The Huron News-Record, 1892-10-05, Page 6• • p T N IN its firet stases: 0411M anouesbfuily 1 checked by the prompt use of .A.yox's Cherry Pectoral. ' Avon in the later periods of that disease, the cough is. wonderfully -relieved by this medicine. "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with the beet effect in my practice. This wonderful preparation once saved any life. I hadaonstant cough, night swoate, was greatly reduced in 'Beth, and given up by my physician. One bottle and a half of the I eotorel cured me." -A. J. Eidson, M. D., Middleton, Tennessee., " Several years ago I was severely i11. The doctore said I was in consumption, and that they could do nothing for me, but advised me as a last retort, to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking this medicine two or three months I was cured, and my health remains good to the present day." -James Birohard, Darien, Conn. "Several years ago, on a passage home from California, by water, I contracted so severe a cold that for some days I was confined to my state -room, and a physician on board considered my life in danger. Happening to have a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it freely and my lungs were soon restored to a healthy, condition. Since then I have invariably recommended this prep. aration."-J. B. Chandler, Junction, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, !IMBED DS Dr. J. C. Ayer & 00., Lowell, Mau. 11o'4 by all Druggists; Pries $1; six bottles, $ , SPECIAL NOTICE. Owing to the contemplated dissolution, in the near future, of the printing and publishing firm of Whitely & Todd, all accowits due the firm must be paid AT ONCE. Call at the office or remit by Re,;stered Letter or Post Office Order. WHITELY & TODD. Clinton, August 15,h, 1892. The Huron News -Record $: 50 a Ye,.e-$1.25 In Advance. WedHeSit:ty, Oct. 5th 1S9'L. �.Ice••n ictorie hag a remark.thly 'fine head •.f h•tir, for a lady of her age ; but her sou, the l'riva of `Vales, ie l rite led 1. it a h-1 used Ayer's U de V igor earlier in life, hie head might, to- day, have hien as well covered ae that of his royal mother. It's not too late yet. —David Balfour, of the Thames Road, Tlibbert, met a sad and sad den bereavement in the death of his wife on Sunday 18th inst. The two retired to bed between ten and eleven o'clock, - 111 r•a. Balfour at the time complaining of a pain in her left side. A few minutes after Mr. Balfonr got up to get eonle mustard or something to apply to the region of distress, bat hearing .his wife snake a peculiar sound he raised her in his arms and he found that life had fled. The trouble was some affection. of the heart. Tho deceased was not much over thirty years of age, MEMBER OF THE LEGISLATURE. In addition to the testimony of th•t Guveruor of the State of Maryland, U. S A., a member of the Maryland Leg. islature, Hon Wm C. Harden, test- ifies as f. slows :"746 D •iphiu St., Bsllo , Al i., TJ .S A.,.Ja". 18,'90. Gentlemen : I met with a severe accident by falling down the hack stairs at my reei• deice, in the dal kr* Bs, and was bruised badly in my hip and side, and a half b,ttlo of St. Jac ihs Oil o,mpletely cured :ne. WM C. HARDEN." Member of State Legislature. -•-,ii.4 Ola ewrth Tap Oldham, , who is alleged to ,have 1boon fur st\lite time peel tan.dely irttiivate with Mire. Iopkine, general tear• ohaut, was. asAsu.tted yesterday and beaten into insensibility by 'Hemp Fox, brother of the woman, Tho doctor attempted to draw his revol- ver, but was not gttiok enough. Fax is under arrear ou charge of resisting an officer. I Neiman Dawson, uinty•four yeart of age, fell out of a window at his son's residence in London, Ont., on Saturday and received fatal in- juries. -J. II. Wicks a New York millioniae, was in Detroit on Sat- urday. After he had seen his agent he started out to have a good time, called at a scarlet woman's house, drank a good deal, went to sleep in an upper room, woke, felt worm and tried to open the tvindow• He fell out and was killed. He leaves a widow and two daughters. RICH 1'LUdd PUDDING. TH18 delicious co fection is nicely cal- culated is produce dyspepsia heartburn, biliary !cooniee and headache. Bur- dnnk Blood Bitters is equally well cal• cal tted t cure .hese troubles and has proved its p•iwer in hundreds of cases. L. B. B. regulates and purifies the en- tire system. -TheNdenial from London, Eng., that a British man-of-war had been sent to Siberia to secure the release of the Canadian sealers now sup