Clinton New Era, 1893-07-14, Page 41 .1 :$9 '"1,417 Aatteitie ON lt00-W; rata '. i r -1.V. T. Whille3 t for sale-New sale Naw Esta e uatto-zearids- ckot Wanted-- . Robs n for BJ -NEW Kau '# l ow.Water. Iioa tit d : Y. fill it •-a' tit . a bol,�ranted- W. e. WI Some rinap,.ee:-fleda�eene, e to ` ' : a Iaikeet -Cooper & Co. t8 ldodg eestate Rpat�hita hot -=Gilroy& Wiseman. $ufl t voters' itet . act•ant boll i eantwblt�e,ebi-JeokaonpBros CAildrei''sqOOPtb ,.Taekeon Woe. • Sumner emehl u}nst tel& Plbbinge 1rtOn °P i A JULY ULY 1 4r 18,. d. Take 'Yozfr CLolee. The Empire, referring to the attitude of the two political parties, makes the „following statements regarding the platform:--- "To-day the two parties stand otrt Clearly before the people, with directly opposite policies. The Government and the Conservative party stand firm- ly by the principle of moderate pro- tectio icarefully adjusted and changed in application from time to time. The Opposition, on the other hand, wishes ,us to return to the Revenue tariff policy of 1867-79; and to obtain, in addition to that measure, a treaty of unlimited reciprocity with the United States,' It is thus questionable if there ever was a• more distinct issue between the two parties than there is at the present time. A retention of our flexible and moderate tariff, with such amendments as may suit changing circumstances, but always upon a protective, patriotic Canada first basis, as against the ac- ceptance of the old injurious and com- petitive tarriff of 1878." If people are not tired of "moderate protection carefully adjusted" it is pretty dear time they were. Fourteen years experience of it has not by any fulfilled all the promises that were made for it. Look at some of the items upon which there is "moderate protection." On $37,000 worth of im- ported soap Canadians last year paid $10,000. On socks and hosiery the im- ports aggregated $384,000 and the taxes levied amounted to $150,000. This is "moderate protection" with a ven- geance. Last year Foreign yarn was bought by Canadians to the value of $181,000 and $62,000 was paid the Cus- toms' tax collecters to allow it to land on our shores. The Empire, perhaps unintentional- ly, states a truth in saying that ".the parties stand out clearly before the people, with directly opposite policies." They -do. The Liberals advocate tariff - for revenue only . The believe in mak- ing the burdens of- the people as light as possible.'Z•They reason that if a man pays less for customs duties or to pro- tect manufactories, he will be better off and have more money to spend for something else. Yes, the policies are entirely different, and it is for the peo- ple to choose which one they will have. Canada's Cattle Trade. No one in Canada believes- that any Canadian cattle exported to England, were affected with pleuro -pneumonia, and what ever may be the Cause of the F gtisnt-government's action relating to cattle, there is no hope that any cliangVfor-the better will be made, the fallowing telegram from the Globe's London correspondent indicating that all privileges have been withdrawn: - ,..'he board of agriculture has issued an,order, which takes effect forthwith, cancelling the order of April and June securing segregation slaughter for Canadian cattle under special supervi- sion. This withdrawal of special privi- leges from Canadian stock places them on the same footing as United States and other cattle. Swan & Sons, Edin- b4 gh, in their weekly reports says that as the restrictions are to be main- tained an endeavor will be made to have Cananian cattle sent to Yorkhill instead of to Shieldhall, the former be- ing much nearer to the city. As elbowing the effect of the restrictions, the prices realized by Canadian ani- mals are in many eases eighteen shil- lings per hundredweight less than for home -fed cattle of the same quality. In all circles here connected with the trade there is little hope at pi., sent sent felt that thereis any chance ot`an early change in the position that; affairs have now assumed. A press despatch states that "De- positors in the defunct Commercia Bank at Winnipeg are much concerned over the failure." There's nothing eurprising about this. It would be surprising if they were not much con- ned. PEOPLE WHO TRAVEL. -Mg W. E. Brown, of , Blyth, left on Wednesday last fora trip through England, sailing on Saturday, per the Sardinian, from Montreal. Rev. A. Birks and Mr T.C. Bruce are taking in the World's Fair, Chicago. Miss Goodridge has gone to fl"ancouver, B. C. Mrs Whitt to Grand 'Rapids and Mrs and Miss Grant to 'Spokane, Wash. All the above were 'ticketed through by W. Jackson, town 'agent: Foni sir ne.