Clinton New Era, 1893-07-21, Page 7r 'r.z. TON lilies A,r-nie Story is the tlaughtt'f• nir Col. H, i'. ltorv. :She isvery heautt- fixl. Col, Story 1xkes itt Yorkville, and IR a leading mean in Paulding' county. 3,100 Vinnie had many adnurers, bi#f could.AOt decide between ,Andrew 11iG k ` rayer and David Govan, Finally She sent for the minister and • the 'two GOW gid a DisQoun o e �3er oe> �yai"'g nen, She told time rivals that 'the one who would POrnle back to :her first with•a marc rage license should be OS Of Booti• her husband, hotly men SO lease York- town Shoes at our store town at the same time, and to ride to '. Dailies,-. the county seat, The young men were well mounted, and the dis- tance was nineteen miles. The race was a hot one. McBrayer, the rich lover, reached the ordinary first and secured a .license before Govan appeared. The latter;came a. mogrent, afterward. hurriedly explained things to the ordinary*, and also secured a license. Ins a; few moments he was al- so on his wakt0e t ac'Yorkville. T , b race : became sharp,Govan was des- perate because Mcrayer was the bet- ter rgounted ... ; Miss Sto , her father andthe min- ister .waimin- later 4valW4 on"the front piaz.a for the racing rivals. IM[i'Brayer was first seen. He was excited, and far down the road it was noticed that his horse was nearly exhausted. The race seemed his. lie was nearing the gate. In a moment Govan appeared in a by path. He was 200 yards ahead of McBrayer, He first reached the piazza and won the. prize: He had taken a short cut through the woods. The ceremony was performed and McBrayer gracefully acknowledg- ed defeat and joined in the marriage festivities. NO.J' O.1,. Clinton J. 2 We have now a and 45 cents, ' would like yon'to whether W. CIHIDLEY, Funeral re3idence, JOSEPH FINE FURNITURE g .?s. t Esc and 45c. at 250., 30c. to spare we our warerooms , calla answered at bit fine line of Bamboo Tables Whenever you have any time take a look through you wishlto buy or not Director and Embalmer—Night King St.," opposite the foundry. CHIDLEY, FANCIER, CLINTON Silver Star 4 Imperial About equivalent 460 Water White These prices or delivered Johnson's Kalsomin Churches Alabastihe, John._ABruces 12)*vis Hard tire, COAL OIL Gallons for 25c. a Gallon store. Charged • extra., Mixed Paints. Seeds - -LAND - Clinton GALLONS to 5 American CENTS !American Oil are Spot Cash at 22c per gallon 1 and Pure Field and Garden our Sz: ROW Stoves 4 and Tinware, BtKAIL! First car now arrived Quality the Special Teas, .Coffees BUTTER AND EGGS J. W. MACKAY Refinery,Montreal the Lowest. Barrel lots. "a Specialty Grocer - CLINTON. direct from Redpath's Purest, Prices Cuts in 100 lbs. or and_ Spices WANTED Irwin BLOCK, - - - HARVEST : IS : COMING - YOU WILL WANT Snaths, Scythes, Forks, We can supply you SPECIAL—An "ExTRA" Forand Picklirng yoneservin will want 1 SUGAR Full line of Groceries for Produce. Old ADAMS' EMPORiIIM, LONDESBORO ans.c Cans, Goods: Mitts & Handles ; I Try ns i ROPE. ; t 4 t beet anYoupe cold try use Highest Price at once to save costs i Rakes, Oil, Oil with the very best quality. HAY FORK AND VINEGAR and General accounts must be paid T,� R. 1 A � /z T �r c . ADAMS �.v1 �7 THE- BATTLE® of the BOYNE i Will be celebrated here in glorious style on the 12th. • Remember we are ready to fill your every want. Three stands in full blast; 20 willing hands to wait on you and make your visit pleasant. JESSOP & McILROY, B LYT H 1 was cured of Bronobitie and Asthma by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Lot 5, P. E. L. MRs A. LIVINOSTONE. I was oured of a severe attack of rheuma- tism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER. I was oared of a severe sprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bridgewater. JOSHUA WYNACHT Extraordinary charges have been laid against Dr. henry C. Meyer, well known in Chicago, Toleda, Detroit and other American cities. .He has been arrested in Detroit on a charge of hav- ing committed five murders, and by that means having robbed life insur- ance companies of large sums. The plan which he and his wife are said to have adopted, was to secure a simple girl as a nurse or companion and in- duce her to have her life insured under a fictitious name, as a relative of the doctor, naming him as the beneficiary. This being done, : the girl was slowly poisoned and the claim for insurance presented. In order to operate safely, the man assumed a different name in each city. The arrest has caused a great sensation in Detroit. Down With High Prices For Electric Belts. $1.55, $2.65, $3:701; former prices $5, $7 $10. Qualty,.remama the same—I6 dif- ferent styles; shy battery and acid belts -_mild or strong current. Less than half the price of any other company and more home testimonials than all the rest to- gether. o gether. Full list free. Mention this .paper. W. T. BAER & CO. Windsor, Ont. It appears that the burning of the cold storage building at the World's Fair was the, result of gross .careless- ness. 'he chimney connected with Elib fuifnate-Wag surrounded -bra -fancy tower, ,composed of pine scantg, lath and staff,. and�the cap of it was actually five or six feet above the chimney. The situation was worse; if anything, than if the top of the chimney itself had been constructed of inflammable material. The intention was that the chimney should be carried up even with the top of the tower. and the woodworx of the latter so protected by asbestos that there would be no danger of the tower catching fire from sparks from , the chimney. But it was. never more than an intention. Every fire- man knew the condition of the build- ing. It was talked of every day, and the captain of the brigade referred, to it less than an hour before the fire. The correspondent of the New York Herald says the building had already. been fired three times. TRUE PHILANTROPHY. ro the Editor of the New Era. - Please inform yonr readers hat I will mail free to all sufferers the means by whichI was restored to health ind manly vigor after years of suffering rom Nervous Weakness. I was robbed roil swindled 'nntil I nearly lost aith in mankind, but thanks to heaven, I im now well, vigorous and strong. I have iothing to sell and no scheme t� extort noaey from anyone whomsoever, bat be - ng desirous to make this certain cure mown to all, I will send free and confiden- ial to anyone full particulars of jest how was cured. Address with stamps: MR. EDWARD MARTIN, (Teacher), P. 0. Box 143 Detroit Mich Since her trial and acquittal Miss Lizzie orden is said to have received offers of narriage from all parts of the Republic, .veragrng hall a dozen a day. The noto- iety seems to have affected men in much he way it does women when they send one of flowers to some convicted murderer. The destruction by fire of the Hercu- les cold storage warehouse, at the World's Fair, accompanied as it was by a deplorable loss of life, has a direct nterest for Canadians in its effect up- on the horticultural and other exhibits made by the bominion and Provincial commissions. Upp,, to date the splendid Ontario fruit exhibit which Commis- sioner Awrey has been enabled to rrrake, has been one of the, best advert- isements of our country's capabilities that has ever been published to the world through the medium of an in- ternationalexhibitioh.. Its great effect- veness has in great part been brought tibout byreserving in that silt -fated flre-trap ofanice-box, the cold storage warehouse in the park, sufficient quan- ties of fruit and vegetables of last years growth to make a complete and continuous display from the opening of the fair, Of the apples there were yet enough to have two full set -outs on the tables and shelves, That would have lasted another month, when the harvest apples, would begin to arrive. Strawberries, gooseberries and cur- rants have been corning from Ontario now for the last few weeks, and have helped materially to freshen up the' exhibit. Did you over see .a per+. In begin writ- big a letter at the last period, and thea ,write backward land lhuish ilp at etre. beginning? That's what Carl Mai+ cacti do 'w tbont the least exertion. It. seems just as erAy for him to rexnem- inberretvhoerswedordanatitetrias ofofiatsheentodcie- eB l&r order, o remember t a s an` easy them i i hint to -think backward,; Tand, what is Torn, asTtohenlsehtitengrs ahreo ayritnevs eruedsidaes he looks at them when writing. And again, in performing this feat, 'which onetthinks 'would require all the. power and attention, of his `brain, he 'xs not disturbed by carrying on a conversa- tion with you, no matter how foreign the subject xltay..be. Mater's perform- ance would make one almost believe the theory recently promulgated by a scientist that we have "double-barrel brains." • IPou re eat a sentence Maier, no Matter how long it may be, ' fter hearing it once, he will commence and write the sentence verbatim, start- ing at the last letter of the last word, andfinishing with the first letter of the first word. It seems to be natural to him to invert his mind in his work, for he never falters or stops to think, hit writes as rapidly as a person writ- ing in the ordinary wavy. "I acquired this in aeculiar manner," said Maier. "While 1�was a ciek in agrocery store in Saxony., r wad?:ail ambitious sort of ahoy, and always wanted to do every- thing ,different .from every person else. When the customers came to me for a bill I would idace the billhead in an in- verted positron in front of me and make the bill out backwards, as I have written for you, I came very nearly being prosecuted for practising witch- craft. Many people assigned this power to the witches. Then the Spirit- ualists came to me and told me I was controlled by a wonderful mind. .A1 - though I could not explain it by any other theory than that it was a con- centration of my mind, I at last per- suaded them that there was nothing supernatural in it. I am not able to perform the feats I used to when I was younger. I am getting old now and my memory is not so good as it used to be. My eyesight is pretty near gone. I can't see very much. In looking at you I see it is a form, and know that you are a human being because you speak to me. but I couldn't see my writing if I didn't use a blue pencil. It seems to be the only color that I am able to see. That is the reason I use it all the time." The old man started to write a long sentence which was given him. When be began he said: "While I am writing this I want you to talk to me, for it seems to make my work easier. You need not be afraid of an- noying me. I could be writing a dis- cussion on theology and at the same time carry on a conversation with you on the financial situation, and it would not bother me at all."—Pittsbugh Dis- patch. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT" PICTURE. Send 25"Sunlight" Soapwrappere wrap- per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom- an Look Old Sooner Than a Man")to Leven Boos., Ltd., 43 Scott; St., Toronto, and yon will receive bs post a pretty. picture, free from advertising and weli;worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost lo postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address. earefuliy. - - - NEWS NOTES The Attorney -General of Manitoba as decided that the Winnipeg exhibi- tionThoard-s-hail'n t"allow-•beer-to-be, sold on the grounds during the fair week. Minard's Liniment relieves neuralgia. Mr M. C. Brown, police magistrate of Simcoe, died on Wednesday of ery- sipelas, aged 85. He was born in Lin- colnshire, Eng., and came to Canada in 1832. Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind on human or animals, cored in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Ibis never t fails. Soldby Watt's & Co. Druggist. A butcher named Locking, while driving ;to`' his home in Clifford from Ayton, fell from his waggon and re- ceived injuries from which he died in Iess than an hour. a The old, reliable, and tested brands Evenly Spun.- Full sf mdard length per pound, Best value in the market: Call and see samples and get reduced prices New. Store 11: ,P A D BIOS1 Old StandB ackayi3lack rick Block Boys' Girls Ladies' Guaranteed Stainless Black. Cotton Hose PLAIN and RIBBED Full Range Black Silk Parasols, all Prices. 5 per cent off for Cash. EQbt Coats & Son, Clinton. Minard's Liniment cores burns, etc, A man, supposed to be Albert Ed- ward Wilson, who escaped from War- wick, Lambton county, in 1889, after murdering Miss Mary Marshall, at the door of a church, has been arrested in Saginaw, Mich. Pallor, languidness, and' the appearance of illhealth being no longer fashionable among ladies, Ayer'e Sarsaparilla is more largely resorted to as a tonic -alterative, nervine, stomachic, and builder -up of the system generally. This is as it should be. Ayer's is the best. It is a remarkable fact that every member of Clevdland's Cabinet, includ- ing the President himself, is a Presby- terian, and that the majority of the Supreme Court judges ale adherents of the same denomination. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. One of the most curious of farms in the United States, and one of the most profitable, is a frog farm in Illinois. There seems to be a gro'Ning demand for ft og-food over the border, and Ca- nadians, as well as their neighbors, aid in supplying it. Last year several hundred dollars worth of frogs were sent from Ottawa to New York. A SEDENTARY 000U PATION, plenty of sitting down and not much exer- oise; ought to have Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Peliete to go with it, They obsoletely and permanently cure Constipation. One tiayi. sugar-coated Pellet is a corrective, a regn- lation,a gentle laxative. They're the small- est, the easiest to take, and most natural remedy—no reaction afterward. Sick headache, billions headache, indigdstion, billions attacks, and all stomach and bow- el derangements are prevented, relieved and cured. A "cold irYthe head" is quickly cured by Dr. Sage's Oatarrh Remedy. So is catarrh- al headrohe and every trouble caused by catarrh. eo is catarrh itself. The pro- prietors offer $500 for any case which they cannot etre. nee OF BOOBS, Stationery WALL PAPER, &c 0 In order to clear out the entire stock of W. 71. SIMPSON, it has been=decided to offer the same:at prices away below cost. Everything will be sold at such 'figures that will make it of interest for purchasers to come here. THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD OUT PRICES ARE MADE ACCORDINGLY This is a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired to clear the whole out in 30 days. RUMBALL' 5 CLPLI FACTORY Huron Street, i Jflnton We have on band an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be ofifirst-class material and workmanship. I you want a good article et the price of a poor ono, call and see ns. F. RUMBALL, -- GLIINT4TT Tho Whiteman Pea Harvester ES lE't,All 15s Oood. tTse up yru�r, Tagtes orb sumo. -mat orb 1tl+9, THE BEST IN THEWORLD For the following reasons: -1st it is bnilt of the best maleable wrought iron and steel. 2nd—It requires no holes to be drilled in cutter bar. 8rd—Tho outside divider can be raised or lowered at back or front independent of lifters. 4th—It has no rod at the baok to hold obstructions and cause choking. 5th—there is no springs to break or get ont of order. 6th—it bas mbvable clips and can be set in line with tongue if mower bar drage back. 7th—Each lifter has a guard stay, and breaking mower guard is impossible. 8th—Each lifter is independent of the other, and can be raised or lowered at the back to as to line in front should mower guards be out of line. 9th The number of machines sold during the past season enables a large number of the leading femora of the Province to testify t6 its merits. Every machine is warrant- ed and given on test. Sample machine can be seen at J. FLYNN'S 131aeksmith Shop, Clinton, alio at different shops through the county, dames Whiteman, paten- tee and manufacturer, Amnlree. , THOS BROWN, General Agent, SEAFORTH