The Huron News-Record, 1893-03-01, Page 8LINEsAvolille LIQIIORI , 7410 to the see on of the year whorl Giood Liquors aro eepeoially apt. preciated. WEILIVE TIIEM. And we have them in all brands and seat all tp'trices. It don't matter whether or not your wants require wood •or bottle brands, we can supply yeu• (OUR PRICES Will be found in keeping with good Goods and very small profits. If economy and reliable Goods are what yon desire, the Clinton Liquor Store is the only correct place to go to. •ff. W. RITER, ALBERT STRFFIT, - • CLINTON To Advertisers. All changes of Advertisements, to insure ineertion in the current issue, must be received at the orrice not later than SATURDAY \'O/ V. Copy for changes received late, .han S.4 T- URDAY `00-V will hereafter be at the Advertiser's own risk. A. 14;. TODD, Publisher. The Huron 'News Record 1.50 o Yenr-$1.26 in Advance. Wednesday, March 1st, 1893. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the Hub, Y OtU111 &allk. LOOAT No'rtcace.-All notices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same,at;which an admission fee is eharged,or from which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will bo charged at ten cents per rate of the line. THE MUST LARGELY CIRCULATED PAPER IN THIS SEC'T'ION. THE NEWS RECORD has about 20,000 Note and Letter Heads at a slight advance on cost. ,ill Robes, Horse Clothing, Fancy Woollen and Plush Rugs, are at bargain prices at 732•tf. JOHNSTON & ARMOUR'S. $15.00 per week straight salary, to responsible person "male or female" to represent us in your locality. -Address B , Canadian Music Folio Co., 77 Vic- toria St., Toronto, Ont. 745-2t As audacious and attractive as ever "Tales from Town Topics" makes its appearance for March, and, with a prize novelette of eighty pages, in addition to the usual collection of short stories, sketches, peoms, etc., commands the at-- tentioo of all lovers of ligbt, dainty literature. The prize story is called "The Cousin of the King," and is by Adrian Shade Van Westrum. It proves to be a very dramatic and vigorous tale about a fascinating foreign adventurer, who is baffled in an attempt to marry a pretty American girl for her fortune. The Duc du Bac is charming, even if he is is villain, and one is almost -sorry when he is exposed as a swindler and driven to suicide. "Tales from Town Topics" No. 7 is a volume that will interest all into whose hands it falls. TORN Torics, 91 West Twenty%third street, New York. DON'T forget to visit the new Boot and Shoe Store, Jackson Block, Huron St., Clinton. SEE what I have saved already by buying my Boots and Shoes at the new store, Jactts'on Block,Huron St., -Clinton. Mr. D. B. CALBICK, of Goderich, was in Clinton on Monday. Mit. A. MAY won first place in a four mile skating race at fiensall last Thurs- day evening. GROCER G. J. STEWART has removed to the business stand lately occupied by J. W. Irwin. The stand is oueof the best in town. ED. 'I'WITCIIELL, son of Mr. Arthur Twitchell,waa honie for several days' on a visit from Norwood,Ont. Yesterday he left fur Detroit, where he has secured a lucrative situation. MR. B. '1'OIILINSON has returned from the Toronto Veterinary College. While studying he was taken dean with the measles and has been com- pelled to lose a great deal of valuable lime. PROBABLY NOT 'NO FAST. -The Fat Press, published in Toronto. is the latest arrival on TIIE NEws-RECoisD's exchange table. It is an advocate of the McCarthy policy of Freer Trade. In nou-essential platters it will be in- dependent ; in essentials Conserva- tive. A COLLISION. -01] Sunday Miss, F Rance was in her cutter near the public school. Another lig came along and eallided with the one she occupied. Things looked very serious for a while. Miss Rance was thrown out and her horse got away. There were a few breakages, but no serious damage. THE NEW OFFICER6.-The following changes in the 33rd, Huron, Battalion, No. 4 Company, Clinton, are gazetted: -To be captain( Lieut. Hugh B. Combe, vice Adam M. Todd, who retiree from the service; to be lieutenant Second Lieut. Harry T. Rance, vice $. B. Combo, promoted; to be second lieutenant, provisionally, Malcolm D. McTaggart, vice H. T. Runes, pro- moted. NR., -W. d.saxgaty hoe returned from hie :1loptrpal busineee visit. 1kIR. JouN SliEIinITT, the veteran shoemaker of Blyth,°was in town last week end gave Tus NEws•REooan a call. \VuERE Is 0,»R BOARD Or TRADE ?- The Tilsouburg board of trade have arranged to hold a dairymen's conven- tion on' Wudneaday, March 8th. Ect.trsss -.-There will be only two eclipses during 1893, both of the sun. The first will be iu April and the sec- ond iu October. There will be no eclipse of She noon thia year, some- thing unusual. Tun MAoonusEs.