Clinton New Era, 1893-10-20, Page 6etober 2t) 189 I .M4 *O+1lAll : ':` HOPS Bnteltor Shop surrats t:s BLOCl ?l?T'Qom Tga4 vOST oPE`IO.C, O1,INTQ 'rhe undsrsI ped having opened out ill be g b, p t. gorluh 81003x,• deeired•to atate,that he will he op on rfll4tt the very C11oioe.tMeats. Uaviu6'no ex Fiefs outside of heoiaoit heir le 4 roottiuu tq sell ae fery closes prices, , ► UC will At all thnes he` prepared to pay the }ildlreat maritet print' for ,r,xl,ort :Cattle, Lnn* 'MOS a1ii9'ay9ewauted for Overt, wive illus a call, •, • . ' ROBT.' FITZSIMONS URO1i ST, BUTCHER SHOP WeVel1re.rnest;eoretiallvto thank aytboeo who lisvei favored us with theirtpatronage since wo cOna epee Jo bustues 1, and to assure them and tbeipublio generally that we are in better shape than .everts eateer to their wants, having added "an Improvedrefrigeratorned otbolt cone ieuces our shop. 'V1rHIw, .TLEY FINCH into)]. MEAT Market JSINESS • CHANGE. Tina undoraigne t' desires to intimate that he bag bought out the interest of Mr Couch, in the butchering business lately parried on under the Y10 of FORD it OOUOff, ]3e will continue the ane at the old start 1, and trusts by giving the closest and moat careful attention to the busi- neseetreigghtforward and courteous treatment to all, and'handltag only ohoioe meat, to merit ,and receive a fair share of public patronage. All orders es.retully and promptly filled IrAMES A. FORD . entral Butcher Shop Subscriber desires to thank the public general- ly, fbr tho patronage bestowed upon him ; and at the same time to say that he ie now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the 'Wants of all. As he gives personal attention t•1,;II the details of the business customers ca . ' ely on their orders -being promptly and satisfactorily filled Ria motto is "good meat at reasonable prices." ;Choice Sausage, Poultry,, &c., in season. _Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &a. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton, Flour and Feed Stores lour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned having formed a partnership, desire to intimate that they will keep on hand the very best FLOUR and FEED OOf aft kinds, also the choicest variety of 'Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold at close margins for cash. GALT also kept on hand. They will also keep a chole bners will find to be l kinds excelllent value. f TEAS h con- HILL :& WIGGINTON, HURON ST., CLINTON. FLOUR, FEED & SEED STORE 'We have in stook a ohoioe assortment of Seeds, such as CLOVER, TIG THY, MILLET, And:all seeds required for Farm or Garden use. Flour and Feed of all kinds D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS he Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliamont,1865. CAPITAL, $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON Pres. P. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Gexeral Manager Votes discounted, Colleotions made, Drafts issued, Sterling and "American ex- change bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest allowed on deposits. FARMERIS- 'Money advanced to farmers on their own mote with one or more endorsers. No imortgage required as security. H. C. BREWER, Manager. EO, 1 . entI ARit, BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Business tr ansaeted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. ARRAN & TISD4LL B AroKERB, cLI N*rO!v. O1 rat Advances made to farmers on their own nates at low rates of interest. ,tl :general tanking Business traneaotea Int, -a et allowed on deposits. ile Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manage Rvit, liKttVZ 81:ANS are a noir firs• :BEANS oowerytt1attecure the Wbrat Wee Of NervBEANS' Felting uric«(, re8b'"'s Lad Vigor ie weakness Of, bddy o'k mind caused by over $1 d or the errors or ex ".a •, an"..tai",Acasaiei etyet1W1. ioeur ef; ten hMod, Yf,SIiO ,iY�e t le • Sailed erbery; ' elleve° Zell eydruk, ell Oe bye •mai 7,' E.?A .FSM1.1510IN1 WB One ,Writs gtnr eiritf '. 'Sb+,ilile*N i Ooid by 41. n.,001nbt, , £.PPQTNTl1381NT, 694' 716311lia o wish your, y Linen to be White as Snow,. 3ulllight Soap Will do y lieohuse BUNT+x(#N'Ii SOAP la:perfectly pure, sad ognt+wlrts oua paehnloals to Miura either your clothes or your bands Greatest care is exeroleed in its gmqanutaoturo,ppanQd i t e by the�puso blio that it ileac the Largest Sale of way Soap in the World. How Can yen test this? If you have never tried SUNLIGHT BOAT', ask those .who use it what they think of it, then try itforyourself. The re- sult will please you, and your 'clothes will be washed in far less time, Wath, Less Labour Greater Comfort, and will be whiter than they have ever been before, when you used ordinary soap. Y Is That not the best way to de- cide the matter 7 First by enquiring what the experience is of those who already nse it. it• yourself. You are not Secondly, by a fair trial committed in any way to use the soap ; all we \........................) ask is : Don't Delay, try it the next washing day. 5 •' • • • • • • . ,,, . . SOOTHING, CLE..NSING, 1-1EAL1i(2. Instant Relief, Per.-Iranent Cure, Failure 1rnpass.ible. Many so-called di..eases'c',ro simply sympp ;,1:. i nt such as headache, losin;:,seuss of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, general fatling of debility, etc. I1 you are troubled with any of these or nindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should lose no time procuring a bottle oY NASAL BALM. Be warned in time, neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed by aonsumptio4 and death. Sold by all druggists, or sent, ort paid, on receipt of price 0 cents and $1) by addressing FULFORD & CO. llrockville.Ont, OTTOldri&NTICE_ POPULAR. SUBSTITUTE FOR LARD. Sold by Grocers Everywhere. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK (Sc. CO. Wellington and Ann Sts., MONTREAL. oNI2ERFUL GVA Not only a relief but a oare for all kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS Harmless. Contain no hurtful drugs. A Wonderful Compound. Nice to take. Sure death to pain. lie sure you got STAMPS. PREPARED BY R. STARK, M. 0. C. P., CHEMIMT FSOM GLASGOW U evcrialTV, S00TLAND, FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 25 t`/EiV t3 Ell"" ld rpuntorolrnewCoouna IeT em d' torte ' o o R a for Ca r is th8 y lfeat, taslesI ate tThe and. ohoaptat -...,411. aur... .L 6 =:.G:a :b; =twist - 11,T, iAt� ;anti by shit, ... r.'pst;i11i1�,L;,:,5t71o11 THE. CLIO]TO AT. NEW ERA (mid s. 'air Notes, Wo n ,Cale L ars e'tt R JA N R S is I' O t O. Fain, P 2 Although it Has been ever tally known 7� [� a �� !1T* � Ire Y���yy ..... . 4� liAr+f SQl i ll,' R.. A hundred years ago the unfortun the surges ® generally soldieere x rail- ors who have been, hurt in action', were for some tune that Conti a w.ipld' ';null forced, to. Undergo -the operations,nec- probability capture the highest reward j �ssary to the pr*ongation of life vvithy whioh the Worlds Columbian Eupositiolt till taking- ether .4 r ChloS4form, n it Is. authorities could offer •for her magnificent now administered to make the patient irncanrSQl,Qlls,, an( so free from ain at- tendant upon the operation. To se- cure quiet often the subject had to be bound by ropes, so that much as he desired to wire he wits utterly unable to do so. Occasionally patients would show remarkable fortitude at the crisis of their :troubles, but none ever Show- ed more than a soldier, who, on the morning after the battle of Yorktown. (10th October, 1781), was brought into the hospital, having been shot in the knee. It was found necessary to am- putate the, limb, and the surgeon or- dered the nurses to bind the man fast preparatory to the operation. "Never!" protested the soldier, "You may tear my heart from my breast, but you shtlll not bind met Oan you get me a fiddle?" His request was complied with, and he proceeded to tune the instrument, after which he said, "So, doctor, now you can begin." And he played through the whole of the operation, which last- ed 40 minutes, without uttering a sin- gle false note or disturbing his fea- tures in the slightest. display in the Fisheries Building, the of., dotal text and announcement of the award has just been made public, The report which the oommittee on awards in the department of fisheries made to the General Awards 0dtninittoe, and whioh is now published, as ofdoial, reads as fullowe:— Canada has made one of the largest die-, plays in the