The Huron News-Record, 1892-05-25, Page 1'>4<alllZ� s -X31.60 sex is;neriine ei,2ts to Al1YRueC•
d«yARF. P.e;,y' iv 444 xn qs--slavvjc,tr, r,y so'fll[,v(
\Ylti'e'yt y.X At '1'UV1 , Publishers
VOL. W.—NO 2.
Fpr Slanderd and
Seasonable (goods at
It'ght Prices, go to -
the Clinton Liquor
J. W. RITE It.
wseee rAmrAe se .a'lw5:r}..1°.7.s Cr"assesRta�
Gott erielt.
Chief Yule is putting, in a fixing
to one of the •tuwu lights that ex-
tends it to the centre of the road
and facilitates the renewing of the
Mr. Si D•tvis of Clinton spent
-Sunday with relatives in the circular
Mr. Ed Wash of Toronto was in
'Gods rich, this week.
Bank manager Williams of the
Commerce was in 'T'oruuto this
Mr. F. Jordan was in Wingham
Allis past week.
The Good Templars attended the
North street Methodist church on
Sunday morning.
No service in St. Georges this
evening, but there will be to -mar•
row, Ascension Day, atg11 a. In.
Mr. Percy Walton of London
was present at the C. C. C. C. ball
Mr, Alex Megaw of Manitoba was
in towu this week oa a visit "to his
parents. :Vire M. left yesterday for
house via Chicago and St Paul.
Mr. Harry Rothwell was in town
this week.
Present appearatioes are indicative
of good crops.
Mrs-. Wm. Hyslop died. on
Thursday after along illness. The
funeral took place on Saturday to
the Maitland cemetery.
The Hon A. M. Ross is itc town
this week.
Mr. F. E. Combo of Kincardine
was in Goderieh last Thurday,
Mr. D. Reynolds of Clinton was
to Co town on Thursday.
A number of the members of
Liverpool lodge No. 140 S. 0. E.
Benevolent Society united with
their Clinton brothers in public
.worship ou Sunday.
Mr. Jas. Soott barrister of Cline'
ton visited the oiccular town .on Fri-
The students attending 4 e Col.'
togiate Institute were given a holi-
day on Monday in betide -.of the
Nigh School advance to the higher
Mr. Jas. Fair of Clinton was ie
the Co town on Friday.
Mr. R. H. ,Collins and wife of
zeter were in •ttwn last week.
Dr. Ross Of Eamilton was in
town this week,
she teachers af:Sonth Huron will
meet in convention in this town on
Friday and Saturday of uext'week..
Dr. Holmes,Co. Troasurer,eeturn•
ed from his trip to the Paciftc coast'
on Friday.
At the meeting of the towu coun-
cil en Friday Mr. Jas. Reid was ap•
pointed to collect the outsteeding
takes and water rates forthwith.
The town laborers were engaged
on Se.tnrday erecting a wire fence
on the square. Theerection is not
an improvement, but is necessary to
keep off the twenty ortwenty five per.
sons wko' have deetroyed the grass
and these same persons have the
pleasure of knowing that their
want of pride to the town has caus-
ed the Ra ta'trerection.
A tug with a dredge and two
avows in tow passed north, close in
ahore, on Saturday.
The Schooner Carter from Thus.
salon with lumber for N. Dyment
reached her dock on Friday, and
sailed north, light, on Sunday.
The achooner Evening Stew with a
cargo of lumber for Mr. F. Smeetlh
arrived in harbor on Saturday.
The prop. Orcadia arrived in
on Thursday and loaded coneider-
able freight for lake Superior ports.
The Orcadia was detained some
twenty four hours by the prophesi-
ed storm and loft on Friday night.
Mr. Jas. Heslop of Toronto was
in town the past week attending the
funeral of his mother.
Mr. N. Dyment, of Barrie, was in
town last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Lon•
don were iu Goderich last week on
account of the death of the lady,
mother, Dire, Win. Ifeslop.
