Clinton New Era, 1893-08-18, Page 6y�. B 1803. ity Dutcherf SMI'WS: BIQC, ON GSITN Tull l'oa'f` Ct'FICE, CLANTON The undersigned itavle • op enact out in, the Bnrith Block, denies to staeeltlaat be will keep .on bendrtha very oholeeat'Meate: �Iavingno' esu pease outside of himself, ;heisit&O.pooitlonto 6eU at the very oloeeet gripes. highest will prieme times 4 Xpert papule o pay the o- LIVE HOGS always wanted lfor export, Give hint a osis. .RQ • EITZC�IDIONS. RUH0N ST, BUTCHER SHQP r We desire mostlooralaliy to thank all.tbose who have'revered 'uswith theirtpatronage since we commenced generally that we are in bettermebape than ever to eateer to their wants, haying added an impro,earefrigeratoraud.Other conveniences o our ehop, 'WHEATLEY - & FINCH. Clinton' MEAT Market BiJSINESS : CHANGE. .JTho undersigned desires to intimate that he has bought out the interest of Mr Coach, in the bee:Menetg; business lately parried on under the yopt FORT) & COUCH. He will opntinne the amp at the old stand, and trusts by giving the oloseet and most careful attention to the bust- nese, ust- nese 'straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling opiy choice meat, to merit mid xeoeive:a, fairehharo of publtd patronage. All see ordereoaretollyand promptly filled JAMES A. FORD . Central Butcher Shop Snbsoriberdesireetothank the public general- ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him; and at the same time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the wants of all. As he gives personal attention to all the details of the business customer) can rely on their orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled. His motto is "good meat at reasonable prices." Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c., in season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. • JOHN SCRIJTON, Albert St., Clinton. Flour and Feed Stores Flour, Feed & Seed Store Tho undersigned having purchased the busi- ness of Messrs Walker & Hanley, desires to inti- mate that he will keep on hand the very beet FLOUR and FEED Of :all kinds, also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy's Small Seeds, Which will be sold at close margins for cash. • ALT also kept on band. He will also keep a choice variety of all kinds of TEAS, which con- sumers ,will find to be excellent value. J. W. HILL, HURON ST., CLINTON. GOOK'S FLOUR, FEED & SEED STORE We have in stook a dhoioe assortment of Seeds, such as OLOVEi% TIIVIOTK Y, MILLET, CORN And all seeds 'required for' Farm or Garden use. Flour and Feed of all kinds D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS The Molsoljs Bank. gncarperated by Act of Parliament, 1855. CAPITAL, $2',000,000. REST FUND, - $1,000,000 DEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. 3. H. R. MOLSON ,, .. Pres. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager Rotes ,rt9counted, Collections made, Draft issued, Sterling and American ex- e'atnge bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest allowed on deposits. ErAELNI ERE3. Money advanced to farmers on their own note with ne or more endorsers. No mortgage required ae comity. v H. O. BRE W ER, Manager (CEO, O. l:cTM ARil, BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A, general Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Diafteiissued. Interest allowed on deposits. FA•RRA.N &TISDALL BANKERS, CLINTO�7. ONT Advances made to farmers on their own ncteg at low rates of interest. A general tanking Business transacted Int, -a at allowed on deposits. tle Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manage NERVE NIGRVE'BEANS era smog dfs• moiety that cure the worst eases of BEANSNervone Debility Lost Vigor and BaWng Manhood; restored the weakness bf body or mind.oau�ed by overwork or the errors or ex• ceases of youth, ;chic Remedy e,`:• eoltite1p cures the most obstinate Desai *ken all other Sft>5A Ta base failed ovento :relieeet ,sold bOdrug gists at I per package, or six for $5 of sent by mail on reeoipt of price byaadfdrlrsing THE JAMES MEDICIN1 'lli1.. 'Toronto, Ont. Writs for narephla*. 