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The Huron News-Record, 1893-03-22, Page 7
MESS ITR, TORY!!. MOL1INS JJ&N • 4iBli#144t0.b4Aatof Parliament 1864. -{�.I'i'AL, - . $2,000,040 Aso, 61..100,000 'Mane, - MONTREAL. 1I 4, ld'0C.SION, President. WOrA ERSTAlN THOMAS, General Manager. N9tea 4 seglinted, Collections made, Drafts a88upd, Sterling and American ex- ( ghutge bought and sold at lowgest current rates. ' 1 „ ftlT$a$aT A44014BQ ON BBPga..$. •1L91i93 advanced to farmers on their own notes With one.'4r more endorsers. No mortgage re - eared qty segurlty. H. C. BREWER ManagT1r, CLINTON. siurtfitV, 1884. G. D. icTaggart BANKER, iBERT STREET, CLINTON. :VENAL BANKING BUSINESS `1' TRANSACTED. Bra/19 Issued, >l,Toi;es Discounted. - ' Interest Allowed on Deposita. ,Clinton, JuneRth, 1891 868y PARRAN & TISDALL, • PRIVATE 13ANKERS,I T ttenUary • • Street • Clinton. aJLedtctx. DRS. GIUNN & GIBSON. OFFiCE Ontario St. a sew doors east of Albert St. ,`•:`;,'V. GUNN. R. J. GIBSON. DR. TURNBULL. T, L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; AI. D. ; , ¥.,.Victoria Univ. M. C. P. al S. Out, ; Fellow ;of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of :Lglhdon, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Ottice:- Dr.. 1)owsley's stand, Ratteubury St. Night calls .1 Bwered at Office. DR. SHAW. (Mee in Hod. ea'a Block, Ratteubury St., Cliuton, pf, Night calls at same place. •@elltitl'3. 1 . C.:` BRUCE L. D. S., Surgeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ont. teeth extracted without pain by the use of a harm - testi and pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious• :•:tees, sioknees nor ill-effects arsompany the use of this remedy, and many in and around Clinton can 'testify to its genuineness. Special attontien given preservationAo the '; ogtek' Blocit over T .ylor's alma teeth.tural Unice, store, ' a-1 tfrr ■ S. Sergeon Dentist. Graduate of Royal :fiollege of Dental Sergeona of Ontario. `';`^',Pest Local Anaesthetics for painless ex. sraction. Rooms in Smith's Block op- posite P.O. 728-y. Ze(1ttt. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, 4-e.. t �a. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. •`'I Money to Loan. d' A. H. MAI3NIN0. JAS. SCOTT. CAMPION & JOHNSTON, BARRItSTERS, - • SOLICITORS., NOTARIES, tic., CODE RICH, - - ONT. Office over Jordan's Drug Store. E. CAMPION, Q. C. M. 0. JONNSTON• MONEY TO LOAN. H. J. D. COOKE, BA1IIIBTEat, IIOLICITOR, NOTARY POsLIO, C.)N1EYANC alt, &C. --MONEY ro LEND. - 03113e one door north of the hank, QueRN .YTIIE F.'C, BLYTII. 100 FOR SALE TAO properly at present oaouple.d by the un - agog* Iia a resi•donas On tho 'Huron Roa& in rho 'Town of Qodorioh, enesisting of gine halt of an acre of land, geed frame home -store and a half : $even rooms, itleludlee kitchen, hard and soft crater, good atone collar stable, weed and carriage houses. There are also some geed fruit trees. This property is 4eaatlfuily situated and very suitable f'orany'psrsnn wishing to live retired. Fot further particulars apply to 13, CAMPION, 542.tf Barrister, Godorloh. AFI TO THE FARMERS. Study your own interest and go were you ORR get Reliable Harness. I manufacture none but toe claw or S'rnea. Beware 1 shops that sell cheap, as they nave god to live ire Cull and get prices. Orders 1 attended to by rem utt i d S P P3 a- 4c) 1 1N 13 J31 1_, E , HARNESS EMPORIUM, i3LVTI1. ONT FOR SALE. 11111E SUBSCRIBER offers for sale four eligible .i Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; has two fronting on Ratteubury Street; either en blue or in separate lots, to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. -F. DINSLEY, Clinton. 38 . A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, insets In Blddlecoinhs Hull, opposite the market, the 1st and 3rd Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONB- uAN, 51. W.; J, BRAN, Recorder. 