Fisheries . Building. Its col; lection, whioh illustrates the fish and aquatic bird fauna of the country, the way the fishing industry is'oarried on in the different parts of theDominion, the mode of handling, preserving, oaring and paclting, and the products of its fishery, is one of the moat important and interesting features of the exposition. Its collection of stuffed fish is de flared to be the Most complete and contain the best specimens and greatest variety shown by any exhibitors in the fisheries building. The collection is partioulaly rich in re- gard to the salmonidae, whioh is of great value from a scientific point, of view. The fish are perfectly mounted and this collec- tion is entitled to the highest reward. The fish in alcohol are in a very good Mete of preservation, and the collection of fish -eating birds is an excellent one as to richness and skillful mounting, and can- not be too highly commended. The ex- hibit composed mainly of models of boats and of trap nets, recommends itself by the neatness of the models, illus'rating the mode of fishing, and the progress made during recent years. Their tasteful ar rangement contributes greatly to the in- terest of the exposition. The collection of fish oils is varied, and the article shown of excellent quality in every respect. The committee desires to mention speci- ally alarge map of Canada, showing the AFTER EFFECTS OF LA GRIPPE. Palmy SOUND, Oct. , 16th. --In the year 1891, Miss Ida I.Hiscook of this place, suf- fered from a severe attack of "La Grippe." Her life was d teed b it,aa it h too often tha case, the victim of this' dread desease did not escape soot free. Ever since her illness Mies Hi000k has suffered from nervous prostration and insomnia. Nothing in the way of medicine did her any good until she recently began ,to use Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. She has just finished the sec- ond box of the pills, and the result has been' yield and value of the fisheries, and the a delightful surprise to herself and her location of the fishing grounds of that friends. .She is rapidly recovering and no country. It also shows as accurately as longer suffers from insomnia, but 'enjoys possible the migrations of the fish having a commercial value, and the progress recent- ly made in the Cadadian fisheries. This map is of great importance and of special value and interest, and we' recommend it to the attention of all those interested in fishery matters. There was consi 3erable difference of opiri- -on among the members of the ger-eral com- mittee on awards, whioh is the court of ap- peal from the decision of the departmental committees, as to the wording of this award. All agree that Canada's exhibit deserved the highest award the Fair an- thorities could give, but it was maintained by some that as awards are made solely on merit, and without any element of com- petition, that the words largest and best should be omitted, as they involve the competitive idea and intimated that the exhibit was better and larger than other exhibits. After some discussion, whioh re- sulted in the refusal of the committee of awards on fisheries to alter the wording of their judgment, the general committee agreed to accept it with comparative allu- sions. It would have been impossible for Cana - Ma to have secured a more creditable ver- dict of the superiority of Canadian exhibits in this important department, and the value of the award was greatly enhanced by the discussion which took place, and the subsequent adoption of this highly favor- able award_ ...___ At a World's Congress of Fishermen 1111 held in the music Hall at Jackson Park last week, Mr L. Z. Joncas, M. P., of Quebec, and Mr Wm. Smith, Deputy Min- ister of Marine, delivered valuable address- es on the subject of the Canadian fisher- ies. Both gentlemen treated the sgbject in a masterly manner, pointing out the valve and extent of Canada's fishery in- dustry, and the means adopted by the Cana- dian government to protect it. WILLIAM SMITH, refreshing sleep. Here is another case in whioh an unsuspected kidney affection en- tailed much suffering and many monthp of misery. Many other people are doubtless uncon- scious sufferers