The Huron News-Record, 1892-11-30, Page 8SHILOH'S
iswithout a parallel iu the history of
medicine. All druggists are author-
ized to sell it on a positive guaran',ee,
a test that no othor care can success•
fully stand. If you have a Cough,
Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for
it will cure you. if your child has
the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sure. If you
dread that insidious disease CON'.
SUMPTION, du>.'l fail to use it, it
will cure you or cost uothiug. Ask
your Druggist for SHILOII'S CURE,
(rico 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. If
your Lungs aro sore or Back lame,
ase Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 cts.
A man may go from Clinton to
Toronto without, riding in the cars.
It will take hien a long time to walk,
but he saves his car fare.
The thing looks economical, but is
really extravagance.
A man can often do without a
doctor when he is sick, and do with-
out quack nostrums particularly, if
he will only economize by having a
little Fine Whiskey, Brandy or Wine
at the proper time.
And and it is foolish economy to
be without that which is likely to be
prescribed for you.
\Ve have what you tvant in Ales,
Porter, Whiskies, Brandies, Wines,
etc., etc., in wood and bottle.
We -keep in stock the very best
and sell at the lowest living profit
"'he correct and safest economy is to
always buy from us.
To Advertisers.
All changer of Ad reetisenteat.., to
insure iurerliOW iii the 94Thot i •.gcrc,
neat be rcccired at the o(/irehtQt- late)
than 1(omdat/ vont. Copy for
chuni.en rcc'_ t' ,l Later than Monday
noon will hereafter Lc at the 4,lier-
ti8er'•s owe rill.
.1, M. TODD, P>:lli,her.
The Huron'News-Recora
1.00 a Year—$1.25 in Advance
Wednesday, Nov. 30th, 1892
In and Around tate Hub,
Fetor% fltt.
Lo A7. NO.rioiai_—All -notices.. iu- . tlaesc_
columns of meetings or entertainments,
previous -to irol%ling oftbesainc,at-wlueh•
an admission leers cliarged,orfroin which
a pecuniary benefit is to he derived, will
be charged at the rate of ten cents per
J. W. IawiN, grocer, has removed
to the McKay Block and is now
ready for businesr in the handsome
corner store.
OH, WHAT A COUGH 1—\V111 you
heed the warning. The signal per-
heps of the sure approach of that
more terrible disease Consumption.
Ask yourself if you can afford for the
sake of saving 50c., to run the risk
and do nothing for it. We know
from experience that Shiloh's Cure
will cure your cough. It never tails
Call and see J. W. IRwne, grocer
in the corner store of the new Mc
Kay Block.
An active and trustworthy boy can
find profitable employment at THE
NEws-REcoID office.
No LADIES TOILET is complete with•
out a bottle of Cream of Witch Hazel,
manufactured and sold by .Tas. II.
J. W. IRtvI\ will bo pleased to
meet all old customers and many
new ones in the new corner store,
McKay Block.
THE NEWS REcoan has about 20,000
Note and Letter Mart's at a slight
advance on cost.
CREAM or WITCH HAZEL, will not
injure the most delicate skin. For
chapped hands, sore lips and for
use after shaving itis unsurpassed.
ster Robes, horse Clothing, Fancy
Woollen and Plush Rugs, are at
bargain prices at
quhar has leased for a year the Spooner
° +pottage on Albert street advertised in
TUE NEws-Rrconn. He moves from
the Carter property on Victoria St.
A CORRECTION.—Mr. A. Cantelon
writes THE NEws REcoRL stating that
onr mention ot the Division Court
case—Smith vs. Cantelou, for back
wages—was not correct. Our in-
formation was obtained at the Division
Court Clerk's office and was reported
in good faith by us. THE NEws-
RECORD is not, and never will be, con-
ducted or its writings or utterances
made for the special benefit of any
person. Our duty is a public one.
.Mr. Cantelon's version of the cess is
asfollows :—"The n atter is settle.: and
foi ot
all he (Smith) receives out of Court is
some sixteen dollars after he pays his
share of the costs." Tho original claim
for back wages, ttr. Cantelon says, was
for $90.28.
'I'OwN CLERK COATS will occupy
deputy reeve Kennedy's brisk resi-
deuee on Mary street. Tb%e property
is it desirable one.
MORRIS NEWS.—An interesting bud-
get of news from Morris, too late for
last week, will be found on an inside
page. It did not roach Clinton until
Wednesday Morning.
THE funeral expenses of the late
Laura Gordon were borne from collet)•
tions wade throtigh the efforts of Mrs
Smeeth, Mrs. Pridham, and AL's. S.
Stokes, of Goderioh .
A NEW IIEiTl11l,—PLeck Kennedy has
added to his bur fixtures a handsome
new silver water heater, made by.
Booth & Sou, Toronto. It is said to
be one ut' the largest in %hie section
and au expensive piece of furniture.