8018 in - Sold by J'aa. K. Combe •?Wlbt :eta- ;. p BY SPECIAL ROY L APPOINTMENT ' _.ao.O • a > r ., ASP the work so out down tllet a young girl. or delicate woman cap, do a family washing Without being tired. Wash . Day AND No Steam iN THE House NO HEAVY BOILER TO LIFT You Say: HOW ? BY USING 41ce inatio EasyDireeti0n9 Pnt aside your own ideas next wash -day and try the easy, clean. " SUIVL /GHT " way. DON'T Let tanoth r wash -day go by without try 1 had for dinner was the best 1 ever ate. Thanks to COTTOLENB, the new and successful shortening. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK a CO., Wellington and Ann Streets, MONTREAL, r1: ^Qr1 d�+0 Wf ll,n we assert that L b Dodd's Kidney Fills Cure Backache, Dropsy, um ago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY CURE TO STAY CURED - By all druggists or mail on receipt of pugs go cents. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. Not only a rel/e, `,ut•q ofere for all kinds of. HEAD PAINS. SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS Harz Ieae. Contain no hurtful drags. A wonderful Compound. Nioe to take. Sure death to pain. Bo sure you get STARE'S. PREPARED BY R. STARK. M, 0.0. P., CHEMIST PROM GLASGOW UNIV.Ra1TY, SCOTLAND, FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 25 GENTS a box. "Idby alt DrnggIM Entirely new an Bost • . ugh Pyrat4 Re n a et lolod. Tice In time.. Seld by drag • isle, TliE CLINTON NEWERA VE vE?%4BL,E TOAD, 4 A7), In. laying the foundation of a hones. in Whitesbprough soave 50 yearn ago, the worirmeu had QCeaSion to split -a large stone from the millstone grit., It 'woe perfectly cleeerggrrained , and Gem., pact, On opening it, however; they discovered a black, or dark brown, epherigal 'masa. • Thiq they removed 'and turned over, wheel. to their <:on., Mounded 'surprise it proved to be a, toad, much larger than the common species, and of a very dark color. It was perfectly torpid, but after contact with the fresh air it begaa to show signs of life, and to hop about in a heavy and pondefous mariner. The wcrkmen, being ignoranit fellows, paid no attention to the toad, ;winch hopped afound the yard for several days and then disappeared.. They laid, the Mone in the' wall so that the cavi- ty remained in sight for many years, The story was• subsequently investi- gated by scientists, who from the testi- mony of several witnesses were satis- fied of its truth.' The millstone grit is the oldest of the secondary rocks, and :iiuet have been formed miry centu is before the deluge. It was suppost tt that the toad might have grown , from an egg, deposited through some minute cleav- age in the rock, but no cleavage could be found,andhthe only explanation pos- sible is that the toad found its way in- to the grit, while the latter was in aqueous solution, over 4,000 years ago, that grit hardened around it, and that it existed within the rock ever since. A somewhat similar discovery was made while the Erie Canal was being excavated. At that time when dig- ging through a ridge of dry gravel, the workmen carne upon several hun- dred living mollusca of themya cariosa and mya purpurea families. They cooked and ate a number, and found them very palatable. These living fossils were taken at a depth of forty- two feet from the surface of the earth. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT" PICTURE. Send 25"Su nligh t" Soap wrappers wrap- per bearing t' e words "Why Does a Wom- an Look Old t eon(r Thane Mall")to LEVER Boos., Ltd„ 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost lo postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. THE ALL-AROUND GENIUS. I sing the wonders of the deep, where monster serpents swim and creep, where billows high and awful sweep; but I have never seen the sea. I tell of wild and awful deeds of men who fight for heathen creeds, and trumpet forth the heathen needs, but little do they worry me.. I make the blood within you boil by writing of the crimsoned soil where soldiers meet in mad turmoil, but I would dodge an empty gun. I prove that death is but repose, this fit- ful fever's gentle close, but when my stom- ach painful grows I seek the doctor on the run. I praise the poor man's home -spun coat, and grasp the wealthy lording's