-At a court meeting :Heid by the--ancient-order of -Foresters; in. Clinton, oh July ' 5th, the following officers Were -installed:•-P.C.Ra John Derry, C.'11.,%F. W. Wat't's; S.C.R., J. D. Kilty; TreaM.,V Overberry�;�• See., A. R. Jack' offll; S. W., F. WJE Button; J. W., F. Evans; S. B., J;• Slornan; Trustees, F. Evanst J. Story. torq. Raid F. We WattsAuditorsf.1...Wl P ctrlt artd.ty� CllrPro- eperitys . gradually increasing in;fnem- bertshi , and Several initiations are ex - petted -next Meeting ofcourt, To fin. and County Church • Vhin eh. The pietlic of Rattenbny St. Method. lst Sunda�� y""�seliool ev it beheld at Godes, rich, on Wednesday next, The Sabbath 'Schools of Willis Ivrea- byterran Church, and Ontario street Methodist church, picnita)tedat Gclde- rich Yesterday. Rev. • d, Livingstone, Of' l lncardine, Erearmes to the Maseru brethren, at. xeter, next #unday. A nuixpaber of the Clinton brethren go doyen, The new pipe organ,,in R,attenbery 9C'Chure1 will net be ornially opened en Suuday next, but the opening and recital Will take place on July 23-24. • The minister who ocoupied the pul- pit of the Methodist " church, St. Marys, some four Sundays ego, is said to have . prayed as follows; "Bless those who are InP riaon an d bless the thousands who ought to be there." St. Thomas Journal: Miss E. Winte- mute left this afternoon to visit the World's Fair. From Chicago she will proceed to her hornein Vancouver, and thence about theend of August to Japan to resume her missionary labor. [But it will not be as Miss Wintemute.] There was a very Wage attendance at Rattenbury street Church, on Sun- day evening last, the occasion being a memorial service. An excellent ser- mon was preached by the pastor, Rev J. W. Holmes, who laid great stress on what should be the course of life and action for the living, as a preparation for that death beyond which there is no opportunity to labor. The Rev John G. Paton, for over thirty years missionary in the New Hebrides Isles, will deliver an address in Willis Church, on Wednesday even- ing, July 19th, at 8 o'clock. This mo- dern missionary has a fascinating story to ,tell of the perils and discour- agements, through which he passed during his residence among the Tan - nese. To listen to him will silence the faithless clamor against missions. All are invited to come and hear him. The financial report of the Ontario Street Methodist Church, Clinton, for the past year, shows that the following amounts were contributed for the va- rious purposes: To quarterly board, $1014.16; to trustee board, $721.09; to mission fund, $168.13; to women's mis sionary society, $43; tosuperanuuation fund, by circuit, $35.34, by Rev. W. Smyth, $32.66; educational fund$37.85; contingent. $5.44; general conference, $7.24; union church relief, $4.10; Sun- day school aid, $1.11; sustentat ion ,5.72; Sunday schools, $195.60; Epworth lea- gue, $84.68; total $2386.12. The financial report of the Ratter: - bury St. Methodist church for the pa -t year shows that the amounts contri- buted to the various funds of the church were as follows: -To mission% $379.25; Superannuation fund, 541.'„i; Educational fund, $78.02; Couti..gent fund, $6.22; General Conference fund, $7.53; tTnion church relief fund, $4.75; Sunday School aid, $3; Sustentation, $5.65; Women's Missionary, $136; Sun- day School, $194; Epworth League, $45. In addition to this the amounts contributed by envelope, loose collec- tions and for pews amounted to $1503.