipation, Indiges-
tion, Bilious Attacks, and:all derangements
of the liver, stomach, and bowels, are pre.
vented. relieved and cured.
Th• y're tiny. ',tiger -elated granules,
compound of refined and concentrated voge
table extracts—the smallest in size, the
easiest to take, and the cheapest pill you oan
buy, foe they're guaranteed to give natiefec-
Sion, or your money is returned. You pay
only for the good von get.
Th -re's nothing likely to be 'jest a,
To wash flannela without shrinking,
make a solution of two wallop; hot
water, a tablespoon of powdered borax,
and enOlIgh soap to form a strong
lather. Wash the 11innels in it as hot
es the hand can bear, using no more
soap nor rubbing any more on, Rinse
in hot water, squeeze and dry. Never
wring flannels.
The last 'sane of the Farrftere Advo-
cate contains the following :—
Heron, S. R.
Corn—The Mammoth Southern
Sweet seems to bo the favorite where
grown for fodder. One man tiled the
Red Cob, but was not at all pleased
with the reenit He says that the yield
was disappointing, and not only that
but he says that cattle do not seem
to relish it so well as the 'Mem-
moth Southern Sweet.
Potatoee.—We have been raising the
Rural Blush for some time, end are
well pleased with them. Tiley are
good yielder'', and their keeping qual•
hies are unexcelled ; they will he near-
ly as good for cooking next July as
they are now, and that I thiuk is a
strong argamept in their favor.
Mangolda—The Mammoth Long
Red is undoubtedly the best mangold
for our clay loam soils.
Turuipa—We like the Carter's Im•
perial very well ; they yield well and
are a nice even sample, the bulbs
being round and clean and solid, and
moreover they keep splendidly.
The first place among field carrots
undoubtedly belongs to Steele's ,Iut-
proved Short White; they are heavy
yioldera. Wo had over 500 bushels
off half an acre last year. They are
very easily harvested, too, which is a
strong point in their favor. A few
still etrek to the Long White Beigiam,
but they will soon have to give place
to tho Short White, when their good
qualities become fully known.
Huron, W. R.
All potatoes were a failure. Tho —Rev. Dr. McDonald, of Seaforth
White Elephant seemed about the beet. has been appointed a rnomber of the
I do not know of any varieties of corn Advisory Board of the Religious Con•
and field roots which did particularly greatof the Columbian Exposition,
' well. Chicago.
Thele are also belonging to this group,
one each for the florae, go -it. swine and
dog, all of which are different, and all
are peculiar to the anirnil they Meat.
Although this group are the most coil
motlly found on stock, they do not in•
crease very fast, and are much harder
to exterminate than the group which
etre mentioned further on. Nothing
Wet the C011titi118'1 use 01 stroll.; dips or
ctttle washes will eradicate there, as the
nits continue to hatch :tt •litf•rent in-
tervals after the lice Owned ves are
killed. Insect piwdei•, grotee in ane
form, if such penetrate to the skin, will
kill them, but it must be remembered
that a large nutnber are continually
sticking to the skin, and as they do not
move about much, all the surface
must have the remedy applied or it
roust be of such a nature that it will
stay for a length of time upon the skin
itself, or it will not be as etlicicious.
Of the other group, kuown aa the
bird or biting lice, one species infests
both horse and ass, while another ie
found on both ox and ase, one to sheep
and one to dog, one to cat, one to duck
and goose, two to peacock, three to tur•
key, four to pigeon, and five to the hen.
Although those infesting domesticated
stock are apparently similar to those
found on poultry, they are different
and will not live on any other animals
except those mentioned, the difference
being quite readily distinguished when
examined ander a microscope, hence
he supposition that they ere contracted
through the poultry being allowed
near them is eroneous: but the wonder-
fully rapid manner in which this
species it propagated upon the animals
they are peculiar to ie so estoniehing
that those attending etock are only too
ready to credit their existence to
poultry. It is therefore au interesting
fact th it in the case of the npeciss that
infest mammals none of the general are
found on birds,and of those that live on
birds, none infest mammals. The
biting or bird iieo are far tnoro irritating
to the stock, as they move abort much
more rapidly,hut at the same time they
are mole easily destroyed, as
one application of any roti•
able aherp dip or cattle wash
will generally tx'erminate them.
This is to be accounted for hecnnee this
species feed upon the hair, feathers and
dermal scales of the skin itself, there•
fore from their habits it is much easier
to bring them in contact with the
remedical application.
