The Huron News-Record, 1892-11-16, Page 4'f 0 AT 111E DATE
The:La :- L.a
On This Paper This Week.'
1/ tot Right, Make,it Right.
43eu'2tdt'..ftioratcrta thio lttl
I'rosh Goods.—J. Cunningham.
Eureka Bakeiy.—W, 11. Boyd.
Thanks.—Fla. land Brom.
Clothing -- Jackson Bray
rooms to 1•-t —.1. 0. Elliott.
florae C:otling—Johnsen & Armour,
1\teats.—John Seruton.
Banking —Ferran & 'Ciedsll.
Drugs, etc — Watts & Cu.
0. '1. R. Tickets.—W .la :kwon.
Dry Giants.— Gilroy :t. Wiseman.
Diasolutiuu-11'hitely Sc'1'udtt,
Important Notice —A. A. Todd.
Drivel' lar stile. —Jets. Fair,.,jr.
Note Iloads.—'lull Naws-Ricotta
Itentoving.—Robins Bros
'rodru '1'upies
Chinaware.—Cooper & Co.
Bankrupt. Sale.--llladdoek & Cu.
Oysters aud Fisli,— W . Coats.
Di:tails Cloths.—Beesley w Co.
Cream of \fifth Hczel.--•J. H, Coelho.
"One copy of a Newspaper that reaches
the house is worth More for purposes of
adva'tising trill/ three that don't "
P. T. Iinr,acSI.
osQ nain nio4 hila aslitot'lal naaclaga,
moat of tho plan and •wht> POW
1 P
,IRs tin s Bole proprietorship, you
• will ruraltt gentlatttnp of It:utlatthf<9ci
juo'tvlalietie ability as well as antis
ohallfckl proticieuuy. • He hes push
• ou his side as well .ne experience
and admirable judgment. Intitnate
association with bier for the last
(evolve or thirteen years has oon-
vinoed me of his sterling qualities
of head arid heart. I am in a posi
tion thou to intelligently commend
him to your good offices, so fur aa
any poor words of mine can in•
titmice you. - THE NEWS RECORD
1108 attniuod 0 provincial reputation,
though it ie with diffidence I
tiny ea, n8 one of the best written
country papers, aud has been coin
mended by frioud and foe for the
extent of its original observations
Nail for its impartiality. Nu per-
sonal or partisan prejedice8 have
been allowed to interfere with its
treatment of questions affecting the
public. And I feel assured that
Mr. Todd will keep it up to high
water inal'k and even elevate it to
a yet higher plane ofusefulness.
The Huron News -Record
81.50 a Ye..:—$1.•iZ in Advance.
6VedlteSdaY. NOV. 16th, 1892.
Having disposed of Illy interest
in THE NEWS -RECORD to Mr, A. M.
Todd, who has been ono of the pro•
priotor.0 from the first issue of the
paper, 1 deem it only courteous that
I should take leave of its suhseiibsis
and patroneby thankilrg them for
the liberal pntroulge tho lata firm
his received, even when our venture
was a coinpara.:ively unknown
qa tlrtity in the world of journalism,
aud also fur the generous considera-
tion they have altv.tys extended to
the ehoricoinings of myself as
I may say I have at all times
endeavored t0 forward the int01•e81.8
of this immediate locality inparticu•
lar and of 1ny country generally.
In political ulatteia I am proud to
have been a consistent Liberal Con
aervative, and have Bought, by sup•
porting that party, to effect the
-vgreatest pessihlo good-. far° Canada.
I believe that the policy of the
Liberal -Conservative party has on
the whole been suctl-as should com-
mend It to the support of all my
countrymen. That it has made
mistakes is merely attributable to
the fallible human element that•pre
veils more ,pr leas in all governing
bodies, religious as well as political.
However, a review of the industrial
history and progress of the eoau•ry,
which I shall not inflict upon you,
is satisfactory proof to me of the
success of the party of which I have
boon an humble but ardent suppor•
ter. And while being an ardent
supporter I h,1vs not been a slavish
one, but ready at all times to point
out what 'I conceived to be its errors
in odder to avoid disaster. .And I
must say its disasters have been few.
