The Huron News-Record, 1892-05-25, Page 8N H I r,S ,t
`lltis CZI AT OOTTGtI CUIW, this
suotretrt4VONSU1lr1.r'1/ON t1UIiE,
aswil,hotit s paralloi in the 1lilrt,ory of
rnesliataao.• An druggists}thorf
ma to yell it .on a positive guaran to
t4 test that no other cure oau sncocrssl
fully stents. 7t you have a Oouglt,
Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, idle It, for
it will cure yen,. If your child has
the Croup, or whooping .p.oul;lt, use
promptly, and relief is sure. If you
dread that insidious disease CONst
SuhlPTION, 41.1 fail to use it, it
will cure you or colt nothing, Ask
your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE,
Price 10 ots., 60 cts. and 81.00. If
your Lungs are sore or Beek lame,
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 2f5 uts.
To Advertisers.
411 changes of Advertisements, to
i?tsure insertion in the current issue,
ntttet be received at the office not tater
than Monday noon. Copy for
changes received later than Monday
noon will het'eafter be at the Adrer-
riser's 0t071 tisk.
NIL .T, ?, DeXitlR 'Y boo, returned
heme t'rotn Torauty. ,
14,, 09» nuntiter of the Sops et
Scotland, 4f Groduticlt, will pny .tA
fraternal' visit t7► the Olitttot► Sons
Of Scotland ou Friday night, .
MR, Gt.o. D. ?v O'i'6GOART W88 thin
(SSi'ed'nesday) morning mai vied at
i►lorribllurg to Alias Broder, .i hey
.gilt take up their residauno. on
High street in s week or eo.
A mill Seaforth last week do.
etroyed Glenn's restaurant involving
a"lnse of $1700, covered by E200
insurance. J. Ward's lows tutu
$l000 fully covered by insurance,
The Sons of England attended
devine service in Ontario St. Meth-
odist church on Sunday last, Rev,
Mr. GnlLwey preached an eloquent
and appropriate sormon.
MR GRo. SPROAT,of Tuckersmith
who retired from farming some
years ago and has lately been living
at Egmondville, was killed in •Sett -
forth, yesterday, by his horse run-
ning away through beiug frighten.
ed by a dog.
MR. SYDNEY SMITE has purchased
for shipment 68 head of tine cattle
from the Messrs. Ransforll of Clin
WHITELY & TODD, Publishers. '1 ton. Last week Mr. James hearn
shipped about the same number
which he purchased from Mr. D
Forrester of this town,
AT A MEETING of the ofiieers of
the 33rd Batt. a unanimot.e vote of
thanks RIM tendered the ladies of
Clin'ou and the resident ofilcera of
Clinton for the complete arrange
mente, magnificent supper and gen•
era! management of their firet annu•
al military hall.
Tnn New England Tarrne!' says
that if You use a copper tea kettle
and have any trouble in keeping it
bright yon can remedy the matter
by keeping an old dish with sour
milk and a cloth in it and washing
the kettle with this every morning,
then washing in clean water, win-
ing dry. and it will always look
new and bright.
Jim FORD'S GREY Mean took a
funny notion into itv hoed last Fri-
day, and looked on the roadway
'mildly allotted to its kind as unfit
for its gait and, went careering dowh
the side walk on Ontario St. until
it reach IZattenhury'e corner when
it cleared itself from the cart t
vhich it was attached and resumed
tithe road. t
LADIES ninst travel with fewer
arcale and men keep their feet in
ecorous position hereafter, while
the Grand Trunk Co's care.
assongers are notified that they are
ltitled to one seat only, and no
xtra seats for their baggage and
heir feet. The order is a common
sense one and should meet with the
approval of the travelling public.
The Huron News-1?ecor
1.00 a Year—$1.20 in Advance.
Wednesday '.C•Sa.Y 25111, 18
In and Around tLe• l;:,ub,
go11/1n 11X11,
L'SCAL I7oTtorn.—All *intim in these
columns of meetings or entertainments,
previous to lrolding of thosame,at which
an admission feels slrnrged,orfrom which
a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will
be charged at the rate of ten cents per
litre. The ►a.lrs'r LARGELY cutcuLATEJ
Oxi, wuAT A COUGH 1-1'still you
heed the warning. The signal per
haps of the sure approach of th
more terrible disease Consuwptio
Ask yourself if you can afford ter t
sake of saving 50c., to run the ri
and do nothing for it. We kno
from experience that Shiloh's Cur
will cure your cough. It never fails
Young, made a run to Godard! one
eveuieg Net week, on their bicycles,
in au hour.
LIEUT. 1I. Be Counr purposes
taking a four months holiday trip.
Ile will visit various parts of the
United States, He left yesterday.
Mn, J. U. Stewart, of Colborne,
was in town Friday. He had been
at Chas. Masons in Tuckersmith in
connection with the improvement
of horse stock.
"I don't know whether I would
like to be Jarnes Reynolds or not,"
said John Goviel', patting one of
Mr. heynotds' fine looking horns
on the neck. "But I do know that
if I were a horse I would like to be
1. one of Mr. Reynolds".
