The Huron News-Record, 1892-10-12, Page 40ra->.,,,xrg44,
14,00/(Ar THE DATE
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T. Label
On This Paper This Week.
If not Right, Make it Right'
The Huron News -Record
L50 a Year -41.26 in Advance.
Wednesday Oct. 12tlt, 1892
The only Irishman in Mr. Glad-
ladstone's cabinet is Mr. Janes Bryce,
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan
caster. And he is an IJlstermart
from the black north, one of your
Scotch -Irish who is very iittletilbntter
than a Sootchutan.
The great English pout Tennys,u
is dead. FIN loftiest eonctptions as
well as his simplest fancies are dfa-
tlnot and touching and which
Free from glaring art
With ewoat allurement steals upoo the
The editor of this paper has
recently received through the post
office several lettere of eueh scurrilous
and abusive character that those
learned tho la N say the writer of
them leaves himself liable•to pro-
secution for making improper use
of her Majesty's mail. But we for..
Au oxchauge has been punctur•
leg the fallacy that motistor's sons
as a rule are ne'er do wells. Our
own Ilan. J. C. Patterson is the son
of 't tuinister. So are -Sir Cha+.
Tai)p.:r Slr Richard G.u'wright
the L-I3u. J .1. C. Abi)olt, Justices
Strong and Gwynae of the Supreme
Court and a greet many other
tonieent Cznadiane.,
llr..l;rnstus Wiruan, the origin.(:
tor ')f the eorn.ul m.eial union---
nnree:rieted reciprocity fads which
were to waft, Canada into the
Anlericin Union by a side wind,
now uRene tint he was considerably
too previous, and says that annexa-
tion is so far off he cannot find any
remote contingency to compare it
The deputy sheriff disclaims beim;
an annexationist, or having over
•written to the press in favor of an-
nex.itiou. What he did write, he
says, was in opposition to such de-
clared anrlexatlonists as T, M.
White and D. McGillicuddy of the
#S ,nal. 'Voiaccept his disclaimer,
and the fact that he eschews such
company as White and McGilfi•
cuddy is an evidence of his good
faith and that he means whet he
The report of Commissioner
Iry ing into tho us•innnr iu which
the slitrilr's office at Walkerton has
been conducted will, it is said,
be of such a nature that the Ontario
Government will have no option
bet to dismiss the present iucuw-
bsut. The appointment was. a
Cotservative one, but if the charges
against hint for making sworn
returns and colloctiuus of foe's- for
miieag;e and other services never
performed, are proven he deserves to
"go',' -just, as much as Mr. Elgin
Ilieyece did.
Those iu England who oppose
preferential trade with the colonies,
thIt is the taxing of products, food
and other, of alien countries with
tho fres admission of colonial pro -
du -A, do so on the ground that
it would raise the cost of living.
But this is not a necessary result.
\What diff'er'ence would it make to
Cie English consumer whether he
pari a duty on American grain or
(nhiva tea. If England were to
shift the duties she now puts upon
imp•)rts not produced in Canada
an 1 put them on imports of goods
from foreign countries the like of
which we do produce for export in
Canada, the colonies and the Empire
would be benefitted at the expense
of foreigner's. England, it must be
remembered, is not a totally free
ire le country.
ttomokhing in biiss'Anti eel•)y do
elle State! oit'er pay in ultiny
oases , titan , in G'areeda 7 because
this produot of tale labor ie protected
higher there' than here. If Canada
would raise her tariff to somewhat
approxivaate to (hat of the Uuited
Stated we would retain more of our
worthy citizens... The United States
by teens of her high proteetipe sye-
telt draws people from all pain" of
the world. A tattle of wages paid
in the manufacture of iron in Eng-
land and the United States allows
that in sixty different 'branches the
American workmen received from
70 per cent to 738 ser cent higher
wages than in free trade England.
The editor of the Windsor Record
was eued for libelling a school
teacher the other day, for that the
said editor had published that the
teacher in punishing a refractory
pupil had "laid it on pretty severe-
ly" and had been "cruel in the ex•
Creme, even to the verge of brutality."
Judge Rose, iu addressing the jury
said, "that if the punishment was
cuuecesiarily 'Revere, they should
find for the newspaper, whio''I if
conducted honestly had a public
duty to perform and should he pro-
tected." The j,,ty acquitted the
Mr. H. M. Lay was in town this
Mr. Geo, Parsons, of Detroit, is
in town.
On the evening of Thursday Prof.
Scott, of Wiu hath, give a concert
in the Grand Opera house. The
programme presented was a very
good one.
