Clinton New Era, 1893-07-21, Page 6,x ...•-r. ,e.'.,a. -.,.,wywan. ..+-..-.. a_-„..,,�... ,,,,.. , r l ., . 1..,....-,-,,, _ , • .,. ,-...v.•A. ,:+.,-..,:,-' ..wr "r +,�.•D.:.a . 4. :. . . -.^ ­ I ` - n ,,, . . ., . `k .t„ r , ;a OXY `. TH Z' CLINTON , - , ,. I . DTtltp �. RofE, one of D�linih'i! ,pic iss.r STAR411Nt 'FUN. •1 B,U .S /r�” a settlSHOPalta, orad ons. of the: of oa th ® t aitiz0129t oomt 4tiid egigide,, by sheeting,' al #iatd M. 47d�veri ,a Cit nadi 3r Tt is an i F t an a. ..:t7o noiln d that ft acs ala s oe h. the overs en K l la t week e I n p q CI , u t p. 10003 Bluodin i fila ” resiled the dBard o `` C, " l�i r � . , refero ,ao of tug Manitolaa school case to i; anal ellol li y h o ,.: i aCeat da R' ,the $npreq�,e C qrt it on the oabl , 'The i w ,come, for h a e w re f v . o Fi @ r e pal erl ie ml le r: in p I' m 4 SI r h a ba l.. foe h_. l_ g t e of smaller « 4) >" t art er r hes a h be !� f n t 4 a .. � a t �l" t?. ha .� t S � y , d 1 . _r9iroi3I�11'. ap y0i#c; 4}e�FIOI�l Gbl0vo i �• fte, ngdertignod ham van u .Quell` out ip.tbo 6 p n th P1ooY, doolrop to a4t Altai 13 0111 keep vin ttp,{ict the: very ghoioeyv Moate. Raving no' ax- a ports@ oRtyldevt himself, Ile in is a poyitic4 to "I isp tare very tilogestlprioes. ': lie will: at all tbueo, be ,pro ared'to pay the p bippet merrka5 prlgo forxtt;;,grt Oaths. ted r e e' It1�I aoaaBQa , alwe,y# wait fo...syort�, 17it Q '1. aha T. `F�TZWNQN$ r, k .� HO , ER S P 0 T R T _ :,. , " ,,.., ,., , 11 Wiy#Wta mostloor6lally to. thank ali,those who PomrReu6W ip bupinhas4 and Ito. deapre thegl ansOe d the,ppblic generally that we are in better shape than evertocateertotheirwants,beving added an impiovedzefrlger4toraud Other oot.venienoes 0 our shop . r __ vviiAF.. ,TLIFY d FINCH . Clinton MFAT Market ,BTSI1RESS ; 'CHANGE.. The underaigue,i, desires` to Intimate that he , they bought out the Interest of Mr Couch, in the ,butchering business lately carried on under the' . Y of FORD do 00 H_' He will continue the oma at tho'oid A an.i, and true 11 by,• giving the „closest and•mast oarofgl attontiqu to the buai, nese, sirsighttorIvard and aourteoue treatment A 0.111, all, and handlingg only choice meat, to merit slid Kd4eive a fare ir ehare of public patronage. All ordgra Oaretully and promptly ailed JAkES A. FORD . Central Butcher Sinop Subscriber desires tothapkthe public genera:- lp, for the patronage bestowed upon him; and at the same time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the wants of all of b e gives businesspnal ouatomereooan rely on their orders being promptlly and satisfactorily tilled Iris motto is "good moat at reasonable prices." Choice Sausage, Poultry, &C., in season. Cash paid for .Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert 8t., Clinton. Flour and Feed Stores Flour,' Feed & Seed More The undersigTed having purchased the busi- ness of Messrs Walker & Hanley, desires to inti- mate that he will keep on hand the Very bestill FLOUR and FEED O1;,all kinds, also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds, Which will be sold at close margins for cash. ALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a choice variety of all kinds of TEAS, which con- sumers;will find to be excellent value. J. W. HILL, HURON ST., CLINTON. c)00K'S . P1 OUR, FEED & SMITE We have in stock a choice assortment of Seeds, such as. CLOVER, TIMOTHY, MILLET, CORN And all seeds required for Farm or Garden Use. . Flour and Feed of all kinds D. COOK, CLINTON. lt1*.KS `• ';•_ «-; r' The Molsons` Bank. A Incorporated by Act Parliament,186b. I CAPITAL, - $2,000,000. AEST FUND, ,- $1,000,000 •, HEAD OFFICE; MON'T'REAL. , J. H. R. MOLSON ......