posed to be hold prisouors there by the Russians, shows how profound- ly ignorant the London press is of the matter. Despite the contradic- tions, Hon. C. H. Tupper says the man•ot'-war is noir on its way. Another ininister said to day that the London Chronicle's comments were perfectly silly. The visit to Siberia was not the same as ono to New York or to St. Petersburg. The people on the Pacific coast of Russia aro evidently only half civi- lized,end as the region is a most in- hospital beone,what hioi•e fitting than thatoue of Britian's b llwarks should go to the relief of British men 1 A FAMILY FRIEND,. SIRS, -I used Dr. Fowler's E,atraot of V9rld S:rawberi'y in my family for years and highly r000mmend it for summer complaint,,dierrhcea, cramps ®to. MRS. GEo. WEST, Huotaville,,Out.' -.-Twenty-three porsone heard E. A. lecture on annexation in Boston on Saturday. As hall rent had to to be paid, may we not hope that if -the tour is kept up, the speetlo's finances will become so attenuated that he will permanently remain iu the country for which he bas so much affection 1 CHANGE IS WELCOME. 0sNTLsuEN,- For twenty years I suffered from Rhumatism, Dyspepsia Poor Appetite, eto., and reueired no be- n •tit fg m the many medicines I tried, but after taking five bottlesof B. B. B. I can eat heartily use any food and am strong and smart. It is arand medicine and has made a wonderful change in my health. Mas W. I3. LEE Harley. Ont. -A freiliht train dashed into the rear of a construction train at New Hampton, Iowa. There were tweve persona in the caboose of the construction. Of those seven were killed, three were tvoundod'and two are unaccounted for. THE tnanufaeturere of the "Myrtle Navy" tobacco invite the very closest scrutiny cf its quality. The expert whose trained sentes teach him to re- cognised the exact gaality ot tobacou, and the smoker who judges by his experience in smoking it, will both came to the same couel:ieion that it is r.f the highest quality- any where% to be found. It is m uio of the finest Virginia leaf slid is mauufeetured with the greatest pos- sible care, -Sunday Archbishop Tache, in the pulpit, alluded to the assertions of some newspapers that he was going to snake concessions and ac- cept the present school law. He repudiated any idea of connivance with the pereons,if any, who tnay°be working in that direction, and affirmed his determination to resist to the last. TILE 13. N. A. ACT. THE groat British North America act nowadays is to buy a bottle of B. B. B., and cure yourself of dyspepsia, constipa- tion, headache, liver complaint or bad blood, and it is an act that always at- tains the desired result. -Dean, the opium smuggler, whose capture at Lockport created a sensation last summer, pleaded guilty at Buffalo, Saturday, and was let off with a fine of $200, which' way paid by wealthy friends .in Canada. The ntany remarkable cures of oat- arrh effected by the use of Ayer's Sar- saparilla ie conclusive proof that this loathsome and dangerous di‘eaee is one of the blood, only needing such it search- ing and powerful alterative to thorough: ly erdicate it. 0 -A hotel -keeper at• Brantford was recently charged with keeping his bar open on Sunday. He plead- ed guilty anti was fined $25 and costs. Four teen were also charged with being inmates. Two of them appeared and were fined $2 and costs apiece or $4.83 in all. The two others did not show up. BETTER THAN GOLD. GENTLEMEN,—I have used Fowler's Extract ot Wild Strawberry for bowel complaint and can say there is no other remedy as good. MRS JAxE3 UENNt4ON, Lake Dora. Ont. -F. W. Collier, postmaster=' general of British Guiana, is at present on a visit in Montreal. He is of 'the opinion that an ims portant trade could he worked up between that colony and Canada. WORSE AND WEAKER. (IENTLEMEN,—I Buffered for three days very severely from Bummer corn• plaint and could not get relief but kept getting worse and woree till the pain was alinog,t unbearable and I became very weak. Some, friends advised Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and after I had taken the first dose id found `ouch relief and it did not fail to cure me I do not intend to be without this valuable medicine if I can help it. Wm. T. GLYNE, Wilfred, Oot. -Cayenne pepper, as the ITamil- ton Spectator truly rernaaks, would bring Canada to its sneeze quicker than retaliatory tolls at the Sault St. Mario canal are bringing this haugh- ty Dominion its knees. • "r3 fe ,x 4, v'•.