Clinton New Era, 1893-07-14, Page 7!n.y"" ere --, ✓+-aha a of e are sow ' a:: 1scou�Z t. of Ten.`'�1er cent Cash'buyei of oote'ami Shoos at our• -store. Clinton W 25c, '30c and 45ci We have now a fine line of Bamboo Tables at 25c., 30e. and 45 cents. Whenever you have any time to spare we would like yon to take a look through our warerooms whether you wish to buy or not' W. CRIDLEY, Funeral Dire for and Embalmer—Night calls answered at hi residence, King St.; opposite the foundry. .• JOSEPH CHIDLEY, FINE FURNITURE FANCIER, CLINTON diver Star COAL OIL Iniiierial CALLON'S About equivalent to 5 American Gallons for GENT S Water White American Oil 25c. a Gallon These prices are Spot Cash at our store. Charged or delivered 21c per gallon extra. Johnson's Kalsomin3 and Pure Mixed Paints. Churches Alabastine, John. A Bruces Field and Garden Seeds. VIS & Gr1 IREAM, Rona' z'k te, rAtperienCO, ` or 0. j e l-1fllAi►r11fBl , t`� Oootalnk, TORON') S) CANNOT Wi 1I,I4R . Nil . " CA"RTl 04* * A'iaK,rx 1444444 l xs EIToxix Or moi' ARI:AT I' 1N R�. stlaMMOM A #.aBELIF Z --4I! Xt$04'WO w#e 44/111SaD1.4r: °R.-1°' 144°ED roe ]rin,,1tr,,;,-rliaxs. Diatom ono acs Joky8 . gra. �'ti �up�af. •-r� f +► rens its; DAWN" On Warn rs CMS *RAZ . 'Br w, 1oca>4 $ip.rer-Pban.pu tp altl Ftl. rummato. debt#Ioat jA.'a'OTOOtD'll4.flC$r?)f If' From the Weginoutb. N. $., Pres PreQa, Probably out of the beet known men in Digby County, N. R„ is Captain James q� McKay, of Tiverton. The Captain is a action in Toro tarmueti- debate' sem i co , known among ship owners, as a that class stoned by the proposal of Mr. Sheppard ty mariner rind lion, bas been ghiefiy engaged make Toronto a greet industrial center by in the West Indies trade, and his been very bringing power from, Lake Simeoe. Beverai oar. tt4it' the` i 0 the; list mufiieipal fortunate with the vessels under hie charge." pome three yeago, CawIt ,Kay a very eeyere attrsaack ofptla grippein , which,had gradually developed into moris,gerrioas+ troubles, until his life was despaired of. It was with deep regret that his employers and friende saw him sink•gradually,under a, terrible dieelese, until hisdeath seemed only a question of a few weeks, At this time, when physicians could do nothing for him, he was induced to try Dr. Willisi ns' Pink Pills, and by, hat wonderful medicine 'was restored to health and strength. Captain MoKay's miraculous recoveryoreatedoio little amazement, and ee mnointerest Was, manifested in it, both in isle own village and in the adjabent'plaoes "where he `ie s0 well known, that The Free Dress thought the matter of suffioient imppitafOe to' the public, to get a statement. Of the faotafrom Captain M.Kay, and accordingly detailed a reporter to interview him With 'that end in view, when the following foots came in- to hie possession. "I have heard," said the reporter, "that your recovery was wonderful, and was. brought about entirely by the use of Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills. Would you let me have , the particulars of your illness and restoration to health?" "Certainly," replied Capt. McKay. "I have told the story a hundred of theme al- ready, bat as the truth never wears out once more won't hurt, and beside) I always think I may be aiding some person who is now suffering se I euffered,and,giving them a clean bill of health. To begin at the be- ginning, I had la grippe about three years ago and that tied me pretty well. I wasn't fit to take charge of a ship, so sailed south as far as Milk River, Jamaica, as nurse and companion for an invalid gentleman. The weather at that season was simply meltipg, and I used to lie on the deck at night, and in my weakened condition got some sort of fever. When I reached home I was com- pletely used up and continued to get worse until I could hardly move about. At times my limbs would become numb with a, ting- ling sensation, aa though a thousand need- les were being stuck into me. Then my eyesight began to fail. It was difficult for me to 'distinguish persons at a distance. My face became swollen and drawn, and my eyes almost closed. At times my flesh would assume a greyish color and remain for days in that state, being at the same time cold and. death like." "Could the doctor do nothing for yon?" enquired the reporter. "Seemingly not. They gave advice, sent medicine, and rendered their bills promptly, so that I think they derived the most" bene- fit, for under their treatment I did not im- prove a bit. At last