throat; but when the lording hands a note to me I take it in, of course. I preach at length of wedded bliss, the wifely smile, the husband's kiss; and tell me, is there aught amiss that I'm applying for divorce.' The farmer's colt and calf and lamb in melow verse I do embalm, nor does it hurt my little psalm that I despise the rural sod. In fact, I wrote on every theme, from ad. dled eggs to frozen Dream, and people really do not seem to know a genius from a fraud. —Evening Wisconsin. TRUE I'HILANTROPHY. To the Editor of the New Era. Please inform your readers that I will mail free to all sufferers the means by which I was restored to health and manly vigor after years of suffering from Nervous Weakness. I was robbed and swindled until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thanks to heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong. I have nothing to Pell and no scheme to extort looney from auvoue whomsoever, hut be - ins desirous to make this certain cure N •gown to all. I will send free and confiden- tial to anyone full partinnlars of just how I was cured. .Address with stamps: MR. EDWARD MARTIN, (Teacher), P. 0. Box 143 Detroit Mich HE WAS SATISFIED. Country boys who are inclined to think that life in cities is easy and comfortable compared with their daily toil in the country, are apt to find themselves mistaken when they come to town and subject themselves to the high pressure system of business es- tablishments. An amusing example of thissort is related by a country ex- change. A farmer's boy went to the city, finding the work at home rather tire- some, and obtained a situation in a large "family supply" store where a "rushing businese was carried on. He "took hold" very well and his employ- ers liked him. They were surprised, however, when he came to them before he had been two months in the store and said: "Well, Mr A—, I guess I'll have to get through here next Saturday night." "Get through?" said his employer. "Why, what's ,one wrong?" "Oh, nothing particular." "Aren't you treated well?" "First rate, but I'll tell you just how it strikes me. Up on the farm we used to have the threshing machine come once a year, and then we threshed for three days, and you'd better believe we worked hard, but I tell you what, I've been here now seven weeks and you've threshed every dayl I guess I've got enough of it." He went back to the farm convinced that a farmer's life has its compensa- tions.—Youth's Companion. The value of a good,name was well exem- plified the other day, when a man asked ono of our druggists for a bottle of Sarsa- parilla. "Whose?" inquired the clerk. "Whose? why, Ayer's of course. Ye don't suppose I'm going to run any risk with Hannah, do ye?" Sit Oliver Mowat and Hon. John Dryden start on a visit to the Northwest, on Saturday. The thermometer at Stratford on Thurs= day registered 113 degrees in the shade, at 3 o'olook in the afternoon. ( ouBIQuo'4 To Apgtr f3X4,4, Frach state pave, tribute to' Bangkok, The modern pity of Bangk.4k is. largely water. • Libraries are often kep4 iu tl�nke.to cell opo the antle'i'avagee. �. riots man will often bequeath a Ural) to the birds and'beastle The king is ebsointe,'but claims no abso- lute rights over the' land. The position of women to good, although girle can be sold as wives. The bodies of the poor are given to the vultures and the wild beasts: Even the outting of the king's hair ie made the occasion for rejoicing. The people have great festivals at the beginning and end of the rainy season. The neglect of the heir to perform funer- al rites renders bis claim to the property invalid. When a crime is committed the family, and even the neighbors, are held respon- Bible for the criminal's appearance. Elephants are very numerous in the south and east. They are as intelligent as the India elephant, but usually less highly trained, Minard's Liniment—best Hair Restorer. Daringthe wet season traveling through a large section of Siam would hardly be possible without elephants, of wbiob some are kept in every village. DR. ?