CUT 1II8 IIAND.—Caretaker Welsh,
while cleaning a glass used f'ur giving
medicine to Henry Beacom in the couu•
cil chamber, gave his hand a bad gash.
He was turning the tumbler with his
band in it, when the glass separated,
cutting his (rand severely.
Tl.1RLAND'S NEW STORE —The build
ing is Ir flue one and well adapted for
hardware. On Saturday the cual fur
woe, by which the building will be
heated, was started and the place felt
and looked comfortable and inviting.
The atom is about ready for buisncss.
AT IT AGAIN.—Messrs. Geo.Illncliloy
and W. Clegg have bosu,ut it again.
They drove to Exeter and took par.
iu a shootiug match and nearly cleaned
out the sweepstakes pot and made
things we: in for the Exeter shootists
in general.
FINGERS SMASHEJ4—W11110 assisti'_g
at the nnovingofthe Grand Union stab
les A1rJoseph Riley got the thumb and
index finger of his right hand badly
crushed under one of the cotters. The
work was a little delayed in conEe-
quonce, but the building is iu
position now.
IN THE AsY1.U1l.--Last %reek shoe-
maker Henry Beacom was couveyed to
the London asylum. At times he was
daugerous and before locked up drew
a pistol several times without just cause.
The cuuuty will be asked, and should,
pay the necessary expense to cover the
case. Chief Wheatley conveyed the
unfortunate roan t0 London.
Andrew's Brotherhoed, in cunuectiou
with St. Paul's Church, will hold their
annual meeting to night. The Society
is doing a good work and should re-
ceive the encouragement and support
of all classes of people. Cottage meet
ings.are held weekly ou Monday even-
ings, to 1%hiclt all are int ited.
of .last week there were 28 transient
visitors—thet is travellers—who put up_
at the Ratteubury Ilouse. From
Monday -to- Friday •-89 ,put up at the
Baine House. And. this is not by any
weans the total number of transient
v-isitoro, because the other hotels had
a.iarge number. It is a pretty good five
days trausient trade for sue hotel,
there not being a quorum on regular
meeting nigh', the high School Board
met last Friday evening. TILE NEWS
RECORD account for $4.75 washpassed
and the tender - of Harland Pros. for
plumbing ($40) accepted. The local
newspapers, at least this paper, would
take it as an act of courtesy if we were
notified of these special meetings. \Ve
shall always be glad to tell the public
about the doings of any public body.
THEY hNow HIM NOW.—Tho now
Rector of St Paul's Church, Rev. Mr.
Fairlie, arrived lust Thursday. The
same afternoon another gentleman of
clerical bearing arrived in town and he
was introduced to several church tnetn•
bees as the now hector. Ile of course
was tendered the best wishes for the
future and very kindly received, &c.,
&c. Just at this point the genuine
rev. gentleman cause on the scene and
the joke of course exploded.They
know Mr. Fairlie now.
more plentiful in town the latter part
of last week. The great scarcity and
high `price was owing to bad roads.
The sleighing afforded an opportunity
to , place the article on the tnarket.
The prices ranged high for the greater
portion offered. Many people were
reluctautly compelled to resort to coal
for fuel, and those who did so will
likely continue to buin coal throughout
the winter. With sleighing the price
of wood will soon be normal. There is,
and always will be, a good market in
Clinton for all the wood lithely to be
is St. Andrew's day. Murray Camp will
celebrate by having a splendid supper
at the Central to night. The commit-
tee in charge have been untiring in
their zeal to bring every arrangement
to a successful issue. From what we
have learned their efforts will doubtless
be rewarded with success. Gatherings
of this kind are commendable. They
bring together British born subjects and
their descendants. In the rising genera-
tion a spirit of admiration and love for
Britain and British institutions is incul
cited. Scotchmen have as deep a love
fur their country as eny people. And
theywould sold bo the e last to saver or cut
in twain the link that binds them close
and dear to the land of their fathers.
THE NEns RECORD trusts Murray Camp
may ever prosper and its members ever
continue to celebrate St. Andrew's Day.
We intend to move to the
We shall be pleased to see all our old customers and many
new ones in the new store. -
0 —
We have been making :preparations for a
good XMAS TIS&DE and think we can please
everyone in variety, price and quality.
Subscribe now for your favorite Newspapers—we take
Subscriptions for Newspapers and 1Ia_gazines
published everywhere.
—0 —
r s.,
Look Store and News Depot, Clinton.
g2 a.
:We offer you 30 pieces at a Bargain, some of the
newest things brought out this season.
for you. See our line of :1Ieltons at Se., our dou-
ble-fort i1leltons at 25e. in Navy, Black, Brown
and l,I'ey, worth far more money.
