The Huron News-Record, 1892-07-13, Page 4,X,
The Ituron News RRcord agt44 ureas "APm#6tisut be' I
1 th •ia''°iyays. to uecfttlnes0 bat')'r d hy,
tl1,6Qa Year -414 n AdvaoAei an abnegition of 1 h principles of
It toleration of the Christ doetrine1'
Wednesday. July 13th. 11S113. "'Do to other as yo would they
� a'►ould do unto ypu." Because he
,.TOLERATION. 1 h,s been a Poreaniet ora Prt,testant
It ie a curious study to follow the o'' an Orangeman he has been
Cations of many who cry out loudly ! t°booed tint.' his ustfables% marred
If not totally cl•.stroy ed 1 '!here 18 ,1
for toleration. One seya I believe' lesson for sit of us in the 0ousid0ra
in the toleration of what is right.
When asked to define what is right
he will tell you it is what he thiuke
and does., I cannot tolerate what
is wrong, he will say, and he Fixes
the standard. There are runny
standards df right and wrong, It
were more difficult to dettumine
what ie rig -ht and what is wrung
than to determine what ie truth. 1
believe iu freedom of conscience,
cries one, Ilut it is his own eon
science. Ile woutd enslave the
eouscienoo of others. One says I
will eat no moat while the world
Nets, consequently no cue else
should eat meat, One luau be
lieves the wearing of harts should be
tilerasod, but he confines the style
to billy cucke. Another is equates
tolerant of the wearing of hate, but
the wide•awako for him, all othere
are an abomination. Then someone
prefers to wear a plug or tile. ' Ile
is sure no one can object to a man
wearing a hat, but then those other
odious affairs should not be tolerat
ed. Oue will go so far as to admit
that the wearing of' breeches should
be tolerated, but he fixes as the
standard the old-fashioned "whole
falls," with leg covering as far ns
the knees. Another ridicules that
standard and fixes his as that of the
modern pants. Of course all toter
ate the wearing of coats, hut each
one if he could would only tulerate
the style he prefers. He is con
seientioualy Lure that his std 1.+ i
right, all others are wrong and hide-
oue. Then in religious matters each
sect and denominatiuu assures us it
is tolerant, It simply wants to
worship God, but you inuet wurehlp
Gud af'er its style. All others are
wrong and it eaunot tolerate wrong.
Iudeed their couecience tells thew
they should suppress all wrong, and
of course everything is wrong that it
does not approve. The Roman
Catholic believes iu procession's, hat
he draws the lino at those in honor
„of some.: mai "ti` aeeee'isoiei'atrt, you
know, bilt only of his own view of
a particular hobby, The Orange-
man is' tolerant, he rose out of a hot-
bed of intolerance; intolerance
brought him into being, it is the
very reason of his existence. He
wants full liberty to exercise his
conscience and to commemorate, by
processions, its enfranchisement on
the 12th of July. But he cannot
tolerate wrong, and processions for
the glorification of what his con-
science tells him is a tyrannous and
ungodly system is wrong, Now it
is ridiculous for any roan or set of
men to set himself or themselves up
as keepers of their fellow men's con
sciences. We delight to see pro•
cessions on the 12th of July. We
believe the flay is couatneritorative
of au event iu history which has
been pregnant with many blessings
to the dominant civilized races of
the world. We believe the world
is all the better for there having been
a 13attle of the Boyne. And we
believe it is in expressibly better ft r
the result being in favor of 11Ttlliaut
of Orange. We believe Roman
Catholics are all the better for
James having been defeated and Pro-
testantism triutuphant. Tide is the
standard of our couscionce in this
matter. But our conscience is toler-
ant—tolerant of what we believe to
be wrong—of the .Roman Catholic
system. Hi, there! What rank in-
consistency '1 Advocate what .you
believe to be wrong 1 Not at all,
We Te do not advocate the exitstenoe
of what we believe to be wrong, but
we believe in tolerating and in
allowing those who do believe in it
the same right,, freedom of con
science as we claim for ourselves.
Protestantisni is the most tolerant
system ou earth. Orangeiem is em-
phasized Protestantism and cense-
cjuently emphasized toleration. Let
us see to it that we are worthy our
principles. Too often, however, the
leading representatives of the
thought of the world—Romanists
and Protestants and Orangemen are
unworthy the high staodard of
toleration they have taken for their
beacon light.