�`t1111 41, BO OR, Q ;;.19f Talbot,40.43peI1 i1 t on the• " It covers a good deal of ground—Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery- And when. you hear that it cures so many dis- eases, perhaps you think "it's too good to be true." But it's • only reasonable. Ae a blood - cleanser, flesh -builder, and strength restor- er, nothing like the "Discovery" is known to medical science. The disease that it cures Dome from a torpid liver, or from im- pure blood. For everything of this nature, it is the only guaranteed remedy. In Dys- pepsia, Billionsness, all Bronchial Throat and such affections; every form of Sorofn- es, even Consumption (or Lung scrofula) in its earlier stages, and in the most stubborn Sk n and Scalp Diseases—if it ever fails to beoofit or cure, you have your money back. Chronic Nasal Catarrh positively cured by Dr. Sage's Remedy. 50 cents; by drug- gists. Kansas is applying herself to the study of religious as well as political economy. Fusion in politics will be applied to church affairs where drought has made them hard. The seven churches at Ashland, Clark county, met, and by popular vote selected the Methodist minister to teach non-sec- tarian truths to the combined congrega- tions,„ehereby saving the salaries and ex- penses of the other six churches. The movement will extend to other cities in that section. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Watt's & Co. Drug- gist. Usurlla grasshoppers do not give WesternOntario farmers much bother, but they are multiplying in numbers and in destructiveness to an extent far from reassuring at the present time. One farmer in Westminster township reports a field of second growth clover, at one time promising, now nearly cleaned -out by the pest. Itch, Mange -and Scratches of every kind on, human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Watt's & Co. Druggist. The first snow storm that has visit- ed Massachusetts in August in 40 years raged at Haverhill Sunday night and Monday morning. Hail and lightning accompanied the snow, ane much d-tmage was done. At Amesbury the whole country was covered with a white blanket, and Ihere were drifts a foot deep in the streets. VIGOR °F MEN Eas:i�, Quc1�' Permanen,'y Restored, Weil »,,ss Nerv- ousness, Debility, and all the train of evils f um early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Full strength, develop- ment and tone given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. im- mediate improvement seen. Failure impossi- ble. 2,000 references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL 00..1 Buffalo, N.Y. Are aBLOOD BUILDER and NERVE TONIC. They supply in condensed i orm Ars, the sub - Stances needed to enrich the Blood 'and to rebuild the Nerves,thus making them a certain and ebeedy curs for all ddliseaees arising from impoverished bldod,andshattered riorvos, such aster- ialyafs, ffeinai dig - eases, rheumatism, soiatica,lossofmom- oryy, erysipelas, pal- pitationofthehoart, sarofula,ohlorohieor ships Affeo p. eo tq,arroon liitdsa thety stdtlonioq thegexnalpyet m of mea6Ad$vomettereptori,.1?g feet vigor. W 1` MEN.., (young and OM), Suffering front mental worry, overwork, •insomnia, excifgsos, or"Felt-abuse, should take those ALi,s. Tiley will restore lost onergiee, both phyeloal and mental. SUFFERINC WOMEN afictod with the weaknesses peculiar to their sox, such as suppression of the poriods, bearing down pains weak bank ulcerations, etc., will find those pills an unfailing Duro. PALE AND SALLOW GIRLS should take those Pills. They enrich the blood, restore health's roses to the ohooks and cor- rect all irregularities. Dews= or IMITATIONS. Those Pills aro sold by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trade mark or will bo sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price --60 cents a box ore for $2,60. TME DR. WILLIAMS MED. CO., Brookvilio, that., or Morristown, N.Y. ISYE, 14R, clkTOSH TII ,tO.AT Oraduate of the New York EGO said EarH'oppitai 1889, Peat Graduate Course at the .New York Foot Graduate Medical School and Hoepttii,l or Eye, Ear Nose and Throat 18911, ,Eyes TBred. Full stock of Artificial Eyes, 8peotaollee andflItee qAnal Will be at 4he, Ratteni ury Howie, QLINTON The First FRIDA,y in Eacb Month. Sixth Visit SEPT'R