Clinton New Era, 1893-03-31, Page 8SHOPS OcherShop SMiVrS. BLOCK, opponI'I,'.lA Tug ?OST OFFI M. OGIi`iTON The undersigned having opened out' in the >drnt 1 plonk, doairea to state that he will keep on lived the very ejioieest ideate, Raving no ex. pose gutaide oe hiipself, lie is in a poeitien to sell ;eater, >3tt tla4 Very ,ologeet prioe. xileheetniakkettpitjeete Idepoet patle. pay tate g S,,li'l31 HOGS always, wanted for export, Give WM a Pall, e It08T, FITZSIMQNS HUQH ST, BUTCHER' SHOP eatesire mestieordiaUy to thank all those who. have :•tavisaed us with their patronage eine° we commenced in busines-, and to assure them and theipubii0 generally that wo are in better shape than eyerto oatcer to their wants, having added an imp.'ovet reirigeeetor and other eouveaieueee to one shop,"' W"ItIEATLEY & FINCH Clinton: MEAT Market BUSINESS : CHANGE. intimate th at he to or 1 nee desires Thevnd e hue bought outthe interest of Mr pouch, in the butgllering business lately carried on tinder ttie .yle of FORD & CIOUGH. He will continue the arae e;t the old stand, and trusts by giving the iylplosest and most careful attentiou to. the bvei- peBa e,traightforward and courteous treatment Kr a1l,,and handling only °bolo° meat, to mert tad receive a lair share of public patronage. An lbedera earetully and promptly filled • 1 AMES A. FORD . efltral Butcher Shop t q R nieseriberdesirestothank the ppublic general- irs b�6 f•ie se the ePtimento say e that°hems now on n a bet ypseinen then ever to supply the wants of e. 1. a he, gives pexsoual attention to all the details ( of the businees customers can rely on their 1 ' orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled. Hie motto Is good meat at reasonable prroea. Eta•ice. Sausage, Poultry, &c., _ in season. dash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton, her and reed Stores Feed & Seed Store nn"dersigeeeel having purchased the bud - nese, of.Messrs Walker & Hanley, desires to inti- miitfi,that 'he will keep on hand the very beat • FLOUR and FEED hiplines, also the choicest -variety of • Timothy & Small Seeds, Will be sold at close margins for casb. leo' kept on hand. He will also keep a variety of all kinds of TEAS, which con- retirswill- flnd,tobe_excepent value.._ J: W. HILL, HURON ' ST., CLINTON. FLOOR & F�� STARE fed: tbi "Val e in all lines. A BRETT*. YP1]DPING4 1 E • Ti517 X MAW -robe fiQ e.g ii4pp1 " rt-ioVfil'i lohi. r r .•,.. wr 1 ii 1 1444 Pg i e. T lv r. li y A >f h oxbear o k'PPe ore trill e>ti . Ill.. RR 1y11 ft JT. iN�. T1 !hp!�ryT 'A1 7�111n11itY1 d end t, A. A�esilflt n l<!ip iio fl t n lPfi .111. iRq A- ,tie 141�g- r,lt 1>• � with mtloh vigor. Tuesday thirty eAloocl �tti*. 1,7L4JA� L11N1JI11�1 art Poriy In e� on .) l�h k .. The temperance.peciple of^ Fort Sootiji.r- „ , . Spnaeq, are ljghtung the: lienor seller ip (31ttTt Wgfeu Veneer Pireetiam , a espeare.. keepers were arrested by or er of Govern, • , • l~ l 1'Ort P., :1 t B D Garry, of this Woe were theycalled, and altheu h p Mr ,. Duff Grant, of.Londoii, . i e ' n e ormtiva a wadelle Into a 'dry t ......'urs Li me t'ie,naed. b ; 7i., sioiaa • nor Llewelliti and lane hebin tie t 467 va1b0 6t., Opeolallet on the e,tid, and xi Fil3ith Donaldaou Brown of L! n Man d i !� 'Mi A d na n p Y g p d d ra erre d • u neer aP the late •I•' •atpre and tried to, et up a .row wi It the; The truth i tea 'lx th t h (prison Intra) and the town ie g eatlY (Ma - 0 ,, &g g 130 _ ril ae plan has oprietRte Be ad taken some Fatness' s t ii •h s lifla ' ed. rope, as were ca e , . Aokner, they were warranted to reduce his weig, tt established end reliable store when you want FAMILY FLOUR MEALS IN$, OR CURED AlEATS. ality A-1 and prices as lowlas any in town, We Velelbs.:of choicerolled Oa,meal for a buphel eats.Call and see us. Goode delivered to all I, parts of the town. Tbere ie much ,excitement in the cent, o eV, .r, ar. y, Mart&ed'ou Wednesdayafternoon' in the enard'sLinamentisuae forhorsse&cattle Mutiny of Marshall's Ohepel, 'Genn, ore, Roy fifty per 'cont. within a very ahort period : AZ the death of Robt. Bell.' He apparently (.Iluroh of the Ascension bere by the he had grown stouter and stouter. The seoret of life ia, not to 40 What One died after aehort. illnebs of typhoid fever, The, � S F1 t h b tit f til Ansi T Xs' e o eri ipoAtn e o e t� Jh et paid l a nioklee to bgve myeelfi likes, bat to try to like what One has to do. His body was prepared for burial and pre. lid i b Mr. bI. A. „ d }. a was g vett away Y o and h a fCr brideames'de wailed, , e began, ae — NOW; Anderson, of Toronto,.