How often in this Canada of ours
have man eminent for their ability
tion and exercise of toleration. It
is the pre eminent attribute of Deity
itself. If the Almighty were not
tolerant of what He assuredly
knows is wrong on our part
how quickly we would be
anti tteu down 1 How touch
greater reason, then, is there for
puny mortals being tolerant of
watt they eau only assume is wrong
on the part of their fellowmen, be
they never. so confident of the
correctness of their own conscien-
tious couvictioue,
2,600 hontitcx w:erfa'j,arf Rlr itt ti
J'ohn's Nfld;1,300 people h0melehst
6,000 utterly llentitute,
A handful of Canadians are
having a good time all to them•
,elves in hauilling the jagged thorns
of treason. They will come out of
the berry patch about as • good as
those whom Burdette so humorous
ly deacribee in the following : Ther
is a bug with a name as long as`a
it snake that abid s among the black
berries writes Robert J. Burdette in
his inimitable department in the
July Ladies More Journal. He
just haunts the patches where• city
boarders are staying, and makes it
his business to arise early in the
morning and crawl over the largest
and finest and ripest ' berries,
Where you eat a blackberry • that
has been glorified by a visit front
tide hug, you just lie right duwu in
the briars and ask to die.. Yuu do
not want to live a minute longer
Not with that taste in your mouth
If I understand rightly whet
a bramble ie, the blackberry, in a
state of nature; is the hrambliest
btanrblethat ever hramblcd. A he-
man being, clothed and iu his right
mind, who pee in at one side of a
wild blackberry patch and corner
out at the other is moved with won-
der at the coir ponsetiOn of uatnr'e.
For every one of the thousand
scratchee ou his perishing frame he
bus a readyninde bandage hanging
loosely frust his raiment. FIow
melt can behold such things and
yet vote the other ticket is a tnystety
to everybody else. It' you will euu
your hand, orhettdseee iu re s;Levo,
lightly down a blackberry cane,
from top to root you will. observe
that all the briars hook upward, to
catch everything that 0011108 down
Then, if you will ran up the other
wey you will observe that all the
briars hook downward, in order to
catch everything as it comes up.
Three whlteln4,4 and 101 China•
men were !tilled in. a gunpowder ex*
plosion near San 1rencisco,*
The Canadian rifle teatrl at prem
ant in E'tgland hail so far won t ma
There are 11,023 miles of corn•
pleted railway in Gina', of which
14,000 are rngulhrly operated.
The writ 'fora new election in
Marquette, Elan,, has been issl)ed,
Nominations on the 15th and 1)0l•
ling on
the a9ni.
Tho championship gold modal
was won by Manitoba 114 Fyfewheat at the international Millers'
Exhibition, London, Eng,, last
The number of cattle exported
from Canada to the British markets
forthe first two rnontlisepf this year,
amounted to thirty-five • thousand
head, ns against thirty one thousand
for the same period last year.
Sir llichaid Cartwright is pee,
siatant, insensately 'and unite
tolligibly persietent. Persistency ie
the road to .81100088 if accompanied
by ordinary judgment. This Sit
Iticherd does not possess. ' His per-
sistency is like that of a lion Bitting
un a china egg—barren.
Lest week we gave the opinion of
Detroit vessel sten approving the
fairness of treatment given to Ameri-
can vessels passing through the
Welland canal. Here are some
other extracts from American papers
approving the conduct of Canada,
which go to ehow that President
IIarrisons retaliatjon is merely elect•
tion buncombe.
•For example, the Rochester Union
and .gdver user says • ''There is much
force in the Canadian argument.
The discrimination made is not be-
tween Americans and Canadians
using the canals, but between a Ca•
nadian city and an American city—
between Montreal and Oswego, for
instance, against which there• is no
treaty obligation. If the Canadians
shut out American shipping from the
Montreal carrying trade while grant-
ing a rebate of 18 cents a ton on that
trade, or 1f they made that rebate on
Canadian shipping, bound for other
ports than Montreal, then the charge
of discrimination in violation of
treaty would stand. But as, it is it
looks as if the Canadians are right
and President Harrison wrong."
