The Huron News-Record, 1892-11-30, Page 1Ell WARMS -111.50 per An1110119 *1.251» Advance. 0 IRDIIPENDENT IN ALL TIIINGS—YEUTIIAL IR Nom*" ECORD . • - A. M, TODD, Eiltior and Owner if • OL.V.—NO 32. EW PLANING MILL, -:- .BASII AND DOOR FACTORY. NAB thinking o IuUthnc, Repairing or proving should get in; plias. ,r4 ALL WOWS OrARANTEED. 4sh and Doors, any size. NO plane of house to choose from. PIMPS free. Saisotss, LATIt Alsti Lemma, la all grades. '.8PRCI4L 102'1CH. • I will sell Flooring, Siding and Dressed Lumber for per M, to redeem stoek, and take hay, 0Ordwood, logs, heading, stave bolts. cedar poets, •r1eniestio woods; ite., Au., In payment. ' Machinery always running. itousa bulit while you wait. No nioney required. e0see11 KIDD, STA 1 TIE ' a Old Santa, glanced frotn his busy work• shop at the immense packing boxes labelled for Cooper's Rook Store and cried out, What Does This lYloan Then he turned to Madam Santa and . said Must Get COOPER & 0O'S Stock of Toys fleetly or they will not have room for therm so he at once shipped our goods, ilrealad we will soon be prepared to meet es. the great demand for Santa's newly manufactured goods. Four weeks before Christmas" is not too early to commence making your -----.catoolations- for the Festive Sea- t, • son's Gifts, and if the ladies are intending to makeroup any article from our 3 :• Plush, Sateen, Celluloid or other materials, then it is time you were starting. Our Mie- collaneous Stock is nearly all in, and we are busy getting them arranged and marked. Come, when your wants are few or many to the Hub's most popular Book Store COOPER & CO., r:1,..,,,:it.";:Lri,„. -z.":_.,:;t4r.,•,,,..i„,,,,,, :,,„," sa7,' :, , (....) atesaremaszseeessomerersitromemexameensawinameriewassen Town Topics. DECEMBER 1St, tomorrow. ENLAIWED.-Druggist J. II, Combe has eularged and improved the larbora- tory in connection witha.i s __rug store. The signs of the the times are that Cliuton business men, iu nearly all lines, aro doiug an increased trade this fall. . A SUPREME OFFICER. -Mr. R. Irwin is an ollieer of the Supreme Home Circle and as a member of the Finance Committee was ealred to Toronto last week. Tho bnsiness transacted was of a very satisfactory nature and the gentleman returned home the latter pert of the week, OUTSIDE WORE -Mr. Seale, of the Clinton marble works, was a few days ago on a buainess isit south corupleilpg the erection of several handsome monu- ments at Clandeboye and Crediton. The firm are doing a good buainess and Mr. Seale informs us that he took a large number of orders while away. BLOOD POISoNlnu -Mr. Alex. In - glee bas beeu nursing one of his hands fir several days from the effects of blood poisoning. How he hurt the injured member is it mystery. Under the care of a medical Dian 110 will scan be all right. Ifeevi 1 I hardly he able to resist taking pair, in the Sons of Scotland gather iug at Kennedy's hotel tonight. CLINTON. IIURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNE8DAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1892 Town Topics. Now is the time to hustle your holi day goode. THE NEWS•RECORD Oftfl help the move out by a little judicious ad vertising. Rev. Mr. Stafford, now of Toronto, preached last Sunday evening in the Rattenbury street Methodist church. Ills text was taken from the 7th chapter of Hebrews. The whole sermon was grand and noble and inspiring. The same congregation would like to hear Mr. Statford again. ' JAPAN Tar,K.,-Mise S. A. Winte- mute, recently from Japan, will deliver an address ou mission work in Japan, in the Ratteubury street Methodist church, on Thursday evening, Decem• her let. There will be a good pro- gram Me of in ueic, read ings,etc., by local talent. People should become more acquainted with this particular mission work and all congregations are invited to be present. A silver collection will be asked. RuTLEtmei's \Vm. Rut- ledge has had issued posters from TUE NE'NS lit:CoRD litesscs, announcing his sale for 11"ed1reAlay, December.. 