sat next. Houst, 10 a. m. to 4'p.m. Charges Moderate. HUPON AND BRUCE LO ,..a Investment Co'y This Gane any is Loaninb Henry on Farm Security at Lowest Rates of /neere84, MORTGAGES PU RCHASISI SAVINGS BANK BEA NOR, 8, 4 and 6 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposita, according toamountand tune left. OFFICE—Corner of Market tome., a and North 6t LIORAC1 NORTON, 5t 188s MANAGE DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow ? A Splendid Churn, or anything of li nature? Then call onIW. SMITHSON, a shop, No, 7 Frederica St„ or E. Dinsley .Will be at Dlnsley's corner every Saturda afternoon FOR SALE. A with excelent cot at her forrd ale at a ed bargain ae ownerlbas no time to drive her. Applye,t NIJW ERA OFFICE. BRICK HOUSE TO RENT. The undersigned offers the west -half of the fine and convenient double brink house on Rotten bury at. to rent at veru roasona.hle terms. The house is almost new and has every convenience. MISS A. FOBTON` GOOD HOUSE TO RENT A large commoalous and comfortable house, on.Townsend street, containing accommodation for ordinary family, with all conveniences, is of- fered to rent on reasonable terms. Good garden attached. House is in excellent repair. Apply to either b. WILSON or JAMES HOWE. GOOD FARM FOR SALE For particulars apply to MANNING SCOTT, Barristers, &e., Clinton PROPERTY FOR SABLE. • For Nos. 506 on the corner cf Ratttwo enbnryllentl and North Streets, and 607, on the corner of. North and Princess Ste. They are both adapted for building purposes and are both offered for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to T. M. CARLING. BE1NhiILLER NURSERY FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, TH■ LATTER Or wnica wR mein A 9eEObALTy LARGE STOCK ON HAND, The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be +old at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this cbnnectign will save none purchasing here. Orders by Aail will be promptly attende to. Address, JOHN STEWART. — BenmIllor: THE RIGHT The new model o ookford Watch, when planed in a screw nava case, will fill a Ion felt want among farmers. as it is not dos proof only,but very strong- The plate which the wheels work between, not being separated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of metal, with the edger lett of the top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all a,good rong watch. For' a Farmer JOS. BIDDLECOMBE Ioase Pailtio rid Paper Haagiag The undersigned is prepared to promptly exe- cute all orders for PAINTING, KALSOMINING PAPER -HANGING, &o. Ho is a practical man of ong experience ;and guarantees to do all work in a manner that shall bo satisfactory, while prices will be exceedingly moderate.fGOrders re- spectfully solicited. GEO. POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton J 14 IN IO N Planing • Mill —AND— DRY AND— DRYKILN! r BE SUBSORIBERHAVING JUST OOMPLET L an and furnished his new Planing Mill with machinery of the latest improved patterns is now prepared to attend to all ordure in hie line In th moat prompt and satisfactory manner and at roc seeable rates. Ho would also return thahks to al who patronised the old mill before they were barn gd out and now being in a hotter position to oxe uta ortlorsexpodltloisly and feels confident he can vo satisfaction to all. FACTORY --Near the Grand Truitt Railway, Clinton THOMAS MOKENZ1E ROBERT -:- DOWNS, OLINTON, efanufaoturer and Proprietor for the best fire Miil Dog In use. Agent forthe sale and appli- cation of the tarPIEUEa PATENT AUTOMATIC BOILED CLEANER. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app ed on abort notice, Boilers, Engines, and all kinds of Rtoebilnery repaired expeditiously and In a satisfactory manner Farm implements manufactured and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. DryOHilushargfittedtt d*uperaon application S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE HURON STREET, CLINTON Repairingf all kinds promptly attend to ea Re on ole rates. A trial solietlod: There is great stir at present in the Western Fair Moe sending out invitations to exhibitors and visitors throughout Canada, in the shape of Prize Lists, Lithographs, Programmes, and ad- vertising matter of all kinds. Tbetter position than theyiare at were having the handsome Dash balance of seven thousand dollars to insure a ainet lose by weather. well as financSial in erect tcment everyy farmer, owner. or or admirer of choice animals. The Western Fair offers unexcelled opportunities for the sale and purchase of Live Stock. The Poultry was ad- miration ofot only fncier'+ and b breeders, but of r this year, from the fact be considerable` London is to be the selecting point for Western Ontario where specimens for the World's Fair will be, chosen. The Agricultural and Horticultural Depart- ments wiirospecially interest those engaged in the science of husbandry and the admirers of these usefhi products. As London is the centre of the Dair Interests of Canada, andgreat amany of the winners of medals at the Columbian ffxhibition are re- sidents of We.'tern Ontario a large exhibit of cheese and. butter is an assured feature of this Fair. A large number lettbeararranged for already nerainment of the visitdrs, among which are W. C. Ooup's Ebrated army of Trainem and d Professor Horses, selected for their perfecti.n of form and intelligence, these human animals will give a realistic represents - tion of A BATTLE SCENE, and other feats even more wonderful. Professor Freyer's EDUCATED DOGS, which hold High Court cession, consisting of Judgge Lawyers, Jury and Prisoner, will try, convict hang end bury one of their number. They have a:so secured the Imperial Japanese Troupe from Tokio,yyJapan. Champion' ofathe 1Fai goof iNiagara,Ahasstbeen secured at considerable expense. TrixieSlocncho um,'the Rifle A 11 giveexxhibit ons of they Mies most difficult feats known in Shooting. An elaborate display of FIREWORKS will be given each evening. These, together with elpeeding Contests, Bicycle Races, and a host of other attractions will amply repay all those who have the privilege of witnessing them. Special Passenger and Freight Rates have been arranged for with all Railways and Express, Companies. —THE ___ Royal Electric Co; Amend Inewdeeeent Electric Lighting, Eleotrie Motors and Generator.. CONTRACTORS'S' BUILDERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER STATIONS Throughout the Dominion. 54 to 70 Wellington $t. 4MONTREAL 'SP w PAPER MILLS CO. News Prfntfng Wrapping 4 Seedforlamples PETERMAN'S ROACH FOOD NOr A POISON FATAL TO COCKROACHES AND WATER BUGS - Write us if not kept by vont Demur. Wewlllgt.. TiTTT no0LAae.where it h fi trt5bd a failure it properly applied EWING, HERRON 8t, CO., Spite Merchants, Sole Mfrs., 570 & 551 St Paul Street, MONTREAL Sole Proprietor of the LION T� jljl brand of goods. Allgood. bear -de {f „r4f O ' jl !ng this trade mark are pare. a l a s,1 T� y PORT Lion Brand Alicante. PORT, Lion Brand, "A" Rona- waormile:r.E PRu o SHERRY, Lioopn firamnd; W"1 N E Manzanilla CLARET, Lion S P 1 R 1 7 Brand, "A." WRIAeRD, Lion Brand, Lion Rye, BB AN DT,LIon Brand, Lion Ean do Vie. MERCHANT. Agent for John Robertson & Sons Scotch Whiskey, James Ferguson do Som, Glasgow; Rouliot do Detamnin Jarnac- Cognac,France. CRAIIPAGNR,Via do Prim.;'i'ind'Ete , 416 St. Paul Street, Montreal. I I II Montreal IN' ,a� TRADE 04, m Wall ° COLIN 13 mp Paper `MCART`HUR r Factory J o v fisting CANADA TRUSS FACTORY Est. 1851. F. 55088, Prop. Appliances for all kinds of Phy- sical Deformities, Gross' llmproved Pat. Artificial Limbs rr —Strad Ibr-- PRIOE LIST and CIRCULARS Aftor 712 Craig street, Montreal mane MUCILAGE LIQUID GLUE MANFR. E. AULD Prices Right. 759 Craig OSTRICH FEATHER MANFR. W. SNO W, Fathers Repaired, 1913 Notre Dame SAFE MANUFACTURER s.o. zenteii,,rarltletsIWfaltgpettalty.6ncrafg r THE EQUAL OF LUBY'S PARISIAN NAIR RENEWER Cannot bo found, fqr restoring grey hair to its natural color and beauty ; it keeps tho head clean and cool, and frog from dandruff, it stops the hair from falling out, promotes tho growth, and gives tho hair the gloss, beauty and strength of youth ; when used as directed it Was never known to fall. Sold for half the price of any other proper:aloe, and is much bettor than any known hair toilet, Sold everywhere ti.t Edo. a nettle,