Clinton New Era, 1893-03-17, Page 6Maxeh i7 isl)4 ittee Cures Ooafnmptlon.coughs* QrasUP.!/ors Throat. Bold b *11 Cru_ cheat of a Est Po tom. Fora Lama S cl., Back or ca ch 10 .. read F;aeter will ore groat sattsfectioas-s a cents. 8HILOH8 ' 'V ALIZWRa Mix;11.74007;#1wktty,(lba cogs Tenn. .r1 trPiple It Mali "ems mei 6 to 1.OH'S CA: ttRA REMEDY aveyRUOatarrh? Trytili8Remedy, It will poaltively relieve and Cure you. Price 00 eta. iurnieilts b ltree, Remembo Remember, oh'BBRemediess are sold Ona Unarantee tai Sive eatlslsetfon. . T. E. McDONOUGH, Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agent FIIt>� and LIFE INSURANCE Morey to Loan on farm and Town "Property in large or small, sums at the lowest ourreut rrtes. OFFICE -COOPER'S BLOCK, CLlalsoN HURON ST. BUTCHER SHOP "We desire most cordially to thank all those who w have favored. us with their patronage since we commenced in business, and to assure them and the public generally that we are in better shape than ever to catoer to their wants, having added an improved refrigerator and other oonvenieuoes to our shop, WHEATLEY & FINCH Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS : CHANGE. The undersigned desires to intimate that he has bought out the interest of Mr Couch, in the butchering business lately carried on under the style of FORD & COUCH. He will continue the same at the old stand, and trusts by giving the closest and most careful attention to the busi- ness straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. All orders carefully and promptly filled JAMES A. FORD . Central Butcher Shup Subscriber desires to thank the public general- ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him; and at the same time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the wants of all. As he gives personal attention to all the detalle of the business customers can rely on their orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled, His motto is "good meat at reasonable prices." Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c., in season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton. McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. F4Rim & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFICERS. D., Ross, President, Clinton; M Mu, die Vice Pres. Seaforth; W. J. Shannon, Secy-'1reae. Seaforth ; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Seaforth, DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo. Watt, Harlock; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; Thos. Carbet, Clinton ; Alex. Gar- diner, Leadbury ; M. Murdie, Seaforth. _..__ AaExms Thee. Neilans,.Harlock; Robt. li" dtllillan; tics forth; S Carnochan, Seaforth; John 0 Sullivan nd Geo. Mardis, auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers d dressed to their respecitve offices. , ...t {AINs AKINC OWDER TL!ECOOIC'S BEST FR,END NEW FEED STORE HURON ST., CLINTON. HANLEY & WALKER Desire to intimate that they have openened out a first-class Flour and Feed Store in the above stand, and will be pleased to promptly fill all orders in their line. OH Cake, and, Flour and Feed of all kind kept in stock. -Wo will -take any kind of coarse grainsin ex - I/ change for goods. rices as Low as the Lowest. Orders solicited. HANLEY & WALKER COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE Honest Value in all lines.. Doiyt pass this established and reliable store when you want Choiceranlily Flour, Meals (lraiio, or hared Meats. Quality A 1 and prices as lowlas any in town, We give 10 lbs. of choice rolled Oatmeal for a bushel of oats. Call and eoe us. Goode delivered to all parts of the town. D. COOK CLINTON. Wlnen we assert that Dodd's annotstivasarsevar Kidney Pills Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. • THEY CURE TO STAY CURED. By all druggists or mail on receipt o° price, somas, Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. 