-Kearns Teat No. 66, K. O. T. M.,,now located in Clin- ton, is prospering. At the last meet• iug there was one initiation and several are to follow. Their regular meetiug nights are set the first and third Friday of every month. NEW POST CARDS. -Tho new post cards aro out. They are much larger than the old ones. Tho 3 cent letter cards introduced are something new. They ere gummed and perforated, and can be u.ed in place of a letter, thereby saving paper and envelope. The Gov- ernment has issued 20 and 50 cent stamps for big letters and packages, so that hereafter it won't be necoessary to paste s'amps all over a package. These stamps are red, and the design is the same ae the old bill stamps. The post offi3e department is to be congrat- ulated on meeting a public want by the issue of the new cards and stamps. ASSESS THEM. -The Bell Telephone Co. wants the exclusive franchise of London and offers for it $1,000 a year for five years. In Collingwood the council has instructed its solicitor to collect from the same company five years rents of streets, at $75 per year. Our town has been too lenient with the Be11 people. They have used our streets, and given nothing in return. The assessors should see that their plant is assessed up to its full value. They have considerable capital invest- ed horn, and should be compelled to pay taxes thereou the same as other people. -Mitchell Advocate. The cases in Collingwood and 'Mitchell will be watched with interest. It is claim- ed by some that all that can legally be assessed is the income. HE Was ALWAYS LOYAL. -"Mis- takes," au old saying goes, "will occur in the beat of regulated families," and in the best of -regulated printingoflices, for that matter. On old-time, faithful and loyal supporter of TFIE NEWS -RE CORD resides at Sault Ste Marie, Ont. By some mistake our office help ad• dressed the envelope to Michigau. But•then this is not as great a sin as handiug one's own country over body and bones to a foreign flag. The writ- er of the following ie a born Canadian and has not forgotten his early teaching or lost any of the loyal blood that coursed the veins of his forefathers. 1-Ie;says:-"MY DEARTODD,--Enclosed find P. O. order on my account, $3,75, Since you have improved the paper I appreciate the local news from each quarter Rs I am able to keep track of many of my old friends and aasocia- tione. However, you seem to have for- gotten the pivotal point of the earth, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. You ad- dressed my letter to Michigan. I have not, thank God, gone over to that side vet, and never will so long as the Old Flag hangs out, I wish you every success." FIRE 1 FIRE !I FIRE ! ! !-Lest Fri• day morning at 6.25 the fire alarm sounded the dreadful news of danger. The terrible fire fiend was at ire work in Kennedy's livery. Messrs. Ken• nedy were awakened promptly from their sound slumbers. The firemen were working hard to get everything to work, but there was a little delay. When the stable doors were opened nothing could be seen for smoke and it was at the risk of human life to enter the building. Messrs. 1). B. and John Kennedy entered and with great effort managed to get two horses out and some ono else secured a third. In all there were eleven horses, one of which was owned by 1)r. Turnbull and ono out all night. Eight horses, including Dr. Turnbull's, were suffocated and lay dead in their stalls. The rigs were more or leas damaged from smoke, water, &c. The Condo of the fits seems to be a mystery • The bed of the fire seems to have been in the hay or straw stall, downstairs, and in the opposite side of, the building up- stairs. UUay and straw were the contents of the upstairs department. As was his custom, John Kennedy fed the horses frorn upstairs about six o'clock the evening before, but did so by daylight, without the aid of a lan- tern. A horse and rig were taken iu about 3.20 a. tn. and there was no visit made to where the fire originat- ed. The back door, which was usually closed, was found open. The firemen and citizen° worked hard and coon had the burning straw, hay and build- ing under control. There was no in- surance on the contents. Tho horses were valued at $1,000. The loss on the building will not be heavy, as there was on insurance of $600 in the Gore. It was a sad eight indeed to see T3ight horses dead in their stalls. Here and there the siding of the stalls wore splintered from the efforts of the dumb brutea for freedom. The, toes to the owner is heavy as stated above. M r. Kennedy desires to thank the firemen and citizens for their timely and touch appreciated work. The origin of the fire, if poseible, should be ascertained. We are gating crowded with goods. We ,are clearing out . our stock of Window Shades at Greatly Reduced Prices to make room for Spring Stock. We have a fine stock of NEW CANADIAN AND AMERI- CAN WALL PAPERS, from 5c a roll up, the colouring and designs new and the prices are right, We have just received a new lot of FANCY