When there are lice on any domes•
ticated animal, that animal cannot
thrive. It therefore requires constant
R ttentionend the closest scr'ltiny to
keep this cines of pilingere from in
creasing. Young animals that suffer
moat, as calves and lambs, will not only
not thrive, but if assailed with many of
these posts they becotne stunted and
their growth is stopped; while with
chicken,' and all young poultry, para-
sites of thin description have more to do
with the mortality that often sweeps
off whole broods of there than all other
types( of disease. As lice breathe
through their akin, green or oil fills up
,these pores and quickly destroys them.
Kerosene and til, equal parts, are good
remedies, but for cattle thorn is nothing
equal 10 the regular washes, many of
which aro proprietors remedies. Car
folic acid diluted, one pound to ten
gallons of water—a pound bar of soap
should first be boiled in a amall per•
tion of the water; all should be well
mixed before being used. Tobacco is
also very good, and where the stoma
can be obtained, these boiled down
make both a cheap and handy remedy.
Insect powder, lime or ashoe help to
keep lice in check, but are not eo effec-
tive as a wash. Ground etavoacre
seed steeped, and then mixed with oil,
is good to apply to the parts most effec
Led, which will hold vermin in chock
until the weather ie suitable for wash
In our last competition, In which wo barl a
circle containing (d5 dots, we had answers rang-
ing from 800 to 2,000,000. On the whole, however,
our customers counted better than we expected.
At the close of the competition the winners were
notifiedof their success, and the presents awarded
juet as we advertised. As a proof of this end as
an evidence that we have kept perfect faith with
our patrous, we will sent a complete list of winners
texcepting those objecting to pebift•ity) to nny
address on receipt of 43 cent stamp to pay poky gt..
We do this instead of publishing their on tweet et
of the list being so very large. In our present
competition we present th_C shove star end ask' cr
customers to count the dots as they did with lh,,su
in the circle. With it we make this otl•vr:—
To the drat three persons sendtitg in the ern , ,: t
sneerer we will give each an eitera rt GOLD
DUEIiIIIIt HAII'PDEN or other t!rstclass
movement. We will give the sante to the senders
of tau three correct answers, who arc equally far
from the first and the last, while the persons
seeding in the last three cornett answers will
each be given witches exaetiv similar to the other
six. THIS MAR 'PIS N1i) GOJ 1) WA'I'-
AT 310O, that wi.l positive!:, be giaen an A
sample watch le now on exhibition at our office,
anemic he seen by any person interested; so if . ur
sincerity is doubted the person may call, or hits
A friend clo so, and see that they are all the elahu.
Remember each one is ftrst•claes and will be
aceomtranted b a guarantee from the maker.
WE PRESENT GOLD WA•r('Hrs in this
reinvention in preference to PURSES Ole
GOLDbecause as a rule they lust longer, ri ct
can, for years afterwards, be shown by the
delighted possessors as an evidence that we du
exactly as we promise. The watches Will 1 e pre-
seuted in ladies' or gentlemen's sizes as d, ,-in t1.
In addition we will i,iro ONI7 HUN Ina 1)
EXTRA PRESENTS such as Sli-IC Di11Ss;
for intermediate correct answers. Should Iher.1
be no correct answers, the presents till be dis-
tributed among those whose answers are I ltrent
the correct number. Mach answer must be
accompanied by 5) rents in siker nr stmnl+• 1., pay
for a box of Dr• Marz'v health Pills. We sell y'
;ire pills and give you the ,resent. To an v
who is dissatisfied and does not find the Pills
exactly as we represent them, we will return 11. it
money. Our sole object hi muting this extrai,t.'d-
nary offer is to introduce this excellent nem siy
into every hone in America. A
AS4 TONIC Hcultlr P111s have nn rye
TONIC d! The tired brahr-w•ur!u r ,: ud
worn-obusiness man finds theta espeelally
adapted to his case. They give new life ••i1
energy, and make hard work easy- DR.
YoIJPNG MEN Who suffer from excesses of
youth, nocturnal eurlsshms
menta worry, over -work or sleeplessness, .1 11 i
ase Health Pills. They will stop your troul.l. s,
give you energy and strength, and make you
yourself again.
YOUNG WOMEN Pale and tlrorl, w•ho
suffer fr nn fem:r!c
weakness, scantiness, suppression of their sick•
nes headache, whites pain in the heel: end
hearing down wins, should use Hrnith Pills.
They restore the monthlies in alt cases, 1 , 11 1 up
the system, enrich the blood and make the Deeplum bright and �p
MIDD E-AGr MEN Suffering from
premature deeps,
kidney or b adder troubles, the results of youthful
folies loss of energy, mental worry or over - i n'k,
should use Health fv:ills. They act cspeeinlly
upon the bladder and kidneys, and restore the
vigor of youth Wall failing organs, both physical
and mental.
i ry
"changes)life," headaches, pyains in the womb,
constipation, piles, irregularities and mental de-
pression, should use Health Pills. They relieve
all these symptoms, purify the blood, strengthen
tate nerves, regulate the bowels, and assist Nature
strength tot a
Pills yield sound
and refreshing sleep, giro
st g, cheerfulness to the mind
andease to the body, so that the weight of chars
bears less heavily as the thread of life lengthens.