I gat so bad that I lost all ambition, I suffered terribly, was only a burden to my friends, and actually longed for death, which all thought was Boon in store for me. But the darkest hour is just before the dawn. I had become so bad that I hardly oared how soon I slipped my cable, for I was now almost completely practical Men stated that tba,;'project was iinppraptic',able from a *intermit stand- point ma could never be sncoerafully corrin ed to, completion Borne Laine' prier to thin "the'G}lob'e, in-coimnenting on a meeting_ of cituens to promote manufacturing, had Pointiii1419 tJle.pianner,iq,wbicb the power lif Nsrahos .bsing utilized by the people of Buffalo, and suggested that a eolnewhat similar coarse might. be, advantsgeoue to Toronto, In Pursuailoe of, this idea the SGloliel petit into 4ommunication with expert, and placed before, him the poutuon paralyzed, but at tbie time the statement of aeon- down #n Gape -Breton, w ose_caee had been somewhat similar to mine, came to zi notice. -He -attributed -his -'core --to, ()WLAND' ( Williams' Pink Pills, and I thought j that th liam ght in a chance 1 though I I confess I had at one time but very little faith in any medicine. To make a long story short I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and soon found that they were helping me, and their continued use put me on my feet again, and I went to work after months of enforced idleness, to the. great astonishment of my acquaintances, who never expected to see me around again. Since that time I have recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to several persona who have used them with good results, and I feel: it my duty to advise their use by peo- ple who are run down or suffer from the effects; of any. ohronio ailment. I believe they saved my life, and yon may be sure I am greatful." ,Dt'. William's' Pink Pills. for Pale People are manufactured by the Dr. William's Medicine Company, of Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., a firm of nn - questioned reliability. Pink Pills are not looked on as a patent medioine but rather as a prescription. An analysis of their properties show that these pills are an un- failing specific for all diseases arising from an impoverished condition of the blood, or from an impairment of the nervous system, such as loss of appetite, depression of spirits, ane3mia, ohorosis or green sick- ness, general muscular weakness, dizziness, loss of memory, locomotor ataxia, paraly- sis, sciatica, sheamatism, St. Vitus' dance, Mr Tho .'Edison, the gnat electrical Of q�pate,; '41'40 mile. aeries . t e lake from the greatest*iater power ;in exfttenoe, at the satne'thee asking his opinion u to whether }t ;wag be 'practicable to bring electric powergenerated at the' fall, across the lake' by cable. Long.distance trans- mission pf power is not altogether unknown to electrical science, but so far as the rec. bids show such an experiment as that in- volved m'the transmission of power ander Water fora considerable distance has never been attempted. The geestione placed be- fore hila Mr. Edison very courteously an swered through his secretary in the follow. ing terms : ardwre, Stoves and Tinware, Clinton 91C7Gra.A.Ft. First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Montreal Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots. Teas, Coffees and Spices 'a Specialty BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED J. W. Irwin, Grocer MAMMY BLOCK, - - - - CLINTON. HARVEST : IS COMING YOU WILL WANT Snaths, Scythes, Forks, Rakes, Oil, Oil Cans, Mitts & Handles We can supply you with the very beet quality. Try ns SPECIAL --An "EXTRA" HAY FORK ROPE. Por preserving and We can supply you with the Pickling you wfll want SUGAR AND VINEGAR beet. You should try us. Full Bile of Groceries and General Goody: Highest Price for Produce. Old accounts must be paid at once to save costs ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. A DA M S. LONDBORO 164,„ THE BATTLE of the BOYNE Will be celebrated here in glorious style on the 12th. Remember we are ready to fill your every want. Three stands in full blast; 20 willing hands to wait on you and°make your visit pleasant. J ESSOP & ,M0.1.4ROY, MR. EDISON'S VIEWS. "Mr. Edison duly received your letter of lOth instant (Deo.), in which you ask his opinion as to the practicability of trans- mitting to the city of Toronto power gener- ated enetated at Niagara falls by meane of a cable across the lake, and