Clinton New Era, 1893-10-27, Page 2M
THF: CI -4147'0N T NZ ERAS
'��.0�1�f3r'27a �:,�39`ti,� re�r..rt
,V,1171k: tQN 0.414.14 S11QW garden Ctirwen. Pedalo a9 teblm 4$
$p rinds ee Son fait
't v
hest netned. aliletie4
.uin :tinliot show, held On Friday,. Epoote1,oeet peak 0410' .ilia4 I3atllo, Andrew
wane a last of the se0401blit b no DralgeY,
2110& lave leatlt. lit Was fairly 'well at'.
tarn�dalfithe fallowing PriteRot, #WItrfun Ar4r,ES, h im"iteO .e-,SPfes
idirte,wasa od exhibittGlenn Bre., J A Mallaaga. 13lawlnm J
13Q SES, laileugb;llenr Morrie,: Ring of Tompkins
jauyx „ , k;,t,, ,V4 It countyi, Glenn Jroe, Geo, Carrell., Ribeton
eo q ea P Pil no ;Geo C cre 1i. J1 ry Morrie. 1m.Uen•
1111 hide' Them
4e1 Rno �ear old ,Wlm)aneenelalulwn,o
2 gar aid gelding, Wta Wellwood, W
ids fl11 .: W Wellynnid,
i< e.
�t and tad,'Y`l.l ear old' gelding' W Cao,-
*ron. 2year 014 stallion, 11 S Taylor, Thee
Todd.. 1..yyeRlr...o� d,.rltaill4a , .:UR* sT944,,
Fee of 1693, ,Jno Penn'ign, Tao* • Todd.
Two is ;b,uiellr, 0'' *Kenzie, Ja1 ref',ratite : aaeI!�y draught .stallion, 3„ years arr.
ever, hoe,1*4d.
;Aohxoti>TvRazr'w,,,Brood ,hare with1'ob.1z
$ Chisholm. •isholtn• 2.'y ear .old filly, '.1.
ride, h
Broil'+!,. P Reed. 2 year old gelding, ileo
Curren. l year Old filly, Et Chisholm; J A
Mallough. 1 year, old gelding,C McQuillan,
A Xbung. Feel of 1893,11. Uhiaholw,..Geu
Curren. Teem in hacuese, John Gammie,
GENERA' PoRP OSE.--Bxoud mgxa with
fear by her ride, , E McQveU, Bar-
ber Brae, K .MeKinaon. 2 year old filly, 11
"'.Chisholm,'R Lookhart.. 2 year Old gelding,
J Jagkmon. T Ford. 1 year old filly, k
Reed, W Comecon, ,1. " year old gelding, A
Young. Foal of 1 f 3, Barber Brea, T'.Lodd.
Team• in ;larneee,weight not to .exceed
1,25014 ditch, Taylor Bros, R Woods.
.WA11 AND CA$BI GE, --Brood mare with
/4ga1'b :,her aide, P Mo.Uougall let and 2nd,
Jae Whitely it Son:. 2.. year old filly, J R
ldrdd, 2 year old gelding, P Reed, Wm.
iTown. 1 year old filly, E McQuillan. 1
yearold" gelding, John Bailie, S
' Cook,' 11oriie shown in harness, Bingle, W J
Walton, P McDougall. Pair matched
homes, in harness, Dr. Whitley, Dr. W. F.
Clark: 'Foal of 1893, P McDougall let
and gad.
RING. -Farmers trot or pace, mare or geld-
ing, .property of the exhibitor; all animate
that ,have won public money on a race
course barred; agricultural money not con-
eidered public money. Three to enter, two
to Start or no race; to be driven by farmers
- of ' sone of farmers engaged in farming.
"Best two in t hree, T Little, Peter Cook,
Lady driver, single, Mrs H Howell, Mre J
P Fisher, Saddle horse, mare or gelding,
Speed and style. considered, Jno L Aitken,
CS Mullen..
.:Hoi;0UGBhavingBRED.-Milch cow,
raised or with calf in 1893, Jno Armour 1st
and'2nd. • 2 year old heifer, Thoe Anderson,
let and 2nd. 1 year old heifer, John Web-
, ster, John Armour. Heifer calf of 1893,
Joe Kilpatrick, rhos Anderson. Bull calf of
1893, John Armour, Geo Stothere. Aged
Bulls, 2 pears or ,over, Thoe Anderson.
Bulls under 2 years, Jos Kilpatrick. Herd
of three females and one male, T Anderson.
GRADE CATTLE. -Milch cow, having rais-
ed or with calf in 1893,R Medd,let and 2nd,
John Armour. 2 year old heifer, R Medd,
let and 2nd, a R Anderson. 1 year old
heifer, R Medd, A R Anderson. Steer calf
of 1893, John Webster, Wm Mallough.
Heifer calf of 1893, W Mallough. Fatted ox
or steer, Jno Webster, E Durnin. Fatted
now or heifer, A R Anderson. 2 year, old
' ° steer, A R Anderson, let and 2nd. 1 year
old steer, Jno Webster, E Durnin.
xd,► red, Geo Carrell, Glenn Brei, " Russet,
H Morrie, Geo 0*rrell. Rode blind Green-
ing, ,T ' A Mallough, Glenn Broe, Highly
reodtntl►igded-=Rlenba}lm,, Orange and Spitz
enburg, Glean Brom.
FALL AVnits, 5 OF, E00 341-20 ounce
pipping' J A Meilloagb, John Bailie; Snow,
Bavid Jardine, J ,A Mailongh, Newton
pippin, J A Mallough, Glenn Bres,
PI;;ARs, 5 or EAOH,--Puehese, p Jardine,
'Collection grapes, plateeach, Geoerrfs,
Thi Harris, Plate peaches, Thee , ho
Mise Symington. Plate orab apples, David
Bretbonr, S Alton, Plate Quinces, J eaeie
Grummet!, J G McQuoid, Collection house
house planta, Mr. T Anderson, Jae Curwen,
Colleotion garden flowers, out, Mre T Ander-
son, Jas Harrison.
10 yds all wool cloth, Mies Nutt. 10 yds
all wool flannel,.S Alton, Mile Nott. 10 yde
union flannel, M Brethour, . Mies Nott.
Pair wool blankets, Miss Symington, Throe
Hamilton, Best collection of tinware, Jas
Whyard. Beet collection of Cabinetware,
A and W Sproule.
Single buggy with top, Jno Ferguson'J L
Pattetson, Wood Axle Farm Wagon, W A
V arooe. Road cart, Jno Ferguson, W 11
V arooe.
Tatting, Mies Nott, Mrs C Campbell.
Crotchet work, Wee Symington, Mre C
Campbell. Embroidery in linen, Mrs Obas
Durnin, blies . Symington. Embroidery in
muslin, Mise Russel, Ara C Campbell. Em-
broidery in cotton, Mre C Campbell, Mies
Symington. Fancy braiding, Mies Syming
ton, Mre J C Straughan. • Toilet set, Mies
Nott, Mrs C Campbell. Fancy patoh work,
Mrs A B Johnston, Mies Symington.
Patched quilt in wool, Mrs J C Straughan,
Mies Nott. Patched quilt in cotton, G\ E
Durnin, Mr. W McKenzie. Embroidery
in worsted or Bilk, Mre C Campbell, Mies
Symington. Linen shirt, hand made (un-
washed) Mre. W MoKenzie, Thee Hamilton
Embroidery on bolting oloth,Mies Nott, Mies
Symington. Knitted Slippers, R Young,
Mrs C. Campbell. Fancy knitting in wool,
Mrs C Campbell, Miss Symington. Fancy
knitting in cotton, Mrs W McKenzie, Mies
Symington. Crotchet table mate, Mre C
Campbell, Mies Nott. Ladies' knitted un-
derwear, Mre C Campbell. Table centre
peioe, Mre 0 Campbell, Miss Symington.
Linen shirt, machine made (unwashed), Tho.
Hamilton, Mies Nott. Pair woollen mitts,
hand made, Mrs W MoKenzie, ,Mise Sym-
ington. Pair woollen gloves, hand made,
Mrs W MoKenzie, Mies Nott. Pair wool-
len stockings, hand made, Mre W McKenzie,
Thos Hamilton, Pair of woollen socks, hand
made, Mise Nott, Thee Hamilton. Sofa
cnshion,Mies Symington, Mies Nott. Pillow
.hams, Mrs T. Anderson, Mies Nott.
Point lane, Mies Nott, Mies Symington.
Macrame work, Mille Symington, M Bre-
thour. Crewel work, Mrs C Campbell, A B
Johnston. Fanny flannel shirt, Mrs W Mo -
Kenzie, Miss Nott. Crazy patoh work,
Mise Symington, J G Mc'.auoid,
Arraeene work, Mise Nott, A B Johnston.
Suit lady's underwear, Mise Nott, Mies Sym-
ington. Darned net, Mies Nott, Mies Syming-
ton. Darn on sock or stocking, Mre W M eKen-
zie,Thos Hamilton. Tineel work, Mies Nott,A
R Johnston. Etching on any material, fine
or coarse, Mies Nott, Mre J C Stranghao.
Waxwork, Mre CCampbell, Mies Symington.
Knitted quilt, Wm Dayidson, Mho Nott.