Mr. Welton ' Heslop was "present
al the interment of hie mother, the
late hMgeohleslop.
Mr. H. J. D. Cooke, barrister of
Blyth, spout the past few days iar
the circular town.
. Mr. George Morris of Guelph was
at the C. C. C. C.'e ball,
Mr. J. Cary of Detroit was in
Goderich on Saturday.
Mr. Chas Simmons, of Toronto,
is visiting at the family residence,
Elgin street.
The schoener Greyhound, light,
arrived in port on Sunday to load
salt for \Viarton.
Tho schooner Pinafore with a
cargo of l'Imber for Mr. Joseph
Kidd arrived in part on Sunday.
Tho C. C. C. C. on Monday even•
lug was a grand affair. There was
a large .,ptteudance, 'Toronto, 1 -Iain
ilton, London, Gael ph, Bly th, Stra
ford, Seafot•th, Clinton and Otho'
burghs being represented. Th
drosses were snore than clialmito
they were beautiful, and their weal
erg were as handsome as their hal
liments. The town hall was pret
ly and tastefully arranged, the ma
agement perfect, the bill of faro d
licious and the music of that enjc
able and exhilirating class that t.
harpers can alone evolve fro
stringed instruments. A few we
since we hazarded the opinion t
the C. C. C. C. ball would be
fashionable event of the season
progunostication that proved a
foot truism, 'On account of
closeness of the time to date of ur
issue, we aro unable to give the C C.
C.C. bald the extended notice its uc-
cesa denxanda.
u. J. D. Cu0lrs,
OMec over Bell's Harness Shop, QuaEa
b,ass•r, BI. TH. 780
Well, spring is on us again-Und
summer will soon be here. And
then harvest and good crops• of
vein,Lfrd t ondetet" ion is this
steam _ • •ih t31 neat to ill i sea ng
hew wo would .get the products
of •our farms to market. Tlsen 1
ernewberod seoaethiug had been
said about a pro.pessed railway pass-
ing through ,hec•e to Goderich.
And I meutally ehowered blessings
•en the Ulan who invented railroads
and his successors who shall .give us
.this needed aocernodation. Indeed
I think the tailv.•ay man is more to
be blessed that the man who inveu-
ted•sleep, that ie than the mai who
invents excuses'for iudulgiug'in sleep
to excess. However all this may be
wo want a railway through here.
But I understand that the Goderich
people are opposed to it louring it
alight cut off a large slice of their
country trade 'without giving any
compeueating advantages. )row it is
about time that the farmers began
to look out -for themselves. It
would pay the townships cornering
here to give Liberal bonuses to get
the proposed •railway, buvv I am
afraid that we 'farmers areteo penny
wise and pound foolish to look at it
in that light, It would riot only
pay the farmet'c to have a railroad
running through hero but it would
pay the railway company. The a
mount of grails., cattle, horsoe, sheep
and apples raised and aold in this
vicinity would startle newsy on
account of its er0Ormons proportions,
Take apples Moue, I was talking
with the Messrs, Cook, of Clinton,
who purchased largely in this north
ern section of the county last year
and their figures amazed ole. I�
forget the number of barrels of ap-
ples raised in the vicinity and
which would have been shipped
from Dungannon, but had to be
sent elsewhere for want of railway
faeilities .here. In this connection
I may say that the Messrs. Cook
have been grafting scions on apple
trees and placed about 7,000 scions
in the last few weeks. In the mat-
ter of the railway it is difficult to
say which objective point, Port
Albert or Goderich will help us
carry out the scheme. Though Port
Albert is tsetse commodious a harbor
as the other nor so well able to give
a bonus, it is quite possible that a
line to that point would have some
advantages in the larger local traffic
that would be obtainable than could
be secured by going to Goderich.