-..., .. Pres. jr. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manage, Notes rr'a„ ounted, Collections made, Draft issued, Sterling and American ex- eixnge bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest allowed on deposits. trA.UM11CRi�. Moneyadvsncod to farmers on their own note with no or more endorsers. No mortgage required as ecurity. H. C.BREWER,Maaagor V (CEO, 1➢. l�ic'rA(tA'1', give Tbie world-renoWubd Soap stands at the lead of all Laundry and Household Soap, both 'or quality and extent of sales, - Used according to directions, it does away with all the old-fashioned drudgery of wash lay. Try it; you won't be disappointed. SUNI, GUT SOAP has been in use in ffindsor Castle for the past 9 years, and its nannfsoturere have been specially appointed BOAPMAS8;R8 TO THIA QUEEN Awarded 11 Gold lteedals %EURA1,9/ —`* Not only a relief but a pure fotall hinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK ,STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS Harmless. Contain no hurtful drugs. A wonderful Compound. Nice to take. Sure death,to pain, - Be sure you get •SF1'&uwa MIEPMO Ili R. STARK. M. 0.0, R, CHENIfr RSOY aLAsa w UNMAINMT, SCOTLAND, FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 25 CENTS O'Ene reliv lnow ConUpuuundl.a O,T�?Q� ISTR Iaeau�eo BANKER, SUS3'rJ'�'j'E F'pR LARD. ALBERT ST, CLINTON. A t r speak o#t'.and Ithe' wire�hun and sure.. • It was well guygq I as stiffly M! in ,former years Fere twenty.eigght bags of earl . !d. to ballast it, Long befar le for the walker to appear,' the and approaches to the bunk o les were lined with nennlp- the wire; and the crowds' tort;,editt"" began t.o hold their breath as he JI yanced along ft. Cafverly was attic in red trunk and shirt, and wore whi moccasins or wire walking shoes on l Beet. He left the American side al skipped aG bas to the', Canadian sid wit king quite rapidly, He then le the Canadian- side and walked o quite adistance before he began any his remarkable feats. Among what Calverly calls his ordi ary work is t he high kicking and fan, walking, using his pole as a skipppit rope, kneeling, lying down, walkil j with -baskets on his feet, The frt walk, pole -balancing act, hanging k one foot, dropping from, the wire wit locked legs and catching by tine hat followed. One of the remarkable feats is ti wheelbarrow act. It is similar t Blondin's, only Calverly has .a moi light and easy air about him. He bE a little stove which fits in his barrow and which gives him a chance to sho, some excellent balancing. When mfr stream Calverly stops, rests his whee barrow, and lights the fire in his stove It has been filled before with shaving and splinters. When fired up, h ^ooks eggs and can make coffee. Oi July 1st he confined himself to ma -,,Al toast and sending the pieces dowl into the whirling waters200feet below The chair act Is another daring feat Fie takes a chair out from behind him :hen seats himself in it and takes ou 1 newspaper and then a cigarette ights the latter seated on his