The Huron News-Record, 1892-06-08, Page 1tr
'J;`iMatte edot,4q pet Amount, 11,2dt tit Aevenet.
VQL, XIV,—N0 27.
For Standard and
Seasonable bloods at
ICght Prices, go to
the Clinton Liquor
A meeting •of the Directors of the
West Huron Fanners Institute was
held in the Colborue hotel on
Mr. A..Muuro has entirely re.
coveted front his recent severe iu•
Mrs. E. R. Watson was in Lon -
Ilan the past week.
Mr. W. H. Murnoy attended the
meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge
in Montreal last week. -
Mr. Jas Grant of• Clutton was in i
the circular town on Saturday.
Mr. W. 1g. Baker, of Bayfield,
visited the Co. town ett Friday.
Mr. S. A. Moffat t of Varna was
in Goderich thio day week.
Mr. J. E, Davis of Mitchell were
in Huron's Co. town last week.
Mr. D. AlcCorvie of Clinton was
in town last Thursday.
Messrs. R. L. and R. G. Tayr!er
of Bruesels were iu Goderich on
The three masted Schoonereri
Schuette arrived in port me Sunday
with 450 tone of real for the North
America Chemical Co.
Mr. Tisdale of Clinton was in the
Co. town last week.
s IMr. Arny and family of Bratetford
have Laken up their residence in
clodeteich .
There was an excursion party
•; frosts Dublin in town- o '
The :day unforttz.nately was • ernp
and chilly hence the visttore were
Hie • Honor budge Doyle held
Division Court tin &hie teem on
The general committee for car-
ryi•ttg out measures for the teelebra
tion ,of Dominion Day met last even-
ing., tic the Council Chamber (to take
into oonsideration the reports of
the •tifl'erent ant. committees, So
far else appearances are indicative of
grand day, the citizens co:ntribut-
ing'oheerfully, and the committees
wotd0ing heartily for its success.
P.tltte_ _S.tiaul_4y._ Hays of.. • eaforth
wag in town on (Friday.
Mr. Jno. Elwood was in teen the
past .week.
.111,r. Harry Ciccas is ltelei•cg the
committer, for alis celebration of
Dominion Day. •
Ili, Henry Rotth well is cm .e visit
to the enotherland.
The teachers of West Iluron held
a coevention on Friday and ;fi,atur-
dayin this town. ;rhe sessiowe,were
held 4% the Central and wel+o even
attended, a° debate ou how for
politico should tee taught ¢c ,our
schools.doveleped he fact that our
pedagogues are true Canadians,
The number of Farcies given the
past week are an iindicatiou *hat
summer has come. 1
It is well to retnittd -ang
by a doeieion or the glen 2l,etq
Minister of"i
Fieheeries it is illegal •to catch ane
kind of leaes until the 16th lust,
morrow week.
IOoderich .
• Mr. R. Beattie, of Saaforth, was
in town ou Afonday,
Mr. A. Marcy, of Clirrion, was
in the circular town yesterday,
(here was Holy Communiou at
St. Georgeston Sunday. •
Mr, Harry Le Toueel will leave
for New York on Monday.
The tug Despatch , of 1Vindsor,
Captain Ilex. A1cLean, was iu Int'
boron Sunday.
The tug Matin L. arrived in port
on Sunday, for repairs, while en -
route from Southampton to Nepa-
li( e,
Air, Chas Williams of this town
who wrote at the recent Toronto ex•
amination is now. a Baohelor of
Pharmacy and is entitled to write
Phu) B. after„ his name. Mr. C.
W. also obtained highest honors,
the gold medal for general pro-
There will bo a meetitrg of the
cougrogation of St. Georges in the
School Room at half past 7 on Fri•
dtiy evening to discuss matters in
connection with the appointment of
the rector.
St. Georges Wednesday evening
service is disconttuuod for the pres-
Building operations aro bright just
now. In St. Andrew's Ward the
following work is being pushed
ahead : New brick residence for
Mr. Rees Price ; do for Collector of
Customs Farrow : do for Inland
Review officer Spence ; one story
added to Capt. Juo. Craigies resi•
dance ; new verandah etc., at Dr.
Ure's ; cottage rebuilt for Mrs.
Turuer and many repairs,
Miss Hutchison, who is on a visit
to tete Old Country, reached Liver-
pool last week.