>Ylies Milloc, of drug man oundeseendingly. "The very beat Port Perry,, and Miss Holmes, of 'Barrie, maoldnea only coat`a,penny these days." the two' latter being immune of the bride. The fat man glared viciously. "That's The groom was supported by C. J. Agar, neither here nor there," he retorted. of Toronto, Master Fred Patetson and J. "It isn't a qucatiou of how much I paid. Billings aoted as uahera. The church was The question fur debate it why you sold pre.tily decorated and the service was me drops to reduce my weight that don't choral, Miss Yarnold being organist. The reduce it." bride brown oreclotand velvet drebodss ofwihandeonie faoinge "I suppose you haven't followed the of coral pink silk shot with gold, wrap of directionssson the bottle,"put in the ecus - —MissMulooh. Aerations ma a -for the funeral. In th@ erson, of T°ront , a hat was a swindle interrupted the"•what'sinaname?" W°ll,thatdepends, midst of the services a note° was heard in btown ve vet Heed wale similar sills, and a pio.ured hat of fawn chip trimmed with coral pint, shot velaet and fawn tipe. The first bridesmaid, Miss Anderson, WeeedMes- ed in emerald green velveteen shot with pink trimmings of lighter green brocade, and wore a large green hat with pink flow• ere. Miss Holmes was attired in a light fawn dress, 1/e1vsteep; vest and facings of pink silk shot with fawn; large hat of fawn; ohipwith trimmings of fawu ribbings and shaded pink foaes. plies Miller's dress was of olive green and orimeon shot Bilk. Her hat was fawn, chip trimmed with shot fawn ribbon and roses. The dress worn by the bride's mother was of blank lace and helio- trope with bonnet of heliotrope and jet. Mrs Holmes, of Barrie, aunt of the bride, wore a dress of grey cloth and a bonnet of black velvet and jet and grey arigrette. Mrs Anderson's costume was of olive green Bilk and brocade with bonnet of gold paesemen- terie and green feathers and velvet. Miss Hyndman's attire was a dress of green reps shot with gold, bodice with facings of green shot silk and nile green straw trim- med with violet. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a pearl and diamond pin and to the bridesmaids he gave pearl pine. The bride and attendants carried bong nets of roses and carnations. After the wedding a reception was held at "Elm Lodge," the residence of Mrs Carry, the bride's aunt, the guests being the members of the bridal party: Mrs W. N. Anderson and Mr David Anderson, of Toronto; Mrs Holmes and Misa Morgan, of Berrie; Miss Hyndman, of Exe- ter; Rev. J. Fletcher and Mrs Fletcher and Mrs N. F. Paterson, Mrs J. B. Laing and Mrs J. W. hle}iarry, Mr. C. Dawes, of Port Perry, IJ r and Mrs Grant left on the 5,40 train for Toronto, Niagara Falls and New York, wheoce they sail on the Majestic on the 22nd for their home in London. The following is the list of presents: groom, diamond and pearl pin; Mrs E. H. Brown, cutlery, cheque, etc.; Mrs Carry, silver five o'clock tea spoone; Mre Holmes, tea gown; Mies Morgan, slipper holder; Mise Miller. silver salt spoons; Mise Holmes, embroidered sachet; Morgan Carry, paper weight; Mrs Whithead, Minn., silver sugar spoon; Mies Brown, hankerchief; W. N. Anderson, To- ronto, doulton fruit dish; Mrs Anderson, china jar queen's ware; Mise Anderson, fan; W. D. Anderson, silver oheese.'scoop; Dr. N. Anderson,sayer bon -bon 8lloon; Mrs Davidson, silver card receiver. From governesses and putel .if Bial op Strachan's school, Toronto: music piipile, silver sugar bowl and tongues; three pupils, Japanese ctm: Wad Grier, photo; Miss Martine, ad - "Directions en thebottle be blowed. I simply took the draught three times a day, asou said." It was a superior smile that the agent for Fatness Drape emitted. "Why, of course you get letter," the said. "There are cer- tain rules to be observed, mad unless you observe them the medicine won't work at WILAT TUE RULES AIiE. Then he took up a pamphlet telling all