- 25, atotal of $2105.40. - The new pipe organ put in Rotten - bury Street Methodist ohurch, is a fine instrument and very massive in appear- ance. The case is finished in polished oak, and the front pipes, which ate beautifully decorated, are bracketed out in front.of the choir chancel, and completely fill it. Thereat organ, or bottom row of keys, has- connected therewith 406 pipes, and- tie ,swell or- gan, or top row of keys, has 348 pipes, and there are 30 pipes connected with the pedals. In all 784 pipes in the or- gan. The length of the longest pipe is 12 feet, and the diameter of the largest 10 inches. The opening and recital will take place on the 23rd and 24th, not on the 16th and 17th, as before announced The Dundalk Herald of Last week thus alludes to the late pastor of Blyth Methodist church: - "On Thursday eve. lasta large number of friends of the Methodist church gathered at the station to welcome the Rev. Dr. and Mrs Campbell to their new home.. On the arrival of the train they were escorted to the parsonage where tea, prepared by the Ladies Aid, was in waiting. The citizens' band shortly afterwards put in an appearance, and in their usual good style rendered some choice selections. After being thanked cordially by Dr. Campbell, and treated to refreshments by the ladies, they played the National An- them and withdrew. A very pleasant evening was spent. Dr. and Mrs Campbell come to us highly recom- mended and with the best wishes of the whole congregation for future health and prosperity. The garden party, held by the Ladies Aid of St. Paul's church. in the grounds of Mr J. H. Combe, on Friday evening last, was a great success. The evening was lovely. The band from Goderich discoursed sweet music of the simple kind so suited to the occasion, and were highly commended, which con- sidering the extreme youth of many of their numtter, was very flattering. The rounds were illuminated with chinese anterns, under which floated the ++k�ms of daintily dressed ladies in airy fattNrics in divers colors, while the mas- culin�ct" , ment was well represented, though tL sw whose faces we had been wont to se n the past were absent through illn::-•. The crowd was es- iimated at abo four hundred. The usual amount of i reshments had been provided, but the . ening being warns and the crowd so i' eh greater than heretofore, there w , deficiency, for which the ladies did no ail to express their deep regret. The n artgallary, admission five cents for gr , wn up pe6- ple, children free, was one f the chief attractions of the entertainment. Pro- ceeds over seventy dollars. -Coir. Huron Presbytery. The Presbytery of Huron met in St. Andrew's Church, Blyth, on Tuesday, the llth inst. Mr J. A. McDonaldd was appc.inted Moderator for the ensuing six months. A call to Mr Murdoch McKay, _probationer, front_._Leebui'n_ and Union Church,Goderich tow,nship,. was sustained, and nrrarlgementq were imide for Mt McKay's ordination and induction on August 1st. The :ollov4 ing standing committees for th ' ei1stI i> fl year *ere appointed, the•flr t-inon� toned' erson in each being C riveter: Hem ',311/38161119-4W. e , M.;Mar t►, Petr Mit avei J'.,I•IL:SinI sono • misters, h. rt � y �r ate ¢ . � lie ' rt al o�>Ks: State of Religion -S. Ai+ esoill, J. S.` • Henderson, Matthew Barr, ministers, and_ Hector Reid, Thgs, MelIis, Tarries ; Aikenhead, elders. Temperance; - . ,d:. ifam lton,,Alex. CGee., . H Simpsou,ministersr.and eo ...wal1ow, m. Carnochan, Robt. Scott, elders. Sabbath SehoLs,-R ob t. Henderson, J. A. Anderson, Arch, McLean, Minis- ters, and James Aikenhead, R. Laid- law. John Symington, elders, Sabbath Observance; -J. 5. }lender- son, ende - son, Neil Shaw, Alex. Stewart, minis- ters, and Robt, McLaren, Robt. Scott, Adam Whiteford, elders. • Finance: P Musgrave, Neil $haw, J. A. McDonald, ministers, and Robt, Calder, .Tames Hackney, Thos. Menial elders. Superintendence of Students: -Colin Fletcher, Arch. McLean, Alex. Stew- art, ministers, and John Symington, Wm.' Purdy, Wm. Fulton, elders. Systematic Beneficence: -J, A. An- derson, S. A. Carerie, Colin Fletcher, ministers, and John Whiddon, Wm. Carnochan, Adam Whiteford, elders. Societies of Christian Endeavor:- Dr. ndeavor:Dr. McDonald, J. S. Henderson, Colin Fletcher, ministers, and Geo. Swallow, Hector Reid, Robt. Laidlaw, elders. CONDOLENCE. -At a regular meeting of Court Maple Leaf No. 16, C. 0, F., held on Thursday evening last, the following letter of condolence was passed and ordered to be forwarded to Mrs John Junor:-DEAR MADAM. - Whereas it has pleased Divine Provi- dence to remove from us Brother John Junor ; and whereas we realize the'loss we have substained, we know there are others who feel his removal even more keenly than we do. Be it therefore Resolved -That a resolution of sym- pathy of the members of this Court be forwarded to