71/4. The stock is in good conaition aud many of the farm implements as good as new, Ho is giving up farming and will take up his reeirIttacts „du Clinton. There will likely be good attendance at let 31, Hayfield con- cession, ou December 7. SHOOTING FOR FOwf, -.Messrs. John Johnston and J. F. Spooner aro pretty good shots and generally keep up their reputation- iu t1c45•respect during the fall and winter months. Last Wednes- day'they drove to Wilson'e.near Gude rich and their sharp eagle eyes were in good enough trim to win laurels. 31 r. Johnston brought back three turkeys and one (tuck, while 3f r Spooner was loaded dolvu with seven ducks and ono turkey. Ptlnt1O SCROOL Boetio.-Nloncley night there were present: Crieirmam Cunningham, aud Trustees Stewart, 1V. Harland, Steep and I. Taylor. laiucipel Lo 'ghee report showed : Heys enrolled, 236; egirls, 230 - total, 446; tenerage attendenee, 372, a slight falliug off front September owing to the mumps. A few cess d non attendance were reperted.. Tho !neater of establishing a Kindergarten school and iucreaoing the, Prineipalai salary was laid over. The care. taker's salary for 1893 was increased to $235. lespeator Robe's report was adopted. Iiwurance aceoent of $31, printing accuunt, $8, were prised. Board adjourned. A BUSY Weees-e•Cliutou merchants were very busy last week. Thesleigh• ing increased trade greatly end caused a lot of money to change hands. Pro- bably never before have our stores been so well stocked with bush -fine lines at teach low, prices. A lady caller at this office last Thuradies, who_ ' mane a diistrifErT-Of feu -nTires, stated that she had hard work to get waited on at ill. But our merchants, we believe have secured extra help and our coun- try friends may now rest assured that their every want will ree.eive prompt attention. Come to Clinton to trade and see what .NEws Rxeortu advertisers can do for you. Is THE MCKAY DeoCK-The Orange Hall is now located in the 3lcKay block. On Tuesday of last week a number of ladies favorable to the cause met in the hall and sowed the new car- pet. When the ladies take hold things must be about right. They made an excellent job of it and the brethren desire to thank them for their kindness. On Friday evening 'Messrs. IV. Young, John Ford, J. P. Seppard, D. Cook and Ed. Robinsou met in the hall and'.put the carpet down; the work is pronounced excellent, 'Last evening the brethern met in the old hall and removed the feenitesgperend parapherna• lia to tire now promises. The annual 'it:rooting for election of officers, etc., will take place in the new hall next Monday evening. A SAD END.—Mrs. Won Gibbing.3, near Alma, Iluron Road, committed suicide by hanging herself on Friday morning last. For some time the deceased lady had been in a melancholy state, but no cause could be assigned for tho sad and terrible act. She was about 56 years of age, and leaves her husband, four sons eind two daughters. The deceased was married to Mr. Gibbings over 30 years ago and the couple and family have al ways lived a Christian and happy life. For years the deceased was an active S. S. worker. Mr. Whitings ohms the property in Virden, Manitoba, which Jae was this season assisting a son to work. Mrs. Gibbings thought she would like to join her husband; and some time ago left to join him. A few Weeks ago the lady returned, accompanied by a neighbor, Last Friday morning the deceased asked her son if he was going to do some plowing and he replied "yes." In his absence the deceased went to the barn. It would appear she secured a plow line, tied it into a loop and fasten• ed it around a beam. The fatal step was taken off Blend roller. A very short time after, being missed, the corpse was found. The features were calm and peace- ful looking; the body only about three inches from the ground. just at this time coroner Scott, of Seaforth, was passing. He viewed the remains, but (lid not conaider an inquest necessary. Mr. Gibbings was telegraphed and was expected here yesterday afternoon. The whole family and relatives are well. tondo and held in high esteem ; the affliction is and indeed and the um- ' patey of the entire community goes out to the family. 