The Huron News-Record, 1892-06-15, Page 4(.. •a. , r' T he 11 uronNews•Rocord yekte—sU1aiuAdvance. ItY1)4111,V5(10,Y 4fmatt WHY uic LIKES TH1+1 �bNsJi1. van v pmerr A Conservative being tasked Ile f, formo1 GoverorOont- Whito 4e,glivoo. At any rote War taust httV0 401100 fertn of Government. Then ony one 'Who knows anything ebont hew government •and rho !awe of the respective countries. are akitniuistcyr ett knotve that they are much better adminietertal in/ Canada ellen in the United Stetee. other day why he anyported that Oar system of Government and 13411Y vplkt1'Entb8t3uti411Y " 1.°1- o it laws are the result of an un- lews (1 like the Conservatias party limited freedom not possessed by because it has the inspiintion of the people of the United States. modern human developinent which Tho theory of the United States niust result in the matelial better. government is the theory of the meta of All classes of Canakliang. 1 British government, after which it like it because..it strikes a good deal wee patterned but modified to suit higher average in political morality the eirounistanoes of the newer peo than the paity*which opposes it. 1 pie and conditions. The greatest like the Couser•vative party boeenso aggregation of, American law is it is the party that believes in build- British law, and good law, but un. ing up our own country first. Cen• fortunately in very many cases very adafta part of theBritialilimpire first; poorly administered. All the lead the rest of the worid afterward. 1 ing aud impartial American jurist like it because it has the intolr• not ouly concede the British coerce genie to comprehend the common of American jurisprudence, but aro sense doctrine of Reif protection tam proud of it parentage. It reinains bodied in the National Pulicy. I for a stray Canadian neophyte, in like it beceuee it is a party that iS American atIaire to enlighten a not evelltialine:ly liuding fault tvith leading Canadian jurist like Mr. our own country. 1 like it be • W. E. IMerdith and Justice Haien c Luse it does not magnify our treak of the Molted States Supreme flosses nor invent them where they Court, do not exist. I like the Couserv40 tivo party bec t Use when it finds anything a little off in this country it does not rush post haste to \\rash- Toeswater. Councillor Holmes is down with ington to give this country awaye. the mu le pe. norgive pointers beewhich our trade Mr. J. A. Cline, hardware mot, rivals might sncuued in "squeeziug" chant, has purchased a fine driver no into annexation or get the bettor from F, Ronnie. • of us in trade mattora. I believe in Onr chief has discarded his the Conservative party whose every crut•hes, and although still limping proposed measure from c.mfellein again on duty.ra• Mr. F.Birnton,of Teeswater,spent tion down through protection and Sunday at. home. the building of the Canadian Paci fie Railway and the s$ult Ste. Marie Monday was tho hottest day of the season. sometimes it being 98 canal is calculated to develop our degrees in the shade. own resources, make us intlepeud. ent of avaricious and tyrannous neighbors, and is intended to light the'fires rf contentment and happi- , nese on every Can laian hearth, awl to increase and multiply the nem - bee of homes. kippea The great Methodist camp meet - in; was very succesafully . . TOPLAL NOTE'S aoel here lost Sunday. The day wat the warmest of the season. Another largo party of setaers -rhere weie et:yore! huudred 11611i010; frour S Muth 1) ikota havo gone to the ou the ground awl prob thly 2,000 C median N'ortl: wait. 11 mid es collar people in attendance. Conti actor Sander preached telling aortnous necessaries they hid 430 Iliad of M is; Williams and other evalegeliste stock with them, whi.1t they drove took part. The grove is now a cross the Cluott7. Tim'arriVal of tented field aud the work will be attoiller eonting-ra't .of 2SfrOm North continued thisweak and probahl weilo 11),) next. Exeter, Clioton, Seaforth, and other towns and villeg,es and dos frotn Michigau and linuedota the whole country rourn1 hero was still continues. well represented on Sunday. Our hotelkeeper, Mr. Dick, was kept Devlin's motion in the Canadian very busy on Sunday serving dinner House of Commons instructing tho • and tea to strangers. He serves u people of Britain to support Mr. first- claes meal and is in (ivory Gladstone and home rule in the souse apractic1cater"' coming election has been put The wheelin ,n were out in,fult force on