� 'iyt rt r i a Y. A UUTTI COR y$ DANCER.. .4(-041,14-N,Mr, flew),Macotnbc, Leyland St., Blackburn, London, Eng,, states that leis little girl fell and struck her knee against a curbstone. The knee began to swell, became very painful and terminated in what doctors rill " white swelling." She was treated by the best medical men, but 744 grew worse. Finally u t' ST. JACOBS OIL was used. The contents of one bottle completely reduced the swelling, killed the pain and cured her. "ALL RICHT: ST. JACOBS 014 DID IT " ' iN Priv 1 Ari-e4fAlri A'4'i n.:1 n.,11'6rl /0.1V.p.t."A�47..;t is il,,y7t.s: ra ',.aiiiiY0Sl1251;-. !. :31..1!ye. MANY A YOUNG MAN, When from -over -work possiblyassist- ed by an inherited weakness, the health fails and rest or radical treatment must be resorted to, then no medloloe can be employed with the same benefioial re-' sults as Scotts Entulalon. HISS LIKE A GOOSE. The'ttuthor of "Yorkshire Folk Talk" tells an arousing story of an English bishop's struggles to mat ter the Welsh tongue. He had been appointed to the Welsh see of St. David, and, on taking up his abode in Wales, engaged a native Welsh scholar to give hits instruc- tion in the language. The pro- nunciation, and especially the 11, bothered the biebop, and the Welshman -was almost at his wit's end to explain the lingual proceelt by which the formidable sound was to be uttered. At last a bright thought struck him, and, being very obsequious in manner, he thus ad- dressed the bishop : "Your lord ship must please put your episcopal tongue to the root' of your apostolic mouth, and then hiss like a goose." Consult;ption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having lin,' placed in his hand. by an East India mission- ary the formula of a shnple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent core "f Consnmptton, lironobitle, Catarrh, As•hma and all throat and Lnng Affections, also a positive and radical cnre for Nervens Debility and all Nervone Complaints, otter having testers its wonderful eurative powers In thousands of caara, has felt it his dnty to make it known to hisattiVelnq fellows. Actuated by tale motive and n desire to relieve human suffering, I will send trop of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, 10 German, French or English, with `nil directions for preparing and tieing. Neat by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W.A. Novae, 820 Powers' Mode, Itochraler, V.Y. 050 -y CAUGHT IN MID-AIR. SUSPENDED FROMSUPESSION BRIDGE OVER NIAGARA'S TORRENT. Mrs. ' Jane Grimason of 3-7 Major street, Toronto, will never forget her visit to Niagara Falls on Saturday. Accompanied by her two daugh tors and Rev. Mr. Ramsay of Ire - laud, site catne over with the Pau- Prosbyterien excursion and about throe o'clock in the afternoon the party started across the Suspension bridge from the American to the Canadian side, on foot. When more than half way acroes Mrs. Grimason, in stepping from the carriage drive to the raised foot -walk at the side, stumbled and fell through an openiug in the side of the Vivi Igo, but luckily struck one of the guys, which are thirty feet apart. The guy rebounded and threw her bock on the iron girder ten fest below the flooring of tho bridge' To this she clung, nearly two hundred feet above the river. Rev. Mr. Ramsay climbed over the side and slid down on one of the upright eectioua and reached Mrs. Grilnason just in time to sup- port her from fallingoff, for her her strength was failing fast. He called for help and Chief of Police Young, Harry Williams, of the Cliff house, and Harry Huntly arrived in a few minutes. A rope was procured and Huntly went down and fastened it aronnd the women's body and she was drawn up. She was unconscious and was taken to the Cliff house for restora- tion. The effect of the nervous shock will not leave her for many a day. She loot her watch, purse and handbag, but the articles were found below at the edge of the water by the police, the watch be- ing smashed to fragments. Had she _fallen, she would have struck the bank or the shallow water at the edge. Her two daughters were almost paralyzed with fright over the thrilling occurrence. Tho probtibility of such an ac- cident has never dawned on the authorities before, and no doubt something will be done to. protect pedestrians in future. meansamassneemesceir NEWS NOTES. partners it{ fartniug and lumbering near Harrisvillt•, Mich. Whiteman watt intimate with CJarr'e wife, the latter discovered it, and they quar- reled. Both