'rho funerel is set for to day. Town Topics. • Mr. E. J. Whyte, from Toronto, was a visitor here last, week. Mr. Harry Bowen, Windsor, is hole. daYing in town. • Mr. 31. MoTaggart was indisposed last week, but is able to be aboutagain. Mr. J. II, Easton, Waterford, Ont., spent Friday with friends in town. Mr. A. Runciman, of Cioderich, was in Clinton Net Friday. Mr, W. A. McLeod, of the county town, was in the Hub last Friday. Mr. G. A. Andersou, or the circular town, was a Clinton visitor last week. 31r. John Bell, of Wiughain, was among the Clintou visitors last week. Mr. J. C. McKinnon, of B:yth, gavo Clintou a brief visit last Friday. Alr. G. W. Atkinson, from the Forest City, was in town last week. Bert. Taylor, of Kirlstoin was in town last week. Mr. E. W. Turner, of Toronto, was in Clinton last Friday. 31e. 31. McFarlane, of the Queen City, was in town last week. Miss. Davis, we are informed, is afflict. ed with the mumps. Mr. J. C. Pearce, of Mitchell, re- newed acquautances in • Clinton last wei.1C. Mrs. J. A. McDonald and ' child, of Toronto, spent a few dap in town last week. Mr. Thos. Stephenseof the Queen'a Hotel, &Worth, was. present at the Gun Club shoot last Thursday. - Mr. Geo. Knox an old-time Clintou- hue nown, of \Vinghaw, %rue among town friends last week. The cold snap and snow and genuine winter weather caused W. Jackson to s'visit Toronto last week in the interests of his firm. Mrs. Creft, who ive mentioned as visit- ing in Clinton A short time ago, fell the other day anIllitke her ankle bone. She resides at era. Messrs. 11. S. WilcoxeLonrion ; H. R. Preston, Toronto ; J. W. Crosby, Hamil- ton ; and It. Turnbull, Galt, were recent visitors to Clinton. The little daughter of Mr. A. II. Blackeby, formerly of Clinton- now of Galt, is lying so dangerously 111 that all hope of her recovery has been abandon- ed, Mr.Joseph Colelough, of Londesboro, brother to Mrs. .J. Johnston, Maple Street, town, is still quite ill. Ile first had an attack of fever from which he bad pretty well recovered', but some other ailment has again laid him low. Mr. W. Weeds, of Porter's 11111, made a pleasant visit to his uncle at leicknow an d returned last Thrusday via Goderioh and Clinton. He Ives a caller at this office and will have THE ..NEws.intcono, Empire and handsome preenuine for 1893. . 're young ladies of Clue. ton tendered a reception to the y; ung men of town Friday evening at the former reai. dental of Mrs. Wei. Coats, sr.; there were 44ecouples, music and dauoiog aud refresh monts.--Rev, Mr. Fondle arrived last Thure- ' day and preached morning and evening Sunday ; his family are now settled in the rectory. -"Jack' Kenuedy, of the livery, drove to London Friday aud returned with a handsome three -seated pleasure eleigh.- Mr. D. T. Mt:Phonon has returned from Mauitobse-Mrs. Tisdial bias returned from her visit to Toronto, Steetheoy end London. -Harry Hart, who assieted itt bringing the town dramatic club to perfeetion, is very ill at Lucknow.-Frank Iturlgons was in the Queen City last week.- •Mise Nellie McKay, of Seaforth, visited her sister inClinton on Saturday. -"Bob". Stevens is confined to the house with au injured knee.- Dr. Car- rion is on a visit to Turonto.-W. D. Fair, the genial deputy postmaster, is away on a well-earned week's holiday to Ayr, Paris, Galt and Torontn.--Malcolm McTaggart is laid up with quinsy.