Clinton New Era, 1893-03-31, Page 9SPECIAL VALUES I' ' "abieLinens, Towelings T b1te Covers, Prints, heetings Flannelettes LACE CURTAINS 'at all prices Ask to see our 8c SHEETING Anything advertised in this space is worth your attention 5 per cent off for Cash Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton, BOOTS and SHOES REDUCTION in PRICES 1 have received instructions to make still greater reduction in prices. We have no bargain counter of unsaleable stock, nor a set day upon which to offer bargains. Every day with us will be bargain day until this stock s disposed of. Come and:get bargains at the New Boot and Shoe Store T. E. McDONOUGH, Jackson Block, Huron Street, Clinton pedal. Notice As an extra inducement to CASH purchasers we have made arrangements with a lead- . ing firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures by well-known masters, all framed and finished in first-class style, and suitable for the best class of resi- dence. Eaoh customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures ree when their cash purchases aggregate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at Bottom Prices. SOAP—Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per cent. we will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps at the old figures. Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of whichare on show at our store. TEAS—Our stock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas, including best grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our Russian Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market. ORINAWARE—Examine the quality and prioes of our Combination Dinner and Tea Sets, and be convinced that Bargain Day with ns is every business day throughout the year. • N. ROBSON, - Clinton Spring •:• rrivals We are now busy unpacking and marking 15 Cases of new Spring BOOTS and SHOES. We are bound to lead in styles this season. JESSOP & McILROY, Cash Merchants, BLYTH CHAS. WILSON 1 1 PAINTER —IS PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF— Painting, Payer -Hanging l Kaisomining To suit the most fastidious—at lowest prices and on the shortest notice. Shop and Residence on Rattenbury St , Clinton SUrC411113R First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Montreal Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots. Teas, Coffees and Spices a Specialty BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED W. Irwin,Grocer {: y 1140E 'z .PLO0K, t7ii11000$ 11. THE CLINTON" l�I'Z` ' ERA, 'rr' tf err ,.,, 'i,, Wb idt4 S SETS. ,. HVMO '1�ROM :t; abi1RGhb$e A,rtlsts They Cannot.@rThey can *Wvite ,,,-,r—,r. i a ,Utile T bat W11)E Pi live On satur4y,evening Mr. Edward Goalie delivr- tan add>,'eaa in the .hall of IVewgi- ham C '. ge, Cambridge,,' on "The Poetry of WNtnen," taking as .his particular text the poems of Christina Rossetti. at ,' o sound gritfo will pretend that wo- Men 'hail added anything to the sum of male attainment in these mayor b!anohee of art. The realm is, apparently, that the artistic nature is not strongly developed to her. She has energy, imagination, senti- ment, invention ; but she; has not the artistic im ulve. The consummate poets of the world have been great artiste. In Shakespeare, Corneille, Goethe, Poe, and Keats we see the .artiet above all else, above the man of intellect or vision. In a much lower rank of poets we find the vision, or the ethical bias, preponderating. In the greatest men the art is paramount. "But women, if the main entrances seem to be denied them, ascend into the house of • poetry by other doors. Lyrical verse owes so much to them that we may easily forgive their limited success in other direotions. The lyric, which is a spontaneous jet of music, an ejaculation forced from the heart by an excess of feeling, demands less art than any other form of poetry. It is per- haps the only species of poetry which can be excellent in its kind. and yet wholly art- less. The border. ballads have no art, and 4t are exquisite ; and the history of poetry adorned. by certain female names which II always preserve their freshness, and w ich yet were entirely innocent of art. S h are Emily Bronte in England and M rceline Desbordee-Valmore in France. We do not know whether, with extended opportunities, women will continue to show themselves insensible to or incapable of the highest literary art. Hitherto they cer- tainly have been one or the other. Any one whose privilege it has been to enjoy the friendship of'eucceesful women of letters knows how much more they are al- ways occupied with literature as a profes- sion than as an art ; how little they are able to conceive the icing of work for ite own sake, not for its result ; how conscien- tious, industrious, and persistent they are, and how little they are troubled with the scruples and the lassitude of the artist. It . is their lyric gift, their cry from the heights or the depths of feeling', that has won them that place upon Parnassus upon