from kidney trouble. For- tunately this remedy is within easy reach of them,:if they will avail themselves of it. Fred E. Hill's dairy stables near Wood- stock were destroyed by fire at an early hour Monday morning. A number of farm implements -and over 30 tons of hay, besides a quantity of straw and other feed, were consumed. While the fire was in progress Mr Hill noticed that a side door on the barn whioh had been seourely bolted had been opened during the night, which lents 'strength to his theory that the fire 'was ,started by tramps. The loss is esti- mated at between $1,500 and $2,000.. The insurance is light,,and, strange to say,the application for the policy was only taken out Saturday. A wonderful new combination is R Stark's headache, neuralgia and Liver Pow- ders, nice to take and perfeotly harmless. Mr Alexander Rumnsey, of the Imperial Bank, 'Welland, writes: ,"I have much pleasure in testifying to the excellence of R. Stark'd headache, neuralgia and Liver Powders, and have no hesitation in recom- mending them to those who suffer from headache. They have been used in my family with the most satisfactory results, giving almost immediate relief." Mr John H. Glass, of the well-known firm of Glass Brothers & Co., London Pottery Works, writes: "I have given your headache, neuralgia and Liver Powders a thorough fest, and find they never: fail in giving al- most instantaneous relief. I have much pleasure in recommending them as being superior to anything I have ever nsed," Price 25 Dents a box. Sold by all medicine dealers. A bald head is very unsightly. Those When Jack calls on Miss Eleanor, gentleman who have been so fortunate as He always brings her plenty to.lose their hair, should see Pro. Doren - Of flowers and chocolate bonbons, whioh' wends fine toupees and wigs, over 12000 in Most charm the maid of twenty. use. He will be at Battenbury House on And though Sir Jack has skinny arms, Thursday, Oct 26. And legs as thin as pheasants.' A sensational suicide occurred Monday on the railroad tracks at the foot of Monroe street, Chicago. From papers found on the suicide's body he ie believed to be Hen- ry Kershaw, editor of the New Orleans Commercial. He threw himself in front of an engine. -His mind' had lately become unbalanced. How could one blame Miss Eleanor, Who much admires his presents ? No woman has any real admiration forb man's presence unless the man has a good physique—legs and arms well filled out. You can't be "well -looking" if you suffer from any of the diseases caused by a dis- ordered liver or impure blood—dyspepsia, billiousness, and scrofulous affections. Dr Pierces' Golden Medical Discovery is a me- dicine that cures these cases. It's the only remedy that's guaranteed to benefit or cure, in every case, or the money refunded. Me- dical science stamps it "absolutely potent" as a blood -cleanser, strength -restorer, and flesh builder. The worst Nasal Catarrh, no matter of how long standing, is permanently cured i by Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy. KATE FIELD PHILOSOPHIZES. The man who is liked by all women is not often loved by any of them. Never ask a woman for anything. Either take it or wait till she offers it A certain skill in any fine art is al- most always hat mful'to a man's essen- tial vocation,] eeO• aeuf uthe smsseracarecrtasaof flir- tation is never doing anything you are expected to. ntoIn literature originalities petrify in- to formultle, as in politics revolutionists become despots. Experience is a thorbugh teacher, but she cannot turn the pupil back to the beginning of the book. Nobody loves you so much as he loves himself; but, then, nobody hates you so much as he loves himself. "All the stories have been told," you say. Love, envy, crime and remorse were worn-out tales after Eden, then. Most of us are of no importance. The very distinction of some proves the individual insigniflcace of the mass. Think of the good or evil which might have been done by the people whom, through mere chance we have never. known. Our worst overthrows happen in the line of our best qualities, There was a Moscow for sagacious Napoleon, a Ca- rina for obstinent Hannibal, and a high priest's place for the