The Huron News-Record, 1892-11-30, Page 2to -_. For Scrofula "After suffering for shout twenty-five year. from scrofulous sores on the legs and arms trying various medical courses without benefit 1 began to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and s wonderful cure was the result. Five buttlel sutrieed to restore me to health.'-Bonifaci; Lopez, 3s7 E. Commerce st., San Antonio Texas, Catarrh "My daughter was afflicted for nearly a yea with catarrh. The physicians being unable tt help her, any pastor recommend -al Aver': Sarsaparilla. 1 followed his advice. 'Pere, months of regular treatment, with Ayer'; Sarsaparilla and Ayer's Pills complete], restored n, • daughter s hatlth."--Jlrs. Louis; Riau, Little Canada, Warr, Mass. Rheumatism " For several years, I was troubled witl inflammatory rheumatism, being so bad a times as to be entirely helpless. For the las two •ears whenever I felt the effects of ill � disease, 1 began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla and have not had a spell for a long tame," - F. T. liansbrough, Elk Run, Va. For a.31 blood diseases, •the best remedy is AYE *9S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, illast Sold by all Druggists, Price Si ; six bottles, $; Cures. others, will cure yoti The/broil News -Record 1.50 a Year -$1.25 to Adt•anco. Wednesday Nov. 39th, 189'2 EDITORIAL NOTES. Who Ilopul.)lic.,us admit being t1 fv-ttLidby a "pronounced majority.' If the Toronto (globe were an Aer,rican Republican paper it w ethl s.ty, are a:e beaten "by a w /j 'rit.y of one". Five trul • 1'', 1 41 t l,l t..%4 's a duty of ,''lout four- to eleven masa puuod 0:1 cuff' e and 8 cents a punthl on tea. Canada admits these ni-cessar• ifs of the poor man's table free. And if the Aiterican housewife iu the "free trade" United States wants to d:'ek her table with ,the snowy • iiueu which is considered a noces- s.tru adjunct to the domestic house fat. ishiiige of even the poorest, she has lo pay a cuty of 125 per cent, while the Canadian housewife pays only 25 p -r cent. ou her linen and geta her coffee and tea free of any duty avhatover. Verily, free trade and annexation thy name is hum- bug. The editor of 1'uE NEWs-Patconn has received front Mr, Thos, Rance,_ 5 old Clintonian now of Evanston, a sample ballot paper circulated b:y the Democratic Committee of the 4t11 Congressional District. A glance at the document couvincee one that there is a vast difference in favor of Canada as to the voting machinery and governing powers of the two countries. The Uuited States elect their judiciary by voYe; in Canada wo do not. In fact al- most everything from President down to the most venal position is elective. The people of Canada would never adopt such a ballot system, much less favor commercial union under the guise of annexa- tion. What is the doggasted free and independent American citizen cone- iugtol It has been his boast that he could do as he turned pleased. But one of thein can noir syn]: terzis7 n°t nii`ittol117pere who was bouuced by Sir Oliver, Mowat for doing as he duruod pleased and preached treason and annexation while occnppying a position under the Ciown and in which he had sworn to protect the -Crown and the existing institutions and form of' Goverinnent. . Private Laws was a member of the State troops called out t0 suppress a riot 1n Penn sylvania. Ila openly expressed a wish that one of the anarchiete whom ho was called out to suppress would kill a law abiding Citizen, He thus violated his oath as asworn defender of the peace of the State and of the Ifuited States -for this he was hanged up by the thumbs and drummed out of the regiment. He sued the officers for damages and the Court said he had been served right, Lutnpare Canada with the United States as peace loving and happy nations. The moral tendencies and h tppiness of a great people are factors in making British Canadians Love their country. Here is a little item from Chicago that annexation- iste would do well to ponder over. We learn that Chief McClaughery has a document which apparently •prov"-s that anarchy in Chicago is not dead. A black line of mourn - in; surrounds the following an- nouncement on the title page "In memoriam of the martyrs of 'A^ ," kM •-Wt!N,. ill ,a4Ht •; .r•AI., ON.; the working people, murdered at Chicago on Nov. 11, 1887. Great deuionstration at Ulrich's Northern Hall, Clerk and Kinzie streets, IOri- d,ty, Nov, 11, 1892, 8 p. m., under the auspices of the International Working People's Association of Chi oago, I11," The language is thoroughly in - llama) story, arid advocates bomb ter .wiug and the dagger for the "Modern Ctutar," eupposFdly the Chief of Pulien. -.— NOVEMBER NUGG4E'1'4, --Mies M. Engler, of Goder•ich Model S.:bnol, has }men engaged for S. 8. No. 9. Goleriuh toe•usbip, at a binary of $280. -Vlrilliarna'Palmer, of French - rue a]ay, user 11 knllue„ Out., wee shot and killed by Farmer Bar. nerd Baker and his baud, Henry Lingford, while attempting to rob the hen house of the farmer. -The Evangelical Association re opened the Hullett church on the boundary, Sunday last. German services were held at 10 o'clock a. uL and an Env,lieh service in the after- noon fternoon at 2 30. - Rev. M. L. Wing, Presiding Efder, of Berlin, occupied the pulpit at both services. Sacra- ment was administered in the fore-. noon. -Mrs. C. M. Cassady, of An - burnt was sized of an attack of vertigo while ascending the stair., 'front the cellar of her daughter's (Mrs. McGillicuddy) house at Gode rich, and fell to the, bottom, sustain ing serious itaiuries. A severe cut in the back of the head and contu- sion of the back and limbs were rvceived. --Mr, George Laidlaw, a Middle- sex pioneer, died \Veduesdey at his house iu \Vestmiuster, where he settled about GO years, ago. Mr Laidlaw, who tvita 87 years of age, was bora in Selkirkshire, Scotland, coming to Canada about the year 1332. Deceased was a colsistsi1 Presbyterian, a good neighbor, ttnd an affectionate husband and father. He leaves three sons and six daugh- ters, all in good ci"cumstancus. -James Acheson, who died re• cently, left an estate valued at $32,000, He bequeathed to Catha- rine Sharp $i00; to Thomas and Isabel Acheson, his nephew and niece, of the Central Hotel, Exeter, $1,000 each; to George Acheson $1,000; to Jennie \Vllealcrott, a niece, $,500; to Estella Isabella' Johnston, a great niece, $5,000; to Mary Tleampsou and Martha John Ston, great nieces, ?2,500 each; to Mary Hamilton `200. The resi- due of the property, including No. 40 Maitland street and all personal and householdofd effects goes to Can- dace Johnston, a great 1 iece. Chief-Giff,--Exeter, captured Joe Hogg last _wealIt -it will. -be remembered that Hogg about a year ago+ulider the guise of being a. con• stable, sought to arrest an innocent Englishman for breach of promise of the marriage of a young lady; and as a settlement of the case proffered to accept $3, which was duly paid over by the uns,tepectiug English man. Later the young man realiz- ing that lie had -been hoaxed, had a warrant issued for Hogg's arrest, but since that time the joker could not be caught, until on Monday he was arrested. The Englishman would not appear against hint, and the case wag settled' by Hogg re funding the $3 and paying all coasts. -The Interior Department at Ottawa hes been informed by Bev. Jamoe Buchanan, Presbyterian min• ieter at Innisfail, on the line of tile' Calgary and Edmonton railway, that arrangements have been com• pleted for bringing out to the Terri- tories next spring 50 families of the Vaudois of the higher Alpe. This will bo the first batch of immigrants to locate in Canada from that parti- cular section of }Europe. A better class of settlers than the Vaudois it would he difficult to find. Driven by religious persecution from France into the valleys of the Alps, they have prospered in adversity until they are now looked upon as one of the most flourishing people on the continent of Europe. The Vaudois have become particularly expert in dairying, and will doubtless find settlement in the Canadian North- west congenial to them. -Between 700 