in reply, he has direct- ed me to say to you, that the laying of a power cable under water is the only prac- ticable method of accomplishing what you desire, for the reason that an aerial line would be affected by. lighting. Mr. Edison says farther that it is perfectly practical to convey 20,000 or 30,000 horse power tc Toronto from Niagara by submarine cable. The following questions occur to him, how- ever, in this connection : (1) Would not such a cable as the one proposed be liable to be disturbed by ship anchors ? (2) Is the project commercial, and if effected could it compete with a quadruple expan- sion engine, with automatically stoker boil- ers, situated in Toronto itself ? Mr. Edison's impression is that the last-named method would be the more commercial, notwithstanding the high price of coal in Toronto ? The old, reliable, 4i fgst fl Evenly Spun. Full standard length ped pound0 Best value in the market: Call and see samples and get reduced prices New Store - 1 Old Stand &tacks block t Rod Brick Block 1y NA' sANA 19 IT FEASIBLE j Of the doubt expressed in Mr. Edison's letter as to the commercial value of power transmission from Niagara to Toronto, the citizen best qualified to, speak is Mr. J. J. Wright, manager of the Toronto Electric Light Company, and one of the beet prac- tical electricians in Canada or the States. Upon being spoken to, Mr. Wright express. ed the belief that Mr. Edison's doubt was a very proper one, and that electricity can be m e in Toronto much cheaper than it can be t Niagara for use in this city. He goes s ood deal further, .and thinks that a ca le under water would coat an amount sf money that would place the question at- once out-ef ractieal.. politica,.. as the phrase goes. Without a -careful calculi - tion -he ie not -preps .b xthe figures,._. but, the quantity .if copper that would be required to transmit the amount of power proposed would figure up to millions. That of course is inclusive of the insulating material that would be necessary to pro- tect the cable from marine life and secure that the very high tension current to be transmitted would not leak through and get lost in the_ depths of the lake. Mr. Wright thinks that power transmisaion from Niagaraif ever it does Dome, will be overlaid. But that ie in the dis- tant future, and we need not wait till it happens before trying to make To- ronto en industrial center. It ie quite problematic yet whether the power of Niagara can be transmitted to Buffalo, which is only fifteen miles distant, at a price that will permit it to compete with electric power generated on the spot by steam engines ming soft coal at about $1 per ton. The difference in the cost of electricity generated by steam and that generated by water power is far leas than people imagine As an illustration of this Mr. Wright pointed to the fact that Capt. Carter, manager of the Niagara Falls Elec- tric Light Co., the power house of which is placed where the spray of the falls passes over it, uses steam power in generating the after effects of la grippe, all diseases de- pending upon a vitiated condition of the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, cor- recting irregularities, suppressions and all forms of female weakness, building anew the blood and restoring the glow of health to pale and mellow cheeks. • In the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of any nature. These pills are not a purgative medicine. They contain only life -living properties, and nothing that could injure the most delicate system. They act directly on the blood- supplying its life giving qualities, by assisting it to absorb oxygen, that great sdpporter of all organic life. In this way, the blood be- coming "built np," and being supplied with its looking constituents, becomes rich and red, nourishes the various organs, stimulat- ing them to activity in the performance of their functions and time eliminate diseases. from the systeni. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrappers, (printed in red ink). Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the the dozen or hundred, and any dealer 'who offers sub. atitutes in this form; is trying to defraud you and thonld be avoided. The public are also cautioned against all other so-called blood builders and nerve tonics, put up in similar form 'attended to deceive. They are all imitatatione, whose makers hope to reap a pecuniary advantage from the wonderful reputation achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink fills for Pale People and refuse all imitations and subetitdtee. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. from either, tia- ra -es at 60cents a box, or six boxet for $2.60. The price at which these pills are sold makes a coarse of treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other rerrie- dies or medical treatment, • L Boys' Giri•s Ladies Guaranteed Stainless Black Cotton Hie PLAIN and RIBBED Full Range Black Silk Parasols, all Prices. ;5 per cent off for Cash. Robt. Coats &Son, Clinton. ran SacrifIGO Salo 12• OF BOORS, Stationery WALL PAPER, &c In order to clear out the entire stock of W. H. SIMPSON, it has beenfdeoided to offer the same:at prices away below cost. Everything will be sold at such (figures that will make it of interest for purchasers to come here. THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD OUT electricity. Long-distance transmission is PRICES ARE MADE nE A rrnR.n s lYllf l� I still an experiment so far as commercial ls results are concerned. The existing elec- tric companies will be prepared to compete for a long time yet with any power brought from the falls. IISE OF ELECTRIC POWER. Speaking of the general question of the use of electric power, Mr. Wright says it is increasing year by year at a very rapid. rate, and for purposes of light manufactur- ing will soon almost entirely supersede steam. Roughly speaking, there is al- ready electric plant in existence or being erected in Toronto to the extent of double the amount of all the steam plants in the city. The street railway will, of course, be the largest users. When their new power house is completed in May next they will use from 2,600 to 3,000 horse power. The Toronto Electric Light company.nsee for street lighting about 1,600 horse power and supplier- now some 700 additional to the railway. • The Edison company for lighting purposes supplies probabiy600 horse power, and between thetwo companies an addition- al 600horse power is supplied forpower pur- poses to establishments whore it hi"peed to drive the machinery., Private electric plants to the amount of over 200 horel power exist in some of the larger factories. The use of electricity is spreading, and it is being applied to all sorts of labor formerly performed by hand. The total steam plant of the city, including that of the water. works and of the Gooderham company, is not over 2,500 horse power, and it is not in- creasing at anything like the name ratio as electric plant. THE ONLY PROPER. WAY. In conclusion, Mr. Wright said that the only way to properly utilize the water power of Niagara is to build the factories beside on the line of the power canal, and that Toronto will have to worry along with the power that can be supplied by the great engines erected by the Stations power supply companies. This eminently prat. tical opinion may trot be agreeable, but it will at least prevent many citizens from hugging the delusion that Toronto canI attests Niagara at pieaeuro.---.Toronto Glob. This is a genuine clearing, sale, and it is desired to clear the whole out in 30 days. HUMBALL'S CLPMLI FACTORY Huron Street, Clinton We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be ofiiiret-class material and workmanitbip. I yon want a good article at the price of a poor ono, call and see us. F. RUMS A_LL, -- CL AINTON Tho Whiteman Pea Harvester THE BEST IN THE WORLD " For the following reasons: -1st it ie built of the best makable wrought iron and steel. kilo -It requires no boles to be drilled in nutter bar, 3rd—The onteidivider can be raised or lowered at bank or front independent of lifters. 4th—It as no rod at the baok to hold obstructions and cause choking. 6th—there is no pp go to break or get out of order: 6th—ft has movable clips and can be set in line with tongue if mower bar drags book. 7th—Each lifter has a guard stay, and breaking mower guard is impossible. 8th—Each lifter is independent of the other, and can be raised or lowered at the back so as to line in front should Mower gnarde be out of line. 9th The number of machines sold daring the past season -enables a large number Of the eating farmers of the Province to testify to its merits. Every machine is warrant - d and given on test. Sample machine ban be seen at 3. FLYNN'S 131aoketnith top, Clinton, also it different shops through the county. James Whiteman, paten- tee and manufae are✓, Amuiree. OLBROWN;'-: General Agent, SFAFO1 Tl r • fr