Clinton New Era, 1893-07-14, Page 614 .is B' �l if✓ A'I��u, .: $1)PS' m„Q� city •1 SM S XOC LOrVoii TE TRE; POST 9•E'FI0E0 OJAINTQN The 'undersigned having 'opened out in the Smith !}!sole, desires to State that he will keep on haus tbt very, oholaeat_ }testa, iaviutt 3}0,.61 i I e eo a to s oe t o t sa i onceld it.be 4 i n 9 f Mille l 1>alp• p ti a aloe b o th y ee ee He will at all times, be prepared to pay the higbeet arket price for 1txport ((attics. LIVBI cKiis R wiXs Eve4ted.;or eal>ol't...GUS }; 13/94,1" • i ow �l'I'1l'ZSIM4INS, s R S � D ._ TH RS O. . D We desire mostleorcileilq t¢ thank'all,thoae who r3ldva ,favored ue with -their patronage since we ' ,,commenced in business,asgd-toaesure them and the pubilo generally tbatwe aro in better shape ttllan ever to oateer to tholr wants, having added prove an imdretrigerator and other conveniences Q our error • , .W _z.,,. W HEATLEY & FINCH Clinton SEAT Market BUS NEOS : CHANGE. 'Ihe unersigned desires to "intimate'that he 'has bougg1t out the interest of Mr Couch, in the butchering hnaingaa lately, oatrted ow under the yle of FORD .t COUCH'. trusts will continue bnuthe he ante attic old stead, and e closest and most careful attention to the busi- ness straightforward and courteous treatment to ail, and 6handlingg only °hole° meat, to,merit and zeorders oareiully and promptly filled a. All JAMES A. FORD . Central Butcher Shop Subscriber desires to thank the publio genera'- ty, for the patronage bestowed upon hula; and at the same time to say that he is now in a bet ter position -than ever to supply the wants of all. As he gives personal attention to all the details of the business audscan satisfactorily fion led. eir orders being promptly" Hie motto is "good meat at reasonable prices. Choice Sausage, Poultry, &e., in season. Cash`paid for Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SCR UT aT ON,Alberon. Flour and Feed Stores Flour; Feed & Seed Store The undersigned having purchased the busi- ness of Messrs Walker & Hanley, desires to inti- mate that be will keep on hand the very best,, FLOUR and FEED Of:all kinda, also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds, Which willbe sold at close margins for cash. ALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a choice sumere w ll find tall tnds of o be excellent nt vallue. con• J. W. HILL, HURON ST., CLINTON. .COOK'S FLOUR; -FEED_ & SEED .STORE_ We have in stock a choice assortment of Seeds, sash as CLOVER, T MOTI Y, MILLET, CORNAnd all seeds required for Farm or Garden use. Flour and Feed of all kinds D. COOK, OLINTON. BANKS The Molsons Bank. ,Inoorperated by Act of Parliament,1866. .00APITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,000,000 READ OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. 11. MOLSON Pres. 1. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Geaerst Manager Notes er,scounted, Collections made, Draft issued, .Sterling and American ex change bought and ,sofas at lowest cureefrt rates. Interest allowed on deposits. ' F' A It IEC . Roney advenced to farmers on their own note with ne or more endorsers. NO mortgage required as scarify. H. O. BREWER. Manager iEO, 1)..McTA( ART, BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. e:1 ,TT- ti. •Yi ' MM.F er. 'fie�d _C fateo,(a Guarantee. tsi.ells Pr • _ I:tuck " 11.hrscaa C0w tIOXR41,04'' mo t. Ta • . ' Mshfi A. general 'Banking Businesls tt ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED ,Draftepissued. Interest allowed on deposits. ii •. 