Tun breezy local items in the
News Ilrcoun.the past two or three
weeks have called forth commends
tion, awl our local, editor is getting
quits vain, Some have said that if
Mr. 'Todd is on the sick list he' can
still wield a!luuta and virilopei.
IN case of firs somebody asserts
that a wet silk handkerchief, tied
without folding over the face, is a
complete security against suffocation
by smoke ; it permits' free breath,
in;;, and at the time excludes the
smoke from the lungs.
PIInASE ORIGIN.—It is believed
the following was first used by \Vil-
liain of Orange. "Do you not eeo
your country is loet`I" said the .Duke
of Il.ickinghanl, who had been sent to
negotiate at The 1-Itpue when
England anllFranra leagued against
'Holland "There is a sure way never
to see it lost, "replied Wiliam, "and
that is—to die in the lest ditch."
LIBEL.—Recently two Montreal
lovers quarrelled and in the course
of the dispute the young man celled
his former friend a "plug," alluding
to the feet that she had once work-
ed in a tobacco factory. The young
girl has in consequence taken an
action for $50 damages and the
Court will have to decile whether
this appellation constitutes a verbal
Alin. IIoRiTro I-IAr.c, our "grand
old" citizen, left town last week on
a trip to the United States. The
gentleman will visit Washington,
among other places, and from hie em•
inence in the world of letters will be
somewhat of a lion in Capitol soci-
ety, and doubtless will have the
pleasure of a hand shake and talk
\with President Harrison and other
dignitaries. It is needleee to re-
mark that Mr. Hale is not on a
mission similar to that of Cartwright,
Farrar and others of that ilk who
made it their business to point out
to the executive, the legislature and
o ther servants of the 60,000 000
so vereigns across the border how to
" squeeze" Canada into submission
to t he United States in the matter
of better trade terms for the U, S.
WEIR, the dairy man, has three
learns of horses that may he seen on
our streets at times. The animals
always look in splendid condition
both as to flesh and general appear-
ance, looking more like carriage
jtorses than every day work onee.
aid a gentleman to him the other
lar, "It must be expensive to yon
o keep your horses so fat and sleek."
t'Not so expensive as it would ho to
keep there scraggy and poor," Mr.'vV.
replied. "The proper kind of feed
at the proper time and good groom•
ing' ist the least expensive and
most satisfactory way of treating
I'r is rumored that Arr. Gore of
Goderich has taken, or will tube, ac-
tion against Mr. \V. G. Smith of
that place for pnblicly saying the
said Gore was the seducer of the
girl Ellen Lomas about whose case,
which ended in death, there is so
much mystery, Mr. Smith will de -
servo well of his fellow•cit.izens and
the public generally if he shall suc-
ceed in bringing hone to the author
of this cruse his guilt. He
a double public service if ho will
make his statement good, For the
guilty will not only be punished
hat the innocent will be relieved
from infamy.
Kiri' DOWN TIIr•, DUST.—General
cotri nent and criticism of lute has
been to the effect that it is about
time to have the watering cart on
its rounds, and foilcs who dig out
chnnka of wisdom like th is are
working on the right lines. V'l
have had recently high winds and
resultant high dust and, not to oon•
sidor the annoyance and discomfort
it causes, we may note that that the
mystery of the dust is a subject upon
which scientific men have written
many startling essays, and the facts
which they have given us are most
wonderful and prove that thero is a
world of nastiness end disease in the
street dust, which one is forced to
breathe, that fiction could hardly
equal and which exceeds in filthi
nese anything the practical Rev. Dr.
Parkhurst found itt the slums of
New York. Keep the dust down.
And lot it be kept down at the ex-
pense of the corporation. It is
much cheaper to pay five or fifteen
cents tondo so that to pay a $50
doctor bill or funeral expen Sas or
both, and added to all the cost of a
granite monument at Seale and
Hoover's on which might fittingly be
inscribed: "Dust we are and by duet
we return to dust." Keep down the
dust and you will keep down if not
totally extirpate the germs of di-
?, New Seasonable Goods This Week
Ladies Black Silk Milanese Gloves, the
est wearable ones in the market.
Ladies Black Undressed Kid, Extra Value
fit guaranteed.
Who is Your
,I» -\...A-. I INTI;
Some more New Hats added to our already Large assort-
ment, and now wo would say complete the outfit with one
of our PA RASOLS, Standard I+same, Fast Color Cover-
ing, Stylish Stick, and the best part of your Wardrobe is
always ready. And the prices of these goods ! Just come
and see how cheaply we can protect you from Old Sol's
Ile Lathes Favorite Etallsfiierg.
u are invited to come and get the benefit of the great
fall in price.
Reduction in Wall Paper
is the order of the day.
We have been through our stock of
WALL PAPER and made such sweep-
ing reductions that it will bring the paper
to proportionally low figures.
We have a first class paper trimmer and
trim all paper free of cost.
Before moving into 1\[r. Wh,itehead's new
block we wish to make a clean sweep of
The above remarks apply to
We have reduced them to unheard of prices...
Curtain Poles, Ctmplete, 25c.