Boy's Ribbed Wool Hose with double knees, just
the thing for boys, exceptional value. Men's _and
Boy's Underwear, 'big assortment in fine and
heavy makes. �1len's Shirts and Drawers 25c.,
28c., 40e., 30c., 75c., 85c., 81 and 81.35 ; Boy's, 30c
25c., 40c. and 45c.; Men's Sox 15c a pair, two for
.-)t) cents.
a. specialty with us. Ill fact \Iillif"iery is our great
specialty. From us all the leading styles may be
had at lowest' prices. The more you buy of us
and find by actual use how satisfactory our goods
are the better you will like
The Ladies' Favorite Eaaffl!sflicnt
The Great Millinery and Dry -Goods Emporium.
Nsw LEGAL Fca:u.—E. Campion, Q. C.,
and M. 0, Johnston, barrister, &c., tiode-
rich, have entered into partnership. The
new firm are gentlemen of shrewd ability
and integrity, well known .to NEws-Recoau
readers, and will crake a strong legal eons-
bination. Their future' success is assured.
The change of advt. will appear next week.
Too GATE.—Beorley & Co. are offering
tremendous drives in special purchases, but
their ohange of advertisement war received
too late.—John Cunningham offers for sale a
very select variety of bulbs ; see them.—
Harland Bros. are hustling so lively that
they had not time to,wrtte ttreir change early
enough. ---Again, send in your changes early,
not later than Saturday noon
A Nonni=. DEED.—The employees of the
Doherty Orgen Factory raised a $15 puree
for Mies White, who is in destitute circum•
stances. Tne men of the Doherty works aro
never slow in responding when there is a call
of necessity made on them. If our town and
country friend would consider this ons act
and the deati.ute case, voters would surely
cast their ballots in favor of a House of
A NEW PAPER.—A new weekly
paper has boon established in London
entitled the Patriotic Canadian, the
editor of which will be Mr. Thos. I'as-
more, formerly ot the Exster'A.1e'nc,lle,
and at ono limo iu the newspaper busi-
ness at Illytli. ]Ie also worked ou
the Nen. Ent for a short tithe.
A LONG WAY Orr.—At the close of
the annexation meeting at Listowel
last ween, Rev. Jas. Livingstone, form-
erly of Clinton, who was present, said
a few words, which wore not parti
culnrly comforting to the c. u. advocates,
inasmuch as he told them that their
new-fangled ideas might ultimately
bear ftuit, but it would bo on the other
side of the millenium.
House ov REFUGE. —By request of the
Reeves end Deputy Reeves of several muni-
cipalities Reeve Manning has called n con-
ference, to be held in the council ohambor,
Clinton, on Friday, December Zed, at 11
o'clock, a ne. In ' iow of the submission of
the question of the erection of e. Bonito of
Refuge to the papular vote at Cho conning
Muniaicipal Electioua,it ie thought advisable
that there should bo some substantial agree.
menta—(let) As to the form of the question
to be rubmitted; (go(1) As to the probable
amount necessary expended in the pur-
ohese of lands and er ction of buildings; and
(3rd) the coat of ma'ntenance; other pertin-
ent questions may also be d•scussed. The
invitation is extended to all Mayors, Reeves,
Deputy Reeves, Councillors and County
Officiate in the County. As it ie the deefgn
cf the conference to afford reliable informa-
tion for the elects; s aim will vote npr.n the
matter, i; is hovel that there will be n full
representation of all shades oforinion. Any
suggestion as to the business c f the confer -
en will be gladly received by Mr. Manning.
Watch for the prices we quote in Ladies
' Furs and Men's and \Votneu's Silk and
Linen Ilandkercitiefs noxi week.
We are going to have a Monthly. Bargain Dat.
Our reason for this is :
No platter slow careful we are and stow close we watch our
stock there are always odds and ends accumulating that if they
are not cleared out, quickly depreciate in value ; this we want
to avoid as much as possible, and will gather these lines to-
gether every mouth, place them on our counters marked at
prices that will sell them.
Also from time to tune we have chalices to pick lines of
goods that for one reason or another are offered us below regular
We 'A•ill endeavor to have some lines like these on Bargain
The day will be the first Thursday of. every month.
• The First Bargain Day will be Thursday, Dec.
1st, 1892.
Keep that date in view.
It will pay you to be there.
A. week before each bargain day we will publish a list of the
goods and prices to bo offered. o
The prices quoted are for that day onl
All goods marked at special prices for
that `day will be sold
for Spot Cash or Produce only.
All other goods in the store will be sold as usual, charged pr
5 per cent off' for Cash.
Remember we sell all goods at close prices all the time, but on
stuff's named in advertisements there will be specially low prices,4
For a list of goods and prices to be offered on Thursday, Dec.
1st, the first of our Monthly Bargain Days, see large page ad.
We never advertise anything unless we have the goods and
prices to back up what we say.
This is no exception to that rule.
0 -
The Estate John Hodgen