Clinton New Era, 1893-10-20, Page 7Leamington Miracle, THE TVIRlii' S FS LF' 'EC1T; �opEFil 1104ffOl, A WELL-11NOWN rAIIM R •.i;M .1,1,NfiTOiiEA TO. HipAY' u ANP STEENeTii. Ar'Tita'NINE Ynkes 0$ Trtuatbi,E S1111mm/Nal ,r-44. Horth' •ev REeenalc >iAu sEEx A,easneosIDD sus ese!EP,. neon LISA As. A BtlisPaN. From the Loaminatoe Post. Mr d'oeeph, ittobsoa, whaS,e home is on the first concession of gems township, about. a mile 'from. Leamington ie known to 01- )400 every resident of tbie-, seetioq. ' For years pint, Mr ] obsen bas been a victim of paralysis in its wore form, and hie •'me , wee regarded se lxopoices not only by Bina- eelf and hie frie011 but/ by the doctors Who • had attended bim, ` •To one, 'who knew Mr Robson's pitiable Rendition se we did', it was with no small degree of surprise and` pleasure that we recently flaw him drive through town sit- ting (quite erect . on a cross board in a lumber- wagon,; 'and controlling a. lively team of horses,' Hailing him' we asked Whet miracle had brought .about thin changedoondition, and asked if be had any objection to the publication of the facts connectedwith hie ease. Replying he said he wonid indeed be a. mean man it he re. fused to let the public know how his ,wonderful „recovery had been brought about, Mr Robsonthen told the story of his illness ;and recovery -about as follows:-- ' "About ten years ago, while living in the state of Obits, l; was taken down with an ';attack of typhoid fever, and for three months hung between life and death in a perfectly unconscious conditions Recovering from thin I ventured out to work too soon, the resnitbeingthat I wastaken down with a revere cold. During the first 'stages of my trouble I was able to move about with some difficulty, but the disease gradually faaten- ed its hold on . me and I found one sense after another becoming paralyzed. At this time my prospects in life were by no means discouraging. I owned a magnificent farm in TRledo, on which we had a comfortable home, and I owed not a dollar to' any one. I'continued to doctor with specialists and experts from all parts of the States, each of whom promised to cure me of the dis- ease, which they said was paralysis, but in bvery •ease they left me as bad and some- times worse than they found me physically, and cer ainly worse financially. After suffering in this manner for two years my family col eluded that a change of climate Might do me good, and so we removed to Canada,' settling where we now reside. This hope, however, proved a delusicn, and each year found me worse and if possible added to my misery. Life itself became a ' burden to me and I knew that I was worse than useless to my friends. I was unable to feed myself as my head and hands shook so that I have frequently left stabs in my chin when trying to put my fork to my mouth. It was only occasionally that I could move around at all, and then only with the aid of crutches. I lost almost en- tire ,control of my power of speeoh and got so bad that members of our own family could not understand what I was Baying. My whole nervous system seemed under- mined, and I abandoned all fbope of ever again being of any use to my family. Last fall I was induced totry Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and from that date my condi- tion has steadily improved until to day I am able to take my place with other men on the farm, and while my hand shakes a trifle, I am- able to do a 'good day's work every day in the week. I am now able to walk a considerable distance, and my nervous system seems fully restored. There is not the sligheet doubt that these results are entirely due to the use of Dr. Williams' Pin d Pills, and I am confident that had I b entoprooure this wonder- ful remedy`when'I was first taken with the disease, I would never have been where I was. The absolute truthfulness of the facts as I have given them to yon can be verified by hundreds of my friends and neighbors, or by any member of my own family." As to much of the evidence contained in Mr Robson's statement the writer can him- self bear evidence. His sppeech, which one year ago could scarcely b understood, is now perfectly distinct; his head then drop- ped on his chest, whereas now it is held quite firm and erect; then he could not walk across a room without holding to a chair or table, while now he can walk without difficulty. We called upon Mr W. J. Smith, drug. gist, and interrogated him in reference to the case. Mr Smith said that he knew of Mr Robson's ailment and that he had suf- fered for years as stated, and he had no doubt that it was Dr. William's "Pink Pills," that cured him. "Pink Pills," said Mr Smith, "have a remarkable sale, which seems due to their remarkable effi- cacy in curing diseases arising from an 3"mproverished condition of the bleed, or an impairment of the nervous system, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus dance, nervous headache, nervous prostration, and the tired feeling arising therefrom, the after effects of lagrippe, influenza and severe colds, diseases depending on hurnors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. Pink Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions,: and are a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over work or excesses of any nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, (printed in red ink.) Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hun- dred, and any dealer who offers substitutes in this form is trying to defraud you and should be avoided. Ask your dealers for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and refuse all imitations and substitutes. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brookville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 Dents a box, or six boxes for 1)2.50. The price at which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. A petition is being circulated and largely signed in Kent county for the release of George McGregor, the bar- ber who was convicted in June and sent to Kingston for robbing Wm. Chrysler, while the pair were on a !spree at Cedar Springs. Down With High Prices For Electric Belts. $1.55, $2.65, $3.70 ; former prices $5, $7 $10. Qualty remains the same -16 dif• ferent styles; dry battery and acid belts -..mild or strong current, Less than half the price of any other company and more home testimonials than all the rest to! gather. cull list. free. Mention this paper. W. m. BALR & CO, Windsor, Ont. Vats rs* Mats Matta 'ouor Judge Tones will hold re^ vieleel courts for the municipal voters'' lists'as #'allows Colborne,: tow lihall, .. ..******October 20 Bayfield, town hl�>lt � • � *) , •., Bay. Zurich, ,. , .., 24. Stepp n Ore„ iten ,, ,. _• iti 25, ,Exeter, wn hall .:,,,, , ,. 'e 20 Usbornet town hall....... , , "F 27 W.WLI,wanosh Dungannon,. `8 Stanley, iI 521town hall .�.,,...,. Howick, town ball ..,,,.•,. • Nov. -2 boderich, town hall,;,,q....,. " 3 Courte have been, held in Seaforth and Ttickers meth, In the proud position ()equines Catalogue.free, ' • Hard Practical, n a tip TT.5, Plif agla hut1 ce The ?o est City' Business Cellege of London THE QDVkaIiTI$U GI. 4 W, wiesTEgyEfir. Of Hoods. Slarsaparille is always within the bounds of reason because it is true; it always appeals to the' sober, common sense of thinking people beoahse it is true; and it ie always fully 'substantiated by en, doreemeuts whioh,, in the financial world would be accepted without a moment's hesitation. HOOD'S PILLS pure liver ills, oonsti. pation, billonance's, jaundice, sink head- ache, indigestion. The family of W. S. Ferguson, of Dere. 1 ham, have bad a severe visitation of diph- theria, and two of the children, aged 20 and 16 years, have died from the effects of the disease within two weeks. Other members of the family have been ill, but are getting better. Sufferers from dyspepsia have only them- selves to blame if they fail to test the won- derful curative qualities of Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. In purifying the blood, this medi, cine strengthens every organ of the body, and even the moat abused stomach is soon restored to healthy action. The Lacknow Sentinel says a tramp. who called himself John Walker called at the residence of Mr Wm. Sheriff, near St. Helens, the other day during the absence of Mr Sheriff, and made himself quit at home. He claimed to be a detectitie,and ordered Mrs Sheriff .to get him something to eat, wash his socks abd wait upon him generally, and before leaving the house took a purse out of the bureau and asked the loan of the money till he came back. Mrs Sheriff, who is a very nervous woman, was badly frightened by the bold ad,. venturer. The tramp was arrested near Teeswater and taken to Dungan- non for examination before three ma- gistrates. He was committed to Gode rich jail for trial at the first court of competent jurisdiction. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child,she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When ,she bad children, she gave them Castorla In Lancashire alone 300,000 people are dependent from meal to meal on public charity as a result of the great coal strike. It is estimated that the total in England is 750, 000. I was cured of terrible lumbago by MIN ARD'S LINIMENT. REV. Wit. BROWN I was cured of a bad case of earache by MINARD''S LINIMENT. MRS. S. KALLBACH. wap cured of sensitive lungs by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. S. MASTERS. The smallest bird is the West Indian humming bird. Its body is less than an inch long and weighs only 20 grains. The highest inhabited place in the world is the custom house of Ancoma- roa in Peru, 16,000 feet above the sea, HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT" PICTURE. Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers wrap- per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom- an Look Old Sooner Than a Man")to LEVER BROS., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost lc postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. The honeycomb presents a solution of the greatest possible strength and space with the least, possible material. Cameron Brown, formerly connected with the Advertiser editorial staff, but now night editor of the Globe, was married on Friday to Miss Margaret, daughter of Hon. Geo. W. Ross, Pro- vincial Minister of Education. ONE HONEST MAN. To the Editor ofihe New Era. Please inform your readers that I will mail free to all sufferers the means by which I was' restored to health and manly vigor after years of suffering from Nervous Weakness. I was robbed and swindled until I nearly lost. 'faith in mankind, but thanks to heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong. I have nothing to sell and no scheme to extort money from anyone whomsoever, but be- ing desirous to make this certain cure known to all, I will send free and confiden- tial to anyone full particulars of just how I was cured. Address with stamps: MR. EDWARD MARTIN, (Teacher), P. O. Box 143 Detroit Mich wivivitzwioaAttokep When we assert that Q) odd's Kidney Pills Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Trolbles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY OURS Ti) l3TAY CURED. By all druggists or mail on racipt of price, so cents, Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. -.--._.-R--._,-----'-- We are now giving a Discount of Ten per cent to all Cash buyers of Boots and Shoes at our store JN O. JACKSON, Clinton BAMBOO TABLES 25c, 30c an 45c 000 We have now a fine line of Bamboo Tables at 25c., 30c, and 45 cents, Whenever you have any time to spare we would like yon to take a look through our warerooms whether you wish to buy or not J. W. CHIDLEY, Funeral Director and Embalmer—Night calls answered at bis residence, Bing St., opposite the foundry. JOSEPH CHIDLEY FINE FURNITURE FANCIER, CLINTON BtYAELS! First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Montreal Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. Special Cuts in 100 lbs: _or Barrel lots. Teas, Coffees and Spices a Specialty BUTTER . AND EGGS WANTED JW. Irwin, Grocer MACKAY BLOCK, - - - - CLINTON. COOL WEATHER IS HERE But you need not suffer from the cold, as you can purchase very cheaply at ADAMS' EMPORIUM Under Clothes, Top Shirts,Flp,nnels, Flannelettes Pants, Suits, Overcoats, Caps, Mitts, Socks, Gloves, Hosiery, and Good Boots & Shoes Suitable for all classes of people. Special—see our Fur Coats, Goat Robes and Horse Blankets MILLINERY of the very finest quality. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. ADAMS, ?Pays Sacrifice dale [lay!' OF BOOKS, Stationery WALL PAPER, &c In order to clear out the entire stook of W. H. SIMPSON, it has been decided to offer the same at prices away below cost. Everything will be sold at such ifignres that will make it of interest for purchasers to come here. THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD OUT PRICES ARE MADE ACCORDINGLY This is a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired to clear the whole out in 30 days. RUMBALL"S cLfl-Ig FACTORY Huron Street, Clinton We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be oflfirst-class material and workmanship. I you want a good article at the price of a poor ono, call and see us. F. R U1fl134S.L .4, -- CL.IINICON voDorenwcui Is Coming—Now is your time - otMEN W llrp Thil only will �Q ihttthen. ',.�ouP � " c1 RR 66 .TEnB RR Ann rr,j1�.