As a student of past and current
history I fail to find au instance
where any country in the world has
equalled the progress of Canada
since it sprang into existence as an
embryo nation twonty•five years
ago, the greater portion of which
time its dostiniee have been con•
trolled by the Liberal-Couservative
party. And now we are no more
an embryo nation, but one iu fact --
a Dation tho meet important in the
glorious British Empire whoa° limit
is co•extensivo with the confines of
the earth. And though not so
young as I used to be I hope to live
to see this Canada of ours united in
a bond of commercial as well es
political confederation with the
other outlying British nations and
imperial Bi itain, and thus forts in
fact as well as theory an Empire
upon whose solid irity, cominer'oial,
and industrial wealth and enterprize,
intellectual and Christian force•
fullness, the sun shall never set.
In saying good -by to those with
whom I have had weekly converse
through the columns of THE NEws•
RECORD for Many years, it is like
breaking a circle which, to me hae
been enjoyable, (if not so financial-
ly profitable as I could have desir-
ed) and I hope it has been mutually
enjoyable. To some of you peleon•
ally unknown, to others of you
known for at least a generation, to
many of you known from my
boyhood I have formed to all an at•
techment which I hope only the
ehufllftg off of this mortal coil will
sever. My best wishes to you all
and I crave yours.
In Mr. Todd, who some mouths
And now, kind friends, in wind•
iug up my good by, I would ask all
of you tvho are indebted to the late
llrin to pay the amounts you owe to
Mr. 'Todd ae speedily as possible.
Ile bee taken upon himself to pay
all accounts owing by the late firm
—shout, twenty five per cent of
whet is owing to it—and it ie,.int-
pel'ative that you respond to his
demands. Tho amounts owing the
firm are individually small, sod
from mere carelessness are often
overlooked or put off. Their small-
ness make them all the more easily
paid and I would urge you to at.
tend to them at once. Hake a • big
pu<h," my frionda, and send along
your remittances. May God speed
you. in this as well as in all "our
other patriotic (+fruits. Good b -y.
1 remain your gt•atefel servant,
1 have been introduced to the
reorders of THE NEWS-RECORDin
k and very complimentary 1(11 111:9,
not as a stranger, bet .as one known
to the majority of the people of the
county of Iluron for many years.
I fully realiza the important posi-
tion which I have accepted and
appreciate the estimate of so
thorough and eminently qualified a
judge as Mr. Whitely. Tho mem-
bets of the late firm have known
each other intimately for many
years, have had dealings and been
partners in the newspaper business
for thirteen years. We now dis-
solve with an unbroken chain of
friend'shf%p and good will. - a •
My newspaper experience, practi-
cal and otherwise, covers a, space of
over twenty years. Born.and rear-
ed in the adjoining County of
Bruce, when Huron and adjoining
counties were united, and for many
years since a resident of Huron, I
feel that tide is my own, my native
land. My birthright I hold sacred;
my own Canadian country I revere;
the integrity of the grand old Brit-
ish Empire I shalt ever endeavor
to maintain. Annexationista and
tr,easonmongers this country has no
rootn for.
The future course and titterancoa
of THE NEWS RECORD, as in the
past, shall be an unswerving allegi-
ance to British connection and all
that tends to make Canada, the
Greater Britain, a progressives pros-
perous, happy .and loyal people.
In politics THE NEWS -RECORD
shall always endeavor to be just,
broad minded and patriotic. And
in resting on this sound basis this
journal will continue to battle for
the great Canadian Conservative
party and home institutions so long
as that Party continues to work by
and for THE PEOPLE and in the best
material intereste,of this country.
The present Ontario Government
shall from time to time receive
attention ; the notorious splitting
up of townships, villages and towns;
whereby hidings are knifed by
political hacks into indescribable
forms for the sake of party success ;
the school question and a partisan
political Minister of Education; and
the continued taking away of the
sacred rights of municipal institu•
tions and the individual.