That is the way it looks to most peo-
ple who study the facts. It is also
beginning to dawn upon the people
of the United States that so•cal led re-
taliation is a two-edged sword which
will cut as deep on one side as the
other. The organ of the Washing-
ton Administration, the New York
Tribune, says : "The trouble is that
no step could be taken which would
not hurt some of our citizens," and
adds that "any measure of retaliation
would seriously affect American in-.
vestors." The game of tail -twisting,
therefore, appears to be a very in-
nocent diversion on the part of the
politicians who play it.
Parliament prorognrd en Saturday
after a session of four months and a
half. No extra indemnity will be
paid members for unite uselessly
spent by the, ems obatt nesi'+nist
tactics 'of the Opposition. The
Government majority aa the House
is now con•etituted da 71.
Tho British electors are pegging
away at each other, especially Irish
nationalists. There have been
losses on both sides, most by the
Conservatives, Several Scotch con-
atituencies went back on Gladstnire
and the G. O. M. call.-, them nasty
names. Justin McCat ty, leader of
the anti•Parnellites has been defeat-
ed in Ireland. In l+erutaua,h
uop t11, Richard 11. Dane defeated
anti•Parnellite Jordan,
Archbishop Cleary of Kingston
will issue a circular salting for con-
tributions to assist in the election of
home rule candidates in Ireland.
Scotland with 606,000 voters has
seventy-two members; Ireland with
745,000 has 103 members; England
and Wales with 5,000,000 voters
have 495 members.
'q tlei a4o le,ntada'by 'ft►uatitas p£
the ?r Eougiatof'etripe abotat.the,.
treatment by sir J'�bn T'hoMpeon of
the Pratestantlief Qui besl.00nue .ntng
their appeal or propovvetl appeal to
the0Privy Cotthcil .of England of
the Jesnits Estates Aet. Ilia' con-
duct in tbia case and his action in'
the Manitoba School Act, in which
tho Dominion Government assume
n portion of the coat of appealing to
the Privy Coattail of England, is
contrasted. The fact of the ratter
is that the conduct of Sir John
Thompson has •bean the same in
both Cases. He fixed a day to hear
the proteatant delegates of Quebec
and was -prepared to carry the
appeal against the Jesuits Estates
Act to the Privy Counoil• of Eng
laud as a Dominion Government
wase against the Province of Quebec,
and to pay all the costs of' the pro-
testant case. But wily Mr Mercier
increased the amount to be given
the proteatants, and in consequence
their delegates failed to meet the
Itlieis'er of Justice, That the
Jesuit Estate Act was not appealed
to the Privy Couucil of England
was solely only owing to the
protestunts of Quebec. It is pro-
bably as well they desisted for their
is Little doubt but the Act would
have been declared within the corm
petoncy of the Province to pass,
whatever we may thiuk of if of its
There 'liar been a big trees r at the
Carnegie iron works at Homestead,
Pennsylvania, between strikers and
detectives in which several were
killed on each side. Carnegie is the
man who remarked not long ago that
a "Canadian was man without a
and therefore but little era mane'
He sterns to hold that his workmen
are hardly human if one is to judge
by tee wey he obtained hired asses
sins to shoot them.
The People's Party have put a
presidential candidate in the field,
so have the Prohibitionists.
Though neither of them .has the
ghost of a chance of succeeding they
may detract sufficient votes from
the regular Republican and Dem-
ocratic nominees to throw the 'elec-
tion into -Congress. The successful
candidate must have a majority of
the Electoral college which eonsiete
of 444 votes. If some one candidate
'docs not'get 223 votes Congress will
have to elect the President, And
Congress is Democratic.
Daniel O'Connell, son of the
Irish liberator, is strongly support-
ing the candidature of James Low-
ther (Conservative) in the Isle of
Menet division of Kant. Upon
being asked why hp, as Irishman
and a Catholic, di& not follow in
footsteps of of hia father,Mr. O'Con-
nell replied : "It is as an an It•iah
Catholic that I vote for a Conser-
vative. I have seen during the
past six years the country wisely
governed. Mr. Gladstone's Home
Rule scheme would be must disas-
trous to Ireland."
Editor News Record.
Dense Slit, -Referring to the la-
crosse match played in this town on
the let ofJuly between the Clinton
and Goclerich clubs, you have seen
fit to open your columns to a, die.
gracefully unfair article reflecting
upon our cine, and our town. I
therefore request that you will do us
the justice of giving us space for d
I deal first with your editorial. I
consider you are personally respon-
sible for it, and, as the information
upon which you base your deductions
is incorrect,you owe us an apology
I am sure you will retract your s a e
ments when 1 show you how unjust
your,• remarks are.
