The Huron News-Record, 1892-07-13, Page 1'114134.1$ —$1,140 eters R nntum, ereee in et vestee, ' V014. ,IV. ---NO 3L en ... 4 ,..•..H.. IXpvpw.yANN:e .l i Atbk Z8d1KG.9,-4 sa2'kaL 1& II N( 1V►i(I7p 1,'p & !COOP, Pnlette lefts CLINTON. HURON COUNTY,q ONT., WEDNESDAY'. HIT 13, 1892. WILE1\O.714 For The Nat Weather, The Clinton Ligator Store ispwell stocked with all lines of seasonable geode.. We have the best makes in the market of. ALES AND PORTERS, in bottles and wood. Or if there are those who would rather have Standard . WHISKIES, BRANDIES OR WINES for general or Medical use, . we can . supply the demand at the lowest possible rates. When in need of anything in this line don't forget that the Clinton Liquor Store is the correct place to go to. J. W. RITER. Goderich Mrs. Harry, Reed and infant, of Be ale are visiting in town. Mrs. W. T. Whitely, of Clinton, was •t.ho''guest of Mrs. A. Smith the past week. Mrs. Moore is visiting her father Mrs. Tas. Reed. Lawyer Beat, of Seaforth, spent Sunday in the Circular town. Mr. Thee. McLean returned on Saturday from a lengthy visit to Chicago. Mies Beattie, of Seaforth, is visit. ing Miss Lulu Howell. Mr. C. C. Ross, barrister of Toronto, is visiting at the family residence. Mr. Rod. Fraser left on the Windsor for Detroit on Sunday. Early/Communion at St. George's next Sunday. Miss Lee left town this week on a visit to Detroit. Mr. D. McCorvie, of Clinton, was in the Circular town on Fri- day. Mies Edith Elwood is writing at the Univereity exam. in Toronto. Messrs. 11. W. Ball, jr. and Percy Sheppard left per the Windsor on Sunday on a lake and river trip to Montreal. Banker Williams was in Stratford last week on lacrosse matters. Mr. Ed. Campaigne returned hotne last week and assumed charge of the business on the corner of b'fonteeal St. The City of iVin.c4sor was in port on Sunday and yesterday. Mr. and Mrs Van Rosen of Chi- cago are visiting the lady's parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams. •I1iss Toms, of Simcoo, is the guest of her cousin Miss Sybil. Messrs, C. Garrow, F. Grant and Phil Horton are encamped a few miles up the river. They are the first to pitch tente this season. Mail clerk McVicar returned on Saturday from his holiday trip. Mr. John McKay, of Chicago, is visiting at. the family residence, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Taylor, of Brussels, were in town the poast week. Dr. Shaw, of Clinton, was in the Co. town on Thursday. Mr. S. A. Moffatt, of Varna, was in croderich last week. Tho manager of the Huron and Bruce Loan Co. was in the last named Co: the past week: F -14 "v eo. D. McTaggart, of, Cline ton, was in town on Thursday. The Orangemen led by • the cad -et band marched to the North Street Methodist church on Sunday morn- ing and listened to an able sermon delivered by Rev, Mr. Howell. The turn out, a good one, reflects credit on the old loyal Order, The Orangemen from town and neighborhood accompanied by many friends, left by train yesterday for Kincardine to loyally celebrate the' 12th. On Friday Fred W. Foote died at Newtonbrook, Ont., after a short illness. The deceased formerly re- sided in Goderichrhaving for many years been organist and choir master of St. Georges. Mr. F. was a re- markably well read man, a fluent and versatile writer and a most efficient musician. The marked /efficiency of the choir while under }tis control, and the cleverness of many of his pupils demonstrating the latter fact. While a resident of this town ho made many friends, and his death was to them a severe shock, as to know him, was ever to remember. The writer hereof was proud of the friendship of Fred W. Foote, and but that he had been committed to mother earth before news of his death reached Goderich, a rose encircled with shamrock, his favorites, would have been placed on the grays of the clever Irish- man. Goder Joh. Miss Bates, of petroit, is visiting Mrs McKay, Mr. 'Toe. Jarvis, of Saltford, is borne again. after a residence of several woeke in Toronto. Mies A. Buchanan returned on Monday from a months' visit to Walkerton and other towns. Mr. G. B. Cox was in Toronto this week. Mr. Wm, Seymour, of Detroit, is revisiting the old town. Mr. Goo. Morris, of Guelph,spent Sunday in town. Mr. Wm. Vanstone, of Kincar- dine, was in the Circular town on Monday. The war canoe Menesotung was paddled into this port at 9 p. m. Monday and her braves took her up to Kincardine on the 12 to help that town's demonstration. Tho aspirants for sec•,nds and thirds are hard at work. Unfortun- ately there ai•e a number of prom- ising pupils absent on account of ill health. Rev. Fr. Nest, of Goderich kind- ly invited