Town, county and municipal
matters shall receive special atten-
tion and impartial criticism.
Huron is one of the grandest and
wealthiest agricultural counties in
the Dominion and Clinton is oneet
the most progressive towns in the
Ite central position is such that
more manufacturers should be in-
duced to locate hero.
Increased consumption means in-
cr•oaeed production.
The toilers are the masses and the
masses are the consumers.
So that increased population
brolaaht about lq th4 esttthlltlhiug..
of twineWoo. will •gratin a Market
d not now IQ (1 g►tat extents,
We want on 'the whole a more
competitive 10tikot for grain nud
othelt protlttote of the farts, Our
hnsinese men and the wbolu town
and ullr country flionela would be
so touch better elf un these lines.
Ev•rry Iogi:ittlate means must be
used to draw imide and benefit all
eunci'rned-.-.t110 producer, buyer
0011s'lltlel'—without unV 8u0l1Untll
C1in:on shoal.( have a live Board
of 'Trade. There is plenty of •work
for it. Our people may wake up
some fine nloruing and lock the
door after the horse has been stolon.
Tho through line of tho Canadian
Pacific Railway to connect from
the lakes to the sea board should
touch Clinton. The value to a
town of a thoroughly national and
competitive line like the C P. R.
should not be lost sight of by our
In municipal matters THE NEws-
11icoRu shall not cooulunanee poll -
lice. We will always he found
staunch in the advocacy of any-
thing that will benefit the commun-
ity ea a whole in which we earn our
bread and butter—and we shall not
seek to have our bread buttered on
both sides.
THE NEIVs RECORD expects from
the citizens and business men of
Clinton a lei itim ito or even liberal
support. Every business we ex-
pect to be represented in its col.
atolls; to say itt least there is such a
business; iu this thriving town and
iu w hat particular location it may
be found.
Our stiff of able correspondents
we hope to continue to labor for
their locality, and sections uow not
represented should be up and do-
ing. Mat we want is news, plain
unvarnished f ictd—not personal
venom that plraso Ito one but
the writer,
Tho; ,b -erne of the editor of TILE
NEWS KE—ono 18 Heron, and he ex-
pects to live and die here. 'Tho
long chart] of fiitn friendship and
good will formed in past years with
the masses I hope sha11 uever break
in toy business or private dealings.
I would ask for that faithful and
unbroken .uppert of the past to
Those indebted to the late firm I
tnust ask to settle promptly, within
the next few days. Renew protnpt-
ly and always pay in advance. '
There aro 50110 improvements
desirable in the several mechanical
departments of TUE NEWS -RECORD •
they will bo accomplished from
time. to time.
And now, dear readers, I launch
upon the'soa of public opinion, not
a venture, but the successful journal
with which I have. been so closely
connected from its first inception.
Your faithful servant,
A, M, Tony,
44tle riot.
Mr. F. J3issett vlMMtarl fieateit_h
RU laaulJ:sgiving.
Mr. W, 13 Dtviar %vas visiting
relatives in Clinton au Thursday..
Miss Flo Ball was iu Seaforth the
past tvct1 .
Mise `Hays was visiting relatives
iu Seaforth last week.
Mr. D. Young, of Galt, was visit-
ing in town on '1'henkagiviug ]lay.
Mr stud Mrs Tautly'', of Toronto,
sere in town this wee(:. -
Mrs. Coleman, of Seaforth, wee
the past week viai'ing her potents
at the American Consulate.
•Mr. P. Malcomeon, barrister, of
Lucknow, was iu town on Thanks•
giving Day.
Mr. Goo. tllorris, of Guelph,
spent the past Thureday with
friends in Goderich.
Misa Ferran, of Clinton, was the
guest of Miss Malcomson the past
Mr. Thome.,of the Bank of Coins
mance, visited Woodstock last
Alias and Misa Lulu Ifowell wore
the guests of I\liss Beattie in Sue,
forth the past week.