��ttr�`nn, B T N.. BY ROUS�, USN THuusp,a.lt, .26th of • •QGTQB R,' 1893j It yon are bald or grey, or ItogBair to thin' or faded, don't mire thiel. obinee, as #1,0 profeasor has a larKa numher of places to visit title .eas,lu, bis plan is pooltively limited to tae time advertised, De has proved by tbetl?ousande whg patronize him, V hat by the use; of his coverings, ',a more red in r�tpressi n. t4 more , nothfnl .pn1 sreptly inir,roved ap_ presence can be aechr Nd. For ladies he bass, largq number, of new styles this seaebn In Bangs and other enyerings eaperially his new Pa- tent bang witbogt lace foundation. more naturals in appearances strong- er, lighter and more thoroughly veutilated than anything ever before .o$ered in pomade, Wave Bangs, plain frontplecesaWayyFrouta, Switch- es. and Braid., in anion gths and snadesn . ;cull and open Wigs of 'Curly, straight, Long or Short Hair. Gentlemen, see the grand styles in Tou- pees and Wigs, It you`are bald or partly so, the Prof can t1 you so ex. • aptly that it is impossible to dlatiagwish •trcm the natural growth of nhatr. ot These goods are word by 12,000 of the gentlemen og Canada—why y you? Ladies, don't failto ask the Prof. how to secure a pure, , clean complexion, and bow to remove tan, freckles, wrinkles, ,ice. Remember--Rattenbnryfouse, Thursday,Oct 26 B1.AN All fine Wool 7,8,9, 10 lbs. at 50e. per lb. The best value in C'an ada. () u r u.sinal large assortment, prices lower than ever. Gi-Jt F Y GOAT ROBES 52:x66 for $$5. A nice STORM COL- LAR and MUFF for $2.50; this is Fur, not Cloth. rf • Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton "HAPPY THOUGHT"' RANGES No investment that you can make for your home will pay you such large returns in comfort, economy and ever increasing satisfaction as a: "Happy Thought" Range. There is no other - "just as good" or "just the - same," and the - genuine is sold only by Harland Bros., Clinton. In Base Burner with cr without oven, Elie Radieat Home leads. v IackayBiocll New Store H AR LAN D BBOS. Gld Stand Brick Block WONDERFUL CURES THOMAS MINCHIN. MAJOR W. A. SIMFIELD. Before Treatm.nt. After Treatment. Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured. Thomas Minchin says: "I was reduced to a nervous wreck—only weighed 118 pounds. The result of early abase was the cause. I had the following symptoms : Miserable mentally and physically, melancholy, nerv- ousness,, weakness, species before the eyes, dizzy, fishinmemory, o ld hands and feet, w ak back, dreams and looses at night, tired in the morning, pimples on the face, lose of ambition, burning sensation, kidneys weak eto. Doctors could not care me; but Dre. Kennedy do Horgan by their New Method Treatment, cured the in a few weeks. I g1IICO T have taken th�.treat ent."e years N Before Treatment. After Treatment. Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured. Major Simfield says: "I had Dyspepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach for many years. To make matters worse I contract- ed a Constitutional Blood Disease. My bones ached. Blotches on the akin looked horrible. I tried sixteen doctors in all. A friend recommended Drs. Kennedy do Hargan. I began their New Method Treat- ment and in a few weeks was a new man with renewed life and ambition. I can- not say too much for those scientific doe - tore who have been in Detroit for four- teen years. I conversed with hundreds of patients in their offices who were being cured for different disenses. I recommend them as honest and reliable Physicians." DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN The Celebrate Seeaitiliete of Detroit, Mioh. TREAT Af GU RAG E TO CUBE Catarrh; Asthma; and 2nd enmption 1st and 2nd stages); Rheumatism; enrol ; orvons, Blood and Skin diseases Stomach and Heart die - eases; Tapeworm; ee; Rupture: !impotency; Deafness; Dieoaees of the Eye Ear, Nose and Throat; Epilepsy; Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder; Errors of Youth; Fa Manhood;�Dlseases of the Sexual Organs] Female Weakness; Diseases of Men and omen, and Chronic Disoaees in general. They cure when others fail! 'i ONLY CURABLE OASES ARE TAKEN FOR TREATMENT Their NEW ME`fIIOD TREATMENT known the world over, le oaring diseases of every natnro that has baffled heretofore the medical profession. They are not `family doctors' they :hake a specialty of Chronic and difficult diseases. -sp1, DISEASES OF Mg N They gnarant s to Sure all Weakness of lUlen arising from self abiiso, filter excesses or disease. Young man, yon need help. Dre. & K, will our() you. You may have been treated by Quacks—consult Sblentiiio Doctors. No euro, no pay. Consult them. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Why al in eilekn Thoy can ouro yon, Ferrate Weakness, Barrenneae, Isplaoements, Irregulaelty, and painfnl periods oared in a short time. Benewed vitality given. Illustrated Book Free. inclose stamp. SPE/SIAL 8 ermatorrhsert Varicocele, Olcet, Unnatural D1 EASES. Discharges, Private diseases, Stricture, Syph• Ills, an n loud d seades guaranteed cured or no pay. 14 years in Detroit •-150,000 cares—National reputation. Books free—Coneultation too — Names confidential. If unable to call, writafor a list of questions and advice free, DO. KENNEDY & KEROAN, 148 Shelby St., DETROIT', MCH.