you and your daughter in the sad affliction which has befallen' you in the death of your loving hus- band. You and your daughter have lost a kind companion and father. And we have also lost a Brother, a charter member of our Order. But God, who doeth all things well, has taken him` from this world of trials. Please accept our sympathy. May He who is a husband to the widow and a father to the fatherless sustain and comfort you in your bereavement. Slaked on behalf of the Court. WM. JONES, F. S. WM. S ARLIN��O.,t7 P. C. R. JOHN SMITH, P. C. R. The Battle of the Boyne . AT EXETER. The Twelfth of Jaly was a notable day in Exeter. Fully 5,000 people gathered in the cleanly little Huron town to celebrate the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne, of whom 2,000 were Orangemen in regalia. The weather was perfection for the purpos- es of the celebration. Exeter, too, was at- tired in her prettiest dress in honor of her visitors, and everything was done to make the day pass off as it did -in a most en- joyable and successful manner. Main street from end to end was marked with handsome arches and buntings stretched across the strset, and from nearly every house in the town flags floated from•flag- poles or hung from the windows. The Trivitt Memorial church chimes were rung the day long, playing sweetly familiar tunes, and the National Anthem inparticnlar, -After -the procession had- reached the grove, Mr Todd, County Master, presid- ed, and called the gathering to order. He welcomed the great crowd to the town of Exeter. The committee had been disap- pointed in some of thespeakers, but had provided a rare treat nevertheless. Ad- dressee were then delivered by Revs. Mr Jackson, Mr McDonagh, Mr E. T. Essay, of London, and H. L. Dickson, of Exeter. AT BLITH. The anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne was right loyally celebrated here. There was over 25 lodges represented from North Huron and Bruce, and over 1,000 people took part in the procession, together with four braise bands and two fife and dram brands. The speakers who took part were: -Mr Mooney, county master; Rev. Thomson. of Kincardine; Rev. Hughes, of Adelaide; Rev. Riley, Brussels, and Rev. McLean, of Blyth. Everything passed off quietly. OUR LETTER BOX. Toronto Correspondence. To the Editor of the Clinton New Era TORONTO, July 11th, 1893. DEAR Snt,- Politica and politicians are taking their summer vacation, and as far se this city is concerned, the street railway dispute with the city, and the Sunday car question have the floor. The manner of handling the matter by the city conned has proven them to be about as. vacillating a lot of men as ever disgraced a counoil chamber, and has left many of them open to the suspicion of having been "influenced" lower down than the place where brains are supposed to be located. Be this as it may, they have turned so many somesaulte that no one kne s, and apparently they do not know themdelves, what they have done, or what they are going to do, One of your town or township councils would have set- tled the matter at'a Bitting. The Sunday car question is, if possible, creating more interest than the street rail- way grab, and the prospects are all in fa- vor of the Sabbath observers. The vote taken less than two years ago left the ad- vocates of the Sunday car service in tt large minority, but they have never ceased to agitate for Sunday oars, and another effort is now being made to seoure them, this time banked by the money and influence of the company. The Sabbath observing ele• went is immensely strong here, and will have no difficulty in defeating the Com- pany and its followers. The vote takes place Aug. 26th, so we have not long to wait. The American Drop reports for July in- dicate that there will be a deficiency, com- pared with last year, of between 75,000,000 and 100,000,000 bushels. As the fall wheat will be harvested at an early date, there may not be much change in these figures, but the spring wheat will have time to improve. The frightfnl loss of life at the Chicago fire, ori the afternoon of the 10th inst. has oast a gloom over the city, and flags are flying at half mast on all the fire halls, as a token of sympathy. The first reports stated that fortyperished, pe ,bat later ao• bonnie-.atate._the number much leas..