and 1,000 letters containing a large amount of money were stolen from the post -office at Charlottetown, }o. E I., during the pest year. All effot'19 to catch the thief' was nnsuccessftl. During the summer all the clerks in town were off on holidays except one, the mes- senger boy, Charles J. Mitchell. As the stealing continued without interruption young Mitchell was charged with the crime, and finally confeesed upon receiving a guaran tee front Dominion Post -office In- spector Stveetnam that he would not be prosecuted. The letters stolen were from young men and women in Boston and other parts of New England to their parents, and to Canadian and American publishers, all supposed to contain money. The thefts were fit et discovered through the large number of dupli mate post -office orders called for. An extraordinary feature of the case is that Mitchell was never in the office alone, and all his thieving was done under the eyes of the other clerks. v Yfst ^1 a si`R?53#0 k tri+::iSlx d • i1 4vu LABORING ZEN'S N'S .'a, t1 E DY S7'. J -COBS OIL, Tri" Jod THE GFIEAT REMEDY FOR PAIN, CUBES El MEt1,3Et.N. 1,'x"6 SPWty Sprr.inc, Cruiaes, Cuts, \alottntls, f'oreeeSs ctiffncss, Swellings, Backache, Neu- ralgia, Sciatica, Burns. THE »rtilA1vi.E;S A. VOCizLERv. COIVIPAPIY•, L t:.lt1rnore, I'Rd. a• 7� Canadian Depot: TORONTO, ONT.' c" -&144i.. vTF'`rfi'ty `µi t5 iJ'u 3;..}LT^.h e: ,,t�5�, v:' s-: :.-�.,,.., •7 , '�•vaca�necaar�in®r®n®amsoam,tsrrma� ummo��QrmUSnvmeeas.n ABOUT ()ANA DI.IN PLEURO PNEIJMON[A. CATTLE FREE Fltoai THE DISEASE. The pleuro pueutuouia scare is still kept up in Blit du by the authorities of the Board of agriculture. . The cargo of Canadian cattle on the Beaver line stennlship Lake Winnipeg, which artived ut Liverpool last Thure• day, was detaiut'd, the inspectors sus peeling some of the auinlatle 10 be alfeet• ed with thu dreaded plague. 'five of the suspected animals were }tilled and' the lungs pet)t,to the Veterluatiansof the board ut agriculture in Loudon. After it careful nticruseopical ex )tnivation, the scientists declared that be animals slaughtered hill been putfectly free from pleuro pneumonia. 'Tfio cargo has uonsegeentty been released and the [.,tke Wiuuipeg's cattle were sold. Since the present pleuro scare began a more rigid search for the disease is being made among rill the enrgues of cane arriving at British ports from the continent of America. No more cues have been found to warrant the utticialy of the board of agriculture iu maintaining their ulailithat pleoro• pneumonia exists among Canadian cattle. They du nut claims to have found a ringle case of pleuro•liuou- utouia among Canadiau cantle. beyond the rinestiuued cases 'arming the ei:ttls from the IIuroua and-\I,uksratou. '1'11.1 luugs of ill the (tittle uf these two e agues have been closely tXa'nitled but no cases ward found beyond the four so much talked about at the he - ginning uf the scare. 11au'e authorities still hdhero to their cunt -141,00U that those suspected cases were, nut real pleuro•p0euuhuuia. Ou the other hand, within the lank live wee.ke, eight well authenticated c,ises of pleut0•tlleUm011ia have been found among United States catslo landed at British ports. WHEAT ON THE }.ISE The Mark Lute Express ut its week- ly review of the British grain trade says that the deliveries of English wheat show that the general; quality is very low, though during I.ie last few days the condition has alibhtlz_ uuprolyll, An advanc& of '2 tT is reuurded tuMat;l.