about Fatness Drove. "Now, here, in the first place," he re- marked, "it says that all who want to bo benefited by the drops must run ten miles at least before breakfast every morning. . Have you done that, sir !" "I have not," the fat man confessed, be- ginning to look contused. "Now, here on page 9," the agent ,pro- ceeded, "it says that the patient who takes the medicine must not eat more than a small slice of toast for the first meal of the day, nor drink anything but one cup of weak tea. 1 suppose you observed that rule didn't you ? It is highly important," "I did not," quoth the tat man, who was feeling very uncomfortable under the cross- examination. "Then after breakfast," went on the agent, "it says you must exercise with Indian olubs for at least an hour. Did you do that ?" "No." TIIE EXACTING FAT DAN. "Goodness ! and you expect to get lean ? I suppose you went and ate something in the middle of the day?" "Only a light lunch," said the fat man, deprecatingly "But the Ilirections forbid it, my dear sir, if you wish to get the real benefit of Fatness Drops. You climbed up a greased pole for an hour after dinner didn't you, as required by rule 58 !" "1 did not." ="And you really expect oo get lean ? You are the most unreasoneale fat man I ever mot." "Seems to me.`• observed the patient, "that if I did a;: those things I should lose weight without the Fatness Drops." "Tut, tut i That's only your ignorance. Buy another bottle, follow all the rules in the handbook and come round in a week and get weighed. If you are any lighter I want you to write a testimonial to put in a cir- cular that I'm going to send round to the leading fat men's clubs of the' United States." The fat man did as he was told, and, 6Sok; 1lIii ereAeras and-Darrol,.vieit:- h k F D h is raduall inlh7shmg ill$ gRth-r. °W BC0. day night to her former coachman. tae is three times his age. At midnight a carriage drove up to the residence of the Rev. Fred Harvey, and after repeated rings of the bell anmmoned him from bed. He was confronted by a woman in white satin and gorgeously -ornamented with jewelry, and a man in evening dress. In less than ut� = a quarter of an hour they were married and For instance, the name of ',Ayers" is sof- fhceut guarantee that Ayers Sarsaparilla is a genuine, soientlact blood-puritiec, Aad not a sham, like so mach that goes,.by the name of "sarsaparilla." Ayer'sSarsaparifi is the etaudard. • When a man has not a good reason f doing a thing, he has a good reason for• letting it alone. -Walter Scott. Itch, Mange and Soratchee.of every kind on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Thai never faits. Sold by Watt's & Co. Druggist. He who does hie beet, however little, is alwave to be distingniahed from the man who does nothing.-Auon. Minardei Liniment ?l mbermen's friend Look Lot mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the preseut; it le thine. -Longfellow. Minard's Liniment is the Best I never oould.think well of a man's intel- lect and moral character, if it was habitu- ally unfaithful to his appointments. -Em. mons. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Conghe, eto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Watt's & Co. Drug- gist. There is no greater fool than he who says "There is no God," unless he be the one who says he does not know whether there is one or not.-Bismarok. RHEUATtT18M CUBED IN A DAt.-South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheomas tlsm and Neuralgia radically nares in 1 to 3 days. Its aotion upon the system is re- markable and mysterioua. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediate• y d;tappears. The first dose greatly been - fit 75 cents. Warranted by Wates & Co. Druggist. Every vice and folly has a train of seoret and necessary punishment. If we are lazy, wo must expect to be poor; if intemperate, to be diseased; if luxurious, to die prema• tarely.-Varle. ^'ben Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. '-, :�: n she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. 