The Rodway Circus was iu town
on S tturday, and its two perfortn
ancus were fairly attended. We
ere infortned that some strut fel-
lows iu the 1)03 find thimble busi-
ness, did a big trade.
The Council 'net Sept. 2Gth
persunnt to adjournment., Mem
hors all present. The Reeve in the
chair, Minutes of last meeting
read and passel. Moved by C. A.
[[owe seconded by Geo. Kiikby
that Jas. Preston bo instructed to
have Farr°w'a bridge repo ired as
recotumend rd by the engineer.
Carried. Moved by C. A. Howe
seconded by S. C;tldbick that John
Mooney be re -appointed collector at
a salary of 885 on condition that he
furuishos satisfactory security to the
amount of $14,000, and that a by—
law be drafted to that effect. Car-
ried. On motion of Caldbick
seconded by Kirkby, the following
Accounts were ord'ilt•ed to bo paid:
Isaac Currie, repairing Iiogg's
Irribge $1; 1). Campbell, repairing
Maguli•e's bridge, $2; Geo. Turvey
Aitch and culvert, on 2nd tine,
$3.61. John Ainsley Inspecting
and estimating cost of brigdes $7;
John Holland,, ditch on 7th Jiue,
$33.80; VV'm. Cunningham repair-
ing Leutldy's hill, $2. Van Van-
uormau, repairing ecraper•, $5;
Misses Exford, charity, $10; for
gravel: G McClelland, $2.45, John
Scande;t, $1.40, Wm. Hopper,
$3.90, E. Bosman, $3.70, T. Strach-
an $1.35, D. Herrington $1, Jas.
Gibson, $2.15, Jag McAteer, $6.55,
Thos. Maunders $4.02, Thos. Hen-
derson, $3 37, J. Smith, $2.50, Geo
Jackson. $590, Geo. Skelton $6 30,
Geo. Pierce $2.75. Moved By J. -
Caldbick, Geo. Kirkby,
that By-lawa No. 17 and 18 ae now
read be passed. Carried. On
'notion of Proctor seconded. by
1Iowe the council adjourned to
meet again ou the 7th November
next. W. CLARK, Clerk.
On Sunday next the annual
ntitisionary service of' the (Methodist
church will be conducted by Rev.
John Scott iu the morning and
another minister in the evening.
tin the following evoninga mission
dry meeting will be held in the
c.hutch when sederal ministers will
address. A collection will be taken
up in aid of the object.
Rev. '1'. E. Higley, of Trinity
church will preach on Sunday
morning next one of a series of
sermons ou The Apostle's Creed.
Our band purposes bolding a
grand concert on the evening of the
31st in Industry hall. Sara Lord
Bailey of Boston has been secured
for the occasion.
Our band intend going over to
Dungannon fall show on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, Dodds of Watford
were visiting their daughter Mrs.
F. W. Tanner this week.
Mr. A. W. Belfry and family
after n year's absence in Winnipeg
returned to town on Friday.
Mies Evans of Loudon ie the guest
of Miss Sus:e Brownlee at present.
Mr. W. FI. Howland, an eminent of wo
'iorontonian, says the reason so j East
,ny of our men go to the United
`;t •Cee is because we prodnce good Ev
t, and (he States offer good ! for oe
wages for good men. There Is to -day
o corporation have a number
r•krnen digging a ditch on the
side ol'' Queen St, for the
purpose of carrying off the surface
ery preparation is being made
r fall show which takes place
(Wednesday), Should tho
weatllMr Gttly pi .tvtr i'itvol•.ub10 will
eclipse all othero.
A 9oti()lo r1,f s►eflt +tags i0 tp.wn
last week. It ie ',tutored' Oa' en
other one is to ttrke'plaoe Shortly.
More powee to them.
On Sunday evr,uirtg a rniesiouary
eerviee of Song teed; p'eee, in the
'Methodist eheraah. fief (vas a
111' t' Cuugaregati'/tt present.
FI. J. D. 0,'ON e,
13Aitrtterait, gar,''•' "', Nor.altY,
S:UX YF:Yd SGtelt, de.
Offies one door north of the bank, goonst�rtu8BT, RL.Yra. 400
Mrs. Sherbineaw, who brae been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Watson,
will return home on the evening
train going north to•nigtit.
Mrs. Newton, of Wingbau), was
in the villssse on Saturday.
Rev. W. W. Leech preached in
VVingliam on Sunday bast. Mr.
Jas. Young, of Clinton, takiug his
work here,
Mr, J. C. Adams has returned
from Goderiuh, where he has been
coneultiug a doctor for a sore ankle,
which we are glad to say is improv-
Mr. A. Taylor, just north of the
villagt•, has rented Iris farm to Mr.