0 gins
Book Store and News Depot, Clinton.
LAST week in referring to the en-
tertainment in the town hall gotten
up by the I. O. F. we omitted to
mention the admirable manner in
wnich tiro. Swallow, as Diaster of
ceremonies, performed his part.
doant kno. watch abut advertising,"
says one Of otzx' ktrigtns Of -the hrus6,
1"but wot I doaut kuo abut painting
aint wurth knoing., 1 kant epel so
good se sum but I kan paint a house
in first Class• stile as cheep as any
man 'alive, you can bet yours butes
ou that, Let me figure on the next
job of painting you hay. Ile aston-
ish yea," says the painter.
MR, SCARLET'r \V1[i.IAu►, of Leo-
buru, was in town Saturday. He
had been in adjacent parts to the
north of Clinton in connection with
Good Tentplar,work, As Mr. Wil
limns ie a member of the fourth es-
tate he naturally called upon the
NEWS -RECORD, and right glad we
}yero to have a homely chat with
bur old end esteemed friend whose
personal geniality is only exceeded
bv the quaintness and humor of his
literary productions.
MirSsns CANTELON and
'eter Cook left Clinton yesterday en
route for Britain where they will
endeavor to make areangemonts for
exporting several lines of Canadian
fartn products the coming fall.
The other part of the. continent to:
which we belong having a large,
urplue of similar products, these
ide awake gentlemen are shrew
nough to sell direct to the country
hat consumes instead of exporting,;
rough enterprising American
TAE OLD FLAG and counterfeit
presentments of its volunteer de-
fenders might have been semi in the
window of Hodgens' dry good store
yesterday. A. background of flags
that for a;thousand years have borne
the battle and the breeze are flank-
ed on either side by statuesque per.
collations of Canadian militia men
in soldier like pose and red coats
and military accounterments; while
they are also guarding our noble
Queen as represented in a beautiful
oleograph representation of Her
Newseedu is are just one of the
beat things in a home we know
about, and for one Tura; News -EE -
cony should bo in every home
But they have their place and
even after having served the
servile duty of laying under a
carpet for a year should Dot bo
throtrn out_doore and to the wind
to frighten horses as they are so
often 'seen to do. Chief Wheatly
did the correct thing when on a
windy day last he brought one of
our citizens to task and to labor who
had a quantity of Iooae paper blow•
ing round his yard and in to the
Wellington, N1 Z., May 16.--A
terrific hurricane Inas passed over
central New Zealand. Long before
the hurricane broke, trio barometer
gave warning of its cotuing,but very
little could be done to protect pro-
perty from its fury. .Suddenly, far
out at sea,could be seen a dark cloud
resting upon the waters and rapidly
approaching the gale burst in all its
fury. Gigantic trees snapped like
dried twigs. The rain fell in sheet:,
causing streams and brooks to be-
come ruching torrents. All along
the coast the sea waters were dis-
colored by the earth -carried into
then from the shores. Long
stretches of the railway embank-
ment were washed awlty by the rush-
ing waters. Traffic is still greatly
interrupted, Hundreds of acres of
wheat, corn, oats and barley were
ruined. After the storm had pass-
ed it was found that many coasting
vessels had been piled up on the
shores, and it is belived that the
lose of life will prove to have been
very heavy. Reports from all parts
of the country show that buildings
have been either blown or unroofed
in every direction. It is thought
that many of the men in the wood-
cutting camps have been killed bv
falling trees, but no details from the
men in the interior have been received
owing to the washing out of roads
and the cutting off of all means of
commit nicatiOu.
In these days of quick transit when everything and
everyone is full Of busy life, men seep` to obtain in as
compact and brief a shape as possible all such inform-
-Lion as their intellect or their finances require.
To obtain this information the keen business man
resorts to the very best medium through which it may be
derived, namely the newspaper and especially the news-
paper advertisements.
We now unbosom ourselves of some information which
will interest tho newspaper readers of this county.
The first fact for your digestion is this, that
of this county, that ti.e Latest Styles, The Best Qualities
and the lowest prices, are to be found at our establish-
This .we say not egotistically but simply as a piece of
information that concerns all financially.
We show STIFF HATSKrom 50c up to $3.50.
CRUSH HATS Range from 25c up to $4.00.
Our $1450, $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 lines of
Fedora Hats are having an unpercedented
In Haif Crown Hats We Lead.
And further make a speci al note of this,
Our Stock of Straw Hats
is complete.
To the mothers of the Roys we say, when buying your
boy his summer hat remember our line of FLAT
BRIM'S in Black, Navy Blue, Brown and White straw.
The Noted Hatters,Clothiers and Furnishers.
Were clearing out the
balance of their spring
stock of LACE CUR-
TAINS at a big reduc-
tion off regular prices.
This gave us the chance
to 'secure sorne great
ba rgains.
We took advantage of
the opportunity, and pur-
chased a large quantity
and now offer you some
of the biggest bargains
in Lace Curtains ever
given in Clinton
If you want- Curtains
come and see them. If
you think you don't want
them, see them anyway.
We think perhaps you
will change your mind
Estate J. Hodgens,