44nRRII REMEDY. �e yolr a rrb4 TrythisRenledy. It will yosiuvelytelleve and ure yen. Price 60 ots. A'hi4 Infector Tor its'ewtr,06ostul treatment is furnished free. !remember, Shiloh s lteme flea are sold on a guar+mteo td give satistectiou. FAR.RA.N & TISDALL BANKERS, CLIN'TON. ONT Advances made to farmers on their own nates at low rates of interest. • & general tanking Batlinss transacted Into -r et allowed on depoeite. lie Notes bought d, P. TISDALL, Manage NEI BEANS tit 8if .pre i not (hi. ods care, olses;pf Ner ou chi 'ana Ming . • teetered the wariatt al beat Or. mind mused be%Ow* r.or the en et. glee e et seeks �yyppt�S7ti k-• ,,.. men NW Meet oeeFitl m creoe'Own 'srlotbet fol Under to re rte mil c4' r ,ti• ,d„ a.. ,14 by does H. Combe • ° SUNi IGHT" PILLAR -,erttt stela Row(Alsow a PURIFYING CLEANSING EXCELLENCE PURITY. SUNLIGHT . SOAP RESULT IA Ot$T,. NITNEWOR D a i IrOUNDKD ON who 44111712 gl'cfr Not only a relief but a cure for all kinds of HEAD PAINS. SICK STOMACH AND Ell LIOUSNESS Harmless. Contain no hurtful drag& A wonderful Compound. Nice to take. Sure death to pain. Be sure you get •STARO'S, MIMEO sr R. STARK, M. 0. C. P., CNIMI6r Piton GLASGOW UNIVERSITY. SCOTLAND. FOR, THE L STARK MEDICINE CO. 25 CENTS a Entirety !d by all Druggist. new composing oV .boa( ba t read, 4 . iuot.. f astll but lass j't'o*lack was dalicat*. EIrAD to cook, but was !!'raid and sick of*. •r,ste andSniellof!iiia. 'he bought Cottolena> 11fW S?J qitt9 and N' D Mort -Heal, eV, be-. Cause she lead• betttr food,atld he could curt it W%louf uttplea,3*n'i' after effect IrIEY trAPPY;r% imetng found ifie Eg31, ahf�C most heart/At sIi *• a9 •ee.r`',mete�s-1 27T0LE�1i. Made onlybyN. K.,FAIRBANK Ss 0. Wellifngton acid Ann Streets, MONTREAL. TETZ tZ roI1' 114W ERA,` Not vWi,.,+.;:,, The Humps*" of Aust''a, who 'iia making tourist Ilse.been ..iollowin,?s the me, erppple raf fiareaft iia$i:l',ifl agd iio.hn,rub.itlg with:vsry humble folk. ° ' few day* ago Her:Majesty .entered M. ecciscOOnei'.e shop In Seyilie, followed by.a p..our, Wooer., iieb• gink, The Empress made thepetit' wounsn sit dawn table a with and eat caked,' M' n. her, talking freely the whale. ` .r*s • Albert Monier, sen of 'thefaMouti Far ts o e a ufac ret has ht the shoo lar m a tu.:, bong house of the Baron de Gunzbourg, 15 4YBnne du Bole de 13oulogne. , !union Ale funzb9urg built this hRueti ata o49t,o f $1,- 000,000( but the failure :of the') 0u114)q4-g :Bank in Paris 'and 4t. Petersburg has cora, palled him to part with all his property. The Baroness de llunzbourg, nee Gold- echmidt, is one of the noted Parisian heautiea, but she accepts comparative poverty with grace and courage. She, w to . was always. seen .in splendid car rtages now walks in Paris streets very, modestly dressed, and says, "My ohildreu must work, but they are brave and cap-- able." ap-able," PIM% lieniralY for Caters is the lsaafesr+.to Ilse, aria '. ea The interesting old table on which all the marriage registers of the Prussian royal house have been signed for the last hundred years was need at the marriage of the Princess Margaretha, and was brought for that purpose from the Hohenzollern Ma - sewn. The table,whicb was last geed at the marriages of Prince of Henry of Prussia and the Crown Princess Sophie of Greece, is of painted green wood varnished' with Obi - nese varnish, and ie covered with a magni& cent cloth embroidered in silk, gold and ail-. ver. The cry of a "second Patti" has been so often raised that one_ has come to regard it almost as a cry of "Wolf," and give it lit- tle or no heed. The last ory'ia so persistent that it is beginning to make itself heard. A Signora Bellinoioni, beautiful as the .day, and rising twenty-five, has simply taken Berlin by storm. *** Queen Victoria will eeud to the Chicago Exhibition a water -color, a picture ot Spot (her favorite Scotch terrier), and various sketches of Balmoral done With her own hands, some of winch come from the walls of the private dining -room of the Castle. Princess Louise and Princess Beatrice also send pictures. Princess Christian sends some •very fine specimens of needlework, executed