Kirconnell from near Brussels,
Mr. Taylor will tette a trip to Mani•
toha and if he likes the country will
settle there.
Quite a number from around
tient attended the Clinton Fair on
Friday, The day was wet and dis-
agreeable„ which kept many from
The Foresters held a special meat•
ing last night. Their'regulir weet-
ing will be on Friday evening.
The 5. O. E. met on Friday even•
ing. The attend,nte•r was small,
owing to it being a wet night.
The Orangemen met on Thursday
evening in the 'Temperance Balt,
The I. O. G. 1'. lodg., meetings
are well attended. This lodge ie in
.a thriving condition, having gained
nine uw'ur''ers t1114 .;unit;:', A9 a
general thing there is a falling c;r
in membership during the summer
mouths. Quite it largo nuu)1,er will
attend the District meeting to he
held in Clinton on Friday.
While 111r. John Cuntiu., j''., teas
taking a load of sheep to Clinton
Fair on Friday last his horse:' be,
cattle frightened at a flash of lightning
and started to run. Mr. CO Wing
got there stopped and was fixing
something about the waggon box
when the horses took' fright and
knocked hit) down, the waggon
passing over grits and breaking two
of his ribs.and otherwise injuring
Trim. A valuable ewe was killed
Report of Public School here for
September is as follows, 1t is based
on diligence, punctuality rind cot. -
5th—Wni. E. Miller.
4th.—Winnie Thompson, Wm.
Mair, Roesie Wright.
3rd.—Ethel Jordon, Mabel Bing•
harp, Mabel Sheppard.
Sr. 2nd -_.-.Francis Oakes, Blanche
McIlveen, Mabel Huck.
Jr. 2nd.—011ie Mcllveen, Win.
Jordan, Alfred Butt.
II Pert Sr.—Annie Leweon.
II Part Jr.—James Wright,
Ernest Grainger, 'Thos. Hill.
I Part.._ -Minnie Kitty, Eddie
Bali, May Mason.
Godericla Township
The Misses Anderson and Web•
ster, of Lucknow, who have spent a
very enjoyable holiday in Goderich
and Stanley townships, returned to
their home last Saturday.
Miss Webster, of the Bayfield
Line, is holidaying among friends
of Lucknow, Grey, and other sec-
tions, She will return in two or
three weeks.
Council met at Holmesvillo, Oct.
3rd. Members all present. Min-
utes of last meeting read and passed.
Moved by Jaa, H. Elliott seconded
by Jae. Connolly, that the clerk bo
authorized to notify the following
persons to remove their fences off
the public road : Wm. Swaffield,
John Kirpatrick, Geo. Young, be-
fore the first of Nov. Moved by
John Beacons seconded by Saml.
Sturdy that the following account
be paid : Elizabeth Chambers, hos•
pital treatment, $35.60. Adjourn-
ed to meet on the first Monday in
Phrarner's "oiler mill is doing a
good business under the able man-
agement of miller W. Eciclin,
Mr. Thomas Good has another lot
of first-class lime ready for delivery.
Mies J. Hamilton was laet week
visiting friends in Clinton. Mr.
M. Mugford accompanied her.
—David Moore and Thomas Lee
were senteneed in London Friday
to 10 years each in penitentiary,
.James Arm.trong to five years and
George Len to three years for
the outraging of two young woman
at I)reany's Corners, near London,
a few months ago.
'!'94ttthvtodAvery'ituoftl v attet',noo t,1- °
Fall WINO, oldtiv,tvtr, 0 6f to'0 68
poi Wheat, nolo...., 0 04 to 0 07
Spring ........... 0 02 to 0 GB
Barley....... tf5 to 0 40
U:ite^ , 23 to 0 28
Peas . 0 55 to 0 •ts7
Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50
Potatoes .. 0 40 to 0 50
Butter et... ....... 0 14 to 0 16
Eggs, per lb .......... a 06 to 0 06
Huy 6 UO to 6 00
Cord wood 3 00 to 4 00
Beef ,, t) (r0 to 0 00
\fool 0 18 to 0 16
Dressed Flogs 5 00 to 5 25
All subscription and job
printing accounts due THE
NEWS -RECORD must be paid
"Forthwith" Meana AT 0808, NOW—noE noxE
month, or a year hence.
And they must be paid
in Court if not promptly
settled otherwise.
"Paid In Court" Meana, if notsottled otherwise,
that you will have to pa) In Lawyer's Fees the
hard caeh El at would now settle your pronrnt
Indebtedness and pay fur 'fate Nnws•Rscuau for
many future years.