- A lady remarked on' Saturday that it was difficult to get waited on at Ifocigell's d ry-goode store ; probably a liberal use of printer's ink is •the secret of the rush aud activity there. -Joe Retten- bury'e hound "Range" got on track of a haired Friday Mid has not returned since ; he is spotted, black and white, and the owner would be that:Hui for the return of the hound. -Dr. U inane, Forst: ran away Monday evening, (starting from Victoria ',trent, south ; Mr. Ross was thrown out, but nos injured; te e cutter, left near Le' 11 hotel, was a hut wreck. -Municipal matters aro talked of itelittle, but as yet it ie too early to say snything definite. Mayor Doherty will not likely have any opposition. Reeve Manning may Noire be in the field. The 11/4111e8 ef D. it, Kennedy, G. D. McTaggart, A. eleMutehie, 1). Cantelon, S. J. Andrews, as well toe Mr. Manning, have twee mention- ed. As councillors the names of John Har- land, Alex. Armstrong, John Johuston, Dr. Blacken, John Steep, 0. Johnston, T. -Mtn Kenize, 0. S. Doan, T. D. Jnhneton, J. Mo. Murray, T. Jackson, sr , 8. G P1 immer, S. J. Andrews and D. number of others are mentioned as probable candidcotee.-St. Paul's S. S. will have a Christmas tree on Dee. 20th, and the children are getting in trim for a grand entertainment. -Our °pl- umes thia week are again crowded, and still Tris News Recent) is just as fall of fresh news as a fresh egg is of meat, -Th b annual meeting of the Clinton branch of the Upper Canada Bible Socie'y will be hela in the Ontario street Methodist church to -morrow evening. -St. Andrew's Brotherhood will meet next Monday evening at the residence of Mr. F. Aleock, Wellington street. -Miss McQuarrie, of Blyth, is the wrest of Mrs. F. eV. Watts this week. -Mayor Doherty is putting a 30 foot brick addition to the boiler house at the wpm factory.-Annivergary sere ces will be held in the Baptist church, town, on Sunday, Dee. Ilth. The morning and evening sermons will be preached by e rev. gentleman from Toronto ; the afternoon service will be condulted by a resident min- ister. The collection will be in aid of the church fund. -Mr. E. E. Barrow, of the Molsons Bank hero has been premoted to the head (dace et Montreai, He is it gentle• man of geed qualities and great Villeinage grasp and ability and a hest of people in Clinton regret his departure. Mr. .A. C. Silly/lire of Lerida,- , will seceeed Mr. fair - row. WHOLE NO. 734 Town 'z'oplcs 1Ir. It. A. Heave, of Putters Hill, gave Tug, Nioirli-Iti400an a friendly mill Net Saturday and renewed his sub• scription to this paper. Mr,- S. Gitiley, the popular Blyth musician and band leader, was in town last Thursday . He has a keen eye, is a good shot, and took part in the Gun Club shoot. • A GREAT DAY'S SHOOT. Tite Clliaton Cuu Crab held their annual live bird hout on Thursday !alit. Net. with standing the vary dieagreeloble weather du jug the past ten days, the few:nation West the ishootiug has for those who once become imbued ovl h the sport, Is auto to 0,1114e 111411Y to faun tits chilly blssts and dist...gr.:001de attooliphort to gratify their desire in the khoirteng line. The weather was rather cool last Thursday but the over bureine fever to "gress" a few birda by a keen eagle eye and sharp el -looting was clear• ly eeiumel hum the grivificetiott ef eieryone in Shia particular *inert. la Clinton of ueuiee, ae elsewhere, live bi,d shooting is this ettractiun that "drawl," though when birdie cannot bo It al the inionineote t rgot is resorted to es a very goo:? enbinitute. At the comfortable little guu club house exactly at one o'clock Vast e remarks might be heard: "Well, *shake, old boy." "Ilew do you d ? Glad to see you," and many other eepeoseione ef good will aud friendly feeling were ex/diet:grid as guns were put together, oo Is good uatttred chaffing 'went 00 se to the probalee result of the day's shooting. And the ahootlets prep Lre.1 fur the Hoek ut ‘1,19, Rider is eleeter nI Ceretrieuiee. .1 shoot witheut him would be deplored and the first glieetion generally asked is: "Is he not visibie ?" or " Wnere is Joe ? ' etc., etc "Here comes a figure across the tield with a ef easyelon't eine exit " The person is eitoetist with gun iu one bane and bag of shells in the tither. His na e is