If the pp rsons among whom we decide to ills -
tribute our presents object to publicity, and desire
that no mention he made of their names, we will
respect their wishes in the matter and forward
presents to any address mentioned without the
knowledge of even a third person.. Alt eornmuni-
actions addressed to us will be promptly answered
and all cor•respondet,ce regarded its sacra X11 r mn-
fidenti,l. In writing, address THE PAR1aIA N
MEDICAL CO.. (Canadian Branch), 32
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company,
Farm and Isolated Town Proper-
ty only Insured.
Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0. •, W.
J. Shannon. SecyTreas., Seaforth P, 0.; John
Hannah, Manaeer, Seatorth P. 0,
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Ross,
ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George
Harlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J.
non, Walton; Thos. Oarbert, Clinton.
Thos..1\eitans, Harloek; Roht. Mctfillan, Sea -
forth ; S. Cnrnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan
and ileo. Murdie, Auditors,
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly attend•
ed to on a•.lication to any of the shove officers,
addressed to their respective post cfdces.
John Duninflar,
1.4-1 AND
Canadian Express Agent,
Fresh Hadd iesand Bloaters. Oysters
constantly on band. Also some
Canadian Cranberries, cheep,
New Flour and Feed Store
beg to announce that they have opened
a I'tour and Feed Store east of the Com.
mercial Hotel, Iluron Street, Clinton.
We will keep in stock the very best of
everything in the lino, such as Flour,
Meals, Feed, Seeds, &c., at very reason-
able prices.
Goods delivered .to all parts of the
We solicit and expect a legitimate
share of town and country trade.
Remember the location of the Clinton
Flour and Feed Store.
eslie's etc y:
II. Tc G ES, PHAETONS: QAR'l3 AND WAGONS—all of the beet work.
mamobip and material. I °'AI1 the latest stylet, and moat,, tttodprn irkIPKIVo,
menta. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting, prowptbr :ettelidtd
1u, Prices to soft the times,
TMFACTORY—•corner Iluron and Orange Streets, Clilztcfpt, 861-e,.
When your wife sets this elle will smile 1 Why 1 Because tills can sit anti`
r'.jny herself with her sewing and reading and not endanger her eyes aa.
ehedoes when tieing the ordinary Cot:: Oil.
Rock Oil
Is Equal to American, and we sell it at the same price RR ordinary Coal Oil.''
We have just received another car of this Famous Oil and you can get it
either at our new atom, in the McKay (flock or at our old store in the
Brick Block,
STOVE AND HARDWARE, • - - :hibert St., Clinton
- Special for Xmas Trade -
Choice Cream Chocolates at 25cr per it
Done up in a nice fancy box,;or satchel, also the followil>ig,
Goods at reasonable prices,
500 lbs Royal Mixed Candy,
200 lbs Mixed Candy,
100 lbs Conversation Lozenges,
New Figs, Nuts, Lemons, Oranges.
Oysters and:Fish direct Um Baltimore.
Call and see our Stock which is the largest and most veiled in town,
Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes A great Variety.
As an extra inducement to Cash purchasers I have made arrangements with a
leading firm of 'forotlto for a large supply of Artistic Picturea by well-
known Masters, all framed and finished in first-class style, and suitable
for the best class of residence. Each customer will be presented with
one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash purchases aggre-
gate Thirty Dollars.
My motto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods al
Bottom Prices.
ti ei
Although the principal Sotto Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per cert
1 will supply all Electric Soapy and the noted Sunlight and Surprise
Soaps at the old figures.
Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at
our Store.
Our Sock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas,
including hest grades in Black, Green and Japans. try our Russian
Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market.
Examine the gnalityand prices of our Combination Dinner and Tea Setts,
aril be convinced that Bargain Day with 08 is every business da
throughout the year.
N ROBSON, China Hall.
Clinton, Feb. 14, 1893.
First car now arrived direct from
Redpath's Refinery, Montreal.
Quality the Purest,
Prices the Lowest.
Special Cuts in 100 Pounds or Bbl. Lots.
Butter and Eggs wanted.
J. W. IRWIN, Noted Grocer,
iar Hill CoarkAt
—•'--- 0
Just Received another Car of
Briar Hill Coal. Leave your
H.ARLA�T� 131R,0S-