Clinton New Era, 1893-08-25, Page 5• • • ittr CLINTON : NEW Wo bay just- a eeeivod anothOr lot of tbosa beautiful Sppone,; with cil4 rolx stollen ou'tho bowl,also gold' lined, wbio14 wA vitifBoll at $1,26 eaab, old Brice $1,50 Thei5etiSpoo12s :are Solid Sterling S11vnp, • B. • 1 V M BA Li Lr Jeweler and Bell Telephone Exchange. Our summer trade has the fact that our while our goods JUST A - FEW LEFT been excellent, and we attribute it to prices are as low as they can be -made, are the choicest that can be bought. We have a few lines of Summer Goods still;, they will be offered at prices that mast sell them. Our Fall Goods are arriving. They have been.. bought direct from the manufacturers, for Cash. FOR THE FALL ` TRADE Our customers therefore get all the benefit of goods bought direct. Do you want Fall Goods? hb a are sure that in our stock you will find just what you need and at prices lows r than have ever been offered in town before. WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY Batter and Eggs taken me Cash _. 1. W1TAYLOR & SONS RUPTUII":1 We have evidence of our great sncoess from patients in nearly every town and city in the Dominion, from Nova Scotia to British Columbia. Come in early and be fitted. Don't put off till the last hour. Parents should bring their children early, as more time is required. • J. Y. EGAN, Hernia Specialist, of- Toronto, WILL B_E_AT THE _ , . ..... . Grand Union Hotel, CLINTON, TUESDAY. August 29111, 1893 And balance of week, with a full line of our appliances to suit men, women and child. ren—all ages, all sixes, all forms, as inguinal, femoral, umbilical or navel. We cure where other appliances have utterly failed to hold the ruptured parts IH place. Age makes no difference—we can hold any case. Examination and advice free. Measurements taken and special appliances made for extreme oases where found necessary. Prices within reach of all. Should you over- look this notioe or miss this visit; then write ns fully. Physicians are cordially invited to call and inspect our instruments, they will see something new. AU orders promptly attended to by addressing J. Y. EGAN, Hernia Specialist 266 W. Queen St TORONTO. BETWEEN SEASONS As we have made several purchases of FALL and WINTER GOODS, we want to make room for them, so we are prepared to give splendid BARGAINS in every line of SUMMER GOODS Yet unsold. We have also a full stock of WIRE of different kinds and MIXED PAINTS, WHITELEAD and OIL, BOOTS, SHOES At SLIPPERS of excellent quality and Low price Highest price for Produce. Your patronage respectfully solicited as it wilt be matnally beneficial. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAMS. .LONDESBORO BEFORE you bay anything ask two questions: Do I really want it ? Can I do without it ? These questions may make you rich, but will not prevent yon from buying your SPICES "THE NUB GROCERY Where you can get them pure, and the beet of WHITE WINE VINEGAR To have .good Piokles your spices and vinegar mast be of good quality. Oars is the beat we can bay, try them. (*VIVO SW AJLALCOWT Clinton PALL PAIRS. Huron Central—Clinton, Sept. 20-27. South Huron—Exoter, Sept. 25.20. Honeall—Hbnsall, Sept.7.8. Industrial—Toronto Sept..4 to 16. Conn ala Guelph, ept.t19.421. 23, Northwestorn—Goderlch, Sept.20.22. Turnborry-Win`aghails, Sept. 28.27. Mitchel lSop t. 20-27. North Perth—Stratford Sept. 28.29. East Huron- -Brussels, bet. 5-6. East Wawanosh—Bel g rave Sot 28-29. P 29 ' Ttte bremith•-S gg September - 1c oaforth Soptombo 28 29. Wrortotor-Wroxeter, Oetebor Dun annoh--bungabnon, Oct, 12-13. B .yth—Blyth, Oct. 1142, WANTED TO RENT. Farm of 150 or 200 acres, in good locality, for a term 085 or 10 years. Good tenant, Send full particulars to W. COLLINSON, Londosboro. STRAYED OR STOLEN. A small bay mare three years old, with a short tail,slittI a white on one hind foot,ot would weigh abort!)lbs., s. strayed or web at den 7 e on the 1 th J,dy from lot 29, con 9, Efist awanosb, Any person finding her will rgoe v e 5 reward, or in. formation loading to her reed ty will be duly. r'et,arded by the owner, T SEW .1,00/4,. HAiUT, Auburb P. 0, THREE LEADERS AT THiS We believe we are safe in saying that never in histor of Clinton has - y' such a rnagni�.cZent display �►e made in these6 N ree distinct lines of goods as are seen here. Our press Goods for fresh. fall trade n�.,, hand comprise " hatis newest in the Austrian Ser; all colors, weaves and patterns. "The Duchess" i, other make only found with us in all the leading c Amazons, Whipcords, Hop Sacking, Estan,ines, .