got their rifles, But Carr, though he got his ready first failed to discharge and Whiteman shot him dead. -The number of deaths from cbolora in tie Russian empire since the outbreak is given as 185,640. Grape growers in the Niagara Diotrict are sending immense ship- ments to the Maritime Provinces. -Benjamin Daweon, eldest resi- dent of London, fell from a win- dow Saturday and was killed. -Mrs. Wigle and Mrs. Lingen- folder, of Teeawater, were seriously injured by a bolt of lightning yesterday afternoon. -_ -Up to Saturday the authorities report that there had been a total of 17,157 cases of cholera and 7,339 deaths in Hamburg. —Two oases of what is believed to be genuine Asiatic ,cholera are re- ported at >f3enton Harbor and Royal• ton, both in Michigan, -Kelly, the man who attacked and shot A. S. Ball in Woodstock Some weeks ago, bas been sent to prison for 15 years. -11Ire.,Nancy Elliott, aged 95, one of Ingersoll's. oldest residents, died at the home of her son, Mr. F. N. Elliott,'there yesterday. -The death is announced of James Sabean, at Port Lorne, An napolis, N. S., aged 104 years. He was Nova Scotia's oldest inhabitant. -At Sarnia three counterfeiters named Downs, Beatty and Daw were sentenced, the first two Hamed to five years each and Daw to three years in penitentiary. -A. Gately, of Port Arthur, who was arrested for going into Fort William during the quarantine has entered an action for $10,000 earnages against that corporation and its medical health otli,:ers. -At Telloup, Kansas, the rt si• dente of •Sauluel .Atkinson was struck by lightning and hurried. 111r. Atkinson and his wife -and children perished. -The putting up of the price of coal by the Reading combine is mak- ing the western railroads talk of.. bringing Colorado coal into com- petition with the Pennsylvania pro• duct. -John Smith, a street railway workman in Hamilton, was knocked down by a trolly car on Saturday and pushed along several yards. He escaped with a dislocated shouls der. -The United States has appoint: ed its commissioner to meet W. F. 'King, the Canadian Commissioner, to determine the bounday line of Alaska, They Will meet soon at Ottawa. -C. H. Tupper, Minster of Marine, says, despite the denial, a British man-of-war is now on the way to Sib eria toprotect Canadian sealers from. Russia. He says the London Chron- icle's comments are silly. -It is understood that Mr. Prid- ham, M. P., of South Perth, has recommended Mr. William Moyes to succeed W. N. Ford, as collector of Customs at the outport of St Mary's. -John McKay, a young roan about 25 years of age, committed suicide in a disorderly house in San- dusky, Ohio. He was the son of John McKay, a stonemason one of Stratford'a residents, who died about a year ago. -A young man named Walter Slingerland, while bathing in the lake at Stoney Creek, Out., got be- yond his depth and was drowned. -Hugh O'Connell, the Ilomo• stead strike leader charged with murder and riot, was refused bail and will have to remain iu jail un- til his trial. -In a fire at Hensel], Ont., - which consumed the IIensall hotel, D McIntyre, a laborer, lost his life. The hotel lost $5,000 and the house of R. Walsh wee also burned, with a loss of $1,000. The Buffalo police have captured another opium smuggler operating with Chinamen between Toronto and the frontier and Buffalo. He is Henry Moll, son of a Buffalo a Buffalo tailor and has only been a short time oat of prison. He watt seen to receive a package at Ridge- way, Ont., was followed and caught in a Chinese laundry at Buffalo. There was $260 worth of opium in the package; -Walter Carr, married, and Charles Whiteman, single, wore CAUTION. EACII PLUG OF TUE rnurtleNavu T. ISIMAR[ ED B. iN BRONZE: LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE. New Blacksmith Shop ob Printing The NEWS -RECORD Ts in a better position than ever to turn out The Very Finest Printing At prices as low as any°rther office in the West. Those in need of any class of Job Printing should call " On THE NEWS -RECORD, Albert Street, Clinton IOW CLINTON FURNITURE WARER OOHS. For the House Cleaning season we have a complete Stock of BEDROOM SUFI'S, DININGROOH SUITES, PA}tLOR SUITES, •- ODD CHAIRS, CENTRE. TABLES, HALL RACKS, PICTURES, PICTURE MOULDING, CURTAIN POLES, Eta. Etc., We handle no trashy Furniture, yet our prices are away down. Call and inspect our Stook whether you wish to buy or not.1 JCIS•EPII cIIIDI EY_ Furniture Dealer, and Undertaker. pl 1toRGE 9'ROWtliLt has