Clinton New Era, 1893-05-26, Page 7: 4
.,,,WW :,#1W eOriMi1nkA i9P.,1.4,5d! ' 4..6S.. :V.!`-�;,,-- i 1 ' J� . ! .yy,�.j!., t9..��.4!;.,:t��,.,,r I i_L..p . 11'�_ ,. t,� ,,,rte c iti - ..
.b* .Ro3.1.r M41; it 1, � li. teili ' . .0
'.doubtedly verify it at ie hart vasa.
8eyeral other, In the neighberliood oorro.
1:4 er
about equivalent to 6 American allOns ibr
' bite American Oil 25c. a Gallon
These .prices are . Spot Cash at -our store. ' C barge;
or delivered 21c er. mien extra.
Johnson's Xalsomin andiPure fixed:Paints.
Churches Alabastine,
John A Bruces Field and Garden Seeds
ardware, Stoves -and Tinware, Clinton
First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Montreal
Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest.
Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots.
Teas, . Coffees and Spices a Specialty
Irwin, .Grocer
TableLinens, Towelings
fable Covers P`rir t ; _•
Sheetings Flannelettes
LACE CURTAINS at all prices
Ask to see our 8c SHEETING
Anything advertised in this space is worth your attention
5 per cent off for Cash
Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton.
S.peclai Notice!
As an extra indnoement to CASH purchasers we have made arrangements with a lead-
ing firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistio Pictures by well-known masters,
all framed and finished in. first-class style, and suitable for the best class of resi-
dence. Each customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Piotures
free when their cash purchases aggregate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business
is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at Bottom Prices.
SOAP—Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per cent.
we will supply all Eleotrio Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps at
the old figures. Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are
on show at our store.
TEAS—Onr stook is replete and well seleoted. We offer excellent values In fine Teas
- including beat grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our Russian Blend and
Crown Blend, the finest in the market.
CHINAWARE—Examine the quality and prices of our Combination Dinner and
Tea Sets, and be convinced that Bargain Day with ns is every business day
throughout the. year.
N. ROBSON, — Clinton
We invite your inspection of our new and extensive stook of
Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, Fruits, &c.
Believing that we are now in a better position to handle your trade than ever before, it is
oar intention to leave no atone unturned to gain custom. We take it for granted that
everybody has preference for Good Goods, and a decided leaning towards prices. In view
Of these facts( We are glad to direct attention to our large assortment and the bargaine we
offer. Tho extent of. our stock is unusually large, and the variety offered in styles and
sizes is so wide that we think we can scarcely fail to satisfy every intending pnrohater.
Tit every. department oar-atock will be found ebmplete. Nothing having been neglected
in our efforts to make it the most complete ashprtment ever offered in this locality, *This
dation we can handle any quantity of Bggs a ri' good Butter. We also pay Cali i or both
there artioles. Cash wi 1 be paid for Egg by the waggon which is now on roa
tttterltiort i e is_ :tall directed to our G t� �siitora at $1.25. Ladies Orf
uttbned Slli:a $ ppy obit attention to
New; Raiei ; ,:,t-, 'Bae or Tomatoes
tr, Cltn, er Salmon for
heti Of the g
'fi'p'4N>G?ER.' '17L Ecovgo or
ASV 7�NTGl:iirt,Itsil a, C ES�T'.�L IEMA N.f.
Twelit1 Tears of Suffering,
TF1131i�1 �1,TPl» BY A r W • DAYS
,iMt R ►:Etl.S r 4T HQM1.
THE t 08Y'x0,I.D,•AT' nOat3i ai01 1.1:: T11L, IX
r02IR QWN WoiiD6.
Ingereell Tribune, "+ r"..•
On account of a desire en the part ei
thoaemost interested totavoid pnblioity,only
a comparative few of our citizens are aware
of the remarkable results in the oase of
more then usual severity, whioh bas baps
pened lq our town. a A egtleman, well
known both socially and In business. life -
who, after wafering for yr from what he =
had been led to,,'believe -,. woe ' an inourebie
form of that MOO painfulof all diseases,
rheumatism, has been sestorad to complete
health and is again Ae active " in , all his -
limb as be was in the dare of his. boyhood, -
Tweniy yeare of suffering, during which
time he spent large sums for treat.
merit at the hands of medioal profession
and for every known remedy, have at last
terminated, and while his natural reticence
has prevented ;this remarkable case from
coming prominently before thepuiilio at an
earlier date, be has M last oouahted to -
allow the public to know of the marvelous
change which has been wrought in hie own
person by a remedy whiob, although_ not
widely advertised, is still doing much to-
ward the alleviation of the sufferings of
humanity, recommended as it is by every-
one who has had the good fortune to use it.