A number of the Collegiate In-
stitute students took a trip en the
lake Thursday evening' iu Mee Jas.
Wiggins boat Se'seea(y.
If Demerit appearances ace any.
thing, Huron will have abundant
crone of grai.e tray and fruit.
The Schooner Greyhoranri eeached
port on Fricley night with a cargo
of shingles end sailed uta Sunday
morning few Wiarton week a cargo
of salt.
The. pteielic school betted met on
Monday •evening, the ,chairman, S.
Ma,!•co.J iison, presiding, acted preset
trustees, =A.cheeou, Balt, Chrystal
Mr, T. McKenzie builder and
contractee• has the job of putting an
upper deck an Air. Geo. Notts house
which will add greatly to the cern•
fort and appearance of the place,
Mr. Etnereou of Clinton was out
the other evoning and sold Janice
Noble Esq. and J. W. Moore two
$90 Safety bicycle.., but our Touren,
says as this is leap year he thinks'
he will save his little pile of stuff
to invest in •furniture (who is next)
A doleful sound was hoard the
other day and upon following up
the echo to gratify curiosity we
found brother las together with
some neighbors having a logging
bee near the back 50.
Aleesra John White, Edward
Turner & Francis Leyton are ship-
ping some of the throat fat (rattle
this tveek that has been raised in this
county for several years.
The members of Koares Tent No.
66, Knights of Maccabees, are going
to celebrate the lith anniversary
of their Society in School house
No. 4 on the evoniug of Juno the
11th. The meeting will consist of
reaJiug4, recitations, vac -t1 and
instrumental music. A11 are wol
come; come one come all. Admis-
sion free,
What alight have tern'linated in a
serious accident. On Sunday even
ing last one of our neighbor boyo
escorted Lis best girl out to prayer -
meeting and after the meeting was
over they started fur home, but as
'he ie in the habit of driving a colt
and as it is not thoroughly well used
to the stopping place and the con•
versation was so interesting that the
drive was extended a few miles to
the east, but on the return trip their
horse took fright at Br•oadfoota
bridge capsizing our darling Joe and
his lady iutu the ditch; they escaped
with only a few watches caused by
ocming in contact with awire fence.
The horse was captured by one of
our cousins. The buggy we learn is
slightly out of order, but •by the
titne•the carriage builder puts on a
pair of new shafts and a dada and a
tow top together with other small
fcrrtures it will then be as good es.
tneiv. We learn that •this young
rnau was an applicant far Kearns
'fent No. 66 K. 0.- I'.. M. on the
gavot ious evening. So now yoang
nen I would advise you not to take
your beet girl. out defying a colt
U, eit•t)t{' ,
nAnnrn7E a, SULrU,7•n1', Nernst PUBLICO
I,UYYbrsrrQ,Gti, aCU.
-^—noNav TO I,I:ND•-- -`
Oa1oo ever ash's maraca Chop, Queer;
69'880; Banta, 700
On Sunday morning, Mr, Giles
Jenkins occupied the pulpit in the
:Methodist church in the absenoo of
the pastor.
On Sunday Rev. R. Henderson, of
Bayfield, officiated at both services
in St Andrew's (Presby terian) church,
preaching excellent discourses° At
the evening service, in consequence
of there not being any services itt
the other churches in town, the edi-
fice was pretty well crowded.
On Sunday, 1dth, at 2.30 p.m., th
anniversary sermon will be 'troche
to the members of the C. O. F., N.
89 and visiting brethren, in Trinit
church by the incumbent Bro. Re
T. E. Higley. All are welcome.
Mrs. and Mies Frnigh of the Co
martial visited friends in Wingha
on Sunday.
Quite a number of Winghamit
Sundayed here.
Mr. John Freeman, of Buffalo, hide
been taking in the sights in town the
past few days.
There is sante talk of not letting
Dominion day pass off in this burg
without having tome fun.
On Monday evening Prof. Meek's
concert under the auspices of Trinity
church In Industry hall was attended
by a very fair and appreciative audi-
ence. The professor kept the audi-
ence in continuous roars of laughter.
The solos on violin and guitar by
Messrs. Gidley and Tanner were
excellent. Also the quartets by
Mesdames Tanner and Scott and
Messrs. Plummer and Tanner of the
English church choir were well ap-
D. IdcG)Il weresolos
rendered ail t at could
be desired. The proceeds upwards
of 328.