opened out a gen- lx oral Blacksmith and itopair Shop in the bending lately occupied by Mr. Oaulov, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Qnt. Blacksmith and iron work in all its branches. `torso -Shoeing promptly attended to and antis• faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 497-tt OEORt t TROWHILL FOR GOOD ENVELOPES The FOR FINEST PRINTING NewsRcordFOR MCE BILL NCADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS '[1111 CELEBRATED ideal Wastr+ Viand Wr oger. TIRE BET41' IN THE MARKET Machines Allowed on Trial an also agent for all All Agricultural Implements BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. - CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all •tinges be pleased to receive items of news front our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, t0 send u8 RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive iasis paper regularly from the carrier or Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill. lltr)rlgh their local post offices will Cull and see me.• confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions mss J. O. WEIR, CLINTO Ncommence at any lime. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Deter, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus,• Seth Thomas, and Rockford -new. model. 'A11 these makes in key and stout winders) Also pend .int set watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON.t SERVANT WANTED. Enquire at once of Mrs. Dr. Campbell, Soatorth, Ont. A middle ager: woman preferred. GODERICN MARBLE WORKS, J. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, Clinton, is our agent for Clutton and vicinity. N.51. Mohriug, ofiBenniiller, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our hest attention. Monuments supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites: a well as to all varieties of marble. (live Mr. Stevenson a call before ordering elsewhere. JOHN A. ROB -ERPSON. Manager. STRAY STOCK ADVER,- t TISEMENTS inserted In Tits Nxws Ri,coau at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock if you want any kind of advertising you will not do butter than call on . Tews-Reocord. MONEY TO LOAN On farm property at s; per cent. Apply to 0. A. HARTT, Clinton, NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wrecicage, let it be distinctly understood that it any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and falls to report to the I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this to the last warning i shall give. CAPT. WM. BABII. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich. Oodertch, Sept. 7th 1891. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one.acre lots in the Town of Clinton are offered for sale. They are situated on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate Instituto, adjoining the former residence of Mr. J. ti. Combe and in the neigh- borhood of first-class residences. For terms, etc., apply to 66181 ARTHUR KNOX, Clinton. COTTAGE FOR RENT A frame cottage on Albert street and halt acre of ground and fruit trees. Hard and soft water. Stable and drilling shod. Will be rented reason- able with or without ground. Apply to CHAS. SPOONER, Grand Union hotel, Clinton. 742..81 ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisement's, to ensure insertion, should be handed' in not later titan MONDAY NOON o/ each week, CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising tnediurn has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOB PRINTING. The Job Lepartment of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in - Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed. at very lom prices. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS TRADE MARKS DESIGN PATENTS w COPYRIGHTS, etc.. For Information and frees Handbook write to MUNN Sc CO. 291 lino AIM AY, NEW YORK. Oideet bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent talcen nut by no is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge In the krientifig 11110:kiln Lnrneet r'rrulotlon of any c-ienttfle paper in the wrld. Splendidly illustru,ed. No inte111{c0nt T vn shor.ld bo without it. Weekly,583.00 a ve %r; 81.C) :as months. Address MUNN & CO., 1'L'DLrasaKS, 301 Broadway. New York. - SPE STEL j' ENS; ARE THE ;EST. Established 1860. FOR Works, ENGLAND,. Expert Write* N Accoun- tants. Corres- pondents Rohl Writing BUsi- noes Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage 2 cents. SPENCERIAN PEN CO., NEW YORK. 810 BROADWAY.