The Huron News-Record, 1892-10-19, Page 2ave Your x 1' Yat mels use of,llyer'effoli ilgoer, S.' Vile preparation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, and preserves the color, tullueee, and beauty of the hair, oil was rapidly becoming bald and gray; but after using two off three ottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair grew thick anis glossy and the original color was restored."—Melvin Aldrich, Unman Centro, N. Fie " 9ome time ago I lost all my hair in consequence of measles. After due waiting, no new growth appeared. I then used .Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair grew Thick and Strong. * It has apparently. come to stay. The Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature. —J. B. Williams, 13'loresville, Texas. "I bave used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past four or five years and Lind it a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all I could desire, being hurmlese causing the hair to retain its natural color, and—requiring-but a small quantity to render the hair easy to arrange."— Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, Haverhill, Mass. " I have bemusing Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years, and believe that it has caused mhair to retain its natural color.'=—Mrs. H. J. ging, Dealer in Dry Goods, &o., Bishopville, Md. Ayer's Hair Vigor, ,AAP BID BT Or, J. 0, Ayer & 0o., Lowell, Mats. Bold by Druggtst.and Perfumers., SPECIAL NOTICE. Owing to the contemplated 'dissolution, in the near future, of the printing and publishing firm of Whitely & Todd, all accounts due the firm must be paid AT ONCE. Call at the offios or remit by Registered Letter or Post Office Order. WHITELY & TODD. Clinton, August 15Ch, 1892. The Duron News -Record el 50 a Y,e..:—$1.2; in Advance. #',Wednesday, Oct.;19tlr —Brautfold has a population of 15,536. "S \TISFACTORY RESULTS." Sr says Dr. Corlett, an old seri hon- ored ;x,wtitL,n:r. in RsllrvilI', Ontario, wh i writes; •'Fur Wanting DiRP.kses and Scrofula I have used p'rott'i E nul- sion with the most satisfactory retake." —The French sculptor, Gabriel Vital Dubray, is dead, aged 75. Whenthe hair showe signs of faliins. begin at nee to use Ayer"u Hair Vigor, Tom prep:t t n streugtheue the scalp, promotes the growth of loan, hair, res- tores the natural color to gray and faded hair, and renders it soft, pliaut, and glo8sy. —Two firemen were injured and 52 horses burned at a livery stable lite in Now York Wednesday. "Not alt h gol.Pthet glitters" is a true saying ; it is equally true that not all is sarsaparilla that is so labelled. If you would be sure of the genuine artto'e, ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and take no oth"r. Ilealth is to precious to be trifled with. —Grace Church, Ottawa, was damaged $10,000 by fire \Vodnee• day. IN ALL CASES. D&tit SEM, —I h. 'e used Dr. Fuw- Ier's Extract of Wild Strawberry for auinmer complaints, and after a fair trial have proved it a sure cure both in my own oese and others of the family. LAtJRATTS WINO, New Dundee, Ont. —At DeKalb, 'Cex•Is, on Thurs— day night, while temporarily insane, AV. J. Moss took Lucy Smith, aged 60, out of bed and stranglAd and kicked her to death. Moss wort h 't1.00 000. TBE BEST KNOWN. DIsARR .SitRs,—I esu recommend Dr. Flowter's Extract of \Vild Strawberry for summer complaint and diarrhea. 1 have used it in my family for two years. fir children and adults with the great- est satisfaction. 11lRs. FRANK ROHN, Austin, 0. —Mr, Hugh Ryan. contractor for the Canadian Banal at Sault Ste Marie, has given his guarantee to the Dominion Government that the canal would bo finished ready fur the opening of navigation in the spring of 1894. DUNNVILLE DOINGS. GENTLEMEN, —I had a headache for a long tune, and seeing Burdock Blood II,tt-re advertised, I got a bottle and it not only relieved me at the time hut I have not been bntherel since with 'headache a sd think I have seen the last of it. MINNIE Hrcis, Dunnvillle, Ont. —Joseph Connoy, son of Mr. ,Inmos Cunnoy, St. Thomas, aged about fourteen, Ives walking up Talbot street when he was struck in the left eye by an air gun in the hands of another boy. IIe was re- moved to the Amaesa \V,od Hos- pital, where a doctor will remove the eye, the sight having been de- stroyed. C4VB .Uu, 00$$P, Pknit Sins, --1 ilpye` imen 400 10 fee overt year with elgk cto049h4 