Crotchet quilt, Miss Symington, Mies Nott.
6 yds -rag ..carpet, .. M Brethour Mies Nott,
Rag mat, Mies Nott, W A Du rdih:-'Wdbllen-
yarn, Throe Hamilton, M Brethour. Honiton
laoe, Mise Symington, Mise Nott. Em-
broidered slippers, Mre C Campbell, Mise
Nott. Drawing room screen, Mre C Camp-
bell, Mies Symington. Table Bead, M
Brethour, A B Johnston. Table cloth, ern-
broidered, A B Johnston, Mies Nott. Set
table mate, R Young, Mre C Campbell.
Tea cozy,Mre 0 Campbell, Mie. Nott. Rib-
bon work, A B Johnston, Mies Nott. Out-
line Embroidery, Mrs C Campbell, Mre J C
Straughan. Drawu work, Mre C Campbell,
Mrs A R Anderson. Woollen shawl,
arotahet or net, Mrs C Campbell, Miss
Symington. Painting on silk or satin, oil
(amateur), Mies Symington, A B Johnston.
Fire screen, Mrs C Campbell. Fancy tidy,
Mies Nott, A R Johnston. Crotchet lace,
linen, Mrs C Campbell, S Kerr. Crotchet
lace, cotton, Mrs C Campbell, Mies Syming•
ton. Chenille embroidery_ on felt or plush,
Miss Symington, A B Johnston. Mantle
drape, R Young, A B Johnston. Fancy
tidy, drawn work, Mrs C Campbell. Beat
and greatest collection of ladies' work useful
and ornamental, the work of one person,
Mies Nott, Mise Symington, Mre C Camp-
(Canadian suhjeut), Mre C Campbell, R
Lox° WOOLED. -Aged ram, Jno Barr, R
Finnigan. Pair aged ewes, raising lambs in
1893, Jno Barr. Pair sbearling ewes, Jno
Barr. Pair ewe lambs, R Finnigan, let and
2nd, Ram lamb, Jno Barr, let and 2nd.
SOUTN DowN.-Aged ram, Jae Lane.
Shearling ram, Glenn Broe. Pair aged ewes
-'--raising-larnbain.-1893,-Jaw .Lane, ,Glenn Br- ,
Pair shearlina ewes, Jae Lane, Glenn Brl.
Pair ewe lambs, Jae Lane, Glenn Bros.
Ram lamb, Glenn Bros, Jae Lane.
SHROPSHIRE, DowNs.-Aged ram, Glenn
Bros. Shearling ram, B Holtby. Pair aged
ewes, raising lambs in 1893, Jno Salkeld, B
Holtby. Pair shearling ewes, Jno Salkeld,
Glenn Broe. Pair ewe lambs, Jno Salkeld,
B Holtby. Ram lamb, Jno Salkeld, Glenn
Ygancr. ?raft, JaP Lane, Mrm-0 Ctirnpboll,
, Mrs) fl pboll.
AtiATltv1a,-14ku4moape, M. C Campbell,
Jar Lane. Marine view, Mre 0 Campbell,
R Yeuug, Animate'' from life, Mre G
Campbell, Original, • any et bject, Mre .0
Campbell, Sepia, Jam Lame, Mre C Camp'
bell,. Pencil drawing, Mrs U Campbell,. Mrs
(Rmvj, b'airbairn. Pen and Ink;Sketoht Mrs
( Campbell, Mre (Rev) Fairbairn. Crayon
Drayfing, Jae' Dane,. M1'a (Rev) Fairbairn,
Speoimen penmanship by boy or girl under 115
year%, J G Lyons, M Woods, Cleo Harris
Special by B J Crawford,Dungannon, for the
four beet oll paintings, amateur ; aubjeote;
Landsoape,Marane.View,Animale from Life,
Potrait, Mr4 C Campbell..
SPEVIAL.-By• W H Wilton, for the best
3 foals of 1893, sired be "Baumber Bill,"
David Jardine, recommended.
RECOMMENAEA.--Ensilage cutter, turnip
pulper, and lows made by Gillis & Martin,
Teeewater. Pumps made by H Dodd, of
Jtmoee.--Poultry, W. Kirkbride, Gode-
rich, Grain, vegetables and roots, Wm Bur-
rows, Hy Horton, M. Hutchison, Goderich.
Sheep, swine and implements, F Anderson,
Be] ave; T Anderson,Auburn; John Coultes,
E Wawanosh, Dairy, Mrs H White, Crewe;
Mrs C Washington, W Wawanosh; R C'Spar-
ling, Wingham. Fruit and flowers, A Sands,
Saltford; Albert Anderson, .Clinton; Jas,
Stewart, Saltford. Manufactures, Wm Bur-
rows, Hy Horton, M Hutchinson, Goderich.