Sunday. The boys were down at the foot of the ptoor attending the religious services here, and will hardly be reached this session. It is a pity the House ever allowed itself to entertiin such an impertinent piece of folly. Wintelusan. Mr. 0 Johuatou apent Sundry Our firemen went to Walkerton today. Our -football team defeated the Brickyard Wain on Saturday by two straights. Though two blacks do n..tt make a white nor two wronger one right, the Grits talk of bribery at elections. It is quite iustractive to heir them talk of Tory expenditure for elec• tions when sworn evidence in court'. has shown that they spent $36,000 to elect Puree!, and nearly an equal amount to keep our own 'AI. C. Cameron a misrepresen- tative of West linron. Both the Dominion and Ontario Govertiments are committing them- selves to useless expenlitute in ac- cepting the World's Fair itivita- tion to make exhibits at Chicago. The only use for such exhibits is to show to possible custoneers wle.t we •eat produce, in the hope of making customers. And the American people through their Congress havo declar- ed they will use legislative blud- geons to knock en the head ony foreign enterprise that will dare to furnish them with products keeper than than they can produce them - At follow natnel White his un- dertaken to eniigbtcn W. R. Meredith ahont public matters, and the Signal publishes ,,nine columns of this raving rot. White calle himself one of the followers of Mr. Meredith, but no slobbering an- nexationst of hisilk can bee follow- er of Mr. Meredith. White very inaptly qnotesfr : For forms of tforcrnment let Lois contest, Whatever is bent sclin'.nistered is best. In the first pace they aro not all fools who contest for a certain form of governmen. They only may be classed as s lc% who contend for the James Smith, Harry Hunt, J. W. 'liter, N. Mat, Fair, 1). Cook, and T. Calbick and a number of other Clinton people epent Sunday at the carnp meeting. • Tuckersmitb. On Saturday evening June 11111, Kean's Tent, No. 66, Knights or Maccabees of the W,grld, cele- brated the 1 1 th anniversary of the order by holding an entertainment le school house No. 4 consisting of vocal and instrumental music, read- ing*, recitations, 6ec. Sir Knight F. Cook, of Parkhill, organizer of Kearns Tent, occupied.. the chair He gave a precise history of the rise and progress of the Order up to the present time. He was lis- tened to with great attention. Mise E. Nott acted as organist and sang tite opeuing and closing odea of the order in grand form. Miss Nott also gave a song; tho Misses Johns gave a duet in their usual good style. Miss E. Crich gave an instrumental which was rendered very nicely and Miss Stong accompanied.-- her brother by playing for a violin solo Mr. 'F. Lane gave a grand selection on the concertina, There was a num- ber of readings and recitations given by the young man and boys of the neighborhood,. which did them great credit. This was one of largest gatherings over held in his neigh- borhood, the schoolhouse bcing crowded full while quite a number stood at the windows on the outside. About 11 o'clock, the chairman olos- ed the meeting by complimenting the people of the neighborhood on keeping the best or of any place he had ever had the pleasureof visit- ing. BIRTHS. RATTReBURV. —In Clinten, on the 12th ins, the wife of Mr. Joseph Ritter - bury, of a son. •• , IIIARRIAGRS. WARD —AD&IsTDONG —In Chu -jt 011011'011 LiStoweI nn WbelnesclAy, .Tune 1st, by Rev. J.P. Pfnko, JAB. A. Ward Esq., to Miss Mary Jan. Armstrong both cf tho township of Elms.. Alowpitola *1ir"Geor,ge Fatneh, the genial proptietor,otthe Turner itegeritere, je one of our meet progreetrive. citizens. A year ago loot nor Mr. Fauolt bought this property, aud eines, then his business has beeu inereaeing eteudilY, And now he nude it ueouaaary to overhaul and remodel the whole building. It has been raised and a new fOunda• tion put in and will be veneered with brielt. Eur pane wittdowe will be put in and the entire interior wi.1 be overhauled in . practical 'banner. The bud 100015 will bo meth) made larger and everything arranged ou modern plans, so that the Riese will bo tine of the beat equipped in the County. The house will be heated by hot air. Mr. Fauuh was for 20 years a reeideut of Seaforth and Egniontl• ville, and he is to be congratulated 011 hisprogresaive spirit. Seaforth. NEW ORANGE LODGE —0 riNlon(14y evening a Hew Orange LodgeNo. 