In fact some of the Port Albert
people contend that with a railway
to their village and the expenditure
of only a trifle of money compared
with what ie required at Goderich
they would have the best harbor oft
the east shore of Lake Huron and
thus secure the lion's share of in•
coming and outgoing lake traffic.
Yours, CASUAL.
Mrs, John Galbraith, who has
been siok for some time died ou
Tuesday and was interred in the
Rayfield cemetery on Thursday af-
ternoon" Her reruaiue were follow•
ed to the grave by a large proces-
Mr. Joseph Richardson, who hint
been sick with' pleura pneumonia"
ie recovering. We hope he will •
tMrs. P. Scott, of Milton, wap via-
soon be around again, ug friends iu this vicinity last
The lecture given by Mgt. Scott,
of Toronto, on Wednesday night
was rather poorly attended.
Mr. E. Livitlgetone shipped ,a
a quantity of lumber hum . this
station last week.
The fall wheat as well as the
spriug•crop in this vicinity present
a good appearance. •
One of the greatest drawbacks
which our village has to contend
with is the want of a public school,
the neatest 0110 at preeent is 2;i
Mr. R. 13. Jeffry, Station Agen nilos awes.
here, has purchased the hotise awn
ed and lately occupied by Mr. Win.
Bruusdon Sr, and will move into
it shortly.
Mr. Gso. Newton has beau in
\Vioghauh for a few days, he has
purchased a harness stock there and
in all probability will move there
before long.
Qaito a number of the Sons of
England attended -church with
Clinton brethren on Sunday.
Yesterday being the Queeu's birth
day was observed as a holiday.
Mr. Doig, teacher, and Miss Mc-
Lauchlin, assistant teacher, in S.S.
No. 8 went to their respective homes
on Monday evening.
Last • Wednesday Bro. Thos.
Jackson, District Deputy, paid
ail offeial visit to the S. 0., -E.
Lodge of this village and opened a
W. R. D. Lodge in connection with
this Lodge. Three were advanced
to the W. R. degree.
Mr. S. L. ,Williams was vieting
13. Lewrason last week.
The I. r0. G. T. Lodge was well
attended ou the evening of the 117th.
Forty-eeven members beiug present
After the business of the lodge was
concluded nn excellent programme
was presented cosisieting of (e read•
in by Win. Longman, two duets by
1lissei M.Brogden and Elva Adams,
•instrxmental nrosic by Waiter Cun-
ningatmul and A. Taylor. The pro,
gramme was concluded .with a tab -
lea r which was well received. Two
new wenihere were added to the
i„odcrick 'loom:ship
Mr. Lewis Audeisou, lisylield
Lille, had the' misfortune last Ilii•
day 10 receive a severe kick on the
nose (rout one or the hoists. Flo
will not likely be disfigured for
life. •
Mr. 'Phomas Stinsou lost
Mr. George Mitchell, of the Bib•
lyon line, had a narrow escape with
a trick from a colt.
DIr. Thomas Brownell is
busy this Beason buildiug a
Puv,J. Ferguson attended the Dis-
trict mecting of the Mothudis
church in \Vinghaw last week.
Port Albert •
Oaorge Rewbattom, e••f Lieury
Middlesex, formerly of London,Ont
was on a sheet visit to leis relatives
the Hawkins family. 'Geo. is an
o;ld trooper, .having served 15 years
in the Middlesex cavwlry and al-
though 70 years of age ie as straiglat
art a whip cad says he would be will-
ing to take ids .place inn "charge" at
elle enemy yet;
John Jepson, of Seaforth, was
Visiting at his sister's,Mrs. Cunning.
Earn, during the past week,
G. F. Graham, of Goderich, was
in this village, repairing fences, etc.,
around his property last week. He
'treaks of arming back to live in this
"Fort again. Dick Eoklin, of the Nile, is en-
gaged aggaias in Mr. Me.aaffy's roller
Mr. Aricley, County Engineer,
was in town Thursday and Friday.
