The Huron News-Record, 1892-06-08, Page 8it TED'S CONSU PT1QN CURE. Title QIt1:AT COUGH CURE, tht� assecesefn1 CONSUMPTION CURE, itswithqut a 134,Mlle1 iu the history of medicine.. tUI (druggists are anthur• sized to sell it ou a positive guarantate, toes that no other cure Dau mimosa - folly stand. If yon have a Cono)), Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your chit() has • the Croup, or Whoopiug Cough, was it promptly, and relief is auto. If you dread that insidious disease CON, SUMPTION, tite,,'t fail to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. AyI- your Drnggist for SHILOH'S CURE t!' rice 10 ets.'1-50 Cts. and filar. 1 your Lungs are sore or l3ack lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 eta. To Advertisers, All charges 01 Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, Must be received at the office not later than Monday nogg. Copy for changes received later than :llondctp/ noon will lterereii'er be at the Adver- tiser s owl risk. tf'III7'EL1' ds TODD, Publishers NA, daaW J s1O* U le laid tap on n49glltlt of 1#eun#lf0t. Cq;ar>.noc#utpleted )#ie £o,l1r years course and will have hie B. A conferred uu hitt Juno 10th, Mit, Gronoi D. MoTaseaARx and wife have arrived at their house in Ciiutou,frotn their wedding tour, yh Mu. LYONS, at ons time of the :dotsoue Batik hero, now of Wood- ewek branch, was in town Monday. COUNTY MASTER TODD has Ieoeiv- ed from the M. W. Grand blaster a Diepetisatt0►' to organize L. 0. L. 793 at Seaforth. ._ ON Muudny evening Clinton Orange Lodge took iuitiarory steps to have a sick beuefit added to the ostler. Ton VICTORIA CRIONE'rCLUD will go to Exeter on Friday and Dons test with the cricket club of that place. CLINTON 0,RANGIS 'LODGE wilt hold ite next meeting in Monday, June 20, std complete its arrange wenta for the 13th July. Miss LINA FLOCDY, of Blyth, Slater ul' our former townsman 111r. E. Doody, was yesterday mewled to Mr. Gecroo Sherlock, of Wiuui - peg. The Huren News-f?eoor $1.50 a Ye.,... --41.:15 In Advance. Wednesday .Pune SON, 189.1. LOCAL NE WS. Yn lino Around the Hub, Prawn bills. ocu No•rtcas.—A11 notices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same,at which an admission leafs aharged,orfront which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cents per line. Ills Lion sswieIY CiRCULA'1'ED PAPER IN TRIS SECTION. OM, WHAT A COUGH !—will you (teed the warning. The signal per- haps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never tails MESSRS. D. CANTELON and P. Cook arrived in Englau-.i 0, K. Da Tuest1LL wee attending a meeting of medicos in Toronto last week. MR. PETER COLE, SR., of itiichi• gan, is visiting relatt1ves iu town and country, • MRs. David \i'arsil, of ;tliehigan, • is visiting relatives in Clinton and Stanley township, • MR. AND I1fls. JOHN JOHNSTON', Rattenbury street, will shortly tate a pleasure trip to the Canadian Northwest. 111 R. AND \Ins. P. W. IIAI'WARD left Clinton Saturday to be absent for a few days in St. Louis, Mo., U. S. whither they wore, called by the death of a relative. BUSINESS CHANGE.—A. E Evans has pw vii ...iYW �'.• urcliasaef the !sashaying busi• nese and shop fixtures of Mr. Ismer ton, • Smith's block, and is now located in the new promises. The --•sriop is well fitted and (pito invit- ing. it dentistry. boy, and and in Clint') Emet;vtun will study He isold Goderich men t'rionde there wish hist success. ThE REV. D. ROGEIts, formally of Loudesburo, was, on the first draft of the stationing committee of Cuts• feaeuee, placed on the Nile circuit. Our Ntle friends will have en ex eelleut worker if the draft shall. be eunfirwed. MB. C. V. FLooDY, of Detroit, was iu town yesterday looking so hearty and happy that we would fitu believe a visit among old friends had doue hien a power of good. \\r. A.M. A.—A union meeting of the Hot,neaville, Middleton and Summerhill branches of the Wo- men's Auxiliary in conuection with St. John's, St. Jansen' and St. Peter's congregations of these three places took, place at Mrs. S. Holmes'; Clinton (lately moved !roto Holmesville),on Thursday af.ernoon last for the purpose of packing the the clothing which they have been making up since Jany. let 1893 for tho Indian children of St. Peter's Mission, Lesser Slave Lake, Atha– basca, who are under the tuition of the Rev. Geo. Holmes, Missionary. In tho two bales that were sent aro some 65 articles of clothing and 7 quilts besides books, papers,picturea and toys from S.S. children of those places A lively interest in die• sionary work was shown by the number of Ladies which carne from each branch there being in all 33 present: Soule good suggestions were given by Om President and 'Corresponding Secretary of the ()Baton, W. A. -.who were presel�t-as to the workings of the W. A. in general. After a discussion over the different Missions in need of help it was decided to work this summer for the poor people under the charge of Rev. Jas. Boydell, Bracebridge, Algoma. By doing good to others we increase in spiri- tuality ourselves. "The Love of Christ conatraiucth us." LANDLORD AND TEN.(\'P.