Jsmes Andersou, uf• Smororth, '-Latter known as " Ha uever goe-i I erne poorer than he c if there is a ewer,' stake to he shot off "Jimmie -sive that by taking "1, mon. ado:" and 1 Wills the othrr fellows have the "cecktatle" ho ie getting ou the inside of the secrets of the greet crockery breakers Among the pleasant 00.105 trances noticeable during ths match was, that of S. Galley, J. Kelly, A Tierney, ef Myth; A. J. I3right, J. Dodds, E. Iiinithley, R Roeche, ,T. Turner, J. S.:evens, of Seaforth; and E. le. Wateen, of Groderich-pot f ngetting the populsr landlord et this Qeeen'a flotel, Seatorth When such genial souls es above mentioned meet on ClintoneGun Chile eronncle or else- where a joky good time is always expected and sure to follow. elle attendance was large, seine 21) ehooters taking part in the mateh. The shooting was excellent netwith- standing 'hat the greater port of the time it was snowing very hard and some of the younger members of the Clinton Gun Club had never taken part in a live bird match before. At night when the score was added up it was feund that the 29 shooters averaged hetteis:than 73 per cent., I eing the best average ecore ever made in tee County and nut often equalled in the cities when ex• ports take part. Tile lollowiug score will show the result: Bee& t. eals 0-4/ 1 1 1 4,1 110'01,17f. - 1 1 1.1110RIO's 0 1 I 7 J. Abderson T. Stevens 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0- 5 0 0 1.• 0 1 0 1 1 0 1- 5 S. tlinohley E. el ire: hley 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- 9 J. Stevens 1111101111-9 iievey 7 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 I 1 1- 8 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- 9 1110110110- J. Turner .Dodds . Ilinchley W. Grigg 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1- 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-10 J. Powelf 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0- 5 J. McMurray 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 (1 1 1- 7 0. (r 1 0 1 1) 1 0 0 0- 6 F. C;aingtgelon 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 0- 9 W. Foster 0 1 1 1 0 0 11 0 1- 6 R, Wal twee 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1- 9 T. Miller 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1- 3 W. Doherty 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1- 8 R. Grigg ..... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-10 J. Lee 0011000010-3 S. Galley 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0- 7 A. Teirney 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0- b Kelly 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0- 7 Johne to n H. Cole 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0- 6 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Q 1 1- 8 Dr. Blacken 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1- 9 E. R. Watson -.1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1- 9 R. Itoache 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1- 9 -• Jack Frost has again dropped his sparkling mantle on mother earth and the sleigh bells natty be heard as of yore, The few inches of snow, makes our town oousins rejoice, but wheu the farmer ts piled a cord of wood up in theirlar and culls at the door for his two dollar Id seventy five cents it is mount% to s how carefully he counts out the dirnes,!altift woe-begotteu. time appearing as if it would never smile again. The, many friends of Mrs. Wm. Bray, 3rd line, will be pleased to hear that she is once more able to leityo Chu house again after being conflued there for about three tnonths. M trs. Wins Anderson, mother of iQuint- on Anderson, who has been lying at 'death's door for the past seven or eight {months, is still no better. Mrs. Anil. ierson is now in her eighty-sixth year ansi eallnly awaits the end without (2. murmur of complaint. Mise !Aura, Sellars, who has been keeping house for her broilers, on the ; 3ril line, for the ptast few pearls, has left • for the parental roof on the 1st, line. ' Miss eellars taller of going to Manitoba • and Dame Rumor says that if she does there will be one less bachelor in the Prairie Province. The new brick residence of A. K. McAllister, on the 2nd line, is now com- pleted and 31r. McAllister and family have moved into it atal aro now able to tell you the many advantages the mod' ern brick bowie has over the "01i1 log cabin of pioneer days." The contract- ors were Messrs. Pugh; Ilaney and Rod - deck and they have to show for their work something of which they may be proud. Death has once more been in our midst and this time. the Giver of all good hue celled to llimself the inniortal spirit of Jessie, eldest daughter of Alex and Maty Forsyth at the early age of 9 years and 11 MOtitiis. Some three years ago this patient little sufferer contracted inflammation of the lungs from which she never entirely recovered. About two months ago she was again prostrated with scarlet fever and contracted a cold at the same time; it soon became evident that quick con• surnption was doing its deadly work ; and so it proved for on Wednesday evening of last week the spirit of the patient little sufferer took its flight to reultns of the blest. Mr. and Mrs.. Forsyth are to be deeply sympathised with. Llee,a1nmeert.---The lion. J. C. Patterson M. P., West Huron., left Windsor last Satur- day with his family for Ottawa, where they will in future reetle. Friday night at the Breed' American hotel the hon. gentleman was given a rousing send off by hie legion of friend°, regardless of politics. It was en entirely, impromptit affair, bet it indicated the feeling of the citizens of Wind:tor toward their fellow•eitizen. Mr. Patterson has flute dm& of friends in the Reform ranks as wen as in the Conservative ptrty The send off took the form of a banquet, and the leading citizens and big guns ot both parties were present. The spread was a bounteous one gotten up in \lessee. Haunadne & Guittard's best style. Promptly at S o'cleck Sol White, M. P. P., took the chair and the usus.lelist of toasts were propoeed. Many speeches on the hon. gentlemen were made, and it was easily seen by the regrets express - el thee Windsor representative men feel that in the departure:of:Mr. Patterson the city is losing a gentleman whose plum it will be hard tb fill. A complimentary address was read and presented to the guest of the even ing. Mr. Patterson and family will tarry with them the hearty wishes of eve y man, woman and child in Windsor. Relgrave. Miss Lill McConnell spent Sunday at her home in Blyth. Mrs..1. Watson. of Myth, was in town on Monday. Mr. Geo. Walsh has secured a situas tion in the Wingham pop works. Geordie is a porfessional at the busi- ness. Large quantities of grain, wood, etc., are being marketed here daily since the sleighing commenced. Mr. E. Livingston is having his saw- mill pushed forward to completion. The annual Christmas tree and enter. tainmentunder the auspices of the young people of 'rrinity Church will be held in the Foreetere Hall on Monday evening, Dec. 26. A good time is expected. On Wednesday evening, of lost week, the spactous and comfortable residence of 31r. Rich. Armstrong was the scene of a most pleasing event, being the mar- riage of his second daughter, Miss toJoel II. Sellais,a young enc terprising faunae( of the same line. The matrimonial kfiot was tied by the •Rev. J. W. Pring. of Bluevale. After the cerneeny was eover,._irneyayele,e5, •-guestreat dottifililieautiful spree.d o which it is needless to say ample justice was done by each and everybody. We can only say what is usual in such cases that the wedding giftsto the bride and groom were numerous, beautiful, useful and costly and go to show the esteem in which the happy young. couple are held `4by their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sellars. left at an early hour for the new home, close by, amidst a shower of rice and the best wishes of all, their