Ladies' department, Tens B Gordon, St
Helene; Mrs (Rev) D Rogers, Dungannon.
Cattle, Jas Jenkins, Saltford; Joseph Morris,
Saltford; H Rose, Blyth.
Original painting, ,any subject, Jas . ane,
BERKSHIRE.-Agedboar,Jno Clark. Sow,
having raised pigs in 1893, S E Sanderson,
-H Girvin. Boar littered in 1893,Jno Clark.
SUFFOLK. -Aged boar, R Bean, his Sul -
folk White recommended. Boar littered in
1$93, R Bean, hie Suffolk White recommend-
Brahma, light, R MoLean, let and 2nd.
Leghorn, white, Jae Harrison, T C Lyons.
Leghorn, brown, R McLean, Jae Harrison.
Plymouth Rook, J Whitely & Son, Jae
Harrieen, Black Spanish, J Whitely & Son,
Jae Harrison. Dorkings, Jae , Harrison.
Homburgs, black and white, R McLean, 1st
and 2nd. Hamburge, penoilled,gold and sil-
ver, R MoLean,Jae Harrison. Wyandottes,
J 0 Lyons, J Whitely & Son. Game, R
McLean, Jae Harrison. Bantams, It Mc-
Lean let and 2nd. Barnyard Fowl, J Har-
rison, let and 2nd. Geese, W Y oung, Jas
Lane. Ducks, J Harrison, J Kilpatrick.
Guinea Fowl, J Harrison, let and 2nd.
2 bushels fall wheat, white, 8 Furse,
Robert Bean. 2 bushels fall wheat, red, S
Furse, John Salkeld. 2 bushels spring
wheat, fife, M Brethour, John Salkeld. 2
bushels Colorado, M Brethour, D Brethour.
2 bushels other variety, S Furse, M
Brethour. 2 bnehels six rowed barley, D
Brethour, M Brethour. 2 bushels two
rowed barley, J Salkeld, M Brethour. 2
buehele oats, blank, D Brethour, M Brethour.
2 bushels oats, white, D Brothour, 8 Furse.
2 bushels peas, small, S Fire, J Webster.
2 bushels peas, large, D tour, J Salk-
eld. 1 bushel timothy a d, Salkeld, M
Brethour. i bushel flax seed, D Brethour,
8 Alton. l3estand largest variety of grain
in the straw, grown by exhibitor, 8 Furse,
M Brethour.
5 the table butter, T Hamilton, Time
Saliows. 20 Ib. packed putter, Thos Hamil-
ton,2ndnot known. Cheeee,not less than 50
ibe factory made, Armow Cheese Factory,
W A Wilson. Cheese, not less than 12 lbs
home made, W A Wilson let and 2nd.
Loaf home made bread, Geo Harrison, Thos
Sallow!, 5 The honey in comb, Geo Harris.
Jar op Honey, F Russell, Geo Harris,
Maple syrup, Thos Harris, Jos Kilpatrick.
Roodmmended-preserves, J G MoQuoid lit
and 2tid. Maple sugar, M. Woods.
Peek early rose potatoes, Wm T Pellow,
S . Ferro, Peek white elephant potatoes, S
B' Sanderson, W E Durnin. Peek beauty of
hebron petatoee,A and W Sproule. 4 heads
Babbage, 8 Kerr, E Robinson, 6 blood beets,
J Salkeld, Jas Whyard. 6 • mangold
wiirteele, Cleo Harris, Thee Harris. 6 swede
ttirnipe, Jno McLean, Taylor Bros. 6 long
o>;Inge Carrots, Cha Durnin. 6 white
Belgian carrots, Thoe Harris, John Salkeld.
6 early horn carrots, Thoe Hamilton, ,Ma
:Ceram. Peck onions, John Salkeld, Geo
Semis. Peek Tomatoes, A and W Sproule,
Jai Curwen. 6 ears own, ,Ino Salkeld; Geo,
Hanle, Puinpicin, J L Patterson, S E
Saadergopl.,..,W(uter squash, for table,.
Rohleon, 4 Water mellone, Thee 13amilton,
4 tot arulifl0*.er,' Jae Carnian i 6 heac1e
ea e , ea Harris, Sae OUrwen, . '4 oitrone;
Ise'Sfslsglon, $ tl $.,aderiofii Colleoitcf
Crisp County Clippings
Mr A.W. Chittick, of Wingham, has
leased the blacksmith shop at Lakelet,
formerly conducted by John Moore.
Jas. Nesbett, of Morris, has rented
his farm to his son Robert, for a num-
ber of years, and intends moving into
Blyth next spring.