Miss Webb, of Clinton, was visit-
ing in town last week.
Quite an exciting time is expect
ed here on the 28th, it being the
day set for our horse racing.
Mr. F. Kennedy, of Toronto, was
visiting friends iu Wingham last
The mumps have been the fash-
ion in town for sotto time, old and
yoetng, big and little, may be seen
;.sing around with their heads
tied u.p.
- Our chief is laid up with a
ined aukle, the result of a tussle
1. one of ear citizens, ,just for
ur firearm are under training
alkertem. • They ere-reet to
y off first money.
The Ileo W. Chrtrchirdl, who
will be remembered by the people
of Goderi�oh+ttownship, •rrooupied the
pulpit h�erreits the Methodist church .'
Sunday and gave two fine sermons.
111r. J. 1 at -tin, who formerly ran
a boot end ehoe store here, is now
running aiveetauraut in ilbetroit.
A. nand wagon load of young
sports .oro:re over to tStuevale last
,,Ftid;ey eveining to an entertainment
and appeared to be enjoying there -
4 oleo'itnnteusely, but when about a
mile out •ef 131uevale on their way
oeoe one .of the whole .broke down
nd the !party started •cru foot, for
wee, tete`roads being muddy. The
Y?'•i:�.,Sx,.-sc.- b�:.`v-t">n-Z'a;a, ;y SG.�'L i•h.i'ng
ae,tr a roads tvere,euite yield
it render foot.
Hallett -
HThe 'Caurt of. P,evieien for
werehip of Hallett was held
oetdeebaao May 203th sfaorsuant
vertisereent. Membeeie present
•fetlloeve : Britten, Macdonald,
roara.m, tBrighem and Snell, all
t•ly ,ewom. Air. Joist Brigham
hauirman, Some changes and cor-
»et ,enc were made in the roll. An
peal was read froom Trustees of
to Huber estate as to <tdte assess-
ent boiug too high an saw mill
nd dwelling house, this was reduc-
d to $12is'0. James MacNeil wag
assessed owner f•)r 8 - of W.,32- Lot
2, Col, 4 instead of the 'Canada
Company. Lot I6, con, 5, remaining.
s assessed to the Canada Co. Goo.
fMillson aseeesed owner pt Lot 6,
ncon 7, instead of James A. Stewart
and the assessment raised $50. R.
B. Jeffrey assessed owner for pt 29.
11. S. Loretteaboro and William
Brunsdon, ere, .struck off. Thomas
Bell assessed tenant for 26, 27, H.
Londesbomo. George Bedford
tenant N pt 1G., eon. 14. The roll
one then finally passed and the
"Court closed. The conncii held a
meeting according, to notice and
made several changes in the ap-
pointments of pathmasters and road
divisions. Eighty cords of gravel
will be put on S. R. 25 and 26
between corporations of Blyth and
E. Wawanosh under the directions
of Councillors Laeham and Snell,
and sixty cords on S. R. 5 and 6,
under directions of Councillors Brit-
ton and Brigham. A job of repair-
ing and grading the 4th at 2 p. tn.
JAaf>;. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
, epee
= ' b• -wend—Nicholson. The prin. until your life .is •insured in the witf
cilsal's ro,ltort, a)tvwiug an averages E. 0. ,!', Al. Seciety wiinos° member- amu
atteendanee of 299 bo•le _ 671 !, 'Shin in i3.� tai k7._ .., . a.
gie,le-- bEr�, was read and filed. Rei keep your children at home until
report from Iuspectee Tent contain-;' they learn to not desecrate the Salt-'
fug a recommendation to add fond bath day by treasure driving.
doles in the junior Di�.ision of St.