The gentleman referred to bad .been at
various times for the pant twenty years the
victim of rheumatism in one of ite most
severe forms, and the moat recent attack
which lasted over a year and seemed to
have permanently crippled him, was con-
quered about four yeare ago, so that the
effects are not only wonderful but lasting.
Mr H. F. Hollands, operator of King's
Roller Mills, here, is a gentleman who is
well known in Western Ontario, having
been a very extensive miller • and grain
dealer in the town of Mitchell beforeoom-
ing to Ingersoll, and he frankly admits
that it is to a remedy known as Williams'
Royal Crown Remedy, wbioh he owes his
present activity, having been praotioally
laid up for many weary menthe with the
dread disease which bad followed in his
track for 20 years. A rumor .of the oase
having got about through , Mr Hollands
having recommended the remedy to friends
it was thought to be of sufficient importance
to bear investigation by the Thiamin.
Our reporter, in order to learn the exact
facts called upon Mr Hollands at his place
of business, where he found him, busily en-
gaged at, hie work and showing not the
least (sign of any trouble of the character
from which he had so long suffered. He is
a gentleman of about 66 years of age, but
looks many years younger. Hie genial
• countenance is roeywith the hoes of health,
and when asked if what was being rumored
about hie illness and recovery was tree, he
smiled genially and corroborated in every
detail what had already been learned. "I
had suffered," ho said, "from rheumatism
in my left leg for about twenty years, the
pains being so severe that for weeks to-
gether I was unable to get around, the
trouble being caused by exposure in being
about the mill damsin wet weather. I had
tried almost every known remedy but could
get only temporary . relieL About five
yeare ago, shortly after removing from
_ Mitchell to Ingersoll, sn attack more
severe than usual came upon me and for
weeks I could scarcely. crawl _about, the_
-pains id my legaiid-foot being excruciating.
I was at length confined to the house and
had almost given up hope of getting relief
when a gentleman oalleu one day at my
residence and induced my wife to try Isaac
Williams Royal Crown Remedy. With
little or no faith in the remedy I commenc-
ed taking it, but before I had need one bot-
tle I was almost well, the pains having
ceased, and by the time I had taken one
and a half bottles I felt that my old enemy
was conquered. I was au well as I ever was
in my life."
"You -are quite sure, Mr Hollande, that
it was the Royal Crown Remedy which
did the work 7" asked the reporter.
"It must have been that," replied the
gentleman, "as I was using nothing else
during the time."
Permission to interview Mrs Hollands
upon the same subject was readily granted
and the scribe started for the comfortable
home of the worthy couple where he found
the careful and industrious help -mate busily
engaged about her household duties. After
accomplishing the delicate task of introduc-
ing himself and announcing hie mission he
was ushered into a cosy sitting -room, and
the worthy lady very readily promised to
tell all she know about the case, "and,"
said she, "I should know something about
it, for I was up night and day with Mr
Hollands for weeks,"
"He was laid up for quite a long while,
was he not ?"
"Why, yes sir," she replied. "For
twelve months he could not work at all.
He could not get from the house to the
mill (a distance of a few hundred yards)
without the use of the buggy. I have seen
him so bad that for weeks together he
could not move his feet, which seemed al.
most dead, a galvanic battery turned on at
its full power produced no effect. I have
many times as I watched him trying to
drag his foot about with him felt the utter
hopelessness of ever expecting to see him
well again. Wo tried physicians but could
get no permanent relief Nearly every
person who heard of his 3ondition recom-
mended a new presoriptiOn, and I visited
the drug stores in search of remedies until
the druggist finally told die there was no
use of my trying any more. I had about
given up hope altogether when one day a
young man called at the hone and recom-
mended the use of the oyal Crown
Remedy. This was a medioi"'44444hiiiiie of which I
had not yet heard, it had n t bean adver.
tised, and although feeling t e neeleseneee
of the effort, I again went t the druggist
and procured a bottle. Im gine m
when, before the bottle was alf gone, Mr
Hollands began to get batt ., and the use
of one and a half bottles enti ly cured him.
I fell that if the people were to use more of
this remedy there Would be: less work for
the doctors. In fact, in m own case, I
had been afflicted with this same disease
until my finger joints Were a 1 out of 'shape,
but by the use of the Royal (.own Remedy
I never have any more trout o, not a single
twinge of pain is left to re.. rid mo•of my
old enemy. I have reoommededthe reme-
dy to many 'linos it done us s. mach good
and I have not heard of a s ngle ease in
Which it has failed to do all t.: t it promise
" This concluded Mrs H story and
to reporter, apoligizing for th:'trouble ho
ad been, took his departure.