—At the last session of the 0utiu•io Legislat ture au amendment to the Landlord and Tenant Act was passed which is not generally known.. By the new enactment any tenant falling into arrears for rent, with the exception of the first montlt's liability leaves his property liable to be seized, and no goods os chattels which he may possess are exempt from this seizure. Everything goes. Before this amendment the necessary articles such as a stove, -six chairs, personal clothing, etc., could not be soizad for rout, but now all this is changed and tho.min who falls behind is open to have seized and sold every article of personal property which ho may be possessed of'. TREATMENT 01' RHEUMATISM —It scents as if everybody is complain. 1 ng of rheumatism nowadays, young and old,rich and poor. Science,ever ready with something new to al- leviate the sufferings of mankind, has not failed in this direction, and salol is uow the remedy extensively used for rheumatism. The Med- ical Times and Register says : "Therapeutically the anodyne pro- perty of salol is exhibited in the cases that are rhommatic in soource." The first triumphs of salol were won in the treatment of acnte rheumatism excelling, at it apparent - does, all otherreinedies in its power to abate and lessen fever. If all the conditions he propitious, by the end of the second and third day fever and joint pain and swelling will have dieappoared. Salol has a further use, • that it is antiseptic, and excellent results have been obs tained from it when used nc a dis- infectant for the bowels in cases of cholera, typhoid fever, etc. it ' e have For Yom! Facts Worth Remembering. . line of Flannelettes at 44 cents, worth 9 cents, A lot of Ladies' and Children's Gloves in Lisle and Taffeta at 10e,, worth 20e., in black and colors. Another lot of Taffeta and Silk at 1.5c , worth 30c., in cream, black aid tans. Some of those all -Sill, left yet at 20e., worth double the money, in black, cream, tuscan, sky blue, fawn, brown and mauve. If you want the best wearable :T•tlacl. Silk Glove in the market ask for our Silk Milanese Glove. A line of Parasols at 45 cents, worth $1. big pile of New Lace Curtains that are selling fat and winning new friends every day. A big department and a big assortment that is a general favorite with our lady patrons is our line of THE PP�ttoruR CATER.—The gen- ial host orehol Albion llotel entilod most blandly \the other day when the deputy Shelia' presented hien with n copy of a writ issued out of the High Court of Justiee,,Quoen's Bench Division. The document says that Malcolm Colin Cameron, of the town of Godorich, wants $5,O0D damages from the said Jonathan Miller and R. J. Gore, for libeling,A>ha said., pl.rly{ Jonathan says he is tr�O�fi y out that sum just now to anyone, not even for a second Arcadia Wilkes. Tho head and front of his offending appears to be in this wise : Two mon wore arguing in his hotel as to whether a sheet had been circulated by Gore charging Cameron with the seduction of the girl, Ellen Loonies. One of these neon said he had just conic from Cameron's office, where 'that in- dividual had told him there was nothing of the kind. Mr. Miller wee passing through the room and was appealed to as to whether he had.seeu such a sheet, and he replied yes, that he had one a few weeks ago, To a further request that he would sh'w it if he had it now. he ncceed- cd after finding it atnongst some loose papers in ono of his coats. The gentleman who had been reproaeh- iug Mr. Cameron asked if he might have it, and Miller replied yes, that he had no use for it. The document in the hands of the man from the country seems to have been more powerful than with some townspeople, and Mr. Cameron at once proceeded to vindicate him• self by issuing the writ. Mr. Mi! - ler is not in an apologetic mood, though there are hints, it is said, that an apology on his part would suffice. Of Mr. Gore's intentions we have not learned, but The Star ventures to hope that the case will Como.+ i and be tried on its merits and thus throw some light on the foul wrong which has been so fre- quently denounced in these col- umns. Action at the proper time would have made libel impossible now and have left no room fur die. pute as to who was the guilty party —Goderie)' Star. STYLISH YLISH ►';Ji ILLINERY. The most complete range of styles and the very newest novelties are always found in this department. BEESLEY & COMPANY. Have you seen our 4 BABY CARRIAOE? It is a great bargain. Have you bought some of our 25 cent CURTAIN POLES ? Your neighbor did because they bad such a beautiful finish, Did you take advantage of our low prices in Wall Paper & - - - - Window Shades. Our prices have attracted customers from Seafoi-th, and disturbed the hinds of tradesmen in surrounding towns. If you want to make one dollar or twenty-five dollars g'o a long .way way in WINDOW SHADES or WALL PAPER give us a call. obms —:—Bros., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. SOUTH HURON L. 0. L. rnoete in the Clinton Orange hall next Wed- nesday, 15th inst. LACROSSE.