Nothing did me any gt,ot1 matt I, tried 2$, 13. id. winch matte a perfect afire before 1 hall tiehtlted the first butte). I reeommeud it au a cafe euro far headache to ell my Meade. MisSANNIE Mu uLTY, Gutlpb, Oat, MCNiohol, school toachei of Beverley, has been heavily flues fo striking a girl un the hind. FACTS ABOUT DYSrh:PS1A. ,Vanes uetttu of the etotnaob and liver uecaewne dyspepsia. Dyspepsia in turn gives rise to bed blood. Both these uumplalnts are curable by B. B, O., which acts ou the .tomaob, liver, bowel. and blood, and two. and strengthens the entire system, system, thus punitive- ly oaring dyspepsia, ooustipation, bad blued and simil,r troubles. --Mr. Joel Reawen, of the North-west Cabinet, and oldest member iu the House, is dead. FACTS ANuJl?1OURJ S. A reliable record of the world's pro- gress, giving invaluable information on hundreds of *abject., hist ,rioal, religious, merohantile, household and farm. Foote, statistics, hints and hits are dealt with. Everyone should hove a oopy. Sent on receipt of athree cent stamp, by T. Mil. burn & Co., Tomato, Oat. Dunt de• lay as the supply is limited. --Last week there died, near Kingston, James Glaseford, a pio- neer who carte across with Sir John Macdonald. No means have been taken by the manufacturer* to push the sale of their "Myrtle Navy" tobacco except giving from time to time a simple statement of the facts connected with it in the public press. The large sad .rapidly inoreae- iug demand for it hes been the experi. ence of smokers which these statements suggested. their advice to business men is to adve-tile largely if they have the right article t, back the advertise- ment with. —At a sale of the i 1e:llinn j ro • perty, south half lot 18 in the let. con. of Wallace, John Klapp of Elwa was the purchaser, at $1,375. It is a fifty acre farm. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an .East India mission.' ary 013 formula of a simple vegetable remedy to • the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat cud Lem; AlTections, also a positive and radical cine for Nervone Debility and ell NerrousComplaints, • after having tested its wonderful curative powers iu tin intends of caeca, has felt it his duty to make it known to 1) OUtei ng fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering„ 1 will send free of charge, to all who desire it, ilea recipe, in (lerome, French or English, with full d'rretions for preparing and using. Sent by marl by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, WA. Nevus, 820 Powers' Block, Rochester, N.Y. dye —y —John Ellis, of Brussels, Ont,, has succumbed to injuries received in the burning of a gambling den at Thompson, North Dakota, on Sept. 30. A RAILWAY MANAGER. Ohio and Mtesissippi Railway, Office of the President and t..en'I, Manager. Cineleati, Ohio, U. 8. A.. N-ov, 15, 18$6 Gentlemen: Recently while in the act of alighting from my oar I stepped upon a stone, which, turning suddtnly under my foot, threw me to the ground with a severely sprained ankle. Suffering, ex- ceedingly, I was helped into the car and my man rubbed age most generously with arnica and kindred remedies, but to no avail. ].teaching a station where 8 . Jacobs Oil could be secured, two bottles; of it wrre bought and the applieetiou reeulted at once in a rely, -f from pain, which had become well nigh unbearable I was out and about my work in threo days. W. W. PEABODY, Pres't and Gen'l Manager. A MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR. MISS OLIVE ODELL FOUND DEAD iN THE KITCHEN OF HER PARENTS' HOME. Miss Olive Odell, a well known young Winnipeg lady and daughter of a Canadian Pacific railway ofli• cial, was found dead in the kitchen of her parents' residence. She lay in a pool of blood with a charge of shut in the center of her breast and her brother's gun lying near hy. The circumstances of the young wo Ulan's sensational death are most mysterious. The generally accept- ed theory is that she suicided, but there are those who incline to be- lieve that she was murdered, and their belief is strengthened by the positive statement of a lady neigh- bor that about three o'clock in the morning she heard a man hurriedly leaving the Odell residence and run down the streets. The strangest part of the affair is that neither this lady nor the family sleeping up- stairs heard the report°of the gun. The brother of the young woman