with the most consummate skill and ingenuity. There will also be a sachet, copied from a piece of crape, worked by the Queen, which was in a prominent place at the Guelph Exhibition of not long ago. • '** One of the wittiest of contemporary Continental jourualists, Daniel Spitzer, of The Neue Freie Presse, has just died at Meran, at the age of fifty-eight. For over a quarter of a century Spitzer has made Vienna laugh week in week out. His wit was of a most characteristic and distinctive order, and was expressed in a language of indescribable droll3ry that Spitzer may be said to have invented. *** The Prince and Princessof Wales are about to make a long yachting tour in the Mediterranean. They will atop at Naples, and it is possible they may visit Rome; as the Princess has never been there and has a great desire to see the Eternal City. . They will also visit Corfu, where the Empress of Austria has invited them to pay her a v isit at her wonderful palace on that island. ---Lady Harberton denies that_ohc.originat_. ed the Short Skirt Leat .„;...she has, how- eater, joined -the committee. A dress five in- ches from _theground is not, says Lady Haberton, by any. means so short as some people imagine, and it is proposed that members of the Short Skirt League should begin gradually, and inch by inch decrease the length of their walking dresses. *** The appearance of Mme. Patti at La Scala, Milan, in "La Traviata," proved to be a great event, perhaps even more so than was anticipated, as Verdi himself was pre- sent. He was watched with interest—the great maestro, and the audience could see how profoundly moved he was by the great songstress, paying her the tribute.. of his tears. At the toroh dance at the wedding of Princess Margaretha of Germany, Princeei Christian of Schleswig-Holstein wore a gown of pale mauve satin, broeaded in sil- ver, with festoons of petunia velour epingle surrounding the skirt, the eanie' rich ma- terial being used for the sleeves and berthe. The Princess Victoria of Schleswig-Hol- stein appeared in a beautiful toilette, com- posed of vert pomme armure. silk ; the front of the dress had an applique in lover's knots done in white mousseline•de-aoie, studded with tiny gold stare, while festoons of pearls, attached and caught up by the knots, which were ,outlined in gold, border- ed the hem of the skirt. in a Betting of pe- tunia velvet. *e� The account of how Mr. Gladstone lives has been followed by a contradiction relat- ing how Mr. Gladstone does pot live. His tepid baths, hard-boiled eggs, rice pudding, and early hours are said to be mythical. ase Jean de Reszke has received the compli- mentary sobriquet of ."Jean de Romeo," as he ie, according to a Parisian critic, the, most exquisite representative of this role that has ever been seen in Paris, both aa singer and actor. The Crown Prince of Roumania received a most interesting historical present on the occasion of his -marriage from: the Rou- manian Consul at Stuttgart, consisting of a scepter which bad formerly belonged to Frederick the Great of Prussia, and which was therefore of special interest to His Royal Highness as a prince of the house of Hohenzollern. This scepter, which was of beautifully carved ivory, bears the royal crown and the arms of Prusefa with the initials F. II. At the lower end of the scepter is carved the Brandenburg gate of victory of Berlin. It is probable that this interesting relic was stolen by• French soldiers during the wars from Berlin or Potsdam.. At a recent Austro-Hungarian ball in Paris Mrs. Mackin, ot New York, wore a magnificent Worth gown of Nilo -green satin brocade woven with gold, the sleeves form- ed of straps of brocade and crevpe of'mous- seline chiffon ; a berthe of Venice point etherised the square decolletago and stood out at. the shoulders very picturesquely. In the bronze hair and at the bust a aeries of diamond stars throw their gleam and glit- ter, while on the left shoulder a knot and ends of pale blue moire ribbon held one blush rose with its attendant leavCe in silk. en bondage. Mrs. Ayer wore a gorgeously beautifulgown of white satin, with. voltam inous sleeves to match, an overdress. o prigeleas,,point veiling' the sheen of the ma serial ; on the shoulders bunches of purplt violate and leaves caught up the deep bene the of'spider-web taco,. above wl idh seine, tilated a marvelous neoklaob sof rubies and diairtonds,' and numeroulr eiaa 54 44.r Dog Deekid With Diameter!. Wes Etta Ton Eyck, of llartford, 4oan,1 really take the palm for eetray.gaut,deco, rMdone of a dog. Miele Ek ii youg, pretty,an* owns a two•poundblaTenycokiand tnan terrier, and°tbia le the way she attires the little mite 1. Diamond and earrings,made.in. screw feishtan,atd thus lie Sat witdoggie's pars. As the diamonds are two karat Atones. and pre of qhs purest water, the New. York, Journal thinks they, are easily worth $250. 2, A collar spans the little ' animal's heck. 1t isof embossed Russia, leather as a base,. so doggie's gg a dear.little neck will not be in- jured. Along the leather runs .s big band. of solid old. its this band are set diamonds B tr► . ds rabies, eineralde; cat's -oyes, bits+,, of lapse," .lazuli, strip.- of -onyx, pai,gis of value ; its fact,' the collar n:pa .imply a glittering' mess of splendid gams. It coot $0,000. 3. This daintily decorated dog has also a harness, This harness con. silts , of a strap. which passes around his forelegs • andthence across' his back to his hindquarters: Thy harness, like the collar, is of soft Russia leather, aad.is just' ablaze with precious stones. 7.'o add to the unique picture. Mies Ten Eyck has tied blue- baby blue—ribbons along the harness at interyalA..,,,, Mies Ten Eyck herself does not wear e gem. She puts them all on her dog, which is probably not only the richest dressed dog in America, but at the same time has an especial servant to wait 01441111n. WOR SALE QRS TO Ll'iT, IBRICac, HQWSR TO ! NTZ The, uutl+ relgpg� ace be west hail et the fine. adOonyenlentdQlible;briekhouseonRattenbury vent et terY reasionable terms, .The !louse. io alreoet new and baa ey, try oonvegience, iitlflfi g9,Xpoll, ROUSE TO RENT The conal}; on Batstenu rs stre et 11ow coon ieby Mrs ,Thrower ' s offered to rent. It contains lining room pa tor bedroom and kitchen downetair,nitb three be�rneAis apMt,•ixe. -Acca! cellar. 9nlyY a minute's walk from the business portlen of the to•w •. App15, at NSW. ERA Office Air.. Silstditoieolat tome When relieved from the *Seim of, state,, Mr, C "adatone ,finds no pleasure eo great as his hone life, e►t Hawarden.. There his family are withered together, thea. and the great man• romps apd.plays with kis grandchild- ren as'tbough"he never knew what it was to be blamed' for anything that went wrong in all Great Britain and her colonies. Mr. Gladstone is ..a Wonderful •soholar, a busy writerridd.speaker, but the! little Gladstone children know him beet as a good, kind grandfather who ie fond of fun. He, too, would'. prefer to enjoy their company rather than to be surrounded by England's great men at an all-night session of Parliament. His other recreations are walking, and—this is' really very funny —chopping down trees. Our great George Washington, according to tradition, had a like fondness in his youth, but by the time 'he became President he had probably out- grown such fancies. Mr. Gladstone, how- ever, is an expert woodman, and though he doesn't destroy valuable cherry trees, he goes out with is axe and takes the, keenest pleasure in felling trees in Hawarden Park. A visitor to the castle one day noticed an axe behind the door in the great hall, where it had beon left by the statesman after one of his copping expeditions, A curious ornament for tilzoh a place, it seems, It may be out of compliment to the boy George Washington and his hatchet that the "Grand Old Man" prefers to use an American axe.—Harper's Young People. Why Women Paint and Powder. There is no use in talking, says a writer in the Philadelphia Times, women do use paint and powder, and the only thing to do is to accept the fact and learn, if possible, the cause. To ask one whose cheeks bears rosy evidence against her "why she does it" will bring no satisfaction, as there has never yet been known a woman willing to acknowledge that any portion of her make-up is false. Rouge is used most undoubtedly for the sake of winning the admiration of the oppoaite sex; 'as there is hardly a man who really admires the pallor of the' lily in preference to the glowing tints of the rose, and many masculines candidly admit when questioned on.the subject : "Oh, we don't mind, so tong as it ie done artistically: ' - Ah,there'a the rub, or rather too much of the rub, for so few women, outside of beauty do ctors and those having maids, realize how much they get on, causing the very marked dif- ference between their face and their neck, which is certain to call attention '‘to the daubing done by the unskilful hand. Very seldom is anyone deceived by the vivid red of cheeks that have been heightened in color by a rosy liquid or powder, and un- less it van be done well it should never be attempted. Powder is ae much a part of a woman's toilet as her soap or her tooth brush. It is, not used to deceive anybody, but takes the shine off in warm weather, and at all seasons of the year gives that sweet and feminine finishing touch that has Do more harm is it than wheal the mother uses the puff on, her baby's soft skin after the bath. Rouge, certainly has a flavor of unreality about it, and no matter, by whom it is used it gives to that piirsoii d I'ook t1at is certainly not high brnd, to put it mildly. Refined, womanly women will notremit, to it any more than they will bleach their hair or make up their eyes, but to powder 'is a .ittle feminine sin that is both pardonable End inr.,eent. Best Cure For All disorders of the Throat and Lungs is Ayer's Chary Pectoral. It has no equal as a cough -cure. Bronchitis " When 'I was a boy, I had a bronchial trouble of such a persistent and stub- born character, that the doctor pro- nounced it incurable with ordinary remedies, but recommended me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years, I have used this preparation with good effect whesever I take a bad cold, and I know of .timbers of people who keep it in the house all the tithe, not considering it safe to be without it."— J. C. Woodson, P.M., Forest Hill, W. Va. Cough "For more than twenty-five years, I was a sufferer from lung trouble, at- tended with coughingso severe at times as to t:ause hemorrhage, the paroxysms frequently lasting three or four hours. I was induced to try Ayers Cherry Pec- toral, and after taking four bottles, was thoroughly cured."— Franz Hoffman, Clay Centre, Kans. '- La Grippe " Last spring I was taken down with la grippe. At times I was completely prostrated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as if confined in an iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer'1i Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. I could not believe that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete." -W. H. Williams, Cook City, S. Dal. AYER'S CHERRY _FECTHRAL Piererbd by Dr,.1, C. Aro Au Co.. Lot.ell, Miss. Solaria Drattrlraf. Peke ;Is .te !settles. SS. Prompt to act, ours to Urs TO LET OR FOR SALE. Those Convenient premises next door to Leone's Qarrle ge. Worse, suitable fer a handy man to start a seocn hana furniture wareroo or bestow of similar nature. Dwelling -Weise attached. Apply to MISE} NOUNTCASTLE. Th DR I'cLELL I1, L01DO11x O T. 40 t 090 $t„ 400.411•44***, F,.YE, ,VAR,' .NOSE *' f,RUAT • Graduate of the New York Ey. alid:Eer els.�it�I 1808.„ Graduate iZe4le l Sob. Is New Xtlo 9 ran a pied oil School and H,oslziLli"ofr Eye. Ear Noae and Throat 1802. Oyes Treater!;, Full .too of ArtiAotal Ryes, Bpectaolps tins r�Afs gee* gyillba at the. tt d Rai u i~l[ �>� s' u C T x;. a. Q ..IDI O. , E., The: Fir*t FRIDAY to Raab '!!!curb. Fitch. •Y'ieit4VGUST 7 next,, th �r Ho 9re 10 a. in. to 4 p,nlr. Charges Moderato, HURON AND BFRUGE Loan di investment ' Volr' 4OOD HOUSE TO RENT A large commodious and 'comfortable 'house, on Townsend street, containing accommodation for, ordinary ;lamily,-With altlaconveniences, 1a of. fared to rent' on reasonable terms. Good garden ttaohed a Rouse is in eauellent repair. Apply W either 0. WILSON or JAMES HOWE. GOOD FARM FOR SALE For particulars apply to MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, &c., Clinton PROPERTY FOR SALE. For sale, two excellent lots, being Nos. 506 on the corner cf Rattenbury and North Streets, They are both ada and 607, on the corpnteer od f for Nbuilding orth and Princessuoses Steand . prrpp are both offered for este on reasonable terms. Apply to T. M. CABLING. • DYEING & Clothes CLEANING Parties having Clothes of any kind which they desire to have cleaned or dyed, should leave them with the undersigned, who is agent for BARR'S.DYE WORKS. All work entrusted to him will be promptly at- tended to and guaranteed satisfactory. Prices moderate. JAMES HO W SON, Albert St. Clinton. NewPHOTO 0 A 1 LERY Subscriber desires to intimate to the people of Clinton and vicinity, that ho has opened up a Photo Gallery in the premises nearly opposite Fair's Mill, which have been fitted up expressly for the purpose, where he will be prepared to do any work in his line. CABINET PHOTOS, PANELS, SUNBEAMS or TINTYPES Taken in the latest styles. and at lowest prices on cloudy as well as fine days. by new process J. W. COOK, : CLINTON BENMLLLER NUI(SER1 FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE. THE LATTER OF WHICH WE MAHE A SPECIALTY LARGE STOCK ON HAND. The ahoy.) ornamental trees and shrubbery will b, sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save moue purchasing here. Orders by Mail will be promptly attende to. Address, JOHN STEWART. — BenmIll.r. THE _-RIGHT The new model o ockford Watch, when planed in a screw barrel erase, will fill a ion fait want among farmers, as it is not dns proof only, but very strong. The plate which the wheels work between, not being separated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of metal, with.the edger lett of the tops plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever set with Bunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in allsigood rong watch For a Farmer JOS. BIDDLECOMBE Hoose Painting and Paper Hoeg The undersigned ie prepared to promptly' exe- cute all orders for PAINTING, HALBOMINING PAPER -HANGING, &e. Ho is a practical man of long experience ,and guarantees to do all work in a manner that °hall bo satisfactory, while prime will bo exceedingly moderate. Orders re- spectfully solicited. GEO. POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton CLINTON Planing •Mill —AND— DRY KILN! THE SUBSORIBEDRAVING J UST COUPLET ED and furnished his new Planing MDl with machinery Of the latest Improved patterns is now prepared to attend to all orders in his line in th most prompt and satisfactory manner and at roc sonable rates. Re would also return thanks to al who patronised the old mill before they were burn gd out and now being in a better position to ere ute orders expeditiously and feels confident he can ve satisfaction to all. FACTORY—Near the Grand Trunk Railway, Olinton THOMAS McKENZJE ROBERT -:- DOWNS, OLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Nun Mill Dog 1n use. Agent for the sale and appli- cation of the taTFiaHsa PATENT AUTOMATIC BOILER Cawms. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app .4 on short natio°. • isoners. Engines. and 'all kinds of tiaelainery repaired expeditiously and in a satisfactory manner Farm implementsjnanulaotured and repaired Steam and water pampa furnished and put in positipn. Dry Silas fitted up on application Charges moderato. S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE HURON STREET, CLINTON Repairing of all kinds promptly attend to ea enable rates: A trial eolletlodr BANNER ROUTE. Does it ever strike yon that the new Wabash lino between Detroit and Chicago, just completed, forme patio! the shortest line from Canada to the World Fair City and .the great west. The now trains on ` the W abash are absolutely the` lines t in the World; not hell``tlie' ad Kritages of this Rtallway esti be : outlined here, any It. It, b i or n 11 on the res serf, : 'ticket a e ,bill ke calat' dti tied bMo0, N. B. Co,Ring! & Yotige street,'Tolfotlte. J. B. Richardson Canadian reisieisigor si gent. to Oofwirany i8 1 ending ¥`careesy oa t!'..... Security sat L°WOet' .liatCa•oj' Iseterett, MORTGAGES - - . PIIRCiHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 6• per Cent. Interest 41dlowed'ois Deposits, according ro.an:0W and time," OFFIOE+-Corner of Market Squire and North 8* dORACE BOSTON, YA1tAesl • 0t 188. J. C. STEVENSON, —THE LEADING -- UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A PULL LINE OP GOODS KEPT in STOCK The bestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow ? A Splendid Churn, or anything of 11 nature? Then call onjW. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E. Dinsley Will bo at Dineley's corner every Saturda afternoon. --TEE— Royal' ElectricIo Co.nneAseent bsad'memoa i ors. • CONTNAgggae swum- . tl>R %d 190 AND•., ltwEA Itictunis Tbrougboul the Daoti(loai ss to. se 1Wletltestofo,8u MONTREAL PAPER MILLS CO: • PETARMAN'S AOR FOOD NOTA 180N FATAL TO RO ' ES ANO WATER BUGS. Wclt.e.tt0o/b»Om Drt l.t. We eri11g1,e .1,M Dtt)L briewlya'a'trr,p�fM.,la3dlttrltpreP'',1'&PP" EWING, HERRON & COu,' a $'nh eh' Sole niLea 67s 681 St: iiiin1 sheet 'ictll iitEkt. sole p5, oomdi. AU sbocad won 11 ilj�O�Ii�r brands..,dsi AkuX* sb..r. eon Ing thti'erilgil pr•rk.yv para F 1 PoE'!" L14W BeondABosatei PORT, 1'6on'-nay, ; A." HBrand, �a rade. Saccus, LLL Brand. W ' N it Manaatll. CLAEDT. Lion S P R I T Brand, "A," pWaIIIi.ET, Llon Brand, Lion can ds Visr,Lfaa 1r11�ERCHA NT. Ag,rttor John Bo'erteon &tons teh Whiskey; /amen Ferguson Wong, Glasgow ; Bonnet& Deiametn Jara.o. Cognac, Prawn CHAUPAoas,vind.Pdodoes, 'bInME 416 St. Paul Street, Montreal. MOIlfr i1jT .,1 ot��1RAD4'o Wall ..1% ' COLIN : ti er 1 `MCARTHURo [ & CO..� Facto •S� rY 1nTR,� il, Before fore CANADA TRUSS FACTORY Sat. 1866. r. CR088, Prop. Appliances for all kinds of Phy- sical Deformities. Gross' Improved Pat. Artificial Limbs —Send ibr— l PRI® LIST and CIRCULARS La Craig Street, Montreal MUCiLAGE-& LIQUID OLUE,MANFR. It AULb :+PretPjan#liylhl: :'159 draig OSTRICH' 'FEATHER MANFR. 'W. SNO W, rather Rapalrs4, 1913 Notre Dame SAFE `MANUFACTURER S. REIMBAI.L,yarsirs!Aidoss.Eye alty.6?lCraig THE EQUAL OF PARISIAN RAR,RENEWER Cannot be found, for reolortng grey hair to its natural Dolor and beauty; it keeps the head • dean and cool, and frtlo front dandruff, it stops the hair iron► falling out, promotes tho growth, and givers the hair the globs, beauty and Strength yottli , When' used adIro ctod it was nev ,,known to-fatt, Sold tor half the price 444 Aide preliiiratfah', and Li muck better theeran' known balrtoilet; Bard eitlry'whlire 1<ti rfrg. ik' t