Turning to the account of the
Match published in the same issue, I
have not the slightest hesitation in
saying that it is a wilfully exaggerat••
ed account, and indeed for the most
part wilfully and maliciously false.
It is an undeniable fact that there is
a strained feeling, to put it mildly,
between the two teams.,
1Vell,in spite of all that had passed
we started this seasot yi,l.•hrt,ptiauy
hardfeeling nagainst yot a•. -e
showed our friendliness by instruct-
ing nor delegates to vote for Air.
Spalding as a member of the Council
of the C. L. A. We further showed
our confidence in your club by ac-
cepting Dr. Shaw as referee in Clin'
ton, the conditions being that Air.
Pridham was to act here, and your
club broke faith with us and refused
to carry out their agreement. An •
other point I want to touch upon is
the bringing in of outsiders to
strengthen a team. I know it can be
done without violating the rules, but
the principal is bad all the same, I
hope to see the C. L. A. rules amend-
ed in this respect. Our own club
has had the assistance of outsiders,
but it as an element I object to and
we rid ourselves of it and the team
that met your club on the Ist were
all Goder•ich . boys, five of whom
played in their • first match on that
day. On the other hand your club
was strengthened l -y outsiri ere,and had
it not Leen for the playing of the
goalkeeper -and • James at point -
both of them Brussels men—the game,
I am satisfied, would have had a
different ending. There was not much
glory in the Clinton win, after all.
1 appeal to you, Mr. Editor, and to
sport loving gentleman of Clintons to
aid one fn producing a better feeling.
Let the hatchet be buried. We are
prepared to play your team on any
grounds in Canada, bar Clinton, for
12 medals, conditionally on your
playing none but bona fide Clinton-
ites. We are not afraid to play in
your town. We do not bar your town
on that account, but on the ground
that your grounds are unfit for la.
orosae and no club shonld be asked
to play on them.
R. S. \Vil.uams.
Godericlr, July 9th, 1892.
EDITOR's'NoTla —We have not
space for the whole of Mr. Williams
letter, but as will bo seen ho denies,
in toto, everything thflt appeared
in our last issue about the lacrosse
match at Godericlr on July 1st.
We are sorry we cannot comply
with friend Williams' request to
retract. Though not personally
edgnizant of the prooeedings,wa have
the word of geuttemen, whose ver-
acity we cannot question, that our
report was correct and our com-
ments justified. We have no
personal feeling in the matter,butmay
not Mr. Williams' natural zeal for
his club Dave somewhat prejudiced
his version.° We might call Mr.
Williams' attention to his unnec-
cessary use and reiteration of the
expression, "It is false." This is
not nice, nor is it needed. The
proof he offers will determine
whether what he objects to is false
or not.
There are Canadian descendants
of the Tailor's of Tooley St.,London,
England, who issued a manifests in
the name of "We The People of
England". These descendants are
possibly as numerous as theirpi ogeni-
tors—unlucky thirteen—and they
will have about as much weight in
shaping the detainee of Chia eountry.
Though seas divide us we will re-
main a nation within the British
One in heart as one in blobd
Shall all our people be,
The hands of British brotherhood
Be clasped beneath the sea.
Interest to
It is generally conceded that the personal appearance of
a man depends very largely upon the style and combina-
tion of the material which he wears. vRecognizing this
tact, we exercised great care in the selection of our
We claim for it a style, assortment unci a general excel-
lence not surpassed by those of Gen'ts Furnishing
These -claims we not only snake here, but are prepared
to substantiate them by filets to any person wishing to
inspect our stock. Nothing can be cooler 01' more stylish
for summer wear than a NEGLIGEE SHIRT
with' collar attached and ties to match.. We give you
these in all the stylish patterns and colorings from 50c.
to $1.25. Perhaps your fancy may incline to a 't H 1 TE
H I R1', Have you seen our line of unlaundried ones
at 50c., or the "Sterling Quality" laundried for 75. You
may stand in need 'of a Tie. Do not fail then to see our
FOUR-IN-HAND washing tie for 25c.