- Lanai benea' small business has been, done. Prices of foreign wheat have been kept down oVi,ing to large exports front Russia. I1 the.uharkets English wheats were firm. American was held for, 6d,advauce. Other foreign wtteats were unchanged. Good American flour WAS 3.1. dearer. There was little sale for barley, oats, and corn, and the price of each was down 6d. TO BEAT HER OWN RECORD Mr, Robert Bonner is in earliest i11 !tis iutentione to, if possible, have Maud S. heat her own record next year. Last week he gave out a coutract for the construction of a covered track 500 feet long at bis farm in 'Tarrytown The track will be 14 feet wide, having a Targe loop at either end, so that the horse can turn, finished on the inside with beaded plank. Here Maud S. will be jogged all winter long to give her full use of her inueeles and if all goes well when the spring opens will be put to work ou B mneri.e fast track. Bonner himself intends, as far as pos. sihle, to fit 'the mare. Site is to -day sound an a doijar with perfect clean limbs, showing no trace of the hard work she Itas done in iter many races. CANADA PR,OSPEItOUS. A surplus of nearly four millions and three quarters, to be exact, $4,628,611. Such is the cheering nature of the financial statement for the four months ending October 31. That it is an indication of improvement will be seen by contrast with the figures for the corresponding period last year, when Wie eurpins was $3,404,330. This year, therefore, the country is a million and it quarter ahead. The fol- iowiug are the details: . ,1Revenue for October. Customs $ 1,320,0133 Excise 784,884 Post office 200,000 Public works,including railwaye404,052 Miscellaneous • 127,211 Total $ 3,340,210 Revenue to Septe.nber 30 9,314,48.5 Grand Total .812,654,695 Expenditure for O:tober..... .,$+ 2,1 72,138 Eponditure to September 30.... 5,753,946 Grand total $ 8,026,084 For the corresponding period last year the revenue was $12 068,890 and the expenditure $8,664,560. The I SUBSC III BE A REMARKABLE CASE. GitNTLssILV,—About five years ago I noticed on my hands a groat number of soft, spongy,warte, very painful, and which bled wheu touched. I never witnessed any- thing like it, and way quite alarmed. We are never without ILtayerd's Yellow Oil, and one evening my little girls applied it to each wart. Thry did this several nights and in the morning the pato and itching were so had I had to cool my bands with gnaw, hut finally the warts' dr ,ppe l out and I have never been trouhted since. Mits. \V al. Cantu, Brighton, Ont. -Mr, John A. ()bosky, Conserve tive, has been elected M, P. fur St. John county, N. 11. BLOTCHES CURED. DRAtts Suaso.— Ie 1590 my body way cover- ed with bwtehee sir} 1 was at lust induced to' try Burdock Wood Bittern ; 1 y the time I had u,ed 3t, bottles of it 1 was complete y eursd, an' 1 cannot speak too t,ighly of i', hits. ,IA51cs 1) ss1ONn, 114•fax, N. S. BUSINESS ANNOUNGEili3EFIT. CaltitE49'O:01'1)1 NC$i, 1Ve will at all tinges be pleased to receic•e items of gears from our sub• scribers. t e want a (pad corr'es• fondant in every locality, not c1Treu.t1 represented, to send us It EEL IA 81,10 nCWs. • SniSCe.RIl3ERS. PO 1'0118 OW du not recore 11e47 paper regularly from the carrier or thr nigh their local 1,o..: t))ices will confer a favor by rrJ (rota at this nt/'Ice at once. Sttlscrptions ntay commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in retina that all "changes" of adrertisentent4, to ensure insertion, should le handea in not later than Mosiiar NOON of each week. (1R.CIFLAT1ON. Tac Nlnws-REcoen )las a larger circulation than any other }taper in this section., and as an advertising medium has fere\ equals in Ontario. Our books are open to ;those who mean business. .11O11 o'BtIINTIING. r - f -z a, ou ratsl a•s••-rne -bffYte best equipped in Western. Otttctriv, .and a s0/3111i:r class of tc•ork is guaranteed at very Tont prices. ONLY SCOTCH PAPER IN CANADA -THE- SCOTTISH CANADIAN A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, AND THE SCOTTISH •MINISTREL CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING SONGS, WITH WORDS AND MUSIC: Caller Herrin..