He looks hail and hearty.
harry Otway is able to be on his
fries again and is busy, superintending
hie garden. He has several men at
work (luring the past •week and is/4
determined to raise onions that will
keock the spots off any ether onions
shown at the World's Fair.
Gardening is the order of the day
and all the villagers and their wives
are in it.
The fish peddlers at :the harbor
are having a big run and leave Neil's
fish house meet every mdrning
A large dredge and scows in tow
of two tugs passed up the lake on
Saturday morning. Her destine.
tion was not known to this port,
but several parties declared they
w=ould like to see her come in here
and "sling mud" for a couple of
weeks. I presume Kincardine is the
lucky spotahe is bound for. If the
water in Lake Huron don't 'brace
up" pretty soon a dredge will be
wanted in almost every harbor along
the coast.
Notwithstanding the heavy rains
and cold weather the spring trope in
this neighborhood look well. A
large number of acres have been
To morrow being our beloved
Queen's birthday the bunting will
wave at the topmast and her loyal
suhjecte will decorate in their best
bibs and tuckers "God save the
iMr. Thos- Powell, of East Wa-
w4nosh, lost hie valuable stallion
om Dinuiu" a snort time ego
flip acute indigestion.
e Mr. Jesse Grummett, who has
1 gen suffering from congestion of
tbe lungs the last two weeks, is again
bre to sit up. Wo hope he will
goon be able to tnpke the auvil ring
i'ith the stroke of his hammer.
Will Morrow, who was under the
e eather.for a week, is again behind
title counter.
Mr. Alec. Kirkpatrick has went
d gone al.d -done it. He went to
orris last week and brought hack
wife in the person of a young lady
Ito was Miss Johnston, a daugh•
t of Mr. Geo Johnston of Morris.
o wish the couple all the liappi-
r 'se of this life in their new under -
t: king.
The Rev. Mr. Fear and the Rev.
r. Potter exchanged work on Sun-
rilty. The Rev, M. Potter preached
ty the Nile morning and evening; he
ttitaok for his text in the worming Job
hlltb chap. and 7th verse, and in
tbe evening 2nd Timothy 2nd chap.
and anti verse.• Mr. Potter is a
good practical preacher and any oat
who has tate pleasure glistening to
him should be helped by his eermone.
He will leave Dungannon, next
conference, where he has been the
last 3 years.
Tire Rev.' Mr. Fear goes to con.
fereuce 'next Monday. Mr. Dodd
has been appointed lay delegate tide
A good many from Here went to
Dungannon on the :24th. We will
give a report next week.
Mr. John Tifiiu svho has been
laid up the past two weeks is ,again
able to be up.
OF suroLY,
=Ottawa, Ont., May 19.—Tire
Speaker toolr the chair at 3 p. in.
'The House again went into corae
nrittee on the Criminal Law Amend-
ment Bill.
Mr. Mulock seriously objected to
rseetion 104, which reads as follows
--swEveryone is gui•Ity of an indicts
able allelice and liable to imprison-
ment for life who is found with any
goods liable to seizure or forfeiture
under any law relating to inland re•
venue, the customs, trade or naviga-
tion and carrying offensive weapons,
or in any way di,tguised." He de-
clared that nearly every person
crossing the frontier into Canada
carried some goods liable to customs
duty, and if they happened to have
fire arms in their possession, for
even innocent purposes, they were
made liable to imprisonment.
Nearly every person crossing from
Detroit to Windsor, he believed,
brought in dutiable goods without
paying duty.
Sir John Thompson said the clause
was a'necessity for the protection of
revenue officers against violence by
smugglers, who nearly always went
The clause was finallyadopted.
Another intpresting section which
provoked opposition is as follows :—
"Every one is guilty of an in-
dictable offence and liable to one
years imprisonment who publiehea
any false news or tale whereby
injury or mischief is occasioned to
any public or private interest."
