The Huron News-Record, 1892-06-08, Page 2'x+ •"ell . .e,te. , t
►�+he +tis
lotmle dtte to ` he presence .of uric
""qt'''r'' add iib the :Mose, is moat effeetually
earedby the •:use of Ayer's *wimps,.
rilia Tie sure you get Ayer's and no
other; and fake it till the poisonous
.acid Is thoroughly expelled from the
;1St*.. We ehe}llengeattention to this
teal l4;gxiy f ^*
t'Abont two years t;go, after suffering
for nearly two years .from rheumatic
dout, being able to walk only with great
iscomfort, aqd having tried various
remedies, including mineral waters,
without relief, I saw by an advertise-
ment in a Chicago paper that a man had
been relieved of this distressingcom-
plaint, after lou suffering, by aking
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I then decided to,
mate a trial of this medicine, and took
it regularly for eight gtonths, and am
pleased to state that It has effected a
complete cure. I have since had no re.
turn of the disease."—Mrs. R. Irving
Dodge,110 West 125th steyew York.
"One year ago I was taken ill with
inflammatory rheumatism, being con-
fined to my house six months. I came
out of the sickness very much debili-
tated, with no appetite, and my system
disordered in every way. I commenced
using .Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to
Improve at once, gaining in strength
and soon recovering my usual health.
I cannot say too much in praise of this
well-known medicine."—Mrs. L. A.
Stark, Nashua, N. H.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
'Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa.
, Price $I,; 111: bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle.
q.,....m,,.,..,._ ....,.a . •.3...._ .
The Huron News -Record
1.50 a Year—$1.25 to Advance.
Wednesday nesday June 8th, 1892
SIH3,--F.r it 'coats I Buff .red from
lumbago and could get no relief until I
used 1-1,4/yard's Yellow 0.1, and must
say I find no better remedy ter it,
Joule [haHLitDAN Sandwich, Ont.
—1•l.ein fell in Michigan 26 days
' during the month of May.
A b•tx of Arer'a Pills has b.ved nen
a fit of airkeeee. When a remedy does
not happen to he within re>t h, ptupl.,
ere li•.b'e to t,r•gloet slight ailments, anti,
of eourae, it ei,rione illnee9 folinw.
they have to sutler the consegnea•
cue. ".A stitch in time saves t1i'
—In many parts of 111 Widget)
potatoes are selling fur 19 ueuts 9
S.reapariha belongs to the sm!lvx
family of planes, en 1 1. found very gen-
era'Iy over the Aniericun eon'iuent ; but
the variety t bet fa rieheet in medicinal
prop=rt•tee in that frrau which the famous
Ayer's Sarsaparilla in made.
—'The tanneries in the iJnited
States'hiivo decided to close for
sixty days, beginning, June 1, on
account of an over prodectiou.
?1YH'rLE NAVY.—The snce(se , wh'eh
the Myrtle Novy tobacco has with the
puhl•e is bec.uee it ii ()emptied of the
very finest Virgin's', leaf growe,and ie
manufautltrod with the meet ecrcp.ilous
caro at every stage of the process.
—The cuitome returns for the
port of Tornrto for the first five
mouths of 1892. as compared with
the same period in 1891, shows an
increase of $158,811.85.
have passed by and we e.n now consider
the be it prn'ectinn againer disease.
There is unreetrictod reciprocity . f sen-
timent I)itwenn all peep'e In Canada to
pror,ounui .e 13 treeck Blood Bitters the
very beat blood purifier, dyspeptic and
headache remedy, and general tonic rc-
novetine nfediciue befm o the pi:blic
—Tice coeelemnatin•i pf Miss Bea-
trice Cooper by the Vies -Chancellor
of Cambridge Uuiverrity to one
aleck's f the cringe
of flirting is a juin ,itea,t which will
profnundly agitate die feminine
heart of England.
"p'oar yearn ago," writes Col. 1) evil
Wylie, Broekvilte Ont., May, ISSS "I
had 9. eevere attach of rheunietism; and
could n It eland on my feet. Tee p•tin
was exerucietinr. I Was hlisteted aped
parge.t in taw orthodox sty le,hutall tone
purp ere. I w+s advised to try St. Jacobs
Oil, which 1'litd. 1 had my, ankles well
rutbad and then w•rapperi with fitnuel
sntu,attd with the remedy. In the
morning I could wilk without pain."