his choir of St. Peter's at Goderich to sing at St. Joseph's on Sunday last. Miss Flo Traunch ren- dered the solos in St. Peter's Mass, very creditably. The singing of Miss Moylan, late of Ottaway and of Miss Connors and Mr Connors, of Godorich, was very much appreciated. We hope to greet the choir of St. Peters' on a future occasion. The sisters of St. Joseph also attended Mass Miss McCormac is to be congratulated on her efficiency as organist of St. Peter's church. Mies Kelly, of Blyth, attended vespers at St Joseph's. Blyth A. J. D. OOOKE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY t'CRLIC, CONVEYANCER, &C. —MONEY TO LEND. Oftee:one door north:of the bank, QUEEN STREET, BLYTII. 700 Mr. Richard Cummine, one of our knights of the scissors, was in Belgrave on Monday. On Thuesday morning the mem- bers of the L. 0. L. No. 963 march- ed in procession from the Orange Hall, headed by the' Blyth cornet band, to the railway station where they boarded the cars for Kinear dine to swell the numbers in cele• bratingithe glorious twelfth' in that town, ' The Women's Guild of Trinity church will meet at the residence of :ir. Goo. Powell on Wednesday at 2 p. m. On Sunday afternoon Solna dale L. 0. L. No. 963, of this town drove to Belgrave to hear a special sermon preached to the members of their order in "Trinity church by the incumbent, Rev. T. E. Higley. They report an excellent discourse preached to them and that there were as many listening to the ser- vice outside as there was in the church which was crowded to the doors. The social under the auserie'ta of the Epworth League on Wednesday evening at the residence of Ur. John Henry, Dinsley St., way very well attended and &most enjoyable time was spent. Proceeds $30. 11Ir. and Mrs. Jones, of Seaforth, formerly of this tow?, have been Visiting friends and old acquain• tances here during the past week. Rev. T. E. Higley returned from St. Thomas where he bad been called to see somo•of his family who had been taken eoriously ill whilst visiting for a short in that neighbor- hood. We aro glad to hoar that they are on the improve and will return home in a few days. Miss Liddy, of Watford, is at present the guest of Mrs. F. W. Tanner, Our local cattle buyer, Mr. E. Watson, left this station for'Mon- treal on Friday. Our farmers are busy those days at the hay harvest, consequently our burg is rather dull. Several of Clinton's bicyclists were in town on Saturday night. We often notice the boys take a spin out here. There must be some sort of magnetism here that we wot not of. Albert McDowol, barber, left here last week to accept a situation in Woodstock Our town daddies bad a special meeting on Monday evening in In- dustry hall. —Mr. Taylor, the chief Conser- vative whip in the house of com- ment; at Ottawa, figures out a gov• ornment majority of seventy-one. —llugh John Macdonald has re- considered his decision to retire Pram parliament, much to the sa.tis. cation of hie fellow -members. MAMMA Sluninerhyl. Our lodge weut to Kincardine on the 12th. Mr. Jos. Colborne has returned to Chicago and dame rumor says he will give proof tied he believes in annexation when be returne, 'de wish tire gentleman continued sac- Ceaa. Mr. John Colborne ie erecting a kjtphen at the rear of his commo• dioua residence. Messrs, Beacom are doing the work. Haying operations are •in full blast. Mr. Thee. Draper and daughter Miss Minnie,. of Stratford, were visiting Mr, 1i. J. Draper, a son of .the gentlernan'e at "the forks" last week,. eMrs. Grainger has returned from a visit to friends in Goderich and vicinity. Mr. Harvey McBrien who was engaged in shingling a house for Mr. Jackson of Hullett one day last week fell from the ridge board to the 'ground a distance of about thirty feet. He lit right side up, but was considerably bruised. His beck was somewhat injured but he will be all O.K. soon. The accident was causes by the toe•hoard breaks ing during its removal when the 'shingling was coinpletod, Mr. Mc- Briens had a very narrow escape from instant death. Mr. John H. Lowery,the popular teacher of No. 7, Hallett, is home for his holidays. He is now enjoys ing himself at "making the wheels go round" at which he is quite an adept. Mr. John Johnston, sr., is home for a few days. He has been doing mason work in the southern part of the county. A son of Mr. Edward Snell, a lad about 12 years old, who lives on the gravel road a short distance from Clinton went out to hie grand. father's, Mr. Geo. Snell of Hullett, on Monday morning the llth inst. He had a loaded gun with him and leaned it up against a post of the verandah. From some cause it fell, the shock causing it to