faithful Pe- ter. Sineere pessimism should logically prevent anyone from professing pessim- idtn; why promulgate a doctrine which necessarily condemns to failure the >'ei y act of promulgation. / y hfidyren Cry@�for Itche }s':*w or1a1 o Cures Others Will cure You, is: a true statement of the action of AYER'S Sarsaparilla, when taken for diseases originating in impure blood ; but, while this assertion is true of AYER'S Sarsaparilla, As thousands can attest, it cannot be truth- fully applied to other preparations, which unprincipled dealers A011 recommend, and try to impose upon you, as " just as - good as Ayers." Take Ayer's Sarsa- parilla and Ayer's only, if you need a blood -purifier and would be benefited permanently. This medicine, for nearly fifty years, has enjoyed a reputation, and made a record for cures, that has never been equalled by other prepara- tions. AYER'S Sarsaparilla eradicates the taint of hereditary scrofula and other blood diseases from the system, and it bas, deservedly, the confidence of the people. AVC.R'S Sarsaparilla "I cannot forbear to express my joy at the relief I have obtained from the use of AYER'S Sarsaparilla. I was afflicted with kidney troubles for about six months, suffering greatly with pains in the small of my back. 1n addition to this, my body was covered with pimply eruptions. The remedies prescribed failed to help me. 1 then began to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and, in a short time, the pains ceased and the pimples disappeared. I • advise every young man or woman, in case of sickness resulting from impure blood, no matter how long standing the case may be, to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla."—H. t. Jar- mann, 33 William st., New York City, You Wn C >f' Iii' r'J C.-Ayef'; be Ce. l Favell, il3;llad 1 Ia s Ty, 911417, or e zanent1y Restored., Weakness Neryt: Qustlesa, Debility, and all the train of evils from 'early errors or later excesses, the result;;of overwork, sickness; worry, etc. Full strength, develop- ment and tone given to every organ andportion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Im- mediate improvement, seen, Failure impossi- ble, 2;000 references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed .(sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, $,Y.1 PUMPS • : PUMPS If you want a•dret-plass, well -made pump, one that will give you satisfaction send your order to the undersigned. He will dig and Olean wells, and do it at the closest prices. He also handles a first-class FORCE PUMP JAMES FERGUSON Opposite Queen's Hotel - High 9;met, Clinton ROBERT -:- DOWNS, CLINTON, 'danufacturer and Proprietor for the best soft MU Dog in use. Agent for the sale and appli- tation of the $FISHER PATENT AUTOMATIC BOILED iSASSR. STEAM FITTINGS tarnished/and app ed on short notice. dollars, Engines, and all kinds of tiaolainery repaired eaped ititins' y and in is satisfactory •canner Farm implements manufactured and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished sod put in positipn. Dry Kilus fitted up ou applieatioo Charges moderate. THE RIGHT The new model o ockford Watoh, when placed in a screw bite Daae, will all a Ion felt want among farmers, as it Is not dus pmol only, but very strong. The plate which the wheels work between, not being separated) by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom platebeingturned out al's solid piece of metal, with the edger lett of the top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, male` ing in all &;good rong watch For a Farmer JOS. BIDDLECOMBE. 0LIN r0N Planing • Mill —AND -- DRY KILN! BESUBSHAVING NGJUST R C031PLED; T an and furnished his new Planing Mill with ,machinery of the latest Improved patterns is now °prepared to attend to ailbrriers in his line in th most prompt and satisfactory manner and at ren sonabl'e rates. Ho would also return thanks to al who patronized the old mill before they were burn gd"Ont and now s4iY ih d'iietter°'perition'",bere' uta orders expeditiously and feels confident he ear vo coati etactfon to all. FACTORY—Near the grand Trani Railway, Clinton NOMAS McKENZ1E HURON AND BRUCE Loa./ Investment Co'y This Oorn,'any is Loaning Money on Farm.t