—Lord George Hamilton, First
Lard of the British Admiralty,
etates that the experiment of send-
ing sailors to Vanctluyer by way of
the Canadian Pacific Railroad has
proved a success. The Admiralty
considers the Canadian Pacific route
under certain conditions preferable
to all others.
Fellnwing this scourge of humauity
cline a train of evils in the shape af ob-
etina•o colds, coughs, lung troubles, etc.
There is no remedy so prompt, and at
the same time effectual end peasant, ae
rlitberu e Cod Liver 011 Emulsou with
\Nr ild Cherry and idypophosphitee,
which is the latest and best combination
nF aoti-o'nanmptive remedies. ['rice
50c. and $1.00 per bottle.
—Charles E. P/alliern, a farmer
of ()tango county N. Y.. came t0
Detroit in December, 1890, and
purchased thirty four pouuds of
onion seed from D. M. Ferry &
Company. He planted it on his
farm tact year, but lent the crop was
toe small and too late too suit him.
Recently ho commenced a 811,000
dunnage suit against D. M. 1'etr•y &
Co., claiming that the seed was not
e as te:prosented.
etinslumptioflt Cnrei . •
All old phystelae, retired teem eravtise, hg`rinp
bad placed iu 4le Lauds to en least Ilene ,Maslen'
ary the funquia of a simple vett\table remedy tor
the eptedy wed peruumiout pare ..t ('ouamptiou
14reteldt►s, Catarrh, Attempt ane all throat null
Lupe ate ettens, alae a poalilve out now sure
ter Nervone Debility and ell Nervone 'omelet eta,
utter hiving boated its won'1rr$u1 emotive powers
111 btuue99da.1 va•'es. luta tat it his duty to make
it known to btu sulfuring Jellnws. Aetaatad by this
motive and a doaira to relieve hO,nlln eallvring,
win sued tree of theme, to au who desire it tit
re•ilee, in German, !Nemeth or English, with fel
nreetiotte fur preparing and uslug. Font by tuft
•y addressinv with stnln". unmans this limier.
IV,A. ei uYs •, 821, Powers' Mock, Rochester, .N. ] .
Ileo --y
—A sale of 3,5,000 acres,of Cera•
di'lrt Pacific lauds duriug the lost
mouth, au compared with 6,000
for the correaponding period last
year, is au indication of
the healthy boom Manitoba
and the Northwest are now
experiencing. The average price
paid wee $3.50 per acre.
ADVIOL To M Ttnans. Aro yon distt'rbed at
[fight and broken roar rest by a Wok child
*mitering and crying with pain of Cott lug Tte•th 2
It se send at once and oe a tenni of "tire.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" "for Children Teeth
Ing. Its value is iufatutttable. It will roll eve
tit. poor little sngorerimmediately. D..pendupon
ir, 3notdiers; there is no mistake about it. It
sores Dtotery end Diarrh®e, regnlatns the
stomach cud bowels, cures Wind Collo, softens
the emu+, reduces tflammation, and giros tone
and energy to the whole system. "'tire \Viushfw's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant
to the taste and is the prescription of one 111 the
nidr•et and hest foliate physicians and nurses in
the United States, °eel Is far *ale by all druggist's
tltrnngltnnt the world Prise 25 cents a boffin.
Be sore and ask for "Mits. tVIN1LOW's snemitina
Svaur,"uud Leh ` no other kind. 650y
—One of the great objects of the
Shetland pony.bree.ders is to keep
down the size, as the price is alwavt
in inverse ratio to the size of the
animalfl. But in the matter of
keeping down the size, the Marquis
of Londonderry would RPeril to have
fairly beaten the record, for in his
Inriltltips penv-lireerline,, farm at
Bressa-y, Shetland, there was drop"
ped the other day, a fully develop•,
ed and very lively colt which weigh.
ed only Aidtnen pounds and only
nineteen and one-half inches high.
This lilipntian Shetlanrler is pro-
bably the smallest foal ever dropped.
A Good Suggestion.