says that he returned on -Saturday evening from a hunting expedition, and before leaving the gun in the kitchen, Where it was found, with- drew the charge. Mies Odell hid no trouble as tar as known, and re tired previous night at the usual hour, apparently in good spirits. The Felice are now busy on the ettnnge case. Odell and Lie family calve here from Otillia, Ont. He is a brother-in•law of Col. Drinkwater of the Midland battalion. —Gill, the cattle buyer, who was charged with carnally knowing a girl of weak intellect named Mary Liesemer, of the township of Car- rick, was arraigned before Judge Barrett, Walkerton, last Friday. The evidence as to the girl's age was rot satisfactory to the Judge, and he did not consider it sufficient to establish the chargee consegnent- ly Gill was acquitted, .`) REMEDY:* ST. JACOBS OIL, THg GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN, MAWS RHEUMATISM, Sprains, Bruises, Cute, Wounds, Soreness Stiffness, Swellings, Backache, ,flew. relgte, Sciatica, Burne. THE CHARLES A. VOCELER COMPANY, Baltimore, Md. Canadian De . pt: TORONTO ONT. NEWS NOTES. —Grasshoppers are becoming troublesome in Kansas and Mis- s lur'i. —It is eetitnated that 300,000 Prusaiane have died of cholera since the outbiekk. —There wee a deficit of $2,393,- 286 in the Post -office Department of the United States last year. —The Pope has sent a delegate to this country to got reliable statistics about Catholics. —On Monday of this week the new Masonic hall. at St. Thomas and Port Stanley were dedicated. —A little girl named Nelson had her feet badly cut by a snowing machine at Aivinston this week. —Mr. John Gilchrist has been appointed Collector of Customs at Orangeville. -,--The horse of the Austrian officer who won the long distance ride was an Irish thoroughbred 12 years old. —Three hundred Troy, Tenn , citizens lynched a colored man Wednesday for attempting to assault a white girl. - -Canada's 1\Iinistere of the Crown have been invited to the dedicatory ceremony of the World's Fair at Chicago. —Samuel Dipides' girl, 13 years old, was knocked down and had one leg broken by rough- playing of boys at the Listowel put.lic school. _Mr. Alex Nicholson, the popu- lar Deputy sleeve of Kinloss, sold a fat cow to Mr. Groff this week that weighed 1,930 pounds. —William Stinson, committed for trial at Loudon for the seduc- tion of Mary Arbuckle, of London township, has married the girl and been liberated. —The customs duties collected at London for Sept , 1892, were $38,• 703.25, as against $49,09.4.88 the same mouth in 1891, showing an increase os $9,608.37. —Rev. D. Rogers, formerly of L ondeaboro, is doing good work at - Dungannon. Recently he com- menced special services. at Crewe, Aslifieid township. ' —Thirty carloads of wheat I les - tined !for Liverpool have just been shipped from London. Ont., and 15 carloads more will go for- ward immediately. —A tramp is supposed to have set fires to the residence of Mr. Adam Reid, of \Vinghatn anti it was burned down. Thera was only small insurance. —James'Shaw of \'Vingham, died last week. Some yearn back he was a loading cattle buyer in that sec- tion,but for the last few years ile had been afflicted with palsy. —The proprieter of. the Queen's Hotel, Roseaeath, has been fined $23,70 for keeping the windows of his barroom covered with blinds, contrary to regulation of West Northumberland license commies- ioners, —A five dollar bill which was re- cently passed into one of the Col- lingwood banks bore the following affecting endorsement: "A wee short time ye hae been'wine, I can nae longer keep ye, 1 hope ye'll sune conte back again and bring another like ye.'' —"Mr. William Elliott, butcker, left at this office yesterday, a cuc- umber which measures 141 inches in length, and weighs 4 pound 15 ounces. It is a beauty. The Pick- ering Xeres man will please make a a note of tills."