GLASSWAREi=� at very low prices. We are selling 25c and 30c.' Novels for 15c, come while they last. Our New CURTAIN POLES beat everything else in the 25c, line ; we give the old kind of pole complete for yr45c. a pair. We keep a great variety of goods and sell them at reasonable prices. We shall be pleased to show you our goods even if you do not buy. Robins -: Bros., Book Store and News Depot, McKay Block, Clinton. eesley & Co. 0 Just opened out some more new Prints, fast colors, choice patterns, fine assortment, every yard bought this season ; Quality, Pattern and Price are the telling features here. NEW EMBROIDERIES in fine narrow widths. Our store is noted for this line of goods, and when we tell you that part of them have already arrived, you know for sure that we have some- thing choice to offer you. See our lines 8c, 10c and 12e. REAL TORCHON LACES, those new, narrow widths have been received.` We keep no imitation in these goods, and our assortment has no equal for range of pattern and price. GOIp�'C an Clialidlleil Laces, in black and colors are great favorites with our cus- tomers ; they are sellers. . .A. ine of inen Towels at 8c, 10c, 121c. Towelings, fine ranges, 5c up to 15c. Dark Shaker Flannel at 8c, worth 12-1c.; our Grey at 15c cannot be beat. DRESS GOODS. Our customers are surprised and pleased at the big bargains and values we are giving to clear out the odd lines. MILLINERY DEPT. Felt I -fats, if you want one, we can please you either in Price, Choice or Style, or if you want an early spring Hat we can suit you, as we have received our English Straw Hats, and remember for quality and price our goods are unsurpassed. OHIDLEY'S FURNITURE --AND- Undertaking Warerooms. 0 We have just received another lot of those BEDROOM SUITES that we have beep offering at $13.00. We claim that for quality and price this Suite cannot be beaten. We have other Suites at 810.50 $12.50, $13 00, $14.00, $15.00, $16.00, $17.50 and 82.0.00 that erg also good value. Have you seen our $1. 0 0 PIC:T CT RE yeti The question everyone aske, is -How can you sell them for that 4 Why, the frame alone is worth more than $1.00 1 Well, wo bought them cheap, and we are going to sell them cheap. Come and see our Stock whether you want to buy or not. SOSEPI3 CIIIDI EY -, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER, CLINTON. J. W. CIIIDLEY, .JR., Funeral Director. Night calls answered at his resi- dence, King St., opposite the Foundry. e First Line of $2.00 and $3.00 Trousers we manufactured laid claim to bring the best value ever offered to the people of Huron. These goods are made on the premiseS, well trimmed and perfect fitting. This season among the improvements in this line will be a superior. quality of Cloth, Better Trimmings, and in addition to, this will be a double seating, making them doubly servicable. The attention of every man who requires a dressy, good wearing pair of Trousers for every day use is directed to these two great lines -our $2 &$3Trousers. Looking back over the past to note the improvement in the two now firmly established lines of suits at $7.00 and $10.00, and our customers ask for a $10.00 or a $7.00 suit as readily as they ask for a Tie or a Collar. The genuine worth of these lines have now attained an established reputation. This season we are manufactur- ing four patterns, 2 patterns being especially nice things in Light Brown and Blue, Scotoh Tweed Cheeks. As yet not a single case has been recorded where the in- dispensable Boy's 85c pants have not given satisfaction. 'What profit is there worrying and troubling making boy's clothing at home when such an opportunity as this.presents itself? Strong make and easy fitting oy's 85e.,Pants. Do not fail to keep in view this fact in purchasing ready for use clothing that the fit, material and finish of our cloth- ing is superior to that of ordinary manufacture. 0 JACKSONBROS. Clothiers Furnishers and Hatters. CLINTON AND SEAFORTII. § § § § § § . § § ¢COTTA SI3.AgER a� xco:�ol3oe�acncxc Our Stock of Cotton Goods is Unequalled for Quality; Assortment lz Prices. COTTONS. SHIRTINGS, COTTONADES. Qo Obs We have Good Cottons to sell, We lave Low Prices to sell them with. P Ta New, Bright, Tasty Patterns. Our New Prints are a revela- tion in artistic colorings. A Print Dress is a Print Dress always, but whoa you can get them with the printers' touch of 1893 they are away beyond any past printing. Red Grounds with Spots, Stripes and Flowers. Fast Navy Blue Grounds with Spots, Stripes and Flowers. Beautiful Delaine Patterns on Black Grounds. I Cream Grounds with Colored Polka Dots. All on Wide Soft Cloth that is not starched up so you cannot tell what you are bnyiug. Don't wait for the snow to melt ! Buy now. The best patterns always go first. If you want the best assortment and best values see our Stock. --c---"-- Esl. J. Hoells • CLINTON. 4 t. r• it