- An. evening .paper here pays bet eleven were lost. The cattle embargo on Canadian Cattle has talion an unfaborable turn; an Order, withdrawing the apecial privileges in the caro of Canadian cattle, will now place them on the same footing as the United States cattte. This• has already ,reduced prices very materially._ Sir John Tompson" ekrleoti to s lam to Canada by the first week of Auguelf; NQBTffEaN QITT' fto To tic Editor Qt s Clinton; ,wetv+,l r'a, Dlq tie fits;-- I noticed in your issue :o some weeks ago, you reoonrluended Clinton as being the befit plaoe for rehired farwere o- rnth re e t.m o R e to e d ee Rv xn r or y b. Mall•. omenta, end feel jaatiiled is +doing so, avers thengb it is my native flown, But you dR not say where 14 the .beet place for farmers to go to, to put themselvesin a position to retire there, or any other plane, which is of ares importance. I am more than astonished at hearing of so many leaving the western. counties of. Ontario, and going to the North and South- west; taking a long and exponsivo journey, to Beek a better home, before looking over the Pro in v e they!v ' e live in. I now live in Melanothon township, Dafferin Co., only a two days' drive (00 miles) with a horse and rig, from Clinton, and. yet I will venture to. spy. not one in every. hundred of the po u- lation of Huron has the elightest idea what this place is like, or what good farms can be bought for. I consider this township is second to none in Ontario, as a stook rais- ing and dairying township. I have been through the noted blue grass region of Kentucky, but they have not the rich pas, ture there that we have. There seems a something in the soil and climate here, which keeps the grass ever green. Some seven or eight years ago, I used to travel a good bit through the cogntry• with horee and rig, and in the hot weather when pas� tures were burnt up ary in other places, here they seemed always green, this was what induced me to move to.Melanothon some six years ago. Not wishing to • mis- lead anyone, l have said very little of the plane, till I saw how orope.grew, and if the grain got frozen, as Proton township just north of us used to • have the reputation of frozen grain, so,, thirtyflve years ago, had Morris and Wawanoeh. As late as 1860 when I bought wheat in Clinton, I used to dread buying a load from one of those townships, as it was in most cases frozen; now it is a thing of the past. So likewise is it in Proton and Melanothon, with a few exceptions where grain has been put in long after seeding time, it has got nipped with the frost in the fall, but no one need fear their grain getting froeted if it is put in in proper season. Now, without trespaisleg too mach on your space, I would like to point out a few advantages this place has for men of small means, and there alie some in the County of Huron. Men who have mortgages to con- tend with, who could sell out there and siert here efres11 end clear their feet of debt. There are farms here suitable for anyone, as regards size, being in range 50 acres eaoh, next range 58 acres, next 68 acres and next 100 acres. In many cases a person can buy two or three of these small farms side by side. To give an idea of the price of land the farm adjoining me, 58 acres, some improvements can be bought for 5700. The next 116 acres, frame house, good stone cellar and barn, about 100 trees in orchard and probably 20 acres cultivated for 51,500. Opposite is 68 acres, 15 cleared and the balance burnt over and good pas- ture free of stumps, $800. These properties can be bought on easy terms, and are one and a half miles from the thriving village of Dundalk; population 1000, good school and four churches. Railway station, C.P.R telegraph and telephone offices, only 75 miles from Toronto, which gives us the best Market the country has for our produce. The soil is mostly rich clay loam,(slightly rolling; drained by the Grand river, which takes its rise here. I often see you quote the weight -of"some fine stock shipped from Clinton. To let you see that we are not far behind, I clip the following from the Dun- dalk Herald of May l lth:-"Messrs W. & R Fawcett shipped last week, probably the heaviest and best car load of cattle that ever left Dundalk; the car overacted very nearly 1600 lbs. Proton is fast winning a reputa- tion as the beat grazing township in