699y Natio*. CIE NTON Lodge, No. 89, A. C. & A. M. meets kJ every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit - hug brethren cordially invited. T. SMALLACOM BE, Sec. W. J. PAISLEY, Iv. M Clinton Jun. 14 1898. IriZ0rID DAVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery, and jJ Conveyancing. Office -West Street, next icor tb Poet Office, Goderlch, Ont. 67. t L. 0. L. No. 710 CLINTON, Meets sxco,'a Monday of every month. 11a11, lid fiat, Victoria block. Visiting brethren always made welcome. WM. WALKER, W. 51 THOS. KEARNS, D.M. P CANTELON, Sec. C. HAYS, Solicitor, arc. Office, corner of Square and West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Ooderich, Ont. 87. o• Money to lend at lowest rates of Interest. Walley to pad. ONEY to lend in large or Antall sums of goo mortgages or personal security at the lowest current rates. H. HALE, Huron st. Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 26, 1881 1y MONEY TO LOAN. `tacit 'iligilto Jubilee Preceptory No. 161, (Black Knights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second tVednes- day of every month, at 7.30 o'clRck in the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will alwayd receive a hearty welcome. Interest 64- per cent payable yearly. The -borrow- er to have the privilege of paying the whole or any art; of tho principal at any time without giving nettles. For further particulars apply to C. A. HAWN'. Utlico in McKay's Block, Clinton. gkltettolteei'tag. H. W. BALL CTTONEER for Huron County. Sales attend- ed to 1n any part of the County. Address Orders to Gonna/on P. 0. V-17. Photographers 'FOSTER & BAYLEY, CLINTON. Life Size Portraits a Si eoialty. BILLHEADS, NOTEHe,.ds,. Lotter Heade, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Bnsinese Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc.,printei in a Workman- liko manner and at to rates, at Tile NEWS -RECORD A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GBORoB IIANLBY, Deputy Preceptor PBTBR CANTELON, Registrar Royal Black Preceptory 3011 Blacic Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange hall, Blyth, the Wednesday atter lull moon of every month. . Royal Black Preceptory 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, Meete in the Orange Hall, Godericb, the Third Mon- day of every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W 11 51UItNEY, Preceptor, Ooderich P 0 JAMES RUSK, Itogietrar, Goderieh P 0 NELSON T. RITCHIE, P. L. SURVEYOR and CiVIL ENGINEER, KINCRDIN E - - - ONT. Orders left at this ofliice promptly attended to. Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS :CHANGE. The undersigned desires to Intimate that he has houghtout the interest of Mr. Couch, in the butcher. ing business lately carried on under the etyte of .'ORD &COUCH• lie will continue the same at the old stand, and trusts by giving the closest and most careful attention to the business, straightforward • and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice .neat, to inerit and receive a fair share of public patronage. ,All orders carefully and promptly filled. JAMES A- FORD, CLINTON. The People's Grocery. ;fOY1 BA E1 algid OQN 'EQTIQNR. Full Stock of Cakes and Confec- tionery always in rtslak. - ONBTHRS IN SEASON. - Don't fail to call when ordering your xwas euppliea. Our make of Bread lee the !feat that can bpy produced and is deltyered free to all parte of the town. The Eureka Bakery, Opposite the Post Otliee, Clinton. • Geo, Trott', Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed and first °lase material awl work guarantotd ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and rep,dred. CHEMISTS& DRUGGISTS •, Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert - - Street, - - Clinton. JOHN - ' SCRUTON, Butcher and Poulterer, ALBERT' STREET, CLINTON All lines` in season. highest price for Rifles, Tallow and Sheepskin s. TDROPER'I'Y FOIL SALE OP I'TP�RENT.