—Port Perry Stan• (lard. —The editor of the Kincardine Review was troubled with corn the there day. A. farmer told him he had a cob grown this year with twenty rows of corn on it. The editor didn't like to disbelieve the et•atment and he had no reason to doubt the credibility of his inform- ant --John Varcoe, Colborne, was arrainged before W. Mullough,J. P. Dungannon, for assaulting John Carrie, eon of Rev. J. Carrie. He, without any particular cause, horse- whipped the child so unmercifully that Mr. Mallough found it necess eey to impose a fine of 10 and costs. --While a threshing was in pro- gress at Charles Scott's place, Mono, a few miles from town on itlondey, a peculiar, occident hap. pened a young man named Wm. Kyles. The engineer of the limb - ins was splitting wood and the head of the axe flew off and the sharp edge came in contact with one of Kyles' feet, who Was standing some distance away, cutting the toes al. most off. it! —The• Wawanosh and Ashfield show will be held on the 13 and 14 October, at Dungannon. It is Haid that the Blyth hand has been en- gaged to give tone to things in gen- eral on 8110W day. —The North 'Perth election peti- tion was tried at Stratford on the 15th inst. and Welland will be tried on the 29th October, at Wel- land ; East York. on the 5th Nov,, at Markham ; Monek on the 12th November, at Cayuga. —Mr. J. W. Orme, of the Lon- don and Lucan stage line, proposes to put all electric vehicle, on the road in the spring to be propelled on the storage systpm. He expects to cover the distance between the two places—seventeen• miles—in less than two hours. —The Caron commission took considerable evidence at Quebec last week, and nothing was elicted to show any improper conduct on the part of Sir Adolphe. All sorts of leading questions were permitted and the widest possible latitude was allowed the prosecuting council. —A sad accident occurred near the village of Ilampton, on Mon- day evening• W. Vice, an old resident farmer of this township, had been to town, where he itnitib• ell tuo much liquor. On hie way house, by some means lie was pitch• ed from his wagon and broke his neck. He Ivan found shortly after lying by the roadside quite dead. —A two.year old child of Mr. Burton's of ' Turnlerry was badly chewed .by a sow the other day. An elder brother hail picked up one of the sOw's little pigs which enraged the mother so that she at- tacked the child savagely, chewing its heats, lacerating and tearing the flesh in the neighborhood of one ear in a horrible manner. —Constable Williatn Dennison, of Mitchell, was in Stratford Mou• day in search of two young men named John Hill and John Iced• mond, of that town, who ate charg- ed with committing n brutal and indecent assault ou Mrs. Fran.^,h, whose husband escaped from jail last spring, whore ho was sentenced for three months for beating her. —At the Stratford assize court tbejury in the case of the Queen vs. Thistle, for alleged seduction of Maggie Varner,resulted in a verdict of not guilty, and the prisouer was promptly discharged. Dougherty vs. Rutherford, action of Matilda Dougherty to recover damages from James Rutherford for allebed breach of promise to marry. The parties reside in the Township of Mornington. The jury returned a verdict of $20 for plaintiff. Mr. John Elliott, of East Wawa• noel), had raised a collie dog from puppyhood. On Saturday morning a person went to his place and asked him if he had a dog he would giye away. Mr. Elliott replied in the affirmative, and immediately pro. ceedeit to catch the dog. When in the act of putting a strap around its neck the clog made a vicioue attack on Mr. Elliott's left arrn,tearing and lacerating it in a fearful manner, and also making many marks. The wounds required surgical aid. . --On Monday last Mr. Walter Campbell, who is superintending the delivery of apples at the Luclnlow station for Cook and Cook, of Clin- ton, was on top of a large pile of barrels on the station plat- form, and missing his footing he fell to the ground striking his head on the edge of the platform. A barrel of apples alno fell from the pile bu t fortunately it did not fall upon -hint ae he lay on the ground though it struck only a few inches from his head. Walter says he had a pretty close call. —Frank Wilson was tried in Tor- tnto last week for the murder of his wife and child in Gwillimsbury township, near the village of Kes- wick. While Wilson was out in a boat some timo ago with his wife and daughter, the boat capsized and mother and child were afterwards found (frowned. He was acquit- ted. The Judge, in his charge to the jury, said he was morally con- vinced there was a strong case against Wilson, but legally he ad- mitted the evidence was defective, especially that portion of it showing how the woman had died. The wounds on the woman's body were there, and were inflicted during life ; he had no doubt about that. Whether