Aa„,,e•, ave before said, t; Mir .
ellendd a both well •elft
Keit of the i
f i, above state
• Anyone who ha
derful result
IA lY4,V "A`k114h s II eseosoasoess
dortited Mr Holland's' at >;eluent. sate hie Days
*Orions lienees and marvelous recovery y y%
througghthe efdoaey of this' liquid and hie
reliability in all pertienlare therein,
Should you, reader of ,}iiia nerrwative,
$now of any sigh . friend, whose blcod i* •
I, completely improverished, or system and
- nerves almgat ogtppletely ehatteredt whe-
ther given u by their ghyeioiens or not, if
on'f4i11 kindly forward this paper to your
lend, calling their attention to thio artiole,
700 may. be the means of eating some
pprcoione Rife, and its in the, naso of Mr
.Hollands, they will never forget your kind,
u never See Williams Royal Crown
Remedy advertised in large display with
.horrid fagea to attrAot Attention, as is
necessary with the common and often, run-
less patent medicines, sarsaparilla, tonic°,
_ ebo. When A remedy hae the merit to back
it up, as in the oase of Royal Crown Reme-
dy{where the salsa amount to thouisnde
of dollars every year), it finds. plenty of
grateful friends, like Mr and Mrs( Hollands,
eto., who . are only too happy when they
are recommending it, and there, aro a1wayS
to be found in this country rilliable papers
ever willing to give publicity to genuine and
marvelous Korea as that just narrated, but
there may be many suffering mortals, those
whose eyes may never see this, and for
this reason yon should send it to them.
Williams' Royal Crown Remedy is a per.
feat blood purifier, alterative, builder and
rte?ve , restorer, . especially designed for
- building up shattered constitutions and ef-
fecting complete cures in subh diseases as
arise from overwork or disordered kidneys
and liver troubles, the tired feeling there-
from, the alter -effect of la grippe, dyspep-
sia, rheumatics, neuralgia,, locomotor ataxia,
diseases depending on humors in the blood,
snob as scrofula, obronic erysipelas, etc.,
eto. Royal Crown Remedy gives a healthy
glow to a pale, lifeless complexion. This
marvelous remedy effects a radical cure in
all oases arising from mental worry, over-
work or excesses of any nature. It is a
specific for the troubles peculiar to the
female system. This, of all ages is the
scientific age, and, science has made rapid
strides, "for science duals with known
faote," and the medicines of the old schools
are being quickly replaced by new and
more scientific) remedial agents, whose
work is to thoroughlpurify the system,
not by purging, but by a more moderate
and reliable action, taking hold of the de-
bilitated system and permanently building
it up.
Williams' Royal Crown Remedy is sold
at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Bear
in mind this remedy is a liquid, having no
resemblance to the common and much ad-
vertised patent medicines, sarsaparillas,
tonics, eto.. and any dealer who offers you
substitutes for this liquid in any form, is
trying to defraud you and should be avoid-
ed. The public are cautioned against all
suoh, they have no similarity or compari-
son, and are at beat only imitations, whose
makers try to reap a pecuniary advantage
from the wide spread reputation of this
marvelous liquid.
The beet druggists keep "Royal Crown
Remedy," but if your druggist does not,
remit direct to Isaac Williams Co., London,
and they will send it to you by first ex-
press. The price at which "Williams"
Royal Crown Remedy" is sold makes a
course of treatment comparatively inex-
pensive as compared with any other medi-
cal treatment.
Clip this out and keep it.
The safe or treasure rooms of the lead -
6 L alantin 9teKiSei see interesting
structures. They are so artfully concealed
and contrived and'so strongly built that with
a single exception, that of a Pacific liner
carrying gold dust on a long voyage, We be.
lieve they have never been robbed. In
some vessels these safe vaults are placed
amidships, in some aft, but they are el -
ways at the bottom of the ship, below
everything .lee, and praotioally right on the
keel. The room is generally some eight or
ten feet square and high, and built of .iron
plates three or four inches thiok, and it is
furnished with such a formidable array of
looks, bolts and bars as to Strike dismay to
the hearts of even the detest and most ex-
perienced burglare.—London Iron.
The "Curse of China," or as it is perhaps
known, the Hoang Ho or Yellow River is
once more ravaging:China, destroying hun-
dreds of lives and millions of dollars' worth
of property. To some it may seem strange
that efforts are not made to prevent the re-
currence of these tremendous calamities.