—Tho first lacrosse game of the season is to be played in the .park on the 15th, between the Hercule of Godorich and the Dauntless of Clinton, being the first of the junior series. The la- crosse club here is worthy of better support by the citizens than it has heretofore received. As the boys are outlier big expense yearly and ;.� �.- 410 greater portion of � it 'themselves, the least the citizeus co+Irhd do would bo to encourage them by their attendance and the business men might do as other towns such as Seaforth audGodoriclt, close their stores from 3 p. 10. till 5 o'clock, and allow their its ployees t0 see the game and I am sure there would be no toes financially; hesid.es "a litte recreation now and there 18 enjoyed by the laziest of men," So let there be two hours holiday as an experiment. A CRUEL INDUSTRY. CATTLE RAISING ON THE PLAINS. WO have soon that cattle -raising is a conspicuous' industry --if in- dustry it can be called --and is cnr• ried on in, I think, every county of TROUSER • • 1► There are very few boys or men who find it unnecessary to buy a pair of extra Trousers for the summer months. We know this from the fact of having to supply so many with the,afore•namecl articles ever since we have been in business. The Citi zens of Clinton and vicinity have heard us talk from year to year about Our Great 2 and 3Lilles-: of Trousers. And whereas at one time people to express a quick action would say quicker than you could say "Jack Robin— son," it is now the widespread parlance of the community when speaking of anything as being exceptionally cheap, as "cheaper than Jackson Brothers $VTrousers," In fact they have become a household word. as well as a household neessity. THIS SEASON We are offering in the $2 Line something Better Than We Have Ever Before Offered, In Light Grey, Oxford Grey and Brown. Our $3 Line is simply unequalled in value, lit guaranteed, being our own make. Every man who needs a pair of light, cheap Trousers should buy our $2 or $3 line. setsessseseesesewseseeseseseeesseeessress there was cruelty in the mere feed- ing of cattle ou the plains, but let him go to Montano, and talk with the people there, and he will shud- der at what he hears. The cattle - owners, or cow -teen, are in Wall Street and the south of France, or iu Florida, in the winter, but their cattle are iu the wintry fields, where every now and then, say once in four years, half of then), or eighty per cent., or sine in three (as it happens) starve to•death because of their inability to get at the grass under the .anew. A horse or mule can dig down to the grass. Those animals have a joint in tlieir legs which the Horned animals do not possess, and which enables those nuiwals which posee8s it to "paw." Sheep are taken to especial winter grounds and watched over. But the cow -men do business on the principle that the gains in good years far more than offset the losses in bad years, and so when the had years come, the poor beasts die by the thousands—totter alou-g until they fall down, the living always trying to reach the body of a dent] one to fall upon, and then they freeze to death, a tate that never bo• falls a steer or cow when it can get food. Montana. Largo cattle herds are already thiuga e f the past.in the western end of the State, and it is evident that farming and settlement will soon drive them out of Gallatin and Cascade counties. It is cause for jubilation that this is the case. It seems etrango that cruelty should distinguish this branch of food rais- ing wherever it is seen and in what- ever branch one studies it. From the bloody fields of Texan, where the ingenious fiends in the cattle business snip off the horns of the animals below the quick, to the etock yards in Chicago, where mon are found who will prod the beeves into pens, there to crush their skulls with hammers, it is everywhere the same—everywhere the cattle busi• ness has its concomitants of cruelty and savagety. The reader would not suppose —o JAG0OS t' t, f sir' "'' h The Noted Hatters,Clothiers and Furnishers, Clinton and Seaforth. 011 Saturday, Juni 11th, Tho horse market has been very poor for some time, and mules ore going raised for the market with better results, The substitutiot: of electric for horse power on street railways has lessened the demand for horses, and so has the use of steam farming implements. There has been an over -supply of horses as well. But the Montana men find horses a good investment. It costs nothing to raise theta, and all breeds seem to improve these. They get great lung development, and ac- quire no diseases. When they can- not be sold for from $50 to $100 apiece, the owners keep them until they do fetch those prices.—From "Montana: the Treasure State," by JULiAN RALPH, in Ilarper's Maga• zinc for June. -- --•�� - os- -- -Local option wag carried" laat week in Wyoming, Ont. By ilthis vote : For S5, against 52. There were five spoiled ballots. You can have any +� tDu;•u u. y.t:. tt hrr +1 S �■�7 � lti In rour Store • ar„ t. a +, ----o--- New Shapes. This Season's Goods. 0 Prices were from $1.25 to $2.50 See Our Albert Street Window Full of Them. Estate J. Hotluens, DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON ONT. a 4t 1