they were inflicted by the prisoner, and with what intent, was for the jury to decide. About the motive for the crime, if a crime had been committed, there could be no doubt- His infatuation for Miss' Kallman was mat ked, and his letters to her showed that his affec- tion for his wife had waned. Prig The NEWS -RECORD Is in a better position than ever to turn out The Very Finest Printing • At prices as low as any other office in the West. Those in need of any class of Job Printing should call on THE NEWS -RECORD, Albert Street, Clinton immaseismiximmesiamismoisist CLINTON FURNITURE WAREROOMS, For the House Cleaning season we have a complete Stock of BEDROOM oS D1NINGROOOSUITf SUI'T'ES, PARLOR SUITES, ODD CHAIRS, CENTRE TABLES, HALL RACKS, PICTURES, PICTURE MOULDING, CURTAIN POLES, Eto. Etc., We handle no Trashy Furniture, yet our prices are away down. Call and inspect our Stock whether you wish to buy or not.f TOS H HPII CIII3JLJ±V'Y . . Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. FOR GOOD ENVELOPS The FOR FINEST PRINTING Nowsieoord FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING 'THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS THE CIELI;11e1/t,t''EIf) I eaI Wafl3r$ fa] or. T3IE RE:v'i' IN TIM Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Waa'eroom opposite Fair's Mill. Call and see ole. J. C. WEIR, CLINTON J.. O. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new model. t TAIl those nlako, in key and stem winders; Also pendant set watches. 1 J. BIDDLECOMBE, ',CLINTON. GODERiCH MARBLE INORkSI J. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, Clinton, is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W. 9!. Mohring, ofjtlenmiller, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our best attention. Monuments supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites. a well as in all vnrietiee of marble. Give Mr, Stevenson a `.all before ordering elsewhere. JOIiN A. RORER rsoN. Manager. (TRAY STOCK ADVER hJ� TISE511?NTS inserted in Tim Nowa 'Worm at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock 1f yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on 'ewe-Reocorrl. CAUTION. EACH PLUG OF TIIi; JTlurtlaNavu T. $L. B. IN BRONZE: LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at till times be pleased to receive items of 118108 from our sub. scribers. 14''e avant a good carres- g)untlent in every localitl/, not already represented, to send les RELIABLE ne'tt'S, SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receave their paper regularly from the carrier or tier 'ugh their local post o jjices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions oras contnlence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisem.erts, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. Nm CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this .section, and as an advertising medium. has fete equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those Who paean business. JO1R PRINTING. The Job Lejartment of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very loin prices. Scientific Americas Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS DESIGN PATENTS etc. For Information and free handbook write to MUNN 4 9f1 BRnADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau CO,fur securing patents In America. Every putert taken out by us Is brought before tho pub0o by a notice bi--en free of charge in the .Cie tiff aineritati :Largest cl••rnlation of any scientific N00510 015 . world. :•1•I1)ndirtl - Iliastntted, No intelligent loan should bo without 1'.. tVeekly 8.0 00 a 7•. n; ; ;1.:,o six months. AddressMU'NN & CO.. 1'.. nLtsn ali3, ;Ifs nro,ulwav, Now York.' SPE STEEL :'.ENS. ARE THE BEST. Established 1860. FOR No. t Ro. FOR Works, ENGLAND. Expert Writers: <.ES°t : shale- No.3 New Blacksmith Shop Nixie (y EORGE TROWHILL has opened out a gen• Wr oral nlackemith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Gouley, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street Clinton; Ont, Blacksmith and iron Work in all its bra7tc1ms, Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and'kntis. faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 407—tt GEORGE TROWIIILL FOR Accoun- tants. Corms - penitents Bold Writing Ro.21 � i Bust- neSS Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage2oents. SPENCERF N PEN CO., SINE V YORK,Ys 1