go off. The shot struck the unfortunate boy in the upper part of the face inflicting a terrible wound. He will loose one of his eyes. A si:ot is lodged in one ear and another in Lis nose, but it is thought at time of writing that he' will recover. The following mention in the "Lneknow Sentinel" refers to a very intimate friend of your corress pendent here, We beard the sad intelligence of her decease with the most profound regret and bear testi- mony to her many sterling qualities as a true christien and a firm and faithful friend. The closing of her early grave leaves a blank in the hearts of all who knew her which can never be filled. Her many friends her extend to Mr, Cameron and his little family their warmest spmpathy in their affliction :— SAD AF1LICTION.—It is with the deepest feelings of regret we are called upon this week -to chronicle the death of Mrs. Cameron, wife of Mr. R. D. Cameron, merchant of the firm of Cameron, Murdock Cr Co., second daughter of Mr. Wm. Murdock, of Ashfield, which took place at the family residence, Have- lock street on Tuesday morning last. Deceased who was in her 32nd year being ill only p few days, the result of confinement, and when the sad and sudden news spread thfough the village that slie had passed away, it caused the most pro-. found sorrow and regret, as she was a lady greatly esteemed and much loved by all her friends and ac- quaintances. Mrs. Cameron was a devout christian and a member of the Presbyterian church, and will be greatly missed by that body. The heartfelt sympathy'of the whole community is extended to Mr. Cam- eron and his four little girls in their great bereavement in the loss of a loving and affectionate wife and a a devoted mother. The funeral which took place at 10.30 a. m. on Thursday was largely attended, showing the high respect in which the deceased was held. All the places of business were closed for an hour during the funeral services. Winthrop. L. 0. L. No. 813 and the Lady Tf'ue Blues met at their hall at six o'clock on Sunday evening and pro - deeded in a body to church, where the Rev. Mr. Ottowell preached an eloquent sermon to them. Tdie church was crowded and many could not get in. The lodges met at 4 o'clock yesterday morning to catch the train for Kincardine. There was a grand turnout and a great day, the Lady True Blues adding much to the attractions. llteylield 1„ Why is' thtell good terizeus, The appropriation of $8000 for harbor repairs at Pt, Albert which is a village inferior to flayffirld iu every respect. Are we alighted 4 and if so shall we stand gaping with hands in pocket waiting for a fair wind to blow ue what we so mueh need ? Let her go Maria I Graball, our brill Iawyer,is making the people show up their titles throughout, the village. Aa far as we'ean hear our noble reeve iH the drat to fall in the soup and we hear one of our mugs istrates comes next. Sorry for this, but then, the women lead nowadays anyway. Miss Susie Burges of Pt. Edward is here on a visit. Major Baugh talked a lung off Nt the people at the S. A. on Monday night. Mr. F. Edwards bas opened a stand in Mr. Jowitt's grove for the aacownlodetion of pleasure seekers. Confectionary of all kinds as well as temperance drinks will be on hand We have tasted his delicious lemonade and if it can he excelled we._are not in it. It is also whispers 11(1 that Mr. Frank will organize a Punch 6t Judy show in connection therewith, of which Mt. Frank will form the chief part. Dont mise this? The outdoor order of Campers left on Saturday after putting in a magnificent time. A shooting•gallery was opened in our town last week to try the Crack shots of our boys. Mr. Bah Erwin, of the Ducks, is home on a short visit. ' Too windy in the upper storey. As a result Mrs. Jessie Card and Bob Doaks came together last Fri- day evening, and from an eye wit - ...eta we were told Bob received the worst of the bargain, receiving a severe cut in the head, but Jessie skipped just the same. Rev. Cariere, lately arrived from England, occupied, the pulpit of Trinity on Sunday. Rev. Gilpin preached his first sermon on Sunday. • The English church has been re- paired and cleaned up, making a great improvement. .. A singsong meeting was hold at the S. A. ou Saturday eight which greatly aroused eonie•of the people. / Mr. Kenny Moorhouse has res painted his yacht and rigged her out in most complete style. She will soon sail on the Riviere de Bayfield. A runaway took place on Sunday which resulted somewhat seriously to the occupants as well as • to the buggy. Mrs. Began and Mrs. Jef' fory were driving to church sins miles away when their colt took fright throwing them both