Apple King Cantelon, of Clinton,
was in the circular town on Satur-
Mr. harry Parsons, of the Bulk
of Commerce, Stratford, was at the
family residence for Thanksgiving.
Mr. McMaken, formerly of the
Gorlorieh branch of the (lank of
Commerce is spending a two weeks•
vacation renewing old friendships.
'Malcolm McLeod, formerly of
Goderich, a brother of Captain
Duncan McLeod, was nccidentAlly
killed recently, by falling through
the hatchtiray of a cigar ship of
which he was Mato, The accident
occurred near Duluth early last
'l'he tug ('(acne, Captain �lalooim
JlcDonald, tho Sea Gull Captain
D. McKay and the Sea Queen Cap•
tain N. McDonald returned from
their Northern fishiug stations the
past week. The commanders all re•
port rough weather the, pest few
The Thanksgiving Social in the
Forth Street Methodist Church 013
Thursday evening, was largely
attended. After refreshments the
following programme was presented:
Instrumental music, the orchestra;
chorus, the choir ; quartette by
, (encored); duet, Misses Yeo;
recitation, Mies Winifred Ball ;
quartette by young men. Inter
mission. Music by the orchestra;
duet, \Tlsses Yeo ; iuetrutllental
music, Misses Martin and Daucey.
and Mr. Belcher, (encored); duet,
Miss .Acheson and Mr. Calbeck;
quartette by old men (encored),
solo, Mr. Young; chorus, the choir.
Cleveland is the President of the
United States by a big majority.
He will be in harness and fully
equipped next March.
The. Euglieh Government has
scheduled Canadian cattle. That
is they are listed with American
cattle that have to be slaughtered
at the ship's aide. This will pre-
vent stockers being shipped from
Canada, and should it last for only
a year or so would be a blessing in
•dieguise,as it would put Canadians in
the habit of fat 'Ina all cattle for
export and thus prevent farmers
from being so completely robbed aa
previously when so many stockers
were exported. But the prohibition
may not last long as there is no
real cause for it.
Goder1 h
b[r. Jas. Gow; of Windsor, was
in Goderich on Saturday.
Mr. J. Greig. of Seaforth, was in
town on Thursday.
Mr. Jno. W. Skinner, of Mit-
chell, was in Goderich on Friday.
Thanksgiving Day passed off very
Mies Aneebrook, returned to col-
lege yesterday.
Mr. Bert. Shorland, of Wind-
sor, spent Sunday in Goderich.
Mr. Reeves, of the City of Wind
sor, was in town on Saturday.
Mr. Herb, Iiarris, of Toronto, is
the guest of Mr. R. P. Wilkinson.
Miss Ella Fisher, of Whitby col-
lege, was at the parental residence
on Thanksgiving Day.
The rector of St. George's, Rev.
Mark Turnbull, is expected to
preach next Sunday.
Mr. J. B. Campbell, of Seaforth,
was in the circular town on Satur-
Inspector• of Inland Revenue,
Cavan, of Stratford, spent Sunday
in Goderich.
The steamer City of winds°- was
in port on her downward and last
trip on Saturday.
Misses Couch and Irwin of Clin•
ton were in Goderich or. Thanks-
giving Day.
Mrs. Eu igh, of the Commercial,
was visiting friends in Wingham the
past week.
Divine service was held in the
different churches on Thanksgiving
Thursday last was observed 1 ere
as a general thanksgiving day, busi-
ness of all kinds being suspended.
On Saturday Mr. Wm. Emig')
left this station for BIIfI'alo with a
carload of lambs.
The S. S. Scholars of Trinity
church have commenced practicing
three carols for their Xmas tree.
The Womeu'a Guild of Trinity
church will meet at the Parsonage
at 2.30 p. tn.
Our town daddies met for the
transaction of business in Industry
Hall on Monday evefning.
Mr. AIex.McIC.ellar and wife, of
Portage La Prairie, returued to
town on Friday.
Mr. Will Collison, of Hallett, re-
turned on Saturday from Manitoba,
after an absence of several menthe.
Mr. John Brownlee, who had
been visiting under the parental
roof for a few days, returned to the
Fortist City on Saturday.
Mios Tena McElroy, of Wingllam,
spent Thanksgiving Day with her
mother, Mrs. McElroy of Dinsley
Our tax collector, Mr. John Bell,
expects to make his annual yieit
sometime during the week. Have
the chink ready for him.
On Friday night Mr. John D. n
holm's valuable horse took sick with
paralysis with little hopes for recov-
ery.. It is very unfortunate for
tss he needs the animal badly
at the present time.
On Thanksgiving Day Rev. Dr
Willoughby, of Toronto, preached
the anniversary sermon of the open-
ing of the new Methodist church in
h is burg, there being a good con-
gregation present. After service a
dinner was served by the ladies of
the church in the basement, which
was freely partaken of by the large
crowd present. An adjournment
was made to the body of the church
where excellent addresses were dei,
livered by the several ministers
present. The choir discoursed some
appropriate music on the occasion at
intervals. The collection and pro•
ceede of dinner amounted to the
handsome sum of $200.
or '1'he UO!U VY oatliei
Our stock of Gent's .Heavy Underwear for Fall and
Winter wear is very complete. The cold wether
reminds you that you need something in• this line,
W here better to 'purchase them than here, where
we give you a good, heavy ribbed Shirt or a pair
of Drawers, for 25 cents. But you want something
better, do you? Well, we give you the best value
itt each line, as high as you wish to go.
cannot do without Blankets and Comforttm
any longer. You may not yet have seen our stDck
of these goods. We exercised very much care and
great research in purchasing our season's stock in
these lines. We have the very best value to be
obtained. Do not fail to see our stock before ,pur-
chasing, It will be much to your advantage.
It Pays Others, -Why Not YOU ?
To buy the best quality of goods. ,Hand -macre Axes and
Handles, Leader Cross -Cut Saws, Racer Cross -Cut
Saws, Cattle Chains, Halter Chains, Rope Halters. °Roux;
---all sizes, Spades, Shovels, Grain Scoops, Drain Spades,
Clay Picks, Chaff Baskets, Turnip Baskets, Ready -mixed
Paint—:ill shades; Pure White Lead, English, Ravi anti
Roiled Oil, Daisy Churns—all kinds. Wily sit in_..tho
dark when you can got the famous Rocx OIL at the sane
price its—common oil ? t
�_I:TAIV •e r ]3 .t�Q S,
Iron and HardwareMe;chants,
Just received, another car load of
0 Redpath's Granulated !
which will be sold at closest prices. SPECIE#". CUPS in 100 lb. and barrel
loti. We have also another consignment of
Russian Blend of Black Tea !
Call for Samples.
Town Agent G. T. R,,
For Tickets and information to
all points apply to above.
John Cunningham,
Canadian Express Agent
Albert - - Street, • - Clinton.
• Fresh Haddies and Bloaters just In.
Oysters constantly on hand. Also some
Canadian Cranberries, cheap, only 10e a
Great Nortlweltcrn Telegraph office,
Albert - - Street, - • Clinton.
Take a look at our
window of
(If you have not already
done so) for in it you will
see all sorts and sizes of
dishes made from the finest
materials that our German
and Austrian Artisans have
,7 The finish on them is cm.
tainly very Dainty and
beautiful while the designs
are intricate and novel.
Butcher and Poulterer,
All linos in season. Highest price for
Hides, Tallow and Sheepskin's.
Are going to
TTse the
Or to
. Or to
Or to
Or to
It will pay you if you wish comfort
and accommodation.
A. T. Cooper, Agent, Clinton
To see these is to admire
them as many others have
already done and we expect
to have the lines completely
sold ere Xmas comes.
To be sure of the pieces, you
want to come now and
have us, lay them away for
ffi Co,