which no De Quincey nor Guy de Maupassant can eject them. "I have denied poetic art of woman mainly that I may give myself the luxury of attributing ib to Miss Christina Rossetti. To screen myself from the charge of ex- travagance I will say at once that I think the main interest of the position of this writer in the history of poetry is the fact that she indubiably. pos- sesses this quality which is denied to many men of genius and to almost all women. Mrs. Browning was a force in literature—a personage demanding universal recognition for her intellectual power, her majestic imagination, and her independence of other literary influences ; but she was not an artist. That title applied to George Sand or George Eliot would be equally a mis- nomer. What Lord Tennyson was, what Flaubert was, it is surely plain that these great women could not be. But precisely this, in a restricted measure, it seems to me that Miss Rossetti is ; and that isolation of hers, as apparently the solitary woman poet of the Anglo-Saxon race who cultivates poetry as one of the fine arts, gives the study of her verse an especial interest."— St. James' Gazette. lIONV TO Gtr "SU NLIG1iT"— PICTURE. Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap- per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom- an Look Old Sooner Than a Man")to LEVEE Bites., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost to postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. Despite the fact that a heavy duty has been placed upon soap by the Dominion Government, with the avowed subject of compelling the Canadians to pay whatsoev- er price the soap -makers in the Dominion may decree, the surprising discovery is made that all the soap used in the Gov- ernment departments at Ottawa is im- ported. Not an ounce of Canadian soap, good though it was known to be long be- fore the National Policy system of taxation was devised, is purchased by the Govern- ment for the use of either House of Par- liament..Evory cake used is made in Chi- cago. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Has no equal for the prompt relief andspeedycureofColds, Coughs, Croup, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Preacher's Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe, and other derangements of the throat and lungs. The best- known cough -cure in the world, it is recommended by eminent physicians, and is tile. favorite preparation with singers, actors, preachers and teachers. I t soothes the inflamed membrane, loosens the phlegm, stops coughing, and induces repose. AYER'S Cherry, Pectoral taken for consumption, in its early stages, checks further progress of the disease, and even in the later stages, it eases the distressing cough and promotes refreshing sleep. It is agreeable to the taste, needs but small doses, and does not interfere with digestion or any of the regular organic functions. As an emergency medicine, every household should be provided with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Having used Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral in my family for many years, I can confidence recommend it for all the complaints it is claimed to cure, Its sale is increasing yearly with me, and my customers think this prepa- ration has no equal as a cough cure S. Wr Parent, , Queensbury, N.B. AYER'S C'1erry Pectoral Prepared y-br. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by a Druggists. Price $t;six bottles, SS. • From t to act sureto clurO j ollll .1.0. 040 • " Plug "Cut." The turkey is a very knowing bird, but it appears be can be stuffed. When you want to see the crooked made straight look at a railway map. Recipe for a domestio broil: First catch the hair on your husband's ooat-collar. If you can bear all your small trials you will never break down under your great ones. A girl gives her lover a mitten, we sup- pose, because a pair is out of the question. The yachtsmen seem to be deep in their cups just now, but they haven't lost their heads. "What's the mattah with Cholly ?" "He's sick. Somebody gave him a weal tobacco ciggawet." No charge to fioriets for this advice : If you would have your plants start early put them in spring beds. Mrs. Bilkins—What a commanding presence that lady has. Mr. Bilkins—Yes, 1 guess she's married. Roosters are a great deal like men. Q root ter never gives notice of finding a worm until after he has swallowed it. A Second street dry goods dealer adver. tises the strange fact that his stook of handkerchiefs is not to be sneezed at. He—Is that your school friend ? Why, she isn't so very ugly. She—Ugly? Who said she was ? He—You said all the girls loved her. Martin—How well Mies Greenbough keeps her age ! Mrs. Grinder—Why, of course ; nothing would induce her to give it away. Kate—I really couldn't have refused Jack—he proposed so gracefully ! May— No wonder ! He has had lots of practice, you know. Thomson—See this picture of Bronson. Isn't it truly a speaking picture? Johnson —so it is. (Growing nervous.) Let's come away. It may ask us for a loan. A Matter of Position.