Many suggestions have been offered, but
the Chinese Government is not disposed to
adopt any of them, on account of the im-
mense cost entailed. However, it would
seem the best plan, and the cheapest, at al -
moat any cost, to curb the destructful
stream, if that be possible. Within the
last twenty years it has destroyed enough
property to pay twice over for the engineer-
ing work of the most costly plan proposed.
The "Wandering River" would seem a
better name than "Yellow River." During
the last 2,500 years it had change its course
completely ten times, about 500 miles
separating its most northern from its ex-
treme southern course. The striking
peculiarities of the overflow are that v4hen
it breaks from the course it has been pnr-
ening, it goes wandering and rushing
along, forming lakes here and vests plains
there, consuming everything it domes in
contract with, like some great creeping
monster. The plains of the Hoang Ho are
over 400 miles wide and 600 miles long;
millions of people cultivated the rich soil
which has been deposited here during
previous floods, and when the terrible river
overflows no one knows what direction it
will take. Flight is useless, the fugitive per -
baps running right into the teeth of the
monster. And then the terrible stream
goes wandering about, months sometimes
'elapsing before it ffnds its way to the sea.
Maj -Le Citron, once a British Govern-
ment spy among the Irish in America,
is dying.
Insomnia is fearfully on the increase.
Tho rush and excitement of modern lite so
tax the nervone system that multitudes of
people are deprived of good and sufficient
sleep, with ruinous consequences to tbo
nerves. Remember, Ayer's Sarsaparilla
makes thedveak strong.
The opinion which is unanimously
expressed in London is that the demon-
stration against Mr Gladstone at the
British Institute, was not only a dis-
graceful exhibition of partisanship but
also a direct insult to the Prince of
Wales, With h Whom the Prime Minis-
for had dined at the Institute in com-
pany with the visitors from India, Itis
said Mr Gladstone absen ud himself
from 'Elie exercisesattheo
insti''Lite in'itCcorditnee wit
f fri Inds, wli t � -edt1
ening of the
the advice
if he op-
lilarder' toclear out the entire eteok of W. H, SItosoN, it has nfdeoided
oto offer $* eamelat pr -ices away below coat, . Everything will be 0old at. such
dguree:that. will Make it of intereat•fox' NirOligeere to oome here
This is a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired
to clear the whole out in 30 clays.
re;. You . ' Buiidin .
A House,
A- Barn or
-A Fence ?
If so call and get our prices for
Furnaces & Plumbing a Specialty
COCK OIL Big Galnlou10 cts:.
New StoreayBlockIIOS.HARLAND BOld Stand
Street, Clinton
We have on hand an assortment of splendid
Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship.
I you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us.
Restaurant and
The subscribers having bought out the Restaurant business of JAS
ANDERSON, and the Bakery business of R. McLENNAN, desire to in-
timate that they will continue the same, and will devote their personal at-
tention to the various branches. The Restaurant will be as attractive as
possible, and those favoring us with their patronage will receive courteous
careful and prompt attention.
together with a choice stock of Candies and Refreshments.
The services of MR. McLENNAN, who is known as a thoroughly compo
tent and upright Baker, have been retained.
will be promptly filled. Bread or Cakes can be procured at the Novelty
Restaurant, Albert Street, or will be delivered to any part of the Town.
Orders respectfully solicited.
WILSON- & I-1012713:1
puiussaaasaaisuuuusnsaaawswu c
°Com 1eteManhood
kik• aw-
A Medical Work that Tells the Causes,
beeeribee the Effects,
,-- • • . Pointe the Remedy. „
Scientifically the most valuable, artistically the
most beautiful medical book ever published;:
:96pages, every page beeringahaif--tone illustration ii
: in tiate. Subjects treated :—
= riervotte Debility, '' ' Impotency,
• SteDomnt,
Varicocele,rility, The Seveltiebpande, i
,3• Those intending Marriage, etc.
T.', Ey mnnwhowculdknewthcGrandTruths,
� q the PIs n Facts, she OldSecrets and Naw Diso v.
eries of Medical. Science es applied to bfatrled ..
Life, who woud atbne for past follies amt:
ovoid future ppi�tfalls should writ0 for tbi n
g it will be setltl'ree,undcrstill, while thtedtttrn' ,
a lasts. ittldreAs the publishersi j
IER!E bICAL CO., Nuffaka,N1Yt
t puttidettnikt teetiliialtiflttikkesiilesiuti sats
hen we assert that
Kidney Pills
Cure Backache, Dropsy,
Lumbago, Bright's • Dis-
ease, Rheumatism and all •
other forms of Kidney
Troubles, we are backe
by the testimony o
who have used then.
Uy all dtu: eioS or melt on receipt a
"se acute. s r. L. A. Smith & Co: