The Huron News-Record, 1892-11-30, Page 4tl
Qtam,rTM. +n*err.-'nfttal'." RTA''VSSIV u. 1, +I t7lttitF,r12lr,lJ'ffi:Yrt«"S4 Sz%7F' `T+'iRrs'•^1XVIII R 1WMFL
[he Huron News -Record
81,58 a fear -81,26 in Advance
OOe.iriex-a)ty :% .Y.
Pro:ninr ,1', t,,tq h is resiyou,i. To•t grave
I ,
..tate of h r u .l n r.s , r t., 1 r
a 1 ue t e,p >,> 1 l •Y at lu rue•
titin 11' Sir J erne '1' r•rnpa.m h o. b••r•(1
req••u;o.! !:, ti;.• 11 r: noun •'; nt. r.t t • f 1 lu
a neve f;;••n,• t 1'n-) n tk•••n4r or !•,- mon.
Cnbh;c' v.,ll I,e n, to public in v ver v
thew S.. •) +4., Tun iip,urt is the ar.laat n,..
la Can.1+1 t t•,•'l ,v. tic h•te virtu 1; 1)• b -un
Premi,tr, a. l • t•iw •,r the C ou n•pde „i .c
sir John :\f a' len 1 l's death, amt Was
town• ,f s!rer•gtl( to our tato 1,2111. !thin.
With the Not that till .1nlin 16ompsurt i. a
Roman Catholic we have uuthing to de.
Ho is ruled by the inemboos of Parliament,
Hie firm stand on tits It+il told nttwr Impor-
tant q'aeatio o prJl c a him a mail of br •a 1
and liueral hear tug. 11 tinter in Premier
Thonlpentt will tooeive united rnppert, but
he roust hrcieno ,note farnil',r• with Outeri°
people. He is a qualified atwesmau, it natnr-
a Leader, and we predict will add coutinued
saocess to tbo laurels of the Conservative
Party iu the Dundnion.
An English physician in cuntinenting
on the case of Dr. Neill -Cream, the
Canndi•w doctor who was hduged
in London, Hag., for distribut-
ing, 'potions of poison among women
causing the death of severe! of them,
say$ hie, m inia or dementia is all the
result. of defective oyesi'tht which
caused "the total t113:1ppoal•etica of morel
sense from the man." It totems that
the original effect was in the left eye-_
hypermetropia—"that is. the optical,
axle Csf.the eye is too 'short, and that
the rays of light do not focus pee fcctly
on the rotiva," The writer, however,
says that "justice has rightly exact
ed the death lienalty" but that it is
a pity he did not have the optical de•
foot cured A that he might have avoid
ed being a criminal, ,'tie he had a cuu
siderable knowledge of medical Mallets
which any oue who cine in con-
tact with hill could easily discover,"
There is a putout here fur the politic•tl
quacks, cuntteercial u•uiouiste, cortin
ental uniuui:ts, etc., who are troubled
with political hypettuetropia affecting
their mental optics They seem to have
a considerable knowledge of politics
but the rays of iuforunatiuu that. acintil•
late from the bright paged of Canada's
industriri'1 progress donut focus perfect
ly in their defective mutual optic', cote
sequently like murderer Dr. Neil Cream
they have taken to distributing potions
of political poison that would be the
death u1 nur grind pulitical fabric aud
destructive of our material progress
should the people be foolish enough to
Swallow them. Now these political
quacks, whether willingly ur not, are
murderers in a policti,il sense. That
hypermetropia or shorteued and de-
fective mental vision is the cause of their
murderous assaults ou the political in-
•stitutions of this country constitutes
-.0104130.-- forks—at-04w,— -es
they can Cure thernselvei;_"
Dr.' Neill•C.yeam could have cure rl
hitnsela All` they have to do is ti.t
take heroic doses of the agricultural
and e; inmeraii0tatistice of the country
r andiorop ,M' y►igest them in a corn
mejWettr i' er and their shortened
'vie onsvit be lengthened out soa
g that
they shalt` see not only past progress
but existing (londitions pointing out
quite plainly to n continuation of the
unparalleled development of this coun-
try with in the British Empire. While
those nuuexatioui8ts, in what ever guise
they may appear, deserve our pity in
that they are to a certain extent not
respouaib!e for theiractiuna,t.hey will he
held equally culpable with Dr. Cream
for their attention hoe time and eg'tiu
been called to a potent remedy in the
forte of the trade returns of the couutty.
If they will persist in tempting fortune
in their foolish wsy disaster and die•
1 /tar Ptesens indented to 'fug Ni:wa
R(1(•0n) in this neighborhood may settle
with ill:. Ii. W. BALL, of lid,rmh, who
is authorized to collect sub(criptione and
grant rezeiltts therefor.
We have to thank the recently re-
turned hunters fur a splendid piece of
-venison. ,
Misa Ilowell returned from a three
weeks visit to friends in Seaferth un
Satui day.
Rev Mr, llouell'e subject for his
Sitrltll e evening seituof Was " W011111t1's
'ter. 1)awol.i -tit i iy has opened out
in the grocery line in Grant's old
stand, Acheson's block.
It is rumored that G.)deiich O.ld
fellows will give a grand ball during
the' feltiVe 8'I UIi.
lilies Ora Wilkinson i4 tice.ijine in
struction in vacs! music from' unit of
Turonlu's•tn•t,i1ng v.>caiirts.
The'es ,tlleatly in the field
fur ,11,.:; Jr r1;J l:ick>I:o' ti11 active call
.Airs. Ale:(. Ste watt anti children
left on 11ut1•l,v G.> i)il, 11r S!cwatt at
I'itt,lp lig.
'1lr4. A. 1i l;_te. i, visilin:. ?[is,
R. Si 481400.
lhpl r Cull, :i :,i r .et s.. (;. ur,;••'a et
conc:l•t•i.>11 of in ruing service next
( apta:li (•t,.% it last wee:. for
;\1• =+ra 1). 11 u,ri'1! Ind A. (;raistie
let' ' l t al P:I. ,. If ,:',,n•,
h• i! . • .>-. ti; . 1,.,:1 . ,. li,hrr•
\ !1 , ..1 \\1:I C; •, 9lie was ill
(U C, :, .., " 4.7 t' t..
The snow of last week made Friday
and Saturday two buoy days iu (Judo•
The Sehuouer liulfaue, Captain Jnu.
M•'.l)unald, arrived iu port ou It'riduy
with a cargo of (umber and shingles true
Mr. 14', Surtretli.
1 r
"h a
The tet tug s '
d 1 _ u. 9,1 D 1141 a'.1
l t
'trend:int net) W8 were planed in winter
riga rtors L•,rt wrtek.
! 11 r. Juts Plitt tv rs eat agaiu Inst
1 week, it'tvit>ri I°covel'ed 1t•enl a Vel'1
di'Vt"e 11118444.
.'t] is. 1:. 11 Smith was in the (tl,.loeu
City the p int Week.
li„ut'ti Purr ttt;4, of Stalliey, was iu
town lost week.
Dr. and .Mrs. COW, of Dungannon,
were in the circular town 00 Friday,
M1'. R. 1[ulland4, of Dungannon, was
Goderich ou Friday.
The schooner 1'iltrtfure having been
repaired was launched from the island
ou 1''ri.lay.
Mrs. Gordon Centra died on Wed-
nesday at the age of 45. The funeral,
width was largely attended, took place
on Friday afternoon, Messrs. ,las,
Mitchell, Alex. Johnston, Jos. Ink-
ster, W. 11cLaughan, W. Viles and
l3rincombe acting as pall bearers.
\festa, W. Itutson, Waller Shannon
and F. Pretty roturuod un W'ed'nesday
from their hunting trip 0u the Bruce
Peninsula. '11118 gentlemen, who drove
the whole distance, IMMMMO 140 utiles
each way, report the woods north of
Southampton as the .worst they have
ever travelled. The party only brought
house one deer, a flue animal, yet report
the ju'lrtley as roust pleasing and ea -
i\Ir, 1:,1. `'elan is visiting friends in
Goderich alter an absence of five years,
Mr. Ed, Van Every has returned from
a seven ntuttl}:s” stay ou the North
Shore of Lake Superior..
1'1 r. Godwin, of the Public \Yorke
Dept., Ottawa, watt in town the peat
The members cf the 1'i:.hery (,'orn
mission left fur Southampton on Wed
uesd5y afternoon. Mise Clytnie, who
actsd as secretary of the Commission in
Goderich, acted iu.the same capacity in
'Do Fishery (fomntis?ioU closed its
sitting on \Veduesday.. lir. ,Tos.
Clark and Captains Jno. Craigie, Jas.
Inkster and Malcom :McDonald gave
valuable evidence before the Com-
Captain Sutherland having laid up
his !schooner the Cutrtr•uct itt Sarnia,
arrived hale on \Ve11uesday.
Tho steamer hall left port ou Fri•
days morning for Collin's inlet to load
luruber, for the river.
E. Campion Q. C , and M. 0. Johnston
have formed a partnership, the new firm be-
ing, located in Mr. Campion's old office oyer
Jurdan'e drug state. -
A•youth named Bates employed at the
Organ Factory met with au accident on
rAl+tuday,--_the first antl_thir(I,fingers nL.hls
-iofrtau(l=-being-snitple-_Keiterefj , tier,
Boum was worsting s• me rnachilThey f tit wh'fd1L"
hie fingers got caught.
The steam huge Sins -row with a cargo of
troll for the iitg N1 ill a, rived in port on Tate -
day morning.
Hr. K L. Taylor, barrister of Brussels
was in town yesterday.
The prisoner, A. E. Gougeon, who was
recently sr:misu0(1 to Gree months imprison
m'nt f.r nn a.saillt committed in Illyth.
mespud trout the county jail on Saturday
by ()perdue the wand yard gate. At the
time of writing, Moods), evening, the pr ismer
had not been re capturud,
Mr. B. Churchill, one of the most
popular nteu ' iu this township, will
likely be iu the field for deputy -reeve
or councillor. Ile is a man of experi
ecce in public affair's 0nd was one of the
best and Most painstaking ruen, while in
office, this township has ever had.
_A1.1ny who voted ageinert him when- lin
:suffered defeat will now he nmong his
warm supporters. Ben Churchill
should be in I[ullett council and 1394
will surely see him/hero.
An es Tiplady and ,A1iee Cornish aro
visiting ntJuhu NV bite's.
Mies Bessie 1)aly. of Stratford, was
n guest at Geo. Mound's, Louduu
]load, last week. I toll you Ike was
"(il tled" 80(11•.!44 l;at.
.Jas. Sparks hail it 8110 last Friday
nod titins generally sold well. ile
has rented the farm to `Ir. Young, of
The 1laccabces will give au enter
taiunlent in the near future.
The S. S. No. 6 entertainment last
Ft day evening was 8:•,111 attended and
an Interesting event. 'Tile first .011111•
ber on the programme was n violin solo
by Frank Stang, Mics Stong as arc0m•
pauist; then ;1 recitation by S. Lands
borough ; duet by Mr. and Miss 'Town
send; recitation by \Vill T a lydf'sbornnr;h;
AI kg Tihbet sang the "241 tple Lauf" and
for au encore give "Black .loo"—from
the way the holy was received she is
s(11•(•ly en, of tea coming "star,'" of NO
G; Abner Cousins gave an excellent 10-
ci':.tiuu: t'1,.)Iltt • •ile, I'r.lnl: Slul.11; re0i•
tation, John Archibald; anti several
0111, r n'11:,'.'i t which I lista, nun learn-
f). ;atar•iny ('..r4 011.7. !),rine re e:v,d
441 . 1.0 ., 1; de•r.••!r that •1•,1.. (ioujfeun, CV lin
was convicted for lh:ee months for assault•
Ng hotel heap. r 1C•!ly of this burg, had
Wel r 'a,, 0 front: t'ta'1 : 1).,,,,n,
t + tr Leve ,!:error yr•.t nn the war path
r). •r c• tt'1:', !'01 a tin! '1;; in
1.:.. -•ty 11,11 .44 \C01n... 1.11
a4'. '4. ul,d up tete areallgt•.._..'a vi'h.1. B.
,. - NO P(IZS S FOIll STCi l M PEOPLE. "gek
t,fi :;; : t ` •+ ; ,ti,; Y•,r (cur
.•t +rS 4qqov,
1A1tl, L1rnt'''
t ` ' .f.....: Hii fl.Yer R
" 1
'i. ;, ..yy/( ,rt.
n Y u
r:. 144.—c.i..-.1' ' w M,t "t,i'. ,,'f '.:\,141.1k‘''.)./. `i c•
fr.. 3 A. '`.T.:',..-,-
(In the above Sketch Six Faces aro to bo Found.)
The proprietors of THELAioi4 1-10404 tilaxrcl,r will give a )h•st.elsss Upright Plano, of the
very best make (valued at 44541, to the person who can first find the AIX faces. A reward or a Safety
Bicycle (valued at $1.251. for the srcnnOakd correct answer. A fine Oak Bedroom Sot (valued at $a.5)
for the thine correct answer. A Solid (501(1 Watch for each of the next two correct answers. A
Ten Dollar (:old 1 !eco for the next three correct answers.
Emery :lontestant is to cut out the Bebns, aid make a cross with a lead enell on the six faces and
send same to us with ten three cent pnstac-c stamps 1 'r 30 cents in silver) for three months subscrip-
tion to The Ladies thane Monthly, which is the best ladies publication in Oauada.
We valuable will
i00 will alsotbe given to everrrect y person wers received
who is able to aeach a nswer the Rebus cot correctly untiand l tlfty
prizes have been awarded.
jo The envelope which contains correct answer hearing first pn:,tmark will receive first reward,and
the remainder 10 order as received. Every prize in this competition will be faithfully awarded.Our
' bona -tido' offers ar0 trade by reliable publishers.
Be tand s)leaomtlp1gys,a.i_your lsure
Addes(RLadsHeDonhy. 192iinSt.. WetTorontoCanada.
+anr,.e.eai=a.^aa=,-^ n..,=...c,maa,evascm
Ye People
going to teak to von about
,, .. i_ S -- 0- Q
Now is the bone you aro interested meant presents for your fr•iendt. Call On UA;
we have got n tine lot of I;IIINA\VA11E, such aa CARBARETS, ORALS,
SALAD DIS1114S, C11T1'S anfd SATTCERS, MUGS, ttte., ttic, Aldo n packac.e of
GLASSWARE 1115 and IOst pieces, a marvel fur value. Our Stock of N P \\'
FRUITS and PEELS are herr,, such at; RAISINS and CURRANTS, LEMON
All the above Goads at prices to suit the Christmas trade.
Kelly for patting up the electric lights on
u sreets.
1:uv. '1'. E. Higley is visiting th•+ F.esesa
City and the neighborhood of St. Th. rii,s
this week.
'!'lie regular meeting of the members of
L. O. L. 963 wits held in the Ora„ga h.:11 au
41onday evuuiug.
The members of the I. 0. F. held a meet
ing in the tempor•(nce hell on Moudsy even-
Mr. S Gracey, of \Vinghan, was iu town
on Monday.
The installation of the Mil :ors of the C. 0.
F. for the ensuing terra was held in their
hall on Tuesday evening.
'rhe sleighing f; r the past few days has.
made things lively on nur streets.
Regular mewing of our town daddies in
Industry hall an Monday evening next.
The annual meeting of the Blyth Branch
f the Bible and Tract Society is to be held
in the Presbyterian church en Tuesday even-
ing. 6•h inst., wheel the secretary of society,
Rev. Mr. Moffat, of Toronto, will address
the congregation. — —
To the Editor of 'i'he News Record:
DI.AR Sia,—Permit me to onmrhend
the noble and timely words uttered by
you last week. You brought forward
many questions, as '1'ne \EWS•I11i0ORD
has done ler Bowe weeks back
that are slowly but surely press••.I
ing hove to the minds of ,our••
people. I like your straight talk on
dairying, about more manufacturers, the
C. Y. R , Board of 'Trade, our well watery
&c. The latter depends to a large ex-
tent whether we have disease or good
health, and you deserve the united
praise of the people of Clinton. Poo.
ple are now nwakening to the fact that
there is room for improvment in the
sanitary inspection of the town. Ott
on. You are un the right track, and I
wish you (lodspo ed. Yours truly,
—A train on the Philadelphia and
Reading railway ran three coucluaive
miles in 39, 313 and 37 seconds last
Wednesday. T,his. breaks the world's
record which stood of ono toile in 39?
seconde. •
Notice to Creditors and Next to Kio
Nntir is hereby g;ven pnrsannt to the Rerteep
Statutes of Ontario, 1667, Chapter 110. Ser. 36., that
all Creditors of, and other persons having chums
against, the Estate nr James 4tnceiv,late r1 the 'town
of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Gentleman,
deceased, ere required to send to lletsrs Harrow t
rrondfont, of the Town of (loderich. In the C.mty of
lluron and Prot ince tf Ontario, the Solicitors for
W'u.l.>.<u Rarssnnx, E.q., the Executor of the last will
of the avid deceased, no nr before (401 1.4. day of
February, 1x43, thrir('hristinn name and nurnunies,
addresses and desrrlptjnna, with full particular, of
their .Ldms,,nll,- attested, with the tmvLors moon
Which the)- are hatted, and that after the day last
mentioned the said Executor will proceed to ills•
tribute the assets of the said deceased among the
'males entitled thereto, regard only to those
n1•wime of whi••h hr eh'IIl Viol trace notice, and the
se id executor %rill not be liable for the Paid 1404(1.0, nr
any part thereof to any person of whose 118111) notice
,halt not have leen received by hon at the time of
snob di.trIT;t(nn.
Dated at Go,ierirh, the ^_4r 1 dna nI 1, %onhcr, 1'3(,
Solicitors for theahove named Executor.
7:84 td
(eorrnrte.l o•..1) To,, of tern.,nn.)
Fall Wheat, 01.1 n art to 0 (1'i
Pall \1'hoat, ecu"....O t' 1 to 1!
Spring Wheat,.,., 0 (12 to 0 fn..
Barley..... ., ( sO to (1 411
227 to 0 Itti
Perls . 0 fill to 0 57 I
Apyloa,(lcinter)per Ing 3) 1+) to (1 :,:)
Potatoes, per bush 0 30 to 0 40 1
Butter .. 0 16 to 0 17
Eggs, per 11, (1 09 to O 1)))
Ti ay l; n1) to t n 1
('urrltvn(d ; ,al 10
Itsof tt on to oils
Wool 1 t I0 f• *)
11: ^.t.ed 11 ;I 1 , , ...1
'1\1j r11W,`1i1(I iltliftel1
Town Agent G. T. R.,
For Tickets and information to
all points apply to above.
Are going to
Ilse the
Or to
.• __ USI: C.P, R.
Or to
Or to
It will pay you if you wish comfort
and accommodation.
A. T. Cooper, Agent, Clinton
The People's Column.
ear Adrrrfixre,er.ts under O,:4 beading 81 f"•
first month, (Ilia •5nc, rm•lt :4(4l.4,41,4n/ 1,410th.
demos Fair, jr., offers for sale his seven year-
old paring horse. The animal is sound and an
extra good river. Will be sold'at 14 bargain, as
the owner h is no use for the horse Apply to
(,a(1I4 KENNEDY,
CentXd Hotel, Clinton.
We have Opener out for bns!ne.+s on 1it-1?ON
srlterr, r'L1\"!It\, and will b.. 1 4..0..1
ply the wants of all 111 all hinds of ,heats and
poultry In season at the lowest living prices.
Highest cash prire paid for Rides,yheepskins, \c,
Patronage respectfully solicited.
727—tf. WHEATLEY d• FLNCii.
On form property at 51 per cent. Apply to
-C, A. IL4.11'rT,
There tieing same misnn l-rttanding with re.
Ru•.t to ar''..0' let it'!nilly mel mood
that 111 am p: r•.nt1 tett p,.,., as'm of any kind
of wrc.dcnge and hills to report to me 1 shall at
once take prnecrdinlrs. Remember this is the
last w.u•nlny I •1111 ^_ive. ('APT. W1r. RAft9.
Receiver of wrens, (tndnrich,
Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891.
1)` :i13C.`•lil;li': 11 .\ii 1'+)11 SEN -
Ji...) 1 b. E.
The sr.1.s. rih,r 1.1- r.•r .. r,.:,.,. r.•1
Suns ierh,ll, .t thorn,.::: once 1.1..; 141 eren
bred ht t1. Green, of '1441 1'. Tour•, •'1. with
hr:, -..,r 1 ..;r.! -r
713-44. Somme? hill.
Auction Sale Rc;,istrr.
Terri,, .'1').:11,g !Mir •.t'c 1.;:4, :.t r.x. ottle.• 4i1l rc.vd40 a rar.ta notice, moiler
to tin• f•d4owimr, until the dste of sob•. The
not ire is wolf!, 4Lont ns mit •11 ::1 the 1.4::s,
\\'t 40, 11, •1 • -!' rn1
at , , 1 ••
1.1 1r T . ',\;•
_ r • , .
• n ;,.t 1: • a.,' ! • , 1
1 i .1 '\ . . • ,
1 34 ;• , .•
0 --
If there is one lady in this town or its Vicinity who has not
examined the stock of Ladies Fur Capes. Storm
Collars and Muffs to be seen at this store, we invite
you to call and do s0 at. the earliest opportunity.
.'Although the sale of these goods has been very exten-
sive, our buying taciliti(rs aro such that \VC can keep the
stock always fully assorted. .We have imide aliTilllg(.t-
ments with one of the largest manufacturers of fur
goods of such a nature that we can procure you any land
of furs not kept in stock on a few hours notice, and con-
sequently sell them to you very much cheaper ti an we
could if we kept them in stock. Now is the time to
purchase, as the demand is 80 great that the earliest
Coolers must of necessity secure the choicest articles.
We give you either singly or in setts a 'choice of any
of the following varieties :—Black Coney, Black
Opposum, Black and Colored Astrachan, Sable, Grey
Lamb, Bair, Seal, Goat, Greenland Seal, Persian Lauf,
Nutria, !Beaver.
No . time to write advertise-
ments. Stock fully assorted in
al! lines, Cheapest Goods in
Clinton, November 7th, 1592,
It PajirTiiier hy loot TOU.. T.: -T
'i'o buy the best quality of goods. Hand -made Axes and
Bandies, Lea(ler (,toss -Cut Saws, Racer ' Cross -Cut
Saws, Cattle Chains, Halter Chains, Rope Halters. Rope
—all sizes, Spades, Shovels, Grain Scoops, Drain Spades,
Clay Picks, Chaff Baskets, Turnip Baskets, Readymixet'1
Paint—rdl shades, Pure White Leacl, English, Raw anct
Boiled Oil, Daisy Churns—all kinds. Why sit in the
dark when you can get the famous IRoCK On, at the same
• price as common oil ?
Iron and Hardware :17efchants, — — — CLINTr)
New Fall Tailoring Goods..
T. JACKSON, Sr., has placed in stock
Complete Lines or Choice Fall and Winter Tailoring Goods
Doing a cutter of -long experience, satisfaction is guaranteed,
AW'' We can suit you in quality and price for Pants, a Suit or Overcoat.
Perfect cuts and fits. The best goode and trimmings. Workmanship
unsurpassed. Call ou us before you order.
Groceries ? :-: roories
• Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, cccc.
Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and
we can supply the wants of every household itt very close
figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock.
CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton.
AFTER tl 20 Y0armtl RSLxpeagailnstncompetition corners
The New Improved Radiant Home Coal
Stoves, }tappy T hought Kitchen Ranges
and Leader Furnaces still. lead.
AND WHY? Receitan they give more heat and consume Less coal than
any outer seers.. nlnnnfeet11101, Just think of it. -10.0 11 ('ann•;ien
homes heated with Canada's l'avorite Stoves and flanges,
LEIIhill VAT.1.EY. ('4);' L -,Ten more ears from this
celebrated mine expected Pvery day. Flare your
orders at 00'' end get thz rt i•.aa;a e o! n!,1 prices before it ntivnn^ca.
ran an•1 llnrlwtre Merchants, --