'X E CLINTON amestae�leseas,+. „wenn eseses +r.e"as. - alis .. t ' 1FtsgIW4t Over forty eastern township. farmers •. Within five miles of r . pros emus Village in Wisconsin and in •a tbiek1y.' Aettled part of the. county l!IVS, Ira mes starved and froze to death, The. eaee was reported tO the:authoritesFfil- ':day and it was found. that the father had spent most of his. time fishing,.; while his wife and, seven children were in a rickety shanty without. fuel Pr fpQ4, The youngest child died a week ago, and was,buried under the snow by the father, in a soap box, STUMBLING ON FORTUNES, Gold w ' diyaavered in California in 1�; and in Colorado in 1.858;: The .dis'- covel y was accidental in both cases, and the fact created the impression that bilines were "'1ying about loose," Adventurers drifted abopt in hopes of stumbling upon a mine, Here are e,ome instances of lucky finds; - Three men while looking for gold. in California discovered the dead bodyof a man who evidently had been "ros- peoting," "Poor fellow," said one Qf the trio, "he has passed in his checks." "Let's give him a, decent burial," said another. "Some wife or mother will be lad if she ever knows it." They began to dig a grave. Thee feet below the surface they discovered signs of gold. The stranger was buried in another place, and where they had located a grave they opened a gold mine. An adventurer who had drifted to Leadville awoke one morning without food or money. He went out and slob a deer, which ill its dying amonles, kicked up the dirt and disclosed signs of gold, The poor man staked out a "claim," and opened one of the most profitable claims ever worked in Lead- ville. "Dead Man Claim," the name given to another rich mine in Leadville, was discovered by st broken-down miner while digging a grave. A miner died when there was sever- al feet of snow on the ground. His comrades laid d his bodyin a snowbank and hired a man for $4 to dig a grave. The grave -digger, after three days' absence, was found digging a mine in- stead of a grave. While excavating he had struck gold. An unsuccessful Australian miner, went up and down Colorado for sever- al months "prospecting" for gold and finding none. One day he sat down upon a stone, and while musing over his hard luck aimlessly struck a stone with his pick. He chipped off a piece and sprang to his feet. The chip was rich gold quartz. He hurried into the little town of Rosita, and went to the assay office, where a teamster had just dumped a load of wood. He agreed to saw the wood to pay for assaying his chipped sample. The result of the assay sent him back to his "claim." When he had taken out of it $500,000 he sold the mine for $400,000 in cash and $1,000,000 in stock. .rn Ria �.ree . r• ++tw ae�r rn,, fiCr'�� _� ++n +' • Q. O. RICHARDS & CO. GENTa.-�-I have used your MIN .RD'S LINIMENT in my family for some years and believe. it the best medicine in the market as it does all it it recommended to do Oanusan Forks, N. B., D. KnERSTEAD. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us that he was oared of a very severe attack of rhehmatism by clueing MINARD'S LINMENT. RAILROAD TI�n TAXILE Issued October 2nd, 1892. The departure of trains at the several stations named, is according to the last official time pard CLINTON Grand Trunk Division Going East Going West. 7.43 a.m. 10.05 a.m. 2.41 p.m. 1.28 .m P 4.55 p.m. 6.65 p.m. 9.17 p.m. - London, Huron and Bruce Division Going North a.m. p.m Wingham ..11.00 7.50 Belgrave ..10.42 7.26 Blyth 10.28 7.12 Londesboro 10.19 7.03 Clinton 10.10 6.45 Brucefield 10.00 6.17 Kippen 9.55 6.07 Hensall9.42 6.00 Exeter 9.34 6.46 London8.05 4.30 Going South a.m. p.m 6.45 3.50 7.00 4.11 7.7,4 4.25 7.21 4.32 7.55 4.60 8.15 5.12 8.24 5.21 8.32 6.30 8.50 5.46 10.15 6.55 SPEPTos P A CURF EVERY DOSE EFFECTIVE And if persevered in WillPosItivelt Cure the Worst Cases For Sale by all Druggists And Wholesale by LONDON DRUG CO., London, Ont. WHERE ARE YOU MOVING TO? We are going to Chippewa Co,.Michigan, near Sault Ste Marie. Why do you go there ? Well, wehave-five'�'btlys; we have sold the farm for $5,- 000. We can buy 640 acres between Pickford and the Rail- road Station at Rudyard, and have a good farm for each of the boys and have motley left. What can a renter do there? He can buy a farm on five years time, and pay for it with one fourth of the money he would pay for rents in that time, and own his own home. Is it good land? As good as any in Huron Co. Ex- cellent for Oats, Peas, Wheat, Clover, Timothy, Potatoes and all kinds of roots. Prices are as good as any on the lakes, owing to the Dearness of the ,mines and lumber woods to the westward, What class of people live there They- are nearly all from Huron Co. You meet there so many old neighbors that you can hardly be-. lieve you have left home. I want to see