The Huron News-Record, 1892-06-15, Page 5Leslie'sCarriage Factery. BIX4G l St I'UAEI'ONS,t OARTt$ AND WAOONS--all .of the best. work, telt>;tebiko Anna material, se -All the latest styles and most modern improve- t!lle>ats. All work warranted. Repairing anti repainting promptly attended to. Prices to spit the times. ler FAOTQI;Y—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y iietaeweeistasatesowasettemereteletwieweantenneentwaerres Sod /our Telegrams BY e THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH OFFICE AT Cooper's Book Store, Clinton. House For Rent or Sale, Six•rnnmed bonen on Orange street. Motor. Comfortable nod in gond repair. Hard and silt w.tor. Gorden in enuueelton. Will be'Fotd c r rented on reasonable tortes. Artly to 'f00tf JAME4 COOK Clinton. M. 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, Etc., 'tins:—Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sts, GODERICH; - - ONT. Money to loan at lowest rat ADMINISTRATORS SALE —or -- Valuable Real Estate ---IN TIIE--, TOWN OF CLINTON. With the a•tprobation of John Haskins rap Q. C., naletal Guardian of Jnfarits, there will behold at public unct ion by 'n.wid Diekinson, auctioneer, at the Central Hutel in the T'uwu a•f CLINTON, on Saturday 25th day of' June, 1892 at 2 o'clock p.•m., the following property vs Building L,ts or subsections nnethere thus, four and seventeen in Crumbli's vru•ve,v of Town • Lots numbers two hundred and nity two turd two hundred and fifty thtea is too town of Clinton in, tee County of Huron. • There are erected epos s tt•1 Lots three and four two subtanlial brick stores two r.tm•i•s it h.,v- -ieg east, afrentfrge-on Albert aI tae.'f oI 23iac :n,.lv. 'depth of 50 feet and a ti rt r.,p1t 1 ex l on:.tou to r, err ur 80 feet. The tgalnbuildiajtavreroofed .rithAlio glee "Iterleit1 ifi111•Tarlfifousaill as A 1 for insurance. me foundations are stone with good cohere; the mono -are fitted with ahalviug and counters auiteb)e tor t' -inns ord.unr•mercm rano a. SuidL,tinve,L•• y r un is situate in the rear of said Lot Pony separated therefrom by a Imre running at the rear of said building Lots :renting on Albert rtrect and has erected thereon a Large frome store house. The property in situate apposite the Prince of Wales and Central Honors. the farmers 'Hotels of the town,ou the main bueinosa strut aria are 1:t every way convenient and eoriunoditras bueinees plaoee. TERMS.—The property will be enrol (first) •eta bio' (secondly) Lots four- and Seventeen to- gether hirdly)in..aoparatc Lots. Tlu, properties will bo 'sold .Ilhject to reserved bids fixed by the oalcinl guardian- Tet per cent of the purehato money to be p•tld on the day of sate and the balance to tato Veudorti in 80 days thtrneitor without interest; nr if tb•a purchaser desire ono halt of the purehaee money may remain on Mortgage at aim per cent interest for to term of years. The pnrehasers shall be required to sign on the depot side a contrast for the completion of purchase. Tho other cnndittut,e sit• 11 be • etanding conditions of the High Court of Justice. Tor farther partianhtre apply to 0. R. Comman- der Req. London, Ont., or to the uudersignod. MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors for the Trusts Corporation of Ontario, Administrator. :a• • DAVID DICEINA0N,. Auctioneer. Clinton May 28rd, 1893. There wail be offered at the thine time and Irlaoe nnd subject to similar term.. and em,ditione budding Lot, Sixteen in t/rombte'l Survey afore - sold in th e said Town of Clinton at the roar of said Lot three the property of (Arae. R. Comman- der, Leg , Loudon, Ont. MANNI'O & SCOTT. Vendor's Solicitors. DAVID DICKINSON, Auctioneer. Clinton May 284 1892. . DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one -acre lots in dm Town of Clinton are •offered for kale. They are situated on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ Fnetory and Collegiate Institute, adjoining the former residence of'Mr. J. H. Combe and in the neigh- borhood of first-class residences. For terms, etc., apply t0 801tf ARTHUR KNOX, Clinton. HOUSE: PAINTING Alt persons wishing to have their houses papered and decorated inside or painted outside, e in first-class style and at moderate prices, will find it to their advantage to call on 0. WILSON, Painter and Paper Hanger -Shop on Rattenbury Street 097-3m 'THE WALES HOTEL, ALBERT -ST. NORTH, CLINTON. The undersigned has assumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel. The premises are being re- fitted and first class accommodation can always he ban for man and boast. The bar is supplied with only the best Ale, Liquor, Cigars, are., and special attention will idea be given to the dtning room department. There to excellent stable .accommodation. The patronage of the general public is rospettinlly sollrltea. 