Ontario; we wish the gentlemen success in their business," I thin s, Mr Editor, you will see by the above that we can raise our beef. I could write more fully on our advantages, but have already, I fear, trespassed too much on your space. Any tone wishing any in- formation of the county, climate, deo., can get it by addressing me. Thanking you, Mr Editor, for your space, I remain, yours truly, EDMUND MOUNTOASTLB wee. more than hie dimity could Attend. Ife.coalraiMced threatenin " that uniems he: dould get part . he would lay'a complaint f lend teke.all from us. The moticrt passed': by the council proven histhreat carried out sgoootder seaessehe 9 fis n sb.Dolea, n' 0Wl. Io togtrunvt a o'utruDohp I have confidence enough in there to be- lieve the day isfar distantwhen a widow over severity be compelledto spend several dollars in order that an able bodied man scan secure a.little patch to grow rufous. This is precisely the meaning of the whole Wollner'. If this. is not clearly proved by the• action, of Mr' Patna the thing is a farce, I will give you an idea of the rent., ed value of this disputed piece of land. Land mote in (loderioh township for about two1 dol arsp a nor • one fifth, soit can be piece than Thee whole etreet is worth about thirty nine cents. The pay of that would be 194-o, or in round numbers, the enormous suet of 20: , a large sum Rarely to entree so much talk in our quiet little village. Having thus stated the facts I have but little more to say. No reason can be given why this street should be opened, it can be no accommodation to any one, save and ex- •oept the complainant and to use as I have already stated. If opened to -morrow it would not benefit this community ten cents for the next fifty years. Why 1 should be selected as a target to be tired at is more than most people can understand. If ever opened it must be done by tate own- ers; tenants are not aoncetned in a matter of this kind, and, act a tenant, I should be tree from any annoyance. The council have, I believe, aright to do as they please, the only trouble is the wrong person is attacked. Thanking you kindly for space. I remain, S. PHlrre. 7'o the Editor of the Clinton Nes, Era DEAR Sin, -A description of a football match played in Bayfield on July lst, was given by a Bayfield correspondent in the NEW ERA of last week. I shall not occupy much space in your paper as only facts relating to the game will be news to your readers, and any discussion between the correspondent, who wrote the article, and myself should be private. Your cor- respondent wrote "The first goal was made by Bayfield, and caused some heated dis- cussion, as the referee would not aecept the decision of the umpire." This is al- most entirely incorrect. In the first place, there was no goal scored at that time. In the second place the discussion was not caused es stated. But in the third place your correspondent is correct when he Bays that I would not accept the deoision of the umpire, for 'how could I accept a decision which was not given -which did not exist. The umpire did state that he was in doubt about the course which the ball took, and I have sufficient confidence in hishonesty and firmness to know that he will not change his opinion or his statement. Each team scored one goal, and the match was decided a tie. Yours truly, W. H. BARER, (referee.) THE HOLMESVILLE STREET FIZZLE. To the Editor of the Clinton New Era. I see by your last paper a motion passed by the council of Goderich township order- ing me to open a certain street in Holmes- ville. When I first read it I thought to take no notice, but since have deoided to briefly lay before the readers of your valu- able paper plain statements of the circum- stances and facts which led to the passing of this motion. I will now describe this street; it runs from the Huron road to the railroad, a distance of about fifteen rode. The land on one side is owned by Mr H. B. Evans, the other side is owned by a widow, Mrs Jenkins. The street is entirely held by Mrs Jenkins. This is the place I rent, I may just remark when 1 rented it I was not aware but the street enclosure belong ed to the plane. I was not long kept igno- rance; Mr• Evans gave me to understand that such a thing as a street did exist, and wished me to desist him move his fence on the middle, dividing it equally between the two, This I refused to do as I considered 1 -had no right as a -tenant-to -remove-any boundary fences. t,Vhen he failed to get any assistance to get possession, hie next movo was to Dome over in my absence and plough up a small enolosure used by the former owners as it wood yard and, I be- lieve, occasionally used by Mr Ford to have madam ever night,•ate we required .this petit' 1 refused to •:let •him plant it. • ids tried then torear►de Mie Jenkins to build the fence through to the GI. T, li:i giving him possession of the road nett the rail roof. In this he 6100 failed. Thie 1IB$ NEWS NOTES. Mr Lewis Guay, of Levis, Que., aged 95, danced at his grandson's wedding on Mon- day. • Robt. Patterson was killed by.a cave-in ,of clay .upon him at the tile yards in Dray. ton, Ont. Cable advices state that Sir Charles Tup. por will sail for Canada on July 17 on per- sonal business. • Last year more than 18,000 visitors were received at the farm of the Ontario Agri- >; ultural College. James McMullen, the oldest man in Ken- tucky, died near Baremell. IIe was born in Virginia in 1776. Mr H. H. Laing, of Hamilton, a well known merchant. died Sunday evening af- etr but '24 hours illness. • Mr Hugh Marshall, an old resident of London, for many years with the G. T. 11., dropped dead on Saturday morning. Leon Ferveau, aged 70, while drawing in that', on Monday, near, Warkworth, fell from the load and was instantly killed. Mrs John W. Rice, wife of a farmer liv- • ing near Port Stanley, accidentally fell in- to a barrel at a spring and was drowned. James McMillen, the oldest man in Kentucky, died near Baremell, Ky., Mon- day. He was born in Virginia in 1776. Joseph Lanthier, aged 30. fell against a large belt at the Royal Electric company's works, Montreal, and was instantly killed. The total number of deaths from Thurs- days cyclone in Ipwa now number 63. Over 200 houses were entirely swept away by the wind. The infant child of Mr and Mrs Richard, Mitchell, was killed on Monday evening by being thrown wifh its parents out of a bug- gy, the horse having run away. While J. Armstrong, of Port Elmsley, Ont., was sitting on the verandah of his home, on Saturday, chatting and joking, he fell forward off his chair and died. Mr A. Miscampbell, M.P.P., has been unanimously re -nominated by the Conser- vatives to contest East Simcoe for the On- tario Legislature. A tramp who had been put off a train at Deur Rivieres, near Brookville, on Friday, placed his neck across the track before an incoming train and was decapitated. The attendance at the World's Fair San day was so light as to raise doubt in some minds as to whether the open Sundays are to prove the financial boon to the Fair that was expected. Crop prospects in Europe are discourage- ing. The hey Drop is especially poor and prices have risen enormously. In Britain e royal commission has been appointed to enquire into the causes of the agricultural depression and suggest measures for im- prove ment. A Montreal telegram says: -Notwith- standing the news received during the past week to the effect that the British Minis- ter of Agriculture had decided that the cattle embargo must be maintained for some time yet, live stook shilnnents wero continued at this port at a lively rate. During the week ending July 8 no less than 13 steamers, taking 9,584 head of cat- tle, 258 sheep, and 43 horses, sailed from the port of Montreal. Goderleh Township CUTTING THISTLES. --Along the 16th con. Messrs. Fcrrester, Swan, Roland Jenkins, John Lindsay, and H. Hibbs, have nearly all the thistles cut from their farms. A certain gentleman passing along the line, made the re- mark the other day, "Sorge people here have made a good job in cutting thistles, but others haven't touched them yet." -Cox. TO THE RUP.T RED. Red Currants & Gooseberries 064a Suitable for small PICNIC or LUNCH BASKETS Stock Taking Sale 40 11<11111mes-- Now on and will con- tinue till August 1st. Speaking to the Orangemen of Ottawa, Sunday, Rev. R.E. Knowles; Presbyterian, said a man was none the worse for being_a Catholic. Sir John Thompson, he said, had proved himself more of a Canadian than a Catholic, and the leader of the Op- position was a noble man. A terrible fatality occurred Monday, at the World's Fair grounds, Chicago. By the burning of the immense cold storage