out, itErs Degan being injured and badly shaken up, while the buggy was very much demoralized. Last Thursday a large picnic from the neighboring towns visited the grove. • Seaforth and Clinton are generally in it. Rev. Yedds, of Whitechui•ch,held divine Service in St. Andrews church morning and evening. Sheep -skin thunder is still roaring in our ears. Miss Erwin Who has been away for some time for her health, has re turned looking -very much improved, The junior news reporter is al- ways on deck. The E'vangliats Tindall and Booth of Clinton, held a meeting at the residence of Mr. Jno. McLeod on Sunday. Lill says it is a rainy day when she Has not a fellow. •' It does us old bachelors good to ,hent- the like of that. Attention ! Boys ! This is for you.. The act passed at the recent session of the Ontario Legislature and now in force, prohibits the sale of tobacco, cigars or cigarettes to persons under 18 years of age. The penalty for selling or giving to such persons is not less than $10 and not more than $50. Any person actually or apparently under 18 years, found using cigars, tobacco or cigarettes ou or in any public place is liable to a fine of $1 to $2 for each offence. —George E. Johnson, was killed by a falling tree in Seymour town. ship last week. The deceased with another man was engaged in mak- ing a bush fence, and their labors were nearly completed. In getting out of the way of a falling tree he was caught in one of the branches. He was pitched headlong into a stump and killed instantly. The deceased leaves a wife and several children. d J,unste:;be►t'o. I 1'YIttetItotn. ,11r. and Mrs. Writ. I3runedun , Mr. W. K. Loutit, whit has been, left last week for Owen Sound ' at Battle Creek, lfli.h,, ttpr surae• time ie home 00 a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. Buchanan of Toronto are visiting here. Two young ladies way bo seen every forenoon doing the town on their bicycles. They came from Detroit and are visiting Mrs. W. M. Johnetou. There watt a largo turn out at the promenade concert in the 'Crimper, duce hall hast Thursday eveuitni, under the emit Mee of the Ladies' Guild of S'. Paul's church. The L. 0. L. marched on Sunday to St. Paul's church, headed by the band, where the Rev. Mr. Hughes preached a very iuteresttng sermon, lie explained at length the four principal o ,ligations in Orangeiam, allowing clearly that it was not the fault of the Order that members violated their obligation. The Lady True Blues were also present. The tninistt r eicpret:sed a wish that they were connecteti with the main lodge. HIH reasons being that the society of the weaker sex' always tends to refine the coarser stature of plan, assn to keep down harsh de. hater. The warch wag a large one there being ene hundred a"d ten Orangerueu present. Dr. McDonald M. P. is home from O,tawa. • where they will remain a few days prior to their return to their home in Pickford, Mich. Alf Cullinton, who ie working with Mat blains, had the misfortune ti dislocate his arm on• Saturday, Miss Mary Hiles is, sae are sorry to hear, very poorly. Her sister 14Tre. J. D. Ainsley is here yet. Mr, . Thomas Quigley is away holidaying for 'a few weeks. There were the usual services in our churches ou Sunday our local •clergyrnen• officiating. The weather has been both hot and dry for the last week and farm ers are taking advantage of it are saving their hay crop which is au unusually heavy ono as fast as they can. Fall wheat looks well and it' it escapee the rust will bathe largest yield for years. Spring crops generally look well. As a whole the farmers' outlook is good. Sone of England Lodge met last Wednesday evening instead of their regular meeting night. Two new members were added to the lodge roll. This Society offers as cheap an insurance and better sick .benefits than any other benevolent society in the country. Our Implement agents have laid in a large stock of binding twin - and are prepared to furnish the farmers with all they may require. It is cheaper this year than fernier ly. Geo. Snell, our blacksmith, is' kept busy just now. Almost every night you can bear the sound of the anvil after bed time 'George does a good job and people know it. Mr. J. T. O'Brien is doing a good business in his restaurant. This is just what was wanted here and we hope the public will give him every encouragement. Judging by the ..number of farm- ing implements leaving the establish• ment of J. Brunsdo}i & Son they are doing a. rushing business. The contest in the I. 0. G. T. Lodge was brought to a close last dight. We will give result next week. It will now be in order .for the losing side to treat the lodge to a