Mr. Davies objected to thio, and
at this request it was allowed to
After recese, consideration of the
Criminal Code was resumed in
Committee of the Whole.
To the provlwioue dealing with
corrupt practices in tuuuicipal
aflatirs, a clause omitted by oversight
from the draft Bill was added, mak-
it en indicateble ottence to traffic
in appointments or resignations,
and it is enacted that in addition to
the penalties otherwise provided for,
the offender shall forfeit any right
which he may have in the office, and
shall he disqualified for life from
holding the same.
At the suggestion of Mr. Masson
it was agreed to insert a clause at a
later stage to make members of
Part'.: i and of Provincial
'Legi,latur . amenable to the same
(pulli. cert or c tpractices in
=connection wit 1 'tr offices tee mem•
here of iuunicpal co. tells.
At nine o'clock the committee
ose and reported progress.
The Howie then went into Conn,
mittee of Supply.
Tito iteru of $5,000 to complete
the L.tpralrie post office discussed
for several hours last evening wars
again taken up. The Opposition
tactices of the pruvinus evening
were resumed and one member
after another arose to talk against
time in pursuance of the obstructive
policy lately adopted.
Cul. O'Brien said the Govern
stent, having commenced this work
two years ago, were bound to go on
with it, and • it was not reasonable
to ask them to abandon the vote.
He felt that ' the present factious
obstructiou was very bad tactics.
Shortly before midhiight the
Opposition paused for breath, and
tl.e it( us was de:lsred carried. An
important feature in connection
with this vote was that the appros
priatiou was originally made by the
The programme was, however,
recommenced on the next vote, that
for the completion of the post office
at St. Henri, a suburb of Montreal.
Mr, Campbell wished to know if
a building could not be rented at
smaller cost.
'Hon. Mr. Oitmiet replied that
perhaps some kind of a building
might be rented at a low figure. It
-woe onenehvwever;-ere•poikiy
Government tocarry ori the public
business in shanties` He did not
think that Mr. Campbell wade any
objection when is few years ago a re-
spectable post office was built at
Chatham, in his constituency.
Mr. Lister, in continuing the dies
cussiou, referred to the North Perth
election case as an evidence that the
Ontario electorate joined in the con,
dewnation of the Government, even
though the Secretary of State hod
been present with the influence sup-
posed to be required, and which a
little bird said certain gentlemen of
the Senate had contributed.
Hon. Mr. Ouirnet said the Oppo•
sition seemed to think it a great
event when they even held one of
their constituencies, but the Govern.
rent could stand such argument.
He felt that, judged by this test,
they were well endorsed by the peo-
ple of Ontario.
Alter further discussion, Mr. 1',Ic•
Millan, of Huron, rose' to talk
about the post• office acommodation
in his riding, but such a confusion
of sounds ensued from the back
benches on the Government side
that he could not be heard,
Mr, Lister then shoved the come
mittee rise, and a vote being taken
the motion was lost by 23 to 58.
Mr. McMillan then proceeded
amidst great disorder.
There is a world of satiric mean•
ing in a recent rernark of Mr. Tsiri
Kwo Gin, Chinese minister at
Washington, who, after referring
in an interview to the uncon•
stitutional action of the Gover-
nment regarding the Chinese, pro.
seeded as follows :
" I hold to the position that if
the United States wishes to put a
stop toChinese immigration it should
be done by means of a treaty with
my country. For tbe United States
to agree to a treaty providing for the
admission of Chinese and then to
overrule it by an Act of Congreee
is hardly acting in good faith. One
side has all to say and the other
side is not considered at all.
Now the United States is known to
be guided in all its diplomatic mats
tore always and Rolely by a sense
of justice and right."