On Saturday, Mr Samuel McCool, of
Hallett, arrived home with a fine bull
calf from the herd of Messrs R. and T.
Nicholson, of Sylvan, Ont.
The horse which Mr Adam Hays, of
the Seaforth livery stable, had stolen
from him more than a week ago, has
not been recovered.
Ask for Minard'a and take no other.
Benny, the second son of Conductor
Parker, of Wingham, has a broken
arm, the resultof falling into a railway
culvert a few days ago.
Mr John Mowbray has sold his farm
on the 14th con. of McKillop, to Mr
Knechtel, of Brussels. The farm con-
tains 84 acres and was sold for $5,000.
TEA014131ts: The trueteee of $. S. No
0, Turnberry, have re-engaged Miss H.
A.. Reid for the ensuing year. Mien
xtiviugstone, teacher in the Winghatn
school, will next year be on t '1tarri'
son public e41 Qo1 staff, For thisposi-
tion there were 180 apllieations. -Mr
Thompson, teacher in ,:"To 8, Ueborne,
did riot intend remaining another year,
The trustees a No 3 intend hiring an
assistant . teacher for 1894; Mr-, Fred
Hackney succeeds Mr Beattie in Lum-
ley school, ,Mr George Mandl), who ie
at present attending ,the Goderich
Model School, has been engaged ,as
teacher for Cherry Grove, West Wa-
wanosh. .•
The Presbytery of Maitland held a
special meeting at Lucknow, on Tues-
day, to consider a call to the Rev. W.
l3. Geddis, of Whitechurch, from the
St,Catharines congregation. Delegates
werer sent from Whitechurch, who
expressed warm attachment to their
pastor, Rev. Mr Geddis, and were not.
willing that he should go. The differ-
ent members of the Presbytery spoke
of the high esteem in which they Field
the req. gentleman. Mr Geddis said he
did not know his people were so strong-
ly attached to him, but after serious
consideration thought it his duty to
accept the call. The Presbytery had
no alternative but to transfer him to
the St. Catharines congregation. He
will take his departure for his -new
field of labor after the third Sunday in
Mrs McLarty, sr., has disposed of her
farm near Westfield, containing 50
acres, for the sum of $1,500. Her son,
W. M. McLarty, of Blytb, is the pur-
ltoh on human and horses and all ani -
male cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold
by Watt's & Co. Druggist.
Mrs Richard Thompson has rented
her farm on the 4th con. of McKillop,
to her neighbor, Mr Dorrance, who
lives across the road. Mrs Thompson
intends either moving to Seaforth or
Blyth to live.
Mr C. E. Mason, of Brucefleld, has
sold his handsome single carriage horse,
which carried off prizes at nearly all
the shows in the county this year, to
-Mr-Stewart. of -the 2nd--con.,-Tucker-
smith, for $165.
Mr Walter Hannah, who is visiting
friends in this vicinity, and who now
resides in Algona, has sold his 50 acre
farm on the 12th con., near Harlock,
to Mr Angus Reid, who lives on the
adjoining farm, for $2,000.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla does what no other
blood medicine in existence can do. It
searches out all the impurities in the
system and expels them harmlesslythrnugh
the proper channels. This is why Ayer's
Sarsaparilla is so pre-eminently effective
as a remedy for reheumatism.
A President of one of our Colleges says:
"We spent many sleepless nights in con-
sequence of our children - suffering from
colds, but this never occurs now: We use
Scott's Emulsion and it quickly relieves
pulmonary troubles."
Tei BOOK OF THE FAIR. -The third
number of Bancroft's "Book of the
Fair" has been received and bears out
the excellence of the work as intimated
in the previous numbers. It is going
to be a beautiful and instructive vol-
ume, and while the expense of issuing
it, (owing to the costly illustrations,
etc.) will be heavy, the returns should
be proportionately great. The Ban-
croft Co., Auditorium Building, Chi-
cago, are the publishers.
American Rheumatic Cure for Rheums,•
Hem and Neuralgia radically cares in 1 to
3 days. Its action upon the eyetem is re-
markable and mysterious. Itremoves at
once the cause and the disease immediate-
ly disappears. The first dose greatly bene-
fits 75cents. Sold by Watts&Co.,Druggist.
"Don" Sheppard believes there will
be a Dominion election early next year.
He thinks Sir John Thompson will fol-
low Sir John A. Macdonald's plan of
disregarding the constitutional life o'
Parliament and make its duration de-
pendent on whatever he may deem to
be party advantage. "Don" thinks
Sir John Thompson will tinker with
the tariff and then appeal to the coun-
try in the hope of snatching a verdict
before the beneficial effects of a change
of tariff policy are felt in the States.