warehouse between 15 and 20 firemen lost their lives. They had climbed the oupola, which is high,in order to combat the flames, and were cut off from all means of escape by a sudden outburst of flame beneath them. ».ttv AdvartiS.emeuts. GIRL WANTED. Good general servant wanted. Apply to MR$ .1. WISEMAN, Ontario St. BUGGY FOR SALE. Good covered, jamp-east buggy tor sale cheap. Apply at NEW ERA OFFICE FOR SALE. A young standard bred mare with excellent colt at her side, for sale at a bargain as owner has no time to drive her. Apply at NEW ERA OFFICE. British Columbia Red Cedar. Subscriber has received a car load of Britiek Columbia Red Cedar, which is for sale at Londesborough. Two cars more are on the way, which will be sold at Blyth and Brucefleld. •11 W. T WHITELY. NOTICE! A Court for hearing the appeals from the Court of Revision of the Town of Clinton, will be held at the Couneil Chamber, Clinton, before his honor Isaao F. Tome„Tndge of the County Court on Wednesday, July 26, ay. 9 o'clock, s. m, All parties having business at the said court will take notice and govern taemselves accordingly. W. COATS, Clerk. Wanted, Any quantity of good Cher- - - — ries, picked with the stems on, To those of our readers who are inter- ested in Rupture, we recommend the perusal of the following letter. It certainly bears strongtestimony to the skill of the rupture specialist, who is announced to be in Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, on July 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29. where he will give careful attention to all cases who call upon him. Physic inns are especially invited to call and inspect some of the grandest instr u- ments the world ever saw. Examina- tion and advice free. Tn J. Y. Egan, Hernia Specialists, 266 west Queen street, Toronto, Ontario: ' Sm, -I feel it my duty, in the Interest of those suffering from Rupture, to siroid you the op. inreortunity of iacrynainting thewith illy case any way you may think best. i have been ruptured for over 90 years. During that time in England, and also in Toronto, 1 nave tried 1 large nnmber and varlet y of 9'russes, iEacli one was thought at the timo to be the best could be got. They all proved failures. In Guy's Hospi- tal, London Eng., I was ander treatment, and special Appliances were made for me, but'gave no relief. My case was considered so difficult that I Was told it was not in the power of man to aid me. TbII caused me great angi cell of mind, so mdehlro'thatI consfdered»ntyeolf a h'opeless-pr- Valid. , Eminent surgeons and mom calling themselveaanrgioal machinists at tariotis times undertook, but were coinpolled ultimately to ad- mit their inability to Windt ete,II had abandoned all hope,. By the bi5esing of Cod”„ I heard of you and your success in very severe 05850. Three months ago I called on you andwas enconreged. You, fitted me with an A pliente especially adapted'toray, cake,and 1 thaniifully aercnow- ladgo the giant beftefl , T have received G,.•. hcanton n' and o n s it p d l'I s aird,.g'o to Market, do a washing, in feet I feel my life renewed in e, man- n'itr I uover.baniated. • TO lonr' remarkable,, •irfetnl and skit tiF ireiatinetit S'moat nttl»tiirltre' Ili 111E yourttreatfal debtor, MRB. irlts/tIt, OA A Seat':Quiet% ?Street. Totent6, Ons, for which the highest market price will be paid. N. ROBSON, Grocer, Clinton • VOTERS' LIST 1893. MUNICIPALITY 01 THE TOWNBIIIF or„ SULLETT, COUNTY OF HURON. Notice ie horoby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the po.sons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Voters' Lists Act, the copies re - ()sired by said sections to be so transmitted or dolivored of the list made persuant to said Act, of ail persons appeitriag bi' the last revised As• vesement Roll of said munieiparty to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was polft- ed up at my office, at Londesboro, on the 10th day of July, 1893, and remains there for inspec- tion. Electors aro called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors arc found therein, to take ittimedlate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. JAS. CAMPBELL, Clerk of Hullett. Dated this 10th day of July, 1893 umm rE ur � e xc st n Os RAIL,WATER, OCEAN For all particulars concerning travel a ppytO war jAcitts . '1."CYW1 ;AoHNT 0r.Tt. a., oto Ql .