that land. Who has it for sale? Inquire of E.0 . DAVIDSON Sault Ste Marie, Mich. HONEST HELP FOR MEN PAY NO MORE MONEY TO QUACKS. A sufferer from Errors of Youth, Nervous Debility and Lost Vigor, was restored to health in such a remarkable manner, atter al else had failed that he will send the means of cure FREE to all fellow suf- ferers. Address, with stamp, MR. COWARD MARTIN, (TEACHER) BOX 143, DETROIT. MICH. '50 .0 Parties on receiving their photos from my gallery are heard to exclaim, "How nice? I am wel pleased) They aro just lovely! What a find finish," etc. As I have a first class gallery, with 200 se. ft. of glass, good professional machinery, modern improvements and furniture, and scen- ery in groat variety, I can make good photos on dark or bright days; instantaneous process for children also. • As I have studied the art thor- oughly and taken professional instruction from some of the best sources in Canada, and nee the ver b and most durable photographic mate - rind n purchase, 0 feel able to furnish work at a moderato Wee. OUHOARE - - - CLINTON .___RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Character is what we are when we think we are not watched. It won't do any good for a Christian to talk louder than he lives. God speaks whenever and wherever his truth is made known. A lie is always -an enemy, no matter how well meaning it may look. The man who rides a hobby always wants the whole road for himself. A boy's idea of having fun is to be allowed to make all the noise he can. Nothing makes a man so mad as to be shown the face -of the devil in him- self. It never hurts the cause of the devil a bit for a stingy man to talk in church, NEWS NOTES The Calgary Herald says grasshop- pers have made their appearance out west, and the prairie in some parts,is covered -with thousands -of -these -nimble little insects. Miss EdithGrenville, the daughter of D. Grenville, Thorold, had a narrow escape from being drowned on Tues- day afternoon. She broke through the ice in crossing the canal at the back of the basket factory A step forward has been taken by the Government of New Brunswick. At the opening of the Legislature, it announced a measure to enable women to be members of school boards. Why should they not? Swans are not hard to raise; they sell at $40 to $75 per pair. A Yankee farmer at Middeford, Me., is making quite a success at swan breeding, and his profits must be quite large each sea- son. The average batch yields from three to six young swans. They are very cross when with a brood and need watching constantly unless penned up closely. New Y ork is the only State that al- lows an uncle to Marry his niece. In Florida and Georgia marriage is pro- hibited within the "Levitical degrees;" these are set forth in Leviticus xviii. and forbids marriage of nephews and aunts, but seemingly not of uncles with nieces. No European country consid- ers such a marriage lawful. One of the most extraordinary litters of pigs ever heard of+was that borne by a Chester White sow belonging to Jas. Johnson, of lot 6, in the half mile strip, township of Derby, week before last. The litter consisted of 42 healthy little pigs, all of which were alive up to the time we received the information. As nature has not provided the mother with means of caring for such a brood, Mr Johnston came to town to procure bottles to aid in furnishing them with the necessary nourishment. Great Britain, with 35,000,000 people, spends as much for intoxicating be- verages as the United States with 65,000,000. But her bequests for re- ligious, educational and charitable purposes, exclusive of Baron Hirsch's benefactions, reached $15,500,000, as against 57,000,000 in the United States. Much of this difference is to be ac- counted for by the large amounts giv- en the latter country during the life of the benefactor. Fire broke out about 4 p. m. in the l building owned by F.L. Ames, Boston, and spread extensively. The area burned over comprises practically one whole square bounded on the north by Essex street, on the east by Lincoln street, on the south by Tufts street, and on the west by Kingston street. In addition to this square, one building north of Essex street, extending along Columbia street, was burned,also three of the buildings on the east side of Lincoln street also on the south side of Tufts street, the Emergency