We give you all grades from 3 for 25 cents' to the finest
cashmere ones. We have them in the celebrated "Ever,
fast Stainless Black." Have • you seen the wool line, 2
pairs for '25 cents, that everybody is talking about. • The
greatest comfort on a. hot summer day can be had by
wearing an English Balbriggan or Nat= al Wool
Unders art, A large assortment of these goods is
Vera With the same goods, whatever you'may be want-
ing in handkerchiefs, Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders, or any
other article requisite to a tasty outfit, can be found at
our Gent's Furnishing Counter. In Headwear we
can supply you with the newest shapes and colors in
birth Straw and Felt !fats, at reasonable prices.
—Clark (..'ronlrrite and wife of
Avon, Elgin county, have been mar-
ried over seventy years. Ile is 95
and she is 89.
JUIY IST, 1503.
O Spirit of the Muses nine !
Give me to drink th' ethereal wine,
Their ser1ree of -inspiration ;
'I'hat I unto my noble theme
May justice do, or you shall deem . •
I've fail d in my laudation.
114' theme 4 'Tis thou Dominion great
Whose hirth to -day we celebrate. '`"
In happiness anti plenty ;
And though thou art but young in ago, .
Thou hast in history writ a page
Me thou wer't five•and-twenty.
And now clear Canada we pray
Aceept ou this auspI1ions day,
Our !warmest birthday greoting ;
The time that's past has been to thee
Of blessings full, most rich and free,
Some lasting and some fleeting.
Thos hast in stature grown apace,
And o'er thy sweet and chsrming lace
'l'Ite rarest beauty flashes ;
That thou art more than "passing fair,"
Thy form, thy features well declare,
Spite of thy modest blushes.
Thy barns are running o'er with grain
Which, thou ean'st sand across the main
To every starving nation
And if thy purse with wealth o'erflows,
Thank Him who all this good bestows
Without oue reservation.
But time and space would fail to tell
'rill blessings that from heaven fell,
A never•ceasing shower ;
For on our fair and noble land
Th' Alanighty opened wide His hand,
And showed to us His power,
Yet though thy blessings ha•,e been rare,
Thon'hast of sorrow had thy share
And lost full many a son ;
For Death hath garner'd sheaf on seaf,
Alas ! he passed not by our "Chief,"
'Thy very foremost scion,
Boo, Dearest Land, take heart of grace
And forward press with eagar pace,
To national distinction ;
For nations as for men 'tis light
To strive to reach the highest height
Lest otherwise—extinction.
Then Canada be true to self,
And barter not thy soul for pelf
In whate'er guise 'tis given :
For if thou sell'at thyself for gold
The wretched tale will oft be told,
Nor wilt thou be forgiven.
Ohl that my tongue were lambent flame,
I'd scorch with everlasting flame
All traitors to our country ;
Their names I'd graven deap in brass,
That generations as they pass
May curse their bass effront'ry.
Did I possess the prophet's gift
The veil of time aside I'd rift'
And show thy wondrous future ;
Yet, if thy sons stand firm and true,
And each and all their duty do,
Full soon thou'lt see that picture.
And when thou art grown strong and bold,
Forsake n ,t then thy mother old,
The Lion-hearted nation ;
But show thou art of this high birth,
And prove thy claims by deeds of worth
And noblest emulation.
Thy sons, Dear Land, lay at thy feet
Their filial homage as 'tis meet,
With warm congratulations ;
And pledge themselves to earn for thee,
A glorious rank. and destiny
Among earth's proudest nations.
Toronto, Jnne 2lat, 1892.
Book : Store,
A new music book has
been published called Fav-
vorite Song, Folio No. 4. It
contains 77 favorite songs
and is a Companion Volume
to Nos. 1, 2 and .3,. which
have sol&sp,,' �r
have ne by sending us 50c.
The Elite Song Folio is
popular at 75c.
• e
Triumphant Songs No. 3
and Gospel Hymns No. 6 are
both good. They cost 35c.
and 40c. respectively.
' Richardson & Sudds or
Karl Mertz are good piano
instructors, and Doherty or
Sudds valuable books for
organ students.
Musical Catechists, stud-
ent's edition, for 25c.
Band instruments, sheet
music or anything in the
music line we procure on
shortest notice.
Bicycles are fast becom-
ing universal, Do YOU
ride ?
Wm. Cooper
& Co.,
Clinton, Ont