Meredith's stock appears to be very
low just now. A few days ago an at-
tempt was made to nominate a Conser-
vative candidate for the Provincial As-
sembly in Prince Edward county, but
nobody could be induced to stand. On
Saturday, Messrs A. F. Campbell, Geo.
Marter and A. Miscampbell, followers
of Mr Meredith, went into SouthWent-
worth to stir up their friends and in-
duce them to put a man in the field
against MrNicholas Awrey. MrCamp-
bell represents -East -,Algoma j.ust_naw,
but does not purpose to seek re-election
there, and so the South Wentworth
Conservatives nominated him to lead
the forlorn hope in their riding. But
Mr Campbell would not accept. The
gentlemen who were defeated in 1886
and 1890 also refused to stand, and the
convention adjourned without doing
anything. -Ottawa Free Press.
The residence of Mr James Hillen,
McKillop, was the scene of a very hap-
py event on Wednesday last, it being
the marriage of his daughter, Martha
J., to Mr James Ker, one of McKillop's
most highly esteemed and sterling
young men.
We are this week called upon to
chronicle the death of one well-known
in our midst in the person of MrsLaid-
law, relict of the late Wm. Laidlaw, of
Seaforth, which took place at the resi-
dence of her son-in-law, Mr J. A. Cline,
Wingham, on the 19th inst., at the ad-
vanced age of 85 years, after a short
The Messrs Dale, of the Huron Road,
Hullett and Tuckersmith, who are pro-
bably the most extensive farmers in
this section, have done their share of
prize taking at the fall fairs, Seaforth,
Hensall, Goderich, Clinton, Brussels
and Blyth, and took in all 71 prizes,
nearly all of which were for heavy
horses, of which. the Messrs Dale are
very successful breeders.
A convention to organize the South
Riding of Huron for the coming elec-
tion in connection with the Plebiscite,
will be held in the Presbyterian church,
Hensel', on Nov. 1st, commencing at
10 o'clock a.m, All residents in South
Huron as outlined for Local Legisla-
ture purposes, who are interested in
prohibition, are invited to be present.
It is expected that Mr F. S. Spence, of
Toronto, the well-known temperance
orator, will deliver an address.
RELIEF IN SIx Houns.-Distressing Kid
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in sig
hours by the "Nam GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN
KIDNEY CURE." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight to physicians on
account of ite exceeding promptness in re-
lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back
and every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If yon want gniok relief and
cure this ie your remedy. Sold by Watts
& Co., Druggist. .
Mr J. B. Cummings, Wingham, had a
very narrow escape on Tuesday. He
was on the road to Dungannon, and
when going down Glynn's hill the
horse stumbled and fell, turning a per-
fect somersault, its head coming under
the dashboard. Mr Cummings was
thrown out, his head striking on some
gravel, knocking ,him senseless. He
was picked up for dead, but regained
consciousness in about ten minutes,
and was taken to a farm -house, where
he remained until he was sufficiently
recovered to be taken home.
Children Cry Tor
i Pitchcr'9 Gast rias!
as a medicine, is Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. And, because
of that, there's something unusual
in the way of selling it. Where
every other medicine of its kind
only promises, this is guaranteed.
If it ever fails to benefit or pure,
you have your money back.
It's . the only guaranteed remedy
for every disease caused by a disor-
dered liver or impure blood. Dys-
pepsia, Biliousness, the most stub-
born Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous
affections, even Consumption (or
Lung -scrofulas) in its earliest stages,
all are cured by it.
It purifies and enriches the blood,
rouses every organ into healthful
action, and restores strength and
vigor. In building up both flesh
aiid strength of pale, puny, Scrofu-
lous children, or to invigorate and
brace up the system after " Grippe,"
pneumonia,fevers, and other pros-
trating aonte diseases, nothing can
equal the "Discovery."'
You psiy, oily. /0 the ,good' .you
the pleasant flavor, gentle action and sooth-
ing effects of Syrup of .Figs-, when in need
of a laxative; and if tlpe father or mother
be costive or billions,he most gratifying
results follow its use, poo that it is the best
family'remedy known and every family
should have a bottle. '
rstosszo l I anfl 01ilfr 01401
NAa*i Il!l�ll & S r!Q "' rss',. �ac>' . cjxUrst
CoilyrkAbi igus, 40,
Commameioners for Ontario and Manitoba
' " 7 O2'►14.IAkiaaXT-IIooATo2iat* 44 4* cfraP es.
O ", ' 1,404 $
Both the rnet -.;a and *sults when
,.,.,.. a
Syrupof Figs is taken; it s pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet romptlyontieIKidueys,
laver and, Bowes, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels colds,..head-
aches and fevers andeures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
onlyremedyof its kind ever pro-
ducd pleasing to the taste -and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly benecial, in its
effects, prepared only from the moat
healthy and agreeable substances, .its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in no
bottles . by all leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one who wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
Lotrisv LLS, SX. maw TOWS. er.