7Vban -,he became Mise, she clung to Castoria. z:: the had Children, she gave them Castorla Mrs Frances Hiller, of Boston -Maes., said to be worth $75,000,000, and who achieved notoriety a few yeare ago by having put in t an s to atnesa rolls, ° gradually her house a costly burial casket in prepare- see York - lds • tion fur.her da ath,_aSmarriec liner Thnra- - ,ng book het; Miss Marling, pale blue pin h h 110 was No sardine. )OK, CLINTON. BANKS Molsons Bank. iaborpc rated by Act of Parliament, 1861'. dAflTAL, $2,000,000. -REST - FUND, - $1,000,000 OFFICE, MONTREAL. MOLSON..,.... ,..,.Pres. DriiVEIi8TAN THOMAS, General Manager . fae6unted, Collections made, Draft s;WO, Sterling and American ex- Otttige" bought and sold at lowest - current rates. .Interest allowed on deposits. FARMERi - Syailvanced to farmers on their own note wi tr mere endorsors. No mortgage resat d • H. C.BREWER, Manager Adrt D. McTAGGART, BANKER, E -RT ST-, - CLINTON. oiierak Banking ti ansaeted NOTES DISCOUNTED Dri;fta issued. Interest allowed on deposits. Business TJSDALL ERS, a l 1 ON. ONT noes made to farmers on their own ikoiAq vy of in'reat. ;,g6neral tlAtsiikleing trates nsinoastetraneaoten Into -A et°allowed on deposits. ' . [le ,Notes bought 4.'I'i il'I$pALt, Manage 61114 ' Heti deeleqo to thank the pee to °ton for tte>~g' gguiletoilstiatroiiage that con bestowed on the West leedlivery. At cushion; Miss Briston, handkerchief sachet; Miss Jellett, veil case; Miss Clark, pin tray. Rev. J. Fletcher, prayer book; Mrs J. Fletcher, handkerchief in case; Mrs Ferran, gold brooch set with pearls; Miss Archibald. opera glasses; Miss Ferran, chatelaine, and gold thimble; Miss Moore, silver sonvenir spoon, Mrs W. Tate, Toilet set; Mies Dew - art, music holder; Mrs Dr. Woods, scent bottle in case; Mrs Hudson, Manicure set; Mr Keefer, cheque; Mrs Keefer and child- ren, bock and ribbons; Miss Union, wall pocket; Mr Agar, handkerchief box and perfume; Eva Salt, miniature moccasions; Mr and Mrs Paterson, silver flower pots; Eva, Fred and Nonnie Paterson, travelling clock; Mrs Kay and Lizzie, silver fruit spoon; Mrs Blong, silver muffineers; Mre Phillips, embroidery; Mise Hyndman, Exeter, old china oup; C. E. Hyndman, cosy and tray cloth; Mrs MoKeggin Barrie, silver .fruit knife in case; Mr and Mrs Roberts, silver salt cellar and spoon; Dr. and Mrs Norton Shilnourne, work of art; Gertrnde and Hazel Laing, silver card receiver; Mrs Meharry, toilet set; •Mrs Dawes, crochet lace; Frank and Lillie Dawes, silver napkin ring; Miss C. Rolph, china cup; Mrs Buntin, rug; Miss Kills, embroidered handker- chief; Miss A. Kills, dinner mats; Ella and Lucy Waite, silk table cover; Miss May Temple, Toronto, photo in frame; • Mrs Curts,wool rug; Mise Davidson, Peterboro, whisk holder; Mrs Creigton, N. Y. silver sugar spoon; Willis Creigton, silver souve- nir spoon; Miss Robins, silver 2a1t end pep- per cruet. e ttl a We 5 11 itttirtlatd that the ,�` He'obndtto he future, y,11 er lilt fietblivie8c . WOhavo:'. d table,uetsa'.the Cotnlner6fai fit Mr. � tilde and i tilled b t thrill. ,ttieriluO6diltobt A Cllee0P.* »..r &VI u&SOI� C. C. Mutates & Co. GENTB.—I have used your MINARD'B LINIMENT in my family for some years and believe it the best medicine in the market as it does all it it recommended to do Cerulean Forks, N. B., D. KIERBTEAD. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs ns that he was cured of a very severe attack of rheumatism by useing MINARD'S LIN MENT. I'ew indeed are the country stores in wbirh the controversies are not marked by more sense and more dignity -than charac- terizes the alleged debates in our own Can- adian Senate.—Toronto Telegram. Easy to take—Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Smallest, easiest, cheapest, best. They're tiny, sugar-coated, anti-billious granules, a compound of refined and con- centrated vegetable extraots. Without disturbhnco or trouble, Constipation, In- digestion, Billions Attacks, Sick and Billi- ons Headaches, and all derangements of the li er, stomach and bowels, are prevented, v d and cured. Permanently cored, {^, ,r .y their mild and natural action, �.: title Pellets lead the system into tie, itai `ways again. Their influence lasts. Every thing catarrhal in itsnatural, cat- arrh itself, and all the tronblee that oome from oatarrh, are perfectly and permanently cured by Dr. Saga's Catarrh Remedy. No matter how bad your Case or of how long standing, you can be onred. LEAGUE THOUGHTS. Many of our methods are rendered useless by the rubbish which has col- lected around them. Trust with the head -test with the hands. The closer we Walk with God the b r1giiter shall be the light reflected. Children Cry for "Upon my word, Isaacson, you ought to have your portrait painted—you'd look splendid in oils." "Look thplendid in oilth? He, he, he! Getout, d'yer think I'm a thardine ?" Billy's Forfeiture. of Confidence, Mr. McSwat came home tired, hungry, and impatient, and found that his supper wasn't ready or likely to be ready for an hour or more. If there is one point on which Mr. Mc - Swat is inflexible and uncompromising it is meals. • "Now, you know web enough, Lobelia," he said, throwing his overcoat on the lounge and walking up and down the room, "that I don't like to be kept waiting for my' supper in this way, When a man has been work- ing hard all day---" "Bhlliger," exclaimed Mrs. McSwat, in a broken voice, "don't reproach me. I have had something else to think of, and I didn't speak to Sally about supper till a few min- utes ago. I have had Buell a shock'—you don't know 1" "What is the matter ? Any bad news from the relatives ?" "No, no 1" "Had a quarrel with the neighbors ?" "No. It's---" "Aunt Jerusha coming ?" "I'll tell you if you'll give me a chance. Billiger," said Mrs. McSwat, wiping her eyes, "It's Billy 1" - "Billy who ?" "Billy the canary." "Oh, it's the canary, is it T If he's got away, Lobelia, I think I can stand it. That bird, madam, has cost me in cages and feed and medicine since you first got him three years ago, about $16, and— Vr"Ho hasn't, g, -got . away, B-Billigor 1" Fobbed Mrs. McSwat. "It's—it's nob that 1" "Is he dead 7" "N -not No 1" "What then ?t" "Billy has—has—has laid an egg 1" Willing to Try It. Rivers—If you are suffering from then. matiam, Banks, why don't you try carrying e, cedar knot in your pocket ? They say 11 has been known to euro it. Banks—That's too utterly preposterous and idiotic for any sensible man to believe. Rivers—I don't know anything about it myself, but a friend of mine says he has heard it sometimes . recommended. While carrying the knot in the pocket the person with the rheumatism must at the same sine drink a gill of apple brandy twice a day. Battles—Rivers, I'll try' It 1 There may be something in it, A cedar knot, did you ray? a coach drove away, but the woman was still Mrs Hiller. She had caused the bridegroom to have his name changed, as she wished to retain her own, ON TRiAL FOR 90 DAYS. The finest, completest and latest line of Elec- trical appliances In tho world. They have never failed to cure. We aro so positive of it that we will back our belief and send you any Electrical Appliance now in the market and you can try it for Three Months. Largest list of testimonials on earth. Send for book and journal Free. W. T. Baer It Co., Windsor, Ont. -. the coffin, Quickly bursting the lid Mr. Bell eat up, was removed to ?ala beano, and in or home was feeliots muole hetue'. He c alined to have been in Heaven and lien many friends.. His wonderful stories dt w many people to the house. Last night he beoame sick and suddenly cried out " They are coming after mel" and fell baok dead. His physioien claimed that he was in a trance, and awkening in hie coffin hie mind was wrecked. • Cures Oonirmnpti.7a, Comers. Croup, Sorts Throat. iloli all I)msa*vt, on* Guarantee. For a Lame Siia.,°Bask ar•Chest Ifbilob'a Potoaa ' Pierian will giva=r.at wtiifactioor—a3 GI lit, SHILOH'S VITALIZER. Mrt. T. B. Hawkfns, Clisttanoow,T_enn. esyti - "6ARob'tYlWiba" 4VPJD MY LIQ. i consider it thtbert resiodiyfo�trsa, debauated Stam troubleI ever d itextollrDFries 75ottlitverosKidner LOH' CATARRH REMEDY ave you Catarrh? Try tbis Remedy. It will positively relieve and Cure you. Price 5o cte, This Injector for its successful treatment is furnished free. Remember, Shilok'aRomediea are sold on a guarantee to give satisfaction. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Irpure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danoe, Female Irregularities and Genera) Debility. LABORATORY, 00DERiCH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton THE RIGHT EYE, E4If' NOSE & TIE;ROA Graduate of the New York nyes,nd Fiar Respite, 1889, rest,"aradaae gott��zee. at tele New• Yox, fest Graduate TiXedioal lloleool and Hos itai e Eye, Flar Nose and Throat 1882, plyay sated, pU $ e of b.tUAc}at Ii ea, $peotapiea and Ion sea. WW be at the. Rattenbury House, CLINTON The 1i'iret FRIDAY in Eaoh Month, First Visit MARCH 3rd next, Hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Charges Moderate, HURON AND BRUCE Lowa Investment Co'y This Oonai•any is Loaning Moneyor Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest, MORTGAGES - : c PURCHABEI SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 8, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed an Deposita, according toamount and time left. OFFIOE—Ooraer of Market Square and North 8t dORAOE HORTON, Meseta St U38e J. C. S1EVESOL -THE LEADING - UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OE' GOODS KEPI i11 STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL 4 1 .: The now model o ooktord Watch, when L placed in a screw bine) ease, will all a lon felt �i 1�lLLLEII NUIISRY want among farmers, as it is not doe proof only, but very strong. The plate which the wheels work between, not being separated by FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH pillars as in the ordinary WATCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE. - -But-by-t'he bettor platebeing-turned-ent-ofese ----AffE LATTER OP WHEU W8 piAHB A SPE OIALTr solid piece of metal, with the edger left o1 the – W top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever ' LARGE STOCK. ON HAND, set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- Weak in two provinces. rovinces. Of course, the Government knows its own bnisness best, and with a great majority at their back in Ottawa the Conservative leaders are not to be blamed for thinking that their Parliamentary following is but a reflection of their popular strength. It is just possible for the Government to over- look the serious changes in the political sit- uation since they last appealed to the :aeon - try. They were strong in Ontario with the strength which followed the °emending fig- ure of Sir John A. MacDonald. In Quebeo they were led by the leonine Chapleau, who, with all hie faults, was a power among hie own people. The Government is still strong in the Maritime Provinces. Nova Scotia ought to follow Sir John Thompson and Hon. C. H. Tupper, while in the Hon. G. E. Foster New Brunswiok has a really great Canadian. Surely the Government dews not expect Ontario to regard Jonn Hoggart as a great man. He is more incapable of filling the place of First Minister in this Province than Col. Ouimet is of succeed- ing to the leadership left vacant by Chap- leatu's retirement to Spencerwood. A Gov- ernment that is lead in Ontario by John Haggart, and,in Quebec by J. A. Oniment, is handicapped by the weakness of its lead- ing Ministers in the two great provinces of confederation. i.� --� ,?O Atthe =9 , Batik. This is to notify you that your ac- count at the bank of health is over- drawn; at this rate you will soon be bankrupt, unless you take OOTT'S Si IOf Pure Nol•weglnn Cod Liver 011 and Hypophospllttes to build you up. It will STOP A COTi01r, CUI d ' COLD, aria creak 002Verel P 'YOYtt anct --all forms of TVASTZNG DIS1C.sl5ririS'.A 1 - most as palatable aa Milk, Prepared by .Scott & Bowno, Bollovlllo. Por salo by fill druggfats,. ing in all a goo rong watch For a Farmer JOS. BIDDLECOME House Palating Aad Paper Haeginff Tne undersigned is prepared to promptly exe- cute all orders for PAINTING, KALSOMINING PAPER -HANGING, &c. Ho is a practical man of long experience, ;end guarantees to do an work in a manner that shall be satisfactory, while prices will be exceedingly !moderate. Orders re- spectfully solicited. GEO. POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton DO YOU WANT A First-class Stop or Long Ladder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow ? A Splendid Churn, or anything of 11 nature? Then call one w. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E. Dinsley Will be at Dinsley's corner every Saturday afternoon ROBERT -:- DOWNS. CLINTON', Manufacturer and Proprietor for the boat goo Mitt Dog In use. Agent for the sale and appli- cation of the rirPisinta PATENT AUTOMATIC BOMBE CLEANER. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app ed on short notice, Rollers, Engines, and all kinds of Machinery repaired expeditiously and in asatisfactory .manner Farm implements manufactured and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry Kilus fitted up on application Chargoe moderato. a KAINTO N Planing • Mill —AND— DRY KILN! /i�HE d U SBORIB1i1 HAVING J U SI COF! PLET .L ED and furnished his now Planing 11111 wttb machinery of the latest improved patterns is now proparod to attend to all orders In his lino in th most propipt and satisfactory manlier rid at re' sonnblo rates. He would also return thanks to al who patronized the old mill before they wore burn gd out and now being in a bettor position to cite uto ordereoxpedlttously and feels confident ho Ann ve satisfaction to ell. FACTORY -Near the Grand •Trun2 Railway, Clinton. THOMAS MaKENZI 'so10 Parties on r6oeivith their photos from my gallery are beard to exolalm, "How niee? I am well ploasodt They aro just levelyl What a lino finish," etc. As I. have a first class gallery, with 20o eq.1t. of glass, good professional meehlnery, modern impprovements and turniture,. nod seen- eryin great variety, I dap make good photos on dark or bright days; inatantanooua process tot children also. As I have studied the art tier- °ughly, and taken professional instruction from some of the best sourdos in Canada, and neo the very best and most durablehotographic mate. rias I can pnlebdae, I feel mile to furhigh work at a moderate price C. HOAR. CLINTON The aboye ornamental trees anti shrubbery will be sold at very low prices and those wanting .any thing in this connection will save money by purchasing here. Orders by Mail will be promptly attended to. Address, °SYNN STEWART. — Benmlller. Incorporated 1887, with Cash Capital of $50,000 E 0Wc ELECTthC BO AND APPLIANCE CO. 49 KING ST. W., TORONTO, ONT, G. C. PATTERSON, Mgr. for Canada. Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric Belt, is now recognized as the greatest boon offered to suffering humanity. It is fast taking the place of drugs In all nervous and rheumatic troubles, and will effect cures in seemingly hopeless eases where every other known means hes failed, It is nature's remedy, and by its steady, soothing !current that is readily felt, POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism. Sexual Weakness, Sciatica, Female Complaints General Debility. Impotency, Lumbago, Kidney Diseases, Nervous Diseases, Liver Contpiaint, Dyspepsia, Larne Bnok, Variooeole, Urinary Diseases. RHEUMATISM It is a well known fact that medical Science has utterly fallen 10 afford ralief in rhou:natio cases. We venture the assortlon that although Electricity has ouly been in urge as a remedial agent for n tow years, it has cured morn cases of Rheumatism tluhn all other means com- bined. Some of our leading physicians, recog- nizing ails fact, are avalllutr themselves of this most potent of nature's forces. TO RESTORE MANHOOD Thousands of people suffer from a variety of nervous diseases, such as Seminal weakness, Impotency, Lost Manhood, Weak Baek, etc., that the old modes of treatment fall to cure There is a loss of nerve forco or•power that cannot be restored by medical treatment, and any doctor who would try to adcompitsh this by any kind of drugs is practising a clangorous form of charlatanism. Properly treated THESE DISEASES CAN BE CURED Electricity, as applied by the ()Wen Electric Bolt and Suspensory, will most assuredlyrrrdo will supplycwhat is lacking, namelynnr'o fordo or power, impart tone and vigor to the organs nsArouse to healthy action the whole BEWARE OF IMITATIONS And the worthless, cheap, so•called Electric Beate advertised by sortie concerns and peddled through the country. They aro electric In name only, worthless as a curative power, and dear at any price. Wo Challenge. the World to show an Eleatic) dolt whore the current is under con- trol of the patient as completely as this. Ou1r Tirado Mark is tho portrait of Dr. Owen embossed in gold upon every Bolt and appliance manufactured by us. Scud for Catalogue --Mailed (Sealed) Free, -THE OWEN ELEOTPIO BELT 00., • 40 KInti St. W., Toronto. e 44eatiou this *061, ,