The Huron News-Record, 1892-06-08, Page 5I44ROA' RP POUT, (Cprreeted exert 'rnestfar Ofieraooe. ) Qi4INTQN, ;Eal1 wheat, ,, 0 80 to 0 85 Spring Wheat 0 80 to 0 85 Bgrley,.,...., .. C 40 to 0 50 ,slate,. 3 29 to 0 30 Peas, . 0 57 to 0 60 Applea)(wlnter)per beg 0040 to 0 50 Pota toes 25 to 0 30 Butter ............ 0 13 to 0 14 Eggs, per ib 0 06 to 0 06 Uay 11 00 to12 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Boot..." .. 0 00 to 0 00 Wool.. ................. 0 18 to 0 18 Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 5 25 CAUTION. EMAIL AI PLUG OF THE JTIijrtIe Nav,ij IS MARKED T. & B. IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHERGENUINE. . The Huron News-Reetord 1.50 it Year -01.25 in Advance. " ITednesday June 8t1t, 1892 EDITORIAL NOTES.. Ddvlin his a home rule \resolu- tion for submission to the Ctnadian House of Cornmons. It is a miser- able pieee of demagogism to intro- duce such affairs into our parliament and the Hoes() should -declare all of th'tt species of 'buncombe out of order. It should nut be allowed to bo iutroduced. Its purport is for- eign to the bu•liuoss of the House, beyond its purview and a piece of the most crass inconsis;envy on The part of its author. If Thome rule" for Ireland, England or Scotland is right what business has an outsider in such matter's to interfere'? Can• ads does not permit Britain proper to interfere in our local legislation. Why should Canada place herself in the false position of doing to others what she would not allow others to di to boil With owl -like gravity one of the few Canadian to1rliee to American swagger says : "1Vo have no reason y to fear Gteat Britain's opposi- tion to the Annexation of Canada to the United Status ; but Cant, - diens should be able to do what is best for themeolves, who titer Eng- ' land likes it or not, \Vo have every reason -to beliovo the Uuited Status would accept us." 0 yes, they would accept us, they know what a - good thing is, if traitor -toady Cana diens do not, The Uuited States would accept Canada at the valua- tion of the foul -their own -nest Can- adians. As to Great Britain's opposi• tion to anuexat10n we have no reason to fear it because the attempt will never be made while the -world lasts. Undoubtedly Canada should be able to do as she likes, and what she likes is to remain part of the great British Empire,and to strength- en it and perfect it by a federated trade arrange:neut. We want the British markets and Britain wants ours. i,. To Farmers and Planters 1 As 1 do not intend to canvas the country, I can supply you with Fist -Class Nursery Stook guaranteed true to name, for letter orders sent to me only, as below : Per 104 Standard Apples, 5 to 7 feet, 1.16 00 Standard Apples, 4 to 5 feet, 15 00 Plums, 1st class,44 to 6 ft, perdoz 5 50 Plums, 3Ato44ft, per doz4 50 Pears, Standard, 1st glass, f5 to 7 ft., per dos 6 00 I Pears, Standard, 5 to 6 1t, per doz 5 00 Cherries, 5 to 7 feet, per doz 5 50 tge7' All Small Fruits and Orna- mental .dock et equally low pl•ieee. It will pay you to order early. Pa- All Canadian grown stock and • reliable. Give name of varieties wanted and number. 709.3m ALEX. WEIR, Clinton P.O. In The Matter of E. M. Stewart, of the Village of Constance, in the County of Huron, In- solveint. Take notice that the above named In.olvet t has ulnae an aenigmueet of her estate and effanin to the nedereigned iu pw'suaut:e of the Aot re– specting abs+.g entente ti''r the beurlit .d creditors. chapter 124, B.S. O., 18S', and that oreditors are hereby noddle.' to scud t„ 41144 umtorstgued par - tinware in writing of their giallo;, proved by affidavit, with vouchers, 1 any, pursuant to raid Aut, eu or before the teuth day of Juue 1093. Alia further, take notice that after the seta date I will proceed to diutributu the ,esetn of the euid 1 neolveut amongst the perttus entitled there• t.,,hnvlug regent only to the chums of which no1iee shall have been given and that 1 volt not bo liohlo for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any porsou or persons of whose dell or claima I shall not thea have had notice. EDGAR SAMPSON, Assignee, 51 and 53 Front Street , l°route, Ont. 709 2t. EXECUTORS NOTICE, Pursuant to Chapter 110 of ton Revised St etntoo of Ontario. Nntiee is hereby eivnn Opt all creditors and other persons having claims neon the estate 01 John Irwin late of the ton 01 11e ton in the County of Heron, tn Ofllcer,dnneosed.ahn died nn or ab•'ut the 4'1‘ day of April A.D. 1892dtre reptired to envoi by post p.,, paid nt• deliver to John Parker Thome+ '.1 the fit - niBelleville in theConnty of 44eatinco.Solioiter for Mssare. Donald Gunn and Wm. Mn0ny of enid Otey of Belleville exenntors of oho l'.st, will and testament 2(1 PAM Jelin Trrrn, on or before the 39th day of June next 1892, n ststemnnt of them costes Sud addrrsaoo, n otate nmlt of their 0r.