Hospital and the rear corner of theUnitedStates Hotel. The loss will probably reach $4,500,000. Three unidentified dead bodies have been taken from the ruins, and there are supposed to be many oth- ers yet undiscovered. The injured will number about 30. Children Cry for i tcher's Castbria. left for the States. Qn Friday, and a , hundred more are ready to follow. Wby 40 they foe frons prosperity? It has been deeided, Unless.something happens not foreseen 4Y either side q the kfot se that pl'ot'oga�tioa Shall .ta e , place on 4,e Thursday l?i^eceding X44, ter, A e echo limn 'Youngstown, 0I Io jj pj �,1T says: a: '"Th& home and pro .reit w111 tDj.' tt#J,bLji' n pot be saoi'Me0d, nd rS. 114to 111 ^�•� � � III propertywill not i eye 1. [ taken to relieve on Tarter et., Specialist en ihs he financial embarrweginsnt of� the GlavernQr," The speaker wasa capital L'iY E, I *R, NOSE & # RO.d�,' ' lei who has token ae4 aetive a'r'ia ail- P 188. ate t tb,e ue.t "Rork pyp atltt a Iden . e ranging "the affairs o1'' Governor Mc- Iii85), 7'ost Gx4dltata Courpq• tit �,tb. New or -, Kinle ,. llthe rnon P , Y A Ely he Conti/MO, e q tiraduate Alediosl pohool and Hos ital te°� Sherman • 4rp, colored, was, .banged at Centre, Ala., on Friday, for the murder pf a farmer nalr#edPogue.. A.rp sold his body to the doctors by the pound a few days ago, getting $12.40 for it. At the trial of the bank robbers, To- ronto, Wm. Norris, one of the gang, confessed to being implicated in the robberies in the jewellery stores of Davis and Roberts, He was immedi- ately sentenced to one year and 3011 days in the Central Prison. In the trial of Bennett and the Archer Broth- er s, he will be used as a Crown witness. Judge Kingsmill, senior judge of the county of Bruce, has sent in his resig- nation, and intends to leave Walker- ton and engage in active practise in Toronto. For more than twenty-six years he has discharged the duties of his High calling with singular ability and impartiality, and will leave it without a stain on his ermine. He is entitled, under the law, to a retiring allowance equal to two-thirds of his salary,which will give him about $1,600 a year. Every year Queen Victoria bestows a gold medalupon on the architect c who, , P in the opinion of the Royal Institute of British Architects, has achieved during that period the greatest distinc- tion in the architectural world. The society's president communicated with Richard M. Hunt, of Boston, recently, asking him if he would accept the honor if it was offered to him. Mr Hunt signified his intention to accept, and the medal will be presented to him at the next meeting of the institute. -A large delegation of merchants, bankers and ship owners from Dublin and other places in Leinster, also from the Provinces of Munster and Con- naught, Ireland, was received on Fri- day by Lord Salisbury. The object of the delegation was to show that there was a strong opposition to home rule in other parts of Ireland besides Ul- ster. The members of the delegation spoke of disaster to business interests, which they predicted would follow the creation of a separate Government for Ireland. It was also mentioned that Mr Gladstone had refused to receive the deputation. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. - THE CHILD AND THE CANDY "Jason," said Mrs Calliper to her husband, as they sat at dinner, "when I was coming back from Cometville the other day, after my visit to Mrs Gatebar, the train boy went through the cars as usual with papers, maga- zines and candy, and when he was making the trip with the candy he threw a package into the lap of a little girl who was sitting with her mother. They were nice -looking peo- ple, but it seemed to me somehow as though they were very poor; I imagin- ed she was a widow and that she had to look out now for every penny. Well, the little girl picked up the package and looked it all over and read what it said on it, and finally she said to her mother; '° MarrimA"can't I -have this -candy?' "And her mother said, softly: " `No, dearie, I wish you could, but mamma can't spare the money.' "The little girl didn't say a word more. She just held the package and kept it ready to hand to the train boy _when he should come along. It was plain that merely to hold it was a pleasure. `Sitting in the next seat back of the mother and her child was a woman