Security at Lowest Rate. of Interest. MORTGAGES - : - PURCHASEI SAVINGS BA—NK. BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent: Interest Allowed on.. Deposits, according toamouni and time let. OFFICE—Corner of Market Square and North St elORACE NORTON, 6t 1585 MANAea BENMHALER NURSERY FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES - NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH . AND ASTRACHAN PINE, 7115 LATTER OP WHIOi WE MARE 3PECIALT4 LARGE STOCK ON RAND The aboyo ornamental trees and shrubbery will; ba sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will eavO mono purchasing here. Orders by Mail twill, be promptly attends to. Address, JOIN STEWART.. — RanmIller. SHEA —THE LEADING -2 UNDERTAKER • EMB ALDER, A FULL LINE! OF GOODS KEPT i1 STOCK Tb ebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL —TSE Royal Electric Co. dream] Incandescent Marl Ltghtin , Lloetrio Motors sad Generators. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER STATIONS Throughout the Dominion. 64 to 70 Wellington St. MONTER PAPER MILLS CO. News Printing Wrapping Send for Samples PETERMAN'S ROACH FOOD NOT A POISON FATAL TO COCKROACHES AND WATER BUGS. Write us if not kept by dont Dtegglet. WewillgIVO riVTY DOLLene whonlf, has pro ed s failure if properly applied EWINO, HERRON & CO., Spice llerehaats, Sole Mfrs., 579 da 681 et. Paul Street, MONTREAL 9010 opordi of the LIOa j� 1�j� 'I dotr.do. Allgewdalwar I Ps I(j,0 1 wiroutaluzl,t thio trade mark are cpaaro. YYYII , PoaIt Lron and, °Alloeute. PonT, Bion Brand A" Bona- sllllan. SI SHERRY, Brand,,,W t N E b' Pends 611EanY, Lion Breed, Maurnnilla. CLARET, Lion Brand, ""A." WHISKEY, Lion g P 1 R 1-T Brand, Lion n yo, ,Lion MERCHANT. Brand, Lion do Vie, n Eau do Vie, Agontfor John nobortson & Sona Sootob Whiskey, James Porgu,OAA&.Sona, Glasgow; Boubotd DDolnmaln,Jarn- Cognac,Prnnoe. CnkiLPAOSS,ViaduPrinoi a, Viut1tte 416 St. Paul Street. Montreal. Montreal 2:co, TRADE 6,4.m Wall t COUN and P er MCARTHURl .Facto r0 v NTRE13 Tieing CANADA TRUSS FACTORY Est. 1856. F. O1ID58, Prop. Appliances for all kinds of Phy- sical Deformities. Gross' Improved Pat. Artificial Limbs —Send for— PRICE LIST and CIRCULARS 712 Craig Street, Montreal.. Atter Being MUCILAOE b, LIQUID GLUE MANFR. E. AULD Prices Right. , 759 Craig OSTRICH FEATHER MANFR. W.SNO W Peden ilipairs0918NOtre Dame SAFE MANUFACTURER S. S. K I BALL, lRrmen'ilafaiaSpedalty.677 Craig THE EQUAL OF ILUBTS PARISIAN HAIR RENEWER Cannot be found, for restoring grey hair to its natural color and beauty ; it keeps the head clean and cool, and free from dandruff, it stops the hair from falling out, promotes the growth, and gives tho L.,ir the gloss, beauty and strength of youth ; r. hon used as directed it was never known to fail. Sold for half the price of any other preparation, and is much better them any known hair toilet. Sold everywhere at 50c. a Bottle. The Melanchoiy Days Have Come THE SADDEST OF THE YEAR Don't you believe it! These are the days when the earth takes "a rest to get ready for the next season's work, and no man should be sad over the fading beauty of the leaves. Anyhow, wo are glad to teff yon that we're well fixed with Goods, and while the golden rod fades in the woods. Golden Bargains bloom at this store. There's no need for you to shiver at the thought of winter when we are selling BOO'M'S - .A. TD - SHOES So reasonable we will make it hot for anyone that thinks he can undersell or overreaoh us in Bargain making. - JESSOP & MCILROY Dealers -in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Robbers, Overshoes, Crockery, Glassware, &o Opposite Queen's Hotel, BLYTH. AGENTS AGENTS AGENTS A SNAP Samantha ' at the World's Fair BY JOSIAH. ALLEN'S WIFE. Illustrated with over One numb ed Characteristic Side-splitting Engravings, b the famous A.rtiat and Cartoonist 0, DE GRIMM, l`o'ft years the' artist of loadii�iltuetrated journals, end winner of the New York Jieral d open O nto et GM® for thebb 'best series o it n trattono twbo eh wook or ton coke for thatofI•kbniuge i(b Pages henna:Pike,'Clk, paper. ' Gold and Silver Statnfgt, $2.501 Half Itulsbitt,- E4 l" �lil r•. e j 3 M . ti l •PtO11 tout 1. R1 ooniout4v St. o 'o 'CO