-Advertisers will find "The News - 0 , Reuord" one of the best modtume in the County of Huron. Advertise le "The News•itecord"-'fhb Double Circulation Talks to'l'housande. Bates as low as a ry. r50 1* Til E CELEIiRT ED Ideal Wasftergt 4ar Wringers. rum E R ir.lv'1'• IN '1' 1116 MARKET Machines Allowed; on Trial I desire to intimate to the residents of Clinton and vicinity that I have re. moved to the store lately vacated by J. W . IRWIN, and am putting in full lines of choice Groceries, Crockery, &c., &e., 1 atn also agent for All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposit e Fair's Mill. Call and see nle. The goods nre all well selected, bought in the best markets and will be sold at the lowest prices. We intend to make this the leading business place in town. Inspection of goods respectful• ly solicited. Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs. G, J. STEWART, - - Clinton. PHOTO J. B. WEIR, CLINTON JAS. FERGUSON, PUMP MAKER, - - CLINTON. (ROSS' OLD STAND) Pumps sold reasonable. Clete, ns and Tanks pat, down. Wells dug and cleaned and Sattisfau•tion (uat•anSeed. New Flour and Feail Store HANLEY & WALKER beg to announce that they have opened a Flour and Feed Store east of the Com. mercial hotel, Huron Street, Clinton We will keep in stock the very best of everything in the line, such as Flour, Meals, Feed, Seeds, &c., at very reason- able prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. We solicit and expect a legitimate share of town and country trade. Remember the location of the Clinton Flour and Feed Store. Ii.t VLT;Y & \FALUCET Parties on receiving their Photos from my Gallery are heard to exclaim, " I am well pleased 1 How nice! They are just lovely, etc." As I have a first class Gallery with 200 square feet of glass, good professional machinery, modern improvements and furniture and scen- ery in great variety, I can make good Photos on dark or bright days. Instantaneous process for children also, As I have studied the Art thoroughly, and taken professional instructions from soma of the best sources iu Can- ada, and use the very best and most durable photographic material I can purchase I feel able to furnish you a strictly firstclass and durable line of Photos at a price reasonable to all. C. HOARE, Near CLINTON. ;.� STRAY STOCK ADVER ice- IJ TIS EMENTS inserted In Tan News Bascom) at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock It you want any kind of advertising you will not rio better than call nn Toe News -Record. GO '1'O THE Union Shaving Parlor A For first class Bair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Cliuton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. .l. E. BLACK ALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of all domestic animals on the most modern and scientific principles. A"m'Calls attended be night or day. Office itnniedittely west of the old Royal hotel, Ontario street. Residence - Albert street, Clinton. 649-3in J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont LADIES 0/?‘ GENTS WATCHES With I':uicy Dials and Sixteen Jewels HUNCH MARBLE WHIM J. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, Clinton, is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W. M. Mohring, of, Benmiller, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our hest attention. Montunents supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites, a well as m all varieties of marble. Give Mr, Stevenson a cull !before ordering else where. JOHN A. RORER rsoN. - Manager. ALLAN LINE SQad bred , fie.., 0414 I4asfity, ,but 11;$ ?ItebrtiaglIvris acclimate. IfEJQVJ3 ro cook, but w2s li5re,d arta scoff caste and5rnell of lards; ,he bought Coltolene, (the hawghortenilfl-3) Ara OV(.0 more than eV/er1 be- cause She ,clad() beer foadjztnd he could earth' Alma uttp1ea5Artt after effect. NO ac gY ARE fl'YP t having Found fie BEST, arta most healthful shorfi ehirt9 e\/er. rrtztde - OTTOLENE'. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Street., MONTREAL. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail regularly from Portland and Halifax to Liverpool via Londonderry DURING TSP. WINTER MONTHS, Cabin, 940 and upward.. Second Cabin, $26. Steerage at kw rates. No Cattle carried, STATE LINE. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, 940 and upwards. Second Cabin, $26. Steerage at low rates. nese of the chest and all diseases of the sprit to iT. & A. ALLAN, Montreal ; or to A.O. ' PATTiSON or WM JACKSON, Clinton. throat and lunge. Price 25o. SERVICE 'IF ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. TheHurc n News-Reccrd rd $1.60 a Yeat-$1.26 in Advance. Wednesday, March '21..nd 1893 nay. Council met pursuant to adjourn. went, on Saturday, March 11th, 1893. All the nieathera present. Turnbull - Geiger -That the clerk write F. W. Farucoshb, eugtneer, for a descrip'i;yi* of survey of side road 15 and 16, L. R. E. cotteessinn.-cart ied. McMordie- Turnbull-That the auditor's report as finally revised be passed and the clerk be ordered to have the required nuns her printed for distribution• --carried. Turnbull -Geiger -That the clerk cor respond with the Council of Stephen in reference to the payment of their share t,f the Hay Swamp Drain tax --carried. Turnl,ull-Geiger-That the clerk cor respond with the provincial treasurer, and draw his attention to the amount of interest Clue on the 11. S. D. deben- turea-carried. Battler--MeMordie- That the following be ap1ointed paths masters for 1893 ;-1, Adam Cane ; 2, John Short ; 3, J. Patterson; 4, Wut. Moir ; 5, J. Gilchrist ; 6, R. McMordie; 7, I. McMann ; 8, Wm. O'Brien ; 9, W. Chapman ; 10, J. lionthrou ; 10, A. N. Shirra ; 11, R. McArthur ; 12, Alex McMurrie ; 13, Wm. Northcott ; 14, C. Aldsworth ; 15, G. O'Brien ; 16, D. Bell ; 17, Wm. Mullholland; 18, F. Deters ; 19, J. Howard ; 20, Wm. Caldwell ; 21, Wm. McCherry ; 22, G. Reichert ; 23, J. Penhaie ; 24 with 23; 25, C. Smith ; 26, R. Ligroin ; 27; C. Forest ; 28, E. l'royer ; 29, A. Foster ; 30, J. Decker, jr ; 31„T. Decker, sr ; 32, H. Bender ; 33, Win• Schwalm ; 34, J. Rumford ; 35, J. England ; 36, D. Liebergood ; 37. J. Weids ; 38, O. Fisher ; 39, J. Gellman.; 40, H. Gies ; 41, J. Grabiel ; 42, L. Exteiu ;-43, W. Ruby ; 44, A. Kearcher ; 45, M. Schwartzentruher ; 46, J. Erb ; 47, J. Countz ; 48, C. Miller ; 49, W. Stelk ; 50, W. Beaver ; 51, J. Hartman ; 52, A. Alhricht ; 53, C. Kenler ; 54, H. Kalbfloisch ; 55, Angus Murray ; 56, S. Jacoby ; 57, W. Heyrock ; 58, F. O'Brien ; 59, R. Jarnneeon ; 60, G. Turnbull; 61, W. Turnbull ; 62, J. Jar- rott ;.63, J. Chambers ; 64, C. Troyer 65 with 64 ; 66, J. Dinsmore ; 67, . Moyer ; 68, 'V, Nicholson ; 69, Alex Thompson; 70, W. Ching; 71, H. Isaac; 72, D. Hang ; 73, J. Reynolds ; 74, P. Beaver; 75, G. Nadigger; 76, J. Eidt ; 77, C. Willert ; 78, J. Willert, jr ;' 79, J. Kennings; 80, J. Stacey ; 81, T. Brintuell ; 82, D Robertson ; 83, J. Blatchford ; 83, J. McFarlan ; 84, A. Ranoie ; 85, S. Hunleston ; 86, J. 11. Beek ; 87, E. Bossenberry ; 88, F. Kibler ; 89, J. Williams ; 29 A., L. Hahn ; 49 A., D. Sararas. Slight changes were made in the following pathmasters' list, viz : Lot 30 trani,• ferrel from 69 to 6 ; WI- 3, N. B. from 62 to 12 ; lot 4, N. B. from 63 to 12 ; 49 A to be W. pt. 16 ; WI 17, con. 16 and 16, Si 15, L, It. E. - Carried. McMordie - Battler - that the following accounts be paid : Mrs. House, charity, $5 ; J. Hildebrand, care of Currey, $24; D. Livergood, refund of statute labor, $1 ; J. Scott, San. Insp., $5 ; J. White & Son, $47.78 -Carried. McMordie-Battler -that the petition from D. Spencer and others, to have Iota 18 to 25 in- clusive, L. R. E. and W., 6, 7, 8, in 17 con. and 6, 7, 8, 9, in 16 taken from S. S. No. 5, and added to S. S. No. 11 be laid over till next meeting, at which meeting said petition will be considered. --Carried. Council then adjourned to meet on Saturday, April 151h, at 2 p. The flutONS, Most Arise Spot on #9areh-,- It* ZIonett,tee. For many yy'earn the fatpotte Death of XVesteru.Ner't1t America has atgracted widespread tytteutiou, Death Valley re- ceived its name in 1830, when a party of thirty gold -wicket's, with their wives, chit. drop anti Penns, came into the valley front the oast rued cuter making a oue-dity camp were over ome by the cleat and aridity so that more than half the number pedalled. A tow escaped over tike Panauduts to the west and Inc others returned the way they barna. It was a pitiful experience. Ten years later a party of prospectors carne across the camp with its wagons, chains, yokes, oalup equipments and childree's toys ; even the tracks made in the sand by the little ones could still be traced. Of all the stories ot California pioneers there were and nuns so lull of humus interest as this, I told tradition. Even cot it is o d onI•v in ti n e Bancroft's voluminous history contains only the briefest reference to it, though survivors still rernain Death Valley is the hottest, most arid spilt on earth. In summer the air is kilo - dried until it contains but 1 per cent. of humidity; and the well -shaded therniumo• ter has s -a uged, according to various au- thentic observers, all the way from 1'e', to 133 degrees Fahrenheit. Death Valley is, in the season, a verita- ble type of the fabled shoot. Its dangers have never been nor cau searcely be eine• quately described. Anti 'yet, because of its magnificent geological pictures of the won- derful power of nature, because of its re- sources in salts and minerals, because of the anthrological studies of the region roundabout and because of the novel expe• deuces which the tourist will surely have, there are few places that will better repay hien for his tune and trouble. Death Valley is not without its romance ; much is found in the story of Isidore Dee - net. As a lad of ten he came to California; at 13 he was a worker in a mining camp, and at 30 he was one of the handsomest and most powerful prospectors to be found in the howling mining camp of Panamint Mountains. Next lie was the hero ot an adventure in Death Valley, where throe out of a party of seven perished miserably, and the other four survived because of Daunot's wonderful powers of endurance. Then he found a rich borax deposit in the lowest part of Death Valley, and wealth seemed within his grasp. Shortly afterwards lie married a breech woman in San Francisco, and an attractive and successful c'treer, ap- parently, lay before hien. Everything went well until 138.4, when the competition with other borax producers drove him to desper- ation ; the expense of freighting his product across the wide Mojave Desert was inure than he could bear. About this time his wife went to San Francisco, whither ho soon followed her. But instead of the af- fectionate greeting it was his right and privilege to expect he was served with the papers of a divorce suit. With the papers in his hand he went to a ledging house, wrote a pathetic letter to the "public" and sitting down beforea mirror shot himself to death. The old rock house in which he lived thewell and Death Valley, witha d tools for gathering borax, may still be seen much as he left them, but the property belongs to one of his old-time competitors. --California Magazine. SAM. J. LATTA, Clerk. A PLAIN STATEMENT. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam euros (toughs, cold, asthms, hoarseness, bronohltia, tight - AN INTELLIGENT BEETLE. - It Would Come at the Sound of Its Cap- tor's Voice and Would Caress Her. Something over a year since a young lady of my acquaintance had an experience with a beetle, which, I think, showed a very marked degree of intelligence in the insect, and, as such instances are somewhat rare, 1 venture to send you an account of it. This beetle was a specimen of Pelidnota punctata Linn., which was given to her in September. At first she kept it in a small box, feeding it withlgrass, leaves, and small pieces of fruits, such as peaches, pears, etc. Occasionally she would give it a drop of water- to sip. It would sometimes bite a little out of a leaf, and would eat the fruits, and would take water eagerly. From the first she