friends. We, ,extend to this young couple our best . wishes and may their greatest troubles rbe "little ones." Varna, Mr. Barber has now stopped the evaporator and ttett Wired SOV01.111 tons of dried fruit of the beet quality. He • also intends to wake about one thous- ' and barrels ot eider. He shipped several cars of it to Toronto and is now ti storing a lot of it in Exeter. Mr. Wm. Duncan moved a lot of apples and stored them in Clinton, 'waitiug a better market. He ho,e about 200 barrels. Mr. James Abbott, foreman of 'Mr. ;Barber's evaporator, is migazel as clerk in Mr, Morrows t01.0. He is quite 'a favorite anil it graft hustler. 31r. John Reid in La rills to ship a lot of lambs to Buffelo shortly. From an ocsabiunaloorrespondent. Sleighing is beautiful in our village and our enterorising mermen:Guar of cider has taken advantage of it. Ile had a large lot of teams drawing his eider to Exeter on Saturday. The boys had a good tine and were well paid for -their day's labor. The apple evaporator leis closed for 'this season. Mr. James Turner, Parr Line,; kiliesi , a porker hist week which tipped the beam at 24iibs. It was only six, months • old. Tide is the kind of hoe to raise. Mr. Cook has bought another very fine Berkshire bear which is said by good judges to be the best in the t ow - ship. Lon.deshoro. Ma. Harry Kade is working in the wood shop at J. Brunadon's. Joseph Stevens, a Auburn, was in the village 8 oturday evenine. Revival meetings started in the Methodist chinch on Sunday. • ltev. R. Paul, of BELIS• sele, preached itt both services. They will : contiuue this week. Drs. Young and Gunn were celled upon to remove an eye from Mrs. Belle13, oe the, 13'sh %'con, Hullett. ii. Regular meeting of the sea eaeeLeese seaeou"M113. astralthing this Friday night. Letecei14...ae- ais there win be severe! initietions. has beet' hlowing great guns since the I 23 Is day of October leet-jsuss one month. "close einem" is a huinhug, anyway, so e far es Canadian fishermen are enncerred, as there tiro no such restriction ou the Yankeeshore, s tax collector has beeu making his e in this neigad borlinoami tuxe adouble over last s are yeur. The cause of him -ease is on account of improvements to the school house daring 0., holidays, and itt assistant teacher's salary, which has de- elered vi•tr with Om rat,:plyer,", and there is iereel sii the f we of the ann. Aa indignation to• irtiog as so itt si 1,1 Lite relloo: lionise on Friday evening la0.t to denounce the actions .,1 tho tritslees. Alter a considerable amount of jan4ling two of the patty, ex- t. usieev, who ht itt fernier oceesions swal- lowed the seheol net, were appointed dele• getes to proceed to the county town and in• ttrvtew a learned geotleman to know the reason why the committee aferesaid could not kick out the trustees immediately, if net sooner, and remodel the school room. To their own satisfaction, I underetand, the allviee was not satisfactory to the delegates, as they took the back roail to their respec- Live homers. To wind up the effair, the trustees, speak of tilting an action against these paries for tilting poesession of the school house without their permission. DEATH. FOR...MM.- in Morris on Nov. 23rd., Jessie Ann, eldest daughter ot Alex, and Mary Forsyth, aged 9 years' and 11 menthe. Sarnameritill. IN teitnxe BELI:i —0 I Wild..D..,:•17 e: ming 2:1::1 1114, at tou 501 1,ov of el- ..fuseph Watkie., the le iiI0'0 feteier, al a- Einaline .1Veskiiis eed Mr. Ileure. U el:Wes,: were warts,t 5,. wi el 7..f•- el• ry A. e • tu.'rid • .e Is _ ..nd Mr. Simon MoVi tee bittoor of the groom, si 69 grotan.men. Tee lesy. L. kV. Diehl perform, d the cm -enemy is the pres- ence of a liorge etIlliber if besets end rela- 60116 of the -happy elittp!e. Tile bride ed charming 10 is toilet f cream erilered de- le.ine and a's) the hi idesm Lid in a dress of soniewhiv daike: hue. Alter the ueremony tire friends to the number of ele.att eighty set down to a sumptuous reeled., !refer which all enjoyed thenaalviiit itt variovie wones and amusements uettl the wee erne' hours, then separated with heiorty geed wishea to the bride and grcioni. Tim presents to the bride were niunerous and mist!), taril oshowed excellent teen: 0:1 the part of the ilotiote. The happy couple started for Nei th Bey, their furture home on Fridley merning, 25th inst. Tneir many fr ends in thin vicinity wish them many poen of happiuese and pros- perity. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cousins, of the 7th coa„ Goderich townshipovere visiting friends in thia vicinity Saturday eveuiug an 1 Sun- day last. There was a good ettendecce of visitors at our R. A. P. meeting on Friday evening, 18th inst. Five bretnern CKI11,1 all the way 'root Varna. Seven candidatee wero initi- ated into the • mysteriem of this degree. Luaoh was (served; after tho initiations were tat'speeches fell of sound udvice and lilies& were given by marry of the vis- iting brethern. After a, vote of thanks to the visiture the meeting wise concluded in the mina manlier. There v.111 be a special echool meeting held in the public echool here on Securday, 3i prox. Mr. Thos. Draper, of Stratford, is visiting hie son Robert at the Porky. Port Abert Mr. George Hawkins end wife have re- turned to the pert from Brewton, alana sobs. Mr. James Mabee& aud femily have moved to the county town: Hugh John Blake has rented the Ma - Millen farm joining this village. George 4, G.reeu has go ie to join the sixty million friends, who are anxious for his return. David Johuaton, who has been on the sick list during the past year, is now im- proving under tho care of 1)r. Elliott, of Lueknow. Neil Nelson is busy mending his pound nets- that were badly damaged during the late atoms. , The Foresters held their regular meeting 'on Friday evening. After the meeting they 'enjoyed greet dish of oysters. The fullowing programme wee presented at the 1.0.0. 2. lodge last week: Recitation,W. MeV ittie; duet, Jennie eleleenzie and Or pha ,Whitely; mouth organ selection, John Shob- brook; organ instrumental, Mary Si...At; 'song, Sarah Hill; address; Thos. Cole; rend- ing, Agnes Scott; mouth organ selection, Frank Longman; roc tstiou, Edna Alle». ' Four more names were added to the lodge • roll. This lodge will visit Surninerhill lodge on \Wednesday evening, the 7th inst. An effort is bring made to start a lodge el' the C.nadian Houle Circle in Londesboro. Brussels. J. It. Ronald is home from Halifax Mies Herds, who has berm visiting her sister Mrs. Jas. Bale has returned to Ratre say. Councillor Grewar arrived home from Penton, Mich, on 'Saturday night. The restaurant here has changed hauds again, E. H. Kehler, of Wingham, having purchased it from IT. Kelly. It is steted thatlanother iestaurant will be opened here shortly. RtiV. Mr. Riley, of Chesley, conducted the service in St. John's church last Sun- day, G. P. Sholfield, of the Standard Bank here, left on Monday of this week to tette charge of the Chatham agency which is the bent position outside the head office). Mr. Soholtield is a good agent and is leserving of the high position to which he has been sp. pointed. W. D. Hart, of Toronto, who will be Mr. Schelfield's successor, arrived here on Wednesday of last week. Lest week, H. J. Strong, photographer, received an order from the Cosgrove Com - pony for 600.cebinet photos, es well as a large number of larger ones. This speaks well for Mr. Strong's work, which, by the way, takes no second piece. The negativee were taken sometime ago when the Company wore in town. The photos will be used for the purpose of advertising. MARRIAGES , Sp.LL kW.; -•Aumwraoso. -At the residence of the bride's parents, on Nov. 23rd, by Rev. .1. tV, Pring, of Misrelate, Mr. Joel FL Spurs', to Mies Annie, Heron"' daughter of Mr. Rich. Armstrong, both of riii town- ship. -A • -A colored man of Newark ate 210 oVsterm in 41 ininnto 1,07,or^.1 111A1 he could an hour. .