This is imperative in order
to wind up the partnership
of Whitely & Todd.
oly way out
"Imperative" Dissolut utmeas the idn deans trhat the arra
of Whitely Y Told will soon ee45e and 'r 1 News
ItsOm:h come under the management of One of
the Old arm or a new one.
Accounts are being sent
out and a final warning
"Accounts" mums the amount von owe. Full
and ample Jnetillcatiwr ra 1•(484 In plain words .
for sending them nut. Will the warning not be
h,edud NOW ? If good Judgment prevails it
Trill --and promptly, too,
If not paid the next must
and will be a SUMMONS from
the Court.
A "Summons" is a stern thing to deal with,
But it 11140.114 in this case all that the word Im-
plies. This notice about "Going to Court" will
appear but a linited number Id times, then the
uraok must come. Now, dear reader, the have
had our say and leave the matter with you.
The New
Which sells at 30e., is hav-
ing a large sale.
should have one and also
recommend their scholars to
get them at
Book Store,
In our business is the making to order of
Ladies', Fine $ealette and
Astrachan Coats and Jackets,
We have yet to have our first misfit. - Every gar-
ment has given the greatest satisfaction and com-
fort in Fit, Style and Workmanship. Our stock
of these Goods is entirely New.
Only very u
�� latest and newest things are
shown by us.
Also a' grand display of
steady -fade German &' American cantles.
From $5 upwards.
--••--o -----
It's Nothing But MONEY
That is a Fact. But when you use the
Black, Barb and Galvanized Fencing Wire.
Spades and Shovels, Manure Forks, Digging Forks, Scoop
Shovels,. Plough Lines, Rupe—all sizes.
Coal ! - Lehigh Valley- -Coal !
Iron and Hardware Me.chants, —
CL[N T' iN
Leslie's Carriage Factory.
PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work.
manship and material. 1:0W -All the latest styles and most modern improve-
ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended
to, Prices to suit the times.
.fit" FACTORY—cornery[Iuron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y
(Cruickshank', Old Stand, 2 doors South of,Sews-Reoord office)
Where we will be pleased to have you call and see us. We shall keep in
• stook in season the very hest
Fruits, Confectionery, Canned Goods, Oysters,
Fish, etc., and all goods usually kept in a first-class Restaurant.
T1IE BRICK BLOCK, 2 doors south of Tea Nsw-Recons Office
—^—o ---
Just received, another ear load of
Re'dpath's Granulated !
which will be sold at closest prices. SPECIAL CI'TS in 100 lb. and barrel
lots. 'We have also another consignment of
Russian Blend. of Black Tea 1
Call for Samples.
THE To Farmers and Planters 1
Lines have connections with the best
Cable and American Lines and we
will guarantee you prompt dr spate')
and delivery of messages.
The business in Clinton is steadily
increasing as our value becomes
known. Everybody acknowledges
to be the finest in the land, and any
one can travel on it for the same as
you pay on second class roads. Full
information from
A. T. Cooper, Agent, Clinton
—A barn belonging to William
Irwin, at Belfast, 3 n miles from
Lucknow, was destroyed by fire
Monday afternoon. A steatn
thresher was working in the barn at
the time, but the fire is supposed to
have originated from some person
smoking, as it started on the oppo-
site from that on which the engine
was. The harp contained all of
this season's crop, which was de•
atroyerl• Loss about $1,500; insur-
ante, $700.
As I do not intend to canvas the
country, I can supply you with
First -Class Nursery Stock
guaranteed true to name, for letter
orders sent to me only, as below :
Per 100
Standard Apples, 5 to 7 feet, 818 00
Standard Apples, 4 to 5 feet, 15 01)
Plums,lstclass,41 to 6 ft, perdoz5 50
Plums, 3 to Pears, Standard, 1st classer doz 4 50
Pears, Standard 5 to 6ttt per doz 0 00))
Cherries, 5'to 7 feet, per pet doz doz55 50
All Small Fruits and Orna-
mental Stock at equally lona prices.
It will pay you to order early.
.' All Canadian grown stock and
Give name of varieties wantedand
i09 3m ALEX. WEIR,
Clinton P•t►.
—A boy by the name of Wilkine
son, was assisting Mr. Lennox, of
Wiarton, to thresh the other day,
when sotno of his clothes canght the
shaft and he was whirled aroun]
the rod several times before the
machine wag stopped. He was
at once extricate)- from his
position more dead than alive'
and medical aid summoned.
Dr. Gimby found that the boy had
a broken :arm and was otherwise