By c•,netipstioo is meant irregular oc-
tien of the bowel., often (Idled on„ tive-
1 , ani commonly caused by dyipep-
sia, negh c:, ex eels in elating or drinking
etc, 19 is ,t serious complaint and not
to be neglected under any ci,o..onetancpe
as it leads to1,1.ure htuud, headache,
debility, fevers, ere. A unifot•nily sue
.;raaful-eutedy re Bardoclt Blood 13ttters
which, if faithfully tried, never f.etis to
effect a prompt and lcatiog cure even in
the worst cases. Th, fotloweig extract
from .e letter fin .tit. J.s. M. Ctt•son,
133.utr, N. 1V. '1'., speaks bre itself: —"I
have betel troubled with constipation end
general debility and wee induced to nee
your B.11 13 through seeing y•'ur.adver•
tieemeet. I naw take great pleasure
rec.:I:mending it to all my frieudi, as it
eomptetely cured ate."
Following is tr very full report of
part of the proceedings in the House
of Cumulous ou Moud.y afternoon,
30111 May :
hon. member for West Lanibtou
during my abseuce ou the 19th
made u poraoual reference to me
which I desire to bring the
[louse. It reads as fellows: "We
had to day au instance of It. Not•
w'ithstauding the fact that
,you sent your Secretary of State up
there to handle the boodle he
011 ries with hila, and he did not go
up there this time without the
necessary influence, but in spite of
all that influence we have carried
North Perth, We parried it by au
increased majority, notwithstanding
all' the elfults put forth, uotwith•
standing the little stfbscriptions you
got from eeitain senators in the
other chamber to take into North
Perth. I s'lppose it is understood
that these things aro all secret, that
the outside public know nothing
about • ; but there is a little bird
that t tispeis the secret, and not-
withstndinn all the efforts you put
0 3
forth att honest man has been elect-
ed there to -day."
I have ouly to say in reply to
that that I never in my lite took
rnouoy for corrupt purposes or eloc
Mon purposes of any kind into any
constituency in any province of
Outario. I did not take out dollar
into Noath Perth; I know nothing
whatever about any subscriptious
raised in the Senate or elsewhere to
oe sent into any constituency, and
the hon. gentleman }las no justifica-
tion whatever to refer to me iu the
manner in which he his done.
IIon. Mr. LAURIER—Hoar,
Mr. LISTER—I wish to reply.
Mr. SPEAKER—It is only a
question of privilege.
Mr. LISTER—I suppose I have
the right to reply.
Mr. SPEAKER drew the atten-
tion of Mr. Lister to the fact that
there was no tnotion before the
Mr. LANDERKIN moved the
M1• LISTER said lithe Secietary
of State had taken the trouble to
look over the rest of the debate
which had taken place during that
all-night session ho would havo
toied that the MiniatfirelitYlliartee
had made etatelllelitS lir'ot't'p,• utte1 y..
i;njustifiable without formulating
charges ie any way. lie desired
to say to the Secretary' of State that
in the statement referred to he did
not intend that the meaning
should bo conveyed that be himself
had gathered trete tt2Qney, er
that he himseif had spent the money
111 the constitueucy, but be (Mr.
Lister) slid assert that ifthe Goveru-
Inent would give llitu it committee,
he thought could establish thatat
not only in North Perth, hut iu
other counties in which the Secre•
tory of State had beau conducting
bye electious, large auws of money
had been expended iu the Intereste
of the Conservative candidates.
He thought Mr. Patterson 'would
give him credit tot possessing more
sigacity than that he (l1r, Lister)
abound think ler a nionlent that the
Secretary of State would collect
money and aloud it. fur the purpose
of bribing cuustitueucies. They
knew perfectly well that the con-
servative Association of the province
had spent large sums iu these con•
stittielleles dialog the bye -elections,
W 31 (I say hIII I al BUMF!
one u I o
had not been spent in West Iluron.
It had been stated ou the platform
in West Hilton that to Imo their
harbor dredged they roust mond a
member to 1'arliumlut who, would
support the Government.
Mr, MOA" I'AGUE—Who made
that statement 4 (Cries of "Name,
Mr. LiSTER—Any number of
people made that statement, It -was
the conituun talk of the streets.
(Cries of "Oh, oh.")
Mr. MONTAGUE—Who made
that statement ou the platfortt
Mr. LISTER—\ right have
you to cetecitlae ale (Ltughtet•.)