—Auld Robin Gray—Bonnie Prince Charlie—Flora Macl)onald's Lam• ent-Nae Luck About the Hoose—•Suottieh Blue Baha—Tsk Yer „Auld Cloak Aboot Ye -The Braes o' Yartow—Bonnie t undee - Dear Land Ayontthe Sea—My Meanie, 0— I'ulloohgorum—The Sweetest W, rd on Earth is Hame—Pibroch of Dbnuil Dhu— The Flowers n' the Forest—Diana Fatah Yet Hada 1—The Land o' the Leal -Away, ye gay Landscapes -Scotch Dainties : Brose, Parritch, Kail, Haggis, an Baunocks—Wae's me for Prince Charlie -Oh 1 San,'Ye...aly Wee 'filing—Sons of Scotland -When the Kve, tS,ii•litlg- My Heart ie Scotland's Yet --0 1 Are Yo Sleepin', Maggie- Scoto \Vha Hae t-t\rillie's Gave to Melville Castle—lVhustlo O'er the Levo O't—My Dear Hielan' Laddie, 0 -The Scottish Emigrant's Farewell—Fear a' Rhata; or, The iloatinan-B'ue Bonnets over the Border. The paper for OND 'TEAR and the above Song Book for ONE DOLLAR SEND TO IMRIE & GRAHAM, Publishers, Corner Church and Colborne Streets, TORONTO, UST, WEEKLY FREE PRESS —AND— FARM. AND HOME FOR 1893. $.100 BOTH PAPERS FOR MO ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, A HIGH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. EACH NUMBER WILL CONTAIN: Rsv. Da. TALM.111E'S SERMON delivered the Sunday previously. WA1:SMAN'S WANTEIIINGs. At.nlct• I.TPCAL lit AT•rF.tt—Hllistratecl. I,..011rs PAns—Ilhistrated. A SERIA1. TALE, and other interesting reading matter. next debt on October 31 was $237,781,- 099, a decrease of $842,384 in the month. The capital expenditure for the four months is $1,364,547, as again• st $1,19.2,948 in the corresponding period. It is a curious fact that not one cent was spent in railway subsidies last month, iuJ NOW Price, Ono Dollar n )(tar In advance for the WEEKLY FREF. PRESS and FARM AND VDOME-in all 1a pa1e0. !Wince of 1.402 free to new subscribers. Agents wonted in every unrepresented district to solicit subscriptions. FREE PRESS PRINTING CO., London, Ontario. ze ..�xe:,.+,•... ems : r!: .. 2R:^i'eeeer•:.t.^. eo.,,. senega " ° «a")'"'ri:eL'.."dt'tnt ....,i "''a9' rt`: ,'.... "'3 7=-7747= e . �T• Job Printing The NEWS -RECORD Is in a better position than ever to turn out The Very Finest Printing: At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those in need of any class of Job Printing should call 011 THE NEWS -RECORD, Albeit Street,. Clinton WI CLINTON FURNITURE WARER0O1r, For the house Cleaning season we have a complete Stock of BEDROOM SUITS, 1)ININGIIt)OM SUITES, PA Li LOIt SUITES, ODD CHAIRS, CENTRE TABLES, HALL HACKS, 1'IC 1'U It I' S, PICTURE MOULDING,. CURTAIN POLES,'Etc. Etc., \Ve handle no trashy Furniture, yet our prices are away down. Call and inspect our Stock whether you wish to buy or not. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. S acl FOR COOQ. ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINT} -NG HR EICE GILL BEAUS FOR OFFICE PRINTM THE NEWS --RECORD •EXCELS IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS _..•-,,,,,..,,,,�,aaaw...,,":>~uw c-eeun amraaava-u emesrnrreeenswnnvam I OYSTERS t FSH 0 iVe would call special attention to this branell of our business as we get all our Oysters direct from the Cbosepalu) Baty Oyster 13, d a::01 will guarantee all ,stock A 1 Standards 40c por r{ut,—elects 1101 Counts at 50c per gut, at COAT'S CITY RESTAURANT • Next door to N. ROBSON, Grocer. Special high Class Confectionery Tester's, of Montreal, Goods: These are . the Finest in the Market and are only sold by us in town, i COAT'S CITY RESTAURANT, NEYr DOOR '.l'0 N. ROBSON'S GHUCERY. 8a arson s-flajjiiiit The Old Reliable Confectionery Store. OYSTERS ARE IN SEASON !fir EAT OURS AND YOU WILL HAVE NO OTHER. Fruits, Confectionery, Biscuits -in endless variety ; Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes Spanish Grapes, etc. triTTOBACCOS, PIPES, CIGARS -000D GOODS AT CLOSE SELLING }'RICES; Everything first-class in a first-class store. Don't pass Anderson's Restaurant Searle's Block, - Albert Street. Leslie's Carriage- Faetory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the -beet work manebip and material. iltErA11 the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. Da -FACTORY -corner Iluron and Orange Streets, Clinton, • 657-y SUGAR. SUGAR. —0— Just received, another car load of ED' Redpath's Granulated ! BEST IN TIIE MARKET, "which will be sold at closest prices, SPECIAL CUTS in 100 -Ib. and barrel lots. We have also another consignment of Russian Blend of Black Tea ! Call for Samples. N. ROBSON,CLINTON REMOVAL — J. W. W. Irwin, the Grocer, has removed to the New McKay Block. a