844-8m JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR Now Blacksmith Shop (`t EOEGE TROWHILL has opened tint a gen• Vi- oral Blacksmith and Repair Shop In the bllibling latoty occupied by 13r. CTaniey, opposite it'alr's lumber yard, Albert street Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in toll its branches, IIorso-Shoeing promptly attended to and antis- faeti0n guaranteed. The pnblle aro invited to nail before ordering any class of wnrk in the above lines. 1197—tf GEORGE TROWHILto To Farmers 'and Planters ! As 1 do not intend to canvas the country, I can supply you with First -Class Nursery Stock guaranteed true to name, for letter orders sent to me only, as below : Per 0 Standard Apple§, 5 to 7 feet, 618 00 Standard Apples, 4 to 5 feet, 15 00 Plums, ist class, 41., to 6 ft, perdoz 5 50 Plums, 3. to 4i ft, per doz 4 50 Pears, Standard, 1st clas•1, (5 to 7 ft., per doz 6 00 Pears,.Stantfard.5 to6 ft, per doz 5 (10 Cherries, 5 to 7 feet, per doz 5 50 tics All Small Fruits and OI'na-' mental Stock at equally low prices. It will pay you to order early. r -a- Ali Canadian grown stock and reliable. Give name of varieties wanted and number. ALEX.. WEIR, 709,3m Clinton P.O. In The Matter of E. M. Stewart, of the pillage of Constance, in the County of Huron, In- solvent. Take notion that the above named Insolvent has made an assignment of her estate and rffecta to the undeteigned in pnrsuanne of the Act re- tpaatiug towhee went for the benefit ,•f oFedi tats, chapter 134,11.8. O., 1887, and that eradilm•a are hereby not.Red to' send to the underai,tned par- tieu4irs in writing of their Wales, protect by ettidavit,'with vouchere,if any, pursuant. to 'said Act, on ur before the tenth day of Juue 11,92. And further, take notice that after the said date I will prtmeed to distribute the assets of the said ltsolvo,t un:ouget the parties entitled thot•e• to,huvingrrgard only to the alt'. •t•htoh notice shell have been given and that ' not be liable for the nattete or any part there, so distributed to any person or pereons of whine debt or dahlia I shall not thou have had notice. EDGAR SAMPSON, Assignee, 111 and 60 Front Street , Toronto, Ont. 709-20. [XECOTORS - NOTICE, Pertinent to Chanter 110 of the Revisotl Ratifies of Ontario. Notion is hereby given that all eroattore and other persons having elaima)upon the (canto of John Irwin Tole of the town of Olin - ton in the County of heron. Cnolnnt Thome OOleer.docentiefTeltn dicta ,it nr tb',i t rho 441, day of April A.D.lt•OS.nreruin ired to send by postpr..- pn 1,1 or deliver to .Ldut Parker Thoma+ t I the city of Belleville in th ego anty of fan Stinua$n$nitot• for "Howe. Doenld Golan end 1Vm, Mcclny et solid City of Belleville exo.tutnre of the 1,40. will end test,nrian•, of slid Jelin frw,n, no or before the "Ode :lay nt Jeno next I89.d. a statonteni at their Dore es,.',nT°'-nfi0i'edec•s,-a°sratemmnt•elf thoir'nr.' entutta Chr; full partirnlars of their ehtints anti of the soenritits (if ant') hold by them ; and niter the Haid lust named date the said exeontors will pro - coed to distribute the asset,. et the said tl oeised mann (meat nr . he fres enraR r, R Hied thrretn hoeing regard u•d only to the claims of which nnth+o shall baro been elven art above required and shall not be liable for the assets or our part thereof en distributed 00. any portion of whose orairtt the seta exenntnrs had not notice at the limo of the distribution thereof or part thereof. Dated at Belleville this Tali h clay of Troy 1803, .7, PARKER THOMAS, Solicitor for said Executors. 708.51. MONEY TO LOAN On farm property at 5} per tient. Apply to 0, A. IIAB'rT, Clinton, NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that irany person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me I than al once take proceedings. Remember this is the lastavarning i shall give. CAPT. W1'M. RABB, Reeeiver of Wrecks, 7:odericb, • Godorich,.Sept.7th 1891. Tonsorial Change A. E. EVANS, Having purchased the business and shop tlxturee of Br. Emerton, is now located at the stand of the latter, Smith's block. By strict attention to business attd first-class wort, 1 hope to retain the patronage of nay old and :dr. Einertou's customers and secure many now ones. A. E. EVANS, Tonsorial Artist J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, Ste. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES a Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Colhnmbns, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new model. ICgrAll these nukes in key and stemwin(era3 Ale, pendant set watches. J. BiDDLECOMBE,1CLINTON. Lpbb's Statoil Enamel. This lo nn article worthy of every lady's attention. If you want to save time and labor, buy a box. 11 you want yonr ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last mnuh longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line In spite of rain or frost, buy a box, II yon want everything to look like new, such an shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, lace curtains, etc., buy a box. ReEvory Storekeeper keeps It now, and where the merchant docs not keep it we want a lively agent to represent us. Manufactured by W. J. LOBS 55—tf Holmesville. t;n tt"rm" ,TRAY STOCK ADVER t AJ TISEIIENTS inserted in Trre News Rtsrnnu at low rates. The law mnitee it eomptilsory to advertise stony creek If yon want any kind of adrertisin yon will not do better than cal) nn *ewe-rieaeord. 144.0 ciu ar the Person Who ge0ts the benefit of OUR GREAT We are offering a REDUCTION of .tA 20 Cents Oft Each foliar 0 OUR ENTIRE STOCK GaullE l i. 11:11.0L1 ... ,.`„fr r'.n • .0,1 � i • "�S.ttt a •.).,.^. t1 $1 00 for $ 80 2 00 for 1 60 300 for 240 4 00 for S 20 5 00 for 4 00 AND SO ON FROM THF.— Finest Lines' co ee Coarses 0 KEEP 000LI Imo” By wearing light -weight CLOTHING: Something Speexafl 1 Double -width BLAUK GR)NADINES, sills finish, selling at 25o a yard' worth 3512,' Another case of those 5c FLANNELETTES to band to.•day. Something Choice ! in E\II3ROIDERED SKI:ttTINGS and ALL.OYER EMS BROIDEBY, Sob thew., Thc� rest of our PARASOL STOCK to he cleared out AT COST. 5 dozen LJ DIDS VESTS, selling at 10 cents each—a snap if' I you want any. 10 dozen Ladies' FAST BLACK HOSE, just to hand to day, to go at 10.1 a pair. Our Stock of Boots and Shoes Is very complete and our prices as cheap as possible. We will not he ntldel'sod. We are showing a grand range of CHALLIES nt 7c., 10c. 124c., 30 inches wide, A few choice patterns in WOOL DELAINES j:uet received, STRAW HATS are in great demand just now. you in the hat line. and See what we can do for Plurnsteel& Gibbings, MONTREAL 'i3OUSF. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE dt 0" We have just received a package of a new pattern of G1asc ware, consisting of Glass Setts, Pitchel s, Tankard Jugs, tlroblets, Fruit Bowls, Casters, Shaker Salts and Peppers, Orange Bowls, etc.; etc. • We have, also a Line of Bedroom Setts dialing in. Extra ,value. We import our Crockery direct from England, which enables us to sell at low prices. Sole Aunts for Eillwatta Tea. Opposite the Town Hall. 1 FLAX, • binati H COMPOSED OF • •• • • SILVER COMPOSITE, and Best Brands MANILLA Leave, xoour .orders with us at once in order to ensure prompt delivery. ' Quality the' bestand–prices as low as the lowest. , • Headquarters for HOT Alil FURNACES, both Wood and Coal. Call and get quotations. ar1a'"drb 0 eon rtes POS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, C1intotii. WHEN YOU WANT A' 1 EABH[AD1 SHIT OR AN ORE EDrSU T Or anything in MEN'S FURNISIIINGS, conte and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now we aro offering ----A LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At ;al great;cleal less than their value and itlis wot'th your while to come and see. T. JACKSON, SR., URON-ST., CUM. &rooeries ! rooeries Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, c c. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures... Do not buy until you inspect 0111' stock, CANTELON HPOS., Wholesale 6, Retail Grocers, Clinton, O S vall 1.1 I GREAT RAIILROAE 'SURE' IS NOW OVER, ---- SUGAR S. ADV ACING. HAVING P PURCHASED Ci1'ASED 'i'wU CARS at the lowest prices this year direct frfromRED1'A'i'ilS AND ST. LAWP. NUE REFINERIES, Montreal I am g will come, r giving my old customers• and as many new as SUG4I R AT WHOLESALE PRICES 0 w Special Cuts in Barrel Tots to the Tracle nntl Jobbers.—Og 0 J. W. I ,'t I , - Noted Grocer, WHOLESALE AND' RETA IL, CLINTON. The News'corU —FOR -------- The Finest Job P 0 1 iting Posters, Dodgers, Circulars, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Blank Forms, Tags, &Ca superior Work, Low Prices,