The last sentence is particularly
Each day brings fresh evidence
that Canadians who have forsaken
their naive laud . for the .Ueited
States are greatly disappoieted in
their ;IOW Ful rUnbdl►I a. 'rhe la teat
person to admit that he Medi+ a
mistake in crossing the border is a
Cornwell luau, wlto (+rites to thu
Standard from Ot egos, as follows :
"1 find thlt. Canadians here wish
they wort+ in Cseada Again. Trade
here is most palpably dull and'seems
to he getting t.ting eurge and this ton 10
spit• (f a peed harvest last fall.
The whole Pacific coast serine to be
sutferieg from dt.preasiort, "'except
perhaps British Columbia, which
ie having quite a boom over the dis-
covery of valuable mineral fields. I
would advise Canadians to stick to
their owe country and not come to
the United States, even though
thit.ts don't look es promising as
they could wish iu the laid of the
The Toronto News says, and we
have a . similar opinion :—"Ald.
Leslie, the Be:forte candidate M.
East York, (lid not indulge in any
fool talk when, during the re-
cent' campaign in East York, he
characterized the United States. as
"the meanest nation on the face of
the earth." It is not necessary to
Ko back to ancient hise
tory and rake up the story of the
forged map by which Canada was
dune out out of a Targe slice of ter,
ritory, or to refer to to the denial
of compensation for damages sues
twined by this country during the
Fenian raid, in order to prove the
truth of Mr, Leslie's assertion. In-
stances which illustrate the nation, -
al meanness occur almost daily.
Tumbling a score of French-Cana-
dians from a train as it crossed the
border between Quebec tend the
States was one ;"driving three hon•
dred of our fellow citizens employed
at Buffalo hack to Ontario was an,
other; in the refusal to allow any
but United States citizet:s to serve
on lake yeasels flying the American
flag is found still another evidence of
Yankee pettiness, and the national
characteristic was even more sulk.
itigly exemplified In the action taken
t0 prevent a lot of poor seametresses
.living in Sarnia from eareing their
livelihood across the river in a por-.
tion of the continent to which we all
belong, but which is' con trolled by
the Yankees, If Ald. Leslie erred
at all, it was in that the expression he
made -use of was not strong enough.
Individually the Americans may be
all right ; collectively they are the
meanest people on the face of the
—At St'Cnsimer, Q , Tefl10 La-
quel'1•e, aged 23 years, attacked
young girl to whom lie had propos
oil marriage and been rejected, nam-
ed Honoraino Godin, with an axe,
having crept up behind her while
she was out walking with two fe-
male friends, dealing her a blow
with the weapon across the head,
felling her to the ground, Her
companions rushed 10 her assistance,
while the cowardly • assassin t1trery
th'e axe down malls for a hash.
The girl is dying, and her assailant
is iu custody.
—A Calgary despatch says that
Mr. McMillan, a farmer of Fish
Creek. on going to the residence or
M. F. W. Ii. Barlow, found him
lying on the floor dead in a pool of
blood with a gun wound in the
neck, the weapon lying beside him.
Deceased came to this country from
Bolton, Lancashire, Englnnd, on
January 1st last, settling on a sec-
tion. TTe engaged edr. McMillan
to build a house for him on the
place and w'nnt to live there two
weeks ago. Mr. McMillan had oc-
casion to visit the place 3 osterday.
Get.tine no response to a knock, he
raised the latch to enter, and found •
the body as above described. De-
ceased was nbont forty years of age,
unmarried and eeemingly in good
—A peculiar cavo of poisoning is
reported from Crawfordville, Incl.
At a large party a newfangled lrfss-
ing Pomo was introduced which
proved very popular. The young
men on arriving drew striugs of
variegated colors from a box and
then selected girla whose dresses
matched this string. The -young
granger then took one end of the
string in his mouth and the girl
attached her face in a similar way
to the other. Both then chewed up
the etring until they were mouth
to mouth, when several kisses were
exchanged. At the party in ques-
tion the person coloring the string.
had treed dyes which were not fast
and the colors ran. Several were
poisoned very seriously and it is
feared that one or two cases may re-
sult fetidly.