Panicles ovvaa referred to Contiugeu+t; ,oeetdc,or•o
conitnittee, 'L'i•ustee f W. it Me
Kenzie tendered his 'resignation!
which 1788 duly- aaceptecl. Mtn
Crialeb was appointers to the Collebi-,
ate !Iuetii,ute 13oat�.,.and the seen.
directed to inform the town demi
Mr. and Mrs.. Vin. Brunsdon,•of
Sault Ste %.carie, have been visiting
old friends in Ibis neighborhood
during the last few days.
tIr. Dodg, teacher iu S. 4. Ne.,'S
o the eeency and twquest him etc;: was to Seisrorth last 'Thursday sed
isewe his writ for a new election.. Friday attreuding the teachers' nen-
Mies Addison was c 'vection.
granted perm�ie-";
siott to attend the Niormel, and tho: Mr. 13. lhatvrasen was in Blytheen
Beard -agreed- to accept or appoint' Friday ateerniing a .meeting ef>tthe
a substitute. The following ae- 'executive of Distri.ot Lodge No.. 24,
, Counts were rear) and ordered to be I. 0. G. ;<.
paid .: Etar, $4.67, W-. T. Welsh ,'
$1.60 that v Dr. Tr1;��,.of rodericfa, wee in
hat of A. ,Saunders, $12.71l, the.villain ast:TsTida •'►
•referred to Finance •coznmittoe witk' y' ^�
C, M eros did-
pow•er.. Before adjouening the fel Y �enie)l, sfsnat. e`v=
lowing reeotution was adopted: That.
dna` tdtth r' oto friends,
thie Board regrets *he contiiiuoti Autong'the•ch�atges made by ;the
,[Irr•eas .of Trustee Swanson, ata f' Constatifetan eeof mitts sof the
e.Gn 1,h
hopee•soen to have herr: at its coat" u;
sols. - w we notice Rev. i'. 1+'ergueou goes to
f4' •
Fordwiclr and Fair. J. B. 1t?al.tvdn
Bel;:ra c. r• Carnes to l<oudesber0
Out ,o.i i townsrnaaa Air. ,7,Nk`. j Rev. Jas.. Ferguson hes been in
tQra' 14 to this att;•t;� on Friday!`Guelph isttendine conference.; hie
evening .attending u Ir•;ol8c, here teas idled 00 innond
of the A. ,O. U. W,'Glae meeting. uoruing h�-+ file., ,Geo. ;ticlliu head
Mr- l ebt, Van Norman of Al -
oma is holidaying in tl:is burg.
Rove Gro0. Law having- been a
A. quantity of fine eturgeoineroaoet ',.
packed in Clark's werehouide ,E
Saturday, the big ones keing.rttiugj
in the neighborhood of the Gr,aliid
Forty-five teachers and friends:
had a trip on the lake on .Saturday�3
evening in the Speedy.
Miss Carriek of the Lucknow'
Public School attended the Wes
Huron Teachers Convention the
past week.
The entertainment under tit.
patronage of the teachers convention
on Friday was excellent, the a
being large and the bi�
fare perfect.
llr. and Mira. Tanner of T oront
spent Sunday with relatives i
Mr. A. P. McLean has had
plate glass front put in his store,
making it one of the prettiest in
the eves ng by lir. Stevens.
Two new member's were added to
.the I. 0. G, T.. :Ledge Last weed;,
• �..:
to attend the� General Ae•• Mr, Geo. ;ewtoe has decided to
bly in 1dlontrealelhe
'Pulpit of j `trove to tri Ingham whore he .well
nox hstt'ah will be oocwpfed the i•�earry on a harness businees, He
x ob Sunday by octou A. *��,'' .hes rented fila premises here U./.
*ley of ltluevale and ..McLean I' O'Brien„ tailor, who will tante
lyt,h,respeetively, ri v,osseesion ahQut tete 1..t July_�Aelct•,
1 n is Fretting ;off hi
Ilir. :'"", irkley wick start R. Adetvto
" bore,^
Air. \Qeti, •+ ,"ateon'e nem residence
ie ap ;,aaoaching• completion. „
trend pie-,uie is to be dreld inia
nnets Grove, East Vr awannsh, on _
rislay June f7th,
A. number of the Wingham
Lodge A. 0. U. W. paid a fraternal
visit .tothe brethren of this piece
on ".il:rld`ay evening last.
cic •of
groe • yes dec. at a •,ver ow fugues;
rhooa tvanr •arf ythiug in 'his
tine'sh uld net lose this opportune
ltdee R. Jeffrey etas moved into
the souse purchased by him fro,.r,;
Wna, 33runsdon, Sr.
Regular meeting of ;Court 'PPri
,of ill est" C. 0. 3t'. on Frid
irequeation of net allowing cattle's Fall wheat looks ronaatkably -'
,W i'uu at large on the public route din this vicinity. The ,eontint
is now the principal topic of dis-: rains have injured the s:print or
Mrs. (ilev,) and Miss Lizzie God.
frey formerly of this place but now
of Stratford have been spending a
few days in town.