chair imokes it and reads his paper. This i; t wonderful exhibition of the man's ierve and power of balance. The famous Calverly dive completer ,he perfor[fiance. This is probably one if the most exciting acts, and thrilllec she large assemblage in a remarkable nanner. The young man standing uI traight, seems to take suddenly a lownward dive. He catches on the vire with his knees, and then again vith his toes. It is a wonderful nerve or a man when he knows'a slip or misE nears a plunge to death, for he could lever live through the whirlpool apt s. Where Calverly received his taste or high wire walking was in Toronto, lis home mending and making tin oofs. He made his fellow men nervi ,us, and was in mementar danger o leath by hanging by his tiles from th ornices of high buildings. WHAT THE PUBLIC WANTS. That well known chemist, Robert Starl of Hamilton, one of three brothers, �vb have made the investigation of medicine and their results on the human system, study for years and who has been engage' . in the manufacture of scientific remedies f now engaged as one of the_partners_of th Star -h. edi ine Co., placing upon the mar ket some of his wonderful combination LL% the relief of,pain, and the cure of man of £lie diseases which cause so'iiiuc"`s`ii$er ing. Mr Stark's association with some'0 the most celebrated medical men of the da' in the preparations of their prescriptions and various formulas and pharmacentics preparations, his conrselof study with tw, well-known English chemists, a consider able period spent in the study of chemistiq therapeutics, dietetics, pharmacy, materii medico, &o., both in the lecture rooms ane laboatory of the celebrated University o, Glasgow, Scotland, as well as the usua satisfactory and wonderful results obtainer by their use in numbers of oases, place i' beyond all doubt that his preparations will as they come more emteilpiyely known, boo: far more than local 'reputation. Alreadl his powders and capsules, an entirely nevi and very pleasant combination, both con' tained in the same package, for the cure of Headache, Neuralgia, Liver and Stomsol Comphints, his Blood and Nerve Tonic for troubles of the blood and nerves, have, where introduced, a wonderful sale, ane many of the prominent and best known citizens of Hamilton, London, Woodstock, Brantford, Welland, etc., Canada; of Provi- dence, Rhode Island, and -San Francisco, California, do of hesitate to bear testi- mony to their extraordinary effects. The advent of these preparations mark a new era, as unlike many of the proprietary medicines of the day, they are saientifical- ly prepared by an educated chemist and are the result of years of medical and chemical investigation and experience. The R. Stark Medicine' Company has been Formed to make them known to the public by extensive advertising. We would ask lar readers to examine the testimonials .rom most highly reliable and respectable citizens of this country, published both in their neat little pamphlet and also in the columns of this paper from week to week. Our medicine dealers throughout the Do- minion are selling them extensively where - ever introduced. this; • .'1 y , , . 'Y.. j• 6 i ;4. ;. .. / .c � 'r r, I., X .. , '_ A ,. 