On Albert St., oneilot and d, suitable for build-
ing purposes. Small house on place in good re-
pair. Apply to MRS. THOS. COOPER, Clinton.
For Sale or To Rent.
13.e0Estate,�oaan fm(l Ineuraneo
ta4. ,Agent
ABA , IEE'ills-vs A as;
x[oneYtutlioastonillariapnd Tewin; Yidyin
#eage.or small! euros p t;tne lowest coria .. tes,
cRiviipg -ORo1 s x3LoOE,'opirToN
— DEN(E on Ontario street, Clinton, op-.
poo50te Bnglislt i?huroh. Entrance by aide
A Cottage and Stable with two acres of land.
A good bearing orchard thereon, situated on
Victoria Terrace on the banks of the Bayfield
river. JOHN MoGARVA.
There are four fame in one block on the
6th con. of Huron, Jots 31, 32, 33 and 34,
which the owners afre of opinion take front
rank in comparismai witb any block of four
hundred acres in the county of Bruce. The
owners, Messrs Mlatthew MaCreight, Thos.
Hooey, Chrystal Gossett and Thos. Wilson,
have had the threshers at work recently,
and now rejoicer in the possession of oyer
5,000 bushels of 'rain.
- 4
Good commodious and conveniently situated
dwelling house to rent; has every convenience;
0 od garden. Will be rented cheap. Formerly
cc upied by Mr Jas. Turnbull. For particulars
apply to MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton.
a few doors last of Albert street,
Univeraity, M D, P.M., Viotoria University
M. 0. F & 8., Ontario. Fellow of tile Obstetrical
Society of Edinburgh, late of London,: Eng., and
Edinburgh Hospitals. Office.-Dr.iDoweely's old
office Rattenbury Bt. Winton. Night bell
answered at the same place.
Dwelling House and Lot for Sale
Subscriber offers for sale the brink cottage at
present occupied by himself, on Isaac Street.
House bas every accommodation with kitchen,
woodshed, bard and soft water. 'Lot one quarter
acre, with bearing fruit trees. This property is
situated in one of the most pleasant parts of the
town, and will be sold on reasonable UGHt rms.OSS lm
The undersigned offers for sale his farm, being
lot 21, con.2, Mullett, comprising 50 acres, all
cleared. The farm is about 1i miles from the
town of Clinton. Plenty of water. good bearing
orchard, bank barn, carriage house and other
outbuildings, also frame dwelling house contain-
ing 7 rooms, kitchen and woodshed; bard and soft
water and every convenience. Possession given
at any time. Terms made known by applica-
tion at residence, Rattenbury St.. near organ
factory or by writing. JOHN BRICKENDEN,
Clinton P. 0,
Accoucheur, eto., office in the Palace Block
Rattenbury St, ; formerly occupied by Dr. Rewe
Clinton Ont.
Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity, Toronto, formerlyy of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries, New Yorrr, Coroner for he
County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont.
• Coats' Block, Albert St., over Taylors' sh
store. Specialty Preservation of the natural
doth. Painless Extraction by the use of the -
7fliost approved local Aneestbetio. N. B. Will
visit Blyth professionally every Monday at Ma-
son's Hotel, and Bayfield the 2nd and 4th Thurs-
day; during the summer.
HonoraryGraduate of the OntarioVeterinarp
College. -Treats all diseases of domesticated and
male on the most modern and scientific prinoil
pies. Office- immediately south of the New Era
Office. Residence - Albert St., Clinton. Calls
night orday attendedtopromptly.
Of desirable House and three Lots in the Town
of Clinton. Estate of late Jane Calbick. There
will be sold by,auction, at the Rattenbury House
Clinton, on
SATURDAY, NOV. 4th, 1893,
At 2 o'clock p. m., the following desirable town
property: -Lots Nos. 86, 87 and 88 of Isaac Ratten-
bury's survey, and situate on the south side of
Wellington St., except a portion of the north-east
part of the said lot No. 86, and which said except-
ed portion may he better described as commenc-
ing at the north -oast angle of the said lot; thence
south-easterly along the easterly limit of the said
lot 49 ft, 6 in.; thence north-westerly on a course
parallel with Wellington street 12 ft. 6 in.; thence
north-easterly on a course parallel with the said
easterly limit 49 ft. 6 in. to Wellington St., and
thence eouth•oasterly along the southerly limit
of the said street 12 ft, 6 in. to the place of begin-
ning. The House is a good frame one-story cot-
tage, erected
ot•tage,erected four years ago, and contains eight
rooms and woodshed; good stone collar; bard and
soft water. The buil Jing and property is very
desirable, suitable for townspeople or retired
farmer. Title indisputable.