would take the insect iu her fingers several times a day and stroke or caress it, also putting it to her lips and talking to it all the while she handled it. When she put it to her lips it would brush its antennae over them with a gentle, caress- ing motion.. When she left her room she would shut the "buggio" up in the box. One day, about two weeks after she had received it, she was called out suddenly and neglected this precaution. She was absent a consider- able length of time, and when she returned the insect was not in its box or anywhere to be seen. Fearing that she might injure it, she stood still and called "buggie, bug- gio;" when it came crawling from its re- treat toward her. After this, she world frequently leave it free in the room when she went out, and when she returned, if the insect was not in sight, she would call it, and it would crawl or fly to her. As this was continued, it would more and more frequently fly to her instead of crawling, until at last it. flew nearly every time it was called. When it carne in this way, she would put it to her lips or to her nose, and the insect would appear to be pleased, moving its antenna gently over her lips, or taking the end of her nose between them and touching it with a patting motion. She kept it in her room in this way, at the hotel where she was spending the sum- mer, until about the fat of November. She then returned to her home, some :300 miles nether South, taking the insect with her. Ore she at first kept it in her chamber, but the nights being somewhat very cool it would become torpid, and not get lively again until afternoon. Thinking it too cool for "buggio" there, she removed it to the kitchen. As it still appeared more or less dormant, she put it on %cloth above the hot-water boiler. Here it revived some- what, but was not very lively, nor did it eat mu Aboutvery the h. middle of December it fell to the floor accidentally, by which fall it was evidently injured, as after that time it would eat nothing, and no longer recognized the young lady. About a week later it died. -Science. Giving Needed Information, Boston notions are numberless and very apt to be good. In that city notices in English, French, German and Swedish are hung in the waiting -rooms of the railway stations and pier sheds warning young girls against strangers and stating at what hours a matron, who will be recognizable by her prescribed badge may be found to give all needed information and advice. In the same city, which is peculiarly the home and originating place of practical charities, a second good scheme is that of the Young Travellers' Aid Society. Under its auspices matrons meet the chief trains, both incom- ing and outgoing, and aid by suggestion or information the traveller who needs it. A country girl,a foreignee,a mother wrestling with an unwieldy family of slippery chil- dren, particularly if she is a stranger in a strange land -these and similiar helpless 6,nd distracted wayfarers are righted, re- lieved and sent on their way rejoicing. Kill The Coed© [till It by feeding it with Scott's l:nsutsion. It is remark - Ole how Tie 1 Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver 011 and Hypophoephitea wit! step it Ccugh, cure a Cold, and checks consumption in its earlier stages :.6 wit cs u11 101 ,40 e l Wasting Diseases, Scrofua end Bronchitis. it is utmost as gatalab:c as milk. Prepared only by Scott & Bowne, Belleville. HPHRE Ur.limit [Meet's' l*3I,eclllcsaro scieuUn,ailyand carefully prepared Lenledtes, used fur years in private practice and for over thirty emus by the people wife moire success. Every ,•ii.ele Specific a speelal Cure 1 o the disease uurned. They cure without drugging, purging or reducing the systearaud are in fact and deed the Sovereign Rcmedica of the World. see iii- yltiti :1t'*L Noe. 0(5115. ,•meas. 1 -Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. ,25 2 -Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.... .25 3 -Teething; Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25 4 -Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .2$ 7 -Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis .25 8 -Neuralgia, Toothache, Facenrhe.25 0 -Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.23 10 -Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Constipation.25 11 -Suppressed or Painful Periods- .23 1'2--WVltites, loo Profuse Periods .25 13 -Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness .25 14 -Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.25 15 -Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains .25 1,6 -Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 19 -Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the read. .25 20 -Whooping Conga .25 27-Ridney Diseases 25 28 -Nervous Debility .100 30 -Urinary Weakness, Wetting Eed.25 Ill'.Ml'IIREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL, 'rile Pile Ointment. -Trial gree, Y5 Cts. 5011 Ly DrurGL,ts, or 5051 p0xtiatJ on n. ac int of,srlc.. 1N,. 11,,11 raut:rs' Mnaool. (1stpnrr>Lu l.an 0005 itl:JIP111txra'S1Ell. t'0., 111 k 113.111111nm St.. NEWWYORK. ,SPECIF ICS WELLS &mem%RDSnN Co. Age n MONTREAL WONDER IN WELLAND! A Representative Farmer Speaks. MR. C. C. HAUN. The following remarkable facts aro fully certified to as being undeniably correct in every particular. Mr. Haun is well known in the vicinity, having resided hero over fifty years, and is highly respected as to man of the strictest honor, whose word is as good as his bond. As will be seen from his letter, four physicians bad attended him, and it was only after he had given up hope of euro Celt ho decided to try Burdock Blood Bittern on the recommendation of a neighbor who had been cured of a similar disease by its use. IlIr. haat writes as follows; Discs Sias, -I think 1 batvo been one of the worst sufferers you have yet heard of, having been six years it the hands of four of our best doctoru without obtaining permanent relief, to l coat.itlu.i'-y glowing worse, until almost beyond hope of re- covery, I tried your Bitter:: and **•,t relief in a few days. Every or en n of illy body was deranged, t'eo liver c::i,u';;er„ l:,u•dentirl grid torpid, tho her rt and dit;cstieo organs seriously dei an.,•.1, a Lee: absccr' ; in my 1:ac':, followed by parrlysi.e of the ri';?1t 10;;, :n fact the iov✓er hal, of 1•1;• burly was entirely nselesa. After using intrllock Illcod Bitten.; for a f ee ,1a ; t; the abseies burst, discharging fully five qua, to of pus in two hours. 1 felt as if I had roceivc't a shock freta n pou'rrful bitters. lily ro• coney vs '.; : tt!: i 2'1•••::y to ,1 tito c':re peri:r nen:1, oe( is:,^, that fiJe the four yearn sine,, I neve ;lad an I;ncd acnitlr as ever I lied. I still talo an occasional bottle, not that I need it but bccanuo I wish to keep any syr.:un in perft.ct wo:•l1:ng or.ier. 'E caw think of 110 mcro remarkable case than what I have myself passed through, and no words can express my thankfulness for such perfect recovery: 0. 0. IIAtrr, Wc11c :d P.O. In this connection rho following letter from T. Cuminos, Esq., a lee ding druggist of Welland, Ont., speaks for itself: Mears. T. Milburn & Co., Toronto. GaNTLEsiuN,-I have boon personally acquainted with 4r. U. G. Ilaun for the last '20 years, and have alwe ys found hien a very reliable man. Yee. teny fleet the utmost confidence in anything he says with regard to your mediei'lo. Ha has oil many 000nsienn within the last four years told me that it was hazarvollous the way the Burdock Blood Bietere'.c.'1 cured ;him. and that ho now felt an able to do a doy'e work as ho ever felt in hie life. Although quite well ho still takes some 13. I3. 13. occasionally, as ho says, to keep L : i in perfect health. Yourrlr Tito ntoadfly i nor,'aa;r • ; T rho length of tirno it aa.; h,' n 1. n 1,l n peop'o, and the fact tar,'. `u • .,o o r+,:.y cured, attest the r;t^rl;,t,' ' '• +f t)tis monarch of mei ieince, th 1' ' blood purifier, tonin and rcdulator.