11 FJ Y5 kJ��>CN�,NpII; DQE 1?AT�F f�8 TA EVR „ , - ., . pp rue yearoaEo, a hyeiclan Il►uedVLII ' D A. �, } er livod atQshtosh,• Wis. e , V HQ � } LO� �J1 .o 1. . • . Qui. .. TQ REST, he w 1 e w. ca I d to 'gee ns Sean a sew a>ir Taft, fitroif,, Bpaolailet o. I ., Miles from town. It was w', severe case, alxd a nvaut l d*4 0 a shit has a o`ui of the YB,', Ali , NOSE after doing what t he could for the st; to rout at ver re,aaonabia,terope. The hears f''�, ' y "' ni, Dr, Barber railed is eingioper !a almottt new:4ud bay erery orrivgnleagq, AflFis, (iradnate of the Nov Rork EYeiin- Alar $oN ells paid. A, Fosi?oN,. , 186D. IPost Graduate Course at the NAw p�:, 'ell, va: harlid mala can't et oYefi •�"-'�'�- " Foot nradrNOA liiadioal School and Bop tel fir • i 1I3y4.Eaz .• iioae and Throat °1895, E Rgpl,'1. . J moral Heli probably be sea before 1 HOUR TO RENS+ a,r," FRIT ntcciC of Artff, ctrl Eyes; epeataci�ep lige X a vary CbtitagioRe �iis- fie Fy il. 'be It Ghe al# p trial11 I The house ora it street now ggqu ie6 y't i ease, too, he 8 gpt,, eo yell ought to. et by Mrs Thr, w zy p g g r q . er, is 6gorea to rent r It qcn 1W1. L dr, d °hlul buried as [leen -, fie you Can; I large dinitig room parlor, bedroom and kitchen. , I+CiAttellUllr '' HOiiq a. QI,I[DY ISH e advise you to go and di Ilia rave downstairs, with gree beclro�g-�0 upstairs; Good. The b list FIiZD�g `i so g call ar. OnIYY a minute'0 walk from the busines, 1q, O+ l? Iilonth, e right away and as soon as he Islead, portioia of tLe town. Apply at N W ARA OtUoe ,, n burry him," Fifth Visit AUGUST' Atli next. Be* ` Dr. Barber took his departure and +0 LET OR FOR SALE. 10 a° it'' to . p`m- Charges M000rpyte, the,l'ar aer du& the grave. ; But the patient recovered, Wwas ThoseConveulentPremises neAtdoor toLesiie'E very unprofessional for him to do this partiage Works, suitable for handy man toetart H�R� ��p BR ` I under the circumstances; but he didn't a second-hand turnitara ware room or boeinese U01 ' of a simDar no,ture, DµeMng•bouse attached. �,pp,. die, and that grave became a subject Of Apply to MISS MQilNTCASTLJS. LO8II R71r III�Pe&Lxileui Clo. a good deal of talk. I?r. Barber was I ,Ont, nnally-hearing of it. GOOD HOUSE This 00MI)WRY is, Loaning Man . or F Some months leter a brother Shy- TO RENT $ectirity at Coweet Rases of »tereart sician died; the local doctors met to A large cpmmodlous. &Dd comfortable. hen", decEde what should be done, He had on Townsend street, containing aoobmmodatlon MoRTG1AGIE$ PURCHAf3$]) come frorn Canada, and it was su os- for ordinary family, with all eonveaien d g r of. pP . Hetes to rent on reasonable in terms, Good garden ed that nerhaps his Canadian Friends attached. Hou.e is inexnenent re air. Apply SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. might want him buried in the Domin- to either G. WILSON or a'AM45 L `Owe, S. 4 and b ion. per Cent. Interest Allowed on "We might inter hila temporarily," ' GOOD FARM FOR SALE Deposita, aCcordiny toaTnountandtilnele/t, observed one of the physicians, with a OFFICE -Corner of Hark tsquare and Nortbft glance towrad Dr. Barber. "I under- For particulars apply to dORAOE HOBTON, stand that our brother has a vacant MANNING &SCOTT, . MINIM grave on hand." Barristers, &c., Clinton at 1884 "Yes," retorted Dr. Barber, "I sup- PR .. ppose I m the only doctor here, who Ok- MU if FOR SALE, hasn'tgot all his graves full," -Har er's Bazar. P For 61118, two excellent lots, being Nos, 506 on the corner of