—Thereare 10,0J9 oases of in -
fluenzt in Buenos Ayres.
�iespecially en low land. Hay i11
jbe an abundant crop. Altoge er
'the farmer's look out is good.
GoderleJ Township
Mrs, (Rev.) Win. Cole, of Michi-
gan, is vieiting her parents on the
7th concession,
Mr. Jim Putlock is re•shinghiug
tie barn and utakiug other.oecees•
ry improvements.
Mr, Pollock is aleo sparing no
nine tq have everything in elegant
hape in and about his house for
muter visitors,
The other even
oted grocery,of t
eased a very "•nt
stch, with the
crockery and gl
occasion to fal
We were sorry
with wistful et a e..
as an actor. 'Alt
of the Jim -S ck o
that a social) die
tented for • nuney
when he h:,; his el
i'g in front of e
is place,was av it -
resting interring
ceptiune- of the
•ware that took
; o', t of the road,
o Frank stand
of participate
h a pugilist
it is well
eta main-
ohn L.
is a
blew gee
f/he ann'.versary
)rroh, by % 160-
' night proved
Propeeds $44.
The cele ation o
of St. An owe o11
weeding o•? Mond
a marked success./
A Ficnthsti Piot!
To Wreck aG.T.R. Pas.
senger Train. t
' WI.10L,E NO. 709
In the inspection of closed
r ackages of apples, the . inspector
hall open not less than one package
+n every five; and if the manner of
�ticking,ie found to be (reedit/01110r
nfnir, then he shall open all the
ackages put up by the shipper of
oh package.
Every package found to be fairly
td properly packed he shalt brand
'No. 1 Intpeettd Canadian Ap•
es,' or 'No. 2 Inspected Canadian
pples,' as the cele may be, if fit to
ao branded,
The inspector shall' also examine
Gee varieties of apples submitted for
spectiou, and shall correct the
nreucleture if incorrectly marked,
if the mime 'of the variety is not
ked ho shall cause it to be
arked on the pecltage.
The inspector may charge a fee
tF•f ten conte for each package in-
mected by him, and such charge
all cover the cost of opening and
closing the package.
No. 1 inspected Canadian apples
hall eontiiet of pet feet specimens of
no variety, of uniform size, and in
he cane of a colored variety, free
from scab, wortu•holes, knots and
leniishes of any kine,
No. l inspected Canadian apples
shall consiat of specintens of one
ariety, free from scab, worm•holee,
nota and blemishes of any kind,
ut not of uniform size or colour,
Raman Demons Lay the Plot bk
Just Outside of Clinton.
PROBABLY the most murderously
designed affair that has ever oceurr•
ed in this county was a hellish
attempt Saturday night last 'Eo 1a
wreck the G. T. R. train which is 15
duo here from the east at 9,30 p. rn. Po
And but fur the accidental appear-
ance of a traveller on foot, I'
at the place of the contemplate 0Y
od slaughter of human beings, we au
nigh; now have to chronicle the re-
sults of a hideous carnage brought du
about by some monsters in human Go
form for whom instant lynching, if Ep
caught at the time, would have been.
very inadequate punishment, and sl,
which very likely would have been kir
meted oat to the miscreants bad the ee
opportunity presented itself-. On
the evening in question, Mr. Poul- of
tinware of -Stapleton, about one
mile .east of Clinton, was corning 000
home from Saaforth after visiting.a o
relative named Carter in • Morrie, 1
and on account of the muddy roads
from recent rains, or fur a abort cut, Tu
took the railway track as the most fall
desirable route. When within wh
about a utile of his home, or about ,u
two miles east of Clinton, when
approaching a bridge, he heard has
sounds se of heavy ohjecta falling ca'•
into the stream spanned by the and
bridge. When he arrived at the oat
bridge he found that immense Jul
obstructions in the form of huge _
stones atad timbers had been wedged con
between the stringers of the bridgo Gtu
and which would undoubtedly have wit
derailed the train had they not hint
been o.heerved in time. But thanks ecru
to the presence of -mind of --Mt •
Poulterman be rushed to the top of acrd
a grade in the vicinity and waved a Otta
lantern in time to arrest the atten
tion of the approaching train. anti:
Conductor Ausebrook immediately Cor
proceeded carefully and on ex- Corr
amin,,tion the obstructions were
found as intimated above. These Ste`
the ,s being removed the train proceeded 1Y+ a
tt ion its way without accident but with
a very excited lot of passengers,
to Among citizens of Clinton on the
train were Messrs, Ferran and Couch.