Mr. MONTAGUE—I will leave
the hon, geutlentan with his own
case. (iluar, hoar.) '
Mr. LISTER sail ho would
assert that money hail been *petit
by the Conservatives in Monck and
Wes: Nor them bet•Iand and in Prince
Edward. He never had said that
the Se.retai•y of State hail collected
money of had paid it. 'There were
many others to do thio work with-
out the Secretary of State tieing it,
hut the Secretary of State was the
general of the Conservative forces
in 0uteri°. (hear, hear.)
lion. t.1r. PAT l'EESON said he
dill not intend to indulge in the
vittiperat.ive declamation which
characterized the epaeeh of Mr.
Lister. This gOutlei tau had come
from the saute section of the Coll p•
try as he had and had professed
private friendship for him, and it
was very meek out of place that Jr.
Lister *110111,1 talk of hies as he had
done during his absence. ' Hear,
hear,) Ile (N1 r, Patterson) had
only to reiterate that Mr. Lister
was inaccurate in every charge he
had made against him. As regards
the Liberal Conservative Union of
Ontario, he iv.1s prepared to submit
their collectiuus and expenditure to
the leader of the Opposition, or any
gentleman he might name in the
province of Ontario. .Not one
dollar collected by the Conservative
Union of Ontario had boon er ant
corruptly, and when he saw how
the union stood financially he (Mr.
Lister) would fora] a very different
impression tlutu he had expressed
in theua
West IIo a • '�\ est I3uron was in
the courts, and other ridings were
in the election courts, and it would
bo seen whether there was any truth
in the hon. gentleman's charges.
IIe might easily use the results of
several recent election triple to re-
ply to the argufneeets of Mr. Lister,
but he had uo reason o to waste alto tiros.
Ho had merely risen in self defence,
not to attack Mr. Lister. I{e
would leave Mr, Lister to his otvn
souse of what was fair between one
elan and another. He had evaded
every charge he had made.
In tho meantime, as far ns ho (Mr.
Patterson) was concerned, 11e (Mr.
Lister) had no knowledge of the
truthfulness of the statements mode
by Mr. Lister arid printed in
Hansard. (Hear, hear )
Mr. GUILLET said that in re•
god to \Vest Northumberland he
denied in toto the vile slander
which Mr. Lister had thrown across
the floor. 1t' ever there was a fair
election fought by the Conservative
party it was fought in West North-
umberland, and yet they had to
mectan enormous expenditure made
by theAeorrnpt party, the Opposi
tion. (Hear, hear.) The Grits
dared not protest his election.
(Hear, hear and cheers.) They
were afraid of having themselves ex-
posed. The Conservatives were not
afraid of' any protest as to the con •
duct of his election. There had
been a legitimate expenditure on
the part of the Consul vative party
but there had been gross corruption
on the part of the Grit party. A.
gang of personatore organized by
that notorions Preston from Toronto
had set to work to personate Con-
servative voters and they were in
collusion with the local member.
The Conservrtives had proof of
these charges, Why they had two
of them in jail. (Cheer.) He
denied in the most unqualified
terms that the election was not pro•
perly conducted by the Conservative
party in West Northumberland,
(Bear, hear )
The motion to adjourn was lost.
''It11 J)eil t-s;7—t • •
Ile --Sorry to have kept you waiting, but
my watch will wrung, I shall never hays
faith in it again.
Shia—It's not faith you need, but works.
The Mlseitlevone Clock Would Talk,
SOniet hili;, unexpected happened day bo -
fore yeatord,ty 111 East Tw•euty•eigllt street,
around the corner from :Medi:mu avenue.
There was a quiet parlor wedding at the
home of a physician --a well-known doctor,
by the way—and about twenty friends
were present to witness the cetumuuy.
The (nide was the physician's 18•yeat•uld
slaughter and the grown was the son of a
Brooklyn hruwer.
Tian t was to bo tt honeymoon trip after
the Marriage, and the mother of the bride,
with true maternal foresight, had put a
French travelling cluck hi her daughter's
pocket. It wtis a little bit of a clock.
Somehow it got wound rip wrong. As the
couple stood up with the minister miller
the floral bell a• hush fell on the email as-
semblage, and the hush deepened as they
knelt on a velvet cushion while the poach-
er prayed.