lunch. • The Orangemen went to Kineare dine yesterday to celebrate. the 12th. • 'ai "xi set s,• : e Nile. On Sabbath evening the membera of Nile L. 0. L. [net in eheir hall. There were present with them mem-. bers from Auburn, Enniskillin, Dungannon andSheppardton-lodges. Brother A. Million, District Master of Goderich District, was present. At a quarter'to seven the members left the hall and marched two deep to the church where they had the pleasure of listening to one of the best sermons we ever heard on en anniversary. The Rev. Mr. Fear preached, taking for hie text I Peter, 2c. 17v. WTe think every member of the Order as well as every ono Who bad the pleasure of listening to the sermon should be helped and should go forth with moredetermina- tion than over to do that which is right in spite of all opposition ; having the promise of the life that now is and of the life which is to come. Mr. Fear will speak 'at Dungannon on the 12th of July. We hope that he may long be spared to hold high to the''world the blood stained banner of the Cross. The strawberry festival that came of last Wednesday eveniug was a grand success, the proceeds were over $32. The programme was one that you can only got at the Nile and consisted of music and recitations from Miss Watson, Miss Crosier and Bertha Smith. The Rev. Mr, Swan and Rev. Rogers were present and gave short ad- dressee. All went away well satin• fied with the entertainment. Mr. Bain and sister from Gerrie were visiting friends hero the past week. Mrs. Sheppard met with an accident last week which has laid her up for the time being, though not as bad as it might have been she having fallen down the cellar steps. We bopo she will soon be able to go around again as well as ever. The Rev. Mr. Pentland will preach at the Nile next Sunday evening. Haying is in full blast around here. There will be plenty of hay this year. —Max Goldberg, who started a brickyard in Berlin, Ont., a year ago, after borrowing all the money he could, skipped out, and was capturs ed and put in Berlin goal. Rel ;rave. Mr. Ed. Weightman has returned from Manitoba. Mr. Jas. Nicol returned from Hamilton on Friday. An immense crowd from Belgrave , and vicinity took in the Kincardine Demodeteation ou Tuesday. Rev. Hughes, of Wingham, preached a sermon to the Orange- men in Trinity church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Ross, of Brussels preach- ed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, the pastor, Mr, Law,preach- ing in Wroxeter. Farmers are jubilant over fine weather since the commencement of the haying season. Dr. Godfrey had a valuable robe stolon from his office window on Saturday night. (Too late for last week] Mr. John Sillies left,on Monday for Scotland on a pleasure trip. The sidewalks around town have been substantially repaired, and some new extensions made. Mr. C. McCrea is able to be ' around after a severe illness. Our junior baso ball team played a. match with that of Barrie'e school at the picnic in that section, on Thursday, and came off- victorious, the soote standing 32 to 18. Mr. Jas. Budge returned home to Mount Forest on Saturday. Mr• John Campbell had his foot badly crushed by a falling pike pole at Mr. W. Scott's barn raising on Thursday. A successful entertainment was held in the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening, under the aus- of the Young Peoples' M. I. associa• tiou. A large number of our sports, as well as the Foresters of this place, attended the demonstration in Wingham on Dominion Day, A number also spent the day in Godo• rich. A. WATCH -MAKER Tliis epitaph is said to be a faiths ful copy from a tombstone in the cemetery of Llwadlwfwdl. Such a name as this could come from nowhere but Wales, and the won- der is how the people who were obliged daily to pronounce such names ever found time to do any- thing else. "Here lies, in a Horizontal posi- tion, the outside case of George Rutleigh, watchmaker, whose abilities in that line were an honor to his profession. Integrity was themain spring and prudence the re, gulator of all the actions of his lite. Humane, honest and indust, rious, his hands never stopped until he had relieved distresses. He had the art of disposing of his time in such a way that he never went wrong, except when set going by persons who did not know his key,: and even then was easily set right again. He departed this life December 4, 1811, wound up in the hope of being taken in hand by his Maker throughly cleaned, regulated and repaired, and set agoing in the world to come." BIRTHS. Born.—Tn Clinton, on .Tule 6th, the wife of Mr. W. H. Boyd, baker and I confectioner, of a son.