TERMS -One hundred dollars to be paid on day
of sale balance in 30 days. For further particulars
apply ;o
Aunt., Clinton. Executor, Lucknow
Worst Case of Scrofula the
octors Ever Saw '
Co»vple ely Cured by HOOD'S
" Whe I was 4 or 5 years old I had a scrof-
ulous so •0 on the middle linger of my loft hand,
which of so bad that the doctors cut the
finger o f and later took off more than half my
hand. Then the sore broke out on my arm,
camp ut on my neck and face on both sides,
nearly lestroying the sight of one eye, also
on my right arm. Doctors said it was the
W rst Case of Scrofula
they ev r saw. It was simply nwini! Five
years go I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Gradu Ily I found that the sores were begin-
ning to heal. I kept on till I had taken ten
bottles, [on dollar,! Just think of what a
return I got for that investment! A thou.
stand er cent! Yes, many thousand, For
the past 4 years I have had no sores. I
ark all the limo.
Bof 1 work. I know not
oro I 1 I could do no
what to (say strong enough to express my grat-
itude to Hood's Snrsaparllla for my perfect
mire." (Morton W. TUItiu , Farmer, Gan'
way, Sara +ga county, N. Y
HOOD'S ILLS do not weakens, but aid
fh .. ie,
try e �
to snit, id
� o he M r
digestion and Lae �-t e
small sums on good mortgage security
moderaterateofinterest. H HALE. Clinton.
Auctioneer still in the field, able and will-
ing to conduct any sales entrusted to him, and
takes this opportunity of thanking hie patrons
for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgages closed
and rents collected. Charges moderate. D
DIognssoN, Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton.
• P. L. S:, Provincial Land Surveyor and
Civil Engineer, London, Ont. -Office at Geo. J
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
Wo can make a few good loans from privet
funds at ow rates and modate expenseer.
Terms made toauit borrowers. Clinton
Piano, Organ and Technicon,or•Muecl deve] opo
for use of pupils. Rooms in Beaver Block,
Albert Street, Clinton.
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate ohthe
Toronto School of Dentistry,
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painles
extraction cf teeth
Office in Smith's Block over Emerton's Barber
Shop, Clinton.
A. U. U. W.
The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet in Biddle -
combo Hall on the lot and 3rd Fridays in each
month. 'Visitors cordially invited.
R. STONEHAM, M. W . J. BEAN, R ecorder,
ext to Commercial Hotel.
This establishment is in full operation and al
orders filled in the most satisfactory way, Ceme-
tery and granite work a specialty. 'Prices as
reasonable as those of any establishment
SEALE & TtOOVER, Clinton, lm
McKillop Mutual lire Insurance din.
D. , Ross, Pr ssident, Clinton; M. Murdie, Vice
Pres. Seaforth; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas.
Seaforth ; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Seaforth,
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott,
Clinton; Geo. Watt; Harlock; Joseph Evano,
Beechwood; Thos. Carbet, Clinton • Alex. Gar-
diner, Leadbury ; M. Murdie, Seafort.
Thos. Neilana, Harlock• Robt. McMillan, Bea.
forth; S Carnochan, Seaforth; John 0 Sullivan
nd Goo. Murdie, auditors.
The undersigned having bought out the bakery Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tram -
business so successfully carried on by Mr Wm. soot other business will be promptly attended
Young,will continue the business at the old stand to on application to any of the above officers
He wilendeavor by supplying a first class arta- ddressed to their respecitve offices.ole, to merit the liberal support of the people.
Bread delivered anywhere in town. "
Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes,
supplied on short notice.
Ten cents off the $ for Cash,
This means cheap
Boots & Shoes,
Baby Carriages
Exprs Tas�oris
Alsoea fall line of '
JUST RECEIVED a consignment of Pine and
Cedar Shingles, Also British Oolumbis. Red 00•
dar Shingles,
Tested Remedies.
For mpure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitie,
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid-
ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General Debility
Prop. and Manufacturer
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
497 Talbot St., Spooialiet 011 the
Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital
1889. PoSt Graduate Course at the Now York
Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital or
Eye Ear, Nose and Throat 1892. Eyes Tested.
Full stock of Artificial Eyes, Spectacles and Len
sea. Will bo at the
Rattenbury House, CLINTON
The First FRIDAY in Eaob Month.
NOVEMBER 3rd next. Hoare 10 a. m.
to 4 p.m. Chargee Moderate,
r ed.
. _ xt act
dor sale, comb and�
Cr, 11O,A:T't1, 'Gunton,