"0, Lord," said the preacher, "Let thy
blessing rest upon this--"
Br-r•r-r ! plink I. plink !plink t burst out.
the measly little alarm clock in a tone of
awful distinctness.
The venerable preacher opened one eye
querulously, but quickly closed it again as
Ire saw the grooves father serowling at Ifitn
over his spectacles from the corner of the
"0, Lord," said the preacher, beginning
again, "let thy---"
Br-r-r•r ! plink ! plunk ! plink ! came out
from the depths of the bride's packet,
"0, Lord," said the preacher, iu a voice
of desperate calmness, opening both eyes
and closing them again like a stash, '•let
thy bless--"
Br -t• -r -r! plink! plink ! plink ! plink
plink ! plink 1
The minister stopped. The bride, whose
fare was very red, and who had been trying
121 vain with her left hand to choke df the
clock or shake it into submission, snatched
if from her pocket and passed it to the
groom, who Minded it to his best man, who
handed it to the brewer's wife, who glared
tit it and handed it to her husband, who
went out into the hall, actually shaking his
fist at it its he went.
The minister began his prayer once more,
and as he said "0 Lord" for 11t0 fourth time
there wits a load hang out in the back yar(I,
which indicated that the itlar ti clock hal
struck the fence with terrific foruc.—Nuw
York Tribune.. •
. Everything Was All Right.
The ;Major had invited me to go out with
him to his plantation, and we were skirting
a field where a number of old 'etulnps 1uu1
been set ou tire, when he suddenly stepped,
sniffed the air, and inquired :
"Can't yo' smell sontotlting roasting
yere ?"
"Yes, there is a queer smell."
"Sutelis like a piece of old cowhide
thrown into the fire?"
"Smells like that old piece of cowhide
had got all frizzled up?"
"Yes. Is any -thing wrong 7'
"Not just yet, but something will be sor-
ter wrong if I don't find that celery nigger
who's seeing about these tires. I reckon
he's over by the dead tree."
He walked over to the place designated,
and utero on the ground, lying on the broad
of his back, with his hands locked under
his neck, was 0 negro fast asleep. Instead
of bootshe had. rage
and the rags
bath feet were -cm fire and- evidently hal
been for a tong time.
•"Boy 1 Boy ! Oh, boy!" called the Major
as he torched him with his boot.
'•Wha—what's de rumpus, Mars 1'homp.
eon ?' stammered the negro as he sat up and
looked around.
"Yt'r feet etre on fire 9'
"Shoo 1 lo' loan tell me 1"
"Come—stir ar
t pe— ' • un or •011 be lard u
"Yes, sah—yes, soh—I••re gwine ter be
movin' right away, Gut deir's up cause fur
to get excited, Mars Thompson. Dein ar
feet must a -cot afiah airly dis tnawnin, but
de fish haiu't dun worked down frees de
first, layer o' chilblains yit ! Plenty o' time,
Mats Thempson—plenty o' time if I duan
do nuffin' evenin' 1"
The Sleeping Car.
We lie with senses lulled and still
'Twixt dream and thought, 'twixt night
and day,
While smoke and steam their office fill
To bear our prostrate forms away.
The stars, the clouds, the mountains. all
Gilde by us through the midnight deep;
The names of slumberiug cities fall
Lille feathers from the wiugs of sleep.
Till at the last in morning light,
Beneath an alien sky we stand;
Vast spaces traver ed in a night;
Another cline, :motherland.
—T. W. IleooiNsoN, in the Century.
A Tract for the �V.C•T.1'.
She—Our engagement 'is off, • sir. I find
you intoxicated at a fashionable reception 1
He—Yash ; but I ashshure you it is all
an accident.
He—Yesh. Didn't know you would be
here, dar(hic)ling.
.An Itnportant Advantage.
Adlet—Murderers in New York State
have one thing in their favor.
Gasket—Do you think it is an advantage
to be electrocuted?
Adlet—Certainly. They can say they
were not born to be hanged.
The Canadian Idea.
Father—Why have you dismissed
George ?
Daughter—I have discovered that he
walks home to save carfare. A. man as
econoinical as that would—would smoke a
A Geed Principle.
"My son called me an n1,1 crank the other
day, and my wife wouldn't let n 4 punish
"`,1.1; nett"
"Shu s.ii.1 it child never should be pun-
ished for telling Cie truth."
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