• en•n11t4 the fol' nn rtienlaee of their elaim4 and of the seen'•1t len (if env) held by then ;nod otter t)10 021(1 1(81 nanl0 rlste the said exoeniers will pro - need to di.trihnen the moots; of the Said deem and ani0nga4 the nnrtiet entitled thereto heving media only to the olaimo of which nn•inn shell 1a0.1. been elven es above regni'ed teed s)reil not be li„h'r tiv the newts or anv part thereof so distributed to any person of whoa. claim the said exeentm•H lie l not entice at the Gino of the distribution thereof or a part thereof. Dated at Belleville this 25`1 'Inv M May 1802. J. P•1P,KF,R THOMAS, Solicitor for sail F.xocnt.nro. As will be seen by report in another column, rhs Han. J. C. Patterson, the member for Woe t Huron,sat down heavily on Libelling Lister, in the House, for his repeat• ing stale slanders anent alleged boodling by Mr. Patterson. Mr. Lister took it all back however. But the course pursued by Mr. Lister is a reprehensible one. A member cannot be held responsible outside the House for statements made inside and it is cowardly to give as facts what Mr. Laster ad- mitted were only "street rumors,” By his course these street rumors get into the public records and often pass for facts. But how would it do for Mr. Patterson to repeat in the House "street rumors" concerning his defeated opponent, Mr. Cameron 1 The conduct of Mr Patterson in the election is now in court and Mr. Lister had no right to prejudge his case, and when !qr. Cameron's conduct is the subject of legal investigation it will be unfair for Mr. Patterson to endeavor to convict him in the House or to have prejudiced statements or street rumors unfavor• able to him published with the as if sanction of Parliatnent. 703.51. MONEY ,T6 On farm property at 54 per rent. Anpiv to C. A. II OTT, Clinton, NOTICE. There being 80018 misuotlOrstandinn with re, g.trd to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that .irony person talcee possesenuu of any kind of wreclmte and fails to revert to tie I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning f shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Reesiverof wrecks, Coderioh. Goderieh, Sept. 7111 1891. Tonsorial Change A. E. EVANS, Having purchased the business and shop fixtures of Mr. Emerton, 18 now located at the stand of the latter, Smith's block. 11y stilet attention to business and flret-clues work, I hope to retain the patronage of my old and lir. Emerton's customers and secure many 110114 0110s. A. E. EVANS, Tonsorial Artist J. O. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new model, szeAl1 these makes. in key and stent winders; Also pend 051 set watches. J. BiDDLECUMBE, CLINTON. Ltbb's starch Enargel. This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. If you waut to save time and labor, buy a box. 1f you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the lino in spite of rain or frost, buy a box, if you want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, lace curtains, etc., buy a box. 'Every Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant floes not keep it we want a lively agent to represent us. Manufactured by W. J. LOBE;, Holmesville. 55—tf Lesiie's Carnage Factory, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -811 of the best work, manehip and material. qfii'All the latest style's end most modern improve- menta. All work warranted. Repairing and repaintting proveptly attended to. Payee to butt the times. Or FACTORY—corner Iluron'and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y WHEN YOU WANT A READY-MADE SUIT OR AN ORERED' SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURN1S1iINGS, come and 800 what we can do for you. We carry a very tine range. Just now we are offering$ ----A LINE ®.,F ®DD;PANTS !---- At :a; greatrdeal less =than their` value and ills worth your while toleome and see. 0— T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. Grooeries ! - Grooerios Fruits, Peels, ` Canned Goods, Teas, cccc. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean. new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stuck. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale Retail Grocers, Clinton. STRAY STOCK ADVER t J TISEl1ENTS inserted in Tun Naw Racoan at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call nn Tawe -Record. THE WALES HOTEL, SERVANT WANTED. Enquire 04 02(00 of Mrs. Dr. Cntnphell, Seaforth, Ont. A middle 053•_ 800(000 preferred. COURT OF REVISION C33=11C:'f 3 0/1311:) . Take notice tont a C,en•t of Revision for the Townvhi1' of ttederirh will hold its first sitting 0t Hulru.1svill1 on ,ho 14611100)' of May. A. D. 1592, 0o1211ue2(0121(2 111 10 o'„t•rnk A. yr.. for the purpeee of Inuring and reu'ifyine all 00,0(2htin18 against or errors nn the nsansvnluoq 1,411 o1 the present year. Alt, .ponies interested tire iiepteeted to attend. NIXON STUBBY. Clerk of the snl1 •meniri- pality. Godrrio., '1'ow.;ohip, flay 10.11, 11192. NOTICE The 00420011 of the Corooratinn of the enmity of Huron will moot in the (1.41 rt rionee, (30nm- Leh, on Tuledmy June 7111, 1499, .18 o'0I0r14 p. m. W. LANE, Co. Clerk. May 20th. ALBERT -ST. NORTH, CLINTON, The undersigned has Resumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel. The premises are being re- fitted and first-class nncoumodntion can always he hall for man and boast. The bar is supplied with only the hest Ale, Li nor, Cignre, he., and special attention will naso be given to the dining room department. There is excellent stable accolmoftettnn. The patronage of the general public Is respectfully eoliclted. (184-3m JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR AOWI IST RATORS SALE — Valuable Real Estate —IN ; rile•-"—, TOWN. OF CLINTON. With the 01111(01101121 .t Juan Hoskins Esq. Q. CL, olY4ial Guardian of In hat n, there will bo sold 114 public auction by David Diekinsoe, 204101noe at the Cuutrnl hotel in the Town t f CLINTON, on Saturday 25th day of June, 1892 at 2 o'clock p. re., the following property viz Building Lets or suh0nr'tioes numbers tore;, tour nod serent0en in Ornmbi,,'s Survey of 'biro Lots namber8 two hundred and fifty two and two hundred end fifty throe iu the towel 11 Clutton iu too County o1 Moron. There are ersotod epee said Lots three and four two Hubtanlial brick o((11(+14 two Htn24(0 high hav- ing emelt n .frontage on Albert atre.t o192 feet and a depth of 50 feetand s (1.t roofed extension to rear of 80 feet. Tho main buillhngsnroroofed with ehiogle4 Laid in mortar °tassel as A 1 for insnrauee. The foundation are 0143110114411 good (whirs the sk,t•es are fitted with shelving and 0°00ters 4(11kle for 0,dinurymem intile Mini twee. SoiITait Seventeen is Httunt. in the rear of a rid Lot Four Separated therefrom by a lane running at the rear of said building Lot e fronting on Albert street Rud has erected thereon a large frame Store hoose. The property is situnto opposite the Prince of Wales and Central,H to 9 1d la(4 0urt,fbotel11 of the town, on fhoanWitM,., ieifig)�� 'way cont•en`lelft aftil.'eonnil'0erfirmin utie08 place H/ TERMS.—The Property sill bo offered (first) en bloe (semndly) Lots four and Seventeen to- gether (thirdly) in Roparoto hots. The properties will be t;l,td �uhJect to reserved bids fixed by the oalobil guardian. Ton per Dent of filo purehnse money to be paid nn the day of sale and the balance to the Vendors in 30 days thereafter withoutintnreet; it it the purchaser desire ono half of the purchase money may remain on Mortgage at six per cent interest for it term of years. The purehnsore shall be required to sign on the day of sale n contract for the completion of purchase. The other conditions 8hn11 be etandiug conditions of the Iiigh Court of Justice. For further partimtlarl apply to C. R. Comman- der Esq. Loudon, Out., or to the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors for the Tracts Corporation of Onta ria, Administrator. DAVID DICKINSON, Auctioneer. Clinton May 23rd, 1892. There will be offered at the same time and place and sutijeet to similar terms and conditions building Lot, Sixteen inCrotnbiu's Survey afore- said in the said Town of Clinton 2(t the roar of infd Lot three the property of Chas. R. Comman- der, Esti , Lundon, Ont. MANNING & S!IOTT. Vendor's Solicitors. DAVID DICKINSON, Auctioneer. Clinton May 23rd, 1892. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one•acro lots in the Town of Clinton aro offered for sale. They are situated on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate Institute, adjoining the former residence of lir. J. H. Combe and in the neigh- borhood of flret-class residences. For terms, etc., apply to 60111 ARTHUR KNOX, Clinton. GODERICI•I MARDIE WORKS, .1. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, Clinton, is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W. M. Mohring, oflfonmiller, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our best attention. Monuments supplied in 11%N.4DIAN, SCOTCH, S1VFiDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites. a well as to all varieties of mmol e. Give 110, Stevenson a roll before ordering elsewhere. JOHN A. ROrER rsoN. Manager. Send Y our Tele ra1us BY THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH OFFICE AT Cooper's Book StoroiClinton. New Blacksmith Shop Geoene Teo IIlLi. has opened out a gen• ertd Ufaeksteitn' dad lt°prtir Shop in the, building Iso ly occupied by lir. 111(01er, opposite 1•'uir'r lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Ont. • Blacksmith and Iron Rork in all its branches, horse -Shoeing promptly (([tended to and satis- faction guaranteed. 'rim public are invited to •at11 before ordering any does of work in the above linos. 497—tt GEORGE TROWII1LL. " M. 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIIQNER, Etc., Orrlea :-Cor. Ilamilton and St. Andrew's Sts. GODERlCaH, - - - ONT. Money to loan at Ioatiest rat HOUSE PAINTING A'l persons wiahing to have their houses papered and docoreted inside or painted outside, in 11rst•elase style and et moderate prices, will tin 1 1t to their advantage to call on . C. WILSON, Painter and Paper Hanger 'ey y-on-Ft4•ttenbury'•Street 1307-304 House For Rent or Sale, Six -roomed bons° on Orange etroet. Clirton. Comfortable any in good repair. Hard and soft water. Gsrden In connection. Will be sold or rented on reasonable terms. Apply to 70011 JAMES COOK, Clinton. Blot smltn WnteE. A journeyman blacksmith to run shop in the Village of Saltford. Must be a good horse-shoer as well as a good general blacksmith. Address J. '1'. GOLD'('IHORPE, Saltford P.O. ,March 30, 1592. 699- 4t LOST OR ABSTRACTED. 1,ost, mislaid, or abstracted from my residence on lot 33• con. 7, Godorich township, two prom- Issory' notes—ono made by William Curry for 5250.00 in my favor, and which fell due some time in the year 1800; ant' one for 075.00 made by Thomas Ramsay in my favor. Tho public are cautioned to not purchase either of the above notes, as I have received payment of asme. ROBERT RUSSELL. Murch 30, 1892. 099-41 NOTICE All persona holding accounts against Hon. J. C. Patterson, arising out of the late election In West Huron, are requested to hand them forth- with to the undersignedtor settlement. JOHN BUTi.ER. Financial Agent for J. 0, Patterson. (lodericl', Feb. 25, 1302. Court of Revision for Stanley opt Notice is hereby- given that the Court for the re- vision of oho Assessment Roll of 1809 for the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, will hold its first sitting on Wednesday the 25th day of Mny 1802, 2(t ten o'clock a. m. in the town hall in the village of Varna, when all errors and omissions in ronnectton with the roll wi11 he at- tended to: Persons interested will please take notice ant: govern themselves acnordingly, 0..1. STEWART, Tp. Clerk. In men's, youth's and boy's ready to wear clothing, 200 suits to be cleared out at s price. Make it a poo to see these suits.' ' SHIRTS! SHIRTS! SHIRTS! NS e presume you wear them. 40 doz. summer shirts' in Cotton, Shaker Flannel, Ceylon' Flannel, Silk, and Cashmere, in all sizes these will all go at price. 3Q doz. CHOICE TIE', in Four in Hands, Derbyc,. Ascots, Bow and Windsor F carfs from 5c up. Childrens Peak Caps and Turban Hats about 20 doz., regular price 5l'c going at 25c. Our Black Waisted Suit at I20 is a corker. Summer suits to order from .h 7.50 up, fi; guaranteed. Great values in Challies, Bedford Cords, Delaines; Nu is Veilin 2 s, Prints and Sat - teens. Dress and Mantle -making a specialty. Piumsteel & Gibbings, MONTRE 1 L 1 OUSF. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE 0 -- We have just received a package of a. new pattern of Glassware, consisting of Glass Setts, Pitchers, Tankard Jugs, uoblets, Fruit .Bowls, Casters, Slpiker Salts and Peppers; Orange Bowls, etc., etc. We have also a Line of _Bedroom Setts corning in. Extra value. We import our Crockery direct from England; which enables us to sell at low prices. Sole Azents for Hillwatta Tea. 0 ' 1I*t4,C � �t CREAT RAILROAB STRIKE IS NOW OVER, B U'1' ---- SUGAR iS. ADVANCING. ---- 0 • T AVING PURCHASED TWO CARS at the lowest prices this year direct from REDPATHS AND ST. LAWRENUE REFINERIES, 11 jj Montreal, I am giving my old customers and as many new as will come, e,•, SUGAR AT WHOLESALE PRICES. 191" Special Cuts in Barrel Lots to the Trade and Jobbers. 0 J. W. IRWIN, - Noted Grocer, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CLINTON. The $ews-Beoarif The R---- The Finest Job Printing Posters, Dodgers, Circulars, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Blank Forms, Tags, &e, Superior Work. Low'Prices, ;1