It is surmised by some that the
fiends who placed the obstructions
calculated thatnntong the passengers
were some with considerable money
on their persons and that their
object in wrecking the train was
to plunder these in tiro resulting
confusion. Very serious reflections
on the good faith of Mr. Poultar-
man are bruited about, but from
what we can learn it fs very cruel to
indulge in such suspicions as he is
said by those who have lenewn him
for twenty years to be a mag of j
irreproachable charactcr who do.
serves the highest mod of praise
for averting a horrible disaster, in.
stead of trying to make him out a
criminal. It is the fear of such
inundoes ea these which sometimes
prevents individuals from doing any-
thing to prevent a public calamity.
The authorities are doing every-
thing in their power to ferret out the
perpetrators of this gross outrage.
We hope they will succeed and
that the scoundrels will be put for
life where they cannot again menace
the lives of unoffending human be-
--The Russian Government has
iced the duty on coal and coke,
per cent. ou. the former and 10
r cent on the latter,
—Fifteen residences were dernol-
hed at Waco, Texts, Tuesday, by
clone. Four persons were killed •
d 10 hurt,
—Tho Bishop of Huron has in-
cted Rev. T. Wright, late of
tele, as rector for St. Jude's
iecopal Church in Brantford,
—A few days ago a number of
ortt had an exciting hunt and
led two large bears in the ueigh-
rhood of Norwood, Ont,
-•-The wall paper manufacturers
the United States have formed a
rnbine, with a capital of $14,000,-
0. The head office will be in
w York city'.
—Mr. William Chesney, of
ckersmith, has shown stalks of
wheat plucked from his field
ich measured three feet, six
--..1.1 r, Wm. Clarke, of Saaforth
been awarded the contract for
tying the mails between Seuforth
13 ryliold for four years. He
ers on his duties on the first of
-Mr. Wm. Graham, of the 2nd •
cession of Stanley, started for
sgow, Scotland, last Monday
h a carload, of cattle. We wish
prosperees voyngo and eerie
-E,iuioii Corristne-ex•lracfiiiian;
alleged pugilist, eloped from
wa on Sunday night with notate
less than three woman. The
enders have gone Id Chicago•
isle leaves a wife behind him.
IitTLEnoe,--In Goderioh Township, on
the 3rd June, the wife of Mr, Wm,
Rutledge, cf a eon.
and 1
fell it
The body of Mrs. Nancy
•art, aged 68, of con, 10,Bever•. '
Ito disappeared from her home
day, has been found in a pond
the Gore of Puslinch, about a
from her Monier. It is supposed
set out from Iter home to
, her et -slaughter who had
to attend a pr,tyer•rtteeting,
is Ong boot her way accidentally
:to the pond and was drown-•
—John, the eight year old son
of George Garton, of West Wawa -
nosh, on Sunday of last week, was
trying to turn a cow that eho might
not get through the swamp near by
when she made a furious rush and
struck hien in the lower jaw with
her horn, tearing his lip badly and,
knocking oat nearly all of the teeth
in tri lower jaw, together with
sumo parts of the Jaw adhered. It
will he a long rim," before,kt.Q r,_att._
—Nelson G. Davey, teacher at.
Audley, has been summoned before
Police Magistrate harper, charged
with administering excessive flog;
ging to a boy named John Freeman
Brown, son of Mr. Thomas Brown,
near Andley, Young Brown, wrote
an immoral note, and the teacher
told his father. The latter requeet-
ed that the boy receiy'e a sound
thrashing. Davey produced a
tawse of leather having 5 tails, and
whipped him. The boy was badly
marked and moaned all night.
Next day he was pale and dizzy,
but his father made hitt return to
MCCoLL,-Oa the 7th inet., at New sohool, Doctors examined the boy
Weetministor, 8, 0., the wife of A. J, I next day and as a result Mrs,
:McCall, Esq., of soon, + Brown had Davey summoned.