Ratteubury and North Streets, A GRADUATE OF TORONTO UNI- and 507, on the corner of North and Princess fits, They are both adapted for building purposes and are both offered for sale on reasonable terms. VERSITY SAYS: Apply to T. M. CABLING. "My children have been treated with Soott'e Emulsion from their earliest years! DYEING & Clothes CLEANING Our phypioian first recommended it and now whenever a child takes cold my wlfe -- desire to havingr any ieb which s encleaned OOf hleave immediately resorts to this remedy, which always effects a care." them with the undersigned, who is agent for AA BARWS DYE WORKS. All work entrusted to him will be promptly at - Rev, Dr. John S. Penman, of Irvin ton B N.Y., Presbyterian church, has tended to and guaranteed satisfactory. Prioes moderate. JAMES HOW SON, Albert fit. Clinton. resigned hie pastorage beosuse of hie inability to longer sustain and subscribe to the "system of doctrine" of his church. r NewPHO r0 GAtLERYI. Some journals which cannot forgive the fates for sending as a Liberal Governor- Subscriber desires to intimate to the people of General have been casting ridicule on the `Tinton and vicinity, that be has opene9 up a, Photo Gallery in the premises nearly philanthropic efforts of Aberdeen and hie good lady to bring Irish industries to the opposite Fair's Mill, which have been fitted up expressly for the purpose, where he will be prepared to do world's notice at Chicago. These small- any work in his line. souled critics insinuate that all the noble charities of the Aberdeens are done to be CABINET PHOTOS, PANELS, seen of men, and that they might show SUNBEAMS or TINTYPES their good will to better advantage in re- lieving their own tenantry. It is pleasing Taken in the latest styles and at lowest prices on cloudy as well as fine daysl bl new process to be able to inform tLe3e detractors that in the 23 years during which Lord Aber- deen has controlled the Haddo House pro- J. W. COON, CLINTON perty he has expended upwards of £140,- 000 of hie income in improving the hold- �1y �p TT L BE.NXILLEt V itSER) ings of his tenantry. In 1870 he presdnted each tenant with a half year's rent, re- FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES presenting in the aggregate over £20,000. NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH In 1882 he offered a revaluation, of which AND ASTRACHAN PINE, 39 out of 1,130 tenants took advantage. In some cases the rental THS LATTER OF WHIOii WE MARE A aPEO1ALTr f was raised, and the only reductions made amounted to LARGE STOCK ON HAND e .£350. In 1880 he again offered a revalua- DO YOU WANT tion to assist his tenants, and a reduction The above ornamental trees and shrubbers.w,ll by A First-class step or Long Ladder? sold at vory low prices and those wantingan amounting on the five years' term to thing iu this connection will save mony A Handy Wheelbarrow? £25,000 was made, In 1890 he offered a purchasing here. A Splendid Churn, or anything of If revaluation, or a reduction of rents vary- nature? Then call on; W. SMITHSON, a ing from 8 to 15 per cent., and the tenants Orders by Mail will be promptly atlende shop, 7 Frederick St., or Dinelay preferred the latter. Now, Lord Aberdeen, to. Address, will baatatDinsley's corner every rySaturda in, consideration of the bad harvest, reduces .IOHN' STEWART.' — Benmiller. afternoon the present half year's rent 10 per cent. There are many less generous landlords than Aberdeen. - __ I 0 t --RIQrHT _ _- - _ _ THE LOCKE CASE. The new model o oekford Watch, when �1'� placed in escrow bili) Jame, will 811 a Ion felt 1 JOIIDEN BAY N. S., Jaly 10th. Mr Samn- want among farmers, as it is not sae proof S : elms ocke;=t¢hose,-wondedtti-Aiecc-vary..