who couldn't help hearing what had been said. She had, of course, kept quiet, but when she saw the little girl sitting there holding the candy she couldn't keep still any- longer, and she leaned forward and said : "Madam, I don't wish to intrude, but it would afford me great pleasure if you would permit me to buy the candy for the little girl." "Of course this was an intrusion, Jason, but the mother couldn't fail to realize from the woman's voice and manner the spirit in which the offer was made, and I am glad to say that she accepted it with a smile and a pleasant `I thank you;' and the little girl looked up smiling and said :'So oto L' And so you see, Jason, the little girl got the candy after all." "Yes, Cynthia," said Col. Calliper, "I think I could guess who the woman was that gave it to her." "Well," said Mrs Calliper, "don't guess."' ON TRIAL- FOR ':l: DAYS. The finest, complotest and lett::, line of trical appliances in the wor:,L They have never failed to cure. Wo are so 1,. ,it:ee of it will back our belief and send you any Lire ' i, Appliance now in the market and you can r -y it forThreo Months. Largest list o: testis" :.i :r on earth. Send for book and journal 1r..• W. T. Baer & Co., Windsor, Ont. GEO. D. NcTAGGART, BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A. genera.. Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDALL BANKERS, CLINTON. ONT Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. A general tanking Business transaoteo Inters at allowed on deposits. tie Notes bought J'. P. TISD tf Manage "bats ' been raised by personal friends of h 14t�"ro{c arta I t peps, 4Yer �. ; e Governor, and ever note on which a?►. he was an endorser will be paid in full, I '• Wil be at e Rettennair. Unitise, OLl r.1l•ONt �'he Ffriit : 'RII?AY m Tse? Month. First Visit MARCH 8rd next. Soars 1Q' • aria, to 1 P.m„ Chargee Moder, e, . and the entire indebtedness of (doper- DQr,MoKinlely of every .deseriptioo will be canceled,' , Ayet^'a PUis Are better known and more gener- ally used than any other cathartic. Sugar-coated, purely vegetable, and free from mercury or any other injurious drug, this is the ideal family medicine. Though prompt and energetic in their action, the use of the pills is attended with only the.best results. Their effect is to strengthen and regulate the organic functions, i,sing especially beneficial in the vat'ous derange- ments of the stomach, liver, and bowels. Ayers Pills are recommended by all the leading physicians, and druggists, as the most prompt and effective remedy for biliousness, nausea, costive- ness, indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, jaundice, drowsiness, pain in the side, and sick headache; also, to relieve colds, fdvers, neu- ralgia, and rheumatism. They are taken with great benefit in chills and the diseases peculiar to the South. For travelers, whether by land or sea, Ayer's are the best, and should never be' omitted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal integrity in all climates, they are put up in bottles as well as boxes. " I have used Ayer's Pills in my family for severalyears, a.nd always ,-found-them to be_a mild and excel- ; lent purgative, having a good effect on the liver. It is the best pill used." -Frank Spillman, Sul- phur, Ky. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. j Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Every Dose Effective 4''aa "Shorter" Pastry and "Shorter" Bills. We aretalking about a " shorted. ling" which will not cause indi- rgestion. Those who ^know a thing ,or two" about Cooking (Marion )Harland among a 2iost of others) • ,arc using COTTOLENE iitnstead of lard. None but the purest, healthiest and cleanest ingredients go to make up Cot. tolene. Lard isn't healthy, and is not always clean. Those who use Cottolene will be healthier and wealthier than those who use lard -Healthier because they will get "shorter" bread; wealthier because they will get "shorter" grocery bills -for Cottolene costs no more than lard and goes twice as far -so is but half as expensive. Dyspeptics delight In It Physicians endorse It! Chefs praise It I Cooks extol It 1 Housewives welcome it! All live Grocers sell It! Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Streets, MfaNTItEAL_..- .._._ DO YOU WANT A First-olaes Stop or Long Ladder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow ? A Splendid Churn, it anything of li nature? Then pall onlW. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederlck St„ or E. Dinsley Will be at.Dineloy's corner every Saturday afternoon ROBERT -:- DOWNS, • CLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for tho best Men )Mil Dog in use. Agent for the sale and appli- cation of the tarFtensa PATENT AUTOMATIC BOILER CLEANER. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app ed on short notice. Boilers. Engines, and all hinds of Machinery repaired expeditiously and in a satisfactory manner Farm implements manufactured and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry Ellin fitted up on application Charges moderate. S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE HURON STREET, CLINTON Repairing of all kinds promptly attend to ea enable rates. A trial solletted ISATIS' LIVERY. The undersigned desire to thank the people of Clinton for the very generous patronage that has been bestowed on the West End livery. At the same time wo wish to intimate that the business will be conducted in the future, under the firm name of Davis& Son. Wo have rented the Livery Stable near the Commercial Hotel, recently °coupled by Mr. Reynolds, and with lnoW riga, oto., will bo in a bettor position than • j vor to aetomodato travollert,l14,VI8BGSON • HURON AND $RII o Load, InVestment Co'. This Oosspany is bice my 1K'one yy or . farm •„ Security at Lowest Rates of Interest, - MORTGAGES - ; - PURaRASEII"- SAVINGS BANK BRANQH, J, 4 and 5 per Cent, Interest Allowed on. Deposits, according toamotcnt and time left. OFFICE -Corner of Market Square and Nortb St dORAOE HORTON. Manes 6t 1886 J. J . ST -THE LEADING - UNDERTAKER -AND- EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT ill STOCK The bestEmbalming Fluid used Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST..,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL i BENMILLER NURSRY FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, THE LATTER OF WHICH WE MAHE A SPECIALTY LARGE STOCK ON HAND, The above ornamental troee and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices and those wanting any- thing in this connection will save money by purchasing here. Orders by Mail will be promptly attended to. .dddreaa, JOHN STEWART, - BenmIller. --McLeodis- - - System p .RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For trrpure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa. tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Grill Stones, Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. 11L MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton THE RIGHT Tho new model o ockford Watch, when placed in a screw bell scree, will fill a ion felt want among farmers, as it is not dee proof only, but very strong. The pintowhich the wheels work between, not being separated try pillars as in the ordinary WATC H But solid bpiece° o meal,, plate ith the edger lot of the top plate to rest on; it also boing pendant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all a good rong watch dor -a Farina - JOS. BIDDLECOM 3E CLINTON Planing .• -AND--` Mill DRY KILN! THE SUBSORIBERHAVING JUST COMPLET an and furnished his new Planing M111 with machinery of the 1 atest improved patterns is now prepared to attend to all orders 1n his line In th most prompt and satisfactory manner and at res aonable rates. He would also return thanks to al who patronized the old mill before they wore burn gd out and now being in a better position to oxo uto ordereexpeditiously and Leel; confident he can ve satisfaction to all. F.dCTORY--Near the Grand Trunk Railway, Clinton. THOMAS McKXNZI cealary and expanses woeYyv from start. Lily 0081 commission to nodal part-ttmo egonts. IPermanent position. Good Chance for �idvaneement, Ercluslve territory. Ingest a of Nursery stook in n ada, a, and only µTowers - in both Canndaand united States. Clean,liardystock true to and lair reatmentname, I,p�tItora s- teetd. No aubetk talion In our - orders.coinpsti- No Y_ from other houses, on account of low prices and ' pern,lint• ndvanta gee. H e can interest any ono not craning Said, por mor'h and expenses. Don't hesitate because of pro-' 'ions failures In this or other a Mee. W. ,i/Ikeyouasuccese.'r Outfit fret` ^ gr+ iqulara,'1 . DROWN RRoe * Cic• anes t , This house isrealob,p