—Buckton—I have notioed a funny thingabout men who have been taken in. Nndiok—What is it ? Buckton—They are usually very much put out. NOT ENOCOII. For just one kiss slid he plead Beneath the mistletoo— "Just one ! I like drat, sir, indeed !" Quoth she, indignant, "No." Burglar Bill—We are perfectly safe, old man. Pilfering Pete—How do you know ? Burglar Bill—The papers say that the detectives are 'working on an important clue. His Last Resort.—The desperate tramp (to the drug clerk)—Hevyerany strychnine or arsenic? Timid clerk—No. The desper- ate-tramp—Well. then, gimme a piece of soap. "That is very pretty crockery, indeed," id tha.little_girl who was looking at the bric-a-brac. "I suppose these ited'some of the family jars of which I have heard Uncle James speak." "You must not be discouraged, George," she said. "Papa may be abrupt, but his 'cart is as warm as a June day." "Yes," replied George, "I've noticed that his man- ner is very summary." -- Same Old Routine. — "Hello, Dinwid- dle !" exclaimed Shingles, when the two l met on Fifth avenue. 'I haven't seen you in an age. What do you do for a living now ?" "I breathe," replied Dinwiddle, languidly. Slobbs—I never see you at church, Hobbs. Hobbs—No ; I stay home Sun- day mornings and sleep. Slobbs.—We've got so many babies in our house that I've got to go to church to get a little nap. Wife—But, Charley, you promised to get tickets for the matinee this afternoon. Charley—Every seat was sold, dear, but we'll go to the millinery opening, and you can't tell the difference after we're in. Jones—I'm going to bring my wife round to call on you to -night. Smith—That's right ; but do me a favor, old man. Don't let her wear her new Sealskin cloak ; I don't want my wife to see it just now. Jones (grimly)—Why, that's what wo are coming for ! Papa—Well, Johnnie, you went to church this morning ? Johnnie—Yes, papa. P.— How did you like the sermon ? J.—The beginning was good and the end was good ; but there was too much middle to it, papa. Husband—Mercy ! what have you got all the gas turned on full force for? Wife— As a matter of economy, John. 1 :want to consume a thousand dollars' worth this year so's to get the discount of ton cents a thousand. "I know my feet are to stand on," said a crabbed individual in a crowded cable car to his neighbor, "but if it is just the same to you I would like that privilege for my- self exclusively. Will you please get down on the fluor ?" Friendly Overtures.—Neighbor's boy (looking through the fence)—My father's a heap bigger man than your'n i New boy (with cold disdain)'—Size ain't nothin' 1 When my father coughs you can hear him half a mile 1 Mae—Why so pensive, Mabel ? Mabel —Why, you know Jack and I are going to be married, and really I know so little about him. Mae—On, well, it's easy enough to find out; I know at least a dozen girls he's engaged to. A CJMMON 000URRENCE. "Margaret" was the way her name Appeared in her youthful copy -books neat; In society columns we see the same Girl figures quite gaily as "Marguer!te.'1 A 5 -year-old Murray Hill girl, who went to a fashionable church wedding with her mother, was asked at night by her father bo describe the bride and said : "Well, she had a mosquito net over her head, and there are no flies on her." Railway magnate—What shall I give the children? I want to make them a hand- some present, you know. Wife—Why don't you give them some of the stock in your road ? Railway magnate—What aro you thinking of ? Do you want to drown the children? HER YOUTH RENEWED. Just four and thirty years ago She starred in Juliet, But thne rune on with flying feet; So now wo sec her as a sweet, Vivacious ypung soubrette. "Speaking of queer names, and their still more queer collocation," writes a lady from Easton, Pa., "I am reminded of a table at which I once sat, which mentally I named i the combustible table. Theboardorsnames , were Brush, Dumb, Hay, Wood and" We. 111 that corned lacking was a match." , ti navel 31, 1893. Savea.Doik.r Whe o and More ij P0s$2b1e . • TATS RIGIiT. Then why sit i I the darlir when you; eau get the. celebrated ROCK. OIL Which is equal to American at the. same price as ordinary oil. We have just received another car of this Famous Oil and you can get it either at our new store in the Mackay Block or at our old store in the Brick Block. Try it and be convinced. HARLAND BROS STOVES AND HARDWARE, AI.BLR.7' ST., ()LINT CON i RUMBALL' 5 IIRI FACTORY Huron Street, 4Jlinton We have on hand an assortment oflsplendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be'bf first-class material and workmanship. I you want a good articleietithe price of a poor one, call and see us. 161,Ulv1$.&I. T. -- ()I.I NTC/N IdY' .du 'sr kite t "Ispeak not out of weak surmise's, but from proof." LARD MUST CO. since COTTOLENS has coo e to take Its place. The soilsfaat:- with which the pec le have hailed the advent of the New Shortening Cottoleoe Lavidenced.hy the rap Og ( ing enormous sales Is .P O POSITIVE not only of Its great value as a new article of diet but is also sufficient proof of the general desire to be rid of Indi- gestible, unwholesome, unappe- tizing lard, and of all the Ills that lard promotes. Try Cottolene; at once and waste no time in discovering Ifke thousands of others that you have now NO USE FOR LARD. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Sts. MONTREAL, RINILLIAMS' NK LLS ALE FOR EOPLE Aro a BLOOD BUIi,DER and NERVE TONIC. They supply in condensed form ALL the sub- stances needed to enrich the Blood and to rebuild the Nerves, thus making them a certain and speedy cure for all diseases arising from impoverished blood, and shattered nervoe, such as par- alysis, spinal dis- eases, rheumatism, soiatica,loss of mem- ory, erysipelas, pal- pitation ofthoheart, sorofula,chlorosisor green sickness, that tired feeling that affeo s so many, ate. They have a specific action on the sexual system of both men and women, restoring lost vigor. WEAK MEN (young and old), suffering from mental worry, overwork, insomnia, exoeesee, or self-abuse,' Should take these PxLLs. They will restore lost energies, both physical and mental. SUFFERING WOMEN afflicted with the weaknesses peculiar to their sex, such as suppression of the periods, bearing down pains weak bank ulcerations, etc., will find these pills an unfailing pure. PALE AND SALLOW GIRLS • should take these Pills. They enrich the blood, restore health's roses to the chocks and _cor- rect all irregularities, Pews= os InfrrATIONB. These Pills are sold by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trade mark or will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price -50 cents a box or 6 for 2.60. THE DR. WILLIAMS MED. CO., Brockville, Ont., or Morristown, N.Y. HONEST HELP len "IllEN asammussurcumwasitiassomarsobsuneeramaras PAY NO MORE: MONEY TO QUACKS. A sufferer from Errors of Youth, Nervous Debitlty and Lost Vigor, was restored to health In such a remarkable manner, after all else had failed that he will send the means of cure FREE to all fellow suf- ferers. Address, with stamp, MR. EDWARD MARTIN, (TEACHER) SOX 143, DETROIT, MICH. I LE ••• _07 -- Why GUARANTEED Why be troubled with PILES EX- ER- F N,ITOHINOR AOR BLEEDIEN cLoLt in TUM OR US when Dr, CL4RO!NTME ives immediate relief? e hands o CVSAND$It has proved , Sent perfectly invaluable, t Never Fails even in oases of long standing., PRICE $I.00�yyat'Druggistfl CLARK bCVHEMICAL on receipt of price by TOROHI When we assert that Dodd's K-iddney- -t- is— Cure Backache, Dropsy; Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed y the testimony of all Lo. have used them. THEY CURE TO STAY CURED. By all druggists or mail on receipt of urprice, cents. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Tnto .; CompleteManhood AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. A Medical Work: that Tells the Causes, Describes the Effects, Points the Remedy. Scientifically the most valuable, artistically the most beautiful medical book ever published; 06 pages, every page bearing ahalf- tone illustration in tints. Subjects treated :— Nervous Debility, impotency, Sterility, Development, Varicocele, The Husband, Those Intending Marriage, etc. " Every man who would know the Grand Truths, the Plain Facts, the Old Secrets and New Uiscov- ,. cries of Medical Science as. applied to Married - Life who would atone for past follies and = avoid future pitfalls should write for this :WONDERFUL LITTLE BOOK. It will be sent free, under seal,while the edition -lasts. Address the publishers, eERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo,N.Y,E a r. Salary and expenses weekly from start. Lib- . oral commission to local part-time agents. Permanentosition. Good chance for advancomong Exclusive territory. Largestlrrowers of Nurserystock In CCanadda, and only_.g, '-: nboth Canndaand united States. Clean,hardystook true to name, and fair reatmont guaran- a teed. No subsUr . tuition In our orders. No • competl- tion from othor 5 houses, on account of low prlrea and ' peculiar alvanta- a gee. Wo can interest any ono not earning 576 ' per month and expenses. Don't hesitate because of pre -7 vlous failures in this or other a- lines. We can make you a success i, Ontat free. Address for particulars, BROWN BROS. CO., Oontinental Numeric This house Is reliable.) TORONTO; NT. NNW T 1111 isz.) u YS AKINC OWDER THE OfK'S BEST FFRID NERVE mono mr.A1 8 area new elle. r + �T "ling • that owe the Worst CAW of • BEANS MMus Deb Lost Vigor Manh0000 OW d; restores the *mimes o beef or mind teased by o,er'.Wot or the error's ere* cedes of you Th itemedt b• lolutel;f euros the Moot obstinate cues'w en all o er TRSATMaNTS,)tere foiled even to relieve. 14 bydrug elate at$1 per psoltssgge, or Mx for.y&or sent bf mprule raselpt of price M sddressiogTMIEJAMES M DIOIIJ GO • Toronto, Oat. Write for pataphlet. BMW." ur ;1 1