-Of•,�,-only.rbat-xmp _atrong�,The_ V_iat_e„wli h the __ ' rich gold mine of pare health was mention. wheels work between, not be7ng separated by �i �+ -- ed in a dispatch from here last week, has pillars as in the ordinary • . i It been doing good missionary work among WATCH the sick and afflicted of this neighborhood. But by the bottom 'plate being turned out of a —TRA . " `A9 YOp He has found many oeeeb of kidney trouble, P r �`' solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the Royal Electric. �O diabetes &o., and has always recommended top plate to rest on; it also being pendantor lever WTTX Dodd's kidney pills, which worked such a set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- A"And rereanGi.aats4atrt 11i grand cure in his own case. The virtues of ing in all a,good rong watch ugh•aP: F, Meows rO ' `'�1 , CO: oruaton,. w this remedy are becoming widely known in. COHTNACTO�1i�y' A 6UILDEFi3 '=j this section and it has,grown very popular For a Farmer OF ELE111110 LIGHT AND �,it,,� 't►„f. POWER 81.11 8; 11 Mr Locke informed your correspondent `� WrappioM t�� that he was constantly receiving inquiries JOS. a BIDDLECOMBE '4 to 70 at - - concerning his illness and the benefloiaf re - au to 7e, Weiliagtoo at �iforlsa>l1.4 1Q sults of his use of DodcVd kiuney pills. His HORSe Pain�ng and Paper Hanging . PETf Ate` . BOA -Oil FOOD invariable - reply is, that the pills ,are every_r �l thing that is n good.' Enquiry shows that' '----- J1OT A �" POISON the merchants find it . iffiaalt to keep a The undersigned Is prepared -to Promptly eze- supply of the pills in - stook, so great is the cute all orders for PAINTING, HALeOMINING demand for them. PAPER -HANGING, d;*.He is a practical man of FATAL TO COCKROACHES 'AND- MATER BUGS. long experience ;and guarantees to do all work Wrlw'"tl nMk et UJ 7eIr We..ntdt.e■nrT A heavy electric storm visited Mid- .in a manner that shall be satisfactory, while' DULLAiia.rhe h1?.p -PM- wm.ttpropwir,ppu.d dlesborough, Ky., , Saturday night, .in prices will be exceedingly moderate, Orders re- EWINO, HERRON ally CO., 8006 lentuet., which a shower of fish of the sun perch spectfully solicited. Sole Wts qMd, �1 npani Stmt XON�� species was precipitated on the town. GEO. POTTS, Kirk St,, Clinton They ranged in length from I to 3 fn- �1ePrometor bf �* Liu- ��0 Cher. brand of goo&, Aug" be.r. S7 LIN TON rngtbstmdomarkwe pnra- 4 P. y OST Lion Brand Alla .. . 'Pe RT, );ion Brasd, AA" iton.- W11014 BALE '. . .lafan. aaaa ,', LienBranW 1' N E $`ra artPlapin MW iaiida ttaaaa4 Lida�ran Bmud,nnla. HI SIT, Lion 1 1 Herod, "A.^ WitARINT, Moe Li j I', , Brand,Ll.n U.."y u do Vl r.Liea MERCHANT. ' Brans, U.."Eu da V'L,. —AND— Agentfor John l,obertY n b So= lfeotth Wh'IikQ iuse _Jame. BPCogmo, arg-onYrauao�'0XAAXtA0Ea,VWd.?dncak J d`X* ' 1 DRY _KILN t els St. Pain !treat, Maliri,eisl. ,tt*••r + . , ., ,- I�TUZSUBS0RIBERHAYINOJUSTOOAPLET ,,. EVERY DOSE EFFECTIVE m and furnislie'd his now Planing Mill win ffontrdrl — aE lhlD ' "` pi machinery of the latest improved patterns ie now ( QQ And ;f persevered in prepared to attend to all orders in hie line in en ■'•y' 1 g0 ,- yto 9 9 most prompt .and satisfactory meaner and at tae WW (� ,o D WillF-4giliVolr Mire theWorat CaSSS bonable rates. He would slio return thanks to al.19._ who patronised the old mill before they were burn -We ; + , gd outs end now being in a bettor position to eze Paper wt°� .- CAR 811UR � I For dale bl air Druggists ate or ",.expeditiously and feels confident he car. i [U" �j ` I Uoa � And wholesale by LGNDON DRUG CO ve setisfactionto all. ,p London, out. FACTORY -Near the Grand Trush Facto it 4y� Railway, Clinton. `J "N'1'REAv Are aBLOOD THOMAS MaKENVE i>L general Banking Brusine0S Q`! � , .`�. I a a xis 8 CANADA MRS FACTORY tl allsacted 104 It ie announced in Ottawa that upon his. 0 TONIC. ROBERT D ,4 &t. = F. GIORR,rr.P• Greturn to IOttawa Sir John Thompson will They dapped O ' • ` 1 ! Appliances for all kinds ofPhy- y NOTES DISCOUNTED �► p > to the deee sera► Deformities. Gross' Q appoint lilt Mackintosh as lieutenant-gov- rALL the sub- CLINTON, �Q OQ ernor of the Northwest Territpries. % � l ,:0.,ffeds needed to Improved Pat. Artificial Limbs (Ureftsliseusd. Interest allowed on s + enrich the Blood _gong r YJ deposits. T` S� .` On Friday afternoon, ,Tune 30 the tilos- 'And to rebuild the Manufacturer oturer sad Proprietor for the beet rlwe Before PRICE LIST and CIRCULARS After ervea,thuamakin llttl DoM in use. Agent for the sale and applb q�„8 ns ing exercises of the Chatham business cation of the ArFienEa I'ATeET AOToirATio BotLEd a>e Sheet+ 7rloatreal ualw S�� 0 them b certain and OLHAtfIR. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app �'� 1 school took place at College Home, the a eedy cure for all ed on eh in notice. P magnificent residence of the principal, Wr ,Yd�Eeiaes arieinR MUCILAOE Ale LIOUiD°OLUi MANFIL FRRAN & TISDAILL pSti D. McLachlan. At flue theentirecom- .I FOR 1,,,h ash- a n to E. OST Pnc44Ri' he. 7590rai Seiler . XUR11111011- s. end all kinds o1 9 g to p Y vivid an eha s par- K ' g an sat down to the luncheon at the ta- p HaotAfaer re aired a:pbdittonslp bles which were beautifuli decorated. j and 1 e s lsiaotor manner • UE ia', spinal std• RICH FEATHER MANFR. Q �� During the presentation of diplomas and atetEea; r 1plu9Atfem, W. SNOW, reilltro*01nk,+1913 Notre Dame B A IV S E R tT , N 'l�5 medals to the members of the graduating 41dyatloa,lossofinem- Farm Implements manufactured and repaired class addresses d 1' d b R h r gRryd erysipelas, pal- Steam and water pumps furnished and put in "I w t K , were a were y ev. Dr. pi tiono thelleart, positipn. Dry Kilus fitted tip on applioattoo SAFE AAANUFACTU,RER r+L=r�$a:�. oiv>•� `1�,V Q Battisby, who presided, Mayor Martin, ptorotula,chl ro6i6or Char es moderate. S.B.SIMMALLrsrt•balldnalpecWty.67JCrsia - i Y %S' � Rev. Mr McCall, M Houston Esq., and oemsickn ep that g ' ` tit teal i O�l11 8r�any,sto..."They Col. Webster. Miss Bessie Dunkley, of p l� t ekaillsyptem of r w �y `t Y, have fie ec ai tlf bias Q� Chatham, won the gold medal of the short- bothmepandti►bt0b, p..rhlg lost vigor. � Advances made to farmers on their own Q1 hand department, her total marks in all 'A� nates et low rotes of interest. ��• subjects being 1,078 oat of a possible 1,200, W,rt' �,. !�Q•� O 1'80 per min., and in typewriting 98 per • (yopng and old), suffering from ufentdt t+rorry, A general leaking Business traneaotea min. on entirely new matter. Miss Anna overwork, insomnia, exoeseee, or solffabuae, Into- st allowed on deposits. cJ y should take the o.Ptr tib. They will kddtoro p Q�. �. Taokaborrv, of Chatham, was a' very close lost onergiea, bot�l physiow and mental. �11.1Ile Notes bought Q N r ` 5 $eoond, thus winning the silver medal. Her g�JF'ENRINC WOMEN `Q' bore is 1,016 out of a possible 1,200, and J. P. TISDALL, Manage li�V Q�� �• et speed in shorthanii 171, Mise Zisoks. eigioted'trith the eseakaoeads pedulfar to elicit P GG sex,onohetieuppreeeionolthepeJlodd,be n *r �v �barry now holds our highest speed rgoord"in dowH pains :weaiu baoh salcorations, etc., will iv w Y �i 1t>tiN HEANB are • , ,tpewriting havin an average of 102 tabrde nna these pule n'utltai�itigRurer 1�°t, sold b (i ;+s Bib fibra... oov wew«aawaof pormi ihinftd& ii,f] e,rolra*rt a dlnoled;'on KALE AND �A�t GIRLS N Lb+► Ylsorrrq • �� i t it three thirftiteb'-t6sff, Nipetp. ivai?dA + 9r, A1rT 1614== ,' should takethedetPilleriPheyleurlobtheblood, ' ", j w4slmtal lwdr.r+:l '.-I;a, -' "tninute weg the beet Yotnibr,4bbord, being iroltorr health's' rosop •ttl;thn cheeks end oor- ' ° tw our of ingot+. CO -Blade ll UrJexllmlah, Boaworth, -of ,class �all Inegtrladtlee. , ..+r..N..t iste1,ird4oL IVY„ . FAIIBAN VV191r now steno rap u s>ti failaderd11 bongo. g her,: fo;> a New York >YiiwAlklY bs fia2a+rt8rte. Yl'hese pp fly it♦♦ 1 Wegilt n ltnd Ann o M A •> E. Aproh, of Terminus won . sold by au deaths cubiti bores bdri�liA'l o[ . or: 'e the "old'nrbde"Wt , , , 'Incas'tnkrld�ogwlil:beitena:,by,taaili alt aid,,, l A. I Y -and Mr ,1 14e bhe a aepartmslit, . �'laYoilttM, t i 4 , O. .>Grull of° �i�f4 r on.tea.lptoillrio llpaenttCsboxerrfor11 ti ® q ,.: ..g t7 o,wo r ; d� w 7>i$ t�ItM. ti111Li.ir/f11�FSt ... GO r t',r: tHb Ititdei° ; Te' , i. J 1. : ,, >>u. , iw; .. • � _ 13ltooltrlil.;OMl:,bilfok�titriii�ltY�G, ' 't r ,.: Aii-YL.4k- ,� "611w i eti�erii AL". .�;,.,A=a,a _ '- 'iiiduY j'. . t, ..t r I Y r6�1. .:a,�e,. I SZ BENEA Repairing B on Does it Wabash li line oomp line from t %nd the E N) Walde W!Drid; no adilway o ddket ager fe l fit Jen, i' tlgb .ltd tl/fdtat{ . `"%,I �. a- ..i. *%U;i WILSONTHEI-QUAL OF AL DEALER IN TINWARE ) URON STREET, CLINTON 1. it ell kinds promptlyy attend to e. e Y ihle retie. Atrial eoliotled. r ++•l.I �r V BANNER ROUTE. PA81 I 11"' �li� C�.: 11 a ever strike yon that the new Cannot be found, for restoring grey hair to its is between Detroit and Chicago, natural color and boanty; it keeps the head leted, forms part of the shortest clean and cool, and free from dandntfr it lanada, to the World Fair city stops the hair from falling out, promotes the Peat, west. The new trains on growth, and gives the hair the gloss, beauty •', b ale abaoltitel"the finest in the and strength bf youth ; when used as directed i bolf' ,>}jbe of pantage*o e,1 this it wa4 nowt knOWn to fa11. Sold for half tho ' ►n be outlined here, any R. R. Price of aaj other preparatfou, and is much y Oft I �.: it to . t will te11' 0//16118 restt,`writ Or betreethatafunTknwtri'H, ' et' T IIo�Itd - )$, Rirlhh dwdn >fo14 ererlrr►hixa ix0 g04. a Bottle. ,'1 rW..1e,1 i .,„5'+ailFiY'r1.i'.qw..N..ra.dLtiu.Y.r., -s.,". r 0"