� nols, Shot erects. All these and many more are to be seen, and though ladies are making their tions every day, yet our stock is in. excellent Our New Fall Mantles 1J-, lv s are g mss o and m any are already laid by for ladies wishing to secure styli.e meats while they can. GIY..ROY dc WISEIVL&N: CLINTON All Sensible People TRAVEL BY THE C P. R. • ALL GOOD BUSINESS MEN USE THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH. CLINTON AGENCY AT COOPER'S Book Store. A Wheel For pleasure. You want health, strength, appetite, good nerves, and there's no other form of amusement that gives you se much pleasure as wheeling fresh air, healthful exercise, exhilerat- ing excitement. Those who wheel once wheel always. Of course yon should not be satisfied with anything but the best—then ride a COMET. They cost a little more than other wheels, but the best ie the cheapest. Sold by G.F. EMERSON, Clinton J. T. Carson, Reeve of Simcoe, died in that town on Saturday. Near Piggott, Ark., six masked men beat Alfred Allen, a farmer, until he was un- conscious, and then stole nearly 01,000. Piggott is expected to die. While playingbaseball at Chicago, Sun - day afternoon, eter Hyland was struck in the back of the neck by a ball from the hands of the pitcher, and almost instantly killed. In Ontario daring the past year 881 mortgages were foreclosed. It seeme hard to realize that in this Provinoe mortgagers are sold out at the rate of more than two per day, but such is the actual state of affairs. The general elections • in France have practioally wiped out monarchists of every shade. The republic seems firmly en- trenched in the affections of the people. The next thing to bo done is for the French people themselves to put down their own Jingoes like those who are responsible for the aggression on Siam. W. W. Ogilvie, the miller -king of Cana- da, estimates the yield of wheat in Mani- toba and the North-west at about 2Q bush- els per Sore or about 19,000,000 bushels. Ete said to day that the quality of the crop in the North-wee t; the bust ever grownt, and that if the weather continued warm for 10 days the erop.,rniglit be coned ed eafo. Half 'of the crop was Ottt last Sestur. dad. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Aug. 24,1893. y►e1ltSail old_�...� s 0-59-a- 6'62 Wheat fall new Wheat spring Oats old Oats new 32 Barley 40 Peas 55 Floor per bal 30 Butter 18 Eggs per doz 10 Potatoes, new1 50 Hay, New and Old Hides, No. 1 trimmed Hides, rough Sheep Skins Wool 057 a 060 055 a 060 034 a 036 030 a0 035 a0 050 a0 a4 017 a0 010 a0 50 a1 500 a 700 300a400 2 50 a"9 50 040 a 100 018 a 022 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There were about 300 head of butchers' cattle 100 calves and 250 sheep and lambs offered at the East End Abattoir Monday. There was no really prime cattle on the market Monday, and the- best animals sold at about 4#e per lb, or a trifle more than similar cattle brought en last Thursday. Pretty good stock in general sold rather better than on last week's markets, but the half -fatted and leanish young cattle and dry cows were very dull of sale, and prices continued low or from 210 to 31c per lb. Calves wore in good demand at from $2.50 to $3 each. Mutton critters were rather scarce Monday, and sold better than for some time past, good lambs bringing from 25o to 50c more than they did last week. Sheep sold at from $4 to $4.58 each, and lambs at from $2.25 to nearly $4 each. Fat hogs sell at from a little over Glc to a little over ti$c per 113. THE BRITISH CATTLE MARAET John Swan & Sons, Edinburgh, in their week- ly report of Aug.11 say.—The supplies of home - fed Irish fat cattle were about the same as last week. Owing to the oxcessively.warm weather, trade was quieter at considerably less money. Fat cows also rather cheaper. There were about 500 Canadian cattle sold at Yorkhill, and while those . met a fairly good trade they dick not realize the extreme prices of last week by about 30s a head. THE HAY TRADE. J. J. Keeble, hay merchant, of London Eng., status hay shipments to Europe are abating, owing to the favorable second crop abroad. Hay freights from Montreal he considers some- what excessive, and till they are reduced, or until local prices drop, he does not think exports will be very extensive. Liverpool quotations are 90s per ton. (LONDON MARKETS. Eggs per doz., fresh 0 10 a Butter, beet roll 0 27. a Butter, Crooke..,...... 0 24 a Apples, basket 0 25 a Apples per bush 0 60 a Peaches, early, 0 qts 0 60 a Peaches, early, 12 qts 0 75 a Pears per basket 0 40 a Pears per bush... 1 10 a Plums par basket,— ............. 0 80 a Plums per bush 2 26 a Tomatoes per nasket 25 to 86, bush 0 60 a Potatoes per bag.. ; .. 0 95 a 0 95 M. Melons ..0 16 a 029 0 12 0 24 035 00 5578 1 00 2 60 FOSTER For _ 3 _Mo: FROM THIB DATE THE VERY BEST Cabinet ANY STYLE TOR $3per .., FOST LL through the stock prices are in the buyers' £river Summer Goods must be sold, shelves musts';. cleared and space made for fall purchases,' WE are showing many lines that wouldin you. PRINTS that were ,sold at 1 now 8 cents DELAINETTES, regular pric now 10 cents LADIES' VESTS, four for 25 LADIES' GLOVES, regular'. 20c to 30c, now 10 cents. ODDS and ENDS and Re;__ at prices that please the bu TEA and TOILET SETS in good varlet3 S MITH & SON ' See our PRINTED TOILET SETS, teen. at $2.60 right prices Fruit and Commission. 12 and 14 MARKET, LONDON Wo solicit consignments, which shall have our most careful attention. We charge 6% and prompt returns. broth, in of on own toinprefer- ence r sell r fe gp encs to yours. "CPbaANT tIt lQ >ref � t bl� this �atir OirY W L. CASH £ AL iti L011DLS ub l•