793 w is successfully organized n Sea. ferth, with the following offieets:-- Bros. Wrn Horeey, W. M.; W. G. Gloria, D. M. ; John Welsh, Chaplain: Thus Stepheee, Record. ing Secretary ; Levi Smith, Fin. Secretary ; Robert French, Trea• eurer. County (Vitiator Todd and Bro. John Fuld were present from Clinton ; past county master J Scarlett, District Master Homey, Bros. Bullard, Johnston and other, from MeKill op, and several v i.itors. W. Bro. 'I'odd conducted tho or• ganizttion and election and W. Bro. J. Scarlett installed the officers Addresses of an inspiriting mottle were delivered by alt the bretheru and the Inture very correctly re- peated by Bros. Ford and Millard. The lodge wi1.1 hold a special meet Ling next Mon y evening, when rob iby twent initial ions will take place. Regul. r meeting night the first Monday ofJ Peet v month in the temperance h 1. The lodge prom ises to be one ojohe most progress• ivo in South Huron, as the officers are all workers. Hurrah for Sea - forth and 793. Additional Locals. Mn. WiNnaimr, of Wawanosh,is a frequent visitor to Clinton. Rumor says he will carry off a Cliuton yoking lady some ot' these fine days. ItEEVE MANNiso and Deputy D. a Kennedy attended county council at Goderich het week and helped to fix up the municipal business for 60,000 people. Slane Grit .papere are already prophesy ing a general election Dear nt hand. What absurdity, with parliament so fresh from the people and the Coe:in-nerd sustained by the immense majority of sixty. OnsT Jars IxsrecTort S. W Me• MichtW1 and Mr. Thumpaun, an ex- port accountant on behalf of the executors of the late John Irwin, were iu town this week verifying the Inspector's report of affairs at the Clinton office. 117". II. F. I.—The special meet ing of the directors of the W. H. F. I. was held at Martin's Hotel, God• erich, ou Jane 4111. The fullowiug directors wore present ; Messrs..' Forrester and Weir, Clinton; J. Connelly, Goderieh township ; J. E. Tom, Goderich; Dustow and Morris, Colborne; J. Mallough, Ashfield; C. \Vashiugton, \V. Wa- wanosh; C. Hamilton, Blyth; W. Bailie, President. The meeting was called for Ile purpose of pro- curing speakers for the Wingham meeting, also to see about holding an excursion to Guelph. After a prograin was made out fur Wingham tiseling; which is to be hold �n 23rd of June, it was decided to have an excursion ' to Guelph on 10th of June, and the following comtnittee were appointed to look after the excursion : Messrs Forres- ter, Hamilton, Morton and J. E. To STILL THEY COME—If Mr, M. C. Cameron. Q. C., ex -M .P. has any faith In the adage that virtue has its own reward, he is likely to waver just a little bit in the troublous times wnich are just now clouding hie usually serene and peaceful career. In the office ot' the Cleik of the Peace for the this county has been filed an affidavit of affiliation by a girl named Effie Mc- Coy, charging Mr, Catneron with be- ing the author of a child of which she says she expects to be delivered. Mr. M. 0. Johnston, barrister, has acted as her solicitor, and Mr. Cameron meets the matter with a motion to take the affidavit from the files and by issuing a writ for libel and con- spiracy aginst Mr.Johnston, the girl McCoy, and R. 3, K. Gare. It will be remembered that prior to and during the late election Mr. Cam. eron,aome hin friends, and his organ Tim Signal, pointed to an affidavit of this char ictar on file with the Clerk ofPeace,said to have been,made by the poor child Ellen Loonies, in which she charged some one other than Mr Cameron—it was said Mr. Gore—. with her tionble. This the public mu told was proof sufficient that the story circulated regarding Mr. Cameron was false. Should people be disposed to apply the same ar- gument now, with conic1 him() them? However, the matter may come into court rind bo fully ventilated, and it will he strange if tho bets do not come to 1 ight._.(1 idericlt &qr. )V4 hod klio•p1o.abgEO .of a cell 'yeeterda$' from Otir Old friettd W. Johnston, a 'pioneer of 'VINO., nlluieter, B, 0,, whore be has the (West lettilding,e iu the Province devoted exclusively to the boot end *shoe trade. Mr. Johnston is re, visiting friends in this eeetion after an absence of some 32 yoare. ABOUT Bente—Messrs, Ransford delivered to 8. Sinitis for shipment 68 head of litre fat cattle, weighing a total 'of 96,680 pounds ; the two heaviest tipped the beam at 3,360 lbs, and the two lightest at 2,440 Ibe—Mr. John !Middleton delivered iu Clinton to E. WatecW, of Blyth, 29. head, inalting•a total of 38,190 lbs., two 2,780 and two 2,300 lba.— Ms. Jas. Peacock. delivered to Wm. Cudmore 23 head—total 35,140 lbs,, two 3,280, and two 2,550 lbs. -39 head wore also bought, pt•ineipally by Mr. Smith, in various sections, and all shipped from thisstation this week. 0 URRENT OBSTIWCTIGN GOES oN. It is high tittle that the country should fully understand the poaitton and sessional policy of the Oppesit, Lion in the Feateral Parliament. It is simply to obstruct, to prevent the bueineas of the country being carried on, to throw every possible objection in the way of even the most ordinary transaction. And this is being done as a part of a' settled plate. In a hopeless •oin• ority itt the flotree, they are :simply acting ugly out of pure perVersity, Look at the record of last week. Of the three nights in which the House has been in supply„tiot three i (CMS have been passed. . If the items were in theineelves objectien, able there :night be some excuse for strenuous opposition, but it happens that in each 0000 they were revotes for !midi:: buildings, 'amounts that had been voted in other yea's, but not expended. In each case the Howie had before affirmed th!. principle and fixed the amount to tie expended, the revoto of this %esr being a purely formal matter. be8. pite this the Grits have placed them selves in the road of going un to -other businese. They have talked out the House for three nights, and are at it again evt ry evening. This amuses them, but it is pref..), hard on the ta:tpayer. 1.'he los- to the country is abou $4,000 per day, and as day after day is wasted 'this soon amounts tu a formidable sun), it is safe to say that thu obstructi ve tactics of tho Opposition have already this sessiwi cost the country net less than $50,000, a fklet for which the people will hold them to 0 strict nc- coun(ability. These tfic:ics will, hoivever, certainly bring their own cure, and the—Opposition -will have• tiobody but themselves to thank if that.cure is not to their liking. MARKET REPORTS. (Torrea,o,1 every Tno.idn afternoon.) CLINTON. Fall Wheat., 0 80 to 0 85 Spring Wheat 0 80 to 0 S5 Barley .. C 40 to 0 50 Oats 3 29 to 0 30 Peas . 0 57 to'() 60 Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes 0 25 o 0 30 Butter .. 0 13 to 0 14 Eggs, per lb 0 06 to 0 0(3 Hay 11 00 to12 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .. 0 00 to 0 00 Wool 0 18 to 0 18 Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 5 25 fr CAUTION. EACR PLUG OF THE Muffle IS MARKED •avfl IN BRONZE. LETTERS, NONE OTHER GENUINE. 11. J. D. GOORE, IlAntasorEn, SoLirTTOR, NO'rAnY Pcnrac, CONVEYANCER, tic.. ----MONEY TO LEND. -- (Mille over Doll's IrInrisess Shop, QrEEN STREET, BLYTir. 700 SERVANT WANTED. Enquire at once of 149. DTOn Soafort Ont. A middle agewoman preferred. GODERICH MARDI{ OUS, C. Stevenson, Furniture Desler, Clinton, is our went for Chuton and vicinity. W. M. Mohring, nuennaner, is our Trnvelling ngTnY. OHM'S entrusted to either nf tIts above will have oar hest nttention. Monti mm'its supplied in 1N &DIAN, SE0TCIT, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites. a well :Is In all varieties of marble, Give 3Tr, Stevenson R call before ordering elsewhere. .101IN A. nonenrsoN. Manager. Oise There is not a Woman :within a radius of ten miles of °this Town but should make an efforttd see the .m.mense dis- play of ' ot miller Goods - shown at this ,Store for THIS WEEK. Scarce anything made for Coolness but we have at prices more wonderful than the stuffs themselves. Opened to -day, another lot of lovely boiling OTOli 01 • 11 A worth 10c., for 5e. 0 1 PW — This season we are as brisk and busy as ever. Trade ought not to be so good, but we are offering pecial Induce eats ! that will make Goocls sell in any season. This favorable opportunity may be improved to your profit Small Baskets full of Purses are offered at half price, and others at 5. 10, 15 and 25 cents. Splendid ones at 50 cents. Pocket Memorandum Books at half market price. Beads, large and small, and in any quantity. Baskets—Fancy German Straw Work and Hand Baskets. all r. Any person wishing Wall Paper will be treated to Immense Bargains ! For we wish our Stock to be all Fresh and New— so if you have a room you would like papered with Gilt at the Price -of Plain, why come